Bajan Sun Magazine November 2015 Edition 20

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"Bajan Sun Online Magazine” is a publication geared towards the advancement of Small Businesses through affordable Marketing. | | @BajanSunOnline


Editor’s Note E

ntrepreneurs are forward thinkers. They cultivate new ideas and inspire those around them to use innovation to discover new opportunities for new products, services or intellectual solutions. Entrepreneurs show initiative that is selfmotivated based on their inner vision and drive to take action. For businesses, having such inspiration and energy can keep fellow employees motivated and willing to meet organizational goals. The entrepreneurial spirit can assist companies to weave together a seamless workflow between and among various

company departments. The entrepreneurial spirit also encourages self-pride and recognition for each individual’s contribution to a corporate end product. In the long run, such a spirit breathes necessary vitality into long-term organizational life-spans. If you are considering starting an entrepreneurial business, or expanding your leadership capabilities in your current business, take a look at our advertising services. Bajan Sun Marketing is a great method of exposure and easy to incorporate into any marketing plan.

Raeann Beckles

Ph o t o C r ed i t : Steve Hernandez

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Norma T. Hollis America’s Leading Authentic Voice DoctorŽ Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit Fay G. Parris RN, RM, BSc Nursing Education, MEd. Administration, MSc. Nursing-Clinical Nurse Specialist (Gerontology) Nursing Instructor, BCC

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe Author. Thought Leader. Social Entrepreneur, Organization and Leadership Development Solutionist

Dr. Andrew Forde

Office is located in the Pine Medical Centre, Suite 3, 3rd Ave, Belleville, St Michael, Barbados. Telephone (246) 429 5863 Email:

Denise J Charles Author of How to Have Mind Blowing Sex Without Losing Your Brain and Your Baby is Coming Now Push. | | @BajanSunOnline



Publisher The BIM

Judy Beckles

Charmaine J. Forde

HR Specialist, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, Disability Sports Co-ordinator (Special Olympics & Paralympics)

Liberal Arts Major at Community College of Philadelphia and a Soldiers Angel volunteer

Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge Personal Trainer, Physique Pro Fitness Consultant

Lisa White

Mariposa Reina

CPDT-KA The Dog Trainer

Writer, Poet, Performer, Teacher | | @BajanSunOnline


Barbados Independence

14-15 The Four Focus Points of Great Entrepreneurs 16-19

Color Blenz Cosmetics


Reasons Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail In Business


Nehilet Blackman and D All Girls Band


Why Exercise Is Important for Entrepreneurs


How Can I Manage Stress Better?


Skin Guru


4 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Recharge Without Losing Focus


Main Feature: Vita Chambers


Fast and Reliable Computer Repair

47 Your Business on Social Media 49 51-52 57

Computer Tip Steps to Developing Ad Revenue from Your Website 12 Steps For Cementing Relationship Commitment


Biggest Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make


Destination Barbados67-6


Think Local First! | | @BajanSunOnline


71 72-73 75

The Barbadian Rum Shop Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours Bajan Conkies


Barbados Independence Celebrations


What makes Art of Bartending Training Course So Effective?


The Blessings of Stick-To-t- Ivity


National Hero of Barbados Bussa


Pride of Barbados


Remembering My Barbados


Amorsa | | @BajanSunOnline


A r t & Cre a t i v e D i re c t o r : F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Editor: Ra e a n n B e c kl e s Design & Layout: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Graphic Designer: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Q u a n t a n o Pa r r i s Tr a c y G re e n i d g e Advertising Sales: Q ua nt a no Pa r r i s Ta s h a n n a Pa r r i s Photographers: Zi c o Mi l l e r Clyde Barnette Shaun Graham | | @BajanSunOnline

Barbados Independence I

ndependence is the ability to function in a given area without depending on others to help.

represented in Barbados by the Governor General. The Right Honorable Errol Barrow became the first Prime Minister of the island.

Independence is the self-government of a nation, country, or state by its residents and population. They are able to make political and general decisions on their own.

The Barbadian Flag represents Barbados independence from England. Neptune's Trident appeared in the Seal when the island was still a colony; the broken Trident on the flag represents the break with their past, and the step towards independence. The blue panels are for the sea and the sky, while the centre gold panel is for the sand of their beaches.

Barbados Independence The Island was granted full independence from England on November 30th 1966, and maintains ties to the Britain monarch | | @BajanSunOnline


The Barbados Coat of Arms


he Barbadian Coat of Arms carries the National Flower in each corner (the Pride of Barbados) of its Golden Shield, as well as the Bearded Fig Tree (the tree from which Barbados derives its name). Though the English were the first to settle the island, it was actually found by the Portuguese, who, upon seeing the Bearded Fig Tree named the island 'Los Barbados', meaning 'The Bearded Ones'. Later the English dropped the 'Los', calling the island simply Barbados.

holds two pieces of sugar cane (the main crop of the island) in the shape of St. Andrew's Cross. Independence day is celebrated on St. Andrew's Day, the 30th of November. On the left of the Shield is a dolphin, a local fish (not flipper), representative of the fishing industry, and on the other side of the Shield is a Pelican. Now incorporated into the Deep Water Harbour, there was once a Pelican Island (used as a quarantine station), just off the south-west coast.

Above the Shield and the Helmet a hand | | @BajanSunOnline


By Jack Delosa


s business owners, it is incredibly easy for us to get bogged down in the day-to-day of running a business. However this short-term view leaves us simply fire-fighting and running a business, instead of growing a business.

vision and direction of the company. Many business owners shy away from setting a clear vision for the business pointing to the excuse that “I’d just be guessing, I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future.”

High level entrepreneurs have four main focus points when it comes to approaching and developing businesses, when followed these four focus points will pull you out of the day-to-day and enable you to start building a truly great company.

In my experience, the bigger the vision you have for the business, the harder people will work for you and work with you, be it staff, partners, investors or board members.

Vision It is your primary job as the business owner to set the

Set a 1 year, 2 year and 5 year vision for your business. Make it compelling. Make it bold. Then make sure you talk about it every day. | | @BajanSunOnline


Sales Targets Your vision may include both financial goals and nonfinancial goals. However once the financial goal has been set, break that Year 1 goal down into how many sales need to be made for that year, each quarter, each month, each week and each day. This ensures you as the business owner, your staff and anyone else involved in the business know exactly what needs to be achieved on a daily basis in order to achieve your Year 1 Vision.

The budgeted numbers also need to be consistent with the financial goals you’ve outlined in your vision, if they don’t then something’s got to give. If you as the captain of your ship can get clear on all of the above, not only does it make you a more effective entrepreneur, it will make you an incredibly effective leader for everyone who comes into contact with your business. Big vision, small steps.

Operations Once you’ve got the sales targets in place, what does the organisation need to look like in order to make these sales and deliver? Here you want to examine three things: Your organisational chart – How is the organisation set up, and do you need to bring on extra business development, operations or admin staff in order to hit and deliver on your sales targets?

Position Descriptions – Everyone in the organisations needs a very clear and detailed Position Description that communicates to them and everyone else in the organisation, what role they play on the team. Systems – What sort of systems need to be in place in order to make this volume of sales and deliver on them? Finance Once you have set the vision, determined the sales that need to be achieved, and worked out what staff base you need to deliver on these objectives, all of that information needs to go into a 12 month budget. Most early stage businesses don’t need a full-time CFO, therefore you can engage one on a casual basis for an hourly rate. This 12 month forecast will include all projected revenues, cost of goods and the expenses of running the business (including any additions to the staff base), and will provide you with a financial scoreboard that needs to accompany any business decision going forward. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Color Blenz Cosmetics By: Raeann Beckles “I believe makeup artistry is a unique and creative expression of one’s inner beauty, portrayed in a variety of colours and textures that compliment one’s personality, skin tone and facial structure.”

a long term goal in mind and a clear vision for the direction in which I would like to see my skill and brand grow.”

Danielle Joseph’s Business Philosophy


anielle Joseph is a Special Events Makeup Artist and the sole operator of Color Blenz Cosmetic. She has produced dynamic looks for persons of all ages and for all occasions. She has had the distinct pleasure of providing makeup services for the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus’, Trinity Hall for two consecutive years at their annual hall concert. She was also a member of the distinguished team of makeup artists for The Lights of Love theatrical production of “The Little Mermaid” 2014 Queens Hall, Port of Spain. Services include but are not limited to, traditional beauty makeup for graduations, weddings and other special occasions, carnival makeup, fantasy makeup, theatrical makeup, temporary glitter tattoos and face painting. She is also available for on location photoshoots, television and theatrical productions, fashion shows etc. Danielle Shares The History Behind Her Passion: “Makeup Artistry for me has evolved from a learning experience, transitioned to a hobby and blossomed into a labor of love. Initially my dream was to be a flight attendant, conversations with my close friends and family would often be centered on ‘prepping for cabin crew interview’. Part of my preparation for such was learning to apply makeup. That training was my very first professional encounter with makeup application and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although the Flight Attendant dream did not materialize, (or not yet, at least) I stuck with learning makeup application and overtime, with a lot of practice, my passion for the art grew. This passion drove me to explore my options of pursuing a career as a Makeup Artist.

Even though my craft is still in the early stages of development, I do have | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Let’s chat with Danielle as she shares a bit of her achievements, challenges, and her thoughts on technology in her line of business. Q&A with Color Blenz Cosmetic Special Events Makeup Artist, Danielle Joseph: Q: What would you say are some of your greatest challenges as an entrepreneur? A: One of the major challenges that I have experienced is maintaining the value of my product and my brand. Some people do not have an appreciation for pricing. However, my prices are justified by the quality of products that I use and the cost, skill level required, time consumed, the cost of ongoing training and development etc., these are all factors that may affect pricing. Another challenge is the retention of clients, competition is heavy. Every day a new makeup artist is born on Facebook, YouTube or any other social media application and they usually come into the market at a considerably lower price, for the same service and attract clients. The biggest challenge, I think, is that the industry evolves daily and the expectation is that makeup artists remain up to date with new trends and expertise are upgraded at the same rate. Q: How have you dealt with your business challenges or how do you propose to deal with those challenges? A: Get creative with service offerings “Add Value” Stay ahead of the competition and never stop learning. Evolve grow and adapt with the industry. Q: What are some of the achievements within your business? A: Thus far, I have been able to diversify my product offering to include services other than traditional makeup, like the temporary glitter tattoo and face painting, which are party favorites. I have also had

the opportunity to work as part of a team for theatrical productions and gain an appreciation for that element of the makeup industry. Added to that I continue to expand on my knowledge and experience growth in my makeup skills. Q: What role has technology played in developing your business? A: Technology is a major part of my communication. Q: How useful is technology to the Entrepreneur? A: My ability to communicate mass information with prospective clients, suppliers, colleagues, and other network connections, within the shortest possible time is paramount to securing successful bookings. Q: What is a must have (in terms of technology) for any Entrepreneur in any field? A: Must have in technology, a smart phone, and the complement for your smart phone, mobile data. In this time of instant everything, clients want to be able to get immediate feedback. Being able to stay current is vital to the survival of your business.

Danielle Shares The History Behind Her Passion: “Makeup Artistry for me has evolved from a learning experience, transitioned to a hobby and blossomed into a labor of love. Initially my dream was to be a flight attendant, conversations with my close friends and family would often be centered on ‘prepping for cabin crew interview’. Part of my preparation for such was learning to apply makeup. That training was my very first professional encounter with makeup application and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although the Flight Attendant dream did not materialize, (or not yet, at least) I stuck with learning makeup application and overtime, with a lot of practice, my passion for the art grew. This passion drove me to explore my options of pursuing a career as a Makeup Artist. Even though my craft is still in the early stages of development, I do have a long term goal in mind and a clear vision for the direction in which I would like to see my skill and brand grow.” | | @BajanSunOnline


Entrepreneurs Fail as much as they Succeed


ntrepreneurship is a way of life that offers unlim-

This is one of the most obvious reasons why most en-

ited possibilities to those who truly believe in it

trepreneurs fail. If your primary motivation for being in

and live by it. But at the same time, entrepreneurship is

business is to acquire wealth rather than to create and

a way of life that can totally alter the course of your life

add value, then you’ve started off on the wrong foot. If

if misunderstood.

the drive for money supersedes the drive to create inno-

Entrepreneurship is not something you can fake your way through; you are either doing it right or not doing it right simple. There are no ways around it. To help you better make that choice, here are 7 Indicators of entrepreneurs who are headed for doom. As you

go through the list, be sincere to yourself and tick each of the signs currently present in your entrepreneurial life. The purpose of this article is not to scare you or condemn you, but rather to alert you and help you retrace your steps back in the right direction before your entrepreneurial journey goes up in flames!

vative products/services that will add value to your target market, then is time for some serious soul searching. The study above has plainly revealed what becomes of entrepreneurs who think like this –they never actually attain that level of financial freedom they so much lay emphasis on. Why? Because the universe will never reward those who seek to get before giving. The purpose of entrepreneurship is not the accumulation of money but the creation of value-adding products/services that will help make the world a better place for all. Wealth is a result of consistently providing solutions to the problems of humanity.

1) Survival Driven (Seeking Money before Adding Val-

ue) | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 So, to have more means you have to do more and to do more means you have to keep learning more! How do you learn more? By consistently focusing on personal development and self improvement through reading (books,


attending development


seminars, trainings,


business executive

mentorship or coaching programs,

membership to a business club or network, etc. 3) Lack of Focus (Jack of all Trade) The great Albert Einstein notably stated;

If you doubt me, go ask Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg and the likes. These are people like you and I

“genius is the ability to focus on one particular thing for a

who simply followed their passion (purpose driven)

long time without losing concentration.”

rather than following money (survival driven) and yet

Such is not the case for the entrepreneur heading for

made a great fortune. 2) Inadequate Knowledge (Low Business IQ):

doom. In fact, the exact opposite is the case; trying to do more than one thing at a time eventually not achieving

The entrepreneur on the path to failure won’t see the need

excellence in any. As an entrepreneur your success or

to develop his/her business IQ because of the quest for

failure will be as a result of how well you maximize your

money. Such an entrepreneur feel business is all about


how much you can make. The fact that how much you

Your strengths are those activities you naturally enjoy

can make is a function of how much you know and how much you can do is usually ignored. Thus, they forget

that a business just like every other discipline requires certain competencies (knowledge, skill and experience) in order to remain functional. So what do you eventually get? An entrepreneur who is dabbling his/her way through the ever dynamic world of business. In the end, failure becomes inevitable. Why? Because as an entrepreneur your ability to do is perpetually limited by what you know. In other words, you are the engine of your business.

doing and would naturally do for free your entire life if necessary. This is how every great entrepreneur in history

made their success; doing what they love and loving what they do. They are not jack of all trades and masters of none, NO! They are jack of few trades and masters of some. Why? Because entrepreneurship is about using your passion to make a positive contribution for the benefit of others. Stop doing what everyone else can do and start doing what only you can do exceptionally well. Focus on your core areas of strength. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 4) Fear of Failure (Risk-Averse) Nursing the fear of failure is another reason why entrepreneurs fail in business. Entrepreneurship is about unleashing your passion and creativity to do something that you truly care about. It doesn’t matter whether what you have in mind to create is popular or generally acceptable, what matters is that it mattered enough to you that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make your idea become a reality. The entrepreneur on the path to failure is the one who would never launch out because of the fear of failure, being laughed at, losing money, being called crazy etc. Daring the un-dared for the sake of making change happen is the essence of entrepreneurship and it means looking your fear in the eye and stepping out in spite of it. Don’t allow fear of failure hold you back, do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. 5) Lack of Vision (Shortsightedness) Entrepreneurs fail for lack of vision. The entrepreneur on the path to doom is the one that will never think of tomorrow. If you cannot literally see yourself and your business far into the future beyond today, then you are on the path to destruction.

who is extravagant –the habit of being excessively flamboyant, wasteful or spending money irrationally. Thrift or frugality is a requirement for your entrepreneurial journey if you hope to become successful. How else do you intend to succeed if you cannot judiciously manage the resources in your disposal? A good way to avoid being extravagant is to look into financial management systems and to classify your expenses into two categories; urgent expenses and Important expenses. Your urgent expenses are your recurrent expenses, meaning they are periodic in nature. Your important expenses are your capital expenses; meaning they are not periodic in nature but are necessary for the continuity of the business. They are more like expenses made today in order to secure the future. Also, as your business begins to grow, don’t become one of those who start showing off the success of their business by acquiring unnecessary symbols of wealth. Place yourself on salary, this is very important. You must never take what is not yours, make it a priority to put aside and redeploy all excesses created by the business back into the business. 7) I Can Do Well All by Myself (Insecurity)

Why would you want to go into business just for today’s sake alone? Why would you want to build a business the world will no longer remember after you are gone? The essence of entrepreneurship is to perpetually be of service to humanity.

There is a limit to what an individual can achieve alone, thus the need for team work. The entrepreneur on the path to destruction is the one who will never empower others nor seek the help of others for fear that they might outshie him/her. Great things are seldom achieved alone.

Therefore, you must never cease to ask and be able to answer this question; “What can we start doing today to meet the needs of tomorrow?” Not having this consciousness is the reason why most entrepreneurs fail in business. Since they are not thinking about the future, the need to keep improving their game will be less paramount and as a result; they end up being eaten up by those businesses that are consistently creating the future today.

As an entrepreneur, it’s very important you understand that you have no exclusive right to what is being done through you. Whatever it is you have in your mind to create is not entirely yours to dominate, you are only a vessel through which an idea, innovation or product/ service is being launched.

6) Poor Money Management (Extravagance) Being an entrepreneur means being able to do more with less. The entrepreneur on the path to failure is the one

So, you must get rid of any insecurity and every scarcity mentality you might have that someone is going to beat you to it. The more insecure you are and as a result keep refusing to solicit the help of those more better than you in certain areas, the more you endanger the chance of that idea, innovation, product or service ever becoming a reality. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

…Definitely my father The Late Great Ras Shorty I, also known as Lord Shorty... These are the words Nehilet Blackman warmly and assuredly enunciated when asked; ‘Who have influenced your style of music?’


et’s hear their story!

Krystle Bascombe, Selene Dindial, Gwynneth McEachrane, Rae-

Since the age of four Nehilet has been performing with her

family band and father The Late Great Ras Shorty I; inventor of Soca and Jamoo music. Eventually, she pursued a solo career forming ‘D All Girls Band’ in 2007 which was officially launched in October, 2009.

ann Victor, Shalane Craig, Jessica Smith, Quianna Mahabir and Keziah. For Nehilet this group of females as she shared was formulated after viewing and being around so many talented women in various churches all over Trinidad and Tobago. It was almost like a light switch was turned on and Nehilet thought to herself that having an all female band would be superb. Considering her

Together, this Trinidad and Tobago based band, is known for

thoughts, she decided to put them into actions and conversed

their mixture of Jamoo, Soca, R&B, Fusion, Reggae music and a

with various female musicians after which ‘D All Girls Band’

bit of everything else. But what’s also interesting is the diversity

was formed, being the first All Female Band in Trinidad and To-

of the group. As band leader, Nehilet performs with Iantha Hicks,

bago. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 But what got this group their name is quite interesting.

identified the Bahamas as the largest crowd herself

Nehilet shared “Our band name was inspired by the

and the band performed for. The band has also per-

General public of Trinidad and Tobago. During the

formed and continues to perform throughout Trinidad

beginning period of performing, we were the only all

and Tobago, receiving positive and consistent appreci-

female band so we were generally referred to as ‘D

ation at home. When asked: ‘what do you think about

All Girls Band’ which naturally stuck with us. A name

performing in Trinidad and Tobago?’ Nehilet shared:

wasn't decided for the band either so we kept Nehilet

“I believe that Charity begins at home. So our founda-

Blackman and D All Girls Band.”

tion is here, where we started off and got our first

Officially together for six years, Nehilet and D All Girls Band have had the opportunity to perform internationally in places like Ghana, London and The Ba-

crowd, where love and appreciation was shown, so

performing here is always a privilege, an honour and an exciting experience.”

hamas which as Nehilet shared have been an experi-

Nehilet Blackman and D All Girls Band have also

ence of a life time. She further expressed: “We were

been nominated for nine Marlin Awards, a note wor-

well received by the audience and look forward to

thy achievement indeed!

traveling the rest of the world.” As she continued, she


Q&A with Nehilet Blackman of Nehilet

Q: What role has technology played in developing the group?

Blackman and D All Girls Band:

A: Technology has assisted us in terms of ‘exposure’ because not all the time a band is featured on a television programme or a

Q: As a group what was your greatest achievement in per-

section of the newspaper.

forming together thus far? Q: What would you like to achieve as a group in the next 5 A: Firstly, being the first all female band in Trinidad and Tobago


is an awesome accomplishment. Secondly, having the opportunity to visit the mother land, Africa and share our music of Trinidad

A: Me personally, being the band leader, I would love for us to

and Tobago via workshops held at various universities in Ghana.

do a full European and Asian tour, also record music videos for

Thirdly, being able to do recordings and release an album is a

other vocalists in the band, as well as put together another album

great achievement in itself.

and to do a full concert featuring the band.

Q: What was your greatest challenges and how you overcame

Q: What advice will you give to other Female Bands?

it as a group?

A: To do your best, enjoy what you do and always think about

A: Because we are an all-female band, people tend to be very

yourself as a Musician. Always aim to become an excellent musi-

judgmental. However, we just began focusing on excelling and

cian and do not focus on the fact that you are a female but focus

perfecting our God-given talent, becoming excellent musicians.

on perfecting the gift that God has blessed you with and never

People are intimidated by female musicians as well. So we over-

forget to put God at the centre of everything you do.

came such stereotypes by working hard and improving our playing, showing that females can be excellent musicians as well. | | @BajanSunOnline

by Jerome Greenidge


s an entrepreneur, you are responsible for a lot. Whether it is employees, customers, vendors,

marketing tasks, sales, strategic planning…

…Need I go on?

The irony of exercise for entrepreneurs is that, even though it takes time out of your day, in the end you actually get more done in the remaining time that you come out ahead. This article is going to dive into the reasons why

Many times the last thing we feel that we can make time for is exercise. Alreadywe are stretched in a number of directions, who can take an hour out of each day to throw in another that, at first glance, doesn’t even improve the bottom line?

entrepreneurs become more successful when they exercise regularly, some simple exercises that you can do during the workday from your office, and a few examples of successful entrepreneurs that share their secrets to keeping fit amidst a hectic workday. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Entrepreneur-specific Reasons for Exercising Entrepreneurs can work out whenever they want. For the most part, an entrepreneur has control over how they spend their day. Few corporate employees can take a couple hours out for lunch in order to fit a workout in, or leave the office early to work out before heading home.

get you through the ups and downs of running a business. Exercise increases energy. You don’t need three cups of coffee each morning with an afternoon Red Bull chaser in order to keep energy high throughout the workday. A 2008 study published in the Journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics concluded that inactive individuals experienced increases in

Exercising is one of the few areas of life you can

energy of up to 20 percent and decreased fatigue as

control. 50% of small businesses fail within their

much as 65 percent by participating in regular, low

first five years, but 100% of the business owners

-intensity physical activity.

who exercise regularly improve their health assuming all else remains the same. Use the laws of biology to your advantage, take heart in the fact that every exercise is an improvement in your overall health.

Exercise boosts confidence to handle difficult tasks. Confidence and fear avoidance are not constants in our lives. Sometimes we rise to the challenge with gusto while other times we lack the motivation to tackle life’s hurdles. Why is there

Exercise fuels your creative juices. A 2012

this discrepancy in our courage? Often times there

study by the Montreal Heart Institute showed

is a chemical reason in our bodies that boosts or

aerobic exercise increased cognitive function. To

lowers our confidence. Exercise tips that scale in

put it bluntly: exercise makes you smarter.

your favor, bringing a capability to be more bold

Entrepreneurs often place priority on learning and

and achieve more.

professional development, regular exercise will help them process and retain more.

“On my doctor’s recommendation I started getting regular exercise. Not only did my health improve, but my business did

“If I were to stop exercising because I felt that being a good

as well. In fact, I’d say at this point that regular exercise is

business owner was a higher priority, then ironically I would

integral to my success as an entrepreneur.”

end up a worse business owner than I was when it was a

Michael Hyatt, Entrepreneur & Author

lower priority.” Exercise allows you to enjoy that life you are building for Josh Steimle, Entrepreneur and TEDx Speaker

yourself. Most entrepreneurs are working towards financial

Exercise reduces stress. Stress is a prevalent side-

or lifestyle independence. However, while working hard for

effect of running a business (unless your business is super-successful, but even that has its own stress

years while ignoring your physical health may lead you into these freedoms, your body will no longer be able to enjoy them to their fullest, or worse, your years will be numbered

that comes along with it). Regular exercise

less because of your failing health. If you are going to build a

increases productions of endorphins that give you a

cushy lifestyle for yourself, you might as well have a fit and

natural high and bring about a calmer mindset to

capable body to enjoy it with. | | @BajanSunOnline


Physique Pro Fitness By: Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge


hysique Pro Fitness Consultancy (PPFC) is a per sonal training business which was established in the year 1999 and caters to everyone from the professional person to the average housewife. Since the demand for this type of business is high Trainer - Jerome Greenidge sought to differentiate himself from all the other trainers plying their trade. As such, Jerome committed himself to studying the most popular training concepts and testing them on his clients to determine which ones worked most effectively. After a couple years of combining concepts and experimenting, Jerome created his own training style which can be modified to fit any body type. Most of his clients see him on average two or three times a week at their home or office, as his business goes where ever the client is interested in being trained. Needless to say, most of Jerome’s clients train at home. Given his passion to share knowledge, Jerome educates his clients on not only proper nutrition but how to train on their own with minimum equipment, which is always a hit as his clients wouldn't have to further expense themselves. The service Jerome and by extension PPCF offers covers everything from when to train, target setting and constant assessments to see what works and what is not working.

Over the years Jerome have found that consistency is the main reason people stop training. In response to this, Jerome has devised a strategy which works and works well. The workouts in this strategy take no longer than 5 to 8 minutes, with minimum equipment requirement. What is more is that, the results from this method have been nothing short of outstanding and Jerome’s clients love it. Short intense workouts work great especially when combined with adequate nutrition. More importantly, this method has been such a hit that his clients have encouraged him to do a fitness app which is called the ‘8 Min Burn’, carded to be released August 2014. All in all Jerome ensures that his clients are happy and see results quickly. In his words “it doesn't matter if my clients are vacationing in France or staying in a beach house on the east coast. If they or the general population want a workout or tips on everything from how to acquire muscle, lose weight or get stronger, they can do so by visiting this facebook link: provenphysique.” Jerome is looking forward to hearing from you soon so that he can help you achieve your best ‘bod’ ever! | | @BajanSunOnline


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By Juanita Cumberbatch

Identifying unrelieved stress and being aware of its

body responds to the stress. Do you become nervous or

effect on our lives is not sufficient for reducing its

physically upset? If so, in what specific ways?

harmful effects. Just as there are many sources of stress,

there are many possibilities for its management. However, all require work toward change: changing the source of stress and/or changing your reaction to it.

• Recognize what you can change. Can you change your stressors by avoiding or eliminating them completely? Can you reduce their intensity (manage them over a period of time instead of on a daily or weekly basis)?

• Become aware of your stressors and your emotional

Can you shorten your exposure to stress (take a break,

and physical reactions. Notice your distress. Don't

leave the physical premises)? Can you devote the time

ignore it. Don't gloss over your problems. Determine


what events distress you. What are you telling yourself about the meaning of these events? Determine how your

Energy necessary to making a change (goal setting, time management techniques, and delayed gratification

strategies may be helpful here)? | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress. The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger...physical danger and/or emotional danger. Are you viewing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a difficult situation and making it a disaster? Are you expecting to please everyone? Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent? Do you feel you must always win in every situation? Work at adopting more moderate views; try to see the stress as something you can cope with rather than something that overpowers you. Try to control your excess emotions. Put the situation in perspective. Do not labor on the negative aspects and the "what if's."

goals others have for you that you do not share. Expect some frustrations, failures, and sorrows. Always be kind and gentle with yourself -- be a friend to yourself.

• Learn to control your physical reactions to stress. Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal. Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension. Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions. However, they alone are not the answer. Learning to moderate these reactions on your own is a preferable long-term solution.

• Build your physical reserves. Exercise for cardiovascular fitness three to four times a week (moderate, prolonged rhythmic exercise is best, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging) or adopt gardening as a form of exercise. It’s a great form of exercise, stress relief and relaxation. Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. Maintain your ideal weight. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, and other stimulants. Mix leisure with work. Take breaks and get away when you can. Get enough sleep. Be as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible.

• Maintain your emotional reserves. Develop some mutually supportive friendships/relationships. Pursue realistic goals which are meaningful to you, rather than | | @BajanSunOnline

Molluscum Contagiosum By Dr. Andrew Forde

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection

The incubation period is between two to six months.

caused by a pox virus. The pox virus is a DNA virus,

Skin coloured, dome shaped papules with central

which is spread from person to person via direct

umbilication (central depression) are characteristic.

contact. It frequently occurs in children and young

These papules occur in clusters and are usually

adults. It appears to be more likely spread in wet

between 1-6 mm in size but “giant� lesions can be up

conditions, like swimming pools and communal bath

to 1 cm in size. If squeezed, tiny white balls called

facilities. Sexual transmission to the genitals is

mollusca bodies emerge. When left untreated the

common in adults. Children with eczema are also

papules can become more numerous, especially if the

prone to infection.

patient scratches | | @BajanSunOnline


Papules can last for up to one year and occur anywhere






on the skin. As they resolve, they can become red and

Occasionally an irritant reaction is caused using retinoic

crusted and rarely heal with a scar. Treatment

acid or imiquimod cream to stimulate clearance by the

modalities used by the Dermatologist are freezing and

immune system.

Scabies, known as the seven-year itch, is a contagious skin infestation. When first infected, usually two to six weeks are required before symptoms occur

Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin. The main symptom of scabies is intense itching | | @BajanSunOnline



ntrepreneurs tend to share a few things in common, including high thresholds for risk taking, persistence, and resilience. No doubt those qualities come in handy for starting a business, but they can have a few side effects. Chasing a dream is exhilarating—so exhilarating, in fact, that you might fail to notice how tired or hungry or thirsty it's making you.

Many entrepreneurs don’t take enough time for themselves to decompress, a problem that startup culture itself tends to exacerbate. We work round-the-clock during sprints, churn out code during hackathons, and do whatever it takes to close during power quarters. We exhaust ourselves. That’s a huge problem. In fact, research has shown that making decisions yourselfdepletes energy more rapidly than implementing those made by others. In order to steer your company in the right direction, taking some time to recharge is mission-critical. Here's how.

1. DELEGATE SMALL TASKS—EVEN THE ONES YOU LIKE As a company grows, a good founder wants to stay in touch with day-to-day business. Fifty years ago, you might have walked the factory floor; today you may take the time to tweak a piece of code or weigh in on the details of a new product rollout. This kind of hands-on management can be a good thing—in small doses. But if carried to an extreme, it can be damaging. Many leaders have no problem handing off less important tasks to others, but researchers have found that when leaders' abilities to self-regulate become frayed, they struggle to distinguish the important from the unimportant altogether. Under pressure, they work hard at everything, wasting energy on minutiae. By delegating smaller tasks to employees, entrepreneurs can preserve their own energy for big decisions—including the decision of which tasks to delegate. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 In some ways, of course, having more employees to delegate to makes life moredifficult. As soon as you hire an employee, you’re responsible for them. And the responsibility of managing others effectively can be a heavy burden for those who've started out as entrepreneurs and gradually shift into the role of an executive. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, even a "small business" can haveas many as 1,500 employees, depending on the industry. Managed properly, every employee can be an invaluable resource. It’s worth setting aside the time to be able to treat them that way. 2. TAKE A BREAK Just as flight attendants remind airline passengers to put on their own oxygen masks before helping others, entrepreneurs need to reserve enough time to take care of themselves. Maintaining a healthy sense of perspective also means ensuring that, when things are the hardest, you’re prepared to guide your team confidently. A healthy company needs a leader who prioritizes financial, mental, and emotional health.

A good rest can also improve your job performance. Countless top executives experience job-related anxiety. And research has found that anxious executives avoid risk—not a great trait for an entrepreneur running a growing business. Taking a vacation (or even just a nap) can help you conserve valuable energy. 3. DON’T CHANGE


4. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, HAVE A SNACK When you’re caught up in solving a pressing problem with your business, eating lunch can feel like a disposable luxury. It isn’t. A recent study of Israeli judges revealed that even important decision-makers aren't immune to getting "hangry." Researchers found that the likelihood of a judge granting parole plummets as they grow hungrier and more tired over the course of the day. The not-sosurprising solution? A snack. After a break for lunch, the likelihood of a judge granting parole climbed back to the level it was at the beginning of the day. Entrepreneurs might be risk-loving, hard-working, and achievement-oriented. But we aren't superhuman. Next time you have to make a big decision, stop. Breathe. Take a nap. Or head to the nearest snack stand. Ethan Senturia is CEO of Dealstruck, a startup that creates custom loan and credit line packages for small to medium-sized businesses. Before founding Dealstruck, Ethan ran Internet marketing for lead generation startup Ampush Media, and prior to that started his career as a distressed credit analyst at Lehman Brothers. This article was prepared with contributions from Mike Ent and Michelle Delgado ofHippo Reads.


When I was young, I went on a backpacking trip up a mountain for 30 days. At the beginning of each day, our team would look at the map and chart a path we hoped would take us to our target in under six hours. We never made it to our destination in that timeframe. Inevitably, someone would get sick, someone’s pack would require rearranging, or we'd get lost. With each such change, our goals changed too. Instead of fighting against those setbacks, by the end of the trip I began to accept that goals are always a little more elusive than they initially seem—but that patience and determination can carry a team through. By divorcing goals from rigid expectations about the right way to accomplish them, entrepreneurs can free up energy that's better spent elsewhere. | | @BajanSunOnline

38 | | @BajanSunOnline



ut of the box, adventurous, fresh, unorthodox, and original, are but a few words to describe Vita Chambers, who is the best at being herself. With her fans and parents being her biggest supporters, Vita has been able to make considerable advancements in her short career of four years. As a writer and performer, Vita has had the honour of performing with LMFAO, Chaka Kahn, and Sarah Mclachlan among many others. She has also had the pleasure of touring and performing with Bamboozle,

Lilith Fair and Justin Bieber; which in reflection she deems her most memorable performances. For someone like Vita who is constantly touring, where can you call your base? As such, when asked where are you based, her response was quite interesting: “I’m based out of my suitcase at the moment. I'm constantly travelling for touring, video shoots and events. However, I call Hamilton and Barbados home.”

39 | | @BajanSunOnline

Born in Vancouver, Canada on June 10th 1993 and

With her passion so evident and contagious, Vita is

having grown up in Barbados with her parents, this

undoubtedly destined for even greater encounters.

sparked Vita’s love for music. As she shared: “It was

But, her early beginnings are what we wish to

an evolution really. I grew into the genre I'm in now.

uncover a bit more. She began her career by posting

It spoke to me and came naturally.” She further

a video and four original songs on her MySpace page

expressed: “I love all genres. I know that’s a very

when she was just 15 years old. When she was

generic response but it’s true. Early in the morning I

seventeen years, she toured with pop sensation Justin

listen to Dido, Imogen Heap and/or Sia. Before I

Bieber. It didn’t take long for SRP/Universal Motown

walk on stage I listen to my two Franks,

Records to take notice of the rising star. Shortly after

Frank Sinatra & Frank Ocean. Then past midnight it's

which she was signed to SRP/Universal Motown in

a tossup of Michael Jackson, The Weekend, Banks

June 2009. Fellow Bajan singers Rihanna and

and Tina Turner.”

Shontelle also got their beginning with SRP Records. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Later in 2009, Vita was the opening act at the November 2009 Thanksgiving Day NFL half-time show featuring a Motown Review by the future of Motown. Vita sang ‘Heat Wave’. Following this, Vita's first single, ‘Young Money’ was released in early March 2010. Her EP The Get Go was also released in March with five songs. Her second single is titled ‘Like

Boom’. She has been compared to singer Fefe Dobson. Famous for her 2012, Juno-nominated single ‘Fix You’ (not to be confused with the Coldplay hit of the same name), this Canadian




songwriter went on to release such tracks






Camino’. Vita’s distinct sound takes some of its influence




background. Her mom is of Nigerian and Barbadian heritage and her dad is British. Though born in Canada she grew up in Barbados where she learned




parents’ record collection.

her Vita's

music has a pop rock feel, and she is very chic.

Her biggest fashion

influence is Gwen Stefani. Her YouTube channel is ‘VitaChambers’. She recently established a music label called Gold Note Productions and as she puts it: “I decided to be the captain of my own ship.” | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Let’s learn a bit more about Vita Chambers in our Q&A segment. Q: Which artists are you super excited and hopeful of one day performing with (future collaborations)? Q: What inspires you most about your genre of music? A: The ability and challenge to be versatile and different. Q: From where does your inspiration come for your songs/music? A: My experiences, my fears and dreams. Q: What is the purpose behind your performance? (Perform for Charity, Perform for Ministry)? A: I perform because I love to. It's the one place on earth were I feel true to myself. I want people to feel alive when at my shows, to feel something they've never felt before. Q: What is your personal mantra (the thing you live by, or motivates you the most)? A: ‘Don't let the bastards get you down’, lol it’s helped me through many rough days. Q: What competitions have you entered and won (up to your most recent (year and competition title))? A: I haven't entered any competitions ever. I don't need someone to tell me whether I have won or lost at something. I listen to my fans and my gut they are my judges.

A: It would be a dream to work with Sia, Cold Play and Deadmau5. Q: What's your greatest challenge performing and how have you overcome it or intend to overcome it? A: My greatest challenge would have to be taming my nerves before I walk on stage. I have learnt to focus on just my voice. I say to myself – “It's just you and your voice, no one else”. It's helped me so far. Q: What would you say to young aspiring female entertainers? A: Never be afraid to beak the mould of the generic ‘Pop star’. People love and appreciate originality and that comes from being true to yourself. Q: Where do you see yourself musically - between the next 3 to 5 years?

A: I'm not sure. I'll tell you in 3 - 5 years. Q: Outside of music what other things would you like your followers/fans/supporters to know about you? A: I am the biggest movie buff, lol. I'm always at the movies. I love books, yoga, scuba diving, travelling and getting lost in new places. | | @BajanSunOnline


f you want to be successful in business, you need to

1. Zoom In On Your Niche

welcome your competition with open arms, just don’t

Face facts. You can’t expect to hold on to every customer.

let them walk all over you. Strike the right balance

Accept it and focus your energy on identifying your ideal

between respecting your rivals and focusing on how you

customer and developing a plan to win your share of that

can beat them, and you’ll have a winning formula.

niche. In choosing to attract customers who need and

value your services, you will secure your market share Starting a business is a lot of work, and it’s easy to

even in the face of competition

convince yourself that the grass is greener on your rivals’ side of the fence companies that are always trying to keep

2. Assess Your Competition And Fill The Void

up with the Joneses will always be a step behind, and this

Get to know your competition. What are they doing

can foster a culture that is, at its core, reactionary.

differently? What are they good at? What are their

Businesses that are reactionary forgo innovation and can

weaknesses? The latter is important because it gives you

quickly become irrelevant to consumers.

an opportunity to step-in and step-up your game in these areas. If you can capitalize on your competitor’s weaknesses, you will chart a path for yourself and exploit

a profitable niche for your business. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 3. Seize The Opportunity, Be Unique

impressive cash flow, customer base and power, but smaller competitors can actually pose a bigger threat.

Even if you offer the same products and services, you are never going to be the same as your competition. This is

5. Don’t Play Dirty

where opportunity lies. Review what makes your business unique – often it’s a

There’s no reason we can’t get along. Competing

combination of you as business owner, your team, and all

businesses can actually co-exist within a community and

the other factors that differentiate you from your

even cooperate on occasion. Even when a competitor pulls

competition. Refocus

sales, operational, and

a dirty trick, like stealing your customer list, don’t

marketing efforts to emphasize the unique customer

retaliate. If your competitor is willing to stoop that low,

experience that you offer.

chances are that customer service is not their top priority.


Your customers will come back once they realize their 4. Don’t Underestimate The Competition

mistake. Just take the high road with competitors.

Competitors may come in different shapes and sizes, but

In business, you can’t make the competition disappear

they have one thing in common,they all want to beat you.

completely, but that’s alright. Accept the challenge — you

You may lose sleep over bigger competitors with their

will have a stronger business because of it. | | @BajanSunOnline


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Your Business on Social Media It seems strange to think there was ever a

success, with 72 percent saying that their

time when social media wasn’t an integral

marketing efforts across the channels that

part of growing a small business. While

matter, including social, email, mobile and

many entrepreneurs still struggle with how

Web, are working.

to best use social media to engage their audiences and promote their businesses, there






confidence in their social media skills. In 2012, 54 percent of small-business owners, who participated in a survey administered by Constant Contact, reported they needed help with social media. This year, that

number dropped to 45 percent. This 48 confidence seems to be translating into

Socially savvy entrepreneurs know that it’s all about engaging the right audiences with valuable content. The online community has little tolerance for self-promoters who view social media as a means to free advertising.




owners face a challenge when it comes to striking a balance in using social media to engage and promote


Shut Down The Right Way How To Shut Down Windows 8

1. Firstly we will need to access the Charm bar which is a

any people want to know how to shut down Windows 8. You would think that is a simple task, as in previous versions of Windows we had always had the start menu with a shut

fancy name for a menu. You can do this by moving your mouse to the lower right corner of the screen. The menu will then slide out. See the screen shot below.

down, restart option. Now the Windows 8 shutdown problem

2. When the Charm bar appears click on the Settings icon. See

is causing stress for the new users of this operating system.

the arrow pointing to the settings icon below.

There are two reasons for the problems with shutting down

3. When the settings appear, click on the Power icon. See the

windows 8.

screenshot below.

One is that people just cannot find out how to shut down the

4. Now you will be able to choose to either Sleep, Shut Down,

Windows 8 computer because it is not too obvious.

Update, or Restart.

The other problem is that when they do find out how to shut

So that is how to shut down Windows 8. In this world of

down, they notice that it takes 4 steps to do so.

gadgets and technology, this is definitely not faster or easier to

First lets look at the first problem on how to shut down Windows 8. How To Shut Down Windows 8

do than the previous versions of Windows. Quick Tip: You can also you can press Windows-C on your keyboard to get the charm bar to slide out.

49 | | @BajanSunOnline

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targeted traffic) — and your site has a valuable target audience — then you’ll be noticed by advertisers. Ways of Paying for Advertising There are three main methods of pricing advertising:


1. CPM (cost per thousand views). This is the traditional way television, radio, magazine, and newspaper advertising is sold. A few higher value sites can sell ads this way on the Internet, but it’s not easy.

here are three primary ways to monetize (that is, generate revenue from) a website:

Ecommerce . Receive profits from direct sales of products or services. Affiliate marketing. Receive r efer r al fees fr om mer chants when a product or service you linked to results in a sale as a result of your link. Advertising. Receive ad r evenue for displaying advertising on your website, blog, or e-mail newsletter.

It’s the third approach that we’ll be exploring in this article. Your dream may be to build a website, have people visit in droves, and then rake in ad revenue while relaxing at the beach. It’s a common dream, but an unrealistic one — for most people and businesses, that is. If you have the right kind of site and if you work hard and smart, however, you might be able to achieve at least modest advertising revenue from your site. Whether you’ll put in much beach-time, remains to be seen. Stating the Obvious 1. Before I begin, let me state a few obvious principles of the advertising field: 2. Higher priced products and services can afford to pay more for advertising than low-priced industries. 3. Only targeted advertising will ever be clicked on. If you put a general drug store banner ad on a model racing car website, you won’t sell much antacid. Untargeted advertising sells for perhaps 50 cents per 1,000 page views or less — not enough to earn a living. Advertising is priced on supply and demand. Right now there is an unlimited supply of webpages on the Internet. But if there is a demand for your site (that is, if you get a lot of

2. CPC (cost per click) or PPC (pay per click). In this payfor-performance model, the advertiser pays only if a potential customer cares enough about the ad to click on it. By far the largest amount of Internet advertising is sold via this model. 3. CPA (cost per action) is either pay-per-lead or pay-persale. Affiliate marketing (which we’ll explore in another article in this series) runs on this model.

Now let’s look at the 8 steps to ad revenue generation. 1. Provide high quality content centered around a commercially viable industry Unless your website is related to an industry that is commercially viable, the chances are you won’t be able to make much money on advertising. Simply speaking, advertisers will only pay you for advertising if it helps them make money. I have a friend who is a true expert on English grammar. He has developed a whole website around correct grammatical usage. It’s even getting some traffic. Consider who such a site might attract:   

English teachers Non-native speakers trying to learn correct English Students who have an assignment to complete for class

Are these people likely to spend money on this topic? Not likely. A dictionary publisher might want to advertise here, but since the book sells for $25 or less and there isn’t hot competition for dictionaries these days, publishers won’t pay much for advertising. If you had online English classes, you might want to advertise. But still, these ads wouldn’t sell for much. | | @BajanSunOnline


Should my grammatical friend expect much advertising revenue? No. I have another friend who has a nursing website that has attracted interest from pharmaceuticals. Since the drug industry is very competitive and sells some high priced products, this kind of website has the potential to make good money, if developed properly. Not only do you need a commercial field, you must also provide high quality content:

1. You won’t get much attention if people don’t learn from your website. If they learn, they’re more likely to return. 2. The Google Panda algorithm update tends to give lower rankings to sites with poor content, measured by such things as bounce rate, the presence of obtrusive ads, and evidence of “scraping” or duplication of something on another site. 3. Internet users are getting more sophisticated and won’t settle for mediocre content. They’ll leave quickly if they don’t find what they’re looking for. 2. Optimize your content on high-priced keywords Assuming that you’ve got step 1 under control, now move to optimize your content around high-priced keywords. You can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find out what keywords get the highest bids in your niche. You optimize your content in two primary ways. 1. Keyword focus. Select the two or three dozen highest priced keywords in your industry or niche. Then write content about these topics. 2. Keyword placement. Put high-priced (wherever appropriate) in your:      


Title tags Subheadings Alt tags for graphics Filenames for graphics and webpages In hypertext linked words and phrases. In the first and last paragraphs

It’s not enough to have great content. You’ll want to focus your efforts on the most profitable topics, and then make sure your content is indexed correctly by the search engines for these profitable keywords.

3. Generate lots of traffic to your site Perhaps this goes without saying, but unless you have lots and lots of traffic to your website, you won’t make much money selling advertising. How do you get traffic? This is a complex topic, but mainly three ways: 1. Search Rankings. Get highly ranked on the search engines for your keywords. In part, you achieve this by step 2…. 2. Links. Get links and recommendations to your website from other sites, blogs, social media, directories, etc. 3. Ads. Pay for advertising to get people to your site — so they’ll see the advertisingthere. If you were to try to sell advertising directly, one of the first questions their media buyers will ask you is: What is your monthly number of unique visitors or pageviews? Unless you have healthy numbers, they won’t pursue you. Get the traffic and you may begin to attract interested advertisers. 4. Determine what kind of advertising is selling in this niche

If you’re pursuing an advertising revenue strategy for your site, you will have done a lot of looking at competition websites to see what makes them good — and to determine how you can be even better. Type and Size of Advertising. Is most of the advertizing in your industry Google text ads or display ads (that is, graphic ads)? If display ads are popular, what size appears most often? As of February 28, 2011, the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) lists seven standard ad units (dimensions in pixels are in parentheses):       

Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Rectangle (180 x 150) Leaderboard (728 x 90) Skyscraper (160 x 600) Half Page Ad (300 x 600) Button 2 (120 x 60) Microbar (88 x 31)

One size that’s shown as “delisted” is the Full Banner (468 x 60). You’ll still see this widely on the Internet, but not on sites that are seeking to sell to advertisers that pay well. Sometimes you’ll see other sizes, but for designing your own page, stick to the most popular sizes in your niche or industry.| || @BajanSunOnline | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Source of Advertising. Now look deeper to determine

most popular ad sizes. Be careful not to so overload

the source of advertising. Most third-party ads have

your webpage template so it looks cluttered. Don’t be

two URLs.

greedy. A few ads designed to fit nicely on your

1. Intermediate URL of the ad server. The adserver is the company that displays the ad as well as counting and collecting information on the click-

webpage will achieve a professional appearance without looking overdone. And only the most prominent ads will get many click-throughs anyway.

through, then redirects the user’s web browser to

Typically, a site offering advertising will display a


leaderboard (728×90) across the top, with another ad

2. Destination URL on the landing page of the advertiser’s website, where the Internet user is supposed to end up.

size along the right side of the page. Google AdSense

ads can be placed anywhere on the page. But too often they tend to clutter the site and make it more difficult for readers to get to the information they desire. Be

If you can figure out what the adserver company is, you can learn something about the advertising type. The intermediate URL can sometimes be seen by putting your cursor over the ad (without clicking) and

wise and experiment. Now consider three types of advertising on your site. You may even end up mixing these types.

looking for a URL at the bottom left of your web

6. Consider Google AdSense text and display









technologies don’t disclose the intermediate URL — and it’s hard to see in the URL in the bar at the top of your browser, since it redirects so fast. Another approach is to right-click to “view source.”

Google is the biggest advertising company on the Internet. Their AdWords ads that appear on search results generate a huge amount of revenue for the company. But you can put Google AdSense ads on

What you’re looking for is the name of the adserving

your own website. To learn more, seehttps://

company (not the brand of the ad serving software).

For example, DoubleClick (now owned by Google) is often used to display higher-priced ads on better sites. Ad networks, on the other hand, display lower-priced ads. You’ll see some of the names of ad networks in step 7 below. The detective work you do here may pay off in useful intelligence to help you develop your own strategy.

The advantage of AdSense ads is that Google tries hard to display only ads that are relevant to the keywords on

your webpage. Also, they have millions of advertisers, many of whom are finding good results advertising on sites like yours. You don’t have to find the advertisers. Google does it for you. And Google seems to pay publisher sites like yours about half of the revenue it

5. Design your web page template for advertising Now that you’ve gotten an idea of how companies tend to advertise in your niche or industry, you need to design your webpage template to accommodate the

receives from the advertisers. This can be an ideal solution for many small business sites. Since the ads are targeted according to your content, they command a higher bid price than untargeted ads. | | @BajanSunOnline



By Denise J Charles

See love as a choice, not a feeling that is based purely on sexual chemistry or attractiveness Choose





anniversaries or any day for that matter, to relive the memories of how you met, got engaged or got married; keeping alive the magic of your early relationship is still significant to the health of your marriage but understand that while this may be a tool to enhance your commitment, it should not be the basis for it Develop relationship loyalty by actively demonstrating that you and your spouse are on the same team; practice “having each others back” instead of competing Never neglect your sexual relationship; keep this “one-


flesh” reality of your relationship going to demonstrate e’re always talking about commitment in

how exclusive and set apart your relationship really is

marriage but do we even know what it should

from all others; this means actively working to make

look like? Follow these 12 steps to strengthen your level

your sex better which will in turn strengthen your levels

of relationship commitment.

of intimacy

Accept human imperfection in both yourself and your

Strive to demonstrate a “higher-order” love that is

spouse and see it as a gateway for personal development

unconditional and loves “in spite of”and which also

and change

includes the practice of forgiveness







Deal with relationship issues in a timely manner, before

dissatisfied with some aspect of your relationship; this

they have the chance to fester into deep-rooted anger or

means that talking about how you feel is always critical;


decide from the outset that you will not choose easy

Never share your marital challenges with someone you

escape routes like emotional detachment or affairs

feel sexually attracted to; this represents the antithesis of

Protect your relationship from negative external

commitment and loyalty

influences (friends, family, cohorts) who encourage you

If you sense your relationship is becoming unglued and

to bail out at the first sign of marital stress

you both seem unable to handle it on your own, choose

Set realistic goals for your marriage and work together

a reputable counselor, coach, pastor or therapist to help

at making them happen

you get your marriage back on track | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


IN THE SPOTLIGHT Rodney Sheldon Garnes


his tforty three year old, Hothersal, St. John resident is a Graduate of Ellerslie Secondary

School, after graduating from Ellerslie, Rodney furthered his education at Barbados Community College

By Charmaine J Forde

University of West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. His field of study is Labor and Employment Relations. This former sea-scout says that Barbados Late PM Honorable David Thompson motivates him and also his Father. (Honorable

where he received Associate Degrees in Information Technology and Applied Arts Marketing. He is currently pursuing a Masters’ Degree at

David Thompson served as Barbados Prime Minister

from 2008-2010 before succumbing to pancreatic cancer.) He received 2011 “David Thompson” Award for community Service. He is a member of St. John Parish Independence Committee, St. John’s Constitutional Council, Youth Development Council, and Tridents Rugby Football Club. When Rodney is not supporting his community or his former schools’ events, he is Busy with his Photography. Rodney Garnes I salute you! Charmaine J. Forde is a continuing Education Student at Community College of Philadelphia and Soldier’s Angel. | | @BajanSunOnline

By Tyler Ball


want to talk about some of the mistakes I think

Young entrepreneurs are exposed to new articles of

young entrepreneurs are making and I will make a

these people making billions in 3 years when in reality

few posts on this because I have quite a few I would

this is super rare but people are exposed to more get

like to talk about.

rich quick stories but don’t understand how much work

The one I want to talk about today is lack of

it took them to get there. For example when Instagram

patience and I think this is the most important, lack of

sold for $1 billion in such a short time frame, you don’t

patience is deadly, if you’re not patient then your

actually know how much work went it to that and yes

business will most likely fail because you’re just going

there were probably many failures before launching

to give up too soon.

Instagram. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 When you launch your business you have to be prepared

promise you one of the most valuable skills in

to wait for a long time to start seeing real results, I

entrepreneurship is patience. Be prepared to wait 12 to

believe one of the top reasons why people give up is

24 months to start seeing the results, it will all be worth

lack of patience, because remember, the day you give up

it in the end.

is the day before you succeed. Be persistent and great things will happen. So hopefully However, if you’re truly passionate about what you do

this has added some value to your life and remember to

then patience should come naturally, because if you’re

stick with it whatever you’re trying to do because the

passionate then you would do whatever you’re doing for

beginning stages are always the hardest. For example

free,and if you keep going you will start to see more

for me, this blog isn’t going to get amazing results

results and you will get better, I promise.

because i’ve just started, but I can expect amazing results if i keep putting good content out there and that’s

It takes some people years to make there first million, it

what i’m going to do.

could take up to 10 years of hard work but thats better staying in a job for 40 years living pay check to pay

So for every young entrepreneur out there, prepare to be

check right?

patient. The results will eventually come.

Don’t be tricked by the media because i can promise

Time to Hustle.

you that there’s no such thing as a get rich scheme and I | | @BajanSunOnline

62 | | @BajanSunOnline





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Boyceterous Cruises is one of the newest recreational vessels cruising the coastal waters of Barbados. Boyceterous Catamaran Cruises offers tours consisting of swimming with the turtles in the crystal clear waters of Barbados.

At Debbie's Sweets N Treats we cater for everyone with our freshly baked cakes and pastries. We also produce vegetarian and gluten free sweet treats by order. If you have a small party or function we can cater for you. Remember you name it, we bake it! Find us on Facebook: Debbie’s Sweets N Treats

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Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours Connecting Tourism with Barbadian Culture, Heritage and Traditions in one tour to our local village/rum shops.

Email: Facebook: ROCKiTDeZigns Twitter: ROCKiTDeZigns

Call (246) 844-7008 Email: | | @BajanSunOnline




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Contact (246) 823-7920 Email: Facebook:

Bajan Association of Rum Shops

Website: Facebook: THE Dog Trainer Barbados Email: Telephone # (246) 243-4338 65

Bajan Association of Rum Shops Promoting Barbados & Working to Save Our Rum Shops, their Cultural Input & Heritage Call (246) 245-6629 Email: Website: Facebook: BajanRumShops

Physique Pro Fitness Consultancy Tel:1-246-239-7184 Email : Facebook: ProvenPhysique | | @BajanSunOnline




here are many things to do in Barbados! But, we recommend embarking on an exciting Bajan Island Tour. Our tours allow you to fully explore the exotic coral island, with excellent beaches, rolling hills and many deep ridges, completed with a fascinating distribution of flora and fauna. Among the anomalies that make this island unique is the phenomenal formation of the two land masses that form this truly amazing island paradise.

Bajan Island Tours has put together a series of outdoor adventure tours that we like to call “the best of the best” – experiences that allow you to explore the wonders, feel the thrills, and surrender completely to the unparalleled grandeur of Barbados! We guarantee that each and every one of our packages will show you the “roots” of Barbados. So, come on down and experience the exhilarating, romantic, and adrenalinepumping variety of Barbados Island Tours which we offer amid this breathtaking island wonderland! There is so much to learn about Barbados! Where do you start? This section will give you a good base of information to get a feel of the island, what we are about and where we came from. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 As of mid 2000, the population of Barbados was recorded at some 274,540. The diverse ancestry of the island attributes to its current unique cultural blend which includes Arawak Indians, British settlers, European Indentured Slaves, African Slaves and East Indians. Overall, the people of Barbados (or Bajans as we are known) are quite friendly; so fitting in with locals will lend itself quite easily to your peace of mind.

Barbados is an island of the Lesser Antilles, 21 miles in length, as much as 14 miles in width and divided into 11 parishes. It is located at 13.4N, 15.4W. The island is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic Ocean and 100 kilometers east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea. Barbados is relatively flat with the exception of one major high point, Mount Hillaby, which measures approximately 1,115 feet or some 343 metres above sea level. The west coast of Barbados offers calm, clear water which is quite conducive to your many beach activities; while the east coast opens up beautifully to crashing waves and an environment that is more suited to sun bathing, walking, jogging, surfing and even meditation.

The Tourism Industry in Barbados is impetus for the economic development on the island as it has impacted significantly on the lives of all Barbadians. It is a very vital aspect of the economy of Barbados and it is always within our best interest to ensure that your comfort and safety is first and foremost. Despite this, we still strongly recommend you exercise caution with regards to your valuables and even frequenting certain areas.

Barbados is awash with history, the arts, nightlife, fine dining, and even luxury living. Getting around the island is a ‘breeze’ (pun intended) as options are somewhat endless when it comes to your choice of transportation. The people of Barbados are quite helpful when it comes to giving assistance with regards to making your way around the island. The main language of Barbados is English but bajan dialect (broken English) is widely spoken as it is almost a natural way of life. We can’t promise you that you will always be able to make complete sense of what the people of Barbados have to say; but, we recommend you give it a listen and even a try, as it will only augur well to adding a ‘sunshine feel’ to your stay on the island. | | @BajanSunOnline




he Barbados Manufacturers’ Association (BMA) is pushing ahead with its drive to get Barbadians

to buy more local goods which started with the launch of the I Am Bajan campaign. This Buy Bajan Campaign is for Barbados. It is for our economy.

promote Bajan-manufactured goods. Beyond that, Barbadians, it appears are sometimes inclined to resist the buy local idea on the grounds that some locally produced goods are both pricy and inferior to imported products. The Bajan Association of Rum Shops has also joined

“Every time you purchase an item that is Barbadian produced you are saving jobs” Buying local is regarded as a progressive domestic development initiative designed to encourage Barbadians to consume more of what was produced at home primarily as a means of conserving expenditure on imported foods.

that push, to support and buy local in its Save Our Shops campaign. Rum shops have always been an integral part of Bajan life, whether in rural Barbados or in the towns. They were the center of attraction in any village, as most of them were also the grocery shop, with a little partitioned off bar. Rum shops/Village shops offer mostly local items and dishes. This in itself

The campaign was instituted to raise the profile of

contributes in a big way to local product sales on the

exports, encourage Barbadians to buy more local


products and encourage manufacturers to export more.

Here, there are some similarities with the situation in

The current push in Barbados to persuade its nationals

Guyana. Almost 40 years ago when attempts to replace

of the virtues of buying locally produced commodities

some imported products with locally produced ones

is being driven in large by a realization that the

were generally frowned upon though the big difference

economies of the region can no longer afford the high

in the Guyana case was that the banning of the imports

costs of imported foods. As far as the BMA was


concerned however, there were other good reasons for a

contraband access, of course.

no choice but to buy local, except one had

buy local campaign, the best of which was the need to | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Ten reasons to Think Local – Buy Local – Be Local Buy Local — Support yourself: Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally owned business, rather than a nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms — continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community. Support community groups: Non-profit

Invest in community: Local businesses ar e owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future. Put your taxes to good use: Local businesses in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.

organizations receive an average 250% more support from smaller business owners than they do from large businesses. Keep our community unique: Where we shop, where we eat and have fun — all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place. Our tourism businesses also benefit. “When people go on vacation they

Buy what you want, not what someone wants you to buy: A mar ketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based not on a national sales plan but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.

generally seek out destinations that offer them the sense of being someplace, not just anyplace.” ~ Richard Moe, President, National Historic Preservation Trust Reduce environmental impact: Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing on the fringe. This generally means

Encourage local prosperity: A gr owing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character. Think local first + Buy local when you can = Being a local!

contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution. Create more good jobs: Small local businesses ar e the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents. Get better service: Local businesses often hir e people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

JUNE 2015


here are two things you’ll find in every village in

were the center of attraction in any village, as most of

Barbados, that’s a church and a rum shop. Both

them were also the grocery shop, with a little partitioned

have a lot of spirit.” Pun intended… you will notice in

off bar , for those who groceries were of the strong

Barbados it seems to be a small church and a couple of

liquid kind. Rum shops were also the center of

brightly coloured rum shops. There are literally

entertainment, when the Wurlitzers Juke Boxes made


their debut on the island.






island Barbados. The Rum Shop bears a historical and cultural background to a unique Barbadian institution. It should also encourage Barbadians and visitors alike to experience first hand, the exuberant and authentic atmosphere of the Barbadian rum shop. The Rum Shop is a fascinating story of

A rum shop in Barbados is an informal and relaxed place to hang out and drink rum and play dominoes. Some of them are like mini grocery stores while others will be more like an off-license but this is a million miles away from your local Threshers. Most rum shops

our rum

are sponsored by a brand and will be brightly painted

heritage all in itself; where it all began and the many

and plastered in the logo of their sponsor. They’ll have

ways you can drink it. The most consumed drink in the

some benches outside to sit in the sunshine, they may

rum shop was rum, until a few years ago. In recent

serve basic food and snacks but they all have one thing

times beer has take over that spot! The rum shop shows

in common and that’s the never-ending supply of rum.

how a peculiar Barbadian combination of bar and grocery evolved into what it is today.

We do

recommend you visit and experience the Bajan rum shops, you will find more than worth a visit, as much for the tasty food as the refreshing drink.

It’s not surprising that the people of Barbados love their rum as their country is home to the oldest, and arguably the best, brand of rums in the world. Rum is part of the history and culture of Barbados and no one should visit the island without exploring our rum culture. This is a

Rum shops have always been an integral part of Bajan

unique Caribbean institution which rum lovers all over

life, whether in rural Barbados or in the towns. They

the world are sure to enjoy. | | @BajanSunOnline




Have a delicious taste of history while sampling local rum and mouth-watering LOCAL CUSINE on the TOUR. Join us ON the Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour! for a look back in time at the rum history, culture and heritage in Barbados. Hear stories of Old Bars, making of Rum, learning local traditions and more. It’s the Real McCoy!



246.844.7008 | | @BajanSunOnline


trictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - a very special Morning tour of The Rum Shop Culture & Barbadian Heritage. As the name suggests this tour is strictly local and seeks to provide visitors with a truly Authentic Barbados Experience. As such, this tour exposes our guests to Traditional Rum Shops, Traditional Bajan (people), Traditional Food and Local Beverages. But even more, our 'visiting friends' have the opportunity to be part of our Culture, and Heritage. The tour incorporates on bus fun activities, games and competitions. While the tour is fun it is also educational and informative, allowing for a fun learning environment. This being said, our tour begins with a visit to the facilities of the world's oldest Rum and pioneer of fine liquor: Mount Gay Visitors Centre. Following this, our tour proceeds to visit three (3) Rum Shops: where our guests can indulge in Traditional Dishes and Beverages and be delighted by local craft and entertainers. On route to the first Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor)

Buljol and one (1) Banks Beer (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the third Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors) Third Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Local Lunch and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic mixed with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors): part of the All Inclusive Package. At this final stop guests are also entertained by local artists and are delighted by local arts and crafts. Please note, the Rum Shops are alternated on a per week basis. Tour Days: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Tour Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tour Guide: Knowledgeable about our Barbadian Culture/Friendly and Personable Tour Driver: Experienced and Safe

First Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Mini Cutters: Ham/Egg/Cheese and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the second Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a can of Claytons Kola Kick (Sponsor) Second Stop: Local Bar and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as a Local Pickle Dish: 73Chicken Foot/Pudding and Souse/

Tour Transport: Fully Air Conditioned 40 Seater Coach Tour Security/Safety: First Aid Kit on board with trained First Responder Tour Cost: Tourist: $65.00 USD/ $130.00 BDS - All Inclusive Package. Locals: $ 50.00 USD/ $100.00 BDS Visit our website and view our other tour packages. Contact Tel: 1 246 844-7008 Email: Follow us on twitter: @RumShopsTours Visit us online: | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline



onkies, a corn base Barbadian delicacy, are traditionally made during the month of

November, celebrating independence (Nov 30th).

wrap the conkies in. Ingredients:

Conkies were originally made to commemorate the

2 cups corn flour

old British colonial celebration of Guy Fawkes Day

1/2 cup flour

(Nov 5th). This is a laborious recipe, but the results

3/4 lb finely grated pumpkin

are worth it.

6 oz margarine/shortening melted

Banana leaves are used to wrap the conkie mixture, therefore you need leaves that aren't shredded. Strip leaves from stalk with a sharp knife. Leaves are very delicate and tear easily. To use them in your recipe,

you must make them pliable by briefly singeing them over an open flame. If your leaves start to curl up, that means you had them on the flame too long. If your leaves spontaneously combust, that means you were using old, dried up leaves. Please use green leaves! Tear your singed leaves into individual squares to wrap your conkies in. Many recipes

1/2 lb sweet potato (optional) 3 cups grated coconut 1 egg 1 tsp salt 4 oz raisins (optional) 3/4 lb brown sugar 1 cup whole milk 1 tsp spice 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 1 tsp almond essence *Banana, Plantain or Fig leaves (singed over fire)

recommend 8" x 8" squares, but they can be bigger

*Leaves can be substituted all together with wax

depending on how big you want your conkies to be.

paper or foil paper; however, your conkies won't taste

Cut the leaves into pieces that you can comfortably

as good. | | @BajanSunOnline

Barbados Independence Celebrations


efore Barbados' Independence, the island was a British Colony for over 300 years due to the first English

settlers in 1625.

30th 1966 by the then Premier Errol Walton Barrow of the Democratic Labour Party (previously the Democratic League), a group which in 1955 broke away from the now Barbados Labour Party. Errol Barrow became the first Prime

During the 1920's Political arousal of the black population became obvious when Charles Duncan O'Neal formed the Democratic League.

Minister of Barbados. This date was also St Andrew's Day. Barbados had now achieved Independence from Britain, but maintained ties to the British monarch, represented in

In 1938 after the civil disturbances in 1937, the Barbados

Barbados by the Governor General. Barbados became an

Progressive League (later becoming the Barbados Labour

independent state within the Commonwealth Nations and

Party) was formed and Barbados attained full internal self-

continues to have major role in regional cooperation.

government in 1961.

On that Proud day of Independence now a National Holiday,

The first Premier Grantley Adams (later Knighted to 'Sir') led

the ceremony included the first playing of the National

Barbados into the (10) member West Indian Federation in

Anthem, the first raising of the National Flag and an elaborate

1958 until 1962. After the Federation was terminated in 1962,


Barbados returned to its former status as a self-government. Failed attempts were made by the Premier Grantley Adams to form another Federation with the Leeward and Windward islands.

Since Independence Barbados has been a member of Caricom (previously the Caribbean Free Trade Area), as well as gaining close ties with Third World countries. Barbados now enjoys one of the most stable political and economic

Barbados was then led into full Independence on November

environments in the English speaking Countries. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 After the first English settlement at Holetown in 1627, Barbados remained a British colony until achieving independence from Britain on November 30th 1966. That first independence ceremony was accompanied by the raising of the Barbados national flag, and playing of the national anthem for the first time. November 30th is celebrated as Independence Day and is a national holiday in Barbados.

Independence Celebrations Secretariat, and is officially kicked off

with the Independence Lighting Ceremony and Bajan Folk Brew in the city of Bridgetown, followed by a number of the activities during the month of independence. These events include Parish Talent Zonal Shows, the Spirit of the Nation Show, Spirit of Independence Tour, a Mini-Parks & Gardens Competition and a variety of other activities throughout the parishes.

Independence celebrations run throughout the

month of

November and include sports competitions, fairs, community events and religious services.

Parish Ambassadors are used to create a community commitment and nationalism among the youth. Each parish selects a male and female between the ages of 18 and 30 as a representative. These

It’s always a celebration on INDEPENDENCE DAY IN

persons are introduced to the public at the Official Launch of

BARBADOS…a national holiday filled with Bajan traditions,

Community Independence Celebrations, which takes place on the

customs and special independence activities and events.

last Saturday in August.

On Independence Day a grand parade is held, usually at the

On Independence Day an elaborate independence parade is

Garrison Savannah, site of the original Independence ceremony in

officially used to commemorate the occasion, while other


activities and events bajans traditionally use to celebrate

One of the highlights of the Independence celebrations is the decorative lighting of Parliament Buildings, Independence Square, the Independence Arch and businesses throughout the

Independence Day include fairs, concerts, sports competitions, festivals,







excursions, picnics and other community events.

capital Bridgetown, using blue and gold coloured bulbs (the


national colours). Roundabouts on the highways are also lighted,

locals and tourist alike, with hundreds of members of service

creating a spectacular view at night.

groups alongside military attachments and their armed and









Independence Festival of Creative Arts (NIFCA)


unarmed units, marching in keen precision and displaying their skills in various formations at the Garrison Savannah.

showcases the artistic talents of Barbadians. This festival

The official Independence Ceremonial Parade usually starts

encourages Barbadians of all ages to match their talents in the

around 8am, featuring from Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Cadets

fields of music, singing, dance, drama, writing, fine art,

to the Barbados Defence Force, the Royal Barbados Police Force,

photography and arts and crafts. The festival runs throughout the

St. John’s Ambulance Brigade, the Barbados Red Cross and the

month of November and culminates with a gala presentation in

National Conservation Commission. Other detachments include

which the finalists are featured

the Barbados Fire Service, the Barbados Prison Service, the

Annually Barbadians start celebrating the anniversary of independence by attending the National Independence Festival of Creative Arts (NIFCA) during the months of October and November. This is also the period when all genres of bajan music is played on local radio stations, especially from folk, calypso and Spouge artistes like Sing Out Barbados, The Barbados Folk Singers, The Merrymen, The Sandpebbles, The Draytons Two, Red Plastic Bag (RPB), The Mighty Gabby, The Escorts, Lord

Government Security Guards Service, the Barbados Landship, and





The day’s programme also features a medley of marching renditions, a salute and march-past for the island’s Governor General, a gun salute to the nation, prayers, a recital of the Barbados National Pledge, the rousing of Three Cheers, and a final salute to the nation.

Radio & The Bimshire Boys, The Tradewinds, Wendy Alleyne &

The parade usually culminates with the Independence Ceremonial

The Dynamics, Jackie Opel, Richard Stoute and many more.

March to the city of Bridgetown, via Bay Street and through the

Other community based events are organized by the Community

Independence Arch in the capital. | | @BajanSunOnline


tips and increase customer loyalty, putting more money in everyone’s pocket. Our Bartending Course features hands on training, practical sessions, tastings, tours to facilities and seminars from major brands on the island so that applicants will gain knowledge by both listening and doing. The Bartender Course in set in three components Mixology - Customer Service & Health and Safety Accounts





certificate for the component but a Bartender certificate will only be given to a person that completes all three components. This makes this course applicable not only to Bartenders/ Mixologist but also Hostess, Rum Shop and Bar


Managers/Owners. ur program focuses equally on all beverage

The Art of Bartending Training Seminars is dedicated to

categories through a series of tastings modules and

providing bartending, cocktail, flair, customer service

practical skills training. Students will taste and learn how

and health and safety related training courses.

to prepare and pour over 20 different spirits, wines, beers, liqueurs and cocktails as part of your training, to

BARS Inc operates three core divisions that all support

get a true sense of each brands' specific taste profile and

one another harmoniously. We like to think of our

makeup, making them more knowledgeable than most

business as a cocktail of services supporting the needs of

working bartenders.

Rum Shops/Bars, up grading the skills of Bar staff

We'll also educate them on most up-to-date customer

through training, the ever evolving consumer pallet and

service and selling techniques to help them maximize

events industries. | | @BajanSunOnline


Mixology Testing

To further test students speed and confidence, they will be

The testing for this program is completed in the last week.

put through an exercise to prepare and serve cocktails to

Student’s grade is comprised of a cumulative score of

guests, and fill drink orders under pressure. This will allow

homework, both written multiple choice test and a practical

us to see their confidence levels, recipe knowledge, and

exam. This method of triple testing incorporates both the

responses to different guests with different tastes

hands-on skills you have learned, as well as the knowledge and theory you have retained, to see how far you have come

Practical Exam

in the classes.

Students create an original cocktail on stage and will be

marked on originality, taste, aroma, presentation and overall Homework


Homework will be given at each session where they stu-

To make our program credible to both students and employ-

dents will do research.

ers, we don't pass a student simply because you've enrolled, which means certification is legitimate. The program has

Written Exam

been built to allow students to pass as long as students pay

This exam will consist of multiple choice questions and

attention and participate in all the training an exercises.

written answers based on knowledge shared in each session

If a student does not meet the required mark to earn certifi-

Cocktail Creation on Tour

cation, they do have an opportunity to re-do the practical and/or written test in order to receive it at an additional cost. | | @BajanSunOnline

By: Cheryl Outram


he phrase Stick-to-it was coined by Walt Disney to repre-

ivity. Perseverance demands that we persist in anything under-

sent the action of perseverance. The art of perseverance is

taken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or dis-

such a valuable skill required when we are at our lowest or when the fruits of our labours are less than we had calculated or even when unimaginable curves and pitfalls become a reality. This is the perfect time to quit or relent on our plans and actions. So often we give into our emotions and are clouded by the realities of perceived failure. There are times in life when we feel that everything around us is collapsing. Sometimes life falls apart and it is out of our control, and at other times, things go wrong

and we know that it is our own fault. There will always be unexpected turns in our life but there is one thing can take us around the bends of failure and lead us to the path of success. That is perseverance.

couragement and continue steadfastly. One may ask, what is the point of committing to something that does not produce the desired result? Or why continue a relationship that does not produce happiness? Is it really practical to keep investing in something that doesn’t produce in the here and now? A devoted wife having committed to a miserable marriage for twelve years may feel that throwing in the towel may bring the peace, happiness and the fulfilment she desires. A faithful

father may decide that it’s time to walk away from the constant ridicule and bad-treatment he has endured all the while he devotedly provided the essentials for his wife and children. A disgruntled employee may become lethargic and indolent as he visualis-

Perseverance is defined as the state or quality of being insistent

es the ideals he now lacks in his present job. Why persevere

or persistent.

Other qualities like being diligent and hard-

when the odds are constantly stacking higher and higher. Are we

working are also synonymous with this virtue. On the contrary,

trained in the art of perseverance, or do we give in to the natural

antonyms like apathy, idleness, indolence, laziness and lethargy

gravitational law of quitting

are counter-productive to the trait of perseverance or stick-to-it- | | @BajanSunOnline

NOVEMBER 2015 Step 2

Educate yourself about your goal

and plot a path to achieve it. Step 3 Prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for successes, challenges and failures along the way. Step 4

Start by faith, take the first step, no

one ever succeeded by not trying and failure is guaranteed if we do nothing Step 5 When and if you fail, determine what caused you to fail, get up, re-strategise and try again. Step 6 If you fail again, do not be discouraged if you make the same mistakes over and over again, go back to the drawing board, take a new approach and purpose in yourself to succeed. Step 7 If you fail for the hundredth time, get The art of quitting requires very little or no skill at all. Though

over the failure quickly, don’t beat up on yourself, re-assess your

we may ponder or consider giving up long before we make it a

approach, take a look at other successes in the same area and try

reality, the fact is that once we quit, we stop. We stop trying, we

again. Understand why you failed and remember you are not a

stop caring, we stop feeling, we just stop. We stop believing in

failure until you give up.

that which we once saw as a possibility. Napoleon Hill in one of his famous quotes says, “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” In Romans 5:4 we are told that perseverance produces character. As I study this statement, the physical structure of a male who endures the agony of exercise to build a colony of muscle tissue to represent his masculinity comes to mind. Oh how our jaws drop as we gaze at such a perfect figure yet what is obscured behind such a fascinating sight is the art of perseverance.

“Nothing beats a failure but a trial” is an old adage that represents the virtue of perseverance. We only fail when we fail to try. Whatever the results of our trials we would have gained valuable lessons and each lesson is a building block to our desired success.

Mr Bertram Hall the owner of Popular Discounts,

shared this with me when I sought his advice on a new project. “Never be defeated by the fear of failure, if you think it won’t

work, do it quickly. Once you start you will make it work.” These words have stayed with me and have been the back-bone

The art of body building is as rigorous as climbing and covering

to many successes in my life. I also encourage you to let the art

the Andes mountain range. It is through perseverance that we are

of Stick-to-it-ivity decorate the challenges of your life and may

able to carve valuable muscle from the fatty tissues of our lives.

this virtue propel you to the unimaginable realms of success, be it

As we work this virtue we will surely reap the results of our la-

in your career, marriage, relationship, business or even the battle

bour. Here are some steps on how to achieve success through

of a seemingly wayward child. Perseverance will transport you


beyond the hurdles and challenges and ultimately grant you the

Step 1

Identify what it is you want to achieve.

pleasures of success. | | @BajanSunOnline


SUBJECTS AVAILABLE: English | Math | POA | POB Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm

Affordable Rates Contact: Tel: 1-246-844-7008 Email:


Benefits of Private Tutoring By Raeann Beckles


f your aim is to improve your aptitude and knowledge base in a particular field, all education pertaining to this subject will be useful. If this statement is assumed true, then the benefits afforded by private tuition are enormous. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! It seems impossible to doubt the enormous benefits this will offer. In a classroom, one teacher may be faced with approximately thirty pupils, each with different abilities, different rates of learning, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Yet despite this, for the majority of the lesson the teacher will be forced to treat his class as if it contained just one student. He or she will orate from one end of the classroom, unable to gauge how effectively each pupil is assimilating the lesson. The lesson plans will be designed to fit the needs of the average pupil; and the teacher will proceed at a rate suitable for the average pupil. In this environment it is all to easy for a bright child or adolescent to fail to grasp one particular point, as the swathe of teacher talk washes over them like the unrelenting tides. It is unlikely even the best of teachers would spot the particular point of misunderstanding cast on the countenance on one pupil, hidden amongst so many other faces. To draw attention to their lack of understanding can be intimidating for the pupil: everyone else is silent, so they must have understood. Do I want to draw attention to myself? All too often the misunderstanding goes unexpressed and unaided. The obvious benefit of one to one tuition is that the tutor can tailor their teaching style to the abilities of their student. They will be able to gauge the level of the pupils understanding, and, more importantly, track down the sources of misunderstanding, and deal with them effectively. Away from the bustle of the classroom, the student will feel more able to voice their difficulties; and having just one pupil to deal with, the teacher will be more

capable of resolving them.

Other subjects Subject: Days:

available: POA and POB English/Mathematics/POA/POB Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays

Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm If you, your child or anyone you know, require personal assistance in any of the above areas, then you've come to the right place/person. This course caters to children and adults alike. It's all about you or someone you know understanding, learning and moving forward to achieve their academic goals. Parents see below: 1. Parents are free to aselect the time/day best for their child. 2. This package is ideal for kids who need that additional push and help with understanding concepts etc. Creative tools (music/games/challenges/ other creative activities) will be used to ensure the child benefits/learns. 3. As we approach exams, the course is expected to intensify, focusing on pass papers, practice tests using exam conditions. Mentoring is also provided at this stage to ensure that the child is well prepared all-round for exam. 4. Should you (parent) require a copy of my CV, please feel free to request such. Upon reviewing my CV, you may see an area that you think your child can also benefit from. Please feel free to inform me of that area which will allow your child to gain even further knowledge/ skills. Contact Information: Raeann Beckles at 1-246-844-7008 or | | @BajanSunOnline

National Hero of Barbados Bussa - The Freedom Fighter


lthough not much is known about

strength of character and a passion to en-

the man, Bussa was born a free

force change. It is this courage and sheer

man in West Africa.

determination that is recorded in the histo-

There is basically no biographical infor-

ry books.

mation available about Bussa; his actual

The man Barbadians fondly remember as

birth name still remains a mystery, as

'Bussa' played an integral role in changing

does the majority of his life.

the social and political climate of the is-

What is known is that he was captured by

land forever.

African slave merchants in the late 18th

Note: Existing records do show there was

century, sold to the British, then transport-

a slave called 'Bussa' who worked on a

ed as a slave to Barbados.

plantation in St. Philip around the time of

What is also known is that Bussa had

his rebellion. | | @BajanSunOnline


Pride of Barbados


he National Flower of Barbados is the Pride of Barbados (Dwarf Poinciana or Flower Fence). The Pride of Barbados blooms all year round, the more common varieties are a fiery red and yellow "sunset colour" although other

variations can be found. The National Flower is accepted as the red variety with the Yellow Margin on the petals. It appears on the Barbados Coat of Arms. Other varieties are yellow or orange/pink. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Remembering My Barbados U

ltramarine, yellow black, is we national colors and that’s a fact

We Bajans know how to get by, with little or less,

Our national flag we fly it with pride,

I thank God for them good ole girls like Irene, Sylvie, Millicent and all the rest.

I am a proud Bajan, no need to hide

Dem knew how to turn iodine into wine

Our Bajan brawl, we speak it tall,

Now people eating fast food all the time

“Gimme dah” and “reverse back we like to say”

I wish we cud get back to we good ole Bajan way

We parlance in a good ole Bajan way

Looking out for we brother is one way to care,

And we begging for our youths to uphold our standards high,

But instead of eating eclipse wid sardines, hot sauce and a lil lime

To fear God knowing that, for us His son died Aquamarine, yellow, black—

We want Subway and Sushi and Chinese all the time. A lil lemonade and mauby so de throat could get a good wet

For a good Ossie Moore joke we never did lack, Our parents were quick with the belt or a slap

All these young people know- is gine out to a fete

Remember my Barbados, even though we were poor

And today we are men and women knowing how to cut and contrive

Our homes were always an open door,

Mama’s recipes of porridge and cornmeal bakes kept us alive

We had this love thing going real strong

Some good mutton soup, or some yard fowl eggs,

Now today we have more, yet still the youth’s gine wrong

We mudda mek sure we always ate good, so we didn’t had to beg

I love my Barbados and that’s no joke


People can live comfortable even though dem broke. Sharing some corn meal cou -cou or some souse, is never too hard to do, Or a roast breadfruit with some salt fish stew

Writers: Charmaine J. Forde and Hazel Charles (Written in Bajan parlance)

Art by: judith milne | | @BajanSunOnline


By Raeann Beckles


ome four years ago, Amorsa Scents was born. But,

in Barbados and that in itself is satisfying and

its conception was inspired by Amor, wife of Co-


owner Kirk Douglas. Together this beautiful couple embarked upon a journey to provide quality products that they could use, as well as their family. But, so amazing was their product that it has grown to the point where it’s now demanded by others around the globe. Let’s take a glimpse into their creative process. As Coowner, Kirk proudly designs each product in partnership

with his wife who adds the feminine touch to the female scents, as he puts it. When asked: ‘What makes your product significant to buyers?’ – Kirk quite candidly shared “The major significance of our product is that they are all locally made by hand and this is unexpected given the type of products we make and as some people have also reminded us the quality as well. To be made in Barbados and to be of the quality that they are, is surprising to many people and most people take pride in

the fact that something so good can be made right here | | @BajanSunOnline


What’s equally important to the design process is the

Canada and the USA. At Amorsa Scents, clients can



select from a range of products, inclusive of fine

reservation; Kirk credits Xirel Designs a Barbadian

fragrances such as perfumes and colognes, home

company owned by Paul Grant, an old school friend of

fragrances, as well as cosmetic products such as creams,

Kirk’s. As Kirk shared further, “Paul designed the

lotions and hair products. With advancement and

stunning Glitter Eau de Parfum ad as well as the Waves

success at the centre of their operation Amorsa Scents

Eau de parfum, for which my wife and I are incredibly

proudly participated in their first major event, the 2014


Girlfriend Expo, after which as Kirk said “…we haven't

The growth of Amorsa Scents is recognizable, with a

looked back since then…”





client base locally, as well as internationally across | | @BajanSunOnline


Let’s take a step further to discover some of the chal-


lenges, achievements and plans that Kirk Douglas

A: Keep the faith and work hard whilst balancing my

has for the ever growing Amorsa Scents.

family life. My wife is key to maintaining the balance ensuring that burn out doesn't happen.

Q&A with Kirk Douglas of Amorsa Scents: Q: What role has technology played in developing Q: What are some of your achievements within

your business?

your business?





A: Being able to devel-

From social media

op a line of personal

to promote our prod-

fragrances, the first of

ucts to the biotech-

its kind in Barbados


all made right here.

in the ingredients we


use in our products Q: What would you

and methods of ob-

say are some of your

taining the ingredi-

greatest challenges as


an entrepreneur? A: The greatest chal-

Q: How useful is

lenge is having faith

technology to the

and the perseverance


to see a dream or vi-

A: I think technology

sion, become a reality.

is vital to the entre-

Every challenge re-

preneur. The better

quires a bit more faith

equipped he/she is

and perseverance to


inch your way to what

tools the more in-

you want to achieve.

clined they are to

Our major hindrance was to achieve our own fra-



grance line given the limitations set in Barbados having no blueprint for it but developing it on the fly and

Q: What would you like to achieve in the next 5

being able to be a pioneer and trendsetter.

years? A: To have our own flagship retail stores in Barba-

Q: How have you dealt with your business chal-

dos, Caribbean and USA.

lenges or how do you propose to deal with those | | @BajanSunOnline

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