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Leavers’ Memories


The Ski trip was awesome. It was my first ever trip in a different country and I learnt something new! I was so proud when I became House Captain for St Patrick’s


House. I’m most looking forward to all the sports facilities at secondary school and trying new sports.

I really love netball. Of course chicken pie is my favourite school dinner.


I’d like to be a Marine Biologist or a video game designer, or work for Marvel comics when I’m older. Everyone knows me as an absolute Marvel addict!

I’m most looking forward to the trips at secondary school. Skiing and swimming are my favourite hobbies and Science is my favourite subject.


PE is my favourite subject and I’m best known for being sporty. I’m very proud to have been a Sports Captain. Unsurprisingly, I’d like to be a PE teacher when I’m older. I’ll miss my Stormont friends when I go to secondary school and chicken pie!

Ellen, Megan, Tamaya, Georgia and Charlotte


Isabella, Grace and Ava

My first memory of Stormont was when Aruba and I were colouring on our induction day and I asked her to be my friend. My favourite lesson is PE because I really enjoy all the different range of sports and my proudest moment was when we won the IAPS regionals as we worked really hard as a team! Chicken pie is the best school dinner because all the cooks made it really well! The thing that I will miss the most about Stormont is all my friends because we have spent so long together and I don’t want to leave them.


My proudest moment at Stormont was becoming Sports Captain. My favourite pastime is netball. The best school trip was France, best school dinner chicken pie and best subject Science. I’ll really miss my friends from Stormont.


Next year, I will really miss my friends who aren’t going to the same secondary school as me and the teachers who have taught me at Stormont. But, I’m looking forward to making lots of new friends at secondary school, working towards getting into the tennis squad and just enjoying school. My hobbies are gymnastics and tennis. My favourite subject is Science. In Form 4, I really enjoyed it when we made toothpaste and then advertised it on iPads.


I’m best known for being dramatic, so obviously Drama is one of my favourite subjects. I also like Science, Music and Art. France in Form 6 was definitely the best school trip because of all the new experiences that we had. The things that I’ll miss the most about Stormont are my friends and my teachers.

Aruba, Isabel, Karina and Melanie


My first memory from school is coming into Reception and seeing Tamaya and Karina playing and I joined them. My best school trip was Cranedale because I loved most of the activities, and the food was also delicious. I’m best known for talking a lot! I’m most looking forward to cookery lessons at secondary school because I love making and eating food! Also making new friends. The thing I’ll miss most about leaving Stormont is all the friends I’ve made.


At Cranedale we did fun activities in the evenings and my favourite day was spent rock pooling on the beach. My two proudest moments were when I was awarded the Maths Trophy and when I competed in the IAPS swimming. At secondary school I’m most looking forward to Art & Design and DT because I want to be a designer when I’m older. Tae-Kwon-Do and Swimming are my favourite pastimes. Chicken pie, roast dinners and chocolate brownies are the best school dinners.


My favourite school trip was Cranedale because I liked all the activities that we did. When I am older I want to do something to do with music, right now I am not completely sure what I would like to be.


My most favourite school trip was Kingswood in Form 4. It was so much fun to be doing team-building activities with my friends. My favourite school lunch was either chicken pie or cottage pie, they just taste amazing. I want to be a family lawyer just like my mum, she tells me every day that she loves her job, she loves helping other people out. I’ll miss all the teachers, the food and especially my friends, but I can’t wait to make new friends.

Safia, Dahlia, Estelle and Eleanor


Cranedale was my best school trip because it was so much fun, and the class grew closer to each other. My proudest moment is getting through to the national finals in IAPS netball and swimming. Science is my favourite subject because it is interesting and enjoyable. I love chicken pie for school dinner. Most of all, I will miss all of my friends who aren’t going to the same school as me.


I joined Stormont in Form 4 and I remember I was made to feel very welcome by new teachers and my new school class mates straight away. I have to say the chicken pie has always been my favourite school dinner! When I’m older I would like to study to become a vet, I have a love of animals and would like to continue with this as a career. Mrs Bradley made Science a very interesting subject, and I know that this will be very important for when I train to be a vet. My proudest moment was when I became the IAPS National Champion in High Jump in Birmingham in 2019, I felt very proud to achieve this for myself and the school.

Zara, Hannah, Lily and Ella


I’m really looking forward to starting a new school and making new friends, but I’ll also really miss my Stormont friends. Cranedale in Form 5 was my best school trip and I really enjoy Science. In the future I’d like to be a lawyer.


Going to Eton for athletics and going to the IAPS netball finals were my two proudest moments at Stormont. I really enjoy playing sports. My favourites are tennis, rounders, swimming, netball and hockey. France was the best trip because we got to go to lots of places, including the cathedral in Amiens and the supermarket. I loved being able to practise my French. I would like to be a vet when I’m older, because I love animals. I would love to help them when they are in need. When I leave, I will really miss the family atmosphere and not seeing my friends on a daily basis.


My best school trip was going to Cranedale. I’ll really miss my friends from Stormont. My proudest moment is getting a sports scholarship at Haileybury. My favourite subject is PE and netball is my favourite hobby too.


I will miss the family atmosphere of Stormont and all the teachers who have taken so much care of us – and of course all my friends! I loved Cranedale and the French trip – it’s too hard to choose between them! Cranedale because I loved being outdoors and France because we travelled abroad and learnt so many new things. I loved the Geography coastal erosion project that I made out of chocolate cake. The best part was when the whole class eroded it!! My favourite school dinner is Chicken pie! At the moment, I think I’d like to be a primary school teacher when I’m older.


Cranedale in Form 5 was the best school trip. My favourite subject is Computing and favourite hobby is coding. I want to be a software developer when I’m older. I’m looking forward to making lots of new friends at my secondary school.


What I will miss the most about Stormont are all of my teachers and my friends. All the clubs I attend especially Debating with Mrs Martin and all the friendly smiles on the verandah. My favourite subject is Music as Miss Riley always makes all the lessons fun. I absolutely love playing the piano and the violin. My best school trip was Cranedale as we spent lots of time outdoors walking around the North Yorkshire Moors. I really enjoyed crabbing and walking to the top of the moor with all of my friends. I’m best known for loving cats and having a contagious laugh. My favourite school dinner is obviously chicken pie followed by chocolate brownies.

Zoe, Serena and Abigail

My main hobbies are dance and drama and my best three skills are being artistic, theatrical and good at dancing. My favourite subject is PE and favourite school dinner is delicious chicken pie. I’ll miss seeing my Stormont friends every day.


When I am older I want to have a job to do with computing. I’m best known for being small, liking cheese and for being good at gymnastics and cross country. My favourite subject is Computing because my dad is into it and so is my mum. They got me into doing it, and when I first tried it I fell in love with it. Also, all the time my dad was doing such cool things and I was intrigued. My hobbies are gymnastics, coding and drums. I will miss my friends and I hope we will always keep in touch.


My proudest moment is when I won the ISBA U11 gym championship. I want to be a gymnastics coach and a PE teacher in the future. I’m best known for always being upside down when we are out on the field. My favourite subject is Geography and my favourite school dinner is chicken pie.

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