Belmont Abbey College - Viewbook

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belmont abbey college


Welcome to one of the few colleges in America that believes in educating the whole person: mind, body and spirit.

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The amounT FaTher Jeremiah o’Connell paid in 1876 For The land on whiCh The abbey is builT


The number oF TeaChers The College had when iT was Founded


The male-To-Female raTio aT belmonT abbey College


The number oF benediCTine monasTeries ThaT onCe graCed The european landsCape (They are CrediTed wiTh helping To build wesTern CivilizaTion

The Ten sTars in our College seal represenT The FirsT Ten monks who Came here To esTablish The abbey monasTery


CaTholiC College in ameriCa To inviTe billy graham To speak on-Campus

90% The lion in our College seal represenTs leo haid, The FirsT abboT oF belmonT abbey, and norTh Carolina’s FirsT bishop (The laTin word For lion is leo)

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abbey biology maJors’ aCCepTanCe raTe inTo mediCal sChools


% oF abbey sTudenTs who reCeive some Form oF FinanCial aid

The abbey has been reCognized as one oF ameriCa’s Top 20 CaTholiC Colleges by The Cardinal newman soCieTy

6’ 8”

You are a sacred being of immeasurable dignity and worth. And you are made up of a mind, a body and a spirit. If you are going to grow into the whole, happy individual you were meant to be, doesn’t it stand to reason that all of you – your mind, body and spirit – should be educated in a thoughtful, integrated, harmonious way?


abbey biology maJors’ aCCepTanCe raTe inTo pharmaCy and veTerinary graduaTe sChools

Named NamedAmerica’s America’s#1 #1“School “SchoolOn OnThe TheRise, Rise, Filled FilledWith WithExcitement” Excitement”By ByFirst FirstThings. Things.


The year The College was Founded by benediCTine monks


The ToTal sTudenT body when The College began

The heighT oF our presidenT, dr. bill ThierFelder, who was an all-ameriCan high Jumper in College

1/3/12 12:12 PM

In Belmont Abbey College, you have found one of the few schools in America that believes in this approach to your education. And that’s just part of what makes our 136-year-old college located near Charlotte, North Carolina unique.

“The “TheAbbey Abbeyisissimply simplyone oneofof the themost mostunique uniqueschools schoolsininthe the

There’s never been a more exciting time to be a student at Belmont Abbey College

United UnitedStates. States.I Ican cansay saythat that

Become a student at the Abbey, and you’ll be joining us during one of the most exciting periods in our 136-year history.

at atmore morethan thanone onehundred hundred

unequivocally, unequivocally,because becauseI Ilooked looked colleges collegesbefore beforeI Ichose chosetotocome come

This is a time when new professors and administrators are joining us with here.” here.” advanced degrees from places like Oxford, Cambridge, the University of Toronto, Johns Hopkins, Duke and Berkeley, and when students are choosing Rebekah RebekahWeber Weber Belmont Abbey College over universities like Notre Dame, UNC-Chapel Hill Hometown: Hometown:Wichita, Wichita,Kansas Kansas and other large state schools to join our unique learning community. And so word is spreading about us, fast. For example, the Wall Street Journal found what we’re doing so intriguing, they ran a front-page story on us. The Cardinal Newman Society calls us one of the nation’s top Catholic colleges for faithfulness and affordability. And First Things recently named the Abbey America’s #1 “school on the rise, filled with excitement.”



MIND Your mind is like no one else’s on earth, and you possess talents and potential that you may have only begun to grasp.

Such aa unique uniquemind minddeserves deservesto to challenged by committed and be be challenged by uniquely committed accomplished teachers. You also one-on-one attention,attention, respect, and accomplished teachers. Youdeserve also deserve one-on-one and mentoring to help you yourreach full intellectual potential. An Abbey respect, and mentoring to reach help you your full intellectual potential. education designedistodesigned give youtoallgive of these things andthings more.and more. An Abbey is education you all of these cancan getget to know youryour professors and The classes classes here hereare aresmall, small,sosoyou you to know professors classmates and and theythey can can get to Classes are are taught onlyonly by and classmates getknow to know Classes taught experienced teachers, not not by graduate assistants. AndIn in many many of your by experienced teachers, by graduate assistants. find you have enormous freedom to explore questions classes you’ll find you may not even be free to ask in classrooms at other colleges and universities: Why are we here? What constitutes a good life? In fact, during your freshman year, you’ll be exposed to a special collection of courses that not only encourages you to ask those big find some answers. questions, but may even help you find

A curriculum over 2,500 years in the making. At the heart of an Abbey education, you’ll discover something that has become increasingly rare at most colleges and universities. In fact, no other college in our region offers it: a core curriculum based on core, unshakeable beliefs. One of those beliefs, for example, is that faith and reason are not at odds, but are meant to complement one another. (“Science (“Science without without religion religion is lame, religion religion without without science science isis blind,” blind,” said Albert Einstein.) Einstein.) Another Another core core belief belief is is that reality is sacramental–shot sacramental – shotthrough throughwith with the the presence presence of God. Through the the Abbey’s Through Abbey’s core curriculum, curriculum, you’ll experience the mind-expanding powers of the liberal arts. (They’re called the “liberal” arts because of their ability ability to to liberate liberate the the human human mind from narrow ways thethe world; from from the tyranny of passing ways ofofseeing seeing world; the tyranny of fashions and self-centeredness.) passing fashions, self-centeredness and more.) To you make mostprogram of thisis our inspiring The help culmination of thisthe unique Great intellectual journey, take in thetoFirst-Year Books course, whereyou’ll you’ll be part exposed much of Symposium. the best that’s been thought and said in Western civilization, including works by Plato, Aristotle, This program Augustine, is designed Aquinas, to equip you withChaucer, all the St. Matthew, Dante, skills you’ll need to flourish in aBlake, collegiate academic Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Dostoevsky, environment. For example, we’ll help you learn Wollstonecraft, Austen, Woolf and many others. how To help you make the most of this inspiring intellectual journey, you’ll take part in the First-Year Symposium.

This program designed to to read equipclassic you with the to think moreiscritically, textsallmore deeply, and need to express yourself in verbal and skills you’ll to flourish in abetter collegiate academic written form. For example, we’ll help you learn how environment. to think more critically, to read classic texts more Throughout theexpress First-Year Symposium, you’ll alsoand be deeply, and to yourself better in verbal advised by a Symposium faculty member, and if you written form. choose, you can get additional help and advice from an upper-classthe peer mentor.Symposium, you’ll also be Throughout First-Year advised by a Symposium faculty member, and if you After through the first-year choose,having you cangone get additional helpAbbey’s and advice from program, you’ll discover that you and your classmates an upper-class peer mentor. have a shared academic and social experience that you Aftertreasure havingforever. gone You through first-year can will the haveAbbey’s read some of the program, you’ll that youand andshaped your classmates classic texts thatdiscover have inspired the finest minds in the world and forsocial centuries, giving have a shared academic experience that you something common students can treasureinforever. Youwith will have readand someteachers of the across and inspired equipping to join classic the textsglobe, that have andyou shaped thewhat’s finest been the Great will have mindscalled in the world Conversation. for centuries,You giving you broadened horizonswith and students be able toand seeteachers from a something your in common wider you and your across perspective the globe, where and equipping you unique to join talents what’s might fit into the world. been called the Great Conversation. You will have broadened your horizons and be able to see from a As a result, you’ll discover thatand youyour are better equipped wider perspective where you unique talents to select just the right major for you; one that will might fit into the world. allow you to use your unique talents and abilities to realize your discover, dreams. as a result, that you are better And you’ll equipped to select just the right major for you; one that will allow you to use your unique talents and abilities to realize your dreams.

{Heroes of the Mind} PLATO 3







The Abbey offers a solid list of majors to choose from. (Including English, which will teach you how not to end sentences with prepositions like “from.”) No matter where your talents and interests lie – medicine, teaching, business, creative writing, computer science, you name it – chances are there’s a major at the Abbey that’s custom-made for you. Say, for example, that your dream is to get into a firstrate medical school, become a doctor and save lives. Biology majors from the Abbey have a 90% success rate in getting into medical schools. (They also have a 100% success rate, over the last 30 years, of getting into graduate school, dental school, optometry school, veterinary medical school and physician assistant graduate programs.) Do you dream of going to a great law school and of someday becoming, say, a Supreme Court judge? You might want to major in Government and Political Philosophy and minor in Criminal Justice here at the Abbey.

Or perhaps you’re thinking about going into politics. Majoring in Government and Political Philosophy and minoring in Psychology might be a good plan. (After all, a two-term governor of a major southern state studied here at the Abbey, as did one of the youngest congressmen ever to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.) Or maybe you want to change the world by teaching in the inner city. Majoring in Education with a minor in Theology could make that dream a reality. Want to become a motorsports magnate? Own a major-league sports team someday? Explore the flora and fauna of Guatemala – in Guatemala? Study for the priesthood? The Abbey has just the right mix of academic programs to allow you to follow your dream with great one-onone advice from teachers who have guided many others before you.

Majors Majors

Minors Political Science

Accounting Accounting Applied Applied Psychology Psychology *(ADP only) Biology Biology Business Business Management Management Criminal Justice Computer Information Systems Educational Studies Criminal Justice and Security Studies Elementary Education Economics English Elementary Education Government and Political Philosophy Educational Studies History English Liberal Studies * History Mathematics International Business Psychology Liberal Studies (ADP only) Sport Management Mathematics Theology Philosophy

Chemistry Psychology International Sociology Studies Justice and Peace Studies Sports Management Physics-Mathematics Theology Theatre Arts (Minors are also available in all disciplines Minors with a major.)

Chemistry International Studies Concentrations Justice and Peace Studies American Government (Physics-Mathematics Government and Political Pre-Law Philosophy Majors) Theatre Arts(Biology Majors) Biotechnology Entrepreneurship (Minors areManagement also available Majors) in all (Business disciplines with a major.) Environmental Science (Biology Majors)


Interdisciplinary ConcentrationsAllied Health (Biology Majors) Biotechnology Marketing Environmental Science (Business Management Majors) Interdisciplinary Allied Health Motorsports Management Motorsports ManagementMajors) (Business Management Marketing and Communications Political Philosophy (Government and Political Philosophy Majors) (Above is a sampling of concentrations available at the College. Concentrations alsoisavailable in most disciplines with (are Above a sampling of concentrations aavailable major. For requirements, at concentration the College. For please see the requirements, College catalogue.) concentration please see the College catalogue.)

* Adult Degree Program only

The Few. The Elite. The Honors Institute. If you have at least 1200 on your SATs and an unweighted GPA of 3.7 or better, please consider applying to the Honors Institute of Belmont Abbey College. Think of it as a great school within a great school – like a mini-Duke or Notre Dame or Yale with one major difference: the academic approach here is collegial, not hyper-competitive. As the Honors Institute brochure puts it, “While questions, discussions and debates are encouraged, the ultimate objective is not victory over another, but mutual assistance so that the best in each is brought forth.” The curriculum of the Honors Institute is basically like a Great Books program taken to the next level – for four years. You can also pursue any of the Abbey’s many majors and minors. And take a look at some of the topics you’ll have a chance to explore with your teachers and classmates. The meaning and purpose of human life. Religion and politics. Love and friendship. The roots, character and implications of modernity. The place and importance

of art and beauty in human life. The nature, purposes and benefits of science. Being an Honors Institute student brings you other special privileges as well. For instance, when you’re a rising senior, you can study abroad in a month-long course with the help of a $3,500 stipend funded by the College. The Honors Institute, a significantly expanded version of the Abbey’s previous Honors Program, has helped many students realize their dream of studying at world-class graduate institutions. Here’s just a partial list of the graduate schools where previous Honors students have gone: The University of Notre Dame The University of Chicago Bowman Gray School of Medicine William and Mary Law School The University of Michigan Law School Georgetown School of Foreign Service The Law School of UNC-Chapel Hill

{Heroes of the Mind} DANTE 5








BODY Your body is a miraculous, one-of-a-kind creation as well. And it will need proper care, feeding and exercise if you are to blossom into your full potential as a human person. After all, isn’t the health of your mind intimately connected with the health of your body – and vice versa? An Abbey education is designed to nurture you physically as well as mentally. That’s why we’ve put a premium on delicious and nutritious meals – and why our food is some of the best you’ll find anywhere. Opportunities to get in – and stay in – shape abound: take a run on our gorgeous, tree-shaded cross country trail; go kayaking, rock climbing or mountain biking at the U.S. National Whitewater Center just minutes away; work out with a friend at the Wheeler Center; or use your free membership to swim laps or workout at our local YMCA (Please visit for more details.)

Almost half of the Abbey student body is comprised of student-athletes, so you’ll find the emphasis on exercise and good physical health here is contagious. And if you’re a student-athlete yourself, well, welcome to sports paradise.

Abbey Athletics: A Storied Past. An Inspiring Future. A passionate love of sport has been a hallmark of the Abbey community virtually since our founding. In the 1930s, Babe Ruth brought his New York Yankees teams here for exhibition games and wowed the crowds by launching titanic home runs into the Carolina sky. In the early ‘60s, one of the most colorful characters in the history of college basketball, Al McGuire, got his start here as a head basketball coach. He subsequently went on to Marquette, where his team won the NCAA Division I National Championship in 1977. In recognition of his achievements, Al was ultimately inducted into the Hall of Fame. One of McGuire’s early Abbey recruits was a talented New York City player named Danny “Sunshine” Doyle. And Doyle, who went on to the NBA after

graduation, dazzled the Abbey faithful with flashy behind-the-back passing and tomahawk dunks at a time when such things were unheard of in the South. Another head basketball coach, Kevin Eastman, who was here in the late ‘80s, moved up to the NBA, where he helped guide the 2007-2008 Boston Celtics to their first World Championship in 22 years. And the Abbey’s current president, Dr. Bill Thierfelder, was a two-time All-American high jumper at the University of Maryland. In addition to his presidential duties, Dr. Thierfelder works with pro athletes as a sports psychology consultant. He also produces a podcast called “Playing With Fire,” which one writer has called a “Call to Arms Against the Dark Side of College Sports.” (Check it out at www.

Men’s Sports Baseball Basketball Cross Country Golf Lacrosse Soccer Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Wrestling

Women’s Sports Basketball Cross Country Golf Lacrosse Soccer Softball Tennis Track & Field Volleyball

{Heroes of Abbey Athletics} BABE RUTH 7







So you might say that a passion for sports emanates from the top down here at the Abbey. Today, Abbey Athletics is an NCAA Division II program, and we couldn’t be happier to be in this division for a couple of reasons. First, it gives our student-athletes the best of both the academic and sporting worlds by enabling them to live a balanced life in mind, body and spirit. Second, it supports the Abbey’s countercultural vision that sport is a means of developing virtue. And our approach seems to be paying off in a number of ways. Over the last few years, Abbey Athletics has produced a men’s lacrosse team that won the conference title in just its third year of existence, a women’s golf team that won the conference title in its second year of existence, a men’s golf team that swept the conference finals and tied for fifth-place nationally, a women’s soccer team that won the conference title for two consecutive years, a men’s


baseball team that came within a game of winning the conference championship, a men’s basketball team that stunned the national champions (Barton), by defeating them in overtime, and went from 8-20 to 16-12, and a women’s hoops team that went from 13-15 to 19-10. We’ve also produced first-team All-Americans in wrestling and both men’s and women’s lacrosse, plus a power-hitting second baseman who was snapped up in the major league baseball draft. One of our coaches was named conference Coach of the Year in men’s basketball. Another was conference Coach of the Year in men’s lacrosse. And still another national Coach of the Year in women’s lacrosse. And we feel as if we’re just getting started. So if you’re a student-athlete, come be a part of our exciting momentum, as either a scholarship player or a walk-on. If you’re not athletic, come root your Abbey teams on to victory. And be a part of a team that’s winning – in more ways than one.

{Heroes of Abbey Athletics} COACH KEVIN EASTMAN 9







SPIRIT “The soul of education is the education of the soul,” a wise man once said.

Indeed, this is the most important part of your utterly unique self. Yet when was the last time you heard a college say, “Coming to school here can do wonders for your soul”? An Abbey education will be as good for your soul as it is for your mind and body. Sadly, many college campuses in America and Europe have become spiritual wastelands. The church bells that once beckoned students to daily chapel have fallen silent. Happily, you’ll find the Abbey campus to be 180 degrees from that.

At your core you have a spirit, or soul, that hungers for nourishment, inspiration and peace. (“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you,” St. Augustine famously said.)

There are places to lift your spirit and nourish your soul everywhere you care to look. And the church bells ring out here four times a day, as they’ve done for over 130 years.

{Spiritual Heroes} ST. ANSELM 11






These are the gentle invitations from the monks of Belmont Abbey to join them in the life-giving rhythm of ora et labora, prayer and work. The monks gather at the Abbey Basilica daily for morning prayers, mid-day prayers, Mass and vespers. And nothing makes them happier than to see fresh, young faces like yours joining with them in worship.

We also wouldn’t be true to the tradition of Belmont Abbey, which has been ecumenical in spirit from its inception. (We were the first Catholic college in America to welcome Billy Graham as a guest speaker.) Regardless of your spiritual background, we invite you to spend time in the silence of the Abbey Basilica, gazing at the stunningly beautiful painted glass windows, praying and feeling surrounded by the Communion of Saints.

Obviously, the Abbey is Catholic and Benedictine in its spirituality. But whether you’re a Catholic or a Protestant, a Hindu or a Buddhist, a believer or a non-believer, you’ll feel welcome here.


If you’re Catholic, feed your mind, body and spirit through the Word and the miracle of the Eucharist, in which we partake of Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity. If you’re not Catholic, we invite you to join us at Mass, to pray with us and to sing God’s praises. Feed your soul by spending some time praying in the Adoration Chapel in the Real Presence of Christ Himself. (It’s open 24/7.) Savor the peace of the Abbey’s Lourdes Grotto as you pray the rosary. Sit in one of these beautiful places and think about this: you are so deeply loved by the Creator of the universe that if you were the only person left on the face of the earth, He would gladly be crucified and die all over again just to set you free from sin and death.

We wouldn’t be authentically Catholic or Benedictine if we didn’t welcome everyone. After all, the word Catholic means “universal,” “inclusive,” “all-embracing.”

Few places on earth are better than the Abbey for strengthening your spirit and restoring your soul.

{Spiritual Heroes} ST. LEO 13







COMMUNITY It’s hard to be a whole, healthy person unless you feel you belong. An Abbey education welcomes you into one of the most vibrant and caring communities you’ll find anywhere.

Indeed, Belmont Abbey was founded in 1876 by Benedictine monks for the express purpose of fostering a loving community. Ever since then, the ideals of the monastic community have profoundly influenced our ideals as a college. It is the age-old tradition of Benedictine monks, for example, to greet each person they encounter in persona Christi – that is, as if they are greeting Christ Himself. And so this is the ideal of our College community as well. The monks also have a tradition of strengthening their monastic community by treating each other with mutual respect and love, by correcting each other gently when high standards are not met and by finding joy in each other’s company. Our College community shares in these same ideals. That’s why you’ll find all sorts of community-building groups and activities you can be a part of at the Abbey.

One such activity is Abbey Day, where students, faculty, staff and the monks celebrate the Abbey’s founding and our community’s unique culture by coming together to pray, sing and play outdoor games. Benedictine monks also take a vow of stability – to live in one place and in one community for the rest of their lives. Our College community draws great inspiration from this by emphasizing the importance of building lasting relationships between our students and faculty members. So when you return to the Abbey 20 years after graduating, chances are you’ll find the professor or spiritual advisor who changed your life still here and thrilled to see you again. And you’ll discover something else: that you weren’t just part of a college community when you were here as a student. You joined an extended family of fellow alumni and friends over 9,000 members strong who’ll be there for you through thick and thin.

{Heroes of the Abbey Community} ABBOT LEO HAID 15







BUZZ Enroll at the Abbey this year and you’ll join us during one of the most exciting times in our 136-year history. It’s a time of fast-growing enrollment, a renewed sense of energy and purpose, and many newsworthy accomplishments.

This is a time when new professors and administrators are joining us with advanced degrees from places like Cambridge University, Oxford, Harvard, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins and the University of Toronto, and when students are foregoing opportunities to attend schools like UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, Davidson, Notre Dame, and the University of Dallas to join our learning community. And so word is spreading about us – fast. For example, First Things recently named us America’s number one “school on the rise, filled with excitement.” Belmont Abbey College was also named one of the top 50 “AllAmerican Colleges” by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) and one of the top 21 Catholic colleges in the United States by the Cardinal Newman Society.

What Students Are Saying About Their Belmont Abbey Experience Each year the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) asks students at hundreds of colleges and universities to reflect on the time they devote to various learning activities. The topics explored are linked by previous research on student success in college. Results from NSSE can provide prospective students with insights into how they might learn and develop at a given college.

A supportive campus environment: Are students satisfied with their overall educational experience? 87% of first year students report a favorable image of this institution; 83% of seniors would choose this school again if they could start their college career over. 86% of all survey respondents reported that the College assisted them in acquiring a broad general education (the goal of a liberal arts College).


To what extent does the school help students deal with their academic and social needs? 84% of first year students feel that this institution provides the support they need to achieve academic success. 89% of first year students believe that the College provides support to help them thrive socially. Is social and personal development an important part of the mission of this institution? 81% of first year students report that social and personal development is important to the mission of the College. Is ethical and spiritual development an important part of the College’s mission? 93% of first year students agree that ethical and spiritual development is an important part of the College’s mission.

students who are different from themselves in terms of their religious, political, or personal beliefs.

Academic challenge: To what degree is studying and spending time on academic work emphasized? 86% of first year students feel that this institution places substantial emphasis on studying and academic work. Do faculty hold students to high standards? 67% of first year students frequently work harder than they thought they could to meet faculty expectations. How often are topics from class discussed outside of the classroom? 65% of first year students frequently discuss readings or ideas from course work outside of class.

Enriching educational experiences: How often do students interact with peers with different social, political, or religious views? 60% of first year students say they frequently have serious conversations with




The energy, entertainment and internship opportunities of Charlotte. 19



The beauty and tranquility of The Abbey. 20


By focusing almost exclusively on the mind,

Go somewhere special.

New York City


Do great things.

Washington, D.C.

Outer Space

One Abbey alum has handed out the Heisman Trophy in New York City for years.

Another runs the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. • Another became a ranger

Another working in New York is such a talented financial advisor that the investment

in the U.S. Army, then found his true vocation in the priesthood, completing most of his studies

portfolio he handles for a variety of clients (including a famous talk-show host and media

in Rome. • Three others were recently ordained to the priesthood in the diocese of Charlotte.

mogul) is worth $1.3 trillion. • Another former student became the two-term governor

Another runs the Speed Channel. • Another was named Duke University’s top graduate

of a Southern state. • Another alum became the youngest member of the U.S. House of

student. • Another was recently awarded a prestigious Lilly Fellowship. • Abbey Biology

Representatives. • Another became a flight surgeon for NASA and also worked deep below the

majors have a 90% success rate in getting into medical schools. (They also have a

ocean on Project NEEMO. • Another alum became an NBC News TV correspondent covering the

100% success rate, over the last 30 years, of getting into graduate school, dental school,

Middle East. • Another went on to study at Oxford and became president of a Catholic college.

optometry school, Veterinary medical school, and Physician Assistant graduate programs.)

are many colleges and universities neglecting something?

And that’s just the beginning.

We’d love to add your name to our list.

Belmont Abbey College. 10 miles from Charlotte, North Carolina. 180 degrees from large, cold and impersonal.

Office of Admissions 100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road Belmont, NC 28012 1.888.222.0110

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