Portfolio_Design for Performance and Interaction MArch_Bai Chenwanning

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Interactive tableware, Experiential theater

UPROAR is a customized soundscape space that synthesizes simulated ambient sounds in a customized open space of the frequent comments that the "East Asian obese community" is subjected to in their lives or the atmosphere they feel, in order to satirize and critique the bad comments, and behaviors that we make due to the stigmatization of obesity.

Have you ever ignored the malice, the hurt that this marginalized group receives in your daily life? Have you tried to understand the real situation and pain of the obese community?

Final video link: https://youtu.be/4TqhKCRiDco



"Obesity discrimination" in East Asian societies

The formation of fatness stigmatization

The indignities and dilemmas faced by the obese community in East Asia are a complex topic. Over the past few decades, obesity has become an increasingly widespread problem as East Asian countries have experienced economic development and improved standards of living.

In East Asian societies, obesity is viewed as an immoral behavior because it is considered to be the result of a lack of self-discipline and self-control. This view may lead to discrimination and ostracism of obese individuals, deeply impacting their social and professional life. In addition, obese individuals may experience low self-esteem and anxiety due to the harsh aesthetic standards governing body image in East Asian cultures.

In spite of the growing prevalence of obesity, the incidence of weight discrimination only seems to be getting worse. Particularly within the conte t of widespread contemporar online media. The evolving landscape of obesity-related discrimination poses significant potential for physical and psychological harm to individuals, presenting an obstacle to the harmonious progression of society. x

Histori al ontext



The explosion of "digital piggies"

Janet Tomiyama, a UCLA researcher on disease shame, said,

Moving from the macro perspective on history, culture, and geography to a focus on specific instances of obesity discrimination. Focusing on the recent overeating "digital piggies" that have been subjected to serious online criticism: "These female eating podcasts generally weigh more than 200 pounds, they are not the general sense of the king of the big stomach, more like a patient suffering from eating disorders" This is the "digital piggies" that has recently become popular in the social media platform - Douyin & Red Booklet.

"We are very sensitive to bodies that are different from our own. In the evolutionary past, this [a body different from one s own] could mean a risk of disease or a threat to the tribe." '

Two Main Reasons

The Market


a market of weight-loss stakeholders who thrive on keeping the negative meanings of being fat alive.

Beyond being seated in a context comprising a historical aversion toward the fat body, there is a more materialistic force. In this market, our desires and fears are being so-called "obesity entrepreneurs (as in people who started their own businesses during the obesity epidemic.)" commoditi ed (Monaghan et al. 20 0).



And this weight loss industry enabled by commodification, with the daily help of the mass media, has succeeded in deepening the confusion about whether obesity is a serious ha ard or a minor obstacle to achieving self-health.


"The Discrimination that rises rather than falls" One study found that obesity discrimination is one of the few remaining forms of discrimination in the 2 st century that has not yet been ameliorated. nconscious discrimination against sexual orientation, race, and skin-tone are all changing. But unconscious discrimination against obesity is even increasing instead of decreasing. 1

Fatness Stigmatization At the same time, social discrimination against overweight and obese groups has become more and more serious, and atness tigmati ation has become a common social phenomenon. -Fatness tigmati ation refers to the social stigmati ation of individuals for being overweight or obese, which is mainly manifested in the public s discrimination, prejudice, and negative attitudes towards this group, and stereotypes about obesity are widely disseminated, and obese people are usually regarded as la y, lacking selfdiscipline and willpower. - besit stigma is widespread in the workplace in health care in education and other areas, and it can have negative psychological, behavioral and physical effects on stigmati ed individuals.






Another study examined trends in weight discrimination over 0 years, from 20 0 to 2020, and found that the prevalence of weight discrimination increased b over that 0year period. This finding is not the result of rising obesity rates, but rather a concrete indication that more people are suffering weight discrimination. 1


y 66%





re alen e of weight dis ri ination P














Thanks to the wallpaper of the "digital piggy" I was able to lose weight. #Digital piggy #Wallpaper #How to suppress appetite #Lose weight

As this particular case of "digital piggies" unfolded, I began to pay real attention to the obesity discrimination that was happening all around me.

70 02%


In a social environment where "thinness" is admired and longed for, the situation of the obese group is almost desperate. At the level of appearance, they are low-class citi ens expelled from the entire human tribe. Fat men are greasy, fat women difficult to marry, this kind of conventional subconscious, so that the obese group has become a sociall marginal people.

After the "digital Piggies" hunt show went viral, we sat under the stage and either remained silent or attacked it indiscriminately. They on the stage, may be attracting waves of traffic by overdrawing their bodies, or they may be suffering from the ravages of bulimia. In the end, no one cares whether these bulimic big eaters, who go on and on, are hiding distress signals inside their ever-expanding bodies. Their bodies become a spectacle, and every click is a ticket to visit.

- What kind of malice do they suffer?

- Is it for the sake of traffic or is it a cry for help hidden underneath these bloated bodies?


54 07%




40 23%

35 01%


22 15%


15 02%







Further research Malice against "digital piggies"

Is obesity a totally personal choice?

Bad comments collected Based on the festering events, I've collected the vitriol against the obese community in the major social media platforms.

On the Chinese social media platform - Red Booklet, we can find a lot of wallpapers of "digital piggies". These wallpapers serve the same purpose as the slogan "Be thin or die" did some years ago: to intimidate women. If you let your guard down, you will fall into the abyss and become like them.

The "digital piggies" has become an obesity scarecrow for the average girl. Just one look at their overeating and the spicy hot pot in their hands will be unsteady in fear. Just one more bite and they become what they are on the other side of the screen: fat, lazy, sloppy and dirty. Become a clown in the eyes of all.

Can you stop looking in front of my eyes, it's really affecting my mood, it's disgusting to look at you.

Fat person always playing the victim.

Please, don't wear shorts on the street. My eyes are rotting, annoying land whales.

The only thing you live for is eating the fucking food.

Don't go out if you're this fat, okay?

You're so brave to dress like that.

Yeah, You can stand the stares on the street, but do you want to Shame on your husband? Observe the viewers who consume "digital piggies". At one time, viewers turned on the food show to satisfy their cravings. But watching "digital piggies" is the opposite: The visual stimulation allows the viewer to achieve an anorexic diet, thereby achieving the weight loss. Even many doctors believe that shaming obese people is the best way to motivate them to lose weight.

No one is scared of land whales, we are disgusted by them.

That's why you can hear a lot of vitriol in the comments section of the "digital piggies"......

Selected from Chinese social media platforms: Red Booklet; Weibo; Douyin.

You like her? You've really got a strong taste.

《Understanding Obesity》, a report published by the British Psychological Society in 2019, states that obesity is not an individual choice. Complex physiological and psychological factors, intertwined with environmental and social influences, lead to obesity. The report mentions that there are four categories of people most at risk of obesity: those who are naturally predisposed to obesity, those who study and work in environments that can easily lead to overeating, those who live in poverty, and those who have experienced trauma in their childhood. And our attitude towards overeaters and the obese group is not as gentle as treating patients.

This is because a person's body fatness has transitioned from a physical problem to a social one. They each represent...

High willpower



Highly civilized

You eat too much, you have to share your food among hungry people in Africa.

omg i threw up when i saw he without clothes wtf. suit or not.












While watching the freak show of the overeaters, we are anxious about whether our waistline has gained another inch. We're so afraid of obesity that the "digital piggy" has become the perfect emotional outlet.

Raise Question In the new contextual situation of the prevalence of online media, the discrimination suffered by the obese group has become more and more intense; how can we make people pay more attention to the obese group and not ignore the harm and malice they have suffered?

Interactive experience concept


Visual concept

The project creates a simulated environment with soundscapes in the form of participatory theater. With Interactive Tableware, users can use different types of interactive tableware connected to speakers to generate different even performances.

Major components

Participatory theater (score-based performance):

Designing a small mental theater for the obese community and inviting outsiders to participate/experience.

Planned the "score" for this interactive performance:

The "score" provides instructions and guidance to the participants; a set of behavioral rules is created for the experiencer to ensure orderly behavior.

Interactive tableware:

Two goblets, Two dinner plates, Two straight glasses, Two medicine bottles

Different areas of discrimination suffered by obese groups

6 steps in the Menu

soundscapes. Participants can also collaborate to mix different sounds to create novel and personalized soundscapes and

Step 1: TIDE - (2 goblets)

Pour the liquid into the goblet and the associated audio will play. Control the pressure sensor and the volume varies with the amount of liquid, stopping the audio when the globlet is emptied.

Step 2: INTIMACY RELATIONSHIP - (2 goblets)

Raise and touch the other person's goblet, shorten the distance, then pull it away, repeat this action. Control the ultrasonic sensor (distance sensor) to control the audio volume

Moodboard 1

Step 3: HAUNTING ECHOES OF SORROW - (2 straight glasses)

Pour liquid into each of the two glasses. Control the pressure sensor to detect the pressure of the liquid being poured and trigger the playback of the two audio tracks.

Step 4: TIDE RISING - (2 plates)

Slowly stack food onto the plate. Control the pressure sensor to detect the weight of the food and adjust the audio volume to play the audio for social exclusion and verbal Step 5: SPOILAGE CATALYST - (2 medicine bottles)

Shake the medicine bottle with a slow to fast frequency. Control the vibration sensor, detect the medicine bottle being shaken, triggering the appropriate audio to play a video

weapon: "gnawed cutlery"

Social exclusion, Social discrimination

Keyword 2

Bulimia: "gnawed cutlery"


Keyword 3


Bulimia: "plus-size cutlery"

Verbal discrimination (bad comments)

Quote from the previous page, "Bad comments" part.

Moodboard 3: Setting the scene

Medical discrimination

of medical discrimination.

Step 6: TIDE FALLING - (2 plates)

Empty the plate of food. Control the pressure sensor to stop all audio when the plate is emptied, disconnect from the speaker, all sound stops, and all interactions are completed at this point.

Social exclusion, from There are 6 steps in the behavioral directive (score) totally.

Keyword 1

according to the distance of the goblets.


Menu Design (Menu=Score)

Moodboard 2: Inspiration for the look of knives and forks

friends or family


discrimination, denied

members because of




Verbal discrimination, belittling or

mocking overweight people

Stop related discrimination audio

Medical discrimination, poor treatment

from doctors due to weight


Spectacle (tables and chairs placed outside, "be mobbed")


Sketch & Coding+Testing

Knives & forks design finished display

Sketch of tableware arrangement


Step 1:

Plate 2:

Plate 1:


Pressure sensor Step 2:

Ultrasonic sensor

Glasses: Glass 2

Pressure sensor

Glass 1:

Medicine Bottles:

Groups with low body fat percentages (thin people) generally eat less. They are

Step 3:

Goblet 2

Vibration sensor Step 4:

Goblet 1


restrained when holding knives and forks in their hands, but when they look at obese groups, they think they are intemperate and greedy. Therefore, the "tableware" in their hands that represents moderation, on the one hand,

Step 5:

Pressure sensor Step 6:

Pressure sensor

Goblet 1:

Use Pressure sensor 1 (in testing) Goblet 2:

Use Pressure sensor 2 (in testing) Glass 1:

Use Pressure sensor 1 (in testing)

Defining Ultrasonic Sensor Pins Define pressure sensor and vibration sensor pins

Storing distances measured by ultrasound

Glass 2:

Use Pressure sensor 2 (in testing)

Initializing serial communication and connecting SR04 pins To detect the input pulse width on a pin, you need to first set it to the input state

Plate 1:

Use Pressure sensor 1 (in testing)

Initialize serial communications with a baud rate of 9600

Plate 2:

Use Pressure sensor 2 (in testing)

Reading the pulse width measured by ultrasound Send ultrasonic distance data

Technology principle

Read vibration sensor status Send vibration sensor status data

Pressure sensor 1

Read the value of pressure sensor 1 Send pressure sensor value data

Pressure sensor 2

Read the value of pressure sensor 2 Ultrasonic sensor

it represents restraint and control over themselves;On the other hand, knives/ forks may become a "weapon" to stab the obese, as if to say I can control my eating, why can't you do it, and thus show a lack of understanding and even aggressiveness towards the obese group's "inability to do it".

Vibration sensor

Send pressure sensor value data


Pre-shooting Preparation

Testing The speaker was tested to see if it could process and parse the three types of data it receives, "pressure data, distance data, and vibration sensor data," and successfully activate their corresponding audio.

Preliminaries Finding and measuring the site


228cm 263cm

Receive the data then parse the sensor data (process it according to the sensor type).

Step 1+3+4: If the data from pressure sensor 1 is received, standardize the pressure value to play the corresponding audio and set the volume, if the data is less than the set threshold, stop the audio playback; same for pressure sensor 2.

Step 2: Ultrasonic sensor, reads the distance data, normalizes the distance data, and the volume of the playback audio changes with the distance data.

Pressure sensor

Script preparation

Ultrasonic sensor

Step 5: Vibration sensor, read the data from the vibration sensor, process the data according to the sensor type, if the data is greater than 0, then play the corresponding audio.

Step 6: Pressure Sensor, when moving the thing away from the pressure sensor, at this point the pressure sensor data threshold is very small and does not fulfill the greater than threshold condition, then the audio stops playing. Vibration sensor

Work Flow

Step 1: TIDE - Audio content “Party ambient sounds”- Starting experience

Pour the sugar drink into the goblet, to enjoy the gradually rising atmosphere of the party.

Step 4: TIDE RISING - Audio content “Tirades against the obese community” - Verbal discrimination

Slowly stack the meat onto the dinner plate piece by piece, to savor the eerie atmosphere that surges through you.

Step 2: INTIMACY RELATIONSHIP - Audio content “Changing party ambient sounds” - Social exclusion

"Will you clink glasses with me?" use your goblet as slider, cooperate with your partner to re-measure your distance from the crowd at the party!

Step 5: SPOILAGE CATALYST - Audio content “No, all you need is to lose weight (mechanical voice)” - Medical discrimination

Shake the pill bottle, to taste entirely strange and different soundscape in the normal hospital consultation room.

Step 3: HAUNTING ECHOES OF SORROW - Audio content “Office ambient sound & suffocating/drowning Sound” - Employment discrimination

Mix your two glasses of oil to help you bring back memories of that awful day.

Step 6: TIDE FALLING - Audio content fades out - Complete the experience

Empty your dinner plate in your own way, place the knife and fork on each side of it.

Final Display - Details

Video Link

Brief of the project "UPROAR": https://youtu.be/4TqhKCRiDco

Experiential Soundscape space, Interactive tableware.





Interactive installation

In today's society, as people are faced with more and more choices and challenges, it is easy for them to feel confused and doubtful about their "identity/existence" and fall into the vortex of the problem of "meaninglessness". But what is existence to us? Does "meaninglessness" need to be overcome or accepted?

The project will try to shape a new mode of human Existence around the theory of "existential crisis". When "existence" is no longer a personal choice, but is directly designated, can the meaning of existence be determined?


commit suicide

“Get Lost” In The City


Existential Crisis in Film


We can perhaps understand this painful problem from the perspective of Albert Camus-"The contradiction between man's desire for meaning and the inherent meaninglessness and irrationality of the universe" is absurd and insoluble." Confronting this fact is agonizing. And in response to this agony, Albert Camus (one of the leading figures of existentialist literature) proposed three possible solutions. One is suicide; two is nihilism. Three is to simply accept existence as it is. He believed that "life would be better if it were meaningless".

Centered on Truman


who spent his entire life in the fictional town of

Seahaven, this

film is about an "existential awakening," from a life of


unthinking conformity to a realization of the power of selfdetermination. Truman's desire to

What is the existential crisis?

escape from this life in the movie expresses

Existential crises are inner conflicts characterized by the impression that life lacks meaning or by confusion about one's personal identity. The various aspects associated with existential crises are sometimes divided into emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. Emotional components refer to the feelings they provoke, such as emotional pain, despair, helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or loneliness. Cognitive components encompass the problem of meaninglessness, the loss of personal values or spiritual


Sartre's conviction that

meaning must be derived from the individual's personal choices. In other words, only you can establish the meaning of your existence.

faith, and reflections about one's own mortality. Outwardly (in behavioral), existential crises often express themselves in

Situation In Society

addictions, anti-social and compulsive behavior. The issues at the heart of existential crises vary according to an individual's life stage and personal development. Common types in academia literature include the teenage crisis, the quarter-life crisis, the mid-

- In today's society, people are faced with an increasing number of choices and challenges, which may lead them to feel

life crisis, and the later-life crisis. They all have in common a conflict about the meaning and purpose of one's life.

confused, uncertain and self-doubt. The reasons for people's self-doubt may be multifaceted, such as social pressures, relationships, career choices, and so on. In addition, the popularity of social media and other digital platforms may also have a negative impact on people's self-worth and tend to make them feel anxious, lonely and unfulfilled. And the socalled "existential crisis" is when a person tries to find out "Who am I? What am I pursuing in my life?" and other questions, one can fall into a long period of confusion and anxiety. The concept of existential crisis is derived from Erikson's theory of identity crisis.

KIRU, the protagonist

In the film-I - In the process of seeking "who I am," a large percentage of people exhibit "a lack of purpose and direction; no clear

does not overcome the

plan or roadmap; an inability to make decisions; uncertainty about the future; a sense of not being in control of their

meaninglessness of his existence.

lives; a lack of self-confidence; and feel that what they are living in the moment is not in line with their values and beliefs."

His victory lies in the fact that he learns to accept this emptiness.

Like Camus, he believes that life is Painful & Unanswered Question

better if it is meaningless. In his final moments, the protagonist sits on a bench in the playground

Life is

and calmly sings the song "


" don't know whether this world has a meaning that transcends it.


But l know that l

The teenage crisis


The mid-life crisis

cannot know that meaning and that it is impossible for me ust now to know it." The quarter-life crisis

-Albert Camus

The later-life crisis

Data on Chinese citizens' attitudes

towards the "meaning of life"



Conceptual Idea Sources

Manifestations of a descent into existential crisis

Life has meaning

According to the statistics of 40,000 young people interviewed in China, 51.45% of the interviewees said that they felt their lives lacked a sense of meaning, but only 9.49% of them thought that their lives were "very meaningful", and 39.06% thought that they were "meaningful". In a word, half of the 40,000 young people felt that their lives were meaningless.

aper Resource:

1. The existential crisis. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 21(1), pp.104–109, by Andrews, M. (2016).

‌2. What-are-the-various-types-of-existential-crisis, by Quora et al, 2020.

3. COMPONENTS OF EXISTENTIAL CRISIS: A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS. International Journal of Psychology : a Biopsychosocial Approach, 18, pp.9–27, By Butenaitė et al, (2018). P

Feelings of



Life Choices


From Self

51.45% Life lac s meaning




Life is very meaningful

Anxiety and Dread

Desire for Meaning

Definition of Existentialism:

xistentialism, a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual.”


Conclusion Zhitong Zhou

Age: 24


Occupation: Designer

Living status: living alone

As a corporate slave,I feel tired all the time, I want to have a lot of interests, but I just feel I don’t have the energy to do them, I have a great job, a successful life, but I feel like something is missing, But isn't that what life is all about, repeating familiar and boring things day and day?

Generate conceptual idea:

At the heart of the existential crisis is the "problem of meaninglessness." But whether it is through overcoming

Some of the different types of main existential crises:

the meaninglessness of existence or accepting this nothingness, the "meaninglessness problem" is always

Hanxin Wang

Age: 20

Location: Xiamen

Occupation: Student

Living status: Group living

difficult to be solved.

In the past few years in college, my most obvious feeling is that I feel life is busy every day, but I don't know what I'm busy with, and there is no goal or direction in my life. I have been troubled by this seemingly full but meaningless state of life, really confused and powerless.

I don't think there's a exact meaning to life, we're just muddling along trying to figure it out, may be no answers. Actually I'm always going to take the question of "meaning" very seriously, but I'm going to choose to try not to, because I certainly won't care about it sixty years from now. And "life is what you make it."

. Meaninglessness Crisis: Feeling a profound sense of emptiness or meaninglessness in life is a common existential crisis. It can arise when individuals struggle to find purpose or significance in their experiences.


Raise Question Yongning Chen

Age: 21

Location: Beijing

Occupation: Self-media blogger

Living status: Group living

1. Identity Crisis: This crisis revolves around questioning one's sense of self, values, and beliefs. It may involve uncertainty about personal identity, leading to feelings of confusion or a loss of direction.

So when "existence" is no longer a personal choice, but more objective, can the meaning of existence be determined?

3. Mortality Crisis: A mortality crisis is triggered by the awareness of one's mortality and the inevitability of death. It can lead to anxiety or fear of the unknown and the desire to find meaning in life before it ends.

ther remaining types of existential crises:

Isolation and Loneliness Crisis; Value Crisis; Freedom and Responsibility Crisis; Transcendence Crisis; Relationship Crisis. O

By investigating the historical origins of existentialism, and the types, manifestations of "existential crises", I'm sure it is difficult to be resolved. So here's a choice, to arouse people's thoughts about the meaning of life by "reshaping" human Identity Perception and the way of existentence.

Moodboard & Concept THE FIRST SPACE

Identity, Feel lost, Control, Futuristic appearance installation

Future City Appearance, Social class division, Morphology-Cell

Conceptualization of future world Guessing the future society will be in a state of extreme class stratification and that the identity of each individual will be assigned. Citizens ”born out“ of this new ideology were called "Chameleon Citizens". The city is divided into three classes based on the different of class status, material living conditions, and lifestyles: The first space-Utopia (of Chameleon Civic Community); The second space-Heartland; The third space-Struggletown.

These spaces are separate and connected to each other.

Features of futuristic appearance City appearance forms: cellular differentiation (Representing class stratification)

Those assigned to Utopia are more focused on Self-actualization (Maslow's highest level of need), where people's abilities are fully developed, their basic physical and ego needs are met, and they naturally have an appreciation for life. People in Heartland and Struggletown, compared to The first space, live at a faster pace and focus more on the pursuit of basic needs. But the same thing is that people are randomly assigned to various classes, and the only thing they need to do is to follow the identity sticks that are updated daily to "fulfill the instructions", to experience "meaninglessness", and to accept this "meaninglessness".




Work Flow

"When your meaning is chosen and determined by the outside world, is this the kind of "meaning/ existence" you want?"

Based on the concern of the existential crisis in the current society, it is found that many people are trapped in the problem of life's "meaninglessness" but cannot find the answer, so is it possible to create a more extreme future society (where social classes are completely divided and citizenship is fully designated to exist) by introducing the existentialist philosopher-Albert Camus's idea that "life would be better if it were meaningless." "Envisioning that everyone's identity and hierarchy is completely set and planned by a future machine, and they live every day as if they have a script in their hands and fulfill instructions, can such a meaningless life solve the main problem of existential crisis - meaningless?"

Face recognition,

take photos and upload images


Screen Camera



Methods Research Different class status different lifestyles & attitudes


Identity Sticks


Printer ......

Thermal printer "Different"classes, "different" conditions of material and spiritual life lead to different ways of life.

These "differences", born out of class stratification, give these lives very different "meanings". Face Recognition


Face Matching Information


Identity Sticks is used to address people's doubt of "expressing uncertainty about one's identity and purpose". They are the "answer" of the future society to people in existential crisis. The most important sign of identity - face

Future Installation Design By connecting a facial recognition program to a thermal printer, it randomly prints out a "basic information sticker(ID Sticker)" based on the face of the experiencer. This simulates a futuristic world where people are randomly assigned to different classes (Identity is fully dictated and assigned by this future machine).

With the development of modern technology, facial The face is both biologically and culturally a recognition can be performed by machines more compelling sign of identity (or rather, a matrix of accurately. signs).



Coding Define the serial port and define the required “Picture Groups(3 ID stickers)” and “Group of face matching informations”.

The space bar simulates the "button", when pressed, sends recognized data to the printer and screen randomly displays one of the "Face Matching Information" sheets based on the data.

Takes a screenshot of the full screen and reads the pixels from the screenshot, then sends the screenshot to the printer, which prints out the matching image (one ID sticker) based on the screenshot information.

ID Stick Design Confirmation of identity stick printing effect Print the identity sticks through a thermal printer and verify that the size and effect of the printed sticks are as expected.

Tests of printing and LCD screen running

Use USB port to connect the computer, the LCD screen will run corresponding text when detecting the experiencers' face and the application program will automatically print.

Use images instead of straightforward explanations, the identity of "Chameleon Citizen" (identity sticker) changes daily, with red corresponding to "Power" - representing Class1; blue corresponding to "Peace self-compatible" - representing Classe2; and gray corresponding to "Edge" = representing Class3. Each person's identity has a new script for everyday (including different classes, tasks and goals).

The redesign of Sticks in the form of "receipts" embodies the traffickability and random designation of "identity", breaking the traditional definition of human identity and existence, and reshaping human's perception of identity and mode of existence, thus simulating the mode of existence of people in the future in the form of identity signature-designated presence. 54mm

Facial recognition

Camera identification needs to be kept at a certain distance, which should not be too close or too far.

Class Distribution ID Image

Setting up the installation

Choose empty white space, assemble parts, hide circuits, and create an outof-reach look. The face recognition part basically uses the existing code in the library, and the above figure is the modification of the existing code according to the needs of this interaction process.

Single component of lcd screen: Receive computer signal and control lcd screen.

ID Information

Final Display Step 1

Experiencers can stand in front of the device and start the application, the screen will display that the animation (face recognition) is loading and the face is being recognized.

Step 2

After successfully recognizing the face of the experience, the screen will display "Face Matching Information" based on the recognized face.

Step 3

Corresponding to the previous step, One of the stickers is selected from the library according to the displayed face matching information and printed out by the thermal printer.

Final Display

Full size: 40x40x160cm

Medium: Thermal Printer, Screen, Computer, White stand


Experience design; Wearable device

Today, young people want to obtain companionship and spiritual solace in a relatively closed and lonely social environment. But with the onset of loneliness, how do we live with this world? This program aims to allow participants/experiencers to play the role of twins and experience an intimate virtual relationship. Giving you the Fantastical experience of Having a Twin through your "new identity-twins". Ask yourself, do you fantasize that there is a second self that can help you solve the things you don't want to face? A constant companion? A built-in best friend?

Documentary -“Twins”: https://youtu.be/C4wYy4jrc5g Final film - “Be your twin”: https://youtu.be/RMRBNI4DAIA

Project Description Project Introduction

Inspiration: About Twins

The project is divided into two parts, both of which explore a common theme of young people's need and desire for companionship and spiritual solace in a relatively closed and lonely social environment. Thus, the experience of "playing the role of a twin and completing the experience of a virtual relationship (intimacy)" is represented in both parts. However, the entry points were different. Part 1 focused on the experience and dialogues of the 3 groups's participants , in which they were guided to repeatedly measure the sense of intimacy and boundaries between people in this experience, capture their specific feelings and impacts on the theme-"becoming/playing a twin"from the dialogues/interviews. Ultimately this part is presented in the form of a documentary. Part 2 of the project was a progression of part 1. For an in-depth experience under the theme, I completed the conceptualization and output of the wearable device, and further planned the design of this participation process's experience.

Project Flowchart Part 1 Documentary-"Twins": The theme is "Playing a twin and experiencing a virtual relationship. It documents the magical experience of 3 groups of participants (6 strangers to each other) with their new twin identities, and the specific feelings and impacts that this theme brought to them.

Part 1 Research

Part 2 Wearable device + Final experimental film: Based on a central question, "How to progress to a deeper experience?" Part 2 was a progression of part 1.

The first part of this project was inspired by my subjective personal experience, my twin sister and I have been photographed and lived together since childhood, she's like a built-in best friend to me, we've shared everything and been there for each other since birth, same clothes, same movements, same specialities, the physical similarity

Mindmap gradually began to transform into psychological similarity, I found this psychological change very interesting and decided to do this experimental performance (where people with different identities or genders become each other's "twin sister/brother") to discussing the intimate relationship between people start with the identity of twins.

Mindmap's keywords are centred around "the twins relationship" and "how to play the twins". If let you to experience this kind of virtual relationship, what kind of sparks would come out during the experience?

Literature Research & Summary In research of academic literature about twins, there are some statements like these, which draw heavily on the observed intimacy between twins. Like, Dorothy Burlingham (2002) claimed that twins represent the "closest tie between two individuals". Nancy Segal (1999) said that twins means that they "come closer than anyone else to achieving the coordinated, harmonious relations for which we all strive". In addition to this, The twin has an identity as a twin and an identity as an individual. So this makes both the intimacy of the relationship as a whole and the boundaries of the relationship as an individual become more fascinating. And the deep connection of psychological identity between twins is real due to the "shared identity".

Raise Question If otherwise unrelated strangers were to dress up as twins, what would be the sense of intimacy and boundaries presented in this process of playing each other and expressing their true selves?


Post Production

Documentary Outline

Synopsis of the documentary -“Twins”

Group 3 (starring): 陈瑾 Kiko & 白陈婉宁 Kaya/Baichen “Twins”- Experimental Photographs: Locations for this group - dorm room (private space)

Do you crave companionship and long-lasting intimacy, and do you fantasise about having a second you to help you with things you don't want to face? The documentary -《Twins》 will explore the intimacy between humans starting with the identity of twins. People often recognise twins by the way they dress. Ironically, twins are completely different individuals, and I wanted to show this contradiction and conflict. So I want to test what would happen when two unrelated strangers dressed up as twins sharing the same habit. What sense of boundaries they would present when acting like each other and expressing their true selves? Are they willing to try this new shared identity?

Introduction: Introduce the original intention (reason) for the "twins" series (A photographic project); introduce me and my sister and present my identity as a twin. Body: 1. Sth before interview, documenting the preparation process of the shoot; introducing 3 groups of subjects involved in this project. 2. Shot and recording; show the pictures taken (experimental photography pictures, shooting process) 3. Record their reactions to the experiment. 4. Interviewing the three groups of subjects to discuss their experiences and feelings about the project.

Providing a clear narrative structure for the filming that follows.

3 Groups of Subjects Group 1 (starring): 蔡佳铭 Andrewa & 蔡若歆 Tsai “Twins”- Experimental Photographs: Locations for this group - outdoors and in the car (relatively private space)

Conclusion: Talking about my own thinking; summing up + sublimation.

Final Display Video duration: 05:20 Genre: Documentary-“Twins”

Video link: https://youtu.be/C4wYy4jrc5g

Group 2 (starring): 曹嘉文 Grace & 蔡曦 Piper “Twins”- Experimental Photographs: Location for this group - Rental house (private space)

In the lead up to the shoot, I prepare what the participants will "share (shared space, share identity, shared clothes)" later on, and tried to choose a space with as much privacy as possible, in order to help me to

observe "whether physical proximity to each other would bring people closer together, and whether they would thus be able to truly insert themselves into their specific identities as a twin".

based on this different experience and my personal experience, it helped me to appreciate more clearly the defference in boundaries between people with different levels of intimacy.

Questioning & Thinking

Part 2 Research

Why create a wearable device experience?

Interview live-alone youths

During the filming process of the first part of the documentary, I kept asking the participants "why do you want to experience or become a twin", the answers were mostly centered around "the desire for companionship and curiosity about the intimacy that is formed from birth". Therefore, I would like to go deeper into the theme "intimacy & companionship" to bring a more in-depth experience to the experiences. So I focused the attention on the "live-alone youths ('empty-nest' youth)", a group of people in society who need and want to build intimate relationships.

Sometimes I feel empty, every day I might not fall asleep until 4am, then I sleep for an hour and wake up again, after wake up I don't want to do anything, just eat a meal at the end of the whole day. I actually want to socialize or like have someone to be with me.

Identify the target audience: live-alone youths "One person living alone, two bleary eyes, three take-out meals, four seasons Taobao (A shopping platform in China)... " is their state of life. At the heart of live-alone youth is the 'loneliness' inside them when they are alone. There is no clear definition of "empty-nester" in academic, but "far away from families, alone in a foreign city, without a partner" are the basic characteristics of the portrait of live-alone youth.

8:30-Work commute...............10:30-Working.............................. 23:00-Laze around, get bored. 7:00-Wake up...... A day in the life.................. 7:30-Breakfast............ 17:30-Go home.... A day in the life of a live-alone youth...................... . . . . . . . . . . ...................... A day in the life of a...........

'Empty-nest' youth, for me, is like lost touch with my surroundings, whatever people or things. And there is also the psychological loneliness caused by work pressure and physical stress.

Analyzing "Empty-Nest" Youth (live-alone youths) live-alone Youth is a product of social individualization and change, and has become a common social existence, most of whom are between the ages of twenty and thirty-five. At present, according to incomplete statistics in China, this group has 92 million people, physical and mental health problems are increasingly apparent.

XIAN Yining 23 years old live-alone youth

The relationship between Twins & "Empty-nest" youths CHEN Ning

26 years old live-alone youth I have moments where I may feel unloved and unnoticed. And you ask me what loneliness is, loneliness is so painful, it's just hopeless, it's especially depressing, and the only constant in life is getting up the next day, the sun rising as usual, and having to go on. Most of us voluntary choose to leave our former "nests" and open up our own new space in a new city, perhaps enjoying it or struggling with it. For now, I'm pretty self-contained in my solitary life.

The traditional Chinese concept of the home is deeply rooted in people's minds, and so is the solitary life of young people. They yearn for a quality, warm "home" or a sincere "human relationship". live-alone youth is not only the definition of the concept of physical space, but also a state of mind.


The "intimacy, companionship and sense of connection" that this group lacks and craves for is what twins are born with naturally. The sense of belonging and security brought about by the inseparable physical connection of twins can, to a certain extent, weaken the deprivation of urban integration. And twins always in a state of perpetual dialogue, with ‘proximity’, ‘similitude’, ‘likeness’, ‘closeness’, ‘exclusivity’, this kind of state can bridge the a sense of emptiness and blankness for youth living alone.

29 years old live-alone youth

Mind Map - “Twins & Live-alone youths”

DU Ruihua

22 years old live-alone youth In fact, I'd like to be in a relationship, and to be blunt, it's all about intimacy, and people are always obsessed with finding someone to do this or that.

CHEN Sirui

25 years old live-alone youth

Inspiration-Wearable Device

Creative Process

Further Conceptual Idea

Initial ideas about the wearable device

Although live-alone are more prone to physical and mental health problems, this is only a temporary stage of life, so I don't think they are a problem group. Rather, I hope to alleviate and reduce the loneliness of live-alone youths through experience design + wearable device design, and think about ways to help experiencers bridge the gap of "sense of belonging & connection" in their solitary life. Among them, the contradiction of living alone has become the most subjective and direct feeling of 'Empty-Nest' youth. They are facing a heavy burden of life that makes them unwilling to bear the cost of socializing. And they need personal space, but also crave real connections that exist outside of the online world.

The most important aspect of playing and becoming a twin is "shared identity", which is most intuitively manifested in the form of a "shared face". Therefore, in the design of the "mask" in the wearable device, I chose to use translucent material to make it, so that the face of one participant can overlap and

Wearable Device Showcase

merge with the face of the other through the mask (the mask bears the face of another participant). Due to the translucency material, the participant's identity will not be completely covered, their most direct and powerful identifier - face will be retained while realizing "shared identity".

Mood Board Therefore, combining twins' features and the needs of this group, I have extracted a few key words: "companionship, intimate connection and personal space/social distance".

Twins - Companionship

Story Board & Movie Plotting

Identify the type of this short film as a emotional film and delineate the structure of the film. Roughly dividing a complete story line into three parts: beginning, middle and end.

Face sticker/Mask Transparent spherical helmet

Final conceptual sketch: Personal Space & Social Distance

· Transparent spherical helmet - Represents the preser vation of personal space & social distance. · Translucent mask - Mixing participant's face, to creates "shared identity". · Gloves with velcro - A connection between two person that is difficult to separate.

Setting the protagonists as two young people living alone who crave companionship. What will happen between them? Beginning (part 1) by telling the story of their separate lives; middle (part 2) by telling the story of their experience of their new identities - twins; and end (part 3) by giving an open-ended ending?

Outcome << Be Your Twin >> The film starts with the theme "shared identity", a fascinating and dangerous intimacy between two young people who live alone through the new identity "twins". Longing for companionship and conversation? Fear of being tied up and bound? Where are the boundaries between the intimacy of being a whole and the boundaries of being separate individuals? During the filming of the movie, two participants were photographed together as "twins" identity, this kind of virtual relationship that exudes a grotesque charm and arouses curiosity.

Part 1 llustrate the live-alone life of each of the two protagonists, suggesting that their passion and love for the things in pairs, to expresses or implies that the protagonists in the film are always longing for companionship.

Part 2 "One day, the two protagonists are given the chance to become each other's twins", this part is about the development of the intimate relationship between them. From loneliness before "sharing identity", to mutual familiarity & ......

mirror learning/imitation after merging, and then to inseparability & intimacy, the progression of images indicates the changes in the state of the two human beings. Part 3 The development of the relationship between them begins to move towards suffocation, quarrels and struggles in the latter part of the film, and finally there is a choice about this intimate relationship "Be alone or be your twin?" Final Video Link: https://youtu.be/RMRBNI4DAIA

SCENTED FLASHBACK Interactive device Do you believe that odors can awaken memories? When a person smells a certain odor, he or she will instantly reme ber the past, associate it with certain things, and feel a cer tain emotion. This peculiar physical reaction is called the "Proust effect".Scents are the only sensations that travel such a direct path to the emotional and memory centers of the brain. That results in an intimate connection between emotions, memories and scents. This is why memories trig gered by scents as opposed to other senses are "experienc ed as more emotional and more evocative. This project centers around the "smell affects the brain", an d aims to create a scent atomization device to help the wear er superimpose an olfactory experience on top of a visual one, by combining "what you see" & "what you smell" to real ize "unlocking the memories." It is committed to alleviating or solving the behavioral pain point of "forgetting" that cur rently exists in users, thus helping Alzheimer's patients re-establish communication with their family members.


Group Of Alzheimer's Disease





More than 55 million people worldwide currently have dementia, with more than 60% living in low- and middle-income countries. Nearly 10 million new cases are diagnosed each year. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and may account for 60-70% of cases.

Strangers Relatives & Friends

Between 2015 and 2022, the number of people with Alzheimer's disease continues to show a continuous upward trend, with the number of people with Alzheimer's disease increasing globally from 46 million in 2015 to 55 million in 2022.


No Relatives & Friends

Environment Colleague





The person may fail to recognize close relatives. The memory of loved ones stayed in the youth.

The memory deteriorated and completely forgot their loved ones. For him, there are no relatives and friends.

Orphan Poor Character

55 million

46 million









Scents enter the nostril

Scents Unlock Memories


Nearly half of people age 85 and older (45%) have Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is poorly understood.

- Wearable device - Proustian Effect - Scents & Brain

The most common early symptom is difficulty in reme mbering recent events.

The whole project is centered around the above three keywords. Based on the theory of Proust effect, to study the relationship between scent & brain & memory. And aim to realize "Smell unlocks memory" in this practice.

PREVALENCE One in eight people age 65 and older (13%) has Alzheimer's disease.


N0 treatments stop or reverse its progression.

Mild impairment of memory and reduced ability to learn and preserve new knowledge.

Recent memory decline, with the development of the disease, the long-tern memory decline.

WANDERERS IN MEMORY Of those with Alzheimer's, an estimated 4% are under age 65, 6% are age 65 to 74, 44% are age 75 to 84, and 46% are age 85 or older. <65 65-74 75-84 85+

The region with the highest likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease in recent years is East Asia, and the region with the lowest likelihood is South Asia. Taiwan, China and Japan show the fastest rising trend. As projected life expectancies rise, by 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer 's disease is expected to triple to an estimated 11-16 million.

FOR PATIENTS They can’t match the person in front of them with the person in their memory. - Focus on Alzheimers The fading memories prompted the patient to become an "isolated island". - Alzheimer's Families Focus In addition to the patient himself, his families also suffers increasing pain.

FOR THEIR LOVED ONES Their parent/lover/friend is in front of them but can’t recognize them.

According to the survey, patients with Alzheimer's disease develop symptoms of unrecognizable relatives and friends in the middle and late stages of development. I still remember the story told in a public service ad about Alzheimer's disease I saw when I was a kid. In the ad, the father knows he has a son, but he doesn't know that the person in front of him is his son. Patient with Alzheimer's disease like an isolated island on the sea. All I want to do is to build a bridge across the sea. Helping Alzheimer's patients re-establish communication with their families, thus bringing them out of the island and alleviate the suffering of both sides to a certain extent.

Further Research




Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no cure. Treatments include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments.

Odors can elicit emotional changes in individuals depending on the consumer's perceptions and memories, this is known as the Proust effect.


- For pharmacological treatment, commonly used drugs include cholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. In addition, drugs such as monoclonal antibodies have been used to prevent or remove beta-amyloid plaques.

There is an episode of the TV series "The Good Doctor" that says, "After the heroine leaves, the main character remembers her by smelling the pine trees from the woods they passed through together." The smell of pine becomes the "key" of unlocking the memories.

The main character Sean's line "I remenber smells" got me thinking. After researching deeply from this point, I learned that the strange physical reaction of people who smell a certain odor and then instantly remember the past is called the "Proust Effect. When you smell a familiar odor, you remember something and feel a certain emotion.

- Non-pharmacological interventions included a combination of validation therapy, music therapy, art therapy, reminiscence therapy, talking therapy, reality orientation, cognitive training, smell therapy, food therapy, sensory stimulation, garden therapy, and physiotherapy.

· Multimodal non-pharmacological interventions have demonstrated improvement in dementia symptoms, improvement in cognition, delay in cognitive decline, improvement in social behavior and social outcomes, and improvement in mood and behavioral outcomes for people living with dementia. (Quail et al., 2020)

The olfactory system is important in all sensory processes May include sensitivity, associations with memory and behavior. And the olfactory stimulation provided by aromatherapy helps to stimulate neuron generation in the olfactory bulb.




Since olfactory regions tend to be directly connected to the hippocampus and limbic system, it is thought that neuronal regeneration reaches these regions and initiates neurogenesis, ultimately improving cognition and preventing further deterioration and memory loss.

Aromatherapy is one of the simplest and most natural methods used for healing. Literally, it is a derivative of two different words: aroma meaning smell or scent and therapy meaning cure or treatment. The role of olfactory stimulation leading to nerve regeneration has been a major consideration in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

When non-pharmacological therapies (such as aromatherapy) are used to improve cognitive function in some Alzheimer's disease patients, How do we get the “key” to unlock the door of “memory”?

Therefore, I wondered if it is possible to awaken the memories and emotions of Alzheimer's patients through the use of "odor" to slow down the deterioration of the disease, thus alleviating the suffering of the patients to a certain extent.

Conceptual Idea Sources




Paper Resource: 1. How scent impact memory and forgetting, by Olofsson et al, 2018. 2. Aromatherapy improves cognitive dysfunction in senescence-acc elerated mouse prone 8 by reducing the level of amyloid beta and tau phosphorylation, by Okuda et al, 2020. 3. What the nose knows: Experts discuss the science of smell and how scent, emotion, and memory are intertwined — and exploited, by Walsh, C, 2020

“Smells affect the brain, “Scents unlocking memories.”

Sensory Type:




By investigating the currently available treatments for Alzheimer's disease, I have found that non-pharmacological treatments are many times more effective than pharmacological treatments for dementia patients with severe brain damage. Non-pharmacological treatments (realized through various senses) can improve cognitive function in people with dementia.


Sensory Type:

Non-pharmacological therapeutic models

Connecting the "scent atomizer" to a "set of real-time color detection equipment (webcam)", it simulating and recreating the environment where the familiar scent appeared "at that time".




Effectiveness: Promptness:

And focusing on one of these senses - smell - odors have been identified as the only sense with direct access to the brain's emotion and memory centers. Therefore, "memory triggered by smell" is a more effective way to awaken memories in patients with neurodegenerative diseases; both in terms of prevention and treatment of the disease, as well as in terms of the effectiveness and immediacy of initiating memories.

Sensory Type:


Effectiveness: Promptness:

Sensory Type: Effectiveness: Promptness:

Scent device



Sensory Type:

It will be a device based on scent atomization, by connecting the camera with the scent device, [so when the camera recognize the object (color) in the screen, then the scent device will atomize and spray the scent that matches the recognized object (color)]. Enables the wearer to combine visual and olfactory experiences to help him recall past moments and emotions by simultaneously seeing a familiar image and smelling the specific odor associated with that image.


Observation Records & Sketching

Device Design


DEVICE STRUTURE: Product Description: It is a scent atomization device that "unlocking the memories..." through "scent". Because the Fragrance Box is used in the device, users (Alzheimer's and their family members) can choose and mix the scents they need according to their internal family videos before using the device and enter the six scents into the device's system, then place them into the Box. During the use process, when a specific picture/video clip is played, the scent corresponding to the picture/video will be sprayed out, and the scent will become a "memory key", realizing the unlocking of the sealed memory.

Fragrance Box Cover In the observation and records of my grandmother, I have found that the most comfortable and convenient way for the elderly to raise their hands (raising them up to their nose) is to keep the natural position with the back of the hand facing up, then lift up their hands.

“Lift your hand” in the most comfortable and convenient way... to reach your nose.


Mrs. Zheng



Relationship with me:


Current state:

Memory slightly loss over the last half year.

living situation:

Living with family, cared for all day.

Fragrance Box

Box Base

After paying attention to this behavioral habit of the research subjects, I reflected this in the design of the product's wearing style by using a strap and adjusting the curvature of the product's shape, the product can be reasonably fixed on the back of the hand to ensure the convenience & comfort of the target users during the using process. Buckle Type Strapping:

Outer Shell

Gas Outlet Straps Buckle Side Squeeze Buckle Coloring...

Main behavior 1:

I remember my family, but sometimes


-looking at pictures can be a little blurry


about the memories of the past.

Main behavior 2:

I’m always in a daze habitually.

Main behavior 3:

I have trouble concentrating sometimes,


and I'm more distracted than I was



Assembled the Model.

Maneuverability 1. Simple to use process, power on the device, then connect the webcam and device, finally wear it on your hand. 2. Wearing style using Side Squeeze Buckle, easy to wear & dismantle, friendly to the elderly group. 3. Just lift your hand gently, you can smell the familiar odor. 4: Replaceable Fragrance box for continuous use;

Diversity of application 1. Interchangeable scent banks: ‘Fragrance Box’ , making it easy for users to complete a customized experience based on their needs; 2. Wearable devices: Suitable for a variety of occasions, the use of the environment is not limited;

Completed Assembly.

Completion of physical model Sanding and coloring the model and assembling it in preparation for the "user scenario" pictures.

Use Process & Technology



Fan Module 2

Fan Module 3

Fan Module 4

Fan Module 5

Fan Module 6

Testing Description:



Place the webcam right in front of the ipad, connect the webcam and the computer, adjust the distance and angle to ensure that the color played on the ipad can be accurately identified; thus, making the smell of the perfume sprayed out during atomization compatible with the color played on the ipad. 6 different flavors correspond to six bottle caps, six independent atomizer modules and fan modules, this process needs to test whether the atomization of the six flavors can be completed separately and whether the functionality of each module is good.

Define pin numbers for each fan Disable all functions Define pin numbers for atomizer




Main loop function to process commands sent from Unity. Atomizer Module 1

Atomizer Module 2

Atomizer Module 3

Atomizer Module 4

Atomizer Module 5

Atomizer Module 6

Based on the received integer value, the corresponding fan and atomizer are controlled.



Set atomizers pin to output mode




Front View

2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6

During testing it was observed that Fan Modules 0-5 could operate normally; Atomizer Modules 0-5 could operate normally.

Set each fan pin to output mode

8 9 10 11 12 13 Relay

Top View

Arduino: Controls the fans and atomizers.

Vertical View

Fan Module: 6 fan modules (to "blow" the gas);

Unity: · Acquire images from webcam · Identify the primary colors · Send data to Ardunio board

Atomizer Module: 6 atomizer modules (to atomize the liquid in the bottle caps);


Webcam: A webcam (connected to the laptop) is responsible for recognizing the color information and transmitting it to the laptop.










GREEN - “THE SMELL OF FRESH FOREST.” [ex. forest grass/ trees]


STATE Fan Module1: Atomizer Module1:

Fan Module2: Atomizer Module2:

Fan Module3: Atomizer Module3 :








BLUE - “THE SMELL OF SALTY SEA SALT.” [ex. sea breeze]



PINK- “THE SMELL OF ROSES.” [ex. rose]


STATE Fan Module4: Atomizer Module4:

Fan Module5: Atomizer Module5:

Fan Module6: Atomizer Module6:

Testing Summary(Merits & Shortcomings): According to the results of the tests, the test system of device is able to spray the main 6 aromas through "atomization" and reach a state of independent operation. At this stage of testing, we have only reached the point of "being able to recognize the color of an object and emit the corresponding odor". I think the "recognition" part of the process needs to be more advanced, and more appropriate technology should be found to directly "recognize" and determine the exact information of the object rather than just the color.

Simulated Usage Scenario OCCASIONS OF USE: Because the images shown on the screen are closely linked to the Alzheimer's patient's memories and take place in scenes familiar to them, so the venue of use is set in the patients’s home (indoors and in private spaces) as part of the home therapy. This is more conducive to triggering their emotions.


Seeing images/videos in visually.


Spraying odors based on recognition of the screen.

Recognizes the red color of the campfire and sprays the scent.

Final Display - User 1 STORY BOARD

Determine where the user will be using the device, and then connect the "scenting device" to the webcam. This step operated by the person with Alzheimer's himself or with the help of the family member.

At this stage, the user focuses on the visual aspect (by looking at the Family images/videos on the screen). The webcam captures the picture in the screen, then identifies the main color (determines the color threshold interval of the screen and transmits the color data to the device).

At this stage the user focuses on the sense of smell and enhances immersion through the combination of images and scents to help Alzheimer's patients to more effectively "wake up" to parts of their fading memories. The device atomizes and sprays the corresponding kind of odor according to the received value.

Final Display - User 2

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