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Amira graduated from North Charleston High School in North Charleston, South Carolina where she participated in the Divas Trading Membership Program, was a cheerleader, awarded varsity letter and CHAMP (Coaches for Character) Award. She received a Certificate of Achievement for maintaining an A-average in Law Enforcement class. She plans to attend South Carolina State University and join the US Air Force Reserves while attending college. Amira’s foster parent is Corona Calvary from Bair’s Charleston office.
Naphelli graduated from Eastern York High School in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. She was accepted into Millersville University where she plans to major in Biochemistry and become a Forensic Pathologist. Naphelli’s foster parent is Kathie Suter from Bair’s York office.

Naphelli Stormm
Paola graduated from Gadsden High School in Anthony, New Mexico where she participated in the LGBT Club. She plans to attend DoÑa Ana Community College for a degree in Business Management and New Mexico State University for Fashion Design. Paola plans to enlist in the US Army Reserves while attending college. Paola’s foster parents are Martha and Refugio
Sanchez from Bair’s Las Cruces office.