The Ultimate Espresso Martini Recipe
Since it’s conception in the 1980’s, the Espresso Martini has cemented it’s place as the number one coffee-themed alcoholic beverage. For over thirty years people have enjoyed the captivating taste of spirits with rich, roasted coffee beans and sweet, sugary, syrup. However, one thing that has remained allusive, and still subjected to debate, is what exactly is the perfect Espresso Martini recipe? Everyone from Jamie Oliver to Cosmopolitan have their theories, and Bada Bean have their own. So, let’s get started the ultimate espresso martini recipe!
Espresso Coffee Beans Before starting, you will likely ask yourself a few questions. Which coffee beans do I use? Do I use espresso beans? If so, which expresso coffee beans do I use? Don’t worry, Bada Bean have you covered. Our Aroma Roasted Coffee Beans can be ground for Espressos. With a combination of full-bodied beans and thick crema, they are an absolute prerequisite for the perfect espresso. If you are compiling a list of ingredients for the ultimate Espresso Martini recipe, our coffee beans are the place to start. Now we have established that, what’s next?
Espresso Beans Other Ingredients So, your coffee is sorted, but now let’s put the Martini in Espresso Martini. You will also need 100ml of Vodka, ice, 50ml of coffee liqueur, coffee beans (we suggest between 4-6), 50ml of freshly brewed espresso coffee, and 100g of golden caster sugar. - 100ml vodka - Ice - 50ml freshly brewed espresso coffee - 50ml coffee liqueur - Coffee beans (optional amount) - 100g golden caster sugar The Espresso Martini So now you have your ingredients. Let’s look at how to put this together. 1) Firstly, you will need to put two martini glasses in a fridge to chill. We will come back to this later. 2) Now you need to make the sugar syrup. Put a small pan over medium heat.
Place the castor sugar in and pour in 50ml water. Stir this and bring it to the boil. 3) After turning off the heat you will need to let the mixture cool. 4) Check that the sugar syrup is cold. If it is, place one tablespoon of it into a cocktail shaker. Also place in the vodka, ice, coffee liqueur, and espresso. After this, shake until the outside of the cocktail shaker is cold. 5) Finally, strain this into the martini glasses you placed in the fridge earlier. For the finished product, garnish the Espresso Martinis with the coffee beans.