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Welcome to DENMARK OPEN 2022 presented by VICTOR and welcome to Odense

Welcome to DENMARK OPEN 2022 presented by VICTOR

and welcome to Odense

When the whistle sounds on the 18th of October the annual DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR finally begins. Ahead lies six days with amazing techniques and nail-biting duels. For Odense to be hosting a prestigious tournament like DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR is both a privilege and an honour. It is with open arms and great hospitality that we invite all of you back into Odense for a week of badminton.

DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR is a true celebration, but this year the tournament will start with a heartfelt goodbye. A goodbye to a cherished venue which for 13 years have served as a background for some of the greatest badminton matches in the world. This year we say goodbye to Odense Sports Park – thank you for housing the most devastating defeats and lifechanging victories since 2009.

The move to Jyske Bank Arena and the change in scenery is true evidence that the tournament has been growing – now to our biggest arena. This tournament has become an inherent part of the city, and I have no doubt, that even though the location has changed, the passion from the audience and the talent on the courts will be the same - if not even better.

Behind every successful sports star lies several years of hard and dedicated training. I dare say that all the talented badminton players here at the tournament have all started with a hopeful dream and a great deal of courage to keep going. In Denmark, we have a long tradition of playing badminton in our garden for hours on end in the summer. I think most kids imagine being a professional when throwing themselves around the grass trying to outplay their opponent with every fiber in their being.

They may dream of becoming just as good as Odense’s very own Viktor Axelsen – the greatest badminton player alive. With two world titles – one fairly new - and an Olympic gold medal, Axelsen has made sure, that badminton is on everyone’s lips in Odense and all of Denmark.

If you have a dream of becoming as good as Axelsen and the other badminton stars here at DENMARK OPEN presented by VICTOR, you now have the chance to see them firsthand and in action. Maybe you even get to meet them walking down the streets of Odense near your favorite attraction. The rest of us who are just really fascinated by the sport, we get to enjoy a whole week of just that. Dreams being created and dreams coming true with nail-biting duels on the edge of our seat.

I wish you all a pleasant stay here in Odense with some world-class badminton from talented players. Enjoy the everchanging city and all the hidden gems that we can offer. I hope all your expectations and dreams for this week will come true.

Peter Rahbæk Juel Mayor Odense

#vildmedfjerVi har Vestjyllands bedste badmintontilbud • Badmintontræning op til 4 gange om ugen • Stærkt trænerteam med trænere fra øverste hylde • Fantastiske faciliteter med bl.a. to idrætshaller • Plads til alle uanset niveau • Kombinér badminton med andre valgfag eller fokusér fuldt ud på fjerene • Fokus på sportslig, personlig og faglig udvikling

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