Wine o'clock # 18 – Mister Bordow – Bagherawines

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Wine o’clock n°18

Mister Bordow

— 1 3 TH O F D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7— 2pm to 4:45pm




W E D N E S DAY 13 T H O F D E C E M B E R 2 017 2   p m t o 4 : 4 5  p m ( S w i s s t i m e)


O N L I N E O N LY o n B AG H E R AW I N E S . AU C T I O N



s s i m t ’ n d o t on ou n°17 on Tuesday December 12th






“Mr. Bordsky”

“ Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die… ” “ A drinking song ” by William Butler Yeats

mister bordow What does the figure “ 1855 ” bring to mind ?… Bordeaux of course ! 160 years ago, a panel of Bordeaux brokers drew up a ranking of the best Médoc châteaux. The wines were ranked in importance from 1st to 5th growths. All of the red wines that appeared on the list came from the Médoc region except for one : Château Haut-Brion from Graves. The white wines were limited to the sweet varieties of Sauternes and Barsac. Today, the Bordeaux 1855 Classification is the most famous wine classification in the world. Although many changes were made in the original list, it created an official ranking which is now closely tied to Bordeaux’s DNA. As a celebration to Bordeaux’ gifted terroirs, Baghera/wines has the tremendous pleasure to end their Wine o’clock autumn series with a superb Swiss private collection of mature red and white Bordeaux grands crus classés, crus classés and crus bourgeois from both banks, offered solely in original wooden cases. Spanning several decades from 1979 to 2002, this collection is a rare opportunity to acquire many top-Châteaux from ready-to-drink vintages. Amongst other highlights, connoisseurs will surely direct their attention to PontetCanet, Grand-Puy-Ducasse, Pibran, Léoville-Barton, Brane-Cantenac and Pavie 1985, Gloria, Camensac and Croix de Gay 1986, Lafite, Margaux Haut-Brion, Beychevelle, RauzanGassies, Montrose, Lanessan, Angélus, La Dominique and Nénin 1994, Gruaud-Larose 2002 or Léoville-Las-Cases 2005. Our “ Mr. Bordow ” Wine o’clock will start on Wednesday 13th of December at 2 pm on the dot, Swiss time. Be on time — it will go fast and us Swiss don’t mess with time ! Julie Carpentier, Wine Strategy Advisor


11 — mister bordow

287 — how to bid

297 — conditions of sale


— mister bordow

* You will find high definition photos on our website : For further information, please feel free to contact our experts :

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Château La Tour Carnet — 1975 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Stained and slightly loose labels. Levels: six just below top-shoulder, three upper, two mid/upper and one mid-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 200 — 950 ¤ 170 — 807

| 12


Chasse-Spleen & Ormes de Pez 1979 , Bordeaux —

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 14

( LOT 2 ) Chasse-Spleen & Ormes de Pez 1979

Château Chasse-Spleen —


Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc Very damp-stained labels. Levels: ten base of neck, one upper-shoulder and one low-shoulder. 12 Bottles

| 16

Château Les Ormes de Pez —


Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe One bottle with signs of seepage. Damp-affected labels. Levels: three upper, three mid/upper, three mid and three low-shoulder. 12 Bottles


Château Pontet Canet — 1980 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Slightly damp-affected labels. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 18


Château Brane Cantenac — 1980 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux One damaged capsule. Slightly damaged labels, one torn. Levels : twelve top-shoulder or better, six upper-shoulder and six mid-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 20


Château La Lagune — 1980 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Stained labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 22


Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1980 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan Damp-stained labels. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 250 — 1,000 ¤ 212 — 850

| 24


Château Pontet Canet — 1985 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Damaged lid. Slightly damp-stained labels. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 26


Château Pontet Canet — 1985 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Damaged lid. Slightly damp-stained labels. Levels: five top-shoulder, three just below top-shoulder and four upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 28


Château Pontet Canet — 1985 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Damaged lids. Slightly damp-stained labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,200 — 2,700 ¤ 1020 — 2295

| 30

LOT 10

Château Grand Puy Ducasse — 1985 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Some very slightly marked labels, otherwise good appearance. Levels : sixteen top-shoulder or better and eight upper-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 2,500 ¤ 850 — 2,125

| 32

LOT 11

Château Lynch Moussas — 1985 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauilac Very slightly marked labels. Levels : eighteen top-shoulder or better and six upper-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 34

LOT 12

Château Pibran — 1985 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Pauillac Very slightly marked labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1147

| 36

LOT 13

Château Pibran — 1985 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Pauillac Very slightly marked labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 38

LOT 14

Château Beychevelle — 1985 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Good appearance. Levels : nine top-shoulder or better and three upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 750 — 1,500 ¤ 637 — 1,275

| 40

LOT 15

Château Léoville Poyferré — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Two slightly loose labels. Levels: six top and six upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 42

LOT 16

Château Léoville Barton — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Very damp-stained labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 1,000 — 2,500 ¤ 850 — 2,125

| 44

LOT 17

Château Léoville Barton — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Good appearance. Levels: ten top, one just below top and one upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 46

LOT 18

Château Léoville Barton — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Five corroded capsules. Very damp-stained labels. Levels: seven top, four upper and one mid-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 48

LOT 19

Château Branaire-Ducru — 1985 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Damp stained labels. Levels: seven top and five upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 50

LOT 20

Château Gloria — 1985 , Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Twelve very slightly marked and very slightly damaged labels and twelve with good appearance. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 52

LOT 21

Château Calon Ségur — 1985 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe Slightly torn labels. Levels top-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 54

LOT 22

Château Calon Ségur — 1985 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe One damaged capsule and one swollen. Slightly torn labels. Levels: eight top-shoulder or better, two upper and two mid-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 56

LOT 23

Château Lafon Rochet — 1985 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe Slighlty damp-stained labels. Levels : ten top, one upper, two mid/upper and one low-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 58

LOT 24

Château Brane Cantenac — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux Loose labels. Levels base of neck of better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 60

LOT 25

Château Brane Cantenac — 1985 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux Loose labels. Levels : eighteen top-shoulder or better and six upper-shoulder.

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,200 — 2,700 ¤ 1,020 — 2,295

| 62

LOT 26

Château Prieuré Lichine — 1985 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux Damp-stained labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 64

LOT 27

Château Prieuré Lichine — 1985 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux Damp-stained labels. Levels: eighteen top and six upper-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 800 — 2,300 ¤ 680 — 1,955

| 66

LOT 28

Château La Lagune — 1985 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Very good appearance. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 68

LOT 29

Château La Lagune — 1985 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Very good appearance. Levels: six just below top-shoulder and six upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 70

LOT 30

Château Larose Trintaudon — 1985 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Slightly damp-affected labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 72

LOT 31

Château Chasse Spleen — 1985 Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc Good appearance. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 74

LOT 32

Château Chasse Spleen — 1985 Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc Good appearance. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 76

LOT 33

Château La Louvière (Rouge) — 1985 , Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan Slightly corroded capsules. Four nicked labels, the rest has good apperance. Levels base of neck.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 300 — 1,050 ¤ 255 — 892

| 78

LOT 34

Château La Louvière (Rouge) — 1985 , Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan Some slightly corroded capsules. Damp-stained labels. Levels base of neck.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 80

LOT 35

Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1985 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan Two damaged capsules. Slightly marked labels. Levels: ten top and two upper-shoulder.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 82

LOT 36

Château Pavie — 1985 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion Good appearance. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 1,300 — 2,800 ¤ 1,105 — 2,380

| 84

LOT 37

Château Pavie — 1985 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion Good appearance. Levels base of neck or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 1,300 — 2,800 ¤ 1,105 — 2,380

| 86

LOT 38

Château Canon Lagaffelière — 1985 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion Very good appearance. Levels: twenty-two top-shoulder or better and two just below top-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 88

LOT 39

Château La Gaffelière — 1985 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion Six slightly marked and very slighly damaged labels, the rest has good appearance. Levels: eighteen top-shoulder or better and six just below top-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 90

LOT 40

Château Gazin — 1985 , Bordeaux — Pomerol Slightly marked labels. Levels: twelve top-shoulder or better, six just below top, four upper and two mid/ upper-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 2,500 ¤ 850 — 2,125

| 92

LOT 41

Château Lafleur du Roy — 1985 , Bordeaux — Pomerol Slightly marked labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 94

LOT 42

Château Grand Puy Ducasse — 1986 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac All slightly loose and damp-stained labels, three loose. Levels top-shoulder or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,100 — 2,600 ¤ 935 — 2,210

| 96

LOT 43

Château Grand Puy Ducasse — 1986 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Loose labels, one missing and six damp-stained. Levels: twenty-nine top-shoulder and seven upper-shoulder.

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,500 — 3,000 ¤ 1,275 — 2,550

| 98

LOT 44

Château Lynch Moussas — 1986 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauilac Loose, damaged and damp-stained labels. Levels top-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 750 — 1,500 ¤ 637 — 1,275

| 100

LOT 45

Château Tour Pibran — 1986 , Bordeaux — Pauillac Slightly marked and slightly damp-stained labels. Levels base of neck or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 102

LOT 46

Château Tour Pibran — 1986 , Bordeaux — Pauillac Slightly marked and slightly damp-stained labels. Levels: four top-shoulder or better and eight just below top-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 104

LOT 47

Château Gloria — 1986 , Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Damp-stained and slightly damaged labels. Levels: twenty top and four upper-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 106

LOT 48

Château Saint-Pierre — 1986 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien Very slightly marked labels. Levels: seventeen top, six upper and one mid-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 108

LOT 49

Château Camensac — 1986 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Slightly damp-stained labels. Levels base of neck or better.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 110

LOT 50

Château Camensac — 1986 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc Twelve slightly damp-stained labels. Twelve very damp-stained and loose labels. Levels: twenty-two top-shoulder or better and two just below top-shoulder.

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 2,400 ¤ 765 — 2,040

| 112

LOT 51

Château La Croix de Gay — 1986 , Bordeaux — Pomerol Very slightly marked labels. Levels top-shoulder.

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 2,500 ¤ 850 — 2,125

| 114

LOT 52

Château Grand Puy Ducasse — 1988 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac Damaged lid. Damp stained labels. Levels top-shoulder or better.

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 116

LOT 53

Château Lafite-Rothschild — 1994 1er cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauilac

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 5,500 — 8,500 ¤ 4,675 — 7,225

| 118

LOT 54

Château Margaux — 1994 1er grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 3,500 — 6,500 ¤ 2,975 — 5,525

| 120

LOT 55

Château Haut Brion — 1994 1er cru classé, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 2,800 — 5,800 ¤ 2,380 — 4,930

| 122

LOT 56

Château Pichon Longueville, Comtesse de Lalande — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 800 — 1,550 ¤ 680 — 1,317

| 124

LOT 57

Château Grand Puy Ducasse — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 126

LOT 58

Château Grand Puy Lacoste — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 128

LOT 59

Château Haut-Batailley — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 130

LOT 60

Château Croizet Bages — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 550 — 1,300 ¤ 467 — 1,105

| 132

LOT 61

Château Croizet Bages — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

48 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 134

LOT 62

Château Clerc Milon — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 136

LOT 63

Château Beychevelle — 1994 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,400 — 2,900 ¤ 1,190 — 2,465

| 138

LOT 64

Château Beychevelle — 1994 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,400 — 2,900 ¤ 1,190 — 2,465

| 140

LOT 65

Château Léoville Poyferré — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,100 — 2,600 ¤ 935 — 2,210

| 142

LOT 66

Château Giscours — 1994 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 2,500 ¤ 850 — 2,125

| 144

LOT 67

Château Rauzan Ségla — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,100 — 2,600 ¤ 935 — 2,210

| 146

LOT 68

Château Prieuré-Lichine — 1994 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 148

LOT 69

Château du Tertre — 1994 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 150

LOT 70

Château Brane Cantenac — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 152

LOT 71

Château Brane Cantenac — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 154

LOT 72

Château Labegorce Zédé — 1994 Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Margaux

48 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 156

LOT 73

Château Rauzan Gassies — 1994 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 158

LOT 74

Château Boyd Cantenac — 1994 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 160

LOT 75

Château d’Issan — 1994 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 162

LOT 76

Château d’A ngludet — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 164

LOT 77

Château Montrose — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 1,200 — 2,700 ¤ 1,020 — 2,295

| 166

LOT 78

Château Calon-Ségur — 1994 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 550 — 1,300 ¤ 467 — 1,105

| 168

LOT 79

Château Lafon Rochet — 1994 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467

| 170

LOT 80

Château Larose-Trintaudon — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 172

LOT 81

Château Larose-Trintaudon — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut-Médoc

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 174

LOT 82

Château Lanessan — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut Médoc

48 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 176

LOT 83

Château Lanessan — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut Médoc

60 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 178

LOT 84

Château Maucaillou — 1994 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc

48 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 180

LOT 85

Château Potensac — 1994 Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Médoc

48 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 550 — 1,300 ¤ 467 — 1,105

| 182

LOT 86

Domaine de Chevalier (Rouge) — 1994 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 184

LOT 87

Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1994 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 186

LOT 88

Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1994 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 188

LOT 89

Château La Louvière (Rouge) — 1994 , Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 190

LOT 90

La Gurgue & Corbin 1994 , Bordeaux —

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 200 — 500 ¤ 170 — 425

| 192

( LOT 90 ) La Gurgue & Corbin 1994

Château La Gurgue —


Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Margaux 12 Bottles

| 194

Château Corbin —


Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion 12 Bottles

LOT 91

Château Angelus — 1994 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 2,000 — 5,000 ¤ 1,700 — 4,250

| 196

LOT 92

Château Angelus — 1994 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 2,000 — 5,000 ¤ 1,700 — 4,250

| 198

LOT 93

Château Canon Lagaffelière — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 200

LOT 94

Château La Dominique — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 300 — 1,050 ¤ 255 — 892

| 202

LOT 95

Château L’A rrosée — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 204

LOT 96

Château L’A rrosée — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 206

LOT 97

Clos Fourtet — 1994 Premier grand cru Saint-Emilion classé B, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 208

LOT 98

Château Soutard — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 210

LOT 99

Château Cadet-Piola — 1994 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467

| 212

LOT 100

Château Nenin — 1994 , Bordeaux — Pomerol

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 214

LOT 101

Clos René — 1994 , Bordeaux — Pomerol

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 850 — 1,600 ¤ 722 — 1,360

| 216

LOT 102

Château La Fleur de Gay — 1994 , Bordeaux — Pomerol

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 218

LOT 103

Château Lynch Moussas — 1995 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Pauillac

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 220

LOT 104

Château Gruaud Larose — 1995 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 650 — 1,400 ¤ 552 — 1,190

| 222

LOT 105

Château du Tertre — 1995 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 224

LOT 106

Château Camensac — 1995 5ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Haut Médoc

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 226

LOT 107

Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1995 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 800 — 1,550 ¤ 680 — 1,317

| 228

LOT 108

Château Lamarzelle Figeac — 1995 Grand cru, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 400 — 1,150 ¤ 340 — 977

| 230

LOT 109

Château Laroze, St Emilion — 1995 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

36 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 900 — 1,650 ¤ 765 — 1,402

| 232

LOT 110

Château Chauvin — 1995 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 300 — 600 ¤ 255 — 510

| 234

LOT 111

Château Prieuré-Lichine — 1996 4ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 650 — 1,400 ¤ 552 — 1,190

| 236

LOT 112

Château Canon Lagaffelière — 1996 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 238

LOT 113

Château L’A rrosée — 1996 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 750 — 1,500 ¤ 637 — 1,275

| 240

LOT 114

Château La Dominique — 1996 Grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 600 — 1,350 ¤ 510 — 1,147

| 242

LOT 115

Château d’A ngludet — 1997 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Margaux

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 244

LOT 116

Château Carbonnieux (Rouge) — 1997 Cru classé rouge, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 246

LOT 117

Château Labegorce Zédé — 2000 Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467

| 248

LOT 118

Château L’Apolline — 2000 Grand Cru, Bordeaux — Saint-Emilion

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 350 — 1,100 ¤ 297 — 935

| 250

LOT 119

Château Gruaud Larose — 2002 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

6 Magnums Original wooden case CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 252

LOT 120

Château Gruaud Larose — 2002 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

12 Magnums Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 1,750 ¤ 850 — 1,487

| 254

LOT 121

Château Gruaud Larose — 2002 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

12 Magnums Original wooden cases CHF 1,000 — 1,750 ¤ 850 — 1,487

| 256

LOT 122

Brane Cantenac — 2002 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 700 — 1,450 ¤ 595 — 1,232

| 258

LOT 123

Château Boyd Cantenac — 2002 3ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Margaux

12 Magnums Original wooden cases CHF 650 — 1,400 ¤ 552 — 1,190

| 260

LOT 124

Château Petit Bocq — 2002 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Saint-Estephe

12 Magnums Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 262

LOT 125

Château Charmail — 2002 Cru bourgeois superieur, Bordeaux — Haut Médoc

6 Magnums Original wooden case CHF 200 — 500 ¤ 170 — 425

| 264

LOT 126

Château Léoville Las Cases — 2005 2ème cru classé, Bordeaux — Saint-Julien

6 Magnums Original wooden case CHF 2,000 — 5,000 ¤ 1,700 — 4,250

| 266

LOT 127

Chasse-Spleen & Poujeaux 2010 , Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 450 — 1,200 ¤ 382 — 1,020

| 268

( LOT 127 ) Chasse-Spleen & Poujeaux 2010

Château Chasse Spleen —


Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc 12 Bottles

| 270

Château Poujeaux —


Cru bourgeois exceptionnel, Bordeaux — Moulis-en-Médoc 12 Bottles

LOT 128

Château Carbonnieux (Blanc) — 1994 Cru classé blanc, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

24 Bottles Twelve in neutral carton & twelve in original wooden case CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467

| 272

LOT 129

Château Lamothe Guignard — 1994 2ème grand cru classé, Bordeaux — Sauternes

24 Bottles Original wooden cases CHF 300 — 600 ¤ 255 — 510

| 274

LOT 130

Domaine de Chevalier (Blanc) — 1996 Cru classé blanc, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 500 — 1,250 ¤ 425 — 1,062

| 276

LOT 131

Château de Rayne-Vigneau — 1996 Premier cru classé, Bordeaux — Sauternes

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467

| 278

LOT 132

Château La Tour Blanche — 1997 , Bordeaux — Sauternes

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 300 — 600 ¤ 255 — 510

| 280

LOT 133

Château Carbonnieux (Blanc) — 2000 Cru classé blanc, Bordeaux — Pessac-Léognan

12 Bottles Original wooden case CHF 250 — 550 ¤ 212 — 467,5

| 282

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conditions of sale

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