4 minute read
33 / Gatherings of Unity
from Voyage of Love
Gatherings of Unity
When ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was getting ready to return to Haifa after his long journey, a farewell banquet was planned at the Great Northern Hotel in New York on November 23. About three hundred people attended, wearing formal attire. The hall was decorated with banners, and the Greatest Name, a version of the name “Bahá” in Arabic calligraphy, was hung above the stage. Long rectangular tables were set up for dining, and small tables at the sides of the room were filled with colorful flowers, desserts, and crystal glassware.
When ‘Abdu’l-Bahá entered, everyone rose and called out, “Alláhu-Abhá!” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke about the oneness of humanity:
This meeting of yours tonight . . . is a universal gathering; it is heavenly and divine in purpose because it serves the oneness of the world of humanity and promotes international peace. . . . It promotes love and fraternity among all humankind, seeks to abolish
and destroy barriers which separate the human family, proclaims the equality of man and woman . . . removes racial, national and religious prejudices and establishes the foundation of the heavenly Kingdom in the hearts of all nations and peoples. . . .
Consecrate and devote yourselves to the betterment and service of all the human race. Let no barrier of ill feeling or personal prejudice exist between these souls, for when your motives are universal and your intentions heavenly in character . . . you will become the recipients of the bounty and good pleasure of God.
This meeting is, verily, the noblest and most worthy of all meetings in the world because of these underlying spiritual and universal purposes. Such a banquet and assemblage command the sincere devotion of all present and invite the downpouring of the blessings of God. Therefore, be ye assured and confident that the confirmations of God are descending upon you, the assistance of God will be given unto you . . . the fragrant breezes of the rose gardens of divine mercy will waft through the windows of your souls. Be ye confident and steadfast; your services are confirmed by the powers of heaven, for your intentions are lofty, your purposes pure and worthy. God is the helper of those souls whose aim is to serve humanity and whose efforts and endeavors are devoted to the good and betterment of all mankind.1
Juliet Thompson wrote, “Just before the food was served the Master rose from His seat, a vial of attar of rose in His hand, and passed among all the tables, anointing every one of His guests. As His
wonderful hand, dripping perfume, touched my forehead, as He scattered on my hair the fragrant drops, my whole being seemed to wake and sparkle.”2
Ma¥múd wrote, “Many of the hotel guests saw the banquet and were astonished to see the grandeur of the Master and the sincerity and enthusiasm of the friends.” The hotel staff was also curious. “They came to see the Master to ask about the banquet and why so many distinguished Americans were praising and glorifying a person from the East. Indeed, it was a banquet for a king and a source of awakening to every person of insight.”3
Unjustly, the owner of the Great Northern Hotel had refused to let the African American Bahá’ís attend the banquet. The more the Bahá’ís tried to change his mind, the more decisive he became. He claimed that if people saw African Americans entering the hotel, “no respectable person will ever set foot in it and my business will go to the winds.”4
Because of this racist attitude, a special feast was arranged for the African American Bahá’ís at the home of Carrie and Edward Kinney. Many white women served their black friends with love and kindness. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said:
Today you have carried out the laws of the Blessed Beauty and have truly acted according to the teachings of the Supreme Pen. Behold what an influence and effect the words of Bahá’u’lláh have had upon the hearts, that hating and shunning have been forgotten and that prejudices have been obliterated to such an extent that you arose to serve one another with great sincerity.5
A few days earlier, some children had seen ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on their way home from school, and asked about Him. Juliet Thompson had invited them to the Kinney home to meet Him. When they arrived, ‘Abdu’lBahá spoke to them with great kindness. He gave them candies and flowers, and sprinkled them with attar of rose. Then He encouraged them, saying:
I hope that you will be educated as you ought to be and that each of you will become the pride of your family. May God assist you to acquire divine knowledge in the school of the world of humanity. I shall pray for you and beg assistance for you. Truly, the hearts of the children are very pure. This was why Christ said, “Be ye like children.” Praise be to God who created you illumined children. Praise be to the Lord who hath created His creatures perfectly. God has created you as human beings so that you may daily acquire better morals and human virtues. You must obey your parents so that they may be pleased with you, and so that God will be pleased with you, and that you may become the children of the Kingdom and mirror forth the words of Christ.6
“Consecrate and devote yourselves to the betterment and service of all the human race.”