October + November 2017 | TRUTH + LIFE Magazine

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WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? By D r. J o hn N eu f el d

From the new Pocketbook Theology Series by Dr. John Neufeld, this booklet provides the essential truths of understanding the gospel message, an absolute prerequisite of sharing the gospel effectively with others and perhaps understanding a new depth of the gospel for us.




CONTENTS ARTICLES Celebrating the Gospel DR. JOHN NEUFELD 700 and Grateful PHIL CALLAWAY I Am Grateful for Not a Great Life ISAAC DAGNEAU Saying Thanks RAY DUECK International Update: India ANIL KUMAR

FEATURES BIBLE READING Dr. John Neufeld 2018 CELEBRATING THE GOSPEL 2018 Scripture Calendar BACK TO THE BIBLE KIDS Now here! Download today!


DR. JOHN NEUFELD is the Canadian Bible Teacher of Back to the Bible Canada, and is well known both nationally and internationally for his excellence in expositional Bible teaching. Dr. Neufeld is passionate about bringing the truth of God’s Word to life across Canada and beyond.

Since the day of Pentecost, Christians have understood that our Lord commands us to make disciples of all nations. The early Christian church expanded quite rapidly. By the end of the first century, churches were established in Israel, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Rome and 4 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

Alexandria in Egypt. There is evidence that it was also found in India, and perhaps even as far away as Sri Lanka. The missionary spirit of the early church abounded so much that Christianity had spread to cities across Europe and North Africa by A.D. 313.

But the Christian rate of advance was not a steady one. By the middle ages, Christianity was in retreat as Muslim conquests took traditionally held Christian lands. At the time of the Protestant Reformation, Christianity was still either in stagnation or in moderate decline. Viewed from a secular perspective, it seemed as if its greatest days were behind it and, given enough time, it would eventually decline. However, Christ had promised to build His church. After the fires of the Reformation burned across Europe, an era called the modern missionary movement began. The Christian faith had been brought to the Americas, and the gospel was again advancing. England had seen a great revival under the preaching of John Wesley and George Whitefield. Whitefield’s revivals in North America had ignited a great awakening, calling thousands to the kingdom of God. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, however, an exciting new advance was about to begin. William Carey, considered the father of modern missions, again brought the gospel to India. Hudson Taylor led a great spiritual movement in China. Others travelled to Africa, Latin America, Korea, Singapore and more.

America. It had become a truly global faith. This month, Back to the Bible Canada celebrates the growth of our global faith. We not only partner with those who are taking the gospel through the world, but we are working to reignite the gospel in Canada as well. For this purpose, we are celebrating great missionary men and women who obediently and, often to their peril, delivered the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. This year, we present to you our 2018 Back to the Bible Canada Scripture Calendar: Celebrating the gospel: Great Men and Women of the Faith. Filled with beautiful pictorials of the countries and places where these great conveyors of the Gospel ministered, these pictures are accompanied by personal biographies, inspirational quotes and Bible verses. We know you’ll be encouraged, inspired, filled with gratitude and reminded to pray for contemporary missionaries who even now selflessly serve around the world. Now is our day to advance the gospel.

Consider this remarkable era. Only 200 years earlier, the gospel was either stagnant or in decline. Now we find it rapidly advancing, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 5



Celebrate the great missionary men and women who obediently delivered the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. Filled with beautiful pictures of the countries and places where these great conveyors of the gospel in history ministered. Order your complimentary copy by calling 1.800.663.2424 or visit backtothebible.ca/store YOU ARE ENTITLED TO 1 FREE COPY (WHILE QUANTITIES L AST)! EACH ADDITIONAL COPY IS $10 (TA XES INCLUDED).



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Luke 14-16 Luke 17 / John 11/ Matthew 19 Luke 18 / Mark 10 / Matthew 20 Luke 19 / John 12 / Mark 11 Matthew 21-22 / Mark 12 Luke 20 / Matthew 23 / Mark 13 Matthew 24-25 / Luke 21 Mark 14 / Matthew 26 / Luke 22 John 13-15 John 16-18 Matthew 27 / Luke 23 / Psalm 22 Mark 15 / John 19 / Psalm 69 Mark 16 / Luke 24 / John 20 John 21 / Matthew 28 / Psalm 72 & 2 1 Acts 1-3 Acts 4-6 Acts 7-9 Acts 10-12 Acts 13-15 Galatians 1-4 Galatians 5-6 / Acts 16 Acts 17-18:22 / Psalms 133-134 1 Thessalonians 1-4 1 Thessalonians 5 / 2 Thessalonians 1-3 Acts 18:18-20:38 / 1 Corinthians 1 1 Corinthians 2-5 1 Corinthians 6-9 1 Corinthians 10-13 1 Corinthians 14-16 / 2 Corinthians 1 2 Corinthians 2-5

2 Corinthians 6-9 2 Corinthians 10-13 Romans 1-3 Romans 4-6 Romans 7-9 Romans 10-12 Romans 13-16 James 1-4 James 5 / Acts 21-22 Acts 23-25 Acts 26-28 Colossians 1-4 Ephesians 1-4 Ephesians 5-6 / Philemon Philippians 1-4 1 Timothy 1-4 1 Timothy 5-6 / Titus 1-3 2 Timothy 1-4 1 Peter 1-4 1 Peter 5 / 2 Peter 1-3 Hebrews 1-4 Hebrews 5-8 Hebrews 9-12 Hebrews 13 / Jude / 2 John / 3 John 1 John 1-4 1 John 5 / Revelation 1-3 Revelation 4-7 Revelation 8-11 Revelation 12-15 Revelation 16-19 Revelation 20-22




PHIL CALLAWAY is an author and host of Laugh Again Radio. He has five grandchildren. They wear name tags.

Isaac I’m here with Phil Callaway, host of Laugh Again, to ask him a question. I don’t know if you know this, Phil, but Laugh Again has hit 700 episodes. What comes into your mind when I say this? Phil (Nervous laugh) Miracle? I don’t think that’s overstating it. When we were looking at doing this, Ben Lowell and I, we prayed a lot. We got down on our knees and were trying to seek God’s will in it, but it looked impossible – it really did. We were turned down…it’s a long story and I won’t make it long, but it just wasn’t going to happen and that was okay! I think, sometimes God’s timing 8 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

isn’t ours. His timing is really slow sometimes, it seems to me, you know? And that’s the way it was. And we were fine. We went on doing ministry with other important stuff. And then suddenly, despite the fact that we’ve been told that no one is going to want a 5-minute radio program, saying “Don’t even think about it!” and “You’re going to do this, and it’s going to be suicide because it costs too much,” it happened in God’s timing. That’s the only way of explaining it. God just does amazing things and He uses underqualified people to do His work. Over and over I see this happen in the

Bible: Moses stuttered, Sarah laughed, Jacob wrestled, Abraham lied, Rahab was a prostitute, David liked rooftops – you just go down the list! Lazarus was dead! And still, I look back and I just say, “I know that without God, this could not have happened.” And so, as a result, He gets all the credit for 700 episodes of Laugh Again and the response we’ve had. I’m just very, very grateful. So, in saying it’s a miracle, I don’t think this is stretching the truth. It’s like the time when I got 72% on a math test in tenth grade and my teacher hauled me over and said, “Either you cheated or it was a miracle! You got 72%!” I wasn’t that smart in math. But God had other things in mind. I said to my mother when I was a little kid, “I want to grow up and be a comedian.” And she said, “Well you can’t do both!” And she was right. But it’s been a lot of fun to every day go looking for things that make me laugh and then twist them into things that can make a good point, without trying to reach too far.

Isaac So, can we be looking forward to 700 more episodes on Laugh Again? Phil Oh man. 700 more? I think we can be prepared for one more. I always feel like the next one will be my last! So, 700 is rather daunting. You know, my son Steve helps me with it and much of it is written down, so we have written a very, very thick volume that would encompass what we have recorded so far. I’ve written 27 books, each of them on my knees, praying, “God, help me be able to say something that’s going to honour You and make people laugh.” And so that’s what we continue to do – it’s just a step at a time. I think it was Gloria Gaither who told me in an interview years ago, after I asked her what her plans were, she said, “Just to take the next right step.” And I thought, well, that’s really good. I need to make that one of my mottos. Just take that next right step, hand-inhand with God.

truthandlifetoday.com Dr. John Neufeld answers your questions about life, faith and the Bible every week.


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Have you ever read Hebrews 11? It illustrates the amazing faith of many characters from the Old Testament. The writer of Hebrews uses their testimonies of faith to encourage his readers to “run with endurance the race that is set before” them (Hebrews 12:1). Hearing the testimonies of faith from men and women in the past is one of the best ways to inspire, convict and bring hope to Christians today. 10 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

So let’s take a quick look at the life of Hudson Taylor. Hudson was born in England in 1832. Though he was skeptical of his parents’ faith as a teenager, the Spirit awakened his heart at age 17 and grew in him a strong devotion to God. His mother and sister told him that they had been praying for his salvation. This made such an impression on him that prayer became one of his greatest activities. In fact, one writer mentions of him, “His plan always was, prayer first, talk afterwards.” In 1853, with a heart for “missions” and having finished medical studies, 21-year-old Hudson began the sixmonth journey by boat to China. A young and zealous missionary entered a country with only a few dozen missionaries. In settling into his new life, Hudson made some radical decisions. For example, he wore what the Chinese people wore; and this wasn’t looked on positively by the other missionaries. He

also came to be quite bothered by the other missionaries, for he considered their actions and behaviour as “worldly.” It was only four years later when Hudson left the missionary group he was a part of and started the China Inland Mission (CIM). Part of this change was due to the fact that he knew of millions of unreached Chinese people living inland who needed to hear the gospel! One of his famous quotes is, “China is not to be won for Christ by quiet, ease-loving men and women... The stamp of men and women we need is such as will put Jesus, China, [and] souls first and foremost in everything and at every time - even life itself must be secondary.” Despite his vigorous schedule, including travelling as far as Canada to recruit missionaries, Hudson fell in love and married. He and his wife Maria had eight children altogether. Then, at age 33, Maria sadly passed away. One year later, Hudson married Jennie Faulding. From both marriages, 11 children were born, with at least four passing away before age 10.

Hudson lived a long life, dying in 1905 at age 73. His legacy continues as the CIM is still strong to this day (although under a different name). It’s easy to hear testimonies of missionaries and think, “They had it all together!” But that kind of thinking couldn’t be farther from the truth. Hudson certainly struggled. Even the disciples struggled, and yes, even Jesus struggled. Hudson’s life was not glamorous. It wasn’t filled with worldly delights. His life was marked by prayer and a passion to see China come to Jesus. His life wasn’t one of inward pleasure, but of outward change. So, may we “run with endurance the race that is set before us,” always looking to Jesus and remembering the great cloud of witnesses as an encouragement – including the faithful life of Hudson Taylor.

INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS Back to the Bible Canada is partnering with Back to the Bible India. Our goal is to be a meaningful source of encouragement and development, and to provide tangible resources for continued sustainable growth of their ministry. Help us facilitate Bible teaching programming and resources through the Bible teaching programs of Dr. John Neufeld. To support, please visit backtothebible.ca/international or call 1.800.663.2425 BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 11


ISAAC DAGNEAU is the Ministry Manager of indoubt, the young adult ministry of Back to the Bible Canada. indoubt discusses relevant issues of life and faith with a biblical perspective through a weekly audio program, articles and Bible studies.

I’m grateful for a not great life. I’m grateful for a life of struggle, pain, fear, persecution, and temptation. Why? Because my not great life leads me to my very great Lord. Consider a difficult time in the life of Jehoshaphat – one of the kings of Judah. For the most part, Jehoshaphat did what was right. It’s written that "the LORD was with [him], because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David." (2 Ch 17:3). But there came a time in Jehoshaphat’s reign where three nations came 12 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

up against him for battle, and the Scriptures clearly state that he was afraid (2 Ch 20:3). Here we have a true story of true fear. So the question is, what does Jehoshaphat do with this fear? Well, he prays. And I believe the general answer to this question is found in the last line of his prayer: "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." (2 Ch 20:12) You see, if Jehoshaphat always knew what to do (in his own mind), then why would he need to look on God? It took

his humility in his fear to come to the place of seeking God. Jehoshaphat’s fear of an impending fatal battle led him to seek His great Saviour. Consider these few things he was led to that can inspire us to look to God in times of trial: 1) He set his face to seek the LORD. (2 Ch 20:3). This is the first thing we’re told Jehoshaphat does in response to hearing the bad news. He directs his attention to God. I believe the real principle here, however, is not necessarily found at the surface. You see, Jehoshaphat needed to have been devoting himself regularly to God in order to go to Him immediately when in need. To set your face to seek the LORD in response to struggle is a practice that begins to take root before the struggle. 2) He prays with those affected by the struggle (2 Ch 20:5-12). Jehoshaphat gathers the peoples and prays. Now, note the content of his prayer. First, he affirms who God is. He wants to remind himself and all the people that God is in heaven and is the ruler of all the kingdoms of the nations. Second, he brings to mind what God

Let's Talk


has done. And third, he prays that God would do something to save them. This is a great model for prayer, especially when in times of great need: 1) Declare who God is, 2) declare what He’s done, 3) and then ask what you think you need. 3) He encourages belief in God (2 Ch 20:20). As the battle grew near, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Believe in the LORD your God... believe his prophets...". He doesn’t sulk in sorrow at the thought of this difficult battle, nor does he try and devise some kind of military maneuver on the fly and get the soldiers on board. He simply, and profoundly, encourages everyone to believe in God. The fear of this seemingly negative battle proved to be an opportunity for incredibly positive action. I bet Jehoshaphat was thankful for this trial. Why? Because his not great life led Him to seek the LORD, to pray great prayers with others, and to encourage belief in God. So, during this thanksgiving season, don’t fret and worry because your life isn’t great. Use the not great circumstances in your life as springboards to grow in your faith in God.

Help support indoubt by texting “FIVE” to 604.670.5179 BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 13



I sat down for a few minutes and made a list to see how many things I needed to be thankful for. Listing only major details, I recorded over fifty items which included, salvation, forgiveness, prayer, my wife and family, nature, and the church where I worship. I realized that I needed to thank God and others much more than I had in the past. Why is it so hard for some of us to say a heartfelt “thank you” to others, or express gratitude for what another person has done for us? Maybe we are not accustomed to being praised or thanked, so we find it awkward to give praise back when it is required. Or maybe we think that if we say “thank 14 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

you,” we’ll feel obligated to reciprocate in some way. Not much has changed since the days of Jesus. In Luke 17:11-19, we find the story of the ten lepers that Jesus encountered on His way to Jerusalem. Jesus was traveling between Samaria and Galilee and, as He came into a village, ten men who had leprosy called out to Him, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" There was no cure for leprosy, and so they had to stand a safe distance away from the crowds. The lepers apparently had heard about Jesus' ministry and desired His help. Their request was simple: they cried out for

Him to heal them immediately. Jesus showed compassion and told the lepers to show themselves to the priests, which was an Old Testament requirement of all healed lepers. As the lepers left, healing happened, resulting in a return to normal life. A great reason for them all to be thankful! Nevertheless, only one of the lepers expressed gratitude to Jesus for His healing. When the leper saw that healing had occurred on his way to the priests, he returned to offer thanks and with a loud voice glorified God, an appropriate way to respond to God's mercy. He was overwhelmed and very thankful for physical and social restoration. Jesus responded with three rhetorical questions: were there not 10 lepers that Jesus cleansed and showed mercy and compassion on? Second, where were the other nine, and why did they not return to praise God?

Third, how is it that only a foreigner came back to give praise to God? The one least likely to respond, this one from Samaria who came and fell on his face at Jesus' feet, putting to shame the other nine who should have known better. This story should cause us to think of the people who have shown compassion to us. Our parents who gave us life and helped us through difficult years. Our friends who offered us hope and encouragement; a doctor who assisted us through sickness; a counsellor who gave us hope; a teacher who believed in us; a pastor who guided us in the right direction, and countless others. We have a lot to be thankful for, and need to thank a lot of people. This week, make some phone calls or compose “thank you� notes to those who have played a significant role in your life and then get them in the mail. Thank YOU for reading this article!

"The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Psalm 28:7 BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA | 15


Help us Celebrate Our 60th Anniversary as a Ministry! A 9-day cruise of the eastern Caribbean aboard The Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas. Featuring Bible teacher Dr. John Neufeld, Laugh Again’s Phil Callaway and special musical guests "The Wiebes." PRICES START FROM $1406.55 PER PERSON BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. TO REGISTER, CALL CHRISTIAN CRUISES 1-877-229-6155 OR VISIT BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA/CRUISE • WALK IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS • STAND ON THE SITES OF THE SCRIPTURES • THE SITES, SOUNDS, HISTORY, CULTURE, AND PEOPLE WILL MAKE THE BIBLE COME ALIVE! HOSTED BY DR. JOHN NEUFELD AND LAUGH AGAIN’S PHIL CALLAWAY WITH WORSHIP LEADER/RECORDING ARTIST ANDREW MARCUS. $4,612 CAD* PER PERSON *SUB-TOTAL OF $4,612 CAD INCLUDES FLIGHTS FROM TORONTO, ONTARIO. To register, call Premiere Journeys at 1-877-277-2122


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What a joy it is to share reflections and an update about Back to the Bible India (BTTBI) and the continuing results of its partnership with Back to the Bible Canada (BTTBC).

what God could once again accomplish through Back to the Bible India. One of the immediate challenges of ministry that needed to be addressed was the reequipping of the BTTBI studios. Although the facilities offered the adequate space, equipment and technology was worn and antiquated. Back to the Bible Canada was not only able to facilitate its replacement with high quality recording equipment and software, but provide essential training, and continues to this day to facilitate the necessary editing and producing of the Bible teaching programs. The programs which consist of the Bible teaching of Dr. John Neufeld are now produced and contextualized for an Indian audience of which I am privileged to host.


The journey of ministry renewal for Back to the Bible India has been underway now for over a year. We are so grateful for the prayerful partnership that has taken place in reviving a Bible teaching ministry that will, by God’s grace, grow to impact the nation of India beyond our imagination.


Much has taken place in the past year, including the renovation of the BTTBI offices and studio. With the support of the Canadian office, what was becoming an increasingly dilapidated facility has been transformed. Damp, deteriorating walls, both interior and exterior, have been restored and refinished. Electrical systems have been replaced and the studio has been renovated. What was quickly becoming a broken down facility, a reflection of a struggling ministry, is being transformed. Now, not only was the facility being presented in a new light, but what was also being accomplished was bringing new life, encouragement, a renewed passion for the ministry team, and vision for 18 | OCTOBER + NOVEMBER 2017

The radio programming originally has been airing on the FM band in Hyderabad, offering Dr. John’s solid expositional Bible teaching accessible to a population of some 8 million listeners. We are now working diligently to launch the broadcast nationwide through shortwave band in the near future. This opportunity will allow the Bible teaching programs to reach countless more, millions more. We are so grateful for this development.

We are also delighted by the launching of a new Back to the Bible India website, backtothebible.in. All of the Bible teaching resources of this ministry are made available there, including Dr. Neufeld’s teaching. This allows for unlimited, unrestricted, 24/7 accessibility to the resources of BTTBI online throughout India, in fact, around the world.

The challenges are great in India. There is rampant false teaching, opposition to the faith and increasing persecution. It is our deep passion to equip men and women to effectively teach God’s Word and impact their communities for Christ. Ministering and training opportunities such as these conferences are essential to the growth of the church in India moving forward.

A critical element of ministry for BTTBI has been the conducting of Bible Teaching and Training conferences. Resources have been extremely limited for this purpose in the past, but in partnership with BTTBC we’ve been able to facilitate our first conference in 2017 under the teaching of Dr. Neufeld in both Pune and Hyderabad, and are now in the midst of planning for a second conference taking place in Delhi and Hyderabad. Pastors and lay leaders were invited to take part in a day-long expositional Bible teaching training course. The attendance and the impact met and exceeded our expectations. Those involved left encouraged and challenged in their personal journeys and ministries.

I am so grateful to God for the way He has brought both ministries together, working to see the Bible taught effectively and lives transformed for the Kingdom. My heart goes out to each one of you who has taken time to pray and to give of yourselves financially to make the renewal of BTTBI possible. Your efforts mean so much as we once again are able to reach out with the truth of the Bible to the millions upon millions so desperate to hear.

Suhas wrote, “After attending this conference, I decided to study God’s Word diligently, apply it in my personal life, prepare sermons well and then teach." It was such a joy to meet with pastors and leaders from different churches and organizations, many which travelled long distances and expressed interest in conducting these types of seminars in partnership with BTTBI in their own regional languages.

Let us be encouraged by these words of the Apostle Paul, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Cor. 15:58) As we move forward, we continue to humbly ask for your support for the renewal of this ministry, the airing of Bible teaching programs, and the important Bible training conference scheduled for June 2018. Your gracious gifts mean so much, and reach so many. ANIL KUMAR is the Director of Back to the Bible India. We ask you to pray for our expanding international efforts with our friends in India. We also ask for your financial support if you feel God has put it on your heart to help us fulfill a calling to reach souls in India.



Back to the Bible Kids is a new initiative to present kids with the truths of Bible teaching in a fun and engaging way. Through apps, books and other great biblical content, Back to the Bible Kids will ensure children will start their Christian journey on a strong foundation.



TRUTH + LIFE Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada, Box 246, STN A Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z6. All content is copyright © The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada unless otherwise indicated. BACKTOTHEBIBLE.CA

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