Baha Eren - Architectural Portfolio '11

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Topogenes’s SYSTEMS


Basmane HUB


Moonscape GARDEN & Sunscape PLAZA








The Aegean Culinary ACADEMY



Membrane SPACES





Kemeralt覺 Training FACILITY

s p r i n g ' 1 0 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o VI

In the heart of Old Smyrna/New Izmir, Kemeralti has been a local trade market with a diminishing economy and importance. Inbetween Ikicesmelik residential & Kemeralt覺 commercial zone, New Training Facility is designed to integrate the un-employed people into local trade market and stimulate the social & physical environment of Kastelli Street.


Kemeralt覺 / Izmir


By keeping the urban proposal idea, first experiment is about intersecting residential modules backside of the sheel form. Later on, sheel form is split into pieces in order to define diagonal garden and residential modules. At the same time, the parametric component composed of spatial truss system added on sheel structure. As a result, final shape of Facility is given by some of the detail works

Bazaar & Stepped Garden Integrating pedestrians into facility,


periencing production process, Enriching the Environment by greenary public space activated by Kemeralt覺 Observation Area...

Training Facility Teaching a professions to people living in Ikicesmelik and integrating them into Kemeralt覺 Commercial activated by Workshop Observation Area...

Residential Modules Providing an accommodation for Trainers , Increasing production quality, Creating a complex circulation in between units and adobting the form to environment.

Kemeraltı / Izmir


Formal Analysis From Ikicesmelik to Kemeraltı; there is a noticable expansion in buildings’ sizes. Insprinig from this change, Form of Training Facility based on 2 experiment ; 1. Transforming Rectilinear Settlement into Diagonal Settlement 2. Integrating Pieces to the Whole

Amphi Hall

Multi-Purpose Workshop

Spatial Organization wc



Facility is composed of 3 zones; Residential, Education and Commercial

Enterance Distribution of spaces in whole facility; Bazaar

1200 m2

Multi-Purpose Workshop

400 m2

Amphi Hall

250 m2

Living Modules

10 x 60 m2


150 m2

Administration Offices

60 m2


60 m2


2 x 20 m2

Total Enclosed Area

4500 m2

Living Module

Living Module

Living Module

Living Module

Kemeralt覺 / Izmir



Living Module

Living Module


Living Module

Residential Zone


Education Zone

Commercial Zone

Basmane HUB

fall '10 - architectural design studio V

The area of interest located in Basmane where every transport type of Izmir intersects; pedestrians, cars, metro ,train & shuttles. Nearby the historical trainstation settlement, New Transportation Center (HUB) is designed to reduce the density of transportation in Basmane and stimulate the social environment.


Basmane / Izmir

Basmane HUB

The design process started by placing 2 triangular surfaces which intersect with eachother. This intersection marks 3 different axis for transit auto, pedestrian & train. Later on, a repetition of those triangles is generated to define the train platforms. At the same time, the parametric component composed of multiple surfaces defines the main program.

Urban Settlement

Design Process of Parametric Component


HUB - Transportation Center

Extrude (Random Hieghts)

ral Des覺gn V

ARCH401 - Arch覺tectu


n Subdivide Surface designed by Baha Ere

Parametric COMPONENT Space Defining Varying Ceiling Heights Controlling Rain Flow Diffusing Light Carrying Modules


Initial Surface (Base Geometry)


Rhino Input (3 points)

Basmane / Izmir

Basmane HUB

Historical Link This link is based on a circulation system for pedetrians. The aim behind introducing this historical link into the transportation center was to activate forgotten historical buildings in Basmane. In order to activate this pedestiran based link, eight retail shops are placed below the train platforms...

Stepped Circulation Path The stepped circulation path idea appeared by lifting pedestrian path above the shuttle platforms. The aim was to integrate people into transportation complex even when they don’t have to use transportation platforms. In order to activate this stepped circulation path, retail shops & restaurants placed on it...

Basmane / Izmir

Basmane HUB

Diagonal Structural Elements Shading Standing Carrying Canopy Load Lifting People Defining Transportation Axis HUB - Transportation Center

ral Desıgn V

ARCH401 - Archıtectu

HUB - Transportation Center

designed by Baha Eren

ral Desıgn V

ARCH401 - Archıtectu

designed by Baha Eren

HUB - Transportation Center

ral Desıgn V

ARCH401 - Archıtectu

designed by Baha Eren

Turan Storytelling TERMINAL

s p r i n g ' 0 9 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o IV

The interested area is located on the north coast of Izmir where an abandone industrial zone intersect with the railway. Urban context was replanned according to deep urban analysises; main focus of the masterplanning was about intersecting transportation nodes which are ferry, bus, metro and car. After masterplanning for urban context, “Visual Storytelling Center Terminal� is designed & related with the train station in this community.


Design Process of Story-telling Terminal started by placing two triangular masses for defining public and private spaces. As a tectonic idea, public mass lifted up and settled on private mass in order to introduce a structural innovation to close environment & a circulation for pedestrians between transition areas. After all, triangular roof was designed on circulation axis of pedestrians for private spaces in order to attract people through the education and cafe area.

Bayrakl覺 / Izmir

Turan Storytelling TERMINAL

Site Plan

Master Plan is designed based on 3 different purposed axis which are ; Natural Flow Building Axis Circulation Axis

Site Plan

Bayrakl覺 / Izmir

Turan Storytelling TERMINAL

Medium Size Story Telling Room

East Elevation

Large Size Story Telling Room

Section AA

Large Size Story Telling Room Section BB

North Elevation


f a l l ' 0 9 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o III

The interested area was choosen on the south coast of Inciralt覺 where huge natural forest settled near by the sea. In order to inform people about the newly designed forest, Research & Observatory Center is designed on the coastline of 襤nciralt覺.


Inciralt覺 / Izmir


This complex is composed of Research Center, Living Units & 3 Observation Rooms which are spread through the whole site in order to expreience the atmosphere of forest.The Research Center & Residential Area are placed axially in order to frame the view of 襤zmir. In addition to the research center & residential area, three observation rooms are created from the sections that are most suitable for observing the sea, the land and the sky.

South Elevation

Section C

North Elevation



Section C

North Elevation

Section D


Observation Room

Observation Room

Observation Room

While sitting on chair at the center of

The land observatory is focused on fram-

Observation for the sea can be done

room, the dynamic concrete walls &

ing the views again by dynamic conce-

from the same level as the sea.The sea

slopy slab frames the view and help the

rete walls & slopy slab. This framing idea

view is framed by a dynamic opening

viewer to focus on the sky

help observer to focus on plants and land

on wall.


Inciraltı / Izmir


Caretaker’s Quarter

Dining Area & Kitchen


Presentation Room

Library Living Unit & Private Study Room

+2 Floor Plan

Living Unit & Private Study Room


+1 Floor Plan

Site Plan

Section BB

South Elevation

Section AA

North Elevation

Moonscape GARDEN & Sunscape PLAZA

f a l l ' 0 9 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o III

This project focuses on a garden at the coastline of Izmir. It is created with simple geometric forms which are lines, nodes, arcs and an underlying grid. In addition to those geometric forms, a narrative is developed by going through collage technique & tectonic expression. Getting use of narrative idea; outdoor rooms of Moonscape Garden and a structure of Sunscape Plaza are designed.


Design Process was started by working on natural leafs in order to define their natural pattern. Later on, tectonic ideas were explored through the design. Lastly Plaza got its form by combining the natural pattern and tectonic idea together.

Tectonic Study

Pattern Study

Natural Leaf & It’s Texture

Coastline, Izmir

Sunscape PLAZA

Coastline, Izmir

Moonscape GARDEN

Moonscape Garden is designed with simple lines, dots, arcs and an underlying grid. This geometry was used as a base for a collage sections. Collage & sections were used when creating a compositional journey in order to define the metaphor of garden. Three outdoor rooms are designed for three different human senses; movement, hearing and seeing.

The Aegean Culinary ACADEMY

s p r i n g ' 0 8 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o II

The principal concern of design is based on an unplanned settlement around the context of Esrefpasa. Program includes teaching kitchens, cafe and restaurant, a shop & exhibition area to relate its products to the local people in the Aegean Culinary Academy


The design of Aegean Culinary Academy is based on rectilinear forms; 3 wood based masses attached on a concrete core. The Academy has teaching kitchens, cafe and restaurant, and a shop to sale its products to the local people.

Esrefpasa / Izmir

The Aegean Culinary ACADEMY

Plan +0

Plan +1

East Elevation

Plan +2

Plan +3

North Elevation


s p r i n g ' 0 8 - a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n s t u d i o II

The site is located on the sea in Alsancak and the design of building is refered to the architecture community in Izmir. Program is about arranging meetings, exhibitions and lectures for architects in Main Hall. Meanwhile, visitors can buy books-magazines related to architecture in the bookstore and they may also enjoy the view of Izmir by going through the open spaces.


The building design has an logic in itself. Firstly, the form of the building is based on the shape of an arrow directing people to the Chamber of Architect’s Building’s settlement. The enterence hall have dim & cold atmopshere by concrete walls but when architects enter into exhibition hall, whole atmosphere changes by glass and steel based construction

Alsancak / İzmir



Exhibition Hall


Structural Plan


(50 mm)

Steel Board (30mm) Moist Insulation (5mm) Heat Insulation (30mm) Steel Bar (20mm) Steel Board (30mm) Steel Beam (300mm)

Sunbreakers can be closed in order not to get sunlight into hall. Sunbreakers determine the direction of water discharge Lightfixtures get their energy by solar panels on top of sunbreakers

(30mm) Granite (20mm) Mortar (5mm) Moist Insulation (500mm) Concrete Platform

Linoleum (4mm) Baseboard (8mm) Backing (5mm) Moist Insulation (5mm) Concrete Platform (500mm)


spring '09 - workshop by Gudjon Thor Erlendsson

The interested area is the entrance lobby of the new İzmir University of Economic’s Fine Arts & Design and Faculty Building. The program and concept for the installation is about parameter-based canopy design.


Grasshopper Definition

Canopy A The canopy is consist of membrane system which is installed on steel structure. The installation of canopy is based on some parametric functions which are; •

rain-flow direction & shade-shadow study by strecher of membrane connections


size of steel coloumns by stress load of steel structure

workshop by Gudjon Thor Erlendsson


Canopy B The canopy is consist of steel structure within membrane system which is installed inbetween buildings in order to provide social space below it. The installation of canopy is based on some parametric functions which are; •

rain-flow direction & shade-shadow study by steel studs on structure


size of structure by building settlement

Grasshopper Definition

Proto-Cellular HOUSING spring '09 - workshop by Karl Chu

The workshop is an experiment in genetic architecture. Specifically, it is the construction of an abstract model of cellular housing based on the aggregation of cells or proto-architectural units into a cohesive architectural morphology. As such, this project has no functional program to work with apart from their formal development that addresses fundamental issues of formation, development and the resulting morphology or form that encapsulates a specific mode of spatial organization.


workshop by Karl Chu

Proto-Cellular HOUSING

Section 1

The design began with creating formula by colored “a, b, c� letters. Those 3 letters created a genetic texture which has no continuity in itself. Then texture split into 3 parts and streched 3 times bigger. Some color colonies are choosen from those streched patterns and

Section 2

extruded horizontally in order to define spaces in building.

Section 3

Section 4







Section 5

Membrane SPACES

spring '08 - workshop by Michael & Defne Hensel

As a group, we undertook experiments to develop different membrane and cable-net systems, deploying form-finding methods and analysing through physical and digital models the capacity of their systems to modulate sunlight, selfshading and shading patterns. The experiments culminated in the development of 20 different systems at the model scale and two full-scale installations.


Aim of the membrane workshop is to demonstrate the integral relationship between membrane arrays and cable-net arrangements and explore the reduction of necessary anchor points for



on P roce ss

the systems, while maintaining their intricate articulation.

workshop by Michael & Defne Hensel

Membrane SPACES

The initial experiment was about focusing on membrane articulations and the proliferation of membranes into arrays that can be set within more complex cable-net arrangements.





After physical form-finding experiments, digital models of the membrane and cable-net systems were developed using Rhino Membrane software. This software helped us to generate dynamic relaxation on surfaces by using mathematical commands in order to digitally formfind the respective membrane and cable-net configurations. The digital model facilitate digital analysis of each membrane and cable-net arrangement with regard to environmental performance.

12:00 p.m

3:00 p.m

6:00 p.m

(Azimuth:175, Altitute:72)

(Azimuth:257, Altitute;49)

(Azimuth:287, Altitute:16)





workshop by Michael & Defne Hensel

Membrane SPACES

Shadow Analysis A similar context-specific digital analysis of a shading pattern changing over time. Here the time sequence is organised from right to left which shows the analytical importance of the complex layered shadow pattern. This complex shadow pattern is occured from the layered arrangement of translucent textiles of the membranes, creating different shades of shadows.





cv B A H A E R E N | | 16/1 sok. no: 4/8 Güzelyalı / Izmir | +90 531 247 11 47

education : 2007 - 2011

2003 - 2007

Izmir University of Economics Bachelor of Arts in Architecture GNO : 3.25 / 4

Avni Akyol Anatolian High School GNO : 82.3 / 100

experience : 2009 - 2011

Izmir University of Economics “student asistant”

Computer Aided Architectural Drawing and Graphics Courses FFD104 & FFD201 ( based on AutoCAD & 3DS MAX )

June-July 2010

FIYAP İnşaat “office internship”

June-July 2009

KURYAP İnşaat “construction internship”

Involved in on-site meetings and took part in the development of technical drawings, conceptual modeling & graphical visualizations for presentations observed construction process, participated in on-site meetings & responsible for quality control and reporting of daily works on construction site

releated experience : May 2010 February 2010 April 2009

Workshop “Proto Cellular Housing” by Karl Chu Experimental development of bio-genetic architectural examples with generated codes Workshop “Parametric Installation” by Gudjon Erlendsson Produced parametric architectural design samples with a software patch called RhinoGrasshopper Workshop “Membrane Spaces” by Michael & Defne Hensel

Exploring membrane & cable-net systems to create spaces by building physical & digital models

skills : general digital knowladge linguistic knowladge

Physical & Digital Model Making, Conceptual & Graphic Design, Technical Drawing AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, 3DStudio Max, Rhinoceros, Rhino Grasshopper, Rhino Membrane, Vray for Rhino & 3D Studio Max , Adobe Indesign , Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Turkish (Native) , English (Advanced) , Italian (Intermediate) , German (Basic)

referances : Avaliable upon request

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