Think sprinklers... Think Sprinkler Saves JUN E
3 : Specialised Housing, North Wales
North Wales Fire and Rescue Service attended a kitchen flat fire involving a chip pan which had been accidentally left unattended. Crews identified that a sidewall sprinkler head had operated in in a flat where the fire originated, subsequently extinguishing the fire before firefighters arrived and the kitchen sustained only minor smoke damage. In 2016 working closely with North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Flintshire County Council took the bold decision to review their fire safety arrangements to protect their most vulnerable residents by installing sprinklers to all three of their specialised housing high-rise blocks. The benefits of this decision were clearly demonstrated as this was the second sprinkler save since the sprinkler retrofitting project was completed in 2016.
13 : Kitchen fire, Cleveland
Cleveland Fire & Rescue were mobilised to a high rise residential kitchen fire on the 7th floor. On arrival it was established that the fire was all out with one sidewall sprinkler head operating, minimising and containing the fire damage to 10m². There was no delay in calling the fire and rescue service as the sprinkler system transmitted a sprinkler fire alarm signal to a remote monitoring station initiating the appropriate emergency procedures.
19 : Refuse store, Manchester
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service have reported a fire in a high rise residential block involving a large refuse plastic industrial bin located on the ground floor of the refuse store. Two sprinkler heads operated suppressing the fire before the arrival of operational crews. Due to the prompt activation of the sprinkler system 12 | ba f sa .o r g .u k
the fire was contained to the compartment/ room of origin.
High rise, London
Four fire engines and around 25 firefighters from Norbury, Woodside and Croydon fire stations attended a fire in a four roomed flat on the fifth floor involving a tea light which activated a sidewall sprinkler head. One resident was taken to hospital. Following the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017, Croydon Council announced it would retrofit sprinklers in its 25 tallest residential blocks of 10-12 storeys and an eight-storey sheltered block.
1 : High rise flat, Scotland
The benefits of sprinklers were again confirmed following the fire involving a top floor flat in Edinburgh resulting in five heads activating which suppressed the fire at source.
7 : Hospital, South Yorkshire
The effectiveness of sprinklers were clearly demonstrated following a fire caused by an industrial gas powered ironing machine in a laundry room in a Sheffield hospital which was suppressed and extinguished by the sprinkler system before the arrival of South Yorkshire Fire Service, no further action was required.
BAFSA comment : During 2008/2009 five significant fires took place involving healthcare premises in London which resulted in partial or full evacuation. None of the five sites had AFSS installed at the time of the incidents.
10 : Retail unit, London
London Fire Brigade mobilised four fire appliances to a fire within a shop with a restaurant above on New London Street, in the City of London. Fire damage was contained to part of the ground floor only due to the activation of the premises sprinkler system. Two sidewall sprinkler heads operated restricting fire damage to 20% of the ground floor only. The water supply for the sprinkler system was from the town main. There were no working smoke alarms inside the property.
12: Student accommodation, West Midlands
There’s no getting away from the fact that student lifestyle contributes to a level of fire risk and it is therefore pleasing to report that following a fire in a kitchen, (cooking pan left unattended) the residential sprinkler system activated. On arrival of the West Midlands Fire Service, it was identified that a sprinkler head had operated extinguishing the fire and no injuries were reported.
12: Flat, Hampshire
A sidewall sprinkler-head actuated suppressing a fire, preventing flashover. This allowed a breathing apparatus team from Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service to enter the flat and suppress the fire. All the occupants of the flat evacuated the property safely. It should be noted however the effectiveness of sprinklers was clearly demonstrated despite the fact that the operational efficiency of the residential sprinkler system was compromised due to a household item being placed in front of the sprinkler head obstructing the discharge of water.