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BWF President’s Message
BWF President’s Message: Welcome to VICTOR DENMARK OPEN 2021
The VICTOR DENMARK OPEN is among the oldest and most prestigious of tournaments on our circuit, and I look forward to this year’s edition. As you are all aware, these are challenging times for tournaments, but I’m confident that Badminton Danmark have the expertise to deliver another safe event. Last year the Denmark Open was one of the few events held; its staging provided invaluable lessons to all of us as we explored ways to begin conducting tournaments once again.
Among the major achievements for BWF and the badminton fraternity this year was the successful organisation of the Olympics and Paralympics at Tokyo 2020. With every event, we get closer and closer to getting our circuit back on track, and I daresay we have achieved a lot in this regard considering the challenges we’ve had.
Congratulations to Badminton Danmark, and many thanks to the invaluable services of officials and volunteers. I would also like to thank all our corporate partners, particularly HSBC, who have supported us in our endeavour to provide opportunities for all our players to display their talents.
Last but not least, I would like to congratulate Viktor Axelsen, who hails from Odense, for winning the men’s singles gold at Tokyo 2020. I’m sure he was inspired by watching his idols at the Denmark Open, and it is certain that many future players will be inspired by watching him and his peers in action in Odense.
Poul-Erik Høyer BWF President
træningslejre og klubture
I mere end 30 år har Holstebro RejseCenter sendt badmintonspillere ud for at repræsentere Danmark ved mesterskaber over hele verden. Vi giver danske badmintonfans mulighed for at rejse med!
Information omkring All England 2022 tilskuerrejsen kan findes på vores hjemmeside, hvor du også kan tilmelde dig vores badminton nyhedsmail.
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