1 Ri¤ván Message 2001
Rid . ván 2001
To the Bahá’ís of the World
Dearly loved Friends,
With great joy in our hearts and high expectations, we come to this Ri¤ván season at a change of time, when a new state of mind is evident among us all. Abroad in our world community there is a heightened awareness of the value of process, the necessity of planning and the virtue of systematic action in fostering growth and in developing the human resources by which expansion can be sustained and consolidation assured. The coherence of understanding about these prerequisites of progress cannot be overvalued, nor can the importance of perpetuating them through well-ordered training be overestimated. And so the arrival of our community at such a moment of consciousness is an occasion of significance for us. We are deeply grateful to the Blessed Beauty to be able to recognize and acclaim it at the very beginning of the global enterprise being launched during these festive days.
The power of will generated by this consciousness characterized the conference of the Continental Counsellors and the members of their Auxiliary Boards who gathered last January in the Holy Land. The event produced so illuminating an experience as to signalize the Faith’s entry into a new epoch, the fifth of its Formative Age. Such a freshness of vitality as was displayed at this historic gathering came to be understood as a manifestation of the rising quality of activity throughout the community. Pursuit during the past year of the essentials for advancing the process of entry by troops confirmed this observation. The path was thus paved for the Five Year Plan, the first venture being entered upon in the Fifth Epoch.
In augmenting major efforts of the previous Four Year Plan that brought into being more than 300 training institutes, the Twelve Month Plan achieved its purpose. It gathered significance through the notable responses of institutions and individuals to the call for a greater focus on the spiritual nurturing of children and the involvement of junior youth in Bahá’í community life. The training of teachers of children’s classes
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and the inclusion of junior youth in the institute process have become a regular part of Bahá’í activity in a number of countries. Despite its brevity, the Twelve Month Plan had an importance beyond the objectives specifically assigned. The Plan was a dynamic link between a highly eventful epoch in Bahá’í history and the immensely promising prospects of a new one, for which its achievements have so well prepared the community. It has been etched in our annals, too, for the enduring effects of the Faith’s activities at the end of the twentieth century—a century that deserves to be reflected upon by any Bahá’í who wishes to understand the tumultuous forces that influenced the life of the planet and the processes of the Cause itself at a crucial time in humanity’s social and spiritual evolution. As an aid to so worthy an effort, Century of Light, a review of the twentieth century, was prepared at our request and under our supervision.
On many occasions during this one-year endeavour, the external affairs activities of the Faith were especially visible. Consider, for example, the instances of Bahá’í representatives’ having participated prominently in the millennial events that took place in May, August and September at the urging of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The implications of so close and conspicuous an involvement of the Bahá’í International Community with the processes of the Lesser Peace will require the passage of time to be properly understood. Among other highlights was the continental colloquium organized in India by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, a new agency operating under the aegis of the Bahá’í International Community. Adopting the theme of “science, religion and development”, the conference featured the participation of leading non-governmental organizations of India, as well as that of institutions of such renown as UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank. In October, the Bahá’í World News Service (BWNS) was launched on the Internet with the intention of reaching both Bahá’í and non-Bahá’í audiences with news stories about developments throughout the Bahá’í world.
The intensive activities at the Bahá’í World Centre during the last year were, for the most part, made known to the friends through previous reports that included references to such achievements as the occupation by the International Teaching Centre of its permanent seat on Mount Carmel; the Conference of Continental Counsellors and the members of their Auxiliary Boards held in the Holy Land last January; and the
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As our community rejoices in these thrilling considerations, let every member bear in mind that there is no time for resting on laurels. Humanity’s current plight is too desperate to allow for even a moment’s hesitation in sharing the Bread of Life, which has come down from heaven in our time. Let there be no delay, then, in advancing the process that has every promise of success in ushering to the banquet table of the Lord of Hosts the souls of all that hunger after truth.
May He Who keeps watch over the destiny of His divine System guide and direct and confirm every effort you make towards the realization of the urgent tasks set before you.
The Universal House of Justice
Opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb
22 May 2001
On the occasion of the official opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb
With joyful and thankful hearts, we welcome all who have come from near and far to join us on this auspicious occasion for the Bahá’ís of the world. We acknowledge with deep appreciation the presence of so many distinguished guests.
A century and a half have passed since that unspeakable tragedy in the northwest of Persia when the Báb faced the volley fired at Him from the rifles of 750 soldiers. The soldiers had followed the orders of the highest authorities in the land. The Báb’s mangled body was then thrown on the side of a moat outside the city, abandoned to what His cold-blooded persecutors thought would be a dishonourable fate. They had hoped thus to put an end to the growing influence of His teachings on masses of people throughout the country. These masses had accepted, in the face of intense persecution, the Báb’s claim to prophethood, and their lives were being transformed spiritually and morally as He prepared them for what He said was the dawn of a new age in which a world civilization would be born and flourish. The expectations that stirred countless hearts were heightened even more sublimely by the
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Báb’s announcement that One greater than He would soon arise, One who would reveal the unparalleled character of the promised world civilization that would signify the coming of age of the entire human race.
We are met not to lament the tragedy of the Báb’s martyrdom and the persecutions that followed; rather have we come to celebrate the culmination and acknowledge the meaning of an unprecedented project that had its beginning over a century ago. It was then that Bahá’u’lláh, Whom the Ottoman authorities had banished to Acre to serve out His days in confinement, visited Mount Carmel and selected the spot where the remains of His Herald would be interred. We humbly trust that the wondrous result achieved by the completion of the nineteen terraced gardens, at the heart of which rises the Shrine of the Báb, is a fitting fulfilment of the vision initiated by Bahá’u’lláh.
The sufferings sustained by the Báb so as to arouse humanity to the responsibilities of its coming age of maturity were themselves indications of the intensity of the struggle necessary for the world’s people to pass through the age of humanity’s collective adolescence. Paradoxical as it may seem, this is a source of hope. The turmoil and crises of our time underlie a momentous transition in human affairs. Simultaneous processes of disintegration and integration have clearly been accelerating throughout the planet since the Báb appeared in Persia. That our Earth has contracted into a neighbourhood, no one can seriously deny. The world is being made new. Death pangs are yielding to birth pangs. The pain shall pass when members of the human race act upon the common recognition of their essential oneness. There is a light at the end of this tunnel of change beckoning humanity to the goal destined for it according to the testimonies recorded in all the Holy Books.
The Shrine of the Báb stands as a symbol of the efficacy of that ageold promise, a sign of its urgency. It is, as well, a monument to the triumph of love over hate. The gardens which surround that structure, in their rich variety of colours and plants, are a reminder that the human race can live harmoniously in all its diversity. The light that shines from the central edifice is as a beacon of hope to the countless multitudes who yearn for a life that satisfies the soul as well as the body.
This inextinguishable hope stems from words such as these from the Pen of Bahá’u’lláh: “This is the Day in which God’s most excellent favours have been poured out upon men, the Day in which His most
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mighty grace has been infused into all created things.” May all who strive, often against great odds, to uphold principles of justice and concord be encouraged by these assurances.
In reflecting on the years of effort invested in this daunting project, we are moved to express to the people of Haifa the warmth of the feeling in our hearts. Their city will for all time be extolled by the Bahá’ís everywhere as the place in which the mortal remains of the youthful Prophet-Herald of their Faith finally found refuge, and this after half a century of having to be secretly moved for protection from one place to another in His native land. The patience and cordiality shown towards the Bahá’ís throughout the most difficult years of the construction work exemplify the spirit of goodwill in which so much of the world stands so greatly in need. Haifa is providentially situated on Mount Carmel, with its immortal associations with saintly visionaries, whose concern throughout the ages was largely focused on the promise of peace. May Haifa achieve wide renown not just as a place of natural beauty but more especially as the city of peace.
Let the word go forth, then, from this sacred spot, from this Mountain of the Lord, that the unity and peace of the world are not only possible but inevitable. Their time has come.
The Universal House of Justice
Message to the Gathering Marking the Completion of the Projects on Mount Carmel
24 May 2001
To the Believers Gathered for the Events Marking the Completion of the Projects on Mount Carmel
Dear Bahá’í Friends,
One hundred and forty-eight years have passed since the moment in the darkness of the Síyáh-Chál when Bahá’u’lláh received the Divine summons to rise and proclaim to all on earth the dawning of the Day of God:
Verily, We shall render Thee victorious by Thyself and by Thy pen. . . . Erelong God will raise up the treasures of the earth—men
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who will aid Thee through Thyself and through Thy Name, wherewith God hath revived the hearts of such as have recognized Him.
In terms of historical time, it is but the briefest of spaces that separates that primal moment from the splendid victory we celebrate here this week. You who have come together from every corner of the earth and from every segment of the human family represent a cross-section of those whom Bahá’u’lláh has raised up to aid Him, and no one among us can hope to express adequately the gratitude we feel at being in that company.
The majestic buildings that now stand along the Arc traced for them by Shoghi Effendi on the slope of the Mountain of God, together with the magnificent flight of garden terraces that embrace the Shrine of the Báb, are an outward expression of the immense power animating the Cause we serve. They offer timeless witness to the fact that the followers of Bahá’u’lláh have successfully laid the foundations of a worldwide community transcending all differences that divide the human race, and have brought into existence the principal institutions of a unique and unassailable Administrative Order that shapes this community’s life. In the transformation that has taken place on Mount Carmel, the Bahá’í Cause emerges as a visible and compelling reality on the global stage, as the focal centre of forces that will, in God’s good time, bring about the reconstruction of society, and as a mystic source of spiritual renewal for all who turn to it.
Reflection on what the Bahá’í community has accomplished throws into heartbreaking perspective the suffering and deprivation engulfing the great majority of our fellow human beings. It is necessary that it should do so, because the effect is to open our minds and souls to vital implications of the mission Bahá’u’lláh has laid on us. “Know thou of a truth,” He declares, “these great oppressions that have befallen the world are preparing it for the advent of the Most Great Justice.” “God be praised!” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá adds, “The sun of justice hath risen above the horizon of Bahá’u’lláh. For in His Tablets the foundations of such a justice have been laid as no mind hath, from the beginning of creation, conceived.” In the final analysis, it is this Divine purpose that all our activities are intended to serve, and we will advance this purpose to the degree that we understand what is at stake in the efforts we are making
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Index of Names
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, See General Index
Abu’l-Fa¤l, Mírzá, 77.2
Acharya, Yam Prasad, 353.1
Afnan, Mehri, 288.2
Afnan, Muhammad, 288.1
Aghdasi, Farzin, 66.1, 161.2
Ahderom, Selam, 66.1, 161.1, 248.2
Ale, Bob, 353.1
Aliyev, Jamil, 161.1, 248.1, 353.1
Alizadeh, Vugar, 248.1, 353.2
Allen, Beth, 66.2
Allen, George, 66.2
Almeida, José Luis, 161.1, 248.1, 353.1
Amanat, Hossein, 327.1
Amatu’l-Bahá Rú¥íyyih Khánum, See General Index
Amírí, Farhang, 273.1-4
Amírtabár, Amír-Húshang [AmirHoushang Amirtabar], 170.2
Anbarasan, Bhavna, 312.1, 353.1
Andrews, Eugene, 66.1, 161.2
Anello, Eloy, 66.2, 137.1
Anís, 337.6
Anjavínizhád, Þujjatu’l-Islám
Siyyid Mu¥ammad [Hojjatu’lIslam Seyyed Muhammad Anjavinizhad], 190.2
Arbab, Farzam, 38.1, 105.1, 191.12, 350.1
Arbab, Paul, 350.2
Arbab, Sona, 350.2
Ardakani, Fadel, 66.1, 161.2
Asadí, Navíd [Navid Asadi], 170.2
Asare, Beatrice, 66.2
Asari, Sohayla, 161.1, 248.2
‘Atoa, Latai, 353.1
Austin, Elsie, 52.1
Avicenna, 45.7
Ayafor, Ayafor Temengye, 353.1
Ayatollah Khamenei, 12.3
Ayyash, Walid, 248.1, 353.1
Azimi, Naisan, 66.1, 161.1, 248.1, 353.2
Baatar (Granfar), Uransaikhan, 66.1, 108.1, 204.1, 308.1
Báb, the, See General Index
Bádavám, Ma¥múd [Mahmoud Badavam], 170.2, 180.2
Bahá’u’lláh, See General Index
Baki, Fevziye, 66.1, 161.2
Bakineti, Ritia Kamauti, 161.1, 248.1, 353.1
Banani, Amin, 213.1
Banani, Sheila, 213.2
Bangala, Mélanie, 248.1, 353.1
Banzragch, Enkhdelger, 161.1, 248.2
Barnes, Kiser, 38.1, 105.1, 191.1-2
General Index
‘Abdu’l-Bahá: achievements of, 11.7, 315.2, 395.1; on the Administrative Order, 315.7; appointment of Hands of the Cause, 98.2, 386.2; Ascension of, 229.5; on Bahá’u’lláh’s protection, 314.6; on being a Bahá’í, 45.21, 164.43, 390.8; calls to action, 103.7, 223.6; on conferred infallibility, 309.2; on consultation, 133.7, 299.9; on the Covenant, 309.8; on crises, 342.3; efforts to preserve the House of Bahá’u’lláh in Baghdad, 210.3; on elimination of racial prejudice, 347.3; on equality of women and men, 4, 381; on future of Iran, 47.4, 76.11, 135.1, 230.8, 361.5; on the Guardianship, 99.8; guiding hand for Mashriqu’lAdhkárs, 187.9, 237.2; and House of Worship in Wilmette, 59.5, 187.1–2, 187.11, 230.8; on Þuqúqu’lláh, 99.17, 100.5–6, 279.3; on the independent investigation of truth, 357.3; interpretation of Bahá’u’lláh’s Writings, 67.3; justice promised by, 3.3; on Local Spiritual Assemblies,
164.22, 268.3, 340.1; mission entrusted to American Bahá’í Community, 103.7, 347.1; Naw-Rúz tablets from, 15.3; on new social forms, 219.2; on noninvolvement in politics, 339.3; on obedience, 227.5, 284.4; on oneness of humankind, 187.1, 187.6, 227.4, 354.5; on oneness of religion, 301.4; on peace, 319.10, 319.13; on pilgrimages, 285.1; prayers of, 72.32, 323, 342.5, 343.3, 360; promises of, 3.2, 387.2; return to Holy Land, 217; on science, 299.5, 357.4; on service, 112.4, 164.30, 278.6, 384.3; on state of the world, 314.1; talks by, 119.5; on teaching, 3.2, 76.6; on tests, 133.9; tributes to, 378; on unity, 102.5, 153.33, 195.15, 299.7, 384.3; on the Universal House of Justice, 99.2, 99.13; visits to Egypt and the West, 65.2, 75.1, 75.6, 159, 168.5, 187.1–2, 187.11, 217.1–3, 224.3, 226.2; on wealth, 152.6–8, 278.6–7; on youth, 390.6. See also Centenary of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá: achievements of, (continued)
Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; House of the Master (Haifa); Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; and Tablets and texts by ‘Abdu’lBahá
Administrative Order, 13.6, 153.15, 384.14; during 2006–2011 Five Year Plan, 72.32; development of, 78.8, 87.3, 99.4, 99.14, 164.12–14, 164.29–30, 197.3, 255.4, 267.3, 364.19, 378.6, 384.14; enhancing capacities of, 164.17–30, 384.28–37; evolution of, 98.9, 153.21–24, 267.10; in Iran, 46.2, 103.5; women participating in, 381. See also Auxiliary Board members and assistants; Clusters; Continental Boards of Counsellors; Hands of the Cause of God; Institutions and agencies, Bahá’í; Local Spiritual Assemblies (LSAs); National Spiritual Assemblies (NSAs); Regional Bahá’í Councils; Universal House of Justice; World Order of Bahá’u’lláh
Advent of Divine Justice, The (Shoghi Effendi), 164.31, 164.35
Agh¦án, 99.10
‘Akká: restoration of Bahá’í Holy Places in and around, 35.8, 106.3, 142.4
Arabic-Speaking Believers Conference, 63
Arc Projects Fund: closing of, 8.3, 8.5. See also Funds, Bahá’í
Area Teaching Committees: during 2016–2021 Five Year Plan, 250.11, 250.26, 250.27;
Auxiliary Boards collaborating with, 153.21, 164.7, 164.32, 183.11; Local Spiritual Assemblies collaborating with, 164.21, 250.27; Regional Councils collaborating with, 164.18; training institutes collaborating with, 385.6. See also Teaching Arts, the: integration into community activities, 75.11, 384.12; science and, 45.1, 45.23, 76.11, 164.36, 175.18
Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: observance of, 229.5. See also ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; Centenary of Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh: centenary of, 45.12; observance of, 229.5. See also Bahá’u’lláh Association for Bahá’í Studies, 212 Asylum seekers: enrolment of, 139
Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from five continents (film, International Teaching Centre), 107.2, 114
Audiovisual materials, 25. See also “Bahá’í Media Bank” Web Site; Department of Library and Archives (BWC); Photographs, Web Site of Australia: Bahá’í Community of, 123.2
Auxiliary Board members and assistants: during 2006–2011 Five Year Plan, 72.18; during 2016–2021 Five Year Plan, 250.6, 250.12, 250.17; during 2022–2031 Nine Year Plan, 372.1, 372.5, 384.10, 384.13, 384.15, 384.23, 384.29; Area Teaching Committees collaborating with, 153.21, 164.7, 164.32, 183.11;
general index 918
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