Baked Magazine—Spring 2022

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LONDON A day in the life of a Syracuse student’s restaurant adventures abroad. Written and Photographed by Sydney Bergan


stood in the aisle at the M&S Grocery around the corner from my flat, consumed by confusion. The container of strawberries I picked up only contained six strawberries. Granted they were six of the most gorgeous strawberries I had ever seen in February but I was once again reminded that I was no longer in the land of supersized portions and extra value grocery items. As a temporary London local studying abroad in the city this semester it’s easy to feel like I have every restaurant at my fingertips. And while this may be true (everything’s only a short Tube ride away) I’ve had to adjust to making my own food with the much smaller British portion sizes. Since people are responsible for walking their groceries back to their flat you hardly see a local Londoner using a shopping cart, instead opting for a handheld basket and putting their groceries in backpacks and totes.

While I’ve become a master at navigating around my flatmates in our communal kitchen that's not to say I haven’t been able to experience some of the most delicious meals at restaurants around the city. It’s just important to remember that whatever you’re spending in British Pounds it’s quite more in US Dollars. Also that the portions are nowhere near as big as that you may see in the US. That being said here are some of the top places I’ve visited so far...

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