Schwinn Balance Bike 12-Inch Review
By – Balance Bike Lab
Design? Some Photos
Design Verdict The design of Schwinn Balance Bike 12-Inch is really beautiful. Worth? I must say, yes!
Schwinn foot to floor frame design. Made of solid component. Pneumatic air tires. Adjustable seat height and handlebar.
Weight: 10.5 lbs Dimensions: 29 x 15.8 x 7.2 inches Seat height: 13” to 16” Recommended for 3 to 4 years old.
The Positives
Solid construction. Easy to assemble. Comfortable seat. Durable.
The Negatives
ď‚š The balance bike might be too large for small children.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. How many pounds is this bike? A: Not sure exactly, if I remember correctly it is about 7lbs, but it was too heavy for my little girl. She is on the small side though only 25lbs. This is a VERY nice bike. We got a Stryder instead because it was a pound or two lighter. Q. can you ADD training wheels to this bike? A: No, the purpose is for the child to learn to balance. You can if you want to but defeats purpose of the balance bike. I have seen 3 yr olds biking after learning ow to use the balance bike.
What Customers Say About It?
ď‚š I got 2 balance bikes for my daughters' 4th birthday. We got a blue Schwinn and an orange Kazam balance bike. I liked the Kazam's footrest more than the Schwinn. Also the Kazam is a tiny bit bigger than the Schwinn, so it went to my older twin who is bigger and taller. She liked it a lot at first, but she is not that interested in riding it often. The Schwinn went to my younger twin, who loves, loves, loves her bike. The Scwhinn's footrest seems a little smaller and more awkwardly placed, but it doesn't faze her at all. She rides this bike around and around the living rooms. She loves to get some speed up and then lift her feet, placing them on the footrest.
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