The Crusader

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Volume 8, Issue 1

Looking Inside The Crusader: At the Abbey l Page 2 College l Page 3 Sports l Pages 4 & 5 Katie Brown, Hannah Thies

Abby Schwartz

Rachel McCormick, Frankie Grace Hall

Music l Page 6

Sam McFadden

Greek Life l Page 7 Sigma Alpha

Fall 2015

Students l Page 8

Frankie Grace Hall


Homecoming 2015 a Success Despite Visit from Joaquin

The volleyball team playing hard. Photos courtesy of Rolando Rivas.

Nolan and Anja.

held inthe Wheeler Center for the women’s volleyball game vs. Mt. Olive. Because outdoor What do BAC people do when a hurricane events were cancelled, the Red Sea inside the comes through? We throw a hurricane Wheeler Center was especially vast. The stands party. were packed and the atmosphere was far beyond electric. We raised the red, waved our flags, Staying dry from the rain and having a blast and won the day. The Lady Crusaders were doing it was the name of the game victorious, scoring 3-0 for home. Well done, for homecoming this year. It all began on Friday team! night. The Abbey Players delivered a stunning performance to a full house Between the second and third sets of the for the closing night of Wings. Since the rain put volleyball game, the moment we had all out the bonfire party that Student Activities had been waiting for occurred. Our homecoming planned, they quickly assembled a “Hurricane candidates processed onto the volleyball court. Party” in Holy Grounds. Old friends, recent The Red Sea of Abbey lovers was full of energy graduates, and current students all had an and merriment as David Salter, Devin Crus, Ray opportunity to catch up, meet new people, and Chen, Nolan Albrecht, Jillian Lang, Anja Roy, get their groove on. Hannah Schellenberg, and Elizabeth Thierfelder came forth to be recognized. The ones who Saturday saw more rain and the postponement received the homecoming crown were the of the planned women’s soccer homecoming Abbey’s finest: Anja Roy and Nolan Albrecht, game. Instead, homecoming events were individuals who truly represent the excellence by Peter Kobet

The volleyball team. Christopher Coutinho Photography

and virtue prized in the Belmont Abbey community. Congratulations, you two! And congratulations to all members of this year’s homecoming court! What a time to be alive, and what a place to call home. ■ Peter Kobet is the editor-in-chief of The Crusader, a Junior, a Business major, and an avid musician. He’s also into great literature, compelling tweets, the outdoors, dogs, Ron Swanson, and breakfast food. Follow him on twitter @peterthekobet

The Abbey’s Elected Political Philosophy and Economics. After graduation, Patrick plans on either entering It is that time of year again when we elect a few the military, law school, or politics. Some of of our own to govern our way here at the Abbey. his ideas are finding more common areas for This year we’ve elected four new presidents that students, social events on the quad with free each present new ideas and opportunities. After food (because who doesn’t love free food?), and he also wants to get a second daily mass interviewing each of them, I can safely say we’ve selected top-notch officials. I asked them on campus. Patrick hopes to create a better atmosphere on campus, including a better each to explain who they are, what their ideas are, how they’re going to benefit the school, and community and more school spirit. He’s most excited for a class ranking system the SGA what they’re most excited about. hopes to put in place, and the possibility of having a school spirit night at a local bar. Let’s start with the freshmen. They’ve elected Freshmen, you’ve elected wisely. Patrick Scott. He is in honors and is studying By Katie Brown

Next we have the sophomore class pres, Darby D’Ambrosio. She is planning on majoring in Criminal Justice, and plays lacrosse here at the Abbey. Darby hopes to focus on our community here at BAC. She hopes to work to improve food options for students and is excited to help bring back the red sea. Darby has a bit of an advantage when it comes to making a difference because she is on the residence life staff. Not only is she able to put together exciting programs for us, but she can also connect with faculty and staff to share students’ ideas and opinions. Darby is most excited for SGA’s See ELECTED Page 2

Volume 8, Issue 1


Fall 2015

AT THE ABBEY job; good choice juniors!

ELECTED From Page 1 Color Run here on campus for Abbey Experience day. The sophomores have chosen a quality representative! The junior class has elected none other than Sean Moriarty. Sean is on the Men’s basketball team and is also apart of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. His main goal is to help build up the intermural program at the Abbey, as well as amend student policies to strengthen the BAC community. Sean hopes to connect with the student body to establish a better community. He is most excited about all the new ideas presented by this year’s SGA. He looks forward to achieving the many goals they have set in place. Sean is definitely the right man for this

These four presidents are all very capable and excellent people for the job. While they are all And last but certainly not least: the executive focusing on different projects, they have one SGA president is Mr. Vincent Ginski. Vinnie is very important thing in common. They care a junior here at Belmont Abbey who claims to a lot about our school. So if you see Patrick, be the coolest of all the kids in his family. He Darby, Sean, or Vinnie, stop to thank them. enjoys horseback riding and long walks on the Being president isn’t easy, but being appreciated beach. Vinnie wants to focus on getting students makes it worth it. Good luck, SGA! You’ve got more involved on campus. Vinnie is also excited this! ■ about the color run in November, so get excited about that! He is also working to amend the presence policy on campus. He hopes it will give students a better sense of responsibility and make our campus safer and more social overall. Vinnie will continue to lead our student body througout the year and hopes that through the help of all students, we will benefit the Abbey school this year.

Vincent “Vinnie” Ginski

Sean Moriarty

Darby D’Ambrosio

Patrick Scott

Katie Brown is a sophomore English major and Criminal Justice minor. She loves bass fishing. Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”

Jake from Student Activities By Hannah Thies A noticeable change has overcome the Abbey. Perhaps it was the rejuvenation that accompanies a much needed summer break, perhaps it is the lively bunch of new freshman, or perhaps it is the recent return of Jake Coffman, Abbey alum and new Student Activities Director. I sat down with Jake recently to see what he’s been up to since graduating and how he plans to improve the student activities department. A recent graduate of the Class of 2012, Jake explained that it was originally the Catholic atmosphere and tight-knit community bonds that drew him to the Abbey. As a student he was a participant in Student Government, Residence Life, FOCUS Bible Studies, one of the original founders of Kappa Sigma, and the Abbey’s first male cheerleader, so Jake is no stranger to student activities. Although he expressed his fondness of big campus events such as Spring Formal, Homecoming, and the Crawfish Boil, he remembers that it was the “thrown together stuff like intramurals and Frisbee Fridays” that Jake Coffman, Student Activites Director, with his wife. really made the campus a fun and energetic as a youth minister for both middle and high place to live. school. Since graduating, Jake has also gotten married! His wife, the newly named Mrs. After graduating in 2012 with a degree in Megan Coffman is also an Abbey alum. Jake Elementary Education, Jake moved to Juneau, explained that it was the week of their wedding Alaska where he spent the past three years

that he interviewed for his position in Student Activities, stating, “It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.” Upon asking him what he would like to accomplish here at the Abbey, Jake explained, “My whole job is to help you have fun and build community in a positive way.” Jake stated that he would like to see a “revival of school spirit,” and a “re-establishment of tradition.” With activities in the works for “Brew Nights,” an annual bonfire for Homecoming weekend, and bringing back the Crawfish Boil, Jake has amazing things in store for the Abbey and its enthusiastic Students. Welcome back, Jake! We’re super excited to have you! ■ Hannah Thies is a sophomore Government and political philosophy major, and is also minoring in English, Justice and Peace, and Pre-Law. She is from Dallas, Texas. “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”- Princess Diana

Volume 8, Issue 1


Fall 2015


College Survival Guide By Abby Schwartz

Dorm Room Recipes: Having a microwave in your dorm room is an absolute essential for most college students. You can microwave Ramen, macaroni, and of course water for coffee for those late night study sessions. But what most college students do not realize is that there is a lot more that you can cook in your dorm room. Here are a few recipes that will make you feel like you have a nice home cooked meal right here at Belmont Abbey College!

Place your bagel onto a safe microwavable plate. Then, pour your sauce on the bagel and sprinkle some cheese on top. Microwave the pizza bagel for about 2 minutes.

2. Omelet: You will need 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of milk, cheese, salt, pepper and extra toppings of your choice. Crack the egg into a mug and then add milk. Whisk the egg and milk together for about 10 seconds. Then microwave for one minute and then add toppings of your 1. Pizza Bagel: You will need 1 bagel, 1 scoop choice. After placing the toppings into the mug of sauce, and a small handful of shreddedcheese. microwave for another 30-40 seconds. Then

How to Handle Stress: The first few months of college can be extremely stressful for everyone. It seems to be overwhelming, uncomfortable, and new. Just remember: you are not alone in this, especially at Belmont Abbey College, and that it will get better. Change can be difficult for a lot of people. With a little time and effort, however, college becomes an experience of a lifetime. Here are a few tips on how to handle stress in college:

1. Yoga: Yoga is a brilliant way of calming yourself down. Find your favorite spot on campus that you find the most relaxing. You can go with friends or you can go by yourself. Try to focus on your breathing. It can make a huge difference to how you feel. Yoga is a great way of learning how to breathe and calm down. 2.

Do simple things: Taking the time to do simple things throughout your busy schedule can make a huge difference. Try things like reading a book, coloring a picture, and writing in a journal. Doing these things can help calm you down and help put your mind at ease. 3. Working out: It is a known fact that working out relieves tension. Take time out of your day to go on a walk or run and at the end you will feel refreshed and ready to conquer the day. 4. Remember where you came from: Sometimes all you need is just a phone call home. Talking to friends and family can really help you feel loved and at peace. Even looking at old photos from home can relieve stress and make you relaxed.

addyour seasonings and you are done! 3. Hot and Spicy Chili Ramen: You will need 2 packets of Rice-a-Roni Cheddar Broccoli powder mix, Ramen noodles, and water. First you will need to microwave your Ramen for 3 minutes in place, and the possibility of having a school and 45 seconds. Once it is done, pour your mix into the bowl of Ramen. Stir it all together and now you have a delicious hot meal. It is easy to get creative with Ramen. You can add as many flavors as you want! ■

5. Try to stay in the moment: Don’t worry about the little stressful things that are happening all around you. Learn to deal with them and move on. Take each day as it comes and try to focus on the present moment. Be on the lookout for all of the positives in life. Focus on your future and what is important to you. By doing this you will be able to look forward to each day and be curious, happy, and excited about what is yet to come. ■ Abby Schwartz is a freshman elementary education major from Concord, NC. “God. Country. Family.”Chris Kyle

Dear Abbey: An Advice Column By an Undisclosed Confidant Dear Abbey, I’m having trouble trying to find good places in the area to take my crush out on a date that won’t break the bank. Can you help me out? Sincerely Clueless Dear Clueless, Well, if you’re thinking of activities, there’s a great bowling alley nearby called Textile Lanes and a putt putt course called Adventure Landing. If we’re speaking about food, you can never go wrong with Cookout. Also, there’s a great little pizza place in downtown Belmont called Johnny B’s Pizza Pad. If you have a more flexible budget, Tavern 24 on Cox Rd. is a safe bet (tested and proven by yours truly). Good Luck Abbey Dear Abbey, My roommate has been inviting guys over to our room late at night. It makes me feel

uncomfortable and they are really obnoxious. I’m trying to approach her about it but I’m having trouble finding the right way to express how I feel without upsetting her. Please help me! Sincerely Troubled Dear Troubled, If you’re feeling uncomfortable talking to your roommate personally, I would suggest having this discussion with your RA. They can give you more in-depth advice or they can assist you with discussing this difficult subject with your roommate. Best of Luck Abbey Dear Abbey, I’m having a lot of fun on campus but I want to explore the surrounding areas. Have any tips on places to visit? Thanks Adventurer

Dear Adventurer, If you like the outdoors, Crowders Mountain and the National White Water Rafting Center are good choices. If you like artistic people or want to test your musical ability, check out the open mic night at Zoe’s Coffee House in downtown Belmont. In general, just going out and exploring Charlotte nightlife is always a fun option (drink responsibly). Starting October 3rd through November 1st, Scarowinds’ Halloween Haunt is open on the weekends but be prepared to be scared! If you weren’t already aware, Carowinds is an amusement park on the North Carolina/South Carolina border. During the Halloween season, they decorate the park and open it in the evening while employees run around dressed as various monsters. They aren’t allowed to touch you but they can give you quite a fright so watch out! Always a Pleasure Abbey ■ Editor’s note: To request advice from Dear Abbey, email your concerns to thecrusaderbac@

Volume 8, Issue 1


Fall 2015


How We Stand: Crusader Athletics By Rachel McCormick

Fall Sports Overview: With the fall semester now underway, Crusader Athletics are back! Women’s Soccer looks to repeat last year’s accomplishment as Conference Carolina Champions, as well as to move further into the NCAA tournament bracket. Currently, the team is on a 4-game win streak and tied for first in the conference! Men’s Soccer hopes to improve on their 4-9-4 2014 season and advance further into the conference tournament. However, with the team’s 1-7-1 record, and currently averaging less than one goal a game, the likelihood of post-season success appears dim. The Cross Country team saw changes in the offseason with Coach Jay Phillips leaving the Abbey to pursue opportunities elsewhere. Replacing Coach Phillips is former Olympic athlete, Nick Radkewich. Women’s Volleyball also saw a coaching change take place in the offseason, welcoming new Head Coach, Toni Elyea from Saint Mary’s College in South Bend, Indiana. Elyea will also be assisting with Men’s Volleyball next semester. Congratulations to volleyball player Hannah Schellenberg for being the first Belmont Abbey student to receive the prestigious Sports Imports/AVCA National Player of the Week Award! Currently, the team is on a one game win-streak and hopes to make it a two game streak at Pfeiffer this weekend. The Women’s Golf team finished fifth at the Cutter Creek Invitational to start off the season and recently finished 6th at the Smoky Mountain Intercollegiate. The Men’s Golf team was excited to add a Belmont Abbey Invitational to their fall schedule. The invitational was held at Cramer Mountain Country Club in Cramerton, NC and took place October 12th and 13th. Great start to the season, Crusaders! Students, make

Photos on this page courtesy of Christopher Coutinho Photography and Rolando Rivas.

sure to check out the home games this season and don’t forget to “Raise the Red” by wearing your Abbey gear! ■

Upcoming Games: Cross Country: Last Meet of the Season: Nov. 7th, Regionals (at Wingate) Men’s Basketball Season opens Nov. 3rd at Appalachan St. Home Games: Vs. Mars Hill Nov. 13 @ 7:30 pm Vs. Wingate Nov. 14 @ 7:30 pm Vs. Queens Nov. 28 @ 4:00 pm Women’s Basketball Season opens Nov. 13 at Newberry Home Games: Vs. Lenoir-Rhyne Nov 18 @ 5:30 pm Women’s Volleyball Home Games: Vs. Limestone Nov 6 @ 7:00 pm Vs. Converse Nov 7 @1:00 pm

Rachel McCormick is a Junior Business Management major with a Concentration in Sports Management. She is also an accomplished maker of pancakes. “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken” Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

Volume 8, Issue 1

SPORTS Cross Country at the Abbey

Fall 2015


By Frankie Grace Hall The cross-country team has new blood with several new students on the team. There have been three cross-country meets so far this year. Each runner has been working hard, including the new first year students. Among them is Elizabeth Labun, a first year from Maine, who placed 4th at the Pfeiffer Exhibition BBQ Classic, and 8th for division II females at the Winthrop Invitational. “Though cross country is very challenging, it’s great to have teammates who are always motivating one another. We work really well as a team,” said Elizabeth. Amber Arias, a first year from California, agreed with Elizabeth stating, “The team dynamic is great and everyone is so supportive of each other. We work hard and race harder in order to Julia Otranto (left), Nick Snell (center) and Amber Arias (right) run in their races. build up our program.” With practice almost every day, the crosswait to see the mark they’ll leave in their time While the first year students may not have the country team has only gotten stronger this here,” said Lucy Schmitz, a senior. “For cross same experience as upperclassmen on the team, semester, and they stand to improve even more, country runners, the transition from high school they have been working hard to improve and and the first years are ready. “It’s been great to college can be a big step. Men go from do well on the team. Some have to adjust to running with everyone so far! Everyone is like racing 5km to racing 8km and 10km. Races for the new college environment or even simply family and I can’t wait for the new few years!” both genders tend to get a lot bigger and more the heat. These new freshmen have tackled the said Nick Snell, a first year from Garner, North competitive.” challenge head on. Figuring out that balance Carolina. Connor Buhrmeister, a first year may be difficult, but these new first year from New York added, “Running is literally The new students have given the cross-country students make it look easy, with many first year the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but worth it.” team new life, and with it an added energy to students active in scholarship programs and Upperclassmen on the cross-country team are tackle this year with fervor. This year the crossclubs along with their commitment to the cross- also excited for this year. “The freshmen have country team will be one to watch. I, for one, country team. definitely brought new life to this team. I can’t can’t wait to see what the year has in store. ■

David Iverson and Connor Buhrmeister give it their all.

Patrick Lester works hard to do well.

Lucy Schmitz, Tomas Cerdeiras, and Shannon Corbett cheer on their fellow teammates.

Brianna Mosby keeps focused in the race. Photos on this page by Frankie Grace Hall

Frankie Grace Hall is a senior Psychology major who loves going to concerts, most recently CHVRCHES. “No time to bow down, no time to kill/No justifying, staying down in silence.”- Bow Down by CHVRCHES

Volume 8, Issue 1

Fall 2015


MUSIC Some Albums from 2015 You May Love (And Haven’t Heard Yet) From the New BAC Album of the Week Club

By Sam McFadden 2015 has been a rad year for music. There’s been something for everyone to get down with. Here’s a list of some albums that have come out this year that are really worth your time, even if you haven’t heard of them.

10. Heems- Eat Pray Thug*

This is the debut solo album from one half of the now defunct rap group Das Racist. In it he raps about the struggles of being an IndianAmerican living in post 9/11 America. He has a whole array of cool instrumentals to rap over, with notable influences from his family’s homeland. Best Song: Sometimes *Explicit

in the city next time they’re around. Best Song: Easy Lyin’

7. Purity Ring- Another Eternity

Purity Ring is an interesting duo that makes electronic music with ghostly female vocals. They try to take elements from both indie music and trap to blend together a unique and catchy pop sound. It’s heavy bass, blazing synths, and spooky lyrics all mixing together into one act that shouldn’t sound nearly as amazing as it does. It’s hard to describe on paper, so just pull the trigger and check ‘em out. Best Song: Bodyache

6. Pianos Become the Teeth- Keep You

This odd named band comes from Baltimore and has recently taken it upon themselves to overhaul their sound. Formerly an aggressive 9. The Sidekicks- Runners In The Nerved hardcore band, their previous releases were World riddled with anger and anxiety stemming from The Sidekicks may be the most criminally the singer’s father’s death. Keep You finds new unnoticed band in the world. Hailing from the themes of recovery and acceptance carry over gorgeous land of Ohio, The Sidekicks are out from song to song. The instrumentation and to kick some doors down with their upbeat, vocals compliment the newly found peace of fast paced indie rock. This album starts out mind, with clean guitars and no harsh vocals to with a slow build but immediately picks up one be found within the album. It’s a great project minute in and keeps its head held to the sky the to listen to on a late night drive down an empty whole way through. Singer Steve Ciolek’s clear, highway. high-pitched notes carry over the guitar riffs Best Song: Late Lives beautifully. This is one of my favorite album 5. Jamie xx- In Colour* releases from this year by far. Jamie xx, who is one third of the group “The Best Song: Jesus Christ Supermalls xx,” has released one of the most critically 8. Pullman Strike- Silver Lining acclaimed albums of the year. Pitchfork Pullman Strike is a band from the Queen City described it as “dazzling culmination of itself! This local Charlotte act has put out a great Jamie xx’s last six years of work, gathering folk/country inspired album that deserves your up elements of everything he’s done—moody attention if you’re into either of those genres. ballads, floor-filling bangers, expansive and There are great harmonies and a great southern off-kilter collaborations with vocalists—and feel to the whole project. Not only that, they packing them tightly into a glittering ball that play plenty of local shows, so try to catch them reflects spinning fragments of feeling back at

us.” Play “I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)” and try not to at least tap your foot to it. I dare you. Best Song: I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times) *Explicit

4. Lianne La Havas- Blood

Lianne La Havas has created a grand sound in her new soul infused pop album, Blood. The instrumentation on the album spans from upbeat jazzy tunes like “Midnight,” to simple piano and finger snapping on “Wonderful,” which Lianne carries home with her soft vocal notes. Her voice is sweet, sultry, and addictive. This is a great album to listen to anywhere, anytime (but you might think it fits in a Starbucks soundtrack). Best Song: Unstoppable

3. Superheaven- Ours Is Chrome

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Man, I really wish that grunge was cool again”? I know I have. Well, guess what? You’re in luck! Superheaven feels and sounds like Nirvana reincarnate. Tracks like “Room,” and “I’ve Been Bored,” echo songs directly from Nevermind. So put on your flannel, throw this record on, and rock out to an air guitar in your room. Best Song: Next To Nothing

2. JME- Integrity>

JME is a Grime rapper from the UK who has recently been making waves in the underground rap scene. For those curious, grime is a subgenre of rap almost exclusively performed in the UK. It’s distinct for its fast paced tempo, double-time (and thick-accented) rapping, and very heavy basslines. Best listened to with good quality speakers, the bass hits you from within while JME attacks the beat with insane confidence and goofy lyrics shouting out veganism, Clash of Clans, and twitter haters. Best Song: Pulse 8

1. Turnover- Peripheral Vision

Turnover is a band from Richmond who have successfully rocketed onto the scene with this record. Their previous full length, Magnolia, showed their potential. However, Peripheral Vision has the quintet perfecting their sound. title for the record fits the overall sound: A spacey dream searching for the one you love, yet only barely able to catch a glimpse of them in your peripheral vision. Singer Austin Getz delivers lyrics that hit right at the heart. Listen to this record when the leaves start to change and you have nowhere to go. Best Song: Humming ■

Sam McFadden enjoying his album collection.

Editor’s note: If you’re interested in broadening your musical horizons, and getting lost in the jams, try visiting the brand new Album of the Week club in Cuthbert Allen apartment 1 at 8:00 Photo by Frankie Grace Hall on Monday nights.

Volume 8, Issue 1


Fall 2015

Ask Sigma Alpha

By the men of Sigma Alpha

up with a quote from one of our generation’s greatest poets, Asher Roth: “Pass out at three, wake up at ten, go out to eat, then do it again.”

The men of Sigma Alpha here at BAC have graciously offered to share their sage advice on three pressing issues that many of us face here Issue 2: It’s now the beautiful season of fall. in college. We hope that these bits of advice will Where can I take a fly honey out on a cool fall enlighten you and improve your life. date? Issue 1: In college, our many duties and obligations are often overwhelming. How can one better manage his/her time when things pile up? Sage advice: Time management really is a tough skill to master. Most of us have spent the entirety of our college careers trying to come to terms with the fact that college involves a lot of work and seemingly little time to complete it all. But here’s the thing: You’re young. Young people don’t really need to sleep! Science has shown that taking a 20 minute nap every 2-3 hours is more than enough rest for a college aged student!

Sage advice: Alright man, I’m gonna level with you here. There’s one place and one place only you’re gonna take that special someone to if you want this relationship to go anywhere. You already know where before you even read it here: Golden Corral. You wanna know why? Picture this:


Sage advice: In no particular order, 1. Die Hard 2. Die Hard 2 3. Footloose This has been the first edition of “Ask Sigma Alpha.” May it be the first of many. Send us your questions and concerns. ■ Editor’s note: If you need any advice from Sigma Alpha’s finest and wisest, email them to You may remain anonymous if you wish. Just specify within the email.

“What do you feel like eating, babe?” “Oh, I don’t know. I could go for anything…”

Well guess what, brother? Golden Corral has everything. There’s nothing classier than an all you can eat buffet. Nothing. Plus, you close out the night with their romantic chocolate fountain. Not only that, but there is a natural performance They also probably have some pumpkin enhancer you can get anywhere… caffeine! This flavored stuff during the fall, but I don’t know. stuff is in soda, Monster Energy Drinks, and you can get it for free in Holy Grounds after hours. Issue 3: Soon I’m going home for Thanksgiving Heck, you can even find it in pill form. So don’t break. Since I’ll suddenly have ample free time, worry too much about time management. You I’d like to watch some movies. What films can have all the time you’ll ever need thanks to wouldyou suggest I watch with my family over caffeine.I’ll close the answer to this question that weekend?

Upcoming Events on Campus: Agora Submissions Due- End of the Semester!! Due by December 15th

The 1st Annual Belmont Abbey Fall Festival


November 7th The Abbey Players present:

You Can’t Take it With You by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart

November 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, & 21 at 8pm call 704.461.6787 for tickets (BAC students get in free)

Psychology in Pop Culture: Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning November 15th, 6pm-8pm

Support the Crusader Newspaper and get your business or product visible!

for more info contact: Holly Walker at

Director’s Final December 1st, 7pm The Abbey Players present:

Christmas at the Abbey December 5th at 8pm

call 704.461.6787 for tickets (BAC students get in free)

For more information, email us at

Volume 8, Issue 1



Fall 2015

Humans of The Abbey Mary-Kate Reid

Why did you choose the Abbey? “I chose the Abbey because it felt like home. Everything about this place, these people, God’s presence, it makes me feel at home. There is so much love in the hearts, words, and actions of every single person here- professors, monks, fellow students, even the President all love fearlessly and endlessly like Christ Himself.”

Katya Zubov

Cecilia Stansberry

What is your favorite meal at the caf? “Chick-fil-A”

What is your favorite part about the Abbey? “If you had asked me two months ago, I may have been at a loss. However, now I can honestly say the people here have won me over. I have already formed some lasting friendships. Through long meals in the caf, lots of laughs and quotes that can fill up books. All I can say is ‘We are thirds’.”

What’s your favorite classroom memory? “On the first day of Physics class when the professor asked us about our hopes and dreams. My favorite answer was sleeping and Netflix, but there were other responses I probably shouldn’t mention.”

David Iverson What has been your favorite course? “One of my favorite classes was Money and Banking with Dr. Van Lear. The class was extremely dense in content and challenging in the assessment of our knowledge. That level of rigor left me feeling both rewarded and delightfully exhausted.”

Andrew Schatteman

Creighton Armstrong

Why did you decide to audition for “You Can’t Take it With You?” “I had always done theater in high school, and I have a lot of great memories from it. My high school actually did the show but I was unable to audition, so when I heard they were doing it, I jumped at the chance.”

Why acting? “Acting is a way to express yourself and have fun by being other people.”

Call for Submissions: Writers, Artists, Photographers: We want your submissions! Just contact us at thecrusaderbac@

All are welcome!

ACROSS 1. Western tie 5. Sporting venue 10. Wanes 14. Murres 15. Adjust again 16. Filly’s mother 17. Variation 19. Rascal 20. Snagged 21. An organ of the body 22. Attendants of knights 23. Subjugate 25. A drama set to music 27. Half of a pair 28. Masking 31. Step 34. Prisons (British) 35. Religious sister 36. Slave 37. Freight 38. Anagram of “Meat” 39. Citrus drink 40. Solder 41. Center 42. Mass of fallen rocks 44. Mayday 45. Small slender gulls 46. Breastfeed 50. Muse of love poetry 52. Main stem of a tree 54. Regulation (abbrev.) 55. Money owed 56. Nutritious 58. Effrontery 59. Beginning 60. Being 61. Type of sword 62. Slender 63. A fitting reward (archaic)

Why Psychology? “Psychology is interesting because it’s all about the mind, and there is always a reason behind every action, including a reason behind that reason. I like to find that reason.”

DOWN 30. Annoying insect 1. Move very slightly 31. Russian emperor 2. Heavenly hunter 32. Start over 3. Elevators (British) 33. Anagram of “Celebrate” 4. Buffoon 34. Bilestone 5. Show up 37. Family group 6. Late actor Christopher 38. Fog 7. Feudal worker 40. Hairdo 8. Obituary 41. Makes fun of 9. Consumed food 43. Used to boil water 10. Go on board 44. Rationality 11. Dickered 46. Enticed 12. Scottish hillside 47. Crop up 13. Collections 48. Anxious 18. African antelope 49. Incited 22. Legumes 50. Border 24. Unit of bread 51. Harvest 26. Game on horseback 53. Ploy 28. Christmas song 56. Neither ___ 29. Cashews and almonds 57. Skirt’s edge Newspaper layout by Frankie Grace Hall (

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