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Letter from the Incoming Chair
Challenges Met – Obstacles Overcome. As a former executive in the energy business and a long-time banker, I have seen numerous examples of this in action. Taking into consideration the ongoing pandemic, this has created a very challenging time for us all. As the incoming chairman of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, I have seen how this extraordinary organization handles adversity over the years. Through government shutdowns, cancellation of major job-providing programs, floods, storm surges, and lost opportunities, BAHEP’s leadership has had the vision to forge ahead devising solutions along the way. BAHEP is a proven leader in economic development throughout the entire region. Its longestablished relationships with every business and industry sector, the region’s outstanding educational institutions, and supportive elected officials at all levels of government have made it the place to go for assistance. If there is one thing that I could say unequivocally about BAHEP, it’s that it will absolutely do what is best for the entire region. This annual report will highlight the activities that added up to a really great year for the organization. As the incoming chair, however, my job is to look ahead taking into consideration unfinished business and opportunities that lie before us. Until we see a completed coastal barrier system in place in Galveston Bay, this will be unfinished business for quite some time. The barrier is a monumental project that will take years to build, but it is a critical component of the region’s infrastructure for economic vitality and safety. The creation of the Gulf Coast Protection District by the recent legislature was a big step in the right direction. BAHEP will continue to work closely with the district, the Texas General Land Office, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, and our elected officials toward the achievement of this goal. BAHEP will continue to engage with the Houston Airport System in the development of the Houston Spaceport. We will further our support of human space exploration through our Citizens for Space Exploration trips to educate members of Congress about the importance of this initiative. BAHEP will carry on its activities with Port Houston to ensure the vitality of this national asset. Finally, and perhaps the most difficult, we will continue the transition process to a new BAHEP president when Bob Mitchell retires at the close of 2022. Yes, it’ll be a busy 2022, but BAHEP, as always, is up for the challenges.
Kenny Koncaba CEO, Texan Bank