Bajo Techo | Revista Immobiliaria

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Cultural Tourism




An n iv er sa ry








President-Founder of the Estrella, group formed by the companies Engineering Estrella, Steel Estrella and CONCREDOM. Each one of which they are companies that have managed to be placed like leaders in their respective areas.





It approaches in December, ideal month for many couples to marry for being a season of family meeting, of economic extraordinary income and of a climate that claims company. It is for it that we must start planning this important event that must be memorable to the common life that gives beginning.


Urban Workshop


The recent one dispute between the proprietors of businesses of the denominated Chinese District of Santo Domingo and the municipal authority is a sample of the necessity to deepen in the systematization and the efficiency of the parking to vehicular of our cities.


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editorial FOUNDER Rafael Franco PUBLISHING ADVICE Arelis García, Elsa de la Cruz, Genera Franco, Leonel Martínez, Marcello Franco, Pedro Mena, Willie Rodríguez PUBLISHER IN HEAD Arelis García DIRECTOR Leonel Martínez

TOURIST PUBLISHER Daniel García Archibald

PUBLISHER OF THE NEWS César Pichardo GRAPHICAL DESIGN Angel María Martínez PHOTOGRAPHY Roosvert Pérez WEBMASTER Yael Nova TRADE Zuleica Polanco

EJECUTIVE OF SALES Fabiola Rubio Báez 829-326-0945

REPRESENTATIVES Santiago Jochy de la Mota 809-543-0510 San Francisco de Macoris Marleny Santos Compres 809-299-4085 La Vega Carolina Cornelio 809-422-8993

La Romana Ulises Aquino 829-392-2540 Samaná José Alfonso Rojas 809-354-9814

COLLABORATOR Alejandro Abreu, Ana Andrea Lara Guzmán, Carlos E. Michel, Carlos Guance, Fermín Casilla, Fidel Ciprian, Fortunio Ubiñas, Gilberto Santos, Helder Taveraz, Heriberto Rivas, Irving Isidor, José García Jiménez, María Mora, Nancy de Pool, Nelson de Jesús Deschamps, Pedro Romero Confesor, Rafael Ciprian, Ramón Ramírez, Ramón Paniagua, Raquel Rosario, Salvador Ramírez Peña, Virginia Roca, Wilson Gómez GRATEFULNESS Alive Resorts, Association of Real estate Companies, American Ironworks, Seat Lick, House of Field, Cicom, BHD, Popular Association of Savings and Loans, Tony `s Rome

UNDER CEILING is a magazine of monthly circulation published by “Educative Communications” of professional group and enterprise RF; printed by Multimedios of the Caribbean; and registered under No 70-176 the 9 of October of 2007 in the Secretariat of State of Interior and Police in accordance with laws 6132 and 418, on expression and diffusion of the thought.


The new fashion: to be ecological he ecological subject is fashionable. The word is present in the political speeches, the institutional plans and the national budget, among others. It is very praiseworthy whenever there is an authentic environmental preoccupation.


The point is that, beyond the demagogic rhetoric, in most of the cases, there is a genuine commitment with neither the environmental protection nor no a friendly institutional exercise with the ecosystem. Environmental subject is used by many companies, institutions and organizations to make drinkable its public image. By a side, some of these institutions destine part of their resources to the environmental care, but, on the other hand, in its daily industrial performance and the conduct of its employees they desdicen its environmental commitment. Apparently, to be ecological is an advertising strategy and as so they use it and badly they use many public and private institutions. Today in day, speech of green companies, bioconstruction like a sale scheme, without honoring these declarations with a responsible environmental exercise. Truly, the environmental subject is priority of priorities. We do not have to play being ecological nor to be conceited without being it. In the real estate world and all the task of the society, an environmental institutional policy would have to be created that regulates the ecological impact of the companies and it discounts it or it penalizes, according to corresponds. UNDER CEILING it applauds any action or serious management of respect to the environment. To be ecological is profitable, whenever the company is put to the service of environment and not vice versa.

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Real estate

Nelson Pimentel tells us how technology facilitates the work in many fields of the daily activity. With the new one iPhone 3G you have the world between your hands. This resource of modernity is a fundamental tool for the real estate agent.

oday we lay down thinking that nothing is to explore and when waking up we found that our cellular telephone is a device that we must reject because their functions have been supplanted by a new technology that makes see old fashioned or obsolete. The new one iPhone 3G one appears in that order for the movable telephony, because when we thought that nothing would supplant the previous models a world of possibilities is opened suddenly before the young telephone. It seemed that with the previous models of iPhone we had definitive tool by the great amount of utilities that allow us to make a pile of things that before nor we dreamed, nevertheless, appears iPhone G3 offering an application for each aspect of our life. One of those lines within the great innovations that this technology brings appears of very opportune way stops el real estate world since, in his present state it obligatorily needs to innovate to continue selling houses. Numerous tools, some from which have



still not arrived at Dominican Republic, are placed within reach of buyers, salesmen, runners and real estate companies. HomeFindr he is one of these instruments with which they are possible to be shown, with no need to be in the office, properties for sale of the zone where you are, along with images of the houses, maps, information on the agent of sales and details of the property. Something similar to this comes implemented Software more dedicated to professionals of real estate, us brings it Agent XSite, which allows you converter in a virtual real estate agent. With Agent XSite you can create your own Web where to announce the buildings of your clients, to who they have added a module to him so that you can manage your portfolio of clients from iPhone. Terabitz it recently sent an application search for real estate agents through iPhone, with which professionals of the industry of real estate can from any place accede to the announcements of

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real estate properties, make photos, obtain local data of the recent sales in the different sectors and locate to directions from his iPhone. Terabitz is a company endorsed by the technology of the real estate industry that provides to the runners the instruments, the content and the characteristics that need to position themselves in their respective markets. With this real estate application the buyers can have in his iPhone the flexibility necessary to look for by city, state or postal code the price, type of home and the number of rooms or baths. The results of the search can be assigned or to consider themselves like a text list. With the aid of these results, the users can select any house and see diverse details like: the characteristics, photos, history and information about the environs of the Neighborhood. The application also allows the user to put itself in contact through iPhone with the agent, to receive or to send listings of buildings by e-mal and


to accede to the information on the local schools, restaurants and the recent comparable sales to each other. This software is designed to provide information to a buyer or agent whom it loves to know about a property, including details about services of gas, electricity, water, collection of sweepings, telephone, cable, gardening, and until the architecture. The application also includes data of maps and their content from Tele Atlas to help the users to consult the places and points of interest, such as restaurants and schools, as well as the data to see where the establishments are located in relation to a certain property.


It is very interesting to become jumbled with the use of iPhones, since in them we have a vast niche of market for the developers of real estate, and plus iPhone 3G that comes equipped with most of applications and necessary tools for the real estate brokerage.

en la


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Beach Weddings ne of the most sensational weddings is th e beach m ar r iage, s i n c e i t b re a k s with the traditions and allows you to play with decorative elements that they do of this event a memorable date for any lover who decides to break schemes. The fall of the Sun in the line of the horizon close to the musical one of the marine waves and the sigh of the palms they shape a romantic and inspiring panorama that leads many boy f r iends to c h o o s i n g th e shore of the sea as the perfect place to effect your wedding. To celebrate a wedding in the beach is the dream of many pairs for treating itself about one of the scenes with major captivation to give



"Yes, I want ". Nevertheless, if the romanticism is left aside, to marry on the sand can transport certain problems and expenses extras for the complexity of your organization being important bear i n m i n d a seri es of details in order that it tu rn s o ut to be an a g re e a bl e recol l ection of the whole life. The first thing is to choose this spec i a l p l ace. N umerous beaches exi st in our country where you might realize your dream. The ideal thing is a place where you could do your wedding outdoors with sight to the sea and that has available facilities that

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they allow you to feast later with your relatives and friends. The w hi te i s a color t hat identifies any wedding for the purity that it symbolizes, but that in a beach takes a special meaning as your freshness. The candles placed among chairs of hamm ocks, lazy sofas and long tables w i th tab leclot hs and natural flowers give a sober and very elegant environment. Nevertheless what more stands out in the decoration is the natural environment that free gives us the littoral with his coconut trees, his thin sands, the white foams and the sway of the


TIPS Are here some advices that it must bear in mind to the moment to think about a beach wedding

It approaches in December, ideal month for many couples to marry for being a season of family meeting, of economic extraordinary income and of a climate that claims company. It is for it that we must start planning this important event that must be memorable to the common life that gives beginning. waves that they invite to the romance of couples. If you think to take advantage of the late afternoon, the beach must have sight in the western part to be able to take photos with the Sunset. There are pairs who choose hotels in the beach that they allow them to do the ceremony in a garden and the receipt in a lounge and even this way to be able to take the photos in the beach. It is very important to d e c orate i n agreement to the place these where carrying out the wedding. Also the clothes that they are going to use debit to be a fresh air, and if the wedding is in the sand, they are going to use shoes without heels which they must say to the guests before the wedding.

• If the wedding is in the daytime, the heat can be scorching and the sand can be very warm for what you should think about a totally informal environment where they could have content the shorts and up to the bikinis. • If the ceremony is on the sand the girlfriend must look after of the length of the garment and of the heels of the shoes. Remember that to many major persons it is difficult to walk on the sand. Wardrobe it can be formal but without shoes. • Many beaches stay far from the zones where the guests live for what you must insure that in the zone there should be availability of rooms. In addition it is not very practical to have an excessively big list of guests. • In order that the guests could hear you saying that gently accepted you must not realize the ceremony near where they break the waves, in order that the noise is not a nuisance to the hearing. • If the wedding is night the most advisable thing is to avoid the inconvenience of the insects using lamps with candles of citronella. The bonfires are very decorative at the time that they remove the insects • A yacht anchoring opposite to the beach that is decorative and simultaneously it could be used to celebrate the honeymoon on the high seas or visiting different ports of countries that turn out to be interesting and exotic

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photography The first group of Dominican young people who was united with the purpose of sharing ideas and projects of photography was Thursday 68. They leave to cross the country catching visual testimonies that have been for us. Between his many paradigmatic projects they are the images put to the poem “Is a country in the world” of our immense Pedro Mir, as well as the publication of the first book of Photographic Art. he history of the photography says to us that already for 1500 the famous one was known dark camera between whose creators it is mentioned Leonardo gives Vince, who was used to soon help in the drawing and the design giving color them. Its evolution takes us physicist to French J. Niepce, that in 1826 managed to make the impression permanent of the image, happening through another French, the inventor Louis Daguerre, who produced daguerreotype as the most well-known form to portray, until arriving at the English W. Talbot that invented the sensible paper to the light of where comes the negatives used by so many years in the photography. The first group of Dominican young people who was united with the purpose of sharing ideas and projects of photography was Thursday 68. They leave to cross the country catching visual testimonies that have been for us. Between his many paradigmatic projects they are the images put to the poem “Is a country in the world” of our immense Pedro Mir, as well as the publica-



tion of the first book of Photographic Art. These antecedents took to us to enjoy without number of char them, conferences and exhibitions celebrated during just finished “Month of Photography” on which we have wanted to bring some sparkles to them of this interesting form of considered expression art when it is selected and caught in the subjects that show to the creativity and the imagination of the photographer, that is to say, the artist. One of the exhibitions that but I call our attention in “Photoimagen 2008” was the one of the star of the Russian ballet, Mihael Baryshnikov, who fascinated by Dominican movements it shaped our innate rate with its camera showing different stages of the musical patrimony from the Dominican ones. Its lens teaches to us with light and colors the

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energetic and powerful movements of the dancers of are, merengue, bachata and “reggaeton”. Another interesting exhibition was “Territory of Whose” where the Colombian Maria Clara Gaviria it manages to enter a magical world without time, being looked for the origin of the meals, the dances, owners to us of the river and the ports in these natives and their customs. We have in our country outstanding photographic artists, example of these is Polibio Diaz who expresses its knowledge of the Dominican town, and its lens catches the exuberant and the fantastic thing of our people. It brings from the Dominican Diaspora in New York the content clay pit, the habitat of the humble ones, its faces, sadnesses, hopes and joys that show the cultural tradition, like a great variety of Dominican scenes.



In his char it “Ritual, Symbol and Language in Mayra Johnson and Miriam Calzada” the Lic. Odalis Perez gave account that “Miriam Calzada it produces a type of vision and story articulated in the fact to watch the real thing like symbol and ritualidad of the sight, relating constantly the natural world to the social world. The poetic line of vision and photographic coverall of Calzada aspire to construct created possible and visible worlds in its pact with the photographic piece, the multisensory forms of the nature and their contracts. It has managed to also constitute a deep text on Dominican nature but on the Dominican society in its critical axes. In Mayra Johnson we can appreciate the world of the work Graffiti such as The ways of silence, return to the cementery, the witches of Salem in where the author really handles the treatment of the theatricality to traverse of the photographic thing, but also that commonness, that contradictory one of 181 Meter New York exhibited in Table Fine Arts, that emphasizes by its importance and its meaning. Mayra Johnson is a great representative of conception tardomoderna of the Dominican photography next to Evelyn Espaillat, Patricia Folch, Fior Vidal, Lissete Gil and others and other photographers who are in that same line. This artist of the lens criticizes the passage of the social thing by means of political the urban anchorages, of I generate and existentialism often creating flowing anthologies of watch-seeing its world.”

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Clouds in the Horizon

He is extremely difficult and uncomfortable to venture itself to elaborate financial prognoses when the variables to consider are moving with an unimaginable rapidity: interest rates, fiscal types of change, access on the credit , regulations, climatic availability of raw materials, changes, I interest geopolitical… and an endless number of variables maintains economic a panorama uncertain. have on my writing-desk the task of updating a prognosis of sales to analyze the variations in the projection of results of the present fiscal year. The first restlessness is to verify if the decided conditions of credit with the replacers will stay unalterable, in spite of the bankruptcy of several credit institutions of the United States. What plus could happen, if we have already seen how the Government of EUA is speaking of a banking rescue of more than seven hundred billion dollars by means of the acquisition of assets of high risk (portfolios of credit of low qualification), as a form to inject liquidity to its financial system? Of what way and in what degree will be reflected or hit the economic situation of EE. U.U. the Dominican economy? Tendering the American institutions of credit its necessities of credit before leaving to the international market? Represent the international financings greater or smaller risk for the system? If the answer is positive, arrived the hour to face our projects of expansion and permanence the resulting flows of the operations normal and



to think that the access on the credit will be every more difficult day. In less of a month, the interest rates went off and diminished the supply of credit. With the strange movements of international the financial chess, the possibilities will be reduced of acceding

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on the credit to the financial intermediaries of the local market. To several city-planning developers, their suppliers have decided to eliminate to them or to diminish the credit to them. This can be complicated if the international organizations decide to limit the lines of credit. Here the threshold of the “worse scene” begins. The projects are few that are autofinance until the end, without concerning their nature, either a commercial center, a habitacional project or hotelkeeper, the increase of the installed capacity of production and/or commercialization. In all these investments the financial credit is implied. The peculiar thing is that we are not feeling the intensity of the nonliquidity of the North American market. The internal saving has been increased that is transformed into supply of credit for new investments (bottoms of pensions, etc.), and perhaps this has attenuated the effects of the crisis. But until where and until when we will be immune to this reality? How our bankers will protect the hypothecating credit: increasing every day plus the interest rates? Prepárese for the next chapter of this terrifying novel!



“Thanks Neighbor” In these winged paragraphs, the inspiration brought forth beyond the magic of the word thanks. An article to trim and to place in the wall of our house or any other place, although is not “under ceiling”. he word that I more like of the language is THANKS! It sounds musical comedy, melodious to me, spiritual. It is the word that more use. I almost say thanks at the end of each conversation, of each contact, although in truth there is much or nothing that to be thankful. But like and I say I thanks for everything and to all. To much people it costs to him to be been thankful. More lack is focused in apostatizing reason why him that in being thankful what has. I think that the law of the attraction works for this. If the channel that we maintain open is the one of the complaints and the deficiencies by that same station we will exactly receive more complaints and more deficiencies. If, on the contrary, we tuned the dial of the gratitude and we focused in which we have, it is little or much, we will receive more blessings by those than to thank. In the middle of all the difficulties, if we entered, it is always necessary more to be thankful than to protest. A thanked for person attracts blessings and an estimable company is considered. A complaining neighbor attracts difficulties and he is not pleasing to coexist. Vicinity wants to animate all to our gentile readers to tune the dial of the gratitude every day and to unplug the channel of the complaint. Neighboring, focus in which we have, not in which we need! Somebody said wisely that: “rich it is not the one who it has much, but who



less needs”. A great teacher also expressed: “Instead of seeing all the things that lack me to live, to me I enjoy watching everything what exists that I do not need”. When receiving a flower of an admirer, an actress said to him: Thanks! To which the gallant responded: “Those that adorn it”. By the way, THANKS! to all our readers to adorn with its gentile east reading ceiling of blessings. Neighboring, let’s do us “thankfully”, let’s fill us of grace and we lavish thanks to all and for everything!

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President-Founder of the Estrella, group formed by the companies Engineering Estrella, Steel Estrella and CONCREDOM. Each one of which they are companies that have managed to be placed like leaders in their respective areas.

STAFF EJECUTIVOS DE ESTRELLA. De izquierda a derecha , Mario Lockward: Gerente General Acero Estrella, José Antonio Peralta: Gerente General Concredom, Carlos Peralta: Gerente General Ingeniería Estrella, Rainer Aristy: VP de Proyectos, Manuel Estrella: Presidente de Estrella, Robin Rodríguez: VP de Negocios, Manuel Genao: VP Ejecutivo, Luis Mella: Gerente Financiero.


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Biographical sketch of a shining industrialist

ot always a real correspondence between the last name of a person and the qualities is had that emphasize their personality. One of these exceptional cases constitutes the industrialist Manuel Estrella, its talent in the world of the businesses stands out like the great Estrellas of the firmament, because Manuel is a Estrella in many aspects of his life, like son, father, brother, friend, professional and man of companies. It showed to its lights from the university classrooms when being received like Civil Engineer Magna Cum Laude of the Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher. As winner consommĂŠ' it expressed dissent increasing its knowledge with a Masters in Administration, that soon elevates to another step of the knowledge obtaining the diploma of Masters in Corporative Finances. Insigne professor by ten years of the faculty of civil engineering of its soul to mater in the structural area, institution of which today is member of the Meeting of Directors. Also it expressed passion by its race, engineering, presented/displayed excellent communications in national and international academic events. But not only it has showed its brilliance in the academic scope, but that also the engineer Estrella has an ample folder of


social and enterprise services, emphasizing like member of important institutions of our country, among them, the Monetary Meeting, the American Camera of Commerce of the Dominican Republic and the Association of Retailers and Industrialists of Santiago, of which he was President by three consecutive periods. At the moment the Caribbean is Multimedios Vice-president, also Vicesecretary of the National Council of Private Companies (CONEP) and Member of the Meeting of Directors of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), among other important allocations assumed by him in front of our society. Manuel Estrella has known successfully to cross the section between the theoretical knowledge and the daily reality of the enterprise world. He is President-Founder of the Corporation Estrella, group formed by the companies Engineering Estrella, Steel Estrella, Paintings Toucan, American Steel Building and Dominican Concretera. Each one of which they are companies that have managed to be placed like leaders in their res-

pective areas. By its self-sacrificing work it has received numerous recognitions and prizes that confirm their vocation by the excellence. Spirit of work that has imposed to the Corporation Estrella as a mark seal. Frequently it has been listened to say to him, "The quality is a culture, is a form to be, is an inspiration, it is a desire to make the things affluent, and that culture of the quality is the one that we put in our companies�. That sparkle of laboriousness and dedication without intermittence has taken to the Engineer Manuel Estrella throughout a quarter of century to conform emporium enterprise that today serves as reference when we must speak of the economic and social development of the Dominican nation. The twenty fifth anniversary of the Companies Estrella arrives to us with an engineering company that has developed the construction of civil and road works, asphalt, rent of heavy equipment for earthwork and real estate operations through time, exhibiting important works of wide infrastructure to all and the long one of the



national territory. Another great sample of that delivery constitutes Dominican the Concretera Company, with which this emporium of men and laborious women has come to mean an ample solution as concrete producer plants with the most modern equipment made available of the work construction. But the ship standard of the corporation Estrella is represented in a company that has been pioneering in the industry of the metallurgical one, which it offers the design, manufacture and assembly of metallic structures for commercial constructions, industrial ships and parks, bridges, maintenances and mezanines, among others, and which is complemented with materials like aluzinc, roofing tiles real, metaldeck, standing seam, revealed, bajantes plates, sewers, strap and insulator Between their accomplishments Cements emphasize the industrial parks Andean, Two Ricommercial you, who exhibit constructions of great National spread like Supermarkets, the Center Seat the International, González Muebles, Tony Roma's, Mc Donalds. In whatever to the sport facilities it has in its salary the design and construction of Field UASD Port Silver, the


Multipurpose PUCMM, the Cibao Stage, Cascade Aguapark and Fun City Action Park. Also it has penetrated in the construction of bridges, between which they are possible to be mentioned the Bridge Pedestrian UASD Port Silver, the Bridge Brothers I slide and the Bridge Pedestrian UASD Nagua. As pride sample the Acero Estrella Company can show to the design and construction of important airports, among them, Airport the Cibao International, the Airport the International White End, the Airport the International the Catey and the Airport the International the Roman. But these great works speak of an important company in the world of engineering and the construction cannot be left to a side their interference in one of the areas most excellent in the economy of our country, as it is the sector tourism. And there the influence has arrived from Steel Estrella, with the structural facilities of Hodelpa Bávaro and Ocean Blue, Hotel Courtyard Marriott and Caribbean Pueblecito Samaná-Opening. This referred it influences has extended the national jurisdictions with the design and construction of the Codelpa Hotel, in the neighboring island of Jamaica. Other areas of significant contri-

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bution to the real estate world have expressed in centers of health and monks, like the building of Diagnosis, the Orthopedic surgery Center of the Cibao, Parish PUCMM, the Hall the Kingdom, the Charismatic Center and the Mita Congregation. Thanks to the success of its” Quality Management System”, Steel Estrella becomes the first company of Dominican Republic in obtaining the “for Certification Steel Building Structures” of the recognized American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), to which another gem of international recognition granted is added by American Welding Society (AWS). This certification of quality fixes the standards of production of the industry of metallic structures and confirms that Steel Estrella counts on the technical knowledge, the personnel, the equipment, the experience, the procedures and the commitment necessary to produce and to export metallic structures of quality Let us celebrate the twenty fifth anniversaries (25) of this enterprise corporation that leads the Engineer Manuel Estrella, with a recognition of all our readers to the men and women that forms it, for vainglory and pride of our mother country.

Metro de Santo Domingo.

Peebles Hospital, Tortola.

Plazoleta Cura-UASD, Puerto Plata.

Avenida Hispanoamericana, Santiago.



CONTRIBUTE COMMUNITARIAN “To give it is to receive” “God compensates the satisfaction of having fulfilled”. More than words, they are the facts that Manuel Estrella preaches with the example.

For the residents of El Puñal of Santiago, the companies Estrella have been their better neighbor, where tens of men and women have found work source, besides to receive a kind collaboration in all the activities developed by the groups and communitarian organizations. Recently the facilities of the Center of Health Don Manuel Estrella Escaño were inaugurated in occasion of the celebration of the 25 years of work of the companies Estrella in the industry of the construction in the Dominican Republic. The activity counted on the presence of relatives of Don Manuel Estrella Escaño, official’s government, executives and personnel of the companies Estrella, as well as local authorities and communitarian leaders. The act initiated with the blessing of the parish priest AgustínFernandez, followed of the welcome message by the Engineer Manuel Estrella and closed with the words of gratefulness of the communitarian leader Iluminada Valenzuela de Almánzar. The health center takes the name of Don Manuel Estrella Escaño in memory of the intense humanitarian work developed by the father of the Engineer Manuel Estrella, President and Founder of the companies Estrella. This center, conceived for the attention to employees, their families and the inhabitants of the community of El Puñal, counts on modern equipment and enabled personnel, like it constitutes a social work of the companies Estrella that with its loosening demonstrates that there is no steel in the heart of his President, the Engineer Manuel Estrella.

Centro de Salud Don Manuel Estrella Escaño.

Consultas médicas.

Planes de vacunación.


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Servicios odontológicos.




Cultural Tourism A mine to be explored

If the tourism is an inexhaustible industry, the Dominican culture is a pending mine of being exploded. God awarded to us with beautiful natural resources, beaches and landscapes of incomparable beauty. But the great treasure of the Dominican ones is our prodigious sense of the joy, expressed in each one of the activities that conform the cultural identity of our nation. e is not accidental which the atabales, merengue and the bachata have been nested in our territory, to conform a rhythmical wealth of worldwide interest. We are in multiple aspects a special country with an extraordinary cultural variety in each one of our communities, from crafts, gastronomy, artistic manifestations, local museums, colonial monuments and other typical samples. One of the main motivations of the tourism is to know the culture, for those reason countries as France and Spain receive altogether more than 130 million tourists per year. The cultural tourism puts in contact to the visitors with history, the patrimony, the identities, the customs and traditions of the towns. It is a binding activity with people, the tourist feels that her person is appreciated and valued. That he is something more than ticket aerial or a number that makes increase the currency. In the hospitable thing of human treatment the visitor begins to long for the hope to return to seed roots in the country, soon will return, legalize its status and will buy real estate properties, because the cultural tourism is a bridge to attract real investors, of which feeling ours, want to see its companies progress here next to the country. Vast with watching the great companies of



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Dominican Republic, in many of them there is somebody in a while arrived as tourist and soon it returned like investor. The niches of the cultural tourism are immense. If we took as example the musical line the potentiality is noticeable in a single name: Juan Luis War. But this value beneficially has been used? And like him tens: Johnny Ventura, Wilfrido Vargas, Valoy Cuckoo, Anthony Santos, Frank Reyes, the Torito‌ He is undeniable that the resources that we have are inexhaustible. The Dominican culture has many things that to show the world. An effective policy of cultural tourism can even revolutionize plus the tourism, because the industry without chimney would expand by all the country stir into action the communities, turning all the national territory the great pole of tourist interest. In all the development of the cultural tourism, the cultural city councils and organizations are called to play a stellar roll. For that reason recently created Dominican Network of Local Culture it has an important paper in that way. The tourism must arrive at beaches, rivers, mountains, and mainly to the town, that set means a source of huge resources. We needed to set off that mine of the human deal with joy, as valuable as petroleum, that it is it, the Dominican cultural tourism.




Economic crisis and Tourism The crisis that affects the great economies of the world, beginning by the North American, will force the tourist destinies of the Caribbean to look for new markets that allow them to compensate the reduction in the number of visitors whom they will have while the problems persist. n principle one thought that the crisis by which it only crosses the economy of United States would affect the destinies that benefit from the tourism of this market. But, the fact that the situation is affecting other economies raises one more a more worrisome situation. The experts predict that the amount of tourists who traditionally move from the United States by the Caribbean, will be reduced considerably as of the winter, given the little capacity of purchase of the North American citizen that has seen lower its income, in many cases until losing their use. In the best one of the cases the belief that is had the North American will prefer to make tourism within his own territory, whenever finds supplies attractive. In other cases one will move by the Caribbean in cruises, whose packages continue being cheaper. In the case of other markets, like the European, that traditionally choose the region of the Caribbean to make tourism, the fact that the economies are affected by the situation of the United States, entails to that their vacations towards the Caribbean can have a much more dramatic reduction. The fact that the distance between Europe and the Caribbean is longer, imply greater costs in aerial tickets, something that already comes affecting to the tourist industry by the rises in petroleum and its derivatives. For the European, to remain to make tourism in its continent will be to



him economically more feasible than to move towards the Caribbean with the high costs and the crisis of the worldwide economies. Before that reality, the nations that are important tourist destinies for the residents in nations that have very cold winter must be conscious of the loss in the affluence of visitors that hopes to them. There are already some who they have designed strategies of emergencies with the only intention to resist the effects of the present world-wide economic crisis, of way so that they can leave afloat. The search of new markets, the fortification of those already established, the implementation of an aggressive campaign of promotion, supply of new attractive, more incentives and implementation of a sky policy opened from important places for the increase

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of the tourism, are of the plans strategic to execute themselves at the moment. When seeming, the new equipment that assumed the secretariat of tourism 16 of August the past when Fernandez began the present governmental period of president Leonel, is conscious of the situation. The present secretary of tourism, lawyer Francisco Javier GarcĂ­a in his first international management obtained that two of the main Russian aerial airlines increase their numbers of direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Dominican Republic. Still when this it is a distant market of Dominican Republic, obtaining to increase the arrival of tourist thence is important. This is going to allow that about 65 thousand Russian tourists arrive at the country during the season, surpassing 31 thousands of the last year.




Tennis, King’s Sport Marcelo Franco inaugurates the section “Sport Areas” with an interesting article in which she gathers history of tennis, to that defines as “sport of kings”. It analyzes in addition the physical characteristics to the areas where east game that has reached an incredible popularity, to the end practices, that today is spoken of the “world of tennis”. ecent investigations have revealed that 2.500 years before Christ the Egyptians practiced a sport of characteristics similar to tennis which we know nowadays. Indeed have been drawings of that time where are to personages carrying leather ball and wooden pallets, like findings with similar characteristics pertaining to the old civilizations have been made Greek and Roman. In their beginnings this sport practiced horsemen and ladies of the Court, with the modality of which they



did not use racket, but that sent a fragile ball or bag of stuffed fabric with hair of farmers over a cord, striking it smoothly with the open hand and which represented a good reason to exercise a little while they shared the tea. This original modality of tennis was known in France during century XIV as the “Sport of Kings”, getting King Luis X to prohibit it by years, because the popularity of the game

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reached to the town where they began to practice it, done that the King disliked because he was conceived as an exclusive sport of the monarchic elite. The origin of the present version of this exciting sport is still uncertain, but many credit to their invention to the British commander Walter Clopton Wingfield, who in 1873 practiced it under the name of “sphairistiké”, that in Greek means “playing with ball”. Some scholars of this sport think that in fact Wingfield adapted the principles of jeu of paume, squasd and badminton to a game of exteriors, reason why many prefer that this sport is called from their same creation like “turf tennis” or simply “tennis”. In our days tennis is a sport for two or four people with rackets and balls that gambles the free air or in tracks covered in different types from surface, like beaten earth, turf, cement, park or artificial turf. When two play contenders are called individual and when they are four, double. A tennis match is made up of “games” (games) and “sleeves” (sets). The first player or pair who gains six games, whenever maintains two of difference with respect to the rival equipment, gains the Seth. Modern tennis began in the fields of the All England Lawn Tennis

and Croquet Club, where the most traditional match arose from this sport and that follows effective until today, the Match of Wimbledon. The first championships amateur or of fans were celebrated in 1877 in their masculine version and 1884 in the feminine one in the fields of this Club, being introduced in the last decade of century XIX in the British colonies worldwide, getting to become one of the most popular sports since it is conceived so that outpost can be played from the childhood to an age. Professional tennis has prospered in the United States from 1926, when the promoter of sports Charles C. Pyle for all time organized a professional circuit in this country for outstanding American and French players, in whom Suzanne Lenglen participated, one of the best players, forming the following year the American Association of Professional Tennis. By then the professional players were not authorized to play against the fans and, therefore, many of the best ones of the world did not participate in the championships of the Grand Slam, having to face in matches of smaller importance. This situation changed in the decade of the 60, when the rules changed so that the profes-


If it counts on space and it animates to construct its own handle of tennis must have a minimum area of 300 square meters which will have to surround in cyclonal mesh or any other material that avoids the lost constant of the balls that are used to play this glamorous sport of white uniform and short trousers that its monarchic exclusive feature has exceeded to be placed like one of most popular in the social clubs and hotel facilities.

sional and become fond of players could compete in equality terms, forming the matches opened in where fans and professionals by a prize in money face whose popularity has been increased throughout the years. The track of the tennis courts can be of beaten earth (slow), grass (fast) or cement (very fast). It is a rectangle of 23.77 meters in wide length by 8.23 meters playing individual par-

ties, and 23.77 meters by 10.97 meters to play double parties. The lateral lines of tennis courts like those of the bottom they mark the limit of the playground and must be of the same color. These lines must have a wide one between 2.5 and 5 cm., like the lines of serve that together form the four pictures. In half of each line of the bottom is a mark of 10 cm. of length and 5 of wide that are an imaginary continuity of the central line of serve. In the official competitions it must have a minimum space of 6.40 meters after rays of bottom and 3.66 meters from the lateral ones. The network needs to have a height of 1.07 meters, and to be suspended of a metallic cable of a diameter that it has to have at the most of 0.8 cm., covered by a band of white color between 5 and 6.3 cm. of width. The network must be the sufficiently dense thing to prevent that the ball transfers it with facility. In the particularity of doubles they govern the same rules that stops the parties that gamble individual, excepting the width of the playground, that extend 1.37 meters in each side, and of the network, that happens to measure 12,8 meters.

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National Cadastre and Internal Taxes

Carlos Manuel Guance, from his optics of surveyor, exposes with clarity and masters the duality of functions between the National Cadastre and the Department of Estimate of the Main directorate of Internal Taxes, mainly, at the time of making the estimate of the buildings for the payment of the taxes. The critical comparison is rich in solution proposals. wo governmental institutions that they have like the one of his main functions estimate of the buildings for the payment of the fiscal taxes to the Dominican State. Both have a department that makes official estimates to the different users in all the national territory. In spite of the delicate work of those departments, the personnel at national level of the Department of Estimate in the National Direction of Internal Taxes is not taking into account that with those estimates will pay fiscal taxes to certain buildings whose value will be registered automatically. This personnel, at the time of making a estimate, does not analyze the classification of the construction that can well be new, recent, old and old, which throws that in his information it does without itself the depreciation scale of the constructions that, in addition, can be very good, good, regular, bad, very bad and non-recoverable. They do not appear the considerations both of supplies and demands and, in many of the cases, this work are made in the office with the aid of one old table of prices. He is a personnel who, in its majority, does not belong to the official organisms that regulate the expert, technician or professional of this area, as they are the Dominican Institute of Appraisers (ITADO), Dominican School of Engineers, Architects and Land-surve-



yors (CODIA), Supervision of Banks and CATACODIA. When this personnel is transferred to see the building its equipment of support is physically a tape to measure and he only calculates the front and the bottom of the lot. In that sense it is not possible to trust the results of those estimates. Therefore they arise inconvenient, very to slight, in the different regional addresses from internal taxes of the moment for eliminating the user to him, the tax amount to pay by its property. When the user complaint, is sent to the Main directorate of Cadastre, where he must ask for a new estimate of the building, although already in this institution he is a little different, at least, the technicians better are prepared and exist professional trained in the area of the real estate estimate. When the Cadastre does the work sends the report to the user and this one gives it to the Department of Estimate of the Regional address of Internal Taxes that accepts like good and valid the estimate of the Cadastre for fiscal aims. Nevertheless, we understand that the Main directorate of the National Cadastre would have to also consider for the evaluation of the buildings, the sale prices in the zone or sector, the renting contracts, its operation and yield, and the values declared by the owners. Among others of the main tar-

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gets of the Cadastre they are, the Registry of all and each one of the properties with its exact location by means of cadastral planes; to define the characteristics of each property; to determine the number and type of buildings, its materials and state of conservation; to establish with exactitude or the proprietors on the basis of corresponding documents; to make evaluation of the services public on whom a specific community counts; to obtain by means of the accepted universal methods the value of all the buildings; to offer to the State and the municipalities statistical, topographic or economic the data necessary for the preparation of projects of development of reform and urban planning, thus as for the collection of taxes and wills; and to give to the private institutions and the public in general, necessary the technical and economic information for the development of its activities concerning real estate. These ample faculties of the Cadastre, the hegemony of its appraisals as opposed to those of Internal Taxes and the fact that this tax institution understands that the estimates of the private valuers are not advisable who he himself State authorizes to exert like professionals of the estimate of buildings, takes to ask to us to us so that they are not assigned to him definitive and exclusively to the National Cadastre the appraisals for the collection of the fiscal taxes?




Key of urban mobility:

Planned parking An excellent delivery of the architect Pedro Mena, with regard to the debated subject of the maintenance in the streets of Santo Domingo. Their ideas open new restlessness that could well be taken into account by the municipal authorities. he recent one dispute between the proprietors of businesses of the denominated Chinese District of Santo Domingo and the municipal authority is a sample of the necessity to deepen in the systematization and the efficiency of the parking to vehicular of our cities. A good circulation and a correct parking are basic elements for urban mobility. A network of parking with good accessibility is key tool to reduce unnecessary traffic of agitation, name with which a circulation different is designated from origin-I destine initial, so establishes the discipline Urban Mobility that treats east subject. And it is that the streets are not garages. The parking must be smaller where the basic necessity is to circulate, and in any case must be paid by the use of a little good with high a social cost. A management of parking in the public thoroughfare must exist and outside her so that the cost is upper in the first case. Lamentably a Direction of Parking does not exist that organizes this so important part of the urban management. The goal would be that the dis-



placements address-work is basically in public transport. Until as much that goal can be viable, the city will have it are prepared themselves in that direction, but to try that all the vehicles find easily where to park and that does not exist congestion to vehicular is a chimerical goal. Lamentably the present requi-

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rements propane to destine an important portion of the urban ground to the parking deprived by means of already obsolete norms. In great part of the city, where the unmannerliness predominates, these norms are not fulfilled. By another part, the possession of an automobile must imply the responsibility by its parking. The auto-


WORKSHOP mobile is in rest most of its life and this has a cost to which the user must do in front, since he makes to the purchase of the vehicle and his maintenance. The road discipline is vital to maintain the balance of the system. A suitable work of police and payment of fines, and a careful design of physical limitations, helps the education of the less reliable conductors. To circulate either and to park or will only be possible with the acceptance of elementary basic ideas. To circulate has a cost for the user, to also park has it. To circulate demands the fulfillment of norms, to park demands to fulfill own ones and to avoid the illegality. One needs an Urban Program of Parking like answer to the problem of the public space invaded by the vehicle park, preventing the adapted benefit of the this on the part of the pedestrians, degrading image of the city, destroying or mistreating the green zones and causing congestion to vehicular in some cases. In addition limiting the development to sectors characterized like “areas of multiple activity seriously” affecting vital historical, commercial and institutional nuclei. This problem is consequence


of the deficiency of zones specially destined to the parking of vehicles. Lamentably the hospitable centers and mainly the sets of buildings governmental public and offices - Until such city councils! - they are but the deficient ones in this aspect. It agrees to make studies of supply and demand in the zones identified like critics for the location of the parking and later, to choose concessionaires selected by means of public aid so that they develop the definitive designs, the construction and operation of which is located in the subsoil of the spaces municipal public. They will appear who riposte against a system of concessions, arguing neogaleanicamente that a distraction is the public space, but “take care of-cars” is an informal concessionaire of fact, tolerated because padrefamilismo, an own deviation of our society, has turned that function a closed and reserved boundary. In general the subject of the parking in the cities is to position and is responsibility of each municipality. The establishments will have to fulfill the effective norms and to be approved as far as his determine the proportions and circulation by the corresponding

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authorities. Each municipality must have a Unit of Supervision and Control of Parking, employee of its respective Direction of Transit and Urban Mobility. This unit would grant the concessions, would prepare the licitations and would assume the administrative awarding. The municipal administrations, by virtue of the new community union figure, could even delegate in an intermunicipal corporation that handles the subject of the parking to vehicular inasmuch as it constitutes an essential component of urban mobility. Each concessionaire would pay the corresponding taxes, rates and wills like private company. The tariffs and modalities of collection per time, permanent renting or other modalities of advantage of the parking would be determined by the concessionaires, who will have to their position the control, taken care of maintenance and of the concessionary area, including the spaces on the public thoroughfare that are determined. The use of parking machines is not necessary, these objects are part of an obsolete technology. Systems more efficient exist than we will see in a next delivery.




Proof and returned effect of the appeal in the TST The magistrate Victor Santana Polanco analyzes the test and the effects of the appeal resource before the Superior Earth Court. The work deepens in the basic aspects of the resource, based its exhibition on legal texts and jurisprudence. efore the Superior Earth Court empowered to know a resource appeal against a sentence dictated by a Judge of Original Jurisdiction, the parts can reproduce before the Court of Raised the same tests that appear before the Court of First Degree, and to even produce other new ones in addition to already contributed in Original Jurisdiction, by application of the Maxima “head of cattle devolvitur ad indicem speriores”, that consecrates the returned effect of the appeal resource, every time the Superior Earth Court is left proxy of all the questions in fact and right. The returned effect that produces the appeal resource, before the Superior Court of Earth, it has historically not had application, every time the Raised Court of always knows and weighs the offenses caused by the resorted sentence, as if he was a small memorial of abrogation, and the appeals tried before the Superior Earth Courts, although it has been empowered of all the questions in fact and right, they only know the offenses that to him the sentence opposed and not on the initial demand produces , that is to say, to return to be discussed all the questions that in fact and right were raised before the Court of Original Jurisdiction that dictated the sentence. In a resource of appeal before the Superior Earth Court, in which a



sentence dictated by a judge of Original Jurisdiction resorts, relative to a litigation on registered rights, the original plaintiff, by the fact of being the resorted one in appeal, is not released to contribute the tests in the Superior Earth Court, in appeal degree she even corresponds to test of the cause and the object of the demand. Of conformity with the economy of the article 1315 of the Civil Code all the one that alleges fact in justice is in the obligation to prove it; therefore, the plaintiff must prove the facts and acts that allege in support of their demand; and, by virtue of that same principle, the demanded one must prove the facts and acts that allege in support of their defense or means of unadmission and exceptions that oppose to the plaintiff like foundation of their liberation; reason why, if the plaintiff does not provide to the test of the acts and facts that serve as foundation their demand, judge or court will have to reject it. The Supreme Court of Justice, acting as abrogation cut, has been

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pronounced of the following way: “It concerns little that the original plaintiff is intimate in appeal, with regard to the obligation to prove their pretensions, since before the jurisdiction of second degree the question appears as it has appeared before the jurisdiction of first degree”. Cas. 18 of May of 1931, B.J. No 250, p. 51 (Alphabetical Repertoire of D o m i n i c a n Jurisprudence year 1908-1033, No 1126, p. 231. Lic. Manuel Ubaldo Gomez). When the demanded one before the Court of Original Jurisdiction, as a result of a litigation on registered rights, interposes an appeal resource, the obligation to test is totally in charge of the intimate plaintiff, since this one is the one who has taken the initiative from the process; and in view of the returned effect of the appeal, that begins in its integrity the trial raised by the demanded one, with all means on which it leans, the debate again opens and begins before the jurisdiction of second degree in the same conditions and state that before the judge of first degree.




The defining protects your property The defining is the real estate technical operation that allows to individualize the rights of a proprietor in relation to the other co-owners of a same lot or parcel. With the defining it is located, one separates and the amount of land is distinguished that corresponds to a co-owner with respect to the others whom they have right registered in certain lands. n agreement with Cadastral Article 163 of the General Regulation of Measures “Defining is the act of made rise to constitute the title state of a determined part of a land registered and sustained in a Written down Certainty, to aim of which his holder can separate his property of the rest of the original parcel.� It is contemplated in Paragraph 1 of the Article the 130 of the Law of Real estate Registry and Articles that go from the 163 to the 170 of Cadastral the General Regulation of Measures. The right that has the proprietors of undivided buildings to define itself or to subdivide itself is a constitutional guarantee. It is protected by numeral 13 of Article 8 of our Constitution, which consecrates the property right. All international the legal instruments of rights of the people, like the Universal Declaration and the Inter-American Convention of Human rights, among others, also contemplate it and comprise of our legal system. The defining, in opposition to the other title rises, always is contradictory, according to indicated Article 130 of the Law of Real estate Registry.



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Therefore, the defining without the empowering of the Judge of territorially competent Original Jurisdiction cannot be made. The one that it executes the works of field and cabinet for the preparation of the planes is the designated surveyor to make the defining. The defining allows that a Certificate of independent Title for the portion of lands that has been put under that technical operation, with


which is sent is born to the legal light a new building. It will be denominated with the corresponding cadastral designations. According to Article 815 of the Civil Code, to anybody it is possible to be forced to stay to him in indivision state, this is, that any co-owner can, at the moment in which it decides it, for making the defining of the portion of land to which it has right, without nobody can prevent it to it.

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It is advisable that all the people whom they have registered real estate rights in community make the defining. With this they avoid confusions, limitations and other disadvantages in the exercise of the right of its property. Therefore, each house that is constructed in a portion of land no defined must be individualized technically and legally so that the ceiling of that family as opposed to does not run risks fraudulent intentions of unscrupulous.



Pablo de Jesús Mella Morales

he professional life of Don Pablo Mella confirms that in the scope of the architecture when the individual thing is extended and it works for the society in city-planning projects as he did it, the artistic sensitivity of the masterful designer can be appreciated and be felt in any corner of a street or avenue of our country. According to Him Corbusier the architecture it is art thing, a phenomenon of emotions that is outside and beyond the constructive questions and within that definition Pablo de Moral Jesus Mella figure in the podium of the five more influential Dominican architects of last the fifty years, that from the technical point of view, is considered like one of the city planners of greater legacy and impact in Santo Domingo city. It opened to its eyes for the first time in the city of Port Silver 6 of June of 1932. Son of the doctor Juan Pablo Mella and Mrs. Luisa Morales. It was married with Josefina Ivonne Alfonseca, with which it had two piston rods, Paul and Ivonne Mella., this last also architect. Pablo Mella graduated in Architecture in the Independent University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and attended a master in Urbanism in the University of Bogota, Colombia. It much really has that of which the “street is a history that then Pablo walks” Mella seems to walk by all those routes that he


Pablo Mella is a special town planner, the master of all the major projects of the era of Trujillo. Arq. Alcides Calderón


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designed and I leave with own name: avenues 27 of February, Núñez de Cáceres, Luperón and all the routes of circumvallation of the capital city. Octavio Paz said to us that urbanism is the great book of the humanity and in the pages of that book must be Pablo Mella, creator and designer of the residential sectors of the Mines, Deep Stream, the Rivers, the Chieftainships, the Ducado, Finery, .redemption, among others, in whose factory of work “Urbanization, Houses and Studies” (LARGE CITY) still conserve the original scale models. For the architect Alcides Calderón, Pablo Mella “is the great city planner, the teacher of all the great projects of the era of Trujillo. A genius of the urban planning. Creator of the Plans Pilots of Development for the provinces of Samaná. Port Silver, the Roman, San Francisco de Macorís and Santo Domingo. It leaves in folder a monumental work, “the interconnected terrestrial ways of all national geography”, a work like him, of giant.” Under Ceiling it recalls to this titan of Dominican urbanism, in recognition of its great contributions. Thrilled of which someday one of more than 300 streets and avenues that Don Pablo Mella baptized can honour taking it its name. Eternal Gloria for this great notable of the architecture.


Santo Domingo Nuñez de Cacere 108

Romulo Betancourt 1410

Autopista Duarte

JF Kennedy

Carretera Sánchez

Plaza Intercaribe Av. Tiradentes

R.Betancourt 2058

Romulo Betancourt 2058

Padre Billini 58

Plaza Central

Mirador Sur

Av. 27 de Febrero JF Kennedy Sarazota 106 Isabel La Católica

Rafael Augusto Sanchéz N0. 16

27 de Febrero, esq. Máximo Gómez



Beller 159

Av. Luperon 76

JF Kennedy 5

Sarasota, Malecon Center

Romulo Betancourt 2012-B

San Fco. Macorís Restauración 19


Calle Castillo 34

El Conde 252

Romulo Betancourt

La Vega

Calle 27 de febrero 48

Calle Castillo


La Romana

Juan Rodríguez

Calle Colón 11

Av. Imbert


Av. Bartolomé Colón, Centro Jorge García Godoy 83 27 de Febrero Esq. Imbert 86

Av. Bartolomé Colón

Av. 27 de Febrero esq. Onésimo Jiménez


Valverde Mao

Pueblo Principe


27 de Febrero Las Galeras

Av. Bartolomé Colón

Genaro Pérez 17, Rincón Largo

Independencia 26

Las Terrenas



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