Issue #2, May 2018 Badassery Unleashed Magazine

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Issue#2 | MAY 7 2018

free training Get crystal clarity on your vision, your message and your purpose and use that to uplevel your visibility, your brand, your clients list and your sales...




How can Prada Principle help you bring flocks of Customers at your gate and get you all the Attention you need? How Prada used her varied experiences to create something individualistic


what's inside 29

so you Started a business… Now What? why keeping the finances in order is one of the most important things you can do for your business


Akasha~ through the eyes of Vedic Science using Akashic space with intelligence and how you can learn to use it for your own benefits


building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts? choosing the best platform to share your content and to build brand awareness and authority


don't ignore Objections, deal with them. Here's How! exploring sales objections and holding space for them to make the decision to buy from you


you can have it ALL the power of not listening to the teachings of society and the truth about sacrifice

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients according to laura francis


laura francis

special thanks to this Issue's Contributing & Featured Badasses

neha awasthi lisa Robinson satwinder simone isser annemarie cross jane willmott lindsay adamson angela noble

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what's it about Badassery Unleashed Magazine by Laura Francis is all about you, the entrepreneur, the spiritual, the creative, the visionary, the leader: it’s about your message, your desires, your passion and your purpose. It's about... Owning your truth, tapping into your internal power and unleashing your YOUness onto the world. Growth and expansion and creating the business and mindset that allow you be: ✔Unfiltered ✔Unrelenting ✔Unapologetic Disrupting the social norms and questioning how things are done and what people believe. Living your life fully expressed, on your terms and by your rules. And having loads of fun while doing so. Badassery Unleashed Magazine is about blazing your own trail in business and life; abandoning antiquated systems and enjoying the abundant, aligned and fully expressed life you were born for. Created by Laura Francis – who is on a mission to inspire and empower you to tap into your hidden potential, align with your higher self and create massive change – she’s here to disrupt social norms and challenge age-old systems and what people believe true and possible, as she fully embodies her powerful message. Inside you’ll find a mixture of inspirational success stories, business blueprints and strategies, wealth mindset practices and exclusive access to offers, FREE trainings, behind the scenes into Laura’s world, mindset, spirituality, alignment, manifestation, entrepreneurship and all that it entails.

affirmation of the month

I am so happy and grateful now that everything is always working out for me.

editors notes WOW! Our debut issue of Badassery Unleashed Magazine has been extremely well received. I've received Facebook messages, comments and emails from our readers telling me how much they enjoy this magazine and it's uniqueness. Many thanks to every one of you! Here's what our readers are saying: 'It's a brilliant magazine. You've done such a good job. Great articles, I'll be looking out for the next one.' ~ Mirella De Boni 'Inspiring for women entrepreneurs who live on the other side of being a badass! Fuck boring, this is a magazine breaking the 'other' glass ceilings.' ~ Stacey Hancock 'This magazine inspires me to learn, to grow and be unapologetic to my authentic self.' ~ Wendy Drews Already our organic readership has exceeded my expectations; as you can imagine, I am especially happy about and grateful for that. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our contributors from Issue #1 for helping to make my dreams become a reality: Michael & Rachel at Girl Director Malaine Lea Sarah Shakespeare Satwinder Simone Isser Marc Mawhinney Melly Stewart And of course, the gorgeous, rebellious and game-changing badass who we had the honour of featuring on our cover, Michelle Catanach. This months issue is - o.b.v.i.o.u.s.l.y - loaded with inspirational, educational and mind-opening articles from some truly amazing online entrepreneurs. I know you'll love it. Enjoy xx

editor in-chief

Badassery Unleashed Magazine is honoured to be a supporter of BAWA. BAWA not for profit organisation based in Bali, Indonesia who works to save, protect and improve the lives of all animals in Bali and beyond. BAWA directly relieves the suffering of animals by providing emergency response and rescue, food and medication, rehabilitation and adoption. BAWA practices humane population control, disease control and runs intensive education and advocacy programs for sustainable improvement to animal welfare now and into the future. BAWA will respond to alerts of any animal in distress – from snakes to dolphins. A key focus is Bali’s Heritage Dog – the island’s genetically unique street dog that is under threat. BAWA is funded entirely by donations and relies heavily on a staff of dedicated volunteers. Founded in 2007 by Janice Girardi, BAWA works every day to relieve the suffering and save the lives of animals. BAWA is a non-profit organisation registered in Indonesia to work for better animal welfare. BAWA runs: 24/7 hotline Bali’s only free 24/7 animal ambulance service Animal rehabilitation Free sterilisation & vaccination programs Daily Street feeding Foster and adoption programs Education in schools & communities Advocacy for better animal welfare Bali Animal Welfare Association’s work is funded entirely by donations.


How can Prada Principle help you bring flocks of Customers at your gate and get you all the Attention you need? by: neha awasthi She kept searching for something she didn’t know how it looked like. From becoming a member of the communist party, championing women’s rights, she also had a Phd in political science. Then she studied mime and performed opera in venues in Italy. All these influences, gave her a unique edge when she set out to create her fashion brand. And the brand Prada was born. Miuccia Prada was a fashion designer, art curator, film producer, architect, capitalist and communist. Using all her influences, Prada created unique experiential stores. A feminist and an activist who took on fashion and created spaces where some elite cultural performance might take place.

How can Prada Principle help you bring flocks of customers at your gate and get you all the attention you need? She used her varied experiences to create something individualistic. And we need to do the same in our visual marketing. I call it Prada Principle. It means that Prada charges not just for the leather stitched together in a factory, but for how that makes you feel overall. From the store to walking down the coffee shop judging every tiny bit of breathing creature and feeling like a queen. You have to do something similar in your business. From now, pledge not to create visuals willy nilly, without direction. Instead take the oath to make them intentional and experiential. Because when you come across as stale, useless, bland, boring and just a rip off – guess what, people walk past your doors. Without looking. If you want to appear fresh and get people’s attention, then you have to have visuals that mean something and say something about you, your brand, and more importantly what you can be for them. Your visuals are indirect and effective way of stepping in the room wearing a hot LBD and announcing your presence, without uttering a word, coming across as comically drunk or yelling at people how awesome you are. No one ever liked a blatant self righteous paranoia inducing human being. That’s why brands like Patagonia are stealing millions of hearts through the balcony of their visual media. They use images that evoke emotions, tell their brand story and ultimately help their audience to see themselves in their visuals.


How can Prada Principle help you bring flocks of customers at your gate and get you all the attention you need? So before you get all worked up, clench your teeth and pull me aside to scold me like a school principal as to how can you actually do this for your business, I am about to tell you my three tips. 1) Pick objects and aesthetics that help your customers envision what they will be if they bought your product. Everyone who comes to you, comes to become a better self, get something they don’t have or learn something they don’t know how to. People often forget how visuals communicate that so effectively. A frazzled mum wants an escape for a few seconds. A worn out executive wants to see freedom and peace. Right visuals should give them that experience. When you create your visuals, create scenes and aesthetics that suit your audience and who they want to become. And certainly, don’t try to be a glam doll with golds, and flashy white backgrounds when your audience is more of a eclectic-crystal-loving-hippie in a white lacy dress. Create a mood and stick with it. Moods create emotions. Emotions create sales. (Except when it’s a woman during that time of the month, because that only creates excellent parody of human being silly, excited and angry all at once. And a chipped nail polish can trigger off a world war. )


How can Prada Principle help you bring flocks of customers at your gate and get you all the attention you need? Mood of your visuals communicate without saying a word. Or writing it. It seduces ‘em before they have a chance to ‘think about you.’ And once you decide what the mood of your images is, stick with it. Otherwise you just come across as a flaky fanboi who goes from wearing all white one day to wearing polka shirt next day. 3) My urge, pray and plea to not use the same images that you love (and that everyone else is using. ) Photographs in business have a purpose to tell your brand story. Your visuals are a herculean missile to stand out and etch your name on a deeper level in your customers’ hearts. It cannot happen if you are using the same girl-cracking-the firecracker image that Nancy, Meera, Carla and their sisters are using. You need to find a way to create unique visual content and that re-pre-sents you, your story, your brand. Your visuals should have meaning and should re-pre-sent your story. Because remember,

The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. - Carl Jung Neha Awasthi - Verbal and Visual Storytelling Coach ... (although detests how that sounds). From selling her artworks for thousands of dollars within minutes in her first exhibition to exceeding the corporate salary as a Marketing Head in the first year of starting her Photography business - she found out about her secret talent of creating an emotional appeal in her Marketing. She now on a mission to teach the same to other small business owners, who want to impress, connect and sell without coming across as needy, unsavoury or a low class vultures and definitely without sounding like a know-it-all-guroos. She's a mother and a sketch-artist in progress and drinks way too much wine and coffee. Never together. (Almost never.)

Stay in touch with Neha Awasthi here:


GET EXPERT ADVICE - FOR FREE! Book a free 30 minute call with Laura Francis (this is not a sales call) for your opportunity to get the help you need right now so you can uplevel and move forward faster and get the sales results you desire in your business.

BE THE FIRST TO SECURE YOUR FREE CALL SPOT There are limited call spots available. Â So if you want to get expert advice (without the pitch) on exactly how you can make 10k+ months your reality AND get real implementable value at the same time, then this opportunity is for you! Limited Call Spots - Only 3 Available




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wealth is a mindset. It’s all about how you think. money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you.

so you Started a business… Now What? by: lisa marie robinson Time to take charge of your business finances! You love Freedom! That is why you started your business. Your business is your passion, your baby. And even though your fortunate to work doing something you love, you still need to contend with those little pesky back-office tasks and financial bookkeeping. Everything from sending out invoices to keeping up with those pesky taxes, maintaining smart financial practices can be very overwhelming and such an exhausting process. Yet keeping the finances in order is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Once you have developed a system, it will be easy to maintain and you’ll be well on your way to success. Here Are Seven Tips Top Get You Well On Your Way: 1) Make sure you have separate business accounts I do not know how much I can stress this. If you are still mixing your personal and business finances, stop! Fix it as soon as possible! Open a separate checking/savings/credit card account for your business.

When you don’t keep tabs on every business expense, you forfeit tax write-offs and pay more in taxes than you should.

so you Started a business… Now What?

When you get a separate monthly statement for your business expenses and revenue each month, it will so much easier to understand how your business is doing and how well it is staying within budget and you meeting your financial goals. 2) Don’t get pinched at tax time I see it time and time again, business owners, especially new ones, often get a nasty surprise come tax time, when they realize they’ve significantly underpaid on taxes for the year. When an employer isn’t automatically withholding federal and state taxes with each paycheck, it’s up to you to make sure you have it covered. One effective strategy is to put approximately 15% (or determine the appropriate percentage with your accountant) of each payment you receive into a separate account. Then you can draw from this account to make your estimated quarterly payments as needed.

'NOBODY WANTS TO WATCH SOMEONE TALKING FOR 3) Get an accounting system THREE A good accounting system will save you time and money in the long run. Work with an MINUTES accountant, they can help you get into a system that works specifically for you and your business. STRAIGHT...’ If you don’t want to work with an accountant yet, then an app like Quickbooks Online, Zoho, or Xero Accounting can help or if you are just starting out and need to stay within budget a

so you Started a business… Now What?

good app to start with is Wave Accounting (which is a free). One of these softwares can help you keep everything organised. No matter what software or system you use, make sure you know how much your business has taken in and how much your business spent on a monthly basis. By staying up to date on your revenue and expenses, you’ll have an easier time come tax season and will be able to make better financial tax planning decisions for the future. 4) Track your expenses! This is so very important! When you don’t keep tabs on every business expense, you forfeit tax write-offs and pay more in taxes than you should. Keeping a credit card that’s used solely for business is a good starting point to ensuring that your office supplies and other business purchases are accounted for. Be sure to tie any service expenses – like web/email hosting – to the card (or whatever system you use). In addition, jot down business trips, mileage, lunches with clients, coffee dates, and other entertainment/travel expenses in an electronic or paper planner. Make an appointment with an accountant or a tax professional, if you’re unsure about what you can and can’t write off. 5) Make a weekly appointment with yourself


No matter how hectic things get, schedule a weekly appointment with yourself to focus on your business finances.

so you Started a business… Now What?

You’ll want to make sure you’re caught up on any invoicing, have captured any new business expenses, paid any of your own outstanding invoices, and your books are up to date. When there’s room in your budget, you can always hire someone to take care of this for you. 6) Start accepting credit cards A surefire way to increase your sales and get paid on time is to make it as easy as possible for your customers and clients to pay you. This is even true when you offer professional services. Look into a solution that caters to small businesses, like Square, PayPal Here, or Spark Pay. When choosing your provider, be sure to look closely at all the fees: swipe transaction, manual transaction, monthly, chargeback, and returns, so you are comparing apples with apples. 7) Get strategic Once you understand your business’ financials, it is time to put those numbers to work. Ask yourself the following questions: how sustainable is my business right now? Which clients or services bring in the most revenue? Which products have the best and worst margins? Then, you can determine if there are any changes needed to maximize profits and grow your business this year.

Lisa Robinson - The Sassy Southern Accountant Lisa Robinson is CEO/Founder of Lisa Marie Accounting, LLC and has over 15 years of Accounting experience. She is known as The Sassy Southern Accountant and is a Profitability Coach that specializes in taking the Chaos out of Business Numbers and helping women entrepreneurs get those numbers Sassy and Sexy. She invests the time to understand you and your business in order to create a plan that will help your business grow, thrive and be truly Profitable.

Stay in touch with Lisa Robinson here:

journal prompt of the month

What belief systems do I currently have that are not serving me? Â What belief systems do I choose to have instead?

stay up to date with everything to do with Badassery Unleashed Magazine on social media.

Launching May 2018 An audio extension of Badassery Unleashed Magazine where we interview and showcase the badass online entrepreneurs featured within... That you can listen to no matter where you are or what you're doing.

Akasha~ through the eyes of Vedic Science by: satwinder simone isser Akasha~ The Fifth Element In Vedic traditions Panchamahabhutas are very important. Pancha means Five Bhutas mean Elements. This is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation.If these five elements don’t cooperate, you can struggle as much as you want, nothing happens. Out of these 5, four are very common and those are Earth, air, water and fire. The fifth element is Akasha which we are talking about today. It is called the fundamental element from which everything existed and to which everything returns. Indian traditions have been following and worshiping all these 5 element as Panchamahabhutas. It is very important in Vedic traditions to have all of the Panchamahabhutas balanced. In this part of the blog we will talk about the fundamental element Akasha Akasha without which nothing can hold in Universe.

Akasha~ through the eyes of Vedic Science

Akasha is a space with intelligence and can be used for your own benefits if one learn to do so. In my Soul Mastery®Certification I teach to coaches and consultants how they can use this Akashic intelligence to help your clients. But let’s first go a little more deeper on the meaning of Akasha. The very first element that comes to existence is Akasha (Ether). This Element is most delicate, expansive and least dense of all the elements. The next element derived is Vayu (Air) then comes Agni (Fire), then Jala (water) element is formed and lastly Prithvi (earth) element is formed. It is the element from which all things arise and to which all things return. It is the "space" that makes it possible for all the other elements to exist in relationship with one another. Because this intelligence store everything that has ever existed, is existing and will exist it is perceived in the west as some sort of Records hence the term “Akashic Records” Every thought, Action, deed, feelings and emotions ever existed has been stored and recorded in this intelligence. So now imagine how would your life be different if you know how to tap into this infinite intelligence? Now to make it easier for you, let’s Imagine this intelligence, The Akasha as a Universal Mind, or as I say a Spy camera. Our individual minds can store many memories, but not all and it can only store what is going on with you, around you to a certain capacity, but This universal Mind, or spy camera can record each every thing that is occuring, existing, has ever existed. After deep Sadhna (Practice) one can learn how to tap into this intelligence. Now let’s look on the benefits of accessing this infinite intelligence.


Akasha~ through the eyes of Vedic Science

Just being in the energies of Akasha can transform your life completely. This Element from which everything took form, is so powerful and is responsible for how your life is being designed by you. Some of us are working with this Element unconsciously, and some, like me are working with this Element very consciously. While working with Akashic Intelligence YOU get guidance from this source just like a GPS in your car, this element can guide you to the quickest path to your destination. Just like a GPS it can tell you where the road is blocked for various reasons, where to take the turn, where to go slow, where to change direction for the highest quality of your life.

'THEY WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEIR HIGHER SELF WANTS THEM TO DO.' The Akashic Field and Consciousness Photo credit:NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

For Coaches and Consultants this is a very powerful tool to have while working with your clients. As a Coach, I always find while coaching my clients, that my clients are asking for more instead of just asking the powerful questions. They are interested in learning more about how they can create a much deeper impact in their lives. Why they are facing certain challenges, patterns, issues again and again in their lives and/or business despite of working on these for many times? They want to know what their higher self wants them to do.

letter to the Whyte women

Why there are even here in human form? What they can do to bring Abundance, prosperity, Peace and Liberation in their lives? All of these questions, led me to the basics of my own Culture, and tradition. After taking few western based trainings on Akashic Records, after reading almost every single book written by Western authors on the topic, I came to realize that what they have been getting to know I have been living with it for years, as my religious, cultural, rituals, beliefs and worships.

Once I started to use this Akashic Intelligence, the Fifth Element in my coaching practice, My clients experience the deepest form of healing from their issues, trauma, challenges and patterns. They found liberation from their negative imprints, beliefs and healing that they have never experienced before.

There are many other benefits of tapping into this intelligence and some of them I will be sharing with you here: Root cause: Find the Root causes of Repeated patterns, issues, challenges of your life Clarity Connecting with Spirit Healing from Imprints, vows, contracts, past lives, agreements New offering for your Business Akashic Intelligence can help you understand the root causes of recurring issues and bring clarity for positive change

letter to the Whyte women

Which area you would like help with. It might be a toxic relationship, money situations, or sabotaging behavior Re-Discover your purposeful path, and find out who you are at the core level. This Akashic Intelligence can help you to understand how your past choices are influencing your Spiritual, material growth Dig deep into limiting patterns, Karma and beliefs within these energetic situations causing you to feel unworthy and unsatisfied Clearing these from the Akashic Field is the powerful healing you will ever experience, because this is “THE ELEMENT” from which everything existed and once you clear from this element, all other elements are automatically cleared Receive Soul level perspective for decision making and help your clients understand the same Healing any Energetic misalignments Now many have asked me who can benefit from this Infinite Intelligence of Aksha? The simple answer is anyone, who wants to be aware of their life, choices given, taken.. Who wants to create soulful offerings Those who are seeking spiritual guidance Those who wants to be Soul Guides

Coaches, Consultants Healers Yoga Instructors and teachers. Other Professionals


letter to the Whyte women

Working within the Akasha for self-discovery and Self-inquiry is very powerful for someone who wants to find deeper information about themselves, their lineage, their ancestors, That is why I love working with WOC to help them navigate all these self-inquiry questions they have. This helps them heal trauma from years of Oppressions, slavery, abuse and exploitation. Self-inquiry is a powerful practice for White Women who are ready to dismantle racism and wants to be more aware of how their ancestors are still playing a role in Oppression of POC, Racism, consciously and unconsciously. This work can reveals how Past lives plays a role in your current lives, and how your DNA imprints can hold on to your Ancestors actions through your own. I personally love helping WOC claiming their spaces, liberating them from the negative experiences and holding space for them, so that they can be the leaders they are born to be. I love creating with Akasha for myself and for my clients. The business offerings I help them create are the most beautiful offerings directly aligned with their soul. So at the end, I like to conclude by saying this:

"Akasha holds the highest possibilities of you and your life. depending on how well you are using this infinite intelligence, will create the quality of your life.” Satwinder Simone Isser - A Spiritual Guide and Teacher Satwinder Simone Isser is the creator of Soul Mastery ®. Satwinder has helped hundreds of women worldwide access their soul’s wisdom, clear the blocks of ancestral karma, heal the wounds buried deep in the DNA and find their true power as spiritual aligned leaders. Raised in the District of Kurukshetra, Haryana India, Satwinder Simone Isser was raised to value her complex and deep roots based on her family’s Sikh and Hindu traditions. Her mission to uproot the damage done by Western appropriation of Indian culture and empower women of color from all cultural traditions to take their place on the world stage as spiritual leaders. Satwinder currently resides with her wonderful and supportive family in Ontario, Canada.

Stay in touch with Satwinder Simone Isser here:

we're reading For decades, we've been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. Drawing on academic research and the life experience that comes from breaking the rules, Mark Manson is ready to explode that myth. The key to a good life, according to Manson, is the understanding that 'sometimes shit is f*cked up and we have to live with it.'

Manson says that instead of trying to turn lemons into lemonade, we should learn to stomach lemons better, and stop distracting ourselves from life's inevitable disappointments chasing 'shit' like money, success and possessions. It's time to recalibrate our values and what it means to be happy: there are only so many things we can give a f*ck about, he says, so we need to figure out which ones really matter. From the writer whose blog draws two million readers a month and filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humour, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a welcome antidote to the 'let's-all-feel-good' mindset that has infected modern society.


editors column with laura francis

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO WORK WITH! We’ve all been there. We’ve all done it. We’ve all experienced it. WORKING WITH CLIENTS YOU FUCKING HATE It’s a nightmare. You don’t like them. They don’t like you. You have nothing in common. They’re difficult. They’re complainers. They’re blamers. They’re excuse-makers. They don’t do the work. They’re late payers.


10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

Wouldn’t it be nice though if there were a simple road-map to finding the women who want to work with you and are absolutely ready to invest in themselves? Did you read that right? WANT TO WORK WITH YOU READY TO INVEST IN THEMSELVES It’s like a coach/mentors (wet) dream! Having the women that YOU WANT TO WORK WITH cued-up and knocking down your (virtual) door. But what’s wrong with this questions? A. FUCKING. LOT! Because. Quite simply sweet one. You don’t waste your valuable time searching high and low on the interwebs for women ready to invest in themselves. You absofuckinglutely don't! Hoping to find your ideal clients online – in groups, in your newsfeed, in your friends list – is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And. You’ll be looking. You’ll be searching. FOREVER! Spinning your wheels. Pulling out your hair. Curled up in a ball crying because it’s just not working for you. You DON’T go looking for them at all. Instead. YOU. GET. YOUR. IDEAL. SOUL-LEVEL. CLIENTS. TO. COME. TO. YOU.

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

What the actual fuck? Is that even a thing? Is that even possible? Does that even work? How? I know right…. That concept is sooooo far out there it might as well be in outer-space. But. Truth be told. Getting your soulmate clients to COME TO YOU isn’t as far fetched as it first appears. In fact. It’s the method I have personally used to grow my multiple 6-figure business AND it’s the same method I teach to my high-level clients. Who. By the way. Are ALL my ideal soulmate clients. Aside from your dream client being someone who wants to work with you and who is ready to invest in themselves….


10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

What else makes for an IDEAL SOULMATEL CLIENT? You love everything about you and they love everything about you too! You could very easily (and often do) become your best friends. You have a ridiculous amount of things in common with you. You can unapologetically be 100% your true self and they love you for it. They are super excited to start working with and you’re ecstatic about that too. They eagerly and happily pay whatever your asking price and always pay on time. They are action takers who love to slay and will show up every single day to do the work. They know that you are HELL YES the person they need to align with so they can achieve their goals and create the business and life they desire. They know that to become the person they desire to be they need to ditch the excuses, stories, fears and bullshit and simply get-the-fuck-on-with-it. They know they need tough and fierce love and ass-kickings and someone to hold them to account SO. HOW DO YOU ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL SOUL-LEVEL CLIENTS? You. Call. Them. In.

'YOU ARE NOT HERE TO Now. Don’t mistake me sweet one. BE THE HUNTRESS I’m certainly not telling you that you need to be someone you are not in order to call them in. GORGEOUS But. BADASS. What I am saying gorgeous is… YOU ARE That you need to show up like the absofuckinglute BOSS they need you to be so that it’s a no-brainer (a HELL YES) for HERE TO BE these women to know that they need to work with you. THE HUNTED!' By being the person they need you to be.

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

And. Fast. How though do I expect you to SHOW UP AS THE BOSS when earlier in this post I said you don’t go looking for them? Let me clarify. You DON’T seek them out one by one. Or two by two. BUT You DO show up where they are. You are not here to be the huntress gorgeous badass. You are here to be the hunted! Capish? Excellent. So. How do YOU become the hunted? Here are my top 10 Steps To Attracting Your Soulmate Clients: 1) KNOW YOURSELF It may sound a bit ridiculous but let me explain. Your ideal soul-level clients are not that unlike you – in fact, they are likely to be exactly where you were in business/life 3-5 years ago. One of the best things you can possibly do is… get to know yourself inside and out. Ask yourself things like: a) What do I love doing outside of my business? b) Where do I enjoy hanging out? c) What activities do I enjoy? d) What do I stand for (what am I truly passionate about) and why? e) What are my values (what is important to me) and why? f) What type of lifestyle do I want to live? Why? Chances are, your soulmate client would give very similar answers.

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

2) AUTHENTICITY: Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Don’t try to become the person other people tell you that you need to become. Don’t try to be the person you think you need to be just to get clients. Simply show up, every single day, as the real, true version of YOU. There is not another soul out there quite like you, embrace that. You are unique in every single way, own that unashamedly and unapologetically. Your soul-level clients will resonate with you EXACTLY as you are. They want all of you. Raw. Unfiltered. 3) JOURNALING: Ask yourself the tough questions, go far beneath the layers, below the surface level shit and get to know who you really are, what drives you and how you can expand on that. But. More than that, journaling at its heart is about taking your thoughts and putting them into writing, engaging you in a creative process that allows you to brainstorm effective solutions and explore new ways of thinking, doing and being. One of the simplest and best journaling practices is the ‘brain dump’. In other words, putting pen to paper and letting whatever is ‘clogging’ up your mind fall onto the pages, therefore clearing your mind so you can better focus on what you need to get done for the day. Add to that daily practice of writing: A gratitude list Your future into reality Daily affirmations… I am ‘blah blah blah’ A list of money mantras


10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

4) MESSAGING: You were born with a message so big and badass already inside of you that keeping it to yourself is borderline criminal. Simply because your soul-level clients are out there, waiting with baited breath for you to show up and speak your magical words to them. They need it. Without your message they will be left wanting. Having a clear, specific and purposeful message and always speaking your truth EVEN when there are people out there telling you that no-one wants to see/hear what you have to say is critical. You must show up every day and share your message – unfiltered, unapologetically, unconditionally. And doing so must be non-negotiable. 5) CONNECTING: Make a point of connecting personally with those people you are ‘friends’ with on social media – Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. I don’t mean that you must get in their inbox/messenger app and spam them with your products or links, what I mean is that by having a simple conversation with them you actually get to know them better and with that comes a stronger relationship. And in that conversation make sure you ASK them what they need most right now in their business and NO this is not an opportunity to pitch your stuff, instead this is a great opportunity for you to recommend someone who may be able to help. Putting other people's needs before your own is a great way to strengthen the relationship but to also be of service without pressuring them into buying your product or program. 6) SHOWING UP: But what does that even mean? Showing up is about honouring yourself and your tribe every single day. It’s about being consistently present on social media and demonstrating your prowess (otherwise known as badassery) in your niche, boldly, proudly, loudly. Showing up is critical. If you're not out there shaking shit up and disrupting the norm in ways that only you can, you are losing out on a multitude of opportunities to really kick-ass online and serve your tribe at the highest level. But where do you show up? How? Well, that needs some discussion so I’ll be sure to cover that off in the following points. 7) PERSONALITY: I mean have one (as well as become one) and make sure that you share it with your existing tribe and those you would have become tribe members. Don’t keep it hidden from the world. You are uniquely you – there’s literally not another soul like you out there, not anywhere.

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

Plus. Ain’t nobody got time for another deadass boring online entrepreneur: the interwebs is overflowing with them already. Set yourself apart from the minions and wannabepreneurs by showing up BIG and BOLD and REAL. Your soulmatel clients will love the shit outta you for it! 8) GIVE VALUE: I’m not talking about the dollar value of your latest offering. I mean PROVIDE REAL VALUE to your tribe. Give them what you think they need, what you know they need, what they ask for and then give them more (and more, and more!). And, when I say GIVE VALUE I really do mean ‘give’. Give it for free and give it often and watch as the love and adoration for you grows from a slow and steady trickle to a dam-busting flood. Your ideal clients want to know you can deliver the goods long before they hand over their cash for it – that’s how it works. That’s the nature of the beast (online business). Giving doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t need to cost you anything other than a little of your time, which we all have bucket loads of. So, give freely… Really.


10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

9) EXPOSURE: Be relentless in getting yourself out there and seen by your ideal soul-level client. The more places and the more times they see you the faster your relationship with them is solidified. You can do this by being part of Virtual Summits, get interviewed for podcasts and magazines, host your own live streams on Facebook and Insta, engage in other peoples Facebook groups where your ideal soul-level clients are hanging out. And hammer your exposure home by consistently posting on your Facebook business page, personal profile and Facebook group as well as SnapChat and Instagram. Also, make sure you send traffic to your website so they can check out your latest blog post or free training. Always be demonstrating your prowess and sharing your message, your passion and your purpose with your prospective clients.


10) BE RELENTLESS: Seriously. If there is one thing I can’t express enough is that becoming a wildly successful online entrepreneur doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t necessarily come easily… at least not in the beginning. There will be ups and downs, breakdowns and breakthroughs. That’s all a valuable part of the journey to the top. Take the lessons from each and every experience and keep moving forward, remaining focused on your goals, your desires and your purpose every step of the way. And be relentless, consistently. Oh, and here are two BONUS steps that are a MUST: 11) TELL PEOPLE WHAT YOU DO: So many people DON’T do this anywhere near enough. Too many people hate that shit. They get all tied up in knots about what people with think about them and how many times

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

mentioning what you do is too many. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t know their frickin’ niche/industry like they should, or they simply don’t really want to grow a massive online empire. But seriously. Swallow your insecurities and doubts and just bloody do it. People cannot buy your stuff if they don’t even know you exist. And, well. What some people think about you – those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. In fact. They love the shit out of that stuff BECAUSE the more you tell them what you do the faster they learn that YOU are the person they need to help them to get from point A to point B. And, don’t forget that once you’ve told them what you do… ASK FOR THE SALE. It’s pointless talking it up and getting them wanting more (aka: to work with you) and leaving them with no idea how they can do that.

12) INVEST IN YOURSELF: Honestly, this is up there with one of the bestest things you can EVER do for yourself, for a variety of reasons. Firstly, when you invest in yourself (coaching, mentoring, training, upleveling, etc.) you can help more people at a deeper level (and in more ways). Now this is a biggie that most people fail to realise… If you expect people to invest in you (your skills, knowledge, products and programs), you must demonstrate to them that you understand the importance and the value of investing in yourself. Your prospects knowing you readily invest in yourself encourages them to do the same. By investing in yourself your basically giving them permission to the same and telling them that doing so is perfectly OK. Perfectly normal. That it’s even expected. Ok.

10 steps to Attracting your Soulmate Clients

editors column

with laura francis

LET ME BREAK IT DOWN REAL SIMPLE-LIKE FOR YOU BABY-CAKES: Always be doing the internal (know thyself). Always be the truest version of you. Always be peeling back the layers. Always be sharing your truth. Always be connecting and conversing. Always be showing up online. Always be revealing your personality. Always be giving massive value. Always be seeking exposure (I’m not saying you need to share nude selfies, but if that’s your jam then go all-in, be unapologetic about it). Always be relentless. Always be talking about who and how you help. Always be willing to invest in yourself. Right. I reckon that just about covers it. AND. Now that you’ve got all of this badassed goodness at your fingertips (and in your eye balls), don’t let it go to waste. Get the out there and put it into practice. Trust me. You’ll thank me for it!

Laura Francis - Author, Speaker, Mentor & Queen Of The 6 Figure Mindset Founder and editor of Badassery Unleashed Magazine, Laura is also the go-to mentor internationally for badass spiritual, creative and visionary online entrepreneurs, coaches, leaders and messengers who want to create the multiple 6-figure empire they were born for, while being unapologetically authentic. Laura helps you own your truth, your desires and your passion and empowers you to show up, speak up and massively impact the world with your message and your purpose. Inspiring you to unleash the multi-6-figure mindset within so you can blow your results and your income out of the water. Because, seriously, gorgeous badass. YOU WERE BORN FOR MORE THAN THIS!

Stay in touch with Laura Francis here:

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building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts? by: annemarie cross

I’m often asked the question “Which is better? Video? Blogs? Podcasts?” by coaches and consultants who want to make an impact with their message. As Change Makers who are on a mission to change the world with our message – I get it. We’re busy. Our ‘to-do’ lists are never-ending. So, when creating any form of content to build brand awareness and our authority we want to ensure it’ll deliver the best return on our time and money investment. My response to the above question is in two parts. 1) It depends. And, 2) Neither one is better than the other. Firstly, the best ROI when comparing video, blogs, and podcasts will depend on WHO your ideal customer is AND how they prefer to consume information.

building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts?

Do they prefer to read an article/book? Watch a video? Listen to content? And secondly, as for which is better... When used strategically they can ALL deliver great results, especially if the information you provide is created with intention and purpose and offers valuable content you know your ideal client will appreciate. And, when all three mediums are integrated into a well thought-out strategy - it can deliver exceptional results. [I’ll provide an example below so you can see how my clients and I are using an integrated strategy to build brand awareness, our authority, our lists, and ultimately our customer base]. Blogs and Reading: Blogs (and books) are typically scanned - especially if people are busy and don’t have time to read long copy. When people read, they may not get a true sense (or context) of what you are trying to convey because he/she (the reader) is influenced by their own beliefs and perceptions (i.e. their inner critic/chatter). Video and Viewing: People are busy and haven’t got time to sit in front of a screen to watch long videos. In fact, many videographers recommend we keep a video short and concise. No more than 3-5 minutes. I heard recently on a podcast that people often minimise a video and just listen to the audio, especially if they are driving or performing another activity. Therefore they consume the video’s content by listening to the audio.


building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts? Audio and Listening Statistics confirm that people tend to listen to podcasts in their own time. Edison Research in their ‘Infinite Dial Study, (conducted each year) have confirmed the most popular places people listen to podcasts is either when they are at home and/or in the car. One of my colleagues – a new podcast listener has a favourite podcast he subscribes to – a 40minute show, which he listens to while either driving to a clients office, mowing the lawn, or while he is in the bath. I kid you not!] People who listen to your podcast can get a sense of who you are and the message you want to convey through the use of your voice, your tone, your pace – all strengthening and deepening ‘know, like and trust’ with your audience.

'... IT BECAME AN EASY DECISION FOR HIM TO STOP THE PRODUCTION OF THE VIDEO VERSION OF THE PODCAST.' One of my mentors used to create a video and audio version of his podcast. Yet when tracking results generated only 10% of the video views in comparison to the number of downloads (i.e. listens) he received on his audio podcast. It became an easy decision for him to stop the production of the video version of the podcast. An eBook author did an experiment and created one blog post and one audio podcast to promote his book. He sold 5 times the amount of ebooks from the audio podcast than he did from the blog post. I believe this confirms that he was able to build a deeper connection with his audience from his podcast, than people who read (i.e. scanned) through his blog post.

building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts?

So, how can you leverage videos, blogs and podcasts into an integrated approach in your business to help you build brand awareness, your authority, and your list? Here’s the example I promised to share: 1. Provide Value | 2. You Seed | 3. You Lead Step one – Provide Value: A brief video (or blog post) provides one clear, valuable tip that provides a solution to a painpoint your ideal client struggles with. You identify the problem; You share ONE key misconception that is keeping people stuck; You dive into one clear solution and what people need to be doing; As well as the results they can expect to achieve after implementation of the solution you have just shared. [A case study showcasing results is a powerful way to do this].

When used strategically they can all deliver great results... Step Two - You Seed Towards the end of the video (or blog post) re-emphasise the problem and how your solution is just one thing people must change if they want to achieve the outcome they desire. eated, as well as a checklist to guide them step-by-step through the solution process. It’s your gift to them.

building your Authority: which is better – Video, Blogs or Podcasts?

You mention you’ve only just scratched the surface, however that you dive much deeper providing more information to help them in a podcast series you’ve created, as well as a checklist to guide them step-by-step through the solution process. It’s your gift to them. Step Three - You Lead To access the podcast series and checklist all they need to do is go to the link (which you provide) and you’ll send over the information directly to them once they’ve provided their best contact details, which then adds them to your relationship building and nurturing system so you can continue to build ‘know, like and trust’. For me, I’ve had prospective clients contact me after just listening to three of my podcast episodes. The time they spent listening to my voice and the content I shared continued to build a level of trust and integrity that they knew they wanted to work with me. When a podcast (or podcast series) is created purposefully and strategically, that’s what can happen. In closing, here’s a question I’ll often ask people: “What would it mean to your business if you could spend 20-30 minutes with your ideal client listening and consuming your information because they wanted to, week after week?” Let me ask YOU the same question - “What would spending 20-30 minutes per week with your ideal client be worth to you and your business?” A podcast can certainly enable you to do that. That’s #PodcastingWithPurpose

Annemarie Cross - The Podcasting Queen

Dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen’ - Annemarie is a leading expert in leveraging podcasting technologies to create powerful marketing and relationship building strategies that helps Coaches and Consultants cut through the online noise, so they can stand out and become known as influential voices in their respective industries.

Stay in touch with Annemarie Cross here:

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Being that you want to be a rich as fuck, you get to choose the kind of rich person you actually want to be. @LauraFrancisKAM


opportunities don't happen. you create them.



don't ignore Objections, deal with them. Here's How! by: jane willmott For many entrepreneurs it can feel as if that’s all they ever hear at the end of a sales call, it’s all going swimmingly well right up until that end point and then queue the objection! Many entrepreneurs also wish to avoid objections at all costs, because they literally dread hearing them! But what if objections can be easily dealt with? What if objections didn’t need to send entrepreneurs into a meltdown? Let’s look at how to effectively deal with objections 1) Understand the meaning behind the objection Ok so that might sound a bit odd, I mean it’s a no right? What other meaning could there be?

don't ignore Objections, deal with them and Here's How!

Well simply put for many people that objection isn’t as simple as they may make out, it may not even be real! Let’s look at it this way, for many people when it comes to saying yes to something that may well be taking them into the unknown their fear is going to go nuts and so it’ll throw up stories, excuses and anything else it can think of to ensure you don’t say yes...which leaves the individual coming up with an objection. I don’t have money. I don’t have time. It’s not the right time for me. I’m not sure it’s the right thing. All objections and they can all be objections that are being thrown up by fear, seems rather strange I know but it’s true! So the first thing is to understand that the objection isn’t always what they say it is, that objection is also more often than not hiding their real objection and that real objection being that fear is afraid of saying yes! 2) Remove the emotion Once you understand what an objection really is you then have to ensure you remove the emotion, the last thing your sales call needs is for you to get wrapped up in the emotion because the fact is that the individual on the other end is already wrapped up in the emotion of that objection so if you get wrapped up in it then you’re not going to be able to


don't ignore Objections, deal with them and Here's How!

effectively help them move past their objection. So you need to remove yourself from the emotion, understand that it won’t serve you or them if you get wrapped up in it like they are. Take a step back, disconnect from the emotion that they’re feeling and that you’re feeling because you heard an objection, remember what the objection is and step back from the emotion with it. 3) Help them dig deeper Help them dig behind the objection, give them the space to discover whether this objection is absolutely valid or whether it’s a story that’s been created by fear to ensure they don’t go anywhere! Ask them questions that help them discover the real reason behind it. Ask them questions that help them explore the objection in a more logical way than the emotional way they’re currently wrapped up in. Also even if the objection turns out to be valid, for example let’s say they don’t have the money for it, instead of just saying ok and leaving them walk away with that objection try and help them come to a solution that enables them to move past the objection. Whether you help someone discover that the objection isn’t valid or whether you help someone discover a way to overcome the objection, you don’t want someone to leave the call with the same objection they came on there with, this doesn’t serve them in the long run! 4) Hold a space for them to make a different decision When I’m discussing this with clients one of the first things they say is….but I don’t want to be pushy! But this is where you need to reframe your thoughts, beliefs and stories that you yourself hold around sales. Helping someone explore and work through an objection isn’t about you pushing them into a sale, quite the opposite actually. But many people do feel that way about it, they don’t explore objections because they’re afraid they’ll look pushy.


don't ignore Objections, deal with them and Here's How!

So, let's reframe it! Exploring an objection and helping someone work through it is about you holding a space for them to make a different decision, because the fact is they’ve probably sat with this objection for quite some time and until they deal with this objection whether that’s by working through it and coming up with a solution or exploring it and realising that it isn’t real! They won’t ever move until they deal with the objection. So, when you explore it with them, when you help them find a solution or a way around that objection you’re holding a space for them to actually move forward, to get whatever it is they desire, you’re holding a space for them to say yes instead of staying exactly where they are right now making the same choices with the same objections! Selling doesn’t have to be push. Selling doesn’t have to be salesy. Selling is just you and someone else having a conversation about how you can help them. But ultimately you can’t help them if you don’t help them deal/work through the objections they have!

The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it. - Carl Jung

Jane Willmott - Business Coach and Serial Entrepreneur

Jane Willmott is a multi business owner and since 2013 a coach, she specialises in helping entrepreneurs and online business owners make impact while celebrating consistent 10k+ months!

Stay in touch with Jane Willmotti here:


while ever you hold onto that negative stuff – about what it means to be a rich person – you are energetically blocking yourself from becoming that person.

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cocktail schmocktail

Recipe Courtesy of

vodka mojito Ingredients:


1 1/2 cups Mint Simple Syrup, recipe follows 1 cup vodka, chilled 1/4 cup fresh lime juice (from 2 to 3 large limes) 1 cup club soda, chilled Ice Fresh mint sprigs, for garnish

In a pitcher, combine the Simple Syrup, vodka, lime juice, and club soda. Pour into ice-filled glasses and garnish with mint sprigs.

Mint Simple Syrup: 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 packed cup fresh mint leaves

Mint Simple Syrup: In a small saucepan, over medium heat, combine the sugar, water, and mint leaves. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the syrup to cool for 20 minutes. Strain before using, pressing on the mint leaves to extract as much syrup as possible.

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you can have it ALL by: lindsay adamson There's one thing I know for sure... You want more! You want more out of life, more out of love, and you want to start seeing more of your dreams become your reality. You know in your heart that you were born for extraordinary things, and you deserve the opportunity to show the world what you’re truly made of! You believe in your dreams, but there’s this one thing that gets in the way, and ends up becoming a huge roadblock that derails your success.

'THERE SEEMS TO BE THIS Your mind. MISCONCEPTION Here’s the thing, you can have it all. There is nothing in IN OUR SOCIETY this world that is not available to you. The sky is not the THAT SUCCESS limit. There are no limits. The only limits that truly exist are the ones inside your mind, that you have created for REQUIRES yourself. The only things you can’t have, are the things you’ve convinced yourself aren’t possible for you! GREAT You can have everything you’ve ever wanted. And you can SACRIFICE. ’ live your dreams! But it’s going to require believing that

you can have it ALL

you are worthy, understanding that these things are available to you, and stepping up powerfully into the life that you were born for! There seems to be this misconception in our society that success requires great sacrifice. If you want to be wealthy, you have to sacrifice your time and your health. If you want to be successful, you’re not allowed to also be happy and free. If you want true love, you’ve got to give up your dream career. This kind of thinking seriously boils my blood, because I have seen the power that unwavering belief and an abundance mindset can have on someone’s life. It blows my mind that some people don’t realize that it’s not an either / or situation. The only thing that stands between you, and the person who’s already living their dreams is the belief that it’s all possible. The certainty that you can have whatever you want to create, and that you deserve it. The notion that there is a version of your story that includes you succeeding in a big bold way, without sacrificing any of the things that you love most about your life! Our minds always seem to want to travel to the how. “I want to believe that it’s all possible for me, but I just don’t know how I am going to create it.” The truth is that it’s not about the how. If you fiercely believe in everything that is possible for you, and you’re determined to do whatever it takes to create it, the how will always work itself out. And it won’t require you wracking your brain trying to figure it out either. It’s a choice.

you can have it ALL

You can either focus on the how and the what if's and freak yourself out so much that you stop yourself before you’ve even gotten started. Or you can choose to focus on the powerful and compelling vision you’re creating for your future. You can choose to believe that it’s coming to you and start taking the necessary steps to get you there. One at a time, one foot in front of the other. Here is the absolute truth. No sugar coating. No exaggerating. You can do it all, and you will have it all! There is nothing in this world that you can’t do or have if you decide that it’s yours. And you powerfully adopt the ‘whatever it takes’ mentality. You develop an unwavering sense of belief in yourself, your dreams and your ability to create magic in your life. You are deserving and worthy of anything your heart desires and there is nothing that is unavailable to you. You absolutely do not need to sacrifice happiness or inner peace for wealth and riches. It’s not going to cost you your health to build a wildly successful business either! Everything is within your reach. And nothing is out of bounds.


you can have it ALL There is nothing and no one in this world who can hold you back from those dreams of yours. Is it going to take fierce determination? Absolutely! Is it going to be easy? Certainly not! Will you get totally terrified and overwhelmed sometimes? Probably! Is it all going to be worth it? You bet it is! The second you realize that the whole world is within your reach, is the very moment that it will be! You only get one life to live, so why not make it amazing? Why not live a life so bold and courageous that when you take your last breath, there are no regrets and no unfinished business. This life is yours to live, and this is not a dress rehearsal! You can have it all! And it’s time to go out and get it!

There is nothing in this world that you can’t do or have if you decide that it’s yours.

Lindsay Adamson - International Speaker, Writer, Badass Business Woman And totally glam success coach, who is completely dedicated to helping you live your very best life. She is the founder and CEO of ‘The Hungry Lioness’, a purpose and passion driven organization, impacting thousands of women's’ lives from all across the globe. We are a collective of bold, courageous, and empowered women who are shining bright and living radically authentic lives. Lindsay is on a mission to help ambitious women build thriving businesses, by harnessing the courage and magic that exist inside of them. As a lioness success coach, she shows her clients how to build their empire doing exactly what they love, while feeling passionate about life and confident about themselves!

Stay in touch with Lindsay Adamson here:


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raw Vegan Almond Butter Cups with Cardamom EO by: angela noble Filling: 1/4 cup almond butter 1/4 cup almond meal 1 generous dollop of organic coconut syrup A pinch of celtic sea salt 2 drops of cardamom EO (CPTG)

The Chocolate Cup: 1 cup of dark vegan chocolate 1drop cardamom EO (CPTG)

You'll Need: Silicone round muffin mold

raw Vegan Almond Butter Cups with Cardamom EO

Method Mix all of the filling ingredients together in a small bowl and stir until combined. Pinch off pieces of the mixture and roll them into little balls ( it makes about ten). Squish them between the palms of your hand to make them “disk like” this is so they lie flat submerged under a layer of chocolate. Place the disks in the refrigerator on a plate until the chocolate is melted and read to pour. Place the chocolate into a double boiler and melt the chocolate. Keep stirring until it is all melted, add the drop of cardamom EO and remove from heat. Pour a spoonful of melted chocolate into the base of the mold and drop in a disk of almond butter filling then cover the disk with more chocolate and tap the mold on the bench so get out any trapped air.

Angela Noble Foodie/Chef, Health Nut, Creator of Delicious GF and Plant Based Recipes Stay in touch with Angela Noble here:

Sign Up for a FREE Digital Subscription to Badsassery Unleashed Magazine! Discover The Key Mindset Practices & Strategies That Give You The Power To Create a Fully Expressed Business & Life, On Your Terms & By Your Rules. Featuring Interviews & Related Advice From Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs.


Q A &

If you could go back and start your entrepreneurial journey again what, if anything, would you do differently? ~ Michelle C. I would not try to be the 'professional' others (not my soulmate clients) expected me to be. I would speak my truth and be my authentic self, in all ways and always, just like I do now. I would say 'no' to more of the people and things that aren't right fit for me. I'd allow myself to tap into and open up to my core strengths sooner, to acknowledge my passion and my purpose and start out using that to call in my soulmate clients, instead of trying to be who and what I was conditioned to think I need to be be. I would resist less and follow listen to my intuition more. And I'd reach out sooner and ask for help, for the support needed to grow faster and with more ease instead of trying to do it all on my own, keeping myself isolated and spinning my wheels, overwhelmed. And I would be more bold, seek out collaborations and opportunities and offer up for the same. Because, I know that NOT doing all of those things held me back and kept me from being the wildly successful, authentic and sought-after badass I was born to be. Which in turn, blocks me from showing up and helping more of those I was born to serve.

How can one achieve financial success without family support, real friends believing in you, & very little opportunity for networking? I have heard nobody does it alone. ~ Wendy That you cannot become successful without the support of family, friends or networking is one of the greatest misconceptions - false beliefs - that keeps aspiring entrepreneurs from chasing their dreams. The truth, though, is that whether you become successful and your dreams become your living reality, or not, has nothing to do with your family and friends supporting you and everything to do with how invested and committed you are to being successful In order to achieve anything in business (or life) you first need to have a burning desire. A desire that, no matter what others may say or do to deter you from achieving it, you are 1000% committed to bringing that desire to life anyway.

Q&A And you need to make a decision that regardless of whether or not you have their support, you're going to do it anyway. Being successful or not is determined by what YOU believe to be true and possible. Thus, saying you cannot become successful because you don't have family/peer support is an excuse (due to belief systems you're holding that don't serve your highest good). There is an incongruence between what you say you want and what you're prepared to do to get it. You get to choose whether to hold onto that/those belief systems (excuses, reasons, stories) or you drop them like hot coals and say 'Fuck it! This (success) is what I want and I'm going to make it mine with or without their support! Because I know that being successful has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me!!' As online entrepreneurs, limited networking opportunities are another story people tell themselves to keep them from pursuing success, but it's a story disguising the truth which is likely a fear of some kind that must be addressed if you are indeed to become success. Because the fact is, that there are many online networking platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat... so many. And the advent of that and the internet means that we can - at any time we choose - reach out and connect with those we need to help us to grow or to find, call in and sell to our soulmate clients. There really is nothing stopping a person from being successful - but their own beliefs, decisions and actions. Their mindset.

GOT A QUESTION YOU WANT ANSWERED? Anything around mindset, marketing and building a successful multiple 6 figure online empire. Email your question and we'll answer it in the next issue! Email Us At:

YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR GOAL INCOME IS FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS. But, do you know exactly how many online products, group or 1-on-1 programs and live events you need to sell - and at what price - in order to achieve that goal? And, do you know how many people you need to get your offer in front of and have conversations with so you can make that goal your reality? NO! THAT'S OK. BECAUSE I'VE CREATED THE BADASS PROFIT CALCULATOR TO MAKE KNOWING THAT STUFF SUPER EASY FOR YOU!

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