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The Badminton Oceania Athlete’s commission was established at the beginning of 2019 after calling for nominations from member Countries.

The selected members are:


• Gronya Somerville (AUS) – Chair • Susannah Leydon-Davis (NZL) • Leo Cucuel (TAH) • Danielle Whiteside (FIJ)

The Athletes’ Commission is a consultative body which aims to represent the needs and views of athletes to the BOC Executive Board and Committees to both increase their participation and improve performance at all levels.

The Commission met for the first time during the 2019 Oceania Championships with some of the suggestions put forward being taken on board and implemented at the 2020 Championships. The Commission also assisted by gathering player feedback on the inaugural Oceania Tour; with the majority of players providing positive feedback on the concept but identifying that a greater financial investment is required so that more players can benefit and not just the winners of each event.

A challenge for the Commission going forward is to be able to receive meaningful feedback on what is happening in the region and be able to provide realistic recommendations through to BOC Management and Board.

Gronya Somerville - Chair

G r o n y a S o m e r v i l l e - ( A U S ) - C h a i r

S u s a n n a h L e y d o n - D a v i s ( N Z L )

L e o C u c u e l ( T A H )

D a n i e l l e W h i t e s i d e ( F I J )

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