WhenAngels Touch
A Journey to the Clouds messages from the sky by Tom Lumbrazo
Copyright © 2009 by Tom Lumbrazo. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews, may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted by any means, including graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America Published by BAEB Publishing BAEB Publishing 201 Sand Creek Road, Ste H Brentwood, CA 94513 888-775-BAEB (2232) To order go to www.whenangelstouch.com When Angels Touch, LLC 1191 Douglas Blvd., #85-140 Roseville, CA 95661 916-782-8408 ISBN: 978-0-9795107-3-1
Dedications To Carol…the love of my life…forever just us! Carol is my opposite, yet we live in complete harmony. Without her understanding and even excitement about the things I want to do, nothing would be meaningful for me. This book could not have happened without her belief in me, her support and encouragement. She saw the same things I saw in the sky and, as a result, verified that what I was doing was the right thing. I am blessed to have Carol in my life, for she allows me to fulfill my destiny and our destiny together with strength, excitement, and fun while living in a state of complete peace and love. To my parents, John and Fern, I owe my existence and abilities to them. They have given me the background and qualities to pursue many interests in my lifetime. They have supported me in so many ways over the years in what I was doing, and encouraged me to be the best I can be. Their love is expressed in so many ways, both subtle and significant. Thank you Mom and Dad for your support.
About the Author iv
Tom Lumbrazo, author and photographer, has a background in government. Over the years he has worked as a city planner for several cities and he currently runs a successful consultant practice in urban planning and development. He has been married to his wife, Carol, for 38 years and they have always lived in Northern California. Tom could be characterized as a practical, down-to-earth person who has worked hard all his life. Eight years ago he was in a car accident where he had a near-death experience. Since then Tom has undergone significant changes to his beliefs and abilities. Among these changes is the ability to see messages from our skies. Tom has captured these messages from the sky as presented in the photographs in this book. His wish is to share these images and messages with you. Tom may be contacted through his website: WhenAngelsTouch.com, by email at tom@whenangelstouch.com or by mail at When Angels Touch, LLC, 1911 Douglas Blvd. #85-140, Roseville, California 95661
A Message from Carol To my One Love…. It has been an exciting and amazing 43 years together. When we met in 1966, we began a life of loving, supporting, and caring for each other. We worked together toward many dreams and goals. Your love, generosity, and kindness continue to be more amazing each day as we continue to strengthen our partnership. So, as your personal assistant, computer tech, event manager, and especially your friend and lover, I will be your biggest supporter in all the projects and experiences of this new adventure. “We have only just begun”…again! Your Loving Wife, Carol
Acknowledgments vi
This book has been inspired by many beings around me. What I call “The One” has been integral in this journey to the clouds and many other meaningful and loving spiritual experiences. Without “The One,” this book would not have happened. I do have an amazing support group of friends, many of them very intuitive. Thanks to April, Mary, Kathleen, Francie Marie, Linda, Beata, Kimberly, Emerald, Maggie, Brook, Lilia, and Susan. A very special thank you to Gary and Dave. And finally, this book would not have been possible without the support and conscientious attention of publisher Patrick Shabram and editorlayout designer Stacy Schwan.
When you were a child did you ever lie on your back and look at the clouds? What did you see, faces, dragons, or mystic creatures? I bet most everyone has at one time or another. In our busy lives we sometimes forget just how wonderful it was to be a child growing up. Tom Lumbrazo has gone one step further by letting that imagination of our youth return with his wonderful collection of photos. Dave Flory Friend and Former Mayor of the City of Woodland, California
Table of Contents viii
About the Author
A Message from Carol
Interpreting the Photographs
Presentation of the Photographs
About the Cover
Chapters 1
In the Beginning...
Angels are With Us
There are Animals in the Sky
They Say Dragons, Unicorns, and Elves Don’t Exist
Table of Contents 5
Tough Guys
Group Meetings
Parents, Children and Animals
Of Angels and Aliens
Not of This World
10 Of Gods and More
11 Journey to the Stargate
Poem: Messages From the Sky
Forward 1
It’s interesting that as we age our visual orientation changes. We can all recall how, as children, we spent a great deal of time looking up. We spotted bird’s nests, and tree limbs to swing from, and let the spring rain fall on our uplifted faces. Perhaps our lack of height made us more mindful of the many elements above. Most of us trace our memories of clouds and their shapes back to childhood. We remember lying back in a summer field as an entire panorama of cloud shapes streamed by in an endless parade of changing patterns. We would point to the formations, watching shapes and images emerge only to disappear again like dolphins leaping forth from the froth of the open sea. The wonder of watching the sky’s creations helped us pass many a long afternoon. As adults we look up less often. We walk under trees and rarely stop to admire their looming lacework of branches and leaves; we hear the song of birds overhead and yet hurry on; we circumscribe our views of the world, making it smaller and less wondrous. There are good reasons for this of course. We are admonished to “look where you are going.” We have places to be and little time to waste. But this re-orientation of our visual nature made us forget the wonders that fly like flags overhead: the dance of light on the leaves in the trees, a flock of geese headed in an arrow head formation, northward, and the brilliant, blazing fields of clouds, floating above like flotillas of clipper ships in a sea of blue. I first met Tom Lumbrazo in 1989 in a planning meeting where the discussion centered around land use. Tom’s expertise was in envisioning building projects
and determining how they could be integrated within existing communities. In that vein he drew on his ability to see a project emerge from an idea and begin to take shape on paper. Over time, as the idea became increasingly complicated and sophisticated, Tom was able to guide the process of transformation as more people added their ideas and the project again underwent change upon change. Tom brings that same planner’s eye to cloudscapes, seeing in them patterns and shapes and, ultimately, meaning. In trying to discern the messages or meanings of these skyward fields of light and shade and color, Tom sees what so many of us miss: the beauty and the wonder of the world around us. Tom’s gift for seeing and for discernment recognizes the eternal process of drawing order from chaos. The wayfinding signs of the cosmos are all around us, he maintains. We are daily given the gifts of an endless river of beauty. We have only to reach out and receive them. “He’s got his head in the clouds” is a common metaphor for denigrating those who look beyond the ephemeral aspects of this world to search for a deeper meaning. It’s a way of undermining the value of contemplation and the rewards of reflection. Tom Lumbrazo’s insights and interpretations are a guidepost to everyone who still looks up in wonder and revels in the ever-unfolding tableau of cloudscapes above. Gary Sandy Friend and Former Mayor of the City of Woodland, California
Introduction 3
We take many things for granted in our lives—the sky is one of them. Perhaps we have come to look at it as the “background” from which we live our lives. We expect it to be there every day. We wake up to it, live with it all day, and go to bed as the darkness casts its shadow on us. As the years have passed, our night sky has become brighter with the artificial light we have created to light up our cities. Now we have to ask, where have the stars gone? For a lot of us, we have lost the night sky. But the sky during the daytime can be just as interesting. No doubt, we don’t look at the sky in the same way as we do the earth and things around us. It is so easy for us to look around at ground level because it is the natural position of our heads and eyes. In fact, it is physically hard to see the whole sky. Most of our horizon is blocked by trees and buildings. To look at the sky we have to bend our necks to strain to see it all, and it hurts to do it for an extended period of time. So we naturally don’t spend so much time investigating what is going on up there. Several years ago, I started to spend more time looking at the sky and seeing things within it. The images of the clouds started to catch my eye. The more I looked at them, the more I saw. I began to see the clouds in a different way. Soon I started to see patterns and distinct images within the clouds, so I started taking pictures. I showed many of my pictures to my wife, Carol, and to friends, and they also could see what I was seeing—messages in the sky—lots of them.
There is no doubt in my mind that an intelligent force is creating the clouds in these shapes and forms for us to wonder about and to enjoy. Many of the shapes and forms appear as animals or symbols of us as children or adults. Some are very alien looking and not something with which we can be comfortable. Many are so clear that there can be no doubt of what they represent. Others are less precise, or veiled, but nonetheless there is a message. One can speculate about what is happening in our sky. Clearly, this seems to be happening all over the planet. Some quick questions come to mind when attempting to explain this phenomenon. Why is it happening? How long has this been going on? How can the clouds be formed in this way to be so precise as indicated in the images of this book? Is Someone trying to communicate with us through messages in the sky, much like the crop circles in England and other parts of the world? If so, what do these messages mean? Hopefully, this book will encourage you to be more inquisitive about our sky and to start spending more time looking at all the images and guessing what is happening. Why does a cloud look like something you can identify? Once you begin doing this, I think it will change the way you think about our skies and our incredible planet, our home.
Interpreting the Photographs 5
The author has selected these photographs out of thousands that he has taken over the last several years. The photos were taken in Northern California, Hawaii, Arizona, Peru, England, France, and Egypt. Each photograph is accompanied by a caption or message from the author that helps to explain what he sees in the cloud formation. Some messages are serious and some are humorous, but all are provided to help the reader see and understand what is being shown by the cloud. You may pick up the images in the clouds by looking for familiar patterns such as body shapes, heads, eyes, noses, and mouths. You also may see the images better if you look at the photograph close up and then from a distance. Sometimes, there are several messages or characters being shown in the same photograph. The cloud images shown in each photograph are often characters or forms that we are familiar with, and sometimes like nothing we have ever seen. In the author’s opinion, there has to be some intelligence creating these images in the clouds. They cannot be explained by sheer coincidence. The author believes that these images are messages in our sky to us. Perhaps this intelligence is mimicking us---what we look like, our relationships, our roles with pets or animals, or our roles as parents. In his view, the messages are to educate us to consider the existence of angels, of mythical creatures, even of other life forms such as beings from another planet or dimension. Perhaps these messages are to prepare us for the day when other life forms may meet with us face to face.
Presentation of the Photographs The presentation of the photographs in this book are provided so that the reader can best see and understand the images shown. The photographic images were not changed in this process other than to enhance the color contrast in some of them. The actual images are real as taken by the camera, and not fabricated or manipulated in any way. The camera used for nearly all the photographs was either a Nikon DX 40 or Nikon DX 90. A few of the photographs were taken with an Apple I-Phone. All were taken during the period of 2006 to 2009.
About the Cover The image on the cover is an actual photograph of an angel above Sedona, Arizona, in 2008, taken while walking a labyrinth. It all started on a Monday morning in May 2008 after breakfast. My wife, Carol and I discovered a place with a labyrinth. We like to walk them when we can find them. It was a pretty clear day with lots of sun. As we began to walk the labyrinth, more clouds formed. After about 20 minutes, we had completed walking the labyrinth and were both in the center of it. We looked up, and there it was—an angel in the sky. I took pictures of it and the surrounding cloud formations. But the angel was special. It appeared to be an angel on a horse. Archangel Michael is mostly depicted as the angel on the horse or slaying dragons. I did not know at the time that the photograph would be featured on a book cover. After reading so many metaphysical books about angels, I really had never seen an angel, and certainly not an angel like this one. A real angel in the sky. If you look closely, you will also see the head of a lamb just below the angel’s head. I feel so blessed to have this picture of an angel to share with you. As you will see in the remainder of this book, there are many other images that cannot be explained by coincidence.
Cloud over North Coast of France
Chapter 1
In the Beginning... “In the Beginning” is about the clouds that might appear before the more significant clouds occur. When I see such formations of clouds, it is an indication to me that something is brewing, something is going to happen, or something is going to be revealed. In most cases, the clouds that follow turn into images of animals, people, angels, aliens or perhaps even gods. The following chapters demonstrate the forms and images that result.
In the beginning
Cloud over the Nile River in Egypt
12 In the beginning
Cloud over Northern California
In the beginning
Cloud over Egypt
14 In the beginning Cloud over Egypt
In the beginning
Clouds over Palm Springs, California
16 In the beginning
Cloud over Palm Springs, California
“I am spreading my wings, so how beautiful.” Cloud over Northern California
Chapter 2
Angels are With Us This chapter contains photographs of possible angelic figures of one sort or another. Many are images of beings with wings, or in flight, or ascending. The photo on page 20 is an outline of a being on a horse. The photo was taken at St. Malo, along the north coast of France, near the ocean. This type of image is often associated with the Archangel Michael. Coincidentally, Mont St. Michel is a sacred site just a few miles up the road in France. Also in St. Malo, the picture on page 21 shows a cloud forming of a body with wings stretching out. The photo on page 24, taken in Northern California, dramatically depicts a traditional image of an angelic form.
“We are here, so now what?” Cloud over Northern California
Angel on a Horse—Could this be Archangel Michael? Cloud over North Coast of France