Women, Hijab and Men! (in Islam) By Richard Fouad MacLeod Oct 2009, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK richy@richardmacleod.co.uk
s an Arab and a Muslim man I can understand the emphasis on Honour and Dignity and how it is a sacred duty to defend them with my life. This is a duty which entails a commitment towards the females in my family. They are a significant part of what class to be my Honour and Dignity. A duty which can be abbreviated in one cliché “To Protect and Serve”.
This motto is adopted by many Police authorities in the USA. Regardless of the geographical fact, the Police –in theory- their job is to protect you from danger but also to protect others from you if you became a “danger”. e.g. They would arrest a thief who stole your house to protect you. And they would arrest you if you consume illegal drugs. This is the same Police who will put you in front of a Judge who might put you on a rehabilitation programme or in prison. In my dear religion, Islam, Men are in charge of the Women the Prince of affairs. This is because of the the people is a differences in physiological nature servant of the between Men and Women and People due to -in most cases- Men being the bread earners. This is what our dear Islam says in the Quran. What Islam also tells us as well (from Hadeeth) that the Prince of the people is their servant!
Someone might argue that men are protecting women from going astray and strolling freely down the Desires Avenue. Well this has to be done in a certain manner which starts with the upbringing of a child.
With my simple mind and ability to analyse, this tells me the male position as “in charge” of the woman affairs is actually a responsibility and not a privilege bestowed on Men. The Prince is required to be a Leader during the hard times and also to attend his people he is entrusted with as a "servant" not as a tyrant! In my views, some Men are abusing their responsibility and they are betraying their deviant duty! And the society is an accessory. 1
Besides, preaching have rules and etiquettes stemmed from the Quran, Hadeeth and the great heritage of moral stories from the lives of Prophet Mohammad may peace be upon him and his
Be a servant not a Tyrant!
Women, Hijab and Men in Islam | Islamic Thoughts Series
followers. Collectively, they demonstrate how to guide people back to the right path.
To me this is more damaging to Islam as a way of life, to Hijab as symbol and the woman her self. Many Muslims believe that Islam is for all time, and because of that we should go back to its roots and seek wisdom from there.
Hijab is a divine order
Where does the Islamic head scarf or Hijab rank in all this? As a “typical” Muslim man I will not deny, women with a proper Hijab I would like to invite the guardians of theses on, strikes a cord in my heart that no other minority to remember how Allah introduced woman or other feature of the feminine the Islam to the humanity and follow it. Hijab fashion can. The Hijab to me, like many other was introduced in a later stage in the life of Muslims (men and women), is a symbol of Islam and this should say something. honour, self control, good manners, chastity, and purity. But I can’t deny that the Hijab it self is not only that. It’s a visible indication of the above yes but its a divine order to the Muslim women as well. Hijab is the And since it’s a divine order some choice of who are in charge “order”, “enforce” & “beat” their entrusted many Muslim women into wearing the Hijab! But I feel that such individuals are missing an important fact here. It’s the way we bring up our children that will make them receptive –or not- of such commands.
If it was too late to use such method, then there is the preaching with gentleness and advising with easiness. And of course the unconditional support of the family to those members who astray! This is what Islam tells us! It’s scary -to me- the fact that a minority of women puts the Hijab on just to avoid their guardians rage and severe punishment while using the Hijab it self as a camouflage to carry on committing many ill actions! Actions which contradict with the Hijab symbol!
Some Muslims are in need to go back to the roots of Islam and learn more about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his followers and learn about humanity, humility, wisdom patience and love to Allah and how Islam is the answer to all humanity problems. It’s only then we will fall in love properly with Islam. Adhering to Islam way of life should be a natural progression not a forced implementation.
All in all, Islam is the answer 2
Women, Hijab and Men in Islam | Islamic Thoughts Series