10 minute read


PVP Campaign conclusion


Domination victory

7 Victory points total.

You have done what many considered impossible Hegemon, the enemy is completely annihilated. The sunken cities, the new capital as well as the future is ours and ours alone. Our will now shapes the future of humanity uncontested. The other minor factions that opposed us are scattered into the wastelands where they will scrabble for existence or perish. In time we may invite them back into our protection; but first there are many secrets yet to unlock and a planet to rule. Rank Gained: Hegemon.

Major Victory

5-6 Victory points total and won Mission 10.

Excellent Commander you have triumphed! The enemy is routed and we now have exclusive control of these ancient cities full of resources and technology. The opposing factions will regroup in the new capital but their surrender is guaranteed. You have brought us peace. We now begin an age where we dictate the terms and direction of mankind. There is much to do, and you will play a role at the highest levels. You have been promoted to General and under your direction our military units and technicians are ready to fully exploit the ancient network of cities that lie below us. Rank Gained: General.



COMMAND RTSCore Campaign Act 3

Minor Victory

4 Victory points and won Mission 10.

Commander you have averted a major defeat! Through your efforts and our allies, the enemy has been pushed back and we now have majority control of these ancient cities. In cooperation with our allied factions we will obtain a peace treaty with the remaining enemy forces allowing us to assert leadership in the coming age. We will need your continued vigilance as our alliance will most likely begin to tatter without the threat of a hegemon. Our defeated enemy will eventually begin looking for an opening as well. You are promoted to the rank of Colonel and will be our primary military liaison to the joint-faction expeditions. You will be able to hand pick your team and our faction’s resources are open to you. Rank Gained: Colonel.

truce - Both Teams

1-3 Victory points and won Mission 10.

Commander you have saved us from total Annihilation! By taking down the enemy stronghold you have made our position here, along with our allies, secure for the moment. The enemy still has many resources and a head start adapting the ancient technology but you have forced them into a truce. This will give us time to further explore the sunken cities without the threat of conflict. Perhaps in time this truce will blossom into a real peace where mankind can retake its place on this planet. The future is uncertain, but we now have a future thanks to you. Rank Gained: Captain.

6 Victories and lost Mission 10 to a team with 1-3 Victory points.

The combined weight of all of the factions proved too much for us unfortunately. We have sought out a truce for the time being so we can continue to adapt the technology and resources of these sites. Fortunately your past efforts have filled the enemy with such terror that they now make treaty rather than press their advantage. They represent a complex coalition and it will be difficult for them to act quickly or efficiently. Thus our ambitions are only delayed! You brought us far Commander; remain vigilant as we will most likely call upon you soon. Rank Gained: Captain.

Minor Defeat

Occurs if you have 6 Victories and lost Mission 10 to a team with 4 Victory points total.

Planetary Hegemony was in our grasp and you failed us Commander; but it was a close thing. We understand the advantages the opponent gained from rallying the minor factions. We also recognize that we only stood to gain so much because of your many successes. Unfortunately faction politics demand some sort of punishment, if only because our most powerful members detest becoming supplicants to our former opponents. Thus you are demoted to lieutenant for the time being. But this is only a minor setback, we still thrive and who knows how long this peace will last. When armed conflict comes again, it will be you the faction leaders will call upon. Demotion: Lieutenant.

Real World Consequences: you must address the opposing players as Colonel for the next two weeks!

Major Defeat

Occurs if you have 3-5 Victory points and lost Mission 10.

We appreciate your tireless efforts Commander, but you failed us in the end. The enemy now has control of the sunken cities, and with them, the foreseeable future. We are not destroyed entirely but we have given our unconditional surrender. We regress to being only a minor faction with little political power. The enemy, I mean our new masters, are deciding what to do with a tactical mind like yours in this coming age. Many of our faction still look up to you for the successes you achieved. Our new masters will most likely not execute you as they do not want to make a martyr of you. For now, however, our surrender requires that you be suspended from active duty and be stripped of rank. Demotion: Civilian.

Real World Consequences: you must address the opposing players as General for the next two weeks!


Occurs if you have 0-2 Victory points and lost Mission 10. These words drift across a valley of ashes. There is no one left to hear them...

Real World Consequences: you must address the opposing players as Hegemon for the next 30 days, or until you play again!

thank you for playing

This world continues in the AI Unleashed Cooperative Expansion. There are also rules and scenarios for playing skirmish maps in the Rules Reference Guide. Thank you for joining us on the Core Campaign! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it.

:::Transmission Decrypted::: There has been resolution of conflict at subterannean facility 17. As predicted the conflict escalated excavation of the facility and emergency power has already been restored to the area. Full power should be restored once the reigning faction begins deeper exploration and their technical teams discover and attempt to operate the core plants. I have left data that should lead them to the precise locations we need them to access. Stage 2 will follow once the {Encrypted} are better equipped to survive within atmospheric anomaly 31C. - Aigent :::Transmission End:::


MECH COMMAND RTS Core Campaign Act 3

VAlley of Giants

bonus Skirmish mission

See the Rules Reference Guide for the other skirmish Maps. Valley of Giants was created and tested as a thank you for the extra add-ons ordered during the Pledge Manager. It is designed to be used with two Behemoths. There are more Skirmish maps and scenarios in the Rules Reference Guide.

Mission Overview. Destroy the Enemies Base.Setup. Use the exact setup from Mission 10 but without the shield walls.



COMMAND RTSLearn to play

Secondary Bases. The colored three-hex corners serve as a team’s secondary base. Allied units can spawn, repair and reload in these bases. Enemy units may not enter a team’s secondary base but can fire into them.

AI Behemoths

Each team begins with one controlled Behemoth in their secondary base. The Behemoth has 30 health which is tracked by placing damage onto its starting base. As usual, it begins with 2 energy gems. Each gem may be spent on either a 3 hex ground boost, or a 7 damage, short range, anti-infantry attack that can attack support units at range and hit any elevation. Gems can also be saved for the damage phase to shield 7 damage. The Behemoth can only hit units in its forward firing arc! The behemoth respawns as heavy.

Moving and Aiming the Behemoth. Use the right foot to determine and count movement. Whenever the Behemoth boosts it can rotate the left foot onto any hex adjacent to the right leg. The Behemoth can only fire at units in its forward firing arc, which includes all hexes forward of the side hexes running directly parallel to the Behemoth. The hexes running directly parallel to the sides and back are outside of the firing arc.

Upgrading the Behemoth. Each Uplink that is controlled and operated during the recharge phase provides the Behemoth with an additional energy gem for the following round. This extra energy gem is lost unless the uplink center is controlled again the following round.

Uplinks and bases

Uplink Missile Turrets. Each Uplink that is operated gains two missile turrets (Range: 6, Damage 3) for the next round. Only the team that operated the Uplink can enter the missile turrets. If control of an uplink is lost while support units are in the missile turrets (on top of the building) they are placed on an empty adjacent hex of their choice.

Upgrade and Repair Bases. All regular buildings are resource collection points. Return 5 Resource Collection cubes to your primary base to perform one of the following effects:

Spawn 2 missile turrets on either remaining base building. (Range:6, Damage: 3)

Spawn an attack drone in your primary base with 5 health, 5 arial movement, and 5 melee damage. The attack drone is able to target units on adjacent hexes at any elevation level. It has one attack per round. Flip the drone over to the other side when it has attacked in a round. (If using drone miniatures place an energy gem in its base).

Repair 5 Armor to a Base Building. Remove 5 damage from a base building.

All Buildings have 25 Health. Including Uplink buildings, Base buldings, and regular buildings.



Mech and Item Art Deepak Shetty Cosmin Orha Ilen Vantev Elpido Sang Ayham I Martin S.

Background and Thematic Art Julian Faylona Scott Richards James Paick Pavel Chagochkin Miquel Bruecker (Cover Art)

Bad Crow Games

Christopher Gabrielson Game Design, Art Design, Graphic Design, Story, 3D Modeling, Prototyping, Sourcing, Marketing, Logistics, Web Design, Customer Support.

Aaron Gabrielson Financial Operations, Investor, Game & Business Consulting, Playtesting, KickStarter Communications.

Brian Gabrielson Investor, Game & Business Consulting, Playtesting, KickStarter Communications.

Ani Gabrielson Game & Business Consulting, Playtesting, Communications.

Bradley Tensa Community Relations.

Miles Fu Sourcing and Manufacturing Liaison.

Sakura Team Consultants

David Whitt & Zach Stoddard Rules Consultation, Playtest.


3D ModelersSergey KolesnikVasiliy DmitrievAnup H.

Special Thanks To Brian Wade for the Wasteland Map

Shae Wills Michael Frazier Irind Cocoli Sofia Gabrielson Brad Tessers James Meachum Carly Scolera David Hornberger Kenzie Gabrielson Shelby Gabrielson James Wolffe Tim Jesenke Rachel Rowling Brianna Wall David Archehuus Randall Stratmore Alex Bringhoff Steven Koll Alicia Meghere Birgitta Welch James Stascum Brian Fauset Erin Hill

Wyatt Straus Madeline Waters Thomas Waters Gunnar Gabrielson Devon Kershawn River Blansky Tori Michaels Brad Houseknecht James Stirling Sean Adams Josh Browling Michael Deums Chad Pollis Brandon Pollis Trevor Pollis Penny Grurer Lisa Martinez Mateo Martinez Alise Mitchell

...and thanks to the many others who dropped in for a game or two.


MECH COMMAND RTS learn to play

1st Edition - KickStarter

We would like to use this space to express our deep gratitude to the kickstarter backers that helped launch this project into reality. I know many campaigns offer similar messages of thanks; and I am sure that they mean it. But we have a lot more to love about our backers besides the funds they invested to get the idea off the ground. In particular, the compassionate, supportive and fun community that has developed in the 20 months since the campaign closed. We’ve enjoyed chatting with you, hearing your feedback and adjusting the project according to your preferences.

Many times over the course of this long production cycle we had to overcome some tough obstacles. It could have unravelled on more than one occasion as we adapted to our primary manufacturer closing their doors, quality assurance surprises and dramatic cost hikes. But the MCRTS Backers always stayed bright, ready with some encouragement, reminding us that we were not just fighting for a game but for our small community of 975 backers. You made us feel like we were in this together with you and that you had our backs; which made it a lot easier to handle the challenges.

So we offer the standard KickStarter thanks to all of you and an even deeper thank you for the emotional support during what could have been a much more stressful saga. We did it! Now lets play.

-Christopher Gabrielson

learn to play & Campaign Book



COMMAND RTS Learn to play

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