The Browser Magazine Issue Four

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Editor’s Message Welcome to our November issue. Each month we publish the next issue we discover much more note worthy stuff found in the digital world. Once again we encourage readers to send us recommendations, queries, and information about great new start ups. This month, we look into the effect of Steve Jobs death and what to expect from Apple and the like. We are also quite happy about the reader voting panel and have added the websites with the most votes within the magazine. I’m sure your’d enjoy this one. Sola Akinfie

November Issue

Sandy Basset News/sub editor

Zachary Saumanahaii Staff Writer

Anil Dauche Contributor

Blaine Smith Gaming Editor

Gary Hammond Webreview Editor

Daniel Baker Art Director

• • • • • • • • • •

iphone4s browser news facebook celebrity book reviews daily future steve jobs browser likes mgid and others voted websites five best fashion

Commercial Distribution Amber wide Online manager Kofi Saunders Misgelle Waterman Staff Writer

Catherine Monreal Staff Writer

Natalie Chandler Staff Writer

Managing Director Sola Akinfie

Sales manager Adam Scope Marketing manager Franck Artridge Advertising manager Jane Mitzef Contact us at :

Reach Centrica Ltd London SE5 8QZ Christopher Williams Staff Writer

Diogo Mourato Staff Writer

iPhone 4s

What’re you packing? By Nicole Ferguson

What is the iphone 4 Is the phone a much upgraded version of the iphone 4? Or something to wet our appetite before we get our mitts on the much awaited Iphone 5 unit. The phone has done relatively well for an item that was released instead of the eagerly expected real upgrade. Some would say it was a huge marketing risk to be so cheeky to fans of the brand. So we did a bit of spot the difference here. For starters, the essence of a new model car, gadget or computer would be the introduction of a new physical look and feel with enhanced functionality. The Phone 4s does make some changes, but is it worth the price on the box?

Design /function

Most would agree that the I phone ranges are innovative in design and function. As for the 4s, the sleek size, shape and screen display is pretty cool. But we’ve erh, seen this in the older handsets and are getting a bit too familiar with it. You’d be hard pressed to physically point out the difference between this and the Iphone 4 at first glance. Some changes - the antennae signal block with iphone 4 is addressed by the addition of another black strip on the other end to serve as two antennae. Few controls like the mute button have been shifted closer to the volume buttons – not good news for the owners of the old case as it now won’t fit, but hey, you can buy the slightly different case for your iphone 4s, kerching! The camera benefits from an 8MP upgrade with an improved aperture ratio, the CPU packs more of a punch with a much improved dual-core A5 processor. This provides greater processing power. The iPhone 4S is now able to offer good quality shots. With the 4s you also get Face recognition, a nifty addition to fast and sleek photo taking.


Apart from the full HD in the iPhone 4S, you get quite an assistance with the anti-shake functionality that goes a long way to help the in experienced videographer achieve footage to be proud of. The 1080p video recording makes it much easier to put some good quality video together, and the graphics look quite good on your TV screen. The dual-core A5 processor, allows for greater battery life and a quicker command response.

Voice command

Siri is Apple’s voice recognition service – This is one of the significant additions in the 4s. You can use Siri to voice your messages as supposed to typing, and amongst other things, dictate notes to a reasonable extent. You can call up a song to be played from your list, make personal notes like reminders or making an online search. In regards to recognising speech, it does well to woo us back to the voice recognition capabilities that couldn’t catch on with PCs in previous years. With Siri you wouldn’t need to speak in the Queens English to get your message across - so to speak. Though it still has a lot of needed improvements in function, it has presented a big leap in efficiency and versatility.


The 4s improves on an already decent sound propagation on all the other previous models. Music comes out in high quality, using a high grade set of headphones will produce sound you can taste. The 4s mechanism is more than competent to deliver industrial quality sound.


iCloud is a new service from Apple that works with iOS 5, while it’s not exclusive to 4s, it’s a service that will score high on the device. The main function of the service is to automatically keep all the important things backed up and make them available beyond your phone access. The 4s is a decent candidate to control this data traffic safely. As supposed to using free or paid cloud storage services provided by other providers, Apple’s I cloud provides a neater service to most. It works seamlessly and makes sense to simply store your growing data in the same convenient space. No more important items getting lost if your precious phone gets lost or stolen. To get you going Apple offers 5GB of free storage. You can increase your storage space for a fee and manage files as they are needed.

Operating system

The new A5 CPU integrated into the 4s is clocked at 800MHz. The A5 chip also packs in a lot more graphic performance of its predecessor. This allows for snappy response to graphical commands and a more noticeable image display. The 8-megapixel camera with 1080p video recording is an improvement, but the lack of integrated flash is still an issue for still shots as well as far as the camera is concerned. Messaging on the iPhone 4S has been given something of a boost with the inclusion of the iMessage to thwart the competitive advantage of RIM’s BBM service. This works on any iOS 5 device, and is a welcome attribute to the 4s. It is designed to work on devices that uses data signals to receive and send messages from one phone to another. You even get notification about the activity at the other end. You can see if the other person is typing a response. The facility gets working on detecting the IOS particulars of the person at the other end. Benefiting from a much more effective operating system, the iPhone 4S offers a much more efficient browser with web pages loading faster and with less complication. To make browsing the web a more efficient experience, the device has a Reader to work with the Safari browser. This allows for stripping loaded pages of unnecessary clutter like some ads and unnecessary images. With the reader in place, there is more organized room to view the contents you need in better display and capture. One of the main selling points of the 4s is the experience in graphic interaction which shines whilst gaming with the device. The speed of processor is very impressive. It’s close to perfect in speed and response.

Price /marketing

The handset will cost a whopping £499 in the Apple store and an average £25 £30 on contract. It’s still a steep investment for a new device that doesn’t scream “new device”! in it’s physical look and feel. Still in our verdict – the handset does complement the ios5 quite nicely with improved performance in speed and multitasking. The significant additions are the voice command application - Siri, the much improved sound quality for music lovers. And the inclusion of the I message. We are convinced that the Iphone4s has enjoyed its cheeky gamble based on the power of the Apple brand.

Martin Harwell

Twitter Splitter

We love to tweet anything 0.02 seconds Demi CT @celebrehab “Tweet anything” Dear fans, my self and Ash the arse have both decided to end our marriage, we are both agree that it has passed it’s sell by date and we need to provide you with much fresher produce…watch this space 3 minutes ago from web. Reply View Tweet

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are the latest couple to make use of the ever engaging Tweeter to announce their much predictable split. This by the way, was done soap opera style with a combined 11 million jobless fans going through the tweets and retweets of the build up, which includes an alleged accusation of Ashton playing away with one Sarah Leal. Fans had already been subjected to cheeky pictures sent by the couple when things were good with Tweet updates of the Hollywood styled celebrity soap. The great thing about this Tweeter trend is the cross accusation and name calling. There’s really nothing better than the real thing from seasoned actors. Next thing with this celebrity fight club, would be a full blown reality Tweeter show. Watch out for the Jeremy Kyle version!

Unlike at your own peril In Liverpool a pub landlord was arrested for battering his wife to near death for unliking him on Facebook. The case is ongoing as the full details of a jealous rant led to diminished responsibility. The victim of the Facebook scenario blamed the popular network for making it too obvious when a person is unliked. Said the half – beaten wife “One should be able to express their feelings as they seem fit without any terrible episodes like mine happening to them, married or not, what I choose to do with my likes should be kept private.” We supposed she did’nt like the privacy policy of Facebook then. The husband suggested that couples should not accept their spouses as friends on Facebook so as to avoid the temptation to snoop or drag their matrimonial arguments on to the social network.

Farmville the movie! IThe common trend In Hollywood these days is to produce movies that are sure bets for a box office hit. There has been an influx of so called safe movies – remakes of old favourites or the film making of popular individuals or brands. We had “The Social Network” which was calculated box office hit thanks to the huge Facebook familiarity world –wide. Now, Farmville is a serious consideration for the chaps that brought us Toy Story. They seem to have it in their heads that they can latch on to the popular following of the social game by dragging the subscribers to the cinema screen. Trouble there is Farmville fans are too busy on Facebook playing Farmville to contemplate dragging themselves to the cinema. What’s next? Angry Birds in 3D – we can see It now Revenge Of The Angry Birds, flight of the feathered Heroes. Followed by Return Of The Angry Birds, the way home. It’s pretty obvious that the movie would be another 3D piece, forging characters out of the farm creatures. Someone should tell them addiction to game play may not apply to sitting in front of a huge cinema screen watching the shenanigans of the farming world. Cluck Cluck.

Never mind the frenzy For I pad3 Every time Apple launches a new devise, there seems to be a cult following with the idea that being one of the first to unwrap the box of new found treasure is an experience to savour in years to come. As every Tom Dick and Nigel camp outside the Apple stores to “be the first” there is a new lucrative commodity to sell – the Ispace! Yes – people in the queue simply there to sell you their space. Fantastic idea if you ask us. Hard up students in New York have made small fortunes in the wake of the launch of the IPad 3. An average 40 hours is a small price to pay for an iqueue space worth an average $900. It makes you wonder – how much is the ipad2 worth in the first place. Wait a few days or a week and you pay half the price it cost you to pay Amanda or Nigel for their 89th space on the queue. Ironically the citizens of Geekville can be seen squatting on the pavement, busy with their Ipads still shiny and new that had been purchased the week before. With Steve Job’s passing away, the going rate may just triple that when the iphone 5 finally get’s released.

Microsoft second attempt to woo a bride with fewer options

Microsoft has been the eager suitor to the dashing bride that is Yahoo for quite a while. Now that Yahoo is ageing relatively ungracefully and the biological clock is ticking, Microsoft with its belief in the matrimonial potential of it’s would – be - bride has allegedly started the dating game all over again. One would question the need for Microsoft to still go for Yahoo, but the love hate affair between them is quite a drama to behold. Microsoft’s initial bid to woo Yahoo in 2008 with a very reasonable offer of $44.8Billion didn’t go through. Microsoft a bit irritated at the rebuff was still in love and started a modest relationship with the integration of Bing. A sort of trial relationship if you will, in regard to a full marriage, the relationship poses a number of risks. The dashing groom would need to address the bride’s inadequacies in the tech arena whilst enjoying Yahoo’s attributes in the media arena. Is she still worthy of a hefty bride price? Kinect ban for shorties

Microsoft has come up with a novel way of censorship for the under aged. Considering the amount of adult material common place with the Xbox usage. The technology uses the Kinect’s infrared technology to switch off unsavoury content when a child enters a room, with the Kinect in operation. Good idea on paper, but in the real world we believe the patent may be a little bit of an insensitive discriminator when it comes to height. It assumes there’s a child around by sensing the height and torso distribution. It would be interesting to know what size constitutes a child’s average height. A short adult or oversized kid for instance, only one of them would appreciate the technology, and that would be the oversized kid. Oh, and another thing – what happens when the clever kid wears mum’s high heels to enter the room? The problem with the idea is the ease of beating the sensors. Having 3D depth camera estimating a person’s age by way of body proportion measurement seems like a half baked idea to the child censorship solution. The way we see it – kids are going to make it into an erh, console game to see how they can beat the sensor with skill and clever thinking. It’s only the short adult that’s going to be unfairly deprived. One can imagine protests and complaints from the height shy adults. According to Apple Apple reports that it’s launch of the Iphone 4s had broken previous records. I million orders achieved in the wake of Steve Job’s death. It’s beggars’ belief that Apple are so sure of themselves to be cheeky enough in planning to wet the appetite with the 4s rather than just releasing the iphone 5. It makes you wonder about consumer behaviour in these days of inflation and uncertainty. Of course, the passing of Steve Jobs must have helped a great deal with non –Apple users joining the fold just to be part of the enigma that is Steve Jobs. But surely, Apple couldn’t have known that Mr Jobs was going to leave us on a specific date. The reaction was a mixture of muted applause because of the 4s being introduced instead of the Iphone 5. Apple still made a record amount of sales, which is why it’s strange that customers knowingly fork out another round of notes just to finally get their hands on the iphone 5 when it launches so soon. This may backfire, one just can’t imagine another mile long queue outside for the Apple Shops in such a small gap.

E–book Choices for the Month Title: The Heart Specialist Author: Claire Holden Rothman Publisher: Soho Press Type: Fiction Themes: Medicine, Journey, Sense of Self Inspired by Maude Abbot, who was one of Canada’s first female physicians, this book weaves the tale of the life of Agnes White and her desire to become a doctor. This book gives great insight into the obstacles that women faced trying to break into male-dominated fields. Women simply didn’t become doctors, it was unheard of. It was the 1800s and women were meant to be in the home. Facing an uphill battle and working to breakthrough all of the barriers placed before her, Agnes begins an epic journey to realize her dream of becoming a physician.

Title: Shortcut Man Author: P.G. Sturges Publisher: Scribner Type: Fiction Themes: Duty, Love, Betrayal What a great story! Dick Henry is known as the shortcut man. If you are looking to have some money recovered or check to see if a spouse is cheating, then he is the man to call. Things get complicated when a porn producer is worried is wife is cheating on him and wants the man killed. Dick Henry realizes that is the women he has been seeing. You remain on the edge of the page waiting to see just how far Dick will go to keep this secret, while still looking like he is accomplishing the task. The writing is superb and the action is intense. Hard to put down!

Title: Secret Daughter Author: Shilpi Somaya Gowda Publisher: Harpercollins World Type: Fiction Themes: Love, Family, Sense of Self A tale that reaches from Mumbai to San Francisco. A stunning read that involves love, sacrifice, death, and birth. Two women make choices that affect the rest of their lives. One woman defies her husband to save the life of her little girl.The book offers a glimpse into the cultural choices and the lengths a mother will go to for the love of a daughter. The contrasts between the two families lives is eye-opening, and you’rd keep reading to see whether these two families ever meet.

Title: The Fund Author: H.T. Narea Publisher: Forge Books Type: Fiction Themes: Love, Deception, Fortune A gripping story centered around an act of global financial terrorism. This cat-and-mouse thriller takes you to Venzuela, Cuba, and the U.S. Kate works for the Department of Defense and it is her job to follow money trails. Nebibi is a businessman who has an agenda. Add to this the fact that these two have a past, and you begin to wonder if each will catch onto the role the other plays in this plot. The twists, turns, and ending leave you with questions that no amount of debate will satisfy. The book will make you think about “what if” scenarios in your current life and might just keep you up at night.

Title: Before I Go to Sleep Author: S. J. Watson Publisher: Harper Type: Fiction Themes: Family, Loss, Betrayal This book is racy. From the very beginning of this book you are taken on a journey. Something has happened to Christine and every morning she wakes up having lost all of her memories from the day before, and sometimes years. Lucky for her she has her husband to help her every step of the way, or does she? The shocking revelations will keep you glued to the page and make you wonder how you would react if you had suffered the same fate.

Title: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Author: Rebecca Skloot Publisher: Broadway Type: Nonfiction Themes: Family, Survival, Discovery Wow! Not only regarding the woman Henrietta Lacks and what happened to her, but also about the other testing and experiments that were brought up in this book. It is horrifying to read what was done to people in the name of science. This book not only delves into Henrietta’s life but also that of her family and the medical community in general. It should be required reading to get to know the women whose cells have helped so many others in a monumental way.

Author: Nujood Ali, Delphine Minoui Publisher: Broadway Type: Nonfiction Themes: Escape, Coming of Age, Journey The offers a sobering look into the customs and practices of other cultures. Forced into marriage at the age of nine without having a true sense of what that entailed, Nujood shares her gripping and horrifying tale. We get a glimpse into the potential life she will lead with her new family if things don’t change. She takes her future into her own hands, which is unheard of, and she takes you along on the journey to her freedom.

Title: Attachments Author: Rainbow Rowell Publisher: Dutton Adult Type: Fiction Themes: Love, Hope, Email What a great job having to read other’s emails at work. Imagine the things you can learn. This book is fascinating because the story is set in Y2K time of 1999 and the writing style is email format interspersed between regular paragraph format, which adds to the charm of this book. This is a nice light story where boy meets girl and loves her (without actually meeting her). You become entrenched in their lives, and begin to care whether they will actually meet. This book is hard to put down and you are left wanting more.

Daily Future

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Apple iScan May Be A

Sir Jamie Oliver supports more Soylent Green farms

Human Rights Infringement

The compulsory id scan campaign has met with another round of criticism this week. The freedom activist group Pollen8 claims that Apple was not a sensible choice as a contractor to install and manage the compulsory id barcode system, on behalf of the UK government. David Paine argued that bringing in a US global corporation to manage such a sensitive project was wrong and unethical. Said David Paine –“ I don’t care that Apple is now worth 15trillion dollars, the fact still remains that the contract would have been better served with a British firm.” The Oxford professor felt that such sensitive data should be held in servers within the UK territory and not some glass and steel hideout at Apple corp. There have been two major protests against the campaign with locals from Oldham and Coventry mutilating their own arms to remove the internal chips. Two individuals where rushed to Tescos Municipal Hospital and are now fighting for their lives.

Hack570 infiltrates Metro Digital Police The break –away arm of Lulzsec Hack570 has made another hack attack on the MDP, in a statement posted on the Facebook2 fan page, they have vowed to release all sensitive data covering the list of all 45 million barcode id details held at Scotland Yard. One Penny Hastings from the group stated –“ we will disrupt this dictatorship government’s approach to log and control of it’s citizens, until the digital police retract from its draconian efforts to enforce the ban of mobile phones from non –licence holders, and all the other measures to openly monitor individuals, we will not rest.” Hack570 are also responsible for bringing down Facebook 2 which caused a catastrophic effect on account holders who couldn’t log into their personal accounts for 48 hours until Facebook 2 relented and allowed the Hack570 fan page to operate their fanpage without interference.

Gaming Reality Sydrome

In a shock reversal of opinion, Sir Oliver has shown his support for Government plans to install 5 more Engineered Nutrition plants in the North of the UK. Sir Jamie Oliver argued “The on going food crisis we find ourselves, has to be met with radical solutions to feed the nation.” He went on to say that people exaggerated the claims that the ingredients of Soylent Green comes from part human tissue and skin. Said Sir Oliver “I have used my new receipe book – Microwave heaven to devise a few dishes with Soylent Green, and I ‘m very pleased with the results.” Sir Oliver explained that with a bit of patience, his receipe and a strong set of teeth, Soylent Green can be quite a versatile dish with several ways to eat it. He claims to have been one of the first to tuck into the industrial wafer bars before the government sponsored it in mass production.


PM David Miiliband attributes election win to Facebook 2

Calls to bring back NHS escalates

Mark Zuckenberg 2nd US presidential campaign under threat

Jeremy Clarkson defies driving ban to test the Citreon xx5

1500 EDF electric cars recalled

Female driver ban to stay

Road tax to be changed to parking tax


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XBOX 1000 blamed for massacre at Manchester shopping mall

In the aftermath of the Trafford centre shootings – there has been a public out cry to ban the sale of the XBOX 1000 Consoles. Games like WW4 China invasion, Looters Run, and Batman London City exclusively played on the XBOX1000 are said to be the cause of the growing trend of gun crime and acquisition. Looters Run alone signed up 25million subscribers on the live network in it’s first week. Liam Parker was arrested in Birmingham for trading his Ipad10 for a modified shotgun as he went on a shooting spree in the city centre. His mum claimed that the government was not doing enough in its efforts to counsel youths who have been affected by GRS (Gaming reality Syndrome). “Our youth have become drones that do not communicate in the real world anymore, my kids have adopted their own names like Nemo6 and Archangel Morphius..” She claims that if she took the consoles away, she feared they may go into withdrawal and it would be almost impossible to bring them back.

Virgin Shuttle wins a 6 year deal with China Space Network

Richard Branson has taken a u –turn on commitments to the European Space Agency and NASA all together. With the announcement to supply China with the fleet of 12 passenger rockets to China, this put’s paid any joint competition in the space travel wars between the Eastern and Western nations. Chairman We won Moon is said to be over the moon about the deal and promises a consistent flow of new Chinese passengers wishing to take their holidays in the Chinese pleasure station on the Red Dragon space centre orbiting the Earth. At a press conference Richard Branson stated that his decision shouln’t be a shock as the UK and US Governments simply did’nt have the financial backing to ensure the 100billion pound venture required. Blaming the complete collapse of NASA, The European Space Agency would be foolish to think they could raise finance within the short time frame given. Hestated his concerns that if Virgin didn’t put up the initial funds to complete and test the v12 commercial rockets, the Chinese would do so anyway within a couple of years and we’d simply become the audience.

Microsoft e -Voter app rendered a waste of tax payers credits Labours shadow cultural minister Brian Fenwick has ridiculed the results of the first trial run of the e-voter app contracted to Microsoft. The app is a compulsory download set by the 2020 voters act. This was tested at the last parliamentary elections held in February with disastrous data loss and text glitches that rendered 30% of the registered votes completed compromised. Officials also argued that the 40 credits charge to the texting voters may have caused users to defy current legislation on mandatory voting.

Tescoair Seeks Buyer

The doomed Tescos Air has finally admitted it would need to sell off the travel arm as a result of very poor travel figures. The switch to Bio fuels as a result of oil becoming $1000 per barrel has added an unfeasible cost to keeping the 36 aircrafts operational. Speaking at the launch of Heathrow terminal 6, Duncan Banatyne the new CEO has admitted that Tescos should have stuck with selling food and not go into an industry it knows nothing about. The fact that the food and beverage industry hardly has anything to sell anymore is no excuse. Tescos could have simply extended it’s business portfolio to becoming a successful travel and holiday booking agent and not try to be a carrier. “ I think we got carried away with ourselves after the success of Tescos Homes and thought we could sell anything. In the drive towards global trading I guess we have to come to terms with the fact that not every little thing helps.

UK Child bearing licence to stay The home office issued a statement today in which it said there will be no change in the qualifications criteria for child birth. This was stated in response to a call to revise the qualification criteria for obtaining the child bearing licence. Pressure Groups Archangel and Free range argue that the drugs used to reverse sterilisation in 80% of the male population should be available to those relying on state benefits, and those who have failed to qualify simply by their social profile. Theresa Michaels from Free range accused the government of playing God and argued that child birth should not be a sole privilege to those that can prove to be good parents or parents that work for a living.

Job done? Not quite! By Sola Akinfie

Steve Jobs passing has been headline news for weeks. Apple fans and competitors have reflected about the man that left behind a legacy of how things are done in the consumer world. He’s left Apple twice now, but on his second coming; he’s got everyone infected with the Job virus. His life on earth is certainly done, but the Job has only begun...

Steve jobs tend to be moulded by self will, and not circumstances or environment. The Steve Jobs of today tend to be of higher learning material but drop out half way, tend to have certain personal disadvantages but thrive on it. They do things that work for them such as dress mode and delivering their own message their own way. Ask Mark Zukerberg. They triumph against the odds with one strong weapon – vision and clarity. Up to date, there is at least 60 recognized books published about Job’s biography or his philosophy, and this was before his death. Watch out for his movie which I guarantee would be watch on over 10 million ipads, iphones and imacs across the globe. Steve Jobs has indeed left behind an ethos of business conduct, innovation, and foresight. The man was a walking guide to personal or business success, citing – it’s not how many times you fall to the ground, but how many times you get up. An unwanted child, a Buddhist, an obsessive creature of detail and purpose, he had already created a cult following influencing progressive behaviour along the way. The start of the Apple Cult orchestrated by Steve Jobs - the prophet, launched itself the moment the colourful imac was introduced in the period of his second coming. Style, form and pure function without clutter was the watch word. Slowly but surely he recruited us into his temple not just by the products he introduced, but the brand as a commodity. All of a sudden having an Apple computer was the cool thing to do for those who had style and brains. The Apple temple had started gathering believers across the globe. He knew how to woo useful disciples into the fold and get the media coverage needed to expand the campaign, his approach made the trend of tech and media types ditch the suit and tie mode of dressing. He sold the idea of removing beauracratic, stuffy boardroom

alienation and protocol. Yes he had his faults and was sometimes a nightmare to work for, but those around him had become completely encapsulated into the Apple Mantra –“The way to get things done” As Steve Jobs is no more, his future influence will be felt not just at Apple, but will spread to other categories of business. Influencing behaviour, which goes beyond the simple but innovative design and function he peddled. It’s about seeing it first and making decisive action. One can describe Steve Jobs as a business dictatorship – a government that has no time for consumer diplomacy, only that he was one who could successfully anticipate what we may like in the future and not what we think we like in the present. The difference between him and crumbling dictators of the present day, is that he delivers what works and we ain’t complaining. He listens to the customer quietly and imposes upon us decisions we find ourselves embracing. The ipod cemented the progressive appeal of the business and the brand, and he just kept giving the people what they never knew they would love. Steve Jobs way of doing things will be a lasting influence on Apple which is why the innovative work is not yet done by a long mile. The present CEO Tim Cook - has more than a huge challenge ahead- but he has made it clear that the Jobs method will continue to flourish, and he has his own credentials to make that happen. Failing that, there is a wealth of suitable candidates that can subscribe to the Steve Jobs doctrine and keep Apple in the Promised Land. It’s now about delivering the holy message. The Steve jobs influence by method: A Steve Jobs idea goes beyond the decision making at Apple. Openness and clarity is one. This is even evident in the design/ function of Apple products, they tend to borrow from the popular phrase “it does

what it says on the tin” simplicity and unnecessary clutter is what made the ipod and iphone a success and it transcends to a way of doing things. Anticipate wants, and make it so in the most appealing way you can. We suspect that Steve Jobs will be the catalyst for a gust of innovative wind to come. From Android operated handsets to Acer computers we should expect to see a huge design motivated flurry of gadgets to behold. They’ve all seen the results of the Steve Jobs gospel in dollars and only the foolish will ignore this. The now famous word “stay hungry, stay foolish” wasn’t just rhetoric. In time they will all bite the Apple fruit and profess that the taste was good. Job done? certainly not.

Fun pictures found online Cycle power from the Tron movie This one actually works. The design is mind boggling and packs one heck of a punch. The bikes were developed on the back of the forthcoming release of Tron Legacy. The replicas are road legal and very much available at a whopping $55,000. These futuristic real life Light Cycle bike are made of a steel frame with a fiberglass bodywork and the muscle is a Suzuki TLR1000 V-twin engine. The bikes cost $34,400 each, but from this limited edition of just 10 units, 6 of them have already been sold. With the Tron Light Cycle replica bike, customers will also get a choice between physical gauges or a dock to display that’s perfect for an Ipad their statistics on the tablet’s touch screen. See more cool stuff on

One Degree Of Freedom One degree of freedom is the name given to this state – of – the art turn table. Designed by Aleks Bakman. This masterpiece of engineering works on the principle of non – touch mechanism designed to remove any form of distortion and noise. This beut can hold three tone arms on a tower. Comprises of a self centring platter bearing, in a non-resonant liquid suspension. To you and I, this music maker is one that attempts to produce sound you never knew existed. £94,000 is what you would need to explore the attributes of this system. There are further costs for additional bits to get the full function. More on

Courtesy of

Sonic Chair

Fun pictures found online Connect your iPod or laptop and work without distraction, or listen to the latest CDs or audio books. This is the sort of chair you’d find in some futuristic hotel lobby, or at the lair of some Bond villain. The chair comes in various colours –lime green, passion pink and other cool colours to complement your surroundings. The integrated speakers are positioned to give you optimum quality. You can add an extra gadget or two such as an ipad, imac, or whatever tickles your fancy. The cost – a mere 5,850.00 Euros

Red Lee Wei Chen came up with the amusement washing machine, a contraption that looks like an arcade gaming station with an incorporated washing machine in the lower half. Chen linked the circuitry of the two devices, making the washing cycle dependent on the user’s gaming skills. If the gamer is rubbish at video games, he or she will have to insert more coins in order to complete the cycle. To turn on the amusement washing machine, users have to insert three pound coins, which also gives them three lives in the video game. If they fail to reach a certain level in the video game without losing all their lives, the machine will respond by stopping the washing cycle forcing them to insert more coins. Now that should work in your boring Laundromat.

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This month’s tech and internet world

Amazing keyboards you’ve never seen The Keyboard has been the most impressive peripheral a computer has ever got which is loaded with features. Here today I present you with 8 unique keyboards that are designed to make you think typing is really a cool task and gives you comfort at ease. Here we go...

Optimus Maximus Customizable Keyboard This is a fully customizable keyboard in the market available till date. Here each key is a tiny LCD screen and the best part is you decide on what has to be displayed on the keys every time you type. One can set it to special symbols, programming codes and allows the option of reorganising the letters.

Evolution keyboard The evolution keyboard as the name says it all is an evolved version of conventional keyboard. Here it gives the user an option of separating into 2 halves and connecting the keyboard back to one piece. The two halves can be positioned as the user likes it to be. It is said that both the halves can be moved 90 degrees in any direction.

Fabric keyboard Well, this is exactly the way it sounds. True, the keyboard uses a piece of fabric on which the keys are present. This is one portable keyboard which everybody would like to own, especially travellers and businessmen. And to add more, the keyboard on getting dirty can also be washed like your normal fabrics. Amazing right?

Gripping keyboard Now the hard core gamers, who were completely into navigating and playing games through gaming consoles, thought of, why not use a controller joystick for typing? And this product was result of this idea generated. The keyboard shown above takes the form of a gaming controller. The device plugs into the USB and is found to be the best way to type. It uses all your ten fingers for typing and the device also features a mouse to control the activities over the screen. Once you get the hang of this, typing successfully at fifty to seventy words per minute is like dream come true.

Combo keyboard Now the hard core gamers, who were completely into navigating and playing games through gaming consoles, thought of, why not use a controller joystick for typing? And this product was result of this idea generated. The keyboard shown above takes the form of a gaming controller. The device plugs into the USB and is found to be the best way to type. It uses all your ten fingers for typing and the device also features a mouse to control the activities over the screen. Once you get the hang of this, typing successfully at fifty to seventy words per minute is like dream come true.

This month’s tech and internet world

Amazing gadgets you will kill for Gadgets are more unusual and more clever than normal technological objects and that makes them gain popularity. These wonderful gizmos ease our daily routine and keep us in contact with the innovative movement, making sure we don’t get stuck in the past. But of course, in the world of gadgets there are also some devices that take it a little bit far, making us gaze at them with hope that we will get our hands on them sooner.

Window phone Is it a window, is it a phone? No. Actually, it’s Window phone and this is the part where you are saying “Whaaat? What are you talking about?”. The phone is actually a concept with extraordinary features. Surely if this could be actually put into production, it would set a new standard for the term “cool”. Using the phone at night time is an amazing thing to see. The luminous and flashing text makes it a sci –fi wonder to hold. The phone will adjust it’s screen to blend with the weather, frosty day –gives you a frosty wallpaper. Rainy day –gives you water drop designed wall paper.

Bio Robot Refrigerator The Bio Robot refrigerator cools biopolymer gel through luminescence. It might look stinky and sticky but it’s actually an odourless gel that envelopes the food. For every product inserted into the fridge you create a separate capsule. Design features is small times smaller than the conventional refrigerator. The unit can change shape depending on the intensity of it’s use, it becomes more or less depending on the number of products inserted. Completely silent, as there are no moving parts.

E –Roll eRoll could be the future of e-reading, we like this one as it brings us back a little into the joy of physically touching a well printed magazine or newspaper. The design allows for a more connected user interface.Also good for arm exercise if you had one on the train to work. The unit will feature interactive text, video and audio as you scroll through the content. The very large size of the e-roll would be a great feature for presentations. Use it to on the wall, and roll back the pages when done –genius.

VISUAL MAGIC ONLINE The work of Rodney Pike, is an attractive visual addition to online and offline publications. Rodney has now availed himself for personal artwork for individuals as well as businesses. To many in the art world he is known as rwpike, His work is a bit different to your average photo manipulator. He works on all sorts of photo manipulation, but photo-manipulated caricature illustration is what he specializes in, perfect for magazines, books, posters etc. He’s also a whizz on caricature portraits. Rodney says the images make a great decorative piece with that personal touch. Imagine photo manipulated pictures of your children’s favourite celebrity with them integrated into the pictures and a whole list of creative backgrounds to finish the work off.

Lionel Messi

50 Cent

Rio Ferdinand

Jermaine Defoe Purchase decorative digital prints from our library or send us a brief for personal art, and we'll get Rodney to work his magic: info@thebrowsermagazine


Become a panellist for future issues. Contact us on Our voters loved for this website for its straight forward appeal to good value for money. The site is pleasing to the eye, and easy to navigate the attractive pages. The gift choices range from super car driving to some serious pampering at very reasonable prices. It’s pretty much gender democracy on here, with a clear representation for things that attract man and women. You can choose to pamper the body or engage it in demanding activity. There also exist optional packages for couples to enjoy together with a special price as an incentive. The great thing about the site is the freedom to exchange your experience for a different choice at no extra cost. And they do mean it when they say they offer a best price guarantee or double the difference back. Readers thumbs:  2 for 1 for the price of 1 at Bannatyne’s Health club Segway rally for two at £35 /£55 There are quite a number of how-to websites out there, but the readers vote latched on to this one for the sheer scale of submissions. Where they differ from the rest is the invitation to contribute your own how tos. The list of how tos are funny, mad but they actually do work. It’s a leisurely way to solve niggling problems in an entertaining manner. We’re a tad bit ashamed to admit, but it we had to agree with our reader panel that the con category with images and video is ab fab. They’ve used social media feeds to gather reader how to submissions which is why there is a vast amount of descriptive suggestions. If the people at play their cards right they can become a major social network hit. It’s one of those websites that covers every bit of its own category. It’s simply huge. The website is well laid out and is designed for quick uncluttered information. All suggestions have pictures /video to go with the text and it works quite well in the category department. Reader’s thumbs: Favourites: Magic parlour tricks Pranks and cons This ones from the states but they sell quite a number down our way.One of the great things about the net is you’re not confined to what the high street has to offer. Especially when you’re tall, or on the large side. What the reader panel liked most of all, was the vast range of brands with decent prices on quality and design. They took there time to list products by category and brand and it’s particularly well laid out to find the better deals. Reader’s thumbs:  Favourites: Harrington’s short sleeve for $24.98 Outer Banks Egyptian knit polo shirt $19.00 If Google was hungry for food, it would probably go be here. This site is a great recipe search engine. Fancy yourself as the next Nigella Lawson – then is a sure bet. Readers liked the unique functionality of the website. It’s got a groundbreaking idea that works by finding a dish suggestion based on the ingredients you post. It calculates suggestions in lightening speed as you add more ingredients you can dig out in your kitchen. It has a comprehensive tour guide in the form of a video with great suggestions and tips. When you find a recipe that you like, you are taken to an external site for full details and reviews. The website is not limited to what you have in your kitchen but goes further to put together a list of dishes with suggested items to fetch for a desired dish. The website is designed to avoid clutter and makes the experience clear and easy to follow. Reader’s thumbs  Favourites: Do you have? Probably one of the best websites in the world., an extension to the world famous magazine has been around for years and they got the material to prove it. Apart from the very interesting reader content such as Einstein at the black board, you get a regular feed of photo heaven. This website has successfully merged past pictures and stories, to the very present. Today’s top photos is a great feed to have. The library of pictures are not just well taken, but meaningful. The archive is a massive collection of significant pictures. High Reader votes come from the user engagement side of things such as the Timeline page that allows you to share your story through the events, people, and moments important to you. This is one site that keeps you in there for hours. Readers thumbs Favourites: Create your own timeline Life in HD The Reader panel loved this one. With a somewhat saturated market for dating services. Thegreatdateguide is different. The website is designed well and easy to find what tickles your fancy. It is unique in the sense that it caters for providing a list of ideas and places to make your dating experience all the more pleasant. Single, married or seeing someone, there’s a whole lot of matching suggestions. Miss Mary is the front of the great date guide and provides a twitter, blog and Facebook connection with lots of advice and community sharing. Though the website seems to concentrate on London, it’s still very useful in getting ideas for the perfect dating ideas or type of venue to suit users. In the features page you have a list of “what’s on” with special events, offers and seasonal ideas. You can even book your dinner table direct from the site. Reader’s thumbs:  Favourites: London Cocktail week Special occasion dates This is one example of a community driven website that works quite well. Some of or reader voters have actually used the website and are able to verify its claims as a genuine ticket exchange portal. One major selling point is the guaranteed genuine ticket sale; they’ve worked hard to ensure sellers have the real deal. You have the option to auction, declining Price, or set a fixed Price. The service charge is 10% on ticket prices which isn’t bad considering your tickets can be sold quite quickly. The system is designed to weed out ticket touts, so there’s no price escalation from professional ticket inflators. The social network plugins works quite well. As Facebook fans are able to post regular recommendations after using tickets to attend shows and gigs. Reader’s thumbs  Favourites: top UK venues Ticket alerts According to our reader panellists, it’s websites like this that are becoming a commercial threat to Sky and other TV satellite services. has a vast amount of video and image content to keep you glued to the site for an eternity. This isn’t some sort of video fun aggregator, but is a serious contender in the production of own content. The firm favourites on here are outtake collections, spoof ads, celebrity videos and tons more categories that aim to keep you in laughter city for ages. It’s a US site and the parodies and satire is skilful with professional talent delivering well put together footage. This is essentially a premium TV channel online. The Podcast is rich with regular good stuff, and they encourage member engagement with competitions and postings. This one gets a comfortable 5 star Reader’s thumbs  Favourites: Titanic’s final Facebook posts Animations there’s nothing better than getting a recommendation or service rating direct from a recent customer. Tripadvisor is an online resource for hotels and restaurants. It has managed to engage 11 million members, clubbing together to rate and review hotels, B&Bs, restaurants and more throughout the world. The website is absolutely spot on with putting things up that work. Members are able to post live photos of their travel or holiday experience. It’s such a vast guide to what a desired location is really like. You are also encouraged to share with the community what you liked or disliked at your travel destination and things to look out for. The social pluggin is actually one of the most efficient links we’ve come across. Seconds after you enter the site –you get a list of your Facebook friend’s favourite destination and activities, the friends travel map is clear and easy to use, you can pin your own map too. It’s a bit scary in the snoop department but it works. This type of website really gives you an idea of the power of the internet. Reader’s thumbs  Favourites: Pin your map Best of 2011 In the current climate of gloom and despair, it’s great to come across a website that makes light of current news. Gives us a chance to smile for once about the news we get. This website does just that. It’s quite skilful in sarcasm poking fun at known companies, organizations and popular people by creating a spoof news report, and they do it well. This is what we found on their About us page: “We aim to be equal opportunity p…..-takers and have no particular affiliation or political preference. It is our stated aim to mock absolutely everyone, eventually. We are not afraid to skip a few steps like checking facts or corroborating sources, and so we’ve been keen on letting the truth ruin a funny story. That’s why we’re different, we admit our mistakes up front, and make no promises on accuracy.” They have managed to integrate this humorous swipe into categories ranging from technology, politics, sport, entertainment, and a host of others. The sectioned news categories don’t try to add too much to each story. They average 200 words per story, and the previews themselves draw enough laughs if you choose to just breeze through for a chuckle. The people at Newsthump don’t stop there, there’s a radio page where you can listen to spoof phone – ins, and weekly news. The presenters seem to be high on talk fluid with hilarious animated voices. This one certainly got the votes. Reader’s thumbs  Favourites: Newsarse radio politics

LADIES COATS Dress-for-less offers average standard delivery charges of £3.99 ETA 2-4 working days. Free umbrella for jacket and coats purchase. Major designer brands amongst other lesser known brands of decent quality are available.

Joop coat £249 . 55% off. Waisted fit.Two inserted pockets with flap Narrow tie-band on waistline. 74% Cotton 26% Polyester Colours available: beige /black /red Sizes 8 -12

Joop Coat

Pure Day Trench coat £89 61% off. High-quality cotton cloth fitted and flared. Broad lapel collar with epaullettes on shoulders. Buttoned back panel. 100% cotton, lining: 100% polyester. Colour: ecru Sizes: 12


Pure Day


Mishumo Short Trench Coat. £79.90 53% off Slim-fitting robust cotton cloth .Double breasted with high-closing collar double back yoke with logo on buttons Length in size S approx. 61cm 100% cotton. Colour beige Sizes: S M L XL Mishumo Short

Khujo olive green Jacket Stylish jacket by Khujo waisted fit removable hood with draw-cord two pockets logo on front and back length in size S approx. 73cm 50% Polyester 40% Cotton 10% Polyamide Sizes: Small



Farah by Ben Shurman All-time classic. Tailored fit buttoned epaulettes. Yoke on front and back .Walking pleat on back 70% cotton 30% polyamide. Colour: ecru Sizes: Extra small



MENS COATS Zalando offers free shipping and stocks popular labels as well as hidden treasures. Average delivery ETA is 3-4 working days

Marc O’Polo FIELDJACKET – brown £360.00 Fastening: Zip fastening Pockets: Flap pockets Outer fabric material: 100% cotton wool Sizes : S M L

Marc O’Polo

Tommy Hilfiger Clifton - blue Jacket £350.00 Material filling: 100% polyester lining: 100% cotton wool Pockets: Pocket on sleeve, Flap pockets, Inside pockets outer fabric material: 100% cotton wool Sizes: S M L

Tommy Hilfig er

Northland ENZO – Black windbreaker £150.00 Fastening: Zip fastening material filling: 100% polyester lining: 100% poly amide Pockets: Zip pockets outer fabric material: 100% nylon Sizes: S M L Northland ENZO

QS by S. Oliver – green jacket £75.00 Fastening: Button fastening lining: 100% cotton wool Pockets: Inside pockets outer fabric material: 100% cotton wool Sizes: S M L XL QS by S

Schott NYC Dunstall – blue jacket £165.00 Material filling: 100% polyester lining: 100% cotton wool Pockets: Flap pockets, Zip pockets outer fabric material: 100% cotton wool Sizes: S M L

Schott NYC

LADIES SHOES Dress-for-less offers average standard delivery charges of £3.99 ETA 2-4 working days. Free umbrella for jacket and coats purchase. Major designer brands amongst other lesser known brands of decent quality are available.

Cinque sandals £41.70 70% off High quality leather inner, leather upper. Colour:red. Sizes: 7.5


Killah pumps £44.90 47% off Synthetic sole with high heel ca.11cm Studded styled with open toes. Sizes: 4.5, 5 6, 6.5

Killah Pumps

Killah Half-Boots £44.90 44% off Interior leather / synthetic Heel approx. 9cm Sythentic Colour: violet Sizes 5, 6 Killah Half-Boots

Killah Brown boots £79.00 43% off Shaft with mid-length zip synthetic inner synthetic sole 8cm heel. Leather upper .Colour: Brown Sizes 6

Killah Brown Boots

Dolce&Gabbana Booties £140.70 70% off Rounded form. 100% leather • Colour: brown Sizes: 4,5


MENS SHOES Zalando offers free shipping and stocks popular labels as well as hidden treasures. Average delivery ETA is 3-4 working days

Geox Brogues – black £76. 20% off Cover sole: leather. Internal material: combination of leather and textile lining shoe toecap: Round toe sole. High-quality synthetics. Upper material: leather. Sizes: 6,7,7.5,9,10.11


Bugatti vanity Brogues – Brown. £65.00 Cover sole: leather, internal material: 100% polyester bootleg height: 4” .Shoe toecap: Round toe sole: high-quality synthetics .Upper material: leather Sizes: 6,7,7.5,8,9,10

Bugatti Vanit y

Melvin & Hamilton JAMES – Black brogues £95 Cover sole: leather, internal material: leather shoe toecap: Round toe sole: high-quality synthetics upper material: leather. Sizes: 6,7, 7.5,8,9,10,11,12,13

Melvin & Hamilton

Merrell REFUGE PRO GTX -Brown Hiking Shoes. £64 54% off Cover sole: textile. Internal material: textile outer sole: rubber .Sport: Hiking upper material: leather Sizes: 7.5,8,9,9.5,10,10.5,12,13,16 Merell REFUGE

Diesel KORBIN II - Trainers – white £104.95 Cover sole: leather. Internal material: leather Shoe toe cap: Round toe sole: high-quality synthetics upper material: leather Sizes: 7,7.5,8,9,10,11




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