Spring Half Term 2013
Welcome It is a delight to share with you some more of the Prep School pupils’ achievements in this second edition of our academic journal, Endeavour. We hope that you will enjoy this varied selection from across the cohorts and curriculum. Our front cover image, which is a pastel drawing by Katie Veitch (U3) reminds us of some of the most important qualities of successful learning. It should be vibrant, creative and fun. It is a particular pleasure to focus on History and Geography projects in this edition and I make no apology for including substantial pieces of work that demonstrate the research and reporting skills that we foster and champion. We are a community of learners which takes pride and pleasure from one-another’s successes. To those whose work has been included in this edition, we offer congratulations: it is lovely. I hope, however, that the items herein prove to be inspirational models to others and that all the children will aspire to have pieces in Endeavour over time. Nicholas Hopton Director of Studies
Lower 1st Poster based upon the myth of The Sword in the Stone by Max Milner
Lower 1st Rufus Thompson wrote an exciting mystery story in English
Lower 1st
Lower 1st
Lower 1st
Lower 1st
Lower 1st Jago Cooper created this myth
Lower 1st
Lower 1st
Lower 1st
Lower 1st This is George Pym’s myth
Lower 1st Lower 1st pupils have been studying the Romans. Freddie Preston imagined he was a soldier at the time. Joel Hope, George Williams and Noe Powis drew the pictures of shields and Boudicca at the bottom of this page.
Upper 1st Upper 1st have undertaken a cross-curricular study of India
This Spring Term in Upper 1st we have been learning about India. During this term in Mrs Bunting’s class Saskia Horseman Sewell has brought in a sari. She has elegantly dressed up Holly Reynolds. Meanwhile Alex Milner was doing something strange to Nicholas Holt with a sari! Rosie Williams took photos. In Miss Smye’s class Amelia Shields was dressing up Alice Wilson. Max Brais was dressing up Thomas Gregory while doing a little dance to show his proudness. Throughout this term the girls have been learning a few simple steps of Bollywood dancing. They used the internet to find a teacher who taught them a little, but funky dance. It was brilliant fun and we are sure that the girls enjoyed it. Rosie Williams and Florence Wilson
Upper 1st Creative writing based upon the India topic by Amelia Shields
Upper 1st An Indian folk tale by Max Brais
Upper 1st Emma Arbuthnot tries to persuade the Indian Government to protect rainforests
Upper 1st
Viking Shields Display
Upper 1st Only Smarties had the answer to this Maths investigation
Lower 2nd Lower 2nd have been practising their persuasive writing. They imagined they were Humpty-Dumpty writing a letter of complaint and then wrote to Mr Schofield, protesting against his (imaginary) decision to ban holidays.
Lower 2nd
Lower 2nd
Featured work by Charlie Wakefield, Michael Gu, Imogen Guntrip, Victoria Holt, Amelia Brayshaw and Freya Horseman Sewell.
Lower 2nd Latin: Amy McCullough wrote this splendid piece of verse which describes Achilles reflecting on the death of his friend Patroclus
Wearing no one’s but Achilles armour, Upon his arm a mighty shield, Patroclus driving Greeks from battle, Greeks thinking their fate is sealed With triumph in his sword, Determination in his face, Back in their city walls they go, Nothing more than a crumpled shoe lace, Such courage in his horse, No fear pulls him down, Terrifying all in his path, He is sure this is his crown, Nothing shall stand against him, He is sure of that, Passing all his fellow warriors, They just fall back, As jolly as can be, But no happiness to be shown, Riding his horse, Off he is blown, No courage has he left, Crumpled on the ground, He shall not be knighted, Nor crowned, Only death shall crown him now, As still as anything just lying, Achilles aware at the death of his friend, No more than crying.
The Gallery
George Williams (L1)
Hannah Dearman (U1)
Rosie Williams (U1)
Sam Nash (U3)
Christina Storey (L2)
The Gallery
Lewis Bovington (U3)
Fergus Schofield (top) and Polina Klimova (bottom)
Aimee Tyrrell (U3)
Rose Thomas (U3)
Charlie Carter (U3)
The Gallery .
Freya Horseman Sewell (L2) Imogen Guntrip (L2)
Charlie Wakefield (L2)
Molly Lovejoy (L2)
Georgia Preston (L2) Imogen Guntrip (L2)
The Gallery
Ophelia Yannaghas (L3)
Max Derbyshire (U2)
Lucy Flynn (L3)
The Gallery
Sol Franklin (U3)
Kimaya Surti (L2)
Charlie Wakefield (L2)
Upper 2nd Latin projects on Roman fashion and slaves
Upper 2nd History extension work: researching the finding of Richard III’s remains. These are extracts from a project called ‘The King in the Car Park’ by Catherine Howells
Upper 2nd
Upper 2nd
Upper 2nd Daisy Grant’s research on Richard III was presented as a shield
Upper 2nd This is an extract from a project by Ruben Surti. He explored ideas on a number of websites and then formed his own conclusion about the monarch
Upper 2nd English: Hermione Weyers created this descriptive poem
Lower 3rd Religious Studies: Extract from Ben Lally’s Common Entrance-style answers on Cain and Abel What does the story suggest about God’s nature?
Lower 3rd Tommy Freeman’s exploration of how three characters change in the novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd History: Thomas Day and Grace Gregory produced outstanding projects about whether England was a Catholic or Protestant country by Elizabethan times.
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd
Lower 3rd Some of our mathematicians have been creating proofs for Napoleon’s Theorem, Thébault’s Theorem and Aubels’ Theorem.
Upper 3rd Religious Studies: Symbolism in the Gospel Stories by Fraser Devoy
Upper 3rd Science: Eddie Davis wrote this superb project on energy options
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd Science: a project about energy by Abigail Callaghan
Upper 3rd Projects by Joshua Stephens and Harry Haydon
Upper 3rd Geography: Pupils have been exploring case studies they can use in their Common Entrance examination
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Abbie Farrow
Upper 3rd English: Kate Shillitoe wrote this story as practice for her Common Entrance mock
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
Upper 3rd
The Bigger Picture Upper 1st enjoyed devising and carrying out experiments about dissolving salt