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A Snowy Lockdown Start Morning Motivators and Lockdown

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Staff News


The one thing of which we can all be confident is that there was no term quite like this one! A blend of online learning, face-toface teaching and a whole new world of technology emerged and will long live in the memory of us all. Full of expectation of returning to school after Christmas, we were hastily instructed to ‘stay at home’ and school became home to pupils solely from our Nursery and those of critical worker parents. Home learning for the rest enabled us all to embrace creativity in so many subjects. Year 4 were motivated to write acrostic poems to keep us positive through lockdown.


Lockdown is fun if you spend time with your parents. Only you and your household can go for walks together. Call your friends and family to keep in contact on the phone. Keep eating healthily so you don’t get ill. Do lots of exciting activities at home. Only for one month. We are helping the NHS by doing this. Never stop being positive about lockdown.

Lexie Welham 4T

Living happily with my family. Our family has a dog now and she is very funny and playful. Computer time is increased so we can play on the computer more. Keeping safe by limiting contact with other people. During this lockdown we get more time to play with our family. Outdoors can still be enjoyed. We are helping to keep the NHS safe. Now schools are open so I can play with my friends.

Sebastian Fordham 4T


The school was blanketed in heavy snow in January and photos of outdoor fun came flooding into our inboxes as you all made the most of building snowmen, sledging and snowballing in the fresh winter air!

Harley and Chocco

For some added fun during the dark winter days, we launched our very own Virtual Pet Show; a chance to put our pets in the spotlight and maybe even win a prize! Categories ranged from ‘Most Intelligent Pet’ to ‘Funniest Pet’ and for those who are not pet owners, we welcomed artistic entries of all kinds too. Who knew we had such a talented selection of pooches and furry friends?

Theo’s cat (and fish) Mrs Hayward’s intelligent dog

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