Revised Annex I to Resolution 4 (1996) of the Bern Convention on endangered natural habitat types using the EUNIS habitat classification (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 2014) ENDANGERED NATURAL HABITAT TYPES EUNIS code C C1.1 C1.222 C1.223 C1.224 C1.225 C1.226 C1.25 C1.32 C1.33 C1.3411 C1.3413 C1.4 C2.111 C2.12 C2.1A C2.1B C2.27 C2.28 C2.33 C2.34 C3.4 C3.51 D D2.3 D4.1 D5.2 E E1.12 E1.2 E1.71 E1.9 E2.2 E3.4 E3.5 E5.4 F F3.16 F4.2 F9.1 G G1.11 G1.12 G1.21 G1.22 G1.51 G1.918 G1.925 G1.A1 G1.A4 G1.B3 G3.1F G3.A G3.B G3.D G3.E X X04 X09 X35
EUNIS name Inland surface waters Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools Floating Hydrocharis morsus-ranae rafts Floating Stratiotes aloides rafts Floating Utricularia australis and Utricularia vulgaris colonies Floating Salvinia natans mats Floating Aldrovanda vesiculosa communities Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies Free-floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies Rooted submerged vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies Ranunculus communities in shallow water Hottonia palustris beds in shallow water Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens Hard water springs Mesotrophic vegetation of spring brooks Eutrophic vegetation of spring brooks Mesotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Eutrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Mesotrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers Eutrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation Euro-Siberian dwarf annual amphibious swards (but excluding C3.5131 Toad-rush swards) Mires, bogs and fens Transition mires and quaking bogs Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens Euro-Siberian pioneer calcareous sand swards Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes Nardus stricta swards Open non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland, including inland dune grassland Low and medium altitude hay meadows Moist or wet eutropic and mesotrophic grassland Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows Heathland, scrub and tundra Juniperus communis scrub Dry heaths Riverine scrub Woodland, forest and other wooded land Riverine Salix woodland Boreo-alpine riparian galleries Riverine Fraxinus - Alnus woodland, wet at high but not at low water Mixed Quercus - Ulmus - Fraxinus woodland of great rivers Sphagnum Betula woods Eurasian boreal Betula woods Boreal Populus tremula woods Quercus - Fraxinus - Carpinus betulus woodland on eutrophic and mesotrophic soils Ravine and slope woodland Boreal and boreonemoral Alnus woods Enclave Picea abies forests Picea taiga woodland Pinus taiga woodland Boreal bog conifer woodland Nemoral bog conifer woodland Habitat complexes Raised bog complexes Pasture woods (with a tree layer overlying pasture) Inland Sand Dunes