SCF - How to be a good tourist leaflet

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How you can help? Report Please report any concerns regarding the exploitation of a child or if you have suspicions about a person you think may pose a risk to a child

Safe Childhoods Australian Federal Police gary.o’ +62 (0) 8123 6135 699 +62 (0) 361 - 241118

SUPPORT The Safe Childhoods Foundation is a

non-governmental organisation combating crimes against children in developing countries. Safe Childhoods is currently focusing its efforts within Indonesia. For information on our programmes, please see

every child has the right to a safe childhood This booklet about child protection issues was developed by The Safe Childhoods Foundation in partnership with Australian Federal Police, Bali Hotels Ascosiation, and funded by Siloam Hospitals. Photography by Matthew Oldfield

CHild protection guide

How to be a

good tourist

Do not feed the cycle The children begging for money at major intersections expose themselves to enormous risk of injury. Giving money to these children reinforces the begging industry. If you want to help the children, find a project that supports education, or that can provide an alternative income for their parents.

keep your eyes open

orphanages are not zoos

Child sex offenders are increasingly traveling to developing countries to abuse children and evade detection. If you have any concerns about a child in Indonesia, or if you have suspicions about any person you think may pose a risk, please report it.

Orphanages have become a tourist attraction in Asia. But for a child this can be disruptive. Many of the children do have families. Often the orphanages approach impoverished families with the promise of education and a better future for their child. In actual fact those same orphanages often sustain poor living conditions and little food in order to lure money from the tourists.

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