You won't want to pass up on these hacks that lead to zero waste, zero costs, and now zero mess during this upcoming spring cleaning season. BY KIKI ADAMS | ILLUSTRATIONS BY AMY LEWIS
inding ways to salvage food is easy when there are leftovers, but when it’s expired, what do you do? Surprisingly, there are many food items out there that serve a purpose than just eating. During the infamous spring cleaning season, you probably are spending money on toxic cleaning supplies such as antibacterial soap, oven cleaners, and furniture polishers. This spring cleaning session, try a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to your cleaning by using these food items!
LEMONS If you are cleaning out your fridge and find an old, moldy, forgotten lemon, don’t throw it away! Lemons’ acidic properties can be used to remove grease from your stove and kitchen appliances. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl, soak your sponge in the juice and then scrub away until you remove the unwanted stain. With any lemon juice left over, you can soak plastic food containers to remove odor and stains.
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