Baldwin's Winter 2014-15 Fixed Price List

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Fixed Price List Winter 2014 All orders are subject to a minimum £7 postage and insurance charge

Ancient Greek

AG001 Campania, Neapolis (c. 275-250 B.C.), Silver Didrachm. Head of nymph facing left, her hair bound with a broad ribbon, and wearing an earring and a necklace, a cornucopiae behind, rev NEOΠOΛITΩN, man-headed bull walking to right, Nike flies above to right to crown the bull, IΣ between the bull’s legs, 7.33g, 2h (Sambon 522; SNG ANS 410; HN Italy 586). Reverse slightly off-centre, very attractive old cabinet tone, good style, good very fine. £650

AG002 Lucania, Metapontum (c. 540-510 B.C.), Silver Incuse Stater. META, barley ear, rev barley ear incuse, 8.07g, 12h (Noe 75; SNG ANS 212; HN Italy 1467). Attractive cabinet tone, good very fine, an attractive example. £1,650 ex Dr E O and Mrs F M Halliwell Collection, Baldwin’s Auction 68, 28-29 September 2010, lot 3370

AG003 Lucania, Metapontum (c. 328-290 B.C.), Silver Stater. Wreathed head of Demeter facing left, wearing a triple-pendant earring and a necklace, rev META, barley ear, with a leaf on left, tongs above leaf, ATA below leaf, 7.84g, 11h (Johnston C. 4.21; SNG ANS 460 (this obverse die); HN Italy 1583). Well-struck on good metal, residual lustre, excellent style, extremely fine. £1,450 A Beautiful Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm

AG004 Siculo-Punic (c. 320-300 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Tanit-Persephone facing left, wearing a wreath of corn-ears, a triple-pendant earring and a necklace, four dolphins swimming around, rev head of horse left, a palm-tree behind, Punic legend ‘mhmhnt below, 17.12g, 9h (Jenkins -, cf. O 47; SNG Lloyd 1631 (this obverse die)). Attractive style and with a lovely old cabinet tone, nearly extremely fine. £5,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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AG005 Sicily, Syracuse, Timoleon (344-317 B.C.), Silver Stater. Pegasos flying left, rev ΣYPAKOΣIΩ[N], head of Athena facing right, wearing a Corinthian helmet, 8.63g, 9h (Calciati, Pegasi, 2; SNG ANS 496ff.; Basel 498). Attractive style, beautiful cabinet tone, nearly extremely fine, an excellent example. £1,800 An Attractive and Rare Ainos Tetradrachm

AG006 Thrace, Ainos (c. 412/11-410/9 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Hermes facing right, wearing petasos, rev AINI, goat standing right, kerykeion before; all within an incuse square, 16.25g, 6h (May, group XXXI, 267 (A.165/P.176); McClean 3826, pl. 142, 18 (these dies); Strack, AMNG, 288; SNG Lockett 1157). Light traces of doublestriking on obverse, attractive cabinet tone, about extremely fine, rare. £8,000

AG007 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Silver Drachm, with the types of Alexander the Great. Mint of Kolophon, struck c.299-296 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, forepart of a lion over a crescent on left, a pentagram below throne, 4.30g, 11h (Thompson 127; Price L28). Attractively toned, extremely fine. £400 A Rare Ainos Mint Gold Stater of Lysimachos

AG008 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Gold Stater. Minted at Ainos, struck c. 283-250 B.C. Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena, helmeted, seated left, holding Nike and resting her left arm on a shield at her side, behind her rests a spear, kerykeion on left, a monogram on right, 8.53g, 3h (Thompson -; Müller 109). Excellent style, with residual lustre, good extremely fine and rare, gold staters from this mint are not often encountered. £7,500 ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 204, 5 March 2012, lot 1231

AG009 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint. Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAX[OY], Athena, helmeted, seated left, holding Nike and resting her left arm on a shield at her side, behind her rests a spear, two monograms on left, 16.38g, 9h (Thompson -; Müller -). Old iridescent cabinet tone, good very fine and attractive. £1,200


AG010 Thraco-Macedonian, Uncertain Tribe (c. 500-450 B.C.), Silver Hemiobol. Ram’s head facing left, rev kantharos; within an incuse square, 0.30g, 6h (Tzamalis, Numismatika Kronika, pl. 2, 49). Toned, extremely fine. £220

AG011 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Amphipolis, posthumous issue, struck c. 323-315 B.C. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠΠOY (in exergue), charioteer driving a galloping biga right, a trident below the horses, 8.56g, 5h (Le Rider, pl. 79, 180 (D85/R140)). Well-centred on a broad flan, with residual lustre, extremely fine and attractive. £4,950



AG012 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Pella, posthumous issue, struck c. 323-315 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus facing right, rev ΦIΛIΠ-ΠOY, naked youth on horseback right, holding a palm and the reins, a serpent below, a Boiotian shield below horse’s raised left foreleg, 14.31g, 12h (Le Rider, pl. 22, 531 (D281/R436); SNG ANS 450 (these dies)). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £1,500 AG013 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Tarsos, lifetime issue, struck 327-323 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a plough on left, Θ below throne, a small globule on right, 17.14g, 3h (Price 3019; Müller 1284; SNG Ashmolean 2891 (these dies)). Well-struck on a broad flan, light iridescent tone, extremely fine. £1,650 ex Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection, Sotheby’s, 21-22 June 1990, lot 376

An Alexander The Great Tetradrachm of Particularly Fine Style

AG014 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Damaskos, struck 330-320 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, the forepart of a ram facing right on left, globule and ΔA below throne, 17.17g, 12h (Price 3203; Müller 1339). With an obverse die of particularly fine and artistic style, welldetailed and well-struck, some slight double-striking on reverse, toned, extremely fine and very attractive. £2,200 Ex Vinchon, 24 November 1969, lot 115

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AG015 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Pella, struck c. 325-315 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPO[Y], Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a bee on rose on left, 17.27g, 4h (Price 206; Müller 856; SNG Berry 204). Good extremely fine and choice. £1,200

AG016 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Ake, struck 324/3 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPO[Y], Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, date on left, 17.46g, 10h (Price 3256). Lightly toned, good very fine. £400

AG017 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Lampsakos, struck c. 323-317 B.C. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing left, holding a wreath and a stylis, a buckle in left field, A below crescent beneath left wing, 8.60g, 9h (Price 1370; Müller 625). Of fine style and struck in high relief, attractive red toning over lustre, good extremely fine. £4,950 Ex Dr Patrick Tan collection

AG018 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Gold Stater. Mint of Babylon, struck c. 317-311 B.C. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing left, holding a wreath and a stylis, the head of a satyr on left, monogram in wreath on right, 8.55g, 1h (Price 3735; Müller 729; SNG Berry 83). Lustrous, extremely fine. £4,750

AG019 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Mint of Miletos, struck c. 295-275 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, a monogram on left, 4.26g., 1h (Price 2151; Müller 1057; SNG Berry 256). Attractive iridescent tone, about extremely fine. £350


AG020 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Temnos, magistrates Exenikos and Geitas, posthumous issue, struck before 143/2 B.C. Head of young Herakles facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev AΛEΞANΔP[OY], Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle and a sceptre, magistrate’s name EXENI / KOΣ beneath arm, oenochoe below vine-tendril on left, a second magistrate’s name ΓEI / TAΣ below throne, 16.53g, 12h (Price 1690; Müller 966; cf. Lorber, “Demetrius I” Hoard, in Coin Hoards X, p. 154). Toned, good very fine. £400 A Superb Tetradrachm of Perseus

AG021 Kingdom of Macedon, Perseus (178-168 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Pella. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣI-ΛEΩΣ ΠEP-ΣEΩΣ, eagle standing right on a thunderbolt, its wings open, monograms above, on right, and between eagle’s legs; all within an oak-wreath, a plough below, 16.78g, 12h (Mamroth p. 23, 17). Beautiful iridescent cabinet tone, with a superb portrait, good extremely fine. £4,750



AG022 Thessaly, Larissa (c. 356-342 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Head of the nymph Larissa facing, inclined slightly to left, wearing ampyx, pendant earring and a necklace, rev ΛAPIΣ / AIΩN, horse grazing right, a plant below, 6.10g, 6h (Lorber, SNR 79, 2000, Phase L-III, 61–3; BCD Thessaly II 320). Pretty style, lightly toned, nearly extremely fine. £1,250 AG023 Thessaly, Skotussa (c. 450-400 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Forepart of a horse left, rev ΣK-O, corn-grain; within an incuse square, 6.01g, 6h (Boston 928; Weber 2927; SNG Copenhagen 250). Light surface roughness, toned, very fine. £600

AG024 Attica, Athens (c. 454-404 B.C.), Silver Hemidrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive-leaves and a palmette, rev A-Θ-E, owl standing facing between two olivebranches, 2.10g, 7h (Kroll 12; SNG Copenhagen 44-8). Attractive style, on a full flan, very fine, rare. £700 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Two Beautiful Athenian Tetradrachms

AG025 Attica, Athens (c. 449-415 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive-leaves and a palmette, rev AΘE, owl standing right, its head facing, an olive-sprig and a crescent behind; all within an incuse square, 17.18g, 1h (Kroll 8; SNG Copenhagen 31). Well-struck on excellent metal, superb extremely fine and most attractive. £3,250

AG026 Attica, Athens (c. 449-415 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Athena facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive-leaves and a palmette, rev AΘE, owl standing right, its head facing, an olive-sprig and a crescent behind; all within an incuse square, 17.20g, 3h (Kroll 8; SNG Copenhagen 31). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £2,500

AG027 Corinth (c. 345-307 B.C.), Silver Stater. Pegasos flying left, koppa below, rev head of Athena facing left, wearing a Corinthian helmet, Γ below chin, a dove within a wreath behind, 8.60g, 3h (Ravel 1029; Calciati, Pegasi, 419; BCD Korinth 110). Well-centred and with an attractive iridescent tone, extremely fine. £1,700

AG028 Argolis, Argos (c. 80-50 B.C.), Silver Triobol. Magistrate Phaenos. Forepart of a wolf facing right, rev Φ-A / HNOΣ around large A; all within an incuse square, 2.34g, 9h (BCD Peloponnese 1162.2; SNG Copenhagen 53). An attractive example, iridescent cabinet tone, well-struck and extremely fine. £380


An Olympia Stater with a Fine Old Pedigree

AG029 Peloponnese, Elis, Olympia (421-360 B.C.), Silver Stater. The 90th Olympiad, 420 B.C. Eagle standing right on the belly of a dead hare, lowering its neck to tear at the hare with its beak, rev F-A, thunderbolt, with wings below and volutes above; all within an olive-wreath, 11.32g, 8h (Seltman 143 (BP/γν); Jameson 1230 = Seltman 143b). Cabinet tone, about very fine and very rare. £5,800 ex Ars Classica XV, 2 July 1930, lot 802 BCD Collection, Leu Numismatics, Auction 90, 10 May 2004, lot 59

From the Bement and Lockett Collections

AG030 Kingdom of Bithynia, Prusias II (c. 183-149 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΠPOYΣIOY, Zeus, wearing himation, standing left, holding a sceptre and crowning king’s name, an eagle standing to left on a thunderbolt on left, a monogram below, 16.90g, 12h (SNG Lockett 2682 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 253). Attractive old cabinet tone, about extremely fine and attractive. £2,950 ex Sevastopoulos Collection Clarence S. Bement Collection, Naville VI, 28 January 1924, lot 1360 R.C. Lockett Collection, Glendining’s, 21 February 1961, lot 2162 Olga H. Knoepke Collection, Glendining’s in conjunction with A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd., 10 December 1986, lot 248

AG031 Mysia, Kyzikos (5th-4th century B.C.), Electrum Hemihekte (1/12th Stater). Nike crouching to left, sacrificing a ram which she holds by the horn with a knife, tunny below, rev quadripartite incuse square , 1.29g (cf. Hurter & Liewald 8 (Stater and Myshemihekte)). Extremely rare and not published as a Hemihekte, good very fine and a very attractive piece. £1,800

AG032 Aiolis, Myrina (c. 160-143 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Stephanophoric type. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev MYPINAIΩN, Apollo Grynios standing right, holding a Philae and a filleted laurel-branch, a monogram on left, omphalos and an amphora on right at his feet; all within a laurel-wreath, 16.47g, 12h (Sacks, ANSMN 30, 1985, Issue 45; Boston 1652). Lightly toned, about extremely fine. £800

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AG033 Ionia, Miletos (c. 353/2-323 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Laureate head of Apollo facing left, rev magistrate’s name OPNYMENOΣ (in exergue), lion walking left, its head turned to right, a star above, a monogram on left, 3.47g, 12h (Deppert-Lippitz, series IV, 202 (V4/R5)). Attractive dark patina, about extremely fine. £300 AG034 Ionia, Miletos (c. 120-100 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, rev magistrate’s name TYXΩN (in exergue), lion walking right, its head turned to left, a star above, two monograms on right, 4.37g, 12h (cf. Kinns, in ‘Essays to Price’, p.183; Deppert-Lippitz, series VIII, 692 (V51/R59)). Light crack in flan, lightly toned, about extremely fine. £280

AG035 Ionia, Smyrna (c. 150-143 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Stephanophoric type. Turreted head of Tyche facing right, rev ZMYP / NAIΩN, magistrate’s monogram below; all within a laurel-wreath, 16.76g, 12h (Milne, NC 1914, 274, 2a; SNG Berry 1089; SNG von Aulock 2161 (this reverse die)). Light iridescent cabinet toning, extremely fine and attractive. £2,750 ex Sammlung De La Tour, Hess Divo, Auction 314, 4 May 2009, lot 1168

AG036 Carian Islands, Rhodes (c. 275-250 B.C.), Silver Didrachm. Magistrate Antipatros. Head of Helios facing, slightly inclined to right, rev P-O, rose, with a bud on right, a grain-ear on left, ANTIΠATPOΣ above, 6.68g, 12h (Ashton 186; SNG Keckman 503-4). Attractive iridescent tone, nearly extremely fine. £500



AG037 Kingdom of Lydia (time of Kroisos, c. 561-546 B.C.), Silver 1/6th Stater (Third Siglos). Mint of Sardes. Forepart of a roaring lion facing right, confronting the forepart of a bull facing left, rev partially divided rectangular incuse, 1.74g (SNG Kayhan 1019; Rosen 667). Light porosity, good very fine. £450 AG038 Lycia, Uncertain Dynast (c. 490-430 B.C.), Silver Stater. Boar standing right on a ground line, rev tortoise; within a dotted square border within an incuse square, 9.35g, 5h (Falghera 48; BMC 21; SNG von Aulock 4072). Toned, with some surface deposits, irregular flan, good very fine. £1,100

AG039 Kingdom of Cappadocia, Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator (c. 163-130 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Dated RY 33 (130 B.C.). Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / APIAPAΘOY / EYΣEBOYΣ, Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding Nike, a shield and a spear, monograms on left and right, date ΓA in exergue, 4.14g, 12h (Simonetta 27 (Ariarathes IV); SNG Copenhagen Supplement 697; SNG von Aulock 6269). Bright surfaces, extremely fine. £380




AG040 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos I Soter (281-261 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Seleukia on the Tigris. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated left on omphalos, testing an arrow and resting on a grounded bow, monograms on left and right, 17.19g, 5h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 379.1; Newell, ESM 143). Struck in high relief on good metal, lightly toned, good portrait, extremely fine. £850 ex Stacks, 15 April 1992, lot 227

AG041 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos III the Great (222-187 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Antioch on the Orontes, struck c. 211/0-209/8 B.C. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated left on omphalos, testing an arrow and resting on a grounded bow, a monogram on left, 16.76g, 12h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 1043.8; Newell, WSM 1071). Struck in high relief, some light porosity, nearly extremely fine. £450 ex Dr Patrick Tan Collection

AG042 Kingdom of Syria, Demetrios I Soter (162-150 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Antioch on the Orontes, struck 162-155/4 B.C. Diademed head facing right, within a laurel-wreath, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΔHMHTPIOY / ΣΩTHPOΣ, Tyche, holding a sceptre and a cornucopiae, seated left on a throne supported by a tritoness, a monogram on left, 16.43g, 1h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 1640.1b; SNG Spaer 1264 (this obverse die); SMA 100). Broad flan, a few light marks beneath tone, good very fine. £475



AG043 Kingdom of Syria, Demetrios I Soter (162-150 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Mint of Antioch on the Orontes, dated SE 161 (152/1 B.C.). Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EΩTHPOΣ, cornucopiae, two monograms and date AΞP below, 4.11g, 1h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 1642.3d; SMA 120; DCA 111). Bright surfaces, extremely fine. £425 AG044 Kingdom of Syria, Alexander I Balas (c. 152-145 B.C.), Silver Drachm. Mint of Antioch on the Orontes, dated SE 163 (150/49 B.C.). Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / AΛEΞANΔPOY / ΘEOΠATOPOΣ / EYEPΓETOY, Apollo Delphios seated left on omphalos, testing an arrow and resting on a grounded bow, a cornucopiae above a monogram on left, date ΓΞP in exergue, 4.13g, 12h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 1785.3b; SMA 139; DCA 127). Bright surfaces, extremely fine. £425

AG045 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos VII Euergetes-Sidetes (138-129 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Posthumous issue of the Cappadocian Kingdom, struck under Ariarathes VII (112/0-100 B.C.), c. 104-102 B.C. Diademed head facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EYEPΓETOY, Athena standing left, holding Palladion, a shield and a spear, a monogram above A on left, O on inner left, Λ on inner right; all within a wreath, 16.29g, 11h (Houghton & Lorber, SC 2148; SNG Spaer 1872-4). Lightly toned, about extremely fine. £240 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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AG046 Phoenicia, Tyre (126/5 B.C. – A.D. 65/6), Silver Shekel. Dated CY 53 (74/3 B.C.). Laureate bust of Melqart facing right, a lion’s skin around neck, rev TYPOY IEPAΣ KAI AΣYΛOY, eagle standing left on a prow, a palm-branch over right wing, date ΓN above a club on left, A on right, Phoenician B between eagle’s legs, 14.20g, 12h (BMC 144 var.; Rouvier 2040 var.; DCA 919). Broad flan, lightly toned, good very fine. £1,100

AG047 Persia, Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darios I to Xerxes II (c. 485-420 B.C.), Gold Daric. Great King of Persia in kneeling-running stance right, wearing a kidaris, a quiver at his shoulder, holding a bow in his left hand and a spear in his right, rev uneven rectangular incuse, 8.32g (Carradice, Type IIIb A-B, pl. XIII, 27; BMC 43, pl. XXIV, 26). Well-centered, good very fine. £3,500

AG048 Kingdom of Baktria, Eukratides I (c. 171-145 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Diademed bust of King facing right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ / EYKPATIΔOY, Dioscuri prancing right, holding palms and spears, a monogram on right, 16.91g, 12h (SNG ANS 432; Bopearachchi, 1 D). Attractive cabinet tone, a few light marks, a very good portrait, good very fine to nearly extremely fine. £2,250

AG049 Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter (c. 305-282 B.C.), Silver Tetradrachm. Mint of Alexandria. Diademed head facing right, with an aegis around neck. rev ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle standing left on a thunderbolt, Φ and a monogram on left, 14.91g, 12h (SNG Copenhagen 65; cf. Svoronos 267). Light crack in flan, a few marks, nearly extremely fine. £500

AG050 North Africa, Carthage, Libyan Revolt (c. 241-238 B.C.), Billon Shekel. Head of Herakles facing left, wearing a lion’s skin, rev lion right, Punic letter M above, 6.91g, 12h (SNG Copenhagen 240; Robinson, NC 1953, 22). In unusually fine condition and of good style for this issue, well-centred, good very fine to nearly extremely fine. £1,900



AR001 Anonymous (c. 225-212 B.C.), Silver Quadrigatus-Didrachm. Mint of Rome. Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri, rev Jupiter in quadriga right, driven by Victory, Jupiter holds a sceptre and hurls thunderbolt, ROMA below in linear frame, 6.64g, 11h (Cr 28/3; Syd 65; RBW 64; RCV 31). A few pits, good very fine. £700

AR002 C. Servilius (136 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. Helmeted head of Roma facing right, wearing a necklace, a wreath and mark of value behind, ROMA below, rev Dioscuri riding apart, each with a spear, [C] SERVEILI M [F] in exergue, 3.96g, 5h (Cr 239/1; Syd 525; RBW 984; RCV 116). Light iridescent tone, extremely fine and attractive. £450

AR003 L. Titurius Sabinus (89 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. SABIN, head of King Tatius facing right, monogram before, rev scene depicting the rape of the Sabine women: two soldiers, each bearing a Sabine woman in their arms, [L] TITVRI in exergue, 3.85g, 5h (Cr 344/1a; Syd 698; RBW 1300 var.; RCV 249). Beautiful iridescent cabinet tone, well-struck, good extremely fine. £750

AR004 Q. Pomponius Musa (66 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. Laureate head of Apollo facing right, a star behind, rev Q POMPONI / MVSA, Urania (the Muse of Astronomy) standing left, holding a rod which she points towards a globe resting on a tripod, 3.81g, 12h (Cr 410/8; Syd 823; RBW 1488; RCV 359). Light iridescent tone, good very fine. £750

AR005 P. Fonteius Capito (55 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. P FONTEIVS P F [CAPI]TO III VIR, helmeted and draped bust of Mars facing right, a trophy over his shoulder, rev MN FONT TR MIL, horseman right, holding the reins, thrusting downwards with a spear towards a warrior below who is about to drive a sword through an unarmed captive, a helmet and shield on right, 4.10g, 2h (Cr 429/1; Syd 900; RBW 1536; RCV 392). With a beautiful old iridescent cabinet tone, extremely fine. £550

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AR006 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Minted in Italy, struck 49 B.C. Elephant right, trampling on dragon, CAESAR in exergue, rev pontifical emblems: culullus, aspergillum, axe and apex, 3.74g, 3h (Cr 443/1; Syd 1006; RBW 1557; RCV 1399). With a superb old iridescent cabinet tone, about extremely fine. £1,300



AR007 Q. Sicinius & C. Coponius (49 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Pompeian mint, travelling in the East. Q SICINIVS / III VIR, head of Apollo facing right, hair tied with a band, a star below, rev C COPONIVS / PR S C, club upright, on which hangs a lion’s skin, an arrow on left, a bow on right, 3.86g, 9h (Cr 444/1a; Syd 939; RBW 1558; RCV 413). Well-struck on very good metal, lightly toned over residual lustre, extremely fine, an excellent example. £600 This issue was struck in the East with the Pompeian faction; Coponius was the commander of the fleet.

AR008 L. Hostilius Saserna (48 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. Diademed female head (Clementia?) facing right, wearing an oak-wreath, rev L HOSTILIVS SASERNA, Victory walking right, holding a trophy and a caduceus, 3.82g, 7h (Cr 448/1a; Syd 951; RBW 1567; RCV 417). Struck from pretty dies, beautiful iridescent cabinet tone, extremely fine. £550



AR009 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Minted in Greece, struck 48-47 B.C. Diademed female head (Clementia?) facing right, wearing an oak-wreath, numeral LII behind, rev CAE-SAR, trophy, with Gallic shield and carnyx, an axe on right, 4.11g, 1h (Cr 452/2; Syd 1009; RCV 1400). Light iridescent tone, extremely fine. £750 The numeral 52 on the obverse of this issue refers to Caesar’s age at this time.

AR010 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Minted in North Africa, struck 47-46 B.C. Diademed head of Venus facing right, rev CAESAR, Aeneas advancing left, carrying a palladium and bearing his father Anchises on his shoulder, 3.85g, 7h (Cr 458/1; Syd 1013; RBW 1600; RCV 1402). Well-struck, lightly toned, extremely fine. £975

AR011 Julius Caesar, Gold Aureus. Mint of Rome, struck by A. Hirtius, 46 B.C. C CAESAR COS TER, veiled head of Vesta (?) facing right, rev A HIRTIVS PR, lituus, jug and axe, 8.04g, 12h (Cr 466/1; Syd 1018; Calicó 36; RBW 1634; RCV 1395). Broad flan, toned, very fine. £3,200


AR012 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Minted at Utica (?), struck 46 B.C. DICT ITER COS TERT, head of Ceres facing right, wreathed with corn, rev AVGVR PONT MAX, simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus, M on right, 3.91g. 10h (Cr 467/1b; Syd 1024; RBW 1638; RCV 1403/2). Attractive old cabinet tone, nearly extremely fine. £750 ex Karl Sifferman Collection, Classical Numismatic Group 76, 12 September 2007, lot 1271 Goldman Roman Imperatorial Collection

AR013 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Minted in Spain, struck 46-45 B.C. Diademed head of Venus facing left, a star in her hair, a small Cupid at her shoulder, a sceptre over her shoulder, a lituus on left, rev CAESAR (in exergue), trophy of Gallic arms, a kneeling male and seated female captive below, 3.97g, 3h (Cr 468/2; Syd 1015; RBW 1640; RCV 1405). Light iridescent tone, extremely fine and a very good example of this scarce issue. £1,950

AR014 Cn. Pompeius Jnr., Silver Denarius. Minted at Corduba, Spain, struck 46-45 B.C. M POBLICI LEG PRO PR, helmeted head of Roma facing right, rev CN MAGNVS [IMP], Hispania standing right, handing a palm-branch to a Pompeian soldier standing left on a prow of galley, 3.89g, 6h (Cr 469/1a; Syd 1035; RBW 1641 var.; RCV 1384). Well-centred and struck, extremely fine, a very good example. £1,600 A Lifetime Portrait Denarius of Julius Caesar

AR015 Julius Caesar, Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck by P. Sepullius Macer, lifetime issue, struck JanuaryFebruary 44 B.C. CAESAR IMP, wreathed head of Caesar facing right, a star behind, rev P SEPVILLIS MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory and a sceptre, 4.21g, 6h (Cr 480/5a; Syd 1071; RBW 1679 var.; RCV 1412). With a very good portrait of Caesar, well-centered, lightly toned, good very fine. £5,000

AR016 Sextus Pompeius, AE As. Minted in Sicily, struck 43-36 B.C. Laureate head of Janus, with the features of Pompey the Great, MAGN above, rev prow right, PIVS above, IMP below, 23.46g, 2h (Cr 479/1; Syd 1044; RBW 1675; RCV 1394). Dark brown-green patina, a well-centred and clear example, good very fine. £600 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AR017 Sextus Pompeius, Silver Denarius. Minted in Sicily, 42-40 B.C. [MAG PIVS IMP IT]ER, head of Pompey the Great facing right, a jug behind, a lituus before, rev [PRAEF] / CLAS ET OR[AE / MA]RIT EX [S C], Neptune standing left, wearing a diadem, holding an aplustre and with a cloak draped over his arm, his right foot on a prow, one of the Catanaean brothers on either side of him, bearing his father on his shoulders, 3.93g, 3h (Cr 511/3a; Syd 1344; RBW 1785; RCV 1392). A little-off centre, as often for this issue, but with a superb portrait of Pompey the Great, beautiful old cabinet tone, extremely fine. £1,650 A Rare Denarius of C. Numonius Vaala

AR018 C. Numonius Vaala (41 B.C.), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome. C NVMONIVS VAALA, male head (an ancestor of Julius Caesar?) facing right, rev VAALA (in exergue), soldier advancing left, attacking a vallum, behind which are two defending soldiers, 3.99g, 9h (Cr 514/2; Syd 1087; RBW 1792; RCV 502). Very light banker’s mark on obverse, cabinet tone, nearly extremely fine and rare. £6,500

AR019 Mark Antony, Silver Denarius. Minted at Athens, 38 B.C. M ANTONIVS M F M N AVGVR IMP TERT, Mark Antony, veiled and togate, standing right, holding a lituus, rev III VIR R P C COS DESIG ITER ET TERT, radiate head of Sol facing right, 3.90g, 3h (Cr 533/2; Syd 1199; RBW 1820; RCV 1474). Well-centred on a broad flan, with all legends complete, lightly toned, about extremely fine, a very good example of this issue. £1,650

AR020 Octavian, Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck c. 30-29 B.C. Bare head facing right, rev the Actian arch surmounted by a facing quadriga bearing a large statue of Octavian, the architrave inscribed IMP CAESAR, 4.00g, 6h (RIC 267; BMC 624; RCV 1558). With a very good portrait, old cabinet tone, about extremely fine, a very attractive coin. £2,950 ex Leu, fixed price list 9, 1998, 221


AR021 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Silver Denarius. Mint of Colonia Patricia, Spain, struck 19 B.C. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head facing right, rev OB/ CIVIS / SERVATOS within an oak-wreath, its ties upwards, 4.02g, 6h (RIC 77a; BMC 378; RCV 1625). With a delicate portrait of Augustus, lightly toned, about extremely fine. £1,900 A Superb Gold Aureus of Augustus

AR022 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Gold Aureus. Mint of Lugdunum, struck 15-13 B.C. AVGVSTVS DIVI F, bare head facing right, rev IMP X (in exergue), bull butting right, 7.91g, 6h (RIC 166a; BMC 450; Calicó 212; BN 162). A few small light marks, an exceptionally fine portrait, well-centred and well-struck, some residual lustre, extremely fine, a superb coin and rarely encountered in this high state of preservation. £28,000

AR023 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck by L. Lentulus, 12 B.C. AVGVSTVS, bare head facing right, rev L LENTVLVS FLAMEN MARTIALIS, statue of Agrippa (?), holding Victory and a spear, being crowned with a star by Augustus, standing on right, holding a round shield inscribed C•V set on ground, 3.87g, 12h (RIC 415; BMC 124; BN 555). Superb old cabinet tone, about extremely fine and very rare, a beautiful coin. £3,800 ex Archer M. Huntington Collection (ANS 1001.1.22523)



AR024 Augustus (27 B.C. – A.D. 14), Silver Denarius. Mint of Lugdunum, struck 2 B.C. – A.D. 4. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head facing right, rev C L CAESAR[ES] (in exergue), AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesar, both togate and each with a spear and a shield, standing facing, a lituus, simpulum and X above, 3.65g, 3h (RIC 212; BMC 538; RCV 1597 var.). Beautiful old cabinet tone, with blue iridescence, good very fine. £550 AR025 Tiberius (A.D. 14-37), Silver Denarius. Mint of Lugdunum. TI CAESAR DIVI F AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head facing right, rev PONTIF MAXIM, female figure (Livia?) seated right, holding a sceptre and a branch, 3.83g, 6h (RIC 30; BMC 48; RCV 1760). Toned, good very fine to nearly extremely fine. £575 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AR026 Nero (A.D. 54-68), AE As. Mint of Lugdunum, struck c. A.D. 65. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS, bare head facing left, a globe at point of bust, rev PONTIF MAX TR POT IMP P P, S-C, Nero, laureate, advancing right, wearing the robes of Apollo Citharoedus and playing a lyre, 10.73g, 6h (RIC 417; BMC 377; WCN 547; RCV 1975 var.). Dark brown tone, well-struck and detailed, a good portrait, extremely fine, unusually well-preserved. £800

AR027 Divus Vespasian (d. A.D. 79), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck under Titus, A.D. 80-1. DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate head facing right, rev two Capricorns to left and right, supporting between them a shield inscribed S C, a globe below, 3.44g, 5h (RIC 357; BMC 129; RCV 2569). Well-struck on very good metal, lightly toned, extremely fine, an excellent example. £750

AR028 Titus (A.D. 79-81), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 80. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head facing right, rev TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, elephant, cuirassed, standing left, 3.34g, 6h (RIC 115; BMC 43; RCV 2495). Extremely fine. £650

AR029 Titus (A.D. 79-81), Restored Coinage, AE As. In honour of Drusus (d. A.D. 23). Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 80-1. DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head of Drusus facing left, rev IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG REST around large S C, 11.60g, 6h (RIC 437; BMC 286; RCV 2594). Attractive green-brown patina, some very light smoothing in fields, nearly extremely fine. £850 A Beautiful Gold Aureus of Domitian ex British Museum Collection

AR030 Domitian (A.D. 81-96), Gold Aureus. Mint of Rome, struck as Caesar under Vespasian, A.D. 73-5. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS II, laureate head facing right, rev Domitian on a prancing horse left, raising his right hand and holding a human-headed sceptre, 7.25g, 6h (BMC 125, pl. 3, 16 (this coin); RIC 679; Calicó 812a; RCV 2627 var.). Very good portrait, well-struck on a broad flan, toned, good very fine and with a distinguished old pedigree. £18,500 ex British Museum Collection, 125 The reverse of this coin celebrates Domitian’s military victories in the Judaean campaigns.


AR031 Domitian (A.D. 81-96), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 94. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIIII, laureate head facing right, rev IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P, Minerva standing left, holding a thunderbolt and a spear, a shield at her side, 3.51g, 6h (RIC 768; BMC 1989; RCV 2737 var.). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £200

AR032 Nerva (A.D. 96-98), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 97. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head facing right, rev COS III P P, priestly emblems: simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus, 3.32g, 7h (RIC 23; BMC 31; RCV 3024). Beautiful iridescent cabinet tone, about extremely fine. £650

AR033 Trajan (A.D. 98-117), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 98-9. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head facing right, rev PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Abundantia seated left on crossed cornucopiae, holding a sceptre, 3.46g, 6h (RIC 11; BMC 9; C 301). Extremely fine. £350

AR034 Trajan (A.D. 98-117), AE Sestertius. Mint of Rome, struck c. A.D. 107. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust facing right, drapery on left shoulder, rev S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI / S C, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory and a spear, arms lay behind, 29.79g, 6h (RIC 489; C 391). Attractive brown-green patina, nearly extremely fine. £1,250

AR035 Trajan (A.D. 98-117), AE As. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 103-11. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust facing right, drapery on left shoulder, rev S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, S-C / ARAB ADQVIS, Arabia standing front, head left, holding a branch and cinnamon sticks, a camel stands at her feet on left, 9.49g, 6h (RIC 466; C 33). Dark brown patina, with red-brown earthen deposits, good very fine and rare. £350

AR036 Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 123. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head facing right, rev P M TR P COS III, Victory flying right, holding a trophy, 3.22g, 6h (RIC 101; C 1131; RCV 3527). Lightly toned, extremely fine. £400 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AR037 Time of Hadrian to Antoninus Pius (A.D. 117-161), AE Quadrans. Mint of Rome. Head of Sol facing right, rev METAL / PANNONI / CIS, 2.49g, 12h (RIC -; BMC 1860). Dark green patina, smoothing in fields, good very fine, scarce. £400 ex Künker, Auction 104, 2005, lot 517

AR038 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), AE Sestertius. Mint of Rome, struck c. A.D. 143. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate and draped bust facing right, rev IMPERATOR II, S-C, Victory flying right, holding a trophy, 22.62g, 11h (RIC 717b; C 434; RCV 4182). Attractive dark green patina, good very fine. £650 The reverse of this issue refers to victories in Britain

An Attractive Gold Aureus of Antoninus Pius

AR039 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), Gold Aureus. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 154-5. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, laureate head facing right, rev COS IIII, Antoninus standing left, holding a globe and a scroll, 7.19g, 6h (RIC 241; Calicó 1531 (this obverse die); C 316; BMC 835). A little deposit in reverse field, otherwise extremely fine, an attractive example. £11,000 ex Archer M. Huntington Collection (HSA 30004)



AR040 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 155-6. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head facing right, rev TR POT XIX COS IIII, Salus seated left, feeding a snake coiled round altar, 3.29g, 12h (RIC 254; C 982; RCV 4126). Attractive iridescent tone, extremely fine. £195 AR041 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), AE As. Mint of Rome (or possibly a British mint?), struck A.D. 154-5. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, laureate head facing right, rev BRITANNIA COS IIII / S C, Britannia seated left on a rock, her head propped on her right hand, her left hand resting on the rock, a round shield and sceptre on left, 10.32g, 5h (RIC 934; C 117; RCV 4296). Unusually full and well-struck for this issue, dark green patina, good very fine. £550 Due to the rather poor production of this issue, it has been suggested that it could have been struck in Britain.


AR042 Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), AE Dupondius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 155-6. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, radiate head facing right, rev TR POT XIX C[OS III]I, S-C, Fides Exercitus standing left, holding two standards, 12.30g, 6h (RIC 951; C 990). Light smoothing in fields, dark green patina, extremely fine. £675 A Superb Gold Aureus of Marcus Aurelius, with a Fine Portrait

AR043 Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161-180), Gold Aureus. Mint of Rome, struck as Caesar under Antoninus Pius, A.D. 145. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS II, bare head facing right, rev HILARITAS, Hilaritas standing left, holding a long palm and a cornucopiae, 7.10g, 6h (RIC 432a; C 233; Calicó 1860; BMC 606; RCV 4763). A finely executed and delicate portrait, lustrous, extremely fine, a superb coin. £22,500



AR044 Commodus (A.D. 177-192), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 183-4. M COMM ANTON AVG PIVS BRIT, laureate head facing right, rev P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P, Felicitas standing left, holding a caduceus and a cornucopiae, a modius at feet, 3.39g, 6h (RIC 74 var. (obverse legend); BMC -; C -). Lightly toned, nearly extremely fine, a rare variety. £275 AR045 Commodus (A.D. 177-192), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 192. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, head facing right, wearing a lion’s skin, rev HER-CVL / RO-MAN / AV-GV, vertical club; all within a wreath, 2.92g, 12h (RIC 251; C 189; RCV 5644). Dark tone, good very fine / very fine. £350

AR046 Julia Domna (wife of Septimius Severus), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck under Caracalla, A.D. 213. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust facing right, rev VESTA, Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sceptre, 3.41g, 12h (RIC 390; C 230; RCV 7108). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £220

AR047 Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 199. IMP CAES M AVR ANTON AVG, laureate and draped bust facing right, rev SECVRIT ORBIS, Securitas seated right, holding a sceptre, a lighted altar on right, 3.57g, 7h (RIC 22a; C 571; RCV 6885). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £195 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AR048 Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 215. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head facing right, rev P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Aesculapius standing facing, head left, holding serpent-entwined staff, a globe on right, 3.41g, 6h (RIC 251; C 302; RCV 6834). Extremely fine / good very fine. £220

AR049 Elagabalus (A.D. 218-222), Silver Antoninianus. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 218-9. IMP CAES ANTONINVS AVG, radiate and draped bust facing right, rev SALVS ANTONINI AVG, Salus standing right, feeding a snake held in her arms, 5.47g, 6h (RIC 137; C 259; RCV 7498 var.). Lustrous, good extremely fine. £395



AR050 Severus Alexander (A.D. 222-235), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 231. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head facing right, rev ANNONA AVG, Annona standing left, holding corn-ears and an anchor, a modius on left, 2.67g, 6h (RIC 188; C 29; RCV 7859). Good extremely fine. £195 AR051 Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander), Silver Denarius. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 228. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust facing right, rev FELICITAS PVBLICA, Felicitas standing facing, her head turned left, resting on a column, and holding a caduceus, 3.25g, 12h (RIC 335; C 17; RCV 8209). Good extremely fine and attractive. £240

AR052 Diocletian (A.D. 284-305), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 303. IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 9.74g, 6h (RIC 28a; RCV 12760 var.). Dark patina, extremely fine. £150



AR053 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), AE Antoninianus. Mint of Lugdunum, struck c. A.D. 290-1. IMP MAXIMIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev PAX AVGG, Pax standing left, holding Victory on a globe and a sceptre, B in exergue, 3.68g, 6h (RIC 398; RCV 13155 var.). Almost fully silvered, extremely fine. £75 AR054 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), Silver Argenteus. Mint of Ticinum, struck c. A.D. 294. MAXIMIANVS AVG, laureate head facing right, rev VIRTVS MILITVM, the four Tetrarchs sacrificing over a tripod before a turreted enclosure, 3.12g, 6h (RIC 14b; C 622). Attractive light tone, extremely fine. £750




AR055 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 297. IMP MAXIMIANVS PIVS AVG, laureate head facing right, rev GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, LON in exergue, 9.57g, 6h (RIC 3; RCV 13236 var.). Dark patina, nearly extremely fine and very rare. £975 AR056 Maximian (A.D. 286-305), AE Follis. Mint of Treveri, struck c. A.D. 302-3. IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, S-F in field, IITR in exergue, 9.70g, 6h (RIC 504; RCV 13241). Attractive dark brown patina, extremely fine. £140



AR057 Divus Constantius I (d. A.D. 306), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 307-9. DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO, laureate, veiled and draped head facing right, rev MEMORIAE FELIX, lighted and garlanded altar, flanked by two eagles, PLN in exergue, 6.75g, 7h (RIC 110; RCV 16419). Dark patina, extremely fine. £120 AR058 Divus Constantius I (d. A.D. 306), AE Follis. Mint of Treveri, struck c. A.D. 307-9. DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO, laureate, veiled and draped head facing right, rev MEMORIAE FELIX, lighted and garlanded altar, flanked by two eagles, PTR in exergue, 6.88g, 6h (RIC 789; RCV 16420). Well-struck on a broad flan, some residual silvering, good extremely fine and a very good example. £300



AR059 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 300-3. MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 9.53g, 6h (RIC 15; RCV 14344). Light residual silvering, dark patina, extremely fine. £130 AR060 Galerius (A.D. 305-311), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 300-3. MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding a patera and a cornucopiae, 10.59g, 7h (RIC 15; RCV 14344). An interesting piece of cruder style than usual, dark patina, extremely fine. £140

AR061 Constantine I, The Great (A.D. 307-337), AE Follis. Mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 307-8. IMP CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Constantine standing facing, head turned left, in military dress, holding a standard in each hand, S-A in field, PTR in exergue, 6.61g, 6h (RIC 781; RCV 16023). Dark brown patina, extremely fine. £180 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450




AR062 Constantine I, The Great (A.D. 307-337), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck c. A.D. 310. IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, raising right hand and holding a globe, T-F in field, PLN in exergue, 4.76g, 6h (RIC 121a; RCV 16046). Dark patina, extremely fine. £75 AR063 Constantine I, The Great (A.D. 307-337), AE Follis. Mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 310-3. CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust facing right, rev SOLI INVICTO COMITI, radiate and draped bust of Sol facing right, seen from behind, 4.94g, 6h (RIC 893; RCV 16125). Dark patina, extremely fine. £175 AR064 Fausta (wife of Constantine I), AE Follis. Mint of London, struck A.D. 324-5. FLAV MAX FAVS[TA AVG], mantled bust facing right, rev SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Fausta standing facing, head turned left, veiled, holding two children in her arms, PLON in exergue, 3.55g, 6h (RIC 300; RCV 16543). Dark patina, extremely fine, rare. £350

AR065 Constantius II (A.D. 337-361), Gold Solidus. Mint of Antioch, struck A.D. 355-61. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed head facing right, rev GLORIA REI PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned, supporting between them a wreath inscribed VOT / XXXX, Roma holds a spear, Constantinopolis holds a sceptre and rests her right foot on a prow, ANTΔ in exergue, 4.45g, 5h (RIC 172; C 126). Good very fine, rare. £2,200 An Attractive Gold Solidus of Julian II Ex Knobloch Collection

AR066 Julian II (A.D. 360-363), Gold Solidus. Mint of Antioch, struck A.D. 361-3. FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS EXERCITVS ROMANORVM, soldier, helmeted and wearing armour, advancing right, looking to left, holding a trophy over his shoulder and grasping the hair of a small captive, hands bound behind back, ANTH in exergue, 4.46g, 5h (RIC 201; C 79; Depeyrot 15/2). Very broad flan, with a very good portrait, nearly extremely fine. £7,500 ex F Knobloch Collection, Stack’s, 3-5 May 1984, lot 1379 Stack’s, 2-3 December 1997, lot 366

AR067 Julian II (A.D. 360-363), Silver Siliqua. Mint of Lugdunum. FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VOTIS / V/ MVLTIS / X within a wreath, LVG below, 2.13g, 12h (RIC 218; C 163). Lightly toned, nearly extremely fine. £130


AR068 Julian II (A.D. 360-363), AE Centenionalis. Mint of Sirmium, struck A.D. 361-3. D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev SECVRITAS REI PVB, bull standing right, its head facing, two stars above, BSIRM between star and wreath in exergue, 8.61g, 6h (RIC 106). Attractive dark olivegreen patina, extremely fine. £475




AR069 Valens (A.D. 364-375), Silver Siliqua. Mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 367-75. D N VALENS P F AVG, pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VRBS ROMA, Roma seated left, holding Victory on globe and a spear, TRPS• in exergue, 1.97g, 6h (RIC 27(e); C 109). Toned, extremely fine. £180 AR070 Gratian (A.D. 367-383), Silver Siliqua. Mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 367-75. D N GRATIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VRBS ROMA, ‘Roma seated left, holding Victory on globe and a spear, TRPS• in exergue, 1.88g, 6h (RIC 27(f); C 86). Lightly toned, about extremely fine. £175 AR071 Theodosius I (A.D. 379-395), Silver Siliqua. Mint of Treveri, struck A.D. 388-92. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VIRTVS ROMANORVM, Roma seated left on a cuirass, holding Victory on globe and a spear, TRPS in exergue, 1.70g, 12h (RIC 94b; C 59). Light scratch on reverse, toned, about extremely fine. £140

AR072 Magnus Maximus (A.D. 383-388), AE 4. Mint of Aquileia, struck A.D. 387-8. D N MAG MAXIMVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev SPES ROMANORVM, camp-gate with a star between its two turrets, [S]MAQS in exergue, 1.13g, 6h (RIC 55a; C 7). Attractive dark green patina, extremely fine, a good example of this scarce issue. £150

AR073 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Silver Siliqua. Mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 383-7. D N ARCADIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VOT / V / MVLT / X within wreath, MDPS in exergue, 1.22g, 12h (RIC 13; RSC 27B). Extremely fine. £275 ex Gussage All Saints Hoard, 2010

AR074 Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Gold Solidus. Mint of Mediolanum, struck A.D. 394-5. D N ARCADIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA AVGGG, Emperor standing right, holding a standard and Victory on globe, his left foot resting on a captive, M-D in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.46g, 6h (RIC 35b; Depeyrot 16/1). Extremely fine. £1,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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AR075 Honorius (A.D. 393-423), Gold Solidus. Mint of Rome, struck A.D. 404-16. D N HONORIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA AVGGG, Emperor standing right, holding a standard and Victory on globe, his left foot resting on a captive below, R-M in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.48g, 12h (RIC 1352; C 44; Depeyrot 34/2). Well-struck, light tone over residual lustre, good extremely fine. £1,500

AR076 Theodosius II (A.D. 402-450), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 441-50. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, a spear across shoulder and holding a shield, rev IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P, Constantinopolis enthroned left, foot resting on a prow, holding cross on globe and a sceptre, a shield beside throne, a star on left, COMOB in exergue, 4.48g, 6h (RIC 301; Depeyrot 84/1). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £1,200



AR077 Valentinian III (A.D. 425-455), Gold Solidus. Mint of Ravenna, struck c. A.D. 430-45. D N PLA VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right, rev VICTORIA AVGGG, Emperor standing facing, holding a long cross and Victory on globe, his right foot resting on the head of a humanheaded coiled serpent, R-V in field, COMOB in exergue, 4.38g, 6h (RIC 2018; C 19; Depeyrot 17/1). Residual lustre, extremely fine. £1,150 AR078 Marcian (A.D. 450-457), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 450-457. D N MARCIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, a spear across shoulder and holding a shield, rev VICTORIA AVGGG I, Victory standing left, supporting a long jewelled cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.22g, 6h (RIC 510; Depeyrot 87/1). Traces of double-striking, light graffito in obverse field, nearly extremely fine. £875



AR079 Leo I (A.D. 457-474), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 462/6. D N LEO PERPET AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, a spear across shoulder and holding a shield, rev VICTORIA AVGGG I, Victory standing left, supporting a long jewelled cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.46g, 5h (RIC 605; Hahn 3b; Depeyrot 93/1). Broad flan, lustrous, good extremely fine. £1,000 AR080 Zeno (A.D. 474-491), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople, struck A.D. 476-91. D N ZENO PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to right, a spear across shoulder and holding a shield, rev VICTORIA AVGGG S, Victory standing left, supporting a long jewelled cross, a star on right, CONOB in exergue, 4.24g, 7h (RIC 910; Depeyrot 108/1). Broad flan, residual lustre, extremely fine. £950



BY001 Justin I (A.D. 518-527), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. DN IVSTI-NVS PP AVI, helmeted and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG S, Angel standing facing, holding a long cross and a globus cruciger, star to right, CONOB in exergue, 4.29g, 6h (MIB 3; S 56). Extremely fine. £650

BY002 Justinian I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVC, helmeted and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG I, Angel standing facing, holding a long cross and a globus cruciger, star to right, CONOB in exergue, 4.48g, 6h (MIB 5; S 137). Extremely fine. £650

BY003 Justinian I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus. Mint of Thessalonika. DN IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a globus cruciger and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG (no officina), Angel standing facing, holding a long cross and a globus cruciger, star to right, CONOB in exergue, 4.38g, 6h (MIBE 22¹; S -). Extremely fine, rare. £1,600

BY004 Justinian I (A.D. 527-565), Gold Solidus. Uncertain Western Mint. DN IVSTINI-ΛNVS PP AVC, facing bust of emperor, wearing a cuirass and a helmet with trefoil ornamental plume, holding a globus cruciger and a shield, rev VICTORI-Λ ΛVCCC S, Angel standing facing, holding a long jewelled cross and a globus cruciger with a star beneath, CONOB in exergue, 4.48g, 6h (DO -; MIBE -; S -). Unpublished, good very fine. £650 A western mint is suggested by virtue of style and the use of the unbarred A in the legends. See also Baldwin Auction, 11 October 1995, lot 33 (P.J. Donald Collection) for a similar example.

Very Rare Alexandria Mint Gold Solidus of Justin II

BY005 Justin II (A.D. 565-578), Gold Solidus. Mint of Alexandria. ON I-VSTI-NVS PP AVI, helmeted and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a figure of Victory on globus, rev VICTORI-A AVGGG I, Constantinopolis seated facing, head to right, holding a spear and a globus cruciger, staurogram to left, •CONOB• in exergue, 4.47g, 6h (MIBE 14; S 347a (this coin)). Extremely fine and very rare. £1,600 This being the actual coin which is illustrated in Sear’s ‘Byzantine Coins and their Values’ (London, 1987).

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Consular Gold Solidus of Tiberius Constantine

BY006 Tiberius Constantine (A.D. 578-582), Consular Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. CONSTANTAUG UIU FELIX, crowned bust of emperor facing, wearing consular robes, holding a mappa and an eagle-tipped sceptre surmounted by a cross, rev UICTOR TI-bERI AUG, cross potent on four steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.47g, 6h (MIBE 2; S 420). Extremely fine, rare. £3,500

BY007 Tiberius Constantine (A.D. 578-582), Gold Solidus. Mint of Ravenna. DM TIB CONS-TANT PP AVS, crowned bust of emperor facing, wearing a cuirass and holding globus cruciger and a shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCC H = regnal year, cross potent on four steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.42g, 12h (MIBE 15³; S 468). Extremely fine, rare. £1,900

BY008 Maurice Tiberius (A.D. 582-602), Gold Solidus. Mint of Alexandria. DN MAVRIC TIbER PP AVC, crowned and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a globus cruciger and shield, rev VICTORI-A AVCC Θ, Angel standing facing, holding a rho-headed cross and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.40g, 7h (MIBE V.28; S -). Slight uneveness of flan, otherwise extremely fine, very rare. £950 This being the actual coin illustrated in MIBE V.28, plate 18 (Hahn Metlich).

Jerusalem Mint Gold Solidus from the Revolt of the Heraclii

BY009 Revolt of the Heraclii (A.D. 608-610), Gold Solidus. Mint of Jerusalem. bN hERACLI-US PP AVC, crowned, draped and cuirassed bust of emperor (resembling the previous emperor Focas), holding globus cruciger, rev VICTORIA – AVGU IΠ, Angel standing facing, holding a rho-headed cross and a globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, 4.39g, 6h (MIB 76, Cyprus; S 850). Good very fine, extremely rare. £4,000

BY010 Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine (A.D. 613-641), Gold Solidus. Mint of Jerusalem. [dd NN hERACLIUS] ET hERA CONTI, crowned and draped busts of emperors facing, a cross between heads, rev VICTORIA – AVGU IΠ, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.40g, 7h (MIB 77, Cyprus; S 852). Obverse legend weakly struck, otherwise extremely fine, rare. £1,000





BY011 Constans II (A.D. 641-668), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. dN CONSTANTINUS P P AVG, bust of emperor facing, wearing a crown and chlamys, and holding a globus cruciger, rev VICTORIA AVGU S, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.44g, 6h (MIB 20; S 953). Mint state, lustrous, of exceptional quality. £1,000 BY012 Constantine IV (A.D. 668-685), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. P CONS-A-NUS PP A, threequarter facing bust of emperor, with short beard, wearing a plumed helmet and a cuirass, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORI – AVGU Θ, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.38g, 6h (MIB 11 var.; S 1157). Extremely fine, a rare variety. £1,200 Exceptional portrait, the most beautiful in all the Byzantine series. An engraver of considerable talent had appeared at the mint, resulting in a remarkable improvement in the quality of portraiture.

BY013 Constantine IV (A.D. 668-685), Silver Hexagram. Mint of Constantinople. dN CA•T••US PP, facing bust of emperor, wearing a plumed helmet and a cuirass, holding a spear and a shield, rev fragmentary legend, cross potent on globus above two steps, flanked by standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, 5.84g, 6h (MIB 67; S 1170). Good very fine. £475 Three Important Rarities



BY016 BY014 Tiberius III (A.D. 698-705), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. D TIbERI-US PE AV, crowned and cuirassed bust of emperor facing, holding a spear and a shield, rev VICTORIA – AVGU II, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.46g, 6h (MIB -; S 1361C). Extremely fine, very rare. £4,000 The letter I appears after the officina letter I, for reasons unknown.

BY015 Philippicus (Bardanes) (A.D. 711-713), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. – CN FILEPICUS – MULTUS AN, crowned bust of emperor facing, wearing loros and holding a globus cruciger and an eagle-tipped sceptre, rev VICTORIA AVGU ΘΓ, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue, 4.46g, 6h (MIB 3 var.; S 1449). Extremely fine, very rare. £4,500 A very rare variety with Θ followed by Γ, which was added for unknown reasons.

BY016 Leo III with Constantine V (A.D. 720-741), Gold Solidus. Mint of Naples. D LE-ON PP, crowned bust of emperor facing, wearing chlamys and holding a globus cruciger and akakia, large Λ in right field, rev D CO-NVT, bust of emperor, wearing chlamys and holding a globus cruciger, large K in right field, 3.83g, 6h (DO 60; S 1537A). Good very fine, extremely rare. £5,000 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BY017 Michael II and Theophilus (A.D. 821-829), Silver Miliaresion. Mint of Constantinople. IhSUS XRISTUS nICA surrounding cross potent on three steps, rev + MIXA / HL S ΘEOFI/LE EC ΘEU / bASILIS RO/MAIOn in five lines, 2.37g, 12h (DO 6; S 1641). Toned, good very fine. £200 BY018 Michael II and Theophilus (A.D. 821-829), AE Follis. Mint of Constantinople. MIXAHL – S – ΘEOFILOS, facing busts of Michael, crowned and wearing a chlamys, and Theophilus, crowned and wearing a loros, a cross between heads, rev large M between XXX and NNN, Θ below, 7.27g, 6h (DO 9; S 1642). Very fine. £150 A Very Rare Solidus of Constantine VII with Romanus II

BY019 Constantine VII with Romanus II (A.D. 945-959), Gold Solidus. Mint of Constantinople. + IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM, Christ seated on a lyre-backed throne, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev COnSTAnTInOS CE RO-MAn Eh XWb/R/, Romanus, left, and Constantine standing on dais, each wearing a crown and loros and holding globus crucigers, with long patriarchal cross between them, 4.46g, 6h (DO 10; S 1749). Extremely fine, very rare. £5,500

BY020 Nicephorus II (A.D. 963-969), Gold Histamenon Nomisma. Mint of Constantinople. + IhS XPS REX REGNANTInM, bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev + ΘEOTOC / b / HΘ / nICHF dESP, facing busts of Nicephorus and Virgin nimbate, holding patriarchal cross between them, emperor wears crown and loros, 4.43g, 6h (DO 4; S 1778). About extremely fine, rare. £2,500

BY021 Michael VII and Maria (A.D. 1071-1078), Gold Tetarteron. Mint of Constantinople. + ΔKE – ROhΘ, bust of Virgin facing, holding before her nimbate infant Christ, MP – ΘV on either side, rev + MIXΛHΛ – MΛRIA, facing busts of emperor and empress, holding between them a long cross, Michael wears loros, Maria wears a jewelled robe, 3.98g, 6h (DO 3; S 1870). Good very fine, scarce. £1,200


BY022 Nicephorus III (A.D. 1078-1081), Silver Miliaresion. Mint of Constantinople. +ΘKE ROHΘEI TW CW ΔXΛ, nimbate Virgin orans standing on footstool, MP – ΘV on either side, rev + NIKHΦ ΔECΠ – (remainder unstruck), Nicephorus standing, wearing crown and military attire, holding a long cross in right hand and a sword within sheath in left, 1.86g, 6h (DO III, pt. 2, 7b.1; S 1885). Extremely rare, probably the finest known example extant, very fine. £1,400

BY023 Alexius I (post-reform, A.D. 1092-1118), Billon Aspron Trachy. Mint of Philippopolis. + KERO – AΛEZIW, Christ enthroned, raising hand in benediction and holding a book of Gospels, rev Alexius standing, wearing crown and loros and holding an unusually large labarum and globus cruciger, legend in perpendicular form Δ/E/O/H TW/KO/MN/U, 4.45g, 6h (DO 31a; S 1936). Rare, very fine. £200 Flan best described as of base silver rather than billon. A rare mint.

BY024 John II Comnenus (A.D. 1118-1143), Gold Hyperpyron. Mint of Constantinople. IC-XC, seated figure of Christ, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, rev IW/ΔEC/ΠOT/TW/Π to left, ΦV/PO/ΓE/NI/T to right, standing figures of emperor being crowned by Virgin, M-Θ between heads, John wears loros and holds long labarum and akakia, 4.39g, 6h (DO 2; S 1939). Good very fine. £375

BY025 Andronicus III Paleologus (A.D. 1328-1341), Silver Lightweight Basilikon. Mint of Constantinople. Christ seated on high-backed throne, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels, Λ-Π on either side, rev St. Demetrius and emperor standing facing, Andronicus wears a crown with pendilia, and loros, with circular legend around, 1.30g, 6h (DO 878/881; S 2472 var.). Good very fine, rare. £650

BY026 Andronicus III, Anna of Savoy and John V (A.D. 1341-1347), Gold Hyperpyron. Mint of Constantinople. Andronicus kneeling before Christ, who holds his hand above in benediction, blundered ANΔPONIKOC in perpendicular form on left, IC-XC on right, rev Anna and John standing facing, Anna holds trefoil sceptre, John holding a sceptre and akakia, ANNA on left, IW in centre, EN XW on right, 2.85g, 6h (DO 942 var.; S 2466). Good very fine, rare. £780 Much better than usual for these clumsily-struck pieces.

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Anglo Saxon and Norman Extremely Rare Archbishop Aethelheard Penny with King Offa as Overlord

AS001 Anglo-Saxon Middle Period (780-973), Archbishops of Canterbury, Aethelheard (792-805), with Kings of Mercia, Offa as Overlord, non-portrait Penny, second issue, with Archbishop title, Canterbury heavy coinage (792/3-96), legend in three lines with bar divisions, barred M with pellet in each curve, pellets in a triangle either side / :+:OFFA chevron barred A / REX , rev legend in three lines with plain bar divisions, . AEDIL / HEARD / ARCEPI 1.26g (Chick 247e this coin; Blunt 136; N.229; S.883). Chipped, toned, otherwise very fine and extremely rare. £3,500 Found, Crundale, near Wye, Kent, 28th December 1991. Coin Register 1996, number 153 Spink Numismatic Circular, June 2002, item 1059 Professor G W De Witt Collection, F R Kunker auction 137, 11th March 2008 Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2525

AS002 Offa, King of Mercia (757-796), non-portrait Penny, light coinage (780-92), London type, Moneyer Aethelwald, OF.FA / REX in two lines divided by beaded bar with bifurcated ends, outer beaded circle both sides, rev moneyer name in two lines divided by beaded bar with crescent ends, .EDEL. / .VALD 1.11g (Chick 12d this coin; Blunt 55pt.; N.287; S.904). Quite chipped, otherwise toned very fine and very rare. £1,950 Found Boxley, near Maidstone, Kent, July 1989. Coin Register 1989, number 74 – recorded as found in Borley, Essex in error! ex Christies, 15th May 1990, lot 159A

AS003 Offa, King of Mercia (757-796), non-portrait Penny, light coinage (780-92), Canterbury type, Moneyer Pehtwald, long cross with pellet either side of terminals, decorative quatrefoil with lobes in angles of cross, pellet either side of upper two lobes, pellet below only on lower lobes, legend surrounding +o ff ar ex rev ornate central cross and pellets, surrounded by quatrefoil with incurved sides, moneyer’s name in angles, pe ht (ligatured) va ld 1.17g. (Chick 130; Blunt 73; N.277; S.904). A little ragged with residual dirt, otherwise very fine and very rare. £2,000

AS004 Coenwulf, King of Mercia (796-821), non-portrait Penny, Canterbury, tribrach type, Moneyer Eoba, m and bar at centre linear circle around, initial mark pellet and wedge cross, COENVVL.F REX outer beaded border both sides, rev three lined tribrach Moline, +E OB A, 1.33g (cf.C.S.E. C14.1; N.342; S.914). Small rim chip, darkly toned, a bold very fine and rare. £1,950


Very Rare East Anglian Issue Coenwulf Portrait Penny of Moneyer Wodel

AS005 Coenwulf, King of Mercia (796-821), portrait Penny, East Anglia type, Moneyer Wodel, diademed bust right to edge of coin, beaded circle around head, legend commences at top, +COENVVLF REX M outer beaded circle both sides, rev pellet in annulet at centre with four pellets around all within lozenge panel, long cross from each apex of lozenge giving a cruciform design, lettering in angles, PO D E L+ 1.24g (C.S.E. E13.3d this coin; N.370; S.920). Toned, very fine, with a pleasing portrait and very rare. £3,000 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1994, item 7880 Spink Coin Auction 111, 21st November 1995, lot 54

Very Rare Rochester Type Portrait Penny of King Ceolwulf of Mercia

AS006 Ceolwulf, King of Mercia (821-823), portrait Penny, Rochester type, Moneyer Eanwulf, diademed bust right to edge of coin, beaded circle around head, legend commences at lower left, CIOLVVLF REX M outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev chevron barred A at centre, wedge either side, linear circle surrounding, legend commences at bottom, +EANVVLF MONETA 1.35g (C.S.E. R7.2; N.376; S.924). Large chip with bend to rim, with bend on opposite side, otherwise toned very fine and extremely rare. £3,500 Extremely Rare East Anglia Type Portrait Penny of King Beornwulf of Mercia

AS007 Beornwulf, King of Mercia (823-825), portrait Penny, East Anglia type, group II, Moneyer Eacga, head right within linear circle, legend commences at bottom, BEORHPVLF REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev cross with crosslet ends, linear circle and legend surrounding, +tVCGV MOn ET followed by rhombus, 1.18g (C.S.E. E21; N.397; S.929). Some rim chips, dark tone with a great portrait, flan a little undulating, very fine and extremely rare. £3,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Extremely Rare Berhtwulf Penny Provenanced Back to the Trewhiddle Hoard of 1774

AS008 Berhtwulf, King of Mercia (840-852), portrait Penny, London type, Moneyer Brid, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BERHTVVLF REX the HT ligatured, outer beaded border both sides, rev chevron barred A within linear circle, +BRID mONETA, 0.88g (C.S.E. L34.3a this coin; N.406; S.935). Rim a little ragged, dark tone, otherwise very fine and extremely rare, the only example of moneyer Brid from the hoard of 1774 and the only one recorded by Naismith. £5,000 ex Trewhiddle Hoard, Cornwall, one of 10 Berhtwulf coins in hoard of approx. 115, deposited c.868, found 1774. Jonathan Rashleigh (d.12th April 1905) passing to his son Evelyn. Evelyn W. Rashleigh, Sotheby, 29th June 1909, lot 63 sold for £5/2/6. P. W. P. Carlyon-Britton, first portion, Sotheby, 17th November 1913, lot 285 sold for £8/15/- to A H Baldwin. Spink Numismatic Circular, March 1932, item 14417 sold for £3/10/-. Richard Cyril Lockett, English part IV, Glendining, 26th April 1960, lot 3596, sold for £52 to A H Baldwin. The Clonterbrook Trust, Glendining, 7th June 1974, lot 10 bought by A H Baldwin for £1,150 hammer.




AS009 Burgred, King of Mercia (852-874), portrait Penny, lunette type, Moneyer Dudwine, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BVRGRED REX M linear outer circle both sides, rev complete lunettes top and bottom, legend commences across centre, continues in top lunette and ends in bottom lunette, DVDPINE / MON / ETA.:, 1.14g (BMC type A; N.423; S.938). Toned, hairline crack both sides across flan, small rim chip, otherwise very fine. £450 AS010 Burgred, King of Mercia (852-874), portrait Penny, lunette type, Moneyer Beagstan, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BVRGRED REX, linear outer circle both sides, rev complete lunettes top and bottom, legend commences across centre, continues in top lunette and ends in bottom lunette, BEAGSTA / N MON / ETA.:, 0.74g (BMC type A; N.423; S.938). Toned, some rim chips, otherwise very fine. £550 AS011 Burgred, King of Mercia (852-874), portrait Penny, lunette type, Moneyer Guthere, bust to edge of coin facing right, linear circle around head, legend commences lower left, BVRGRED REX, linear outer circle both sides, rev complete lunettes top and bottom, legend commences across centre, continues in top lunette and ends in bottom lunette, GVĐHERE / .:MON:. / .:ETA.:, 1.27g (BMC type A; N.423; S.938). Patches of verdigris and light corrosion, uneven tone, almost very fine. £350 Extremely Rare Eadwald, King of East Anglia Penny

AS012 Eadwald, King of East Anglia (c.798), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Withred, legend in three lines with beaded line divisions, legend starts at centre, ending on top line, +EADVA / .:L.D:. / .REX. rev pellet with four pellets around all within lozenge panel with cruciform bifurcated ends, three pellets in each bifurcation, lettering in angles, WI HT RE d, 1.20g (C.S.E. E4; N.433; S.947). Chipped, toned very fine and extremely rare. £3,500


AS013 Eadmund, King of East Anglia (855-870), non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Beaghelm, cross with pellet in each angle within beaded circle, same design both sides, legend and beaded circle surrounding, +EADMVND REX rev +DAETHELM MO. 0.89g (C.S.E. E61.3m this coin; N.456; S.955). Chipped, toned a bold very fine and rare. £1,000 ex Croydon Hoard, 1862 – deposited c.872 – only one of this moneyer and one of 18 of Eadmund out of circa 250 coins. W. Allen Collection – not in his sale at Sotheby, 14th March 1898. L. A. Lawrence, portion of collection sold to Lord Grantley 1903. Rt. Hon.Lord Grantley, second portion, Glendining, 22nd March 1944, lot 914, sold for £3. Dr J. Lavertine, Baldwin Auction 18, 12th October 1998, lot 1650

AS014 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Danish East Anglia (c.885-915), St Edmund, memorial coinage, of good style, Penny, Moneyer Daegmund, large chevron type A within circle, +SCEADIMVND RE the S supine, outer circle surrounding both sides, rev large cross pattée, linear circle and legend surrounding +DAIEMOND NOI 1.40g (N.483; S.960). Toned, almost extremely fine. £1,000 Very Rare Viking Imitation of an Alfred the Great Londinia Monogram Portrait Penny

AS015 Aelfred the Great, Southern Danelaw Viking Imitation (898-915), portrait Penny, diademed bust right to bottom of coin, pellets above, and for decoration on bust, ÆLFRE D RE rev Londinia monogram, pellets in central bisected O, triangle of pellets to left and above monogram, linear outer circle at rim both sides, 1.33g (BMC 86; cf.N.463; S.964). Toned very fine for issue and very rare. £8,500



AS016 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Kingdom of York (c.895-920), Penny, Cunetti type, long cross, C N V and T at end of each limb of cross, R E X in between with three pellets either side of top letters, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev small cross pattée, pellet in two opposing angles, beaded circle and legend surrounding + CVN .:. NET .:. TI, 1.30g (N.499; S.990). Attractively toned, good very fine. £850 Most coins of this type emanated from the famous Cuerdale hoard found 15th May 1840, this coin has the sort of patination usually associated with coins from this hoard.

AS017 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Kingdom of York (c.895-920), Penny, Cunetti type, Patriarchal cross, C N V and T at end of each limb of cross, R E X in between with four pellets between each, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev small cross pattée, pellet in two opposing angles, beaded circle and legend surrounding + CVN .:. NET .:. TI.:., 1.36g (N.501; S.993). Toned good very fine. £850 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450




AS018 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Kingdom of York (c.895-920), Penny, Cunetti type, Patriarchal cross, C N V and T at end of each limb of cross, R E X in between with four pellets between each, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev small cross pattée, pellet in two opposing angles, beaded circle and legend surrounding + CVN .:. NET .:. TI.:., 1.38g (N.501; S.993). Toned good very fine. £850 AS019 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Kingdom of York (c.895-920), Penny, Cunetti type, Patriarchal cross, C N V and T at end of each limb of cross, R E X in between with four pellets between each, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev small cross pattée, pellet in two opposing angles, beaded circle and legend surrounding + CVN .:. NET .:. TI.:., 1.26g (N.501; S.993). Toned a bold very fine. £750 AS020 Viking Coinages (c.885-954), Kingdom of York (c.895-920), Penny, Cunetti type, Patriarchal cross, C N V and T at end of each limb of cross, R E X in between with four pellets between each, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev small cross pattée, pellet in two opposing angles, beaded circle and legend surrounding + CVN .:. NET .:. TI.:., 1.31g (N.501; S.993). Toned good very fine. £850



AS021 Edward the Elder (899-924), King of Wessex, non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Beahred, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADVVEARD REX, outer beaded border both sides, rev three cross pattée across centre, legend in two lines, BEAH / RED MO+ tri-pellets above and below, 1.54g (N.649; S.1087). Toned, weak on high points of legend, rim chip, otherwise good very fine. £1,150 ex Vatican Hoard, Rome, Glendining, 13th November 1930, lot 75 part.

AS022 Edward the Elder, non-portrait Penny, Moneyer Landac, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADVVEARD REX, outer beaded border both sides, rev three cross pattée across centre, legend in two lines, LAND / AC MO+ chevron barred A’s, tri-pellets above and below, 1.66g (N.649; S.1087). Toned, patch of verdigris on reverse, residual dirt and some slight weakness, otherwise about very fine. £650 Superb Portrait Penny of King Aethelstan of the Winchester Mint

AS023 Aethelstan (924-939), King of all England, Penny, portrait type, Winchester Mint, Moneyer Aethelm, crowned and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left +ÆĐELSTAN REX linear and beaded border surrounding, rev small cross at centre, additional small cross in field, linear circle surrounding, legend around +ÆĐELM MO VVINEI linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.57g (N.675; S.1095). Well struck with a super portrait, lightly toned and very pleasing, extremely fine and very rare. £9,500


AS024 Eadmund (939-946), Penny, two line type, Moneyer Oswald, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +EADMVND RE, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev Moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, OSPA / LD MO, the L inverted, 1.23g (N.688; S.1105). Toned, with crack repair where large chip of metal restored, otherwise very fine. £450 A Pleasing Portrait Penny of King Eadmund

AS025 Eadmund, Penny, portrait type, Moneyer Manticen, diademed and draped bust right to edge of coin, linear circle surrounding, legend surrounds commencing lower left +EADMVND RE, linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev small cross at centre, additional small cross in field, linear circle surrounding, legend around +MANTICEN MO NOPI, linear and beaded border surrounding, 0.90g (N.698; S.1106). Lightly toned, a little weak on lower part of King’s face, otherwise a pleasing very fine. £4,500

AS026 Eadred (946-955), Penny, two line type, Midlands and South Moneyer Thurfeth, cross pattée with linear circle surrounding, legend around +E.A.DRED. REXr., linear and beaded border surrounding both sides, rev Moneyer name in two lines divided by three horizontal crosses, tri-pellets above and below, ĐEOPH/ AER M, bar above last two letters,1.40g (N.706; S.1113). Toned with some verdigris both sides, otherwise about very fine. £600

AS027 Eadgar (959-975), non-portrait Penny, York Moneyer Heriger, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADGAR REX, outer linear and beaded circle surrounding, rev Moneyer name and legend in two lines, central line with annulet either side of central cross, tri-pellets above and below legend, HERIG / ER MO, HE ligatured, outer linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.36g (N.741; S.1129). Toned, very fine. £600

AS028 Eadgar, non-portrait Penny, North Eastern Moneyer Manan, small cross pattée within linear circle, +EADGAR RE.:., outer linear and beaded circle surrounding, rev Moneyer name and legend in two lines, central line with annulet either side of central cross, tri-pellets above and below legend, MAN/ .AM. MO, outer linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.08g (N.741; S.1129). Toned, with a touch of verdigris and residual dirt both sides, good fine. £300 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

AS029 Eadgar, non-portrait Penny, North Western Moneyer Manin, small cross pattée within linear circle, w below, +EADGAR REX, outer linear and beaded circle surrounding, rev Moneyer name and legend in two lines, central line with annulet either side of central cross, rosette of pellets above and below legend, MAN/ IN MO, outer linear and beaded border surrounding, 1.37g (N.744; S.1130). Toned, small v shape scratch on obverse, short scratch on reverse and dig, otherwise almost very fine. £500 ex John Dudman Jr. part I, Sotheby, 15th-19th December 1913, lot 235 part. Richard Cyril Lockett, English part I, Glendining, 6th-9th June 1955, lot 615 part. Dr A W Morrison, portion of collection purchased by B A Seaby 1971.

Superb Quality Portrait Penny of King Edward the Martyr on a Full Flan Very Rare

AS030 Edward the Martyr (975-978), portrait Penny, Stamford Mint, Moneyer Wacer, diademed and draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at top, +EADPEARD REX ANGLO, rev small cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, +PACER M-O STANFO., 1.36g (S.C.B.I 9:429; N.763; S.1142). A couple of small green spots on reverse, lightly toned good very fine and very rare. £6,500 Another Nice Portrait Piece of Edward the Martyr From the Stamford Mint

AS031 Edward the Martyr, portrait Penny, Stamford Mint, Moneyer Cnapa, diademed and draped bust left within linear circle, legend commences at top, + EADPEARD REX ANGLORX, rev small cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, +CNAPA M-O STANFO, 0.96g (BMC type I, 26; N.763; S.1142). Rim chipped, toned very fine and rare. £4,500 ex A H Baldwin, Fixed Price List, Summer 2013, AS022.

AS032 Aethelred II (978-1016), first hand type Penny (c.985-991), London Mint, Moneyer Cynsige, draped and diademed bust right, within linear circle, legend commences at top +ÆÐelred rex angloRx, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Hand of Providence issuing down from clouds, letters A to left, W to right, both with bar above, pellet above wrist, linear circle surrounding, + CYNSIGE m-o LVNDONI, 1.52g. (N.766; S.1144). Toned a pleasing very fine. £500


Rare Barnstaple Mint Long Cross Penny of King Aethelred II

AS033 Aethelred II, Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Barnstaple Mint, Moneyer Hunia, draped bust left, legend surrounding commences lower left, .+.ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGL., ligatured NG, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre, +HV NIA M.Ω.O BARD. 1.38g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Peck marks on reverse, toned good very fine and rare. £1,750




AS034 Aethelred II, Penny, long cross type (c.997-1003), Lydford Mint, Moneyer Goda, draped bust left, legend surrounding commences lower left, +ÆĐELRÆD REX ANGL., ligatured NG, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, tiny pellet at centre, pellet in one quarter, +GO DA.M .Ω.O L YDA. 1.38g (BMC type IVa; N.774; S.1151). Dark tone a bold very fine. £750 AS035 Aethelred II, Penny, helmet type (c.1003-1009), Lincoln Mint, Moneyer Aethelnoth, large armoured bust left with helmet, legend surrounding commences lower left, +EĐELRED REX ANG, rev long voided cross with tri-crescent terminals, pellet at centre, pyramid in each angle with trefoil apex, +EĐELNOĐ M LIN, 1.21g (BMC type VIII; N.775; S.1152). Toned, with an unusually large portrait, good very fine. £750 AS036 Aethelred II, Penny, helmet type (c.1003-1009), Thetford Mint, Moneyer Osulf, large armoured bust left with helmet, legend surrounding commences lower left, +EĐELRÆD REX ANGLO, rev long voided cross with tricrescent terminals, pellet at centre, pyramid in each angle with trefoil apex, +OS. ULF: MO ĐE OĐF, 1.45g (BMC type VIII; N.775; S.1152). Toned, a bold very fine. £550

AS037 Aethelred II, Penny, last small cross type (c.1009-1017), Norwich Mint, Moneyer Hwateman, diademed and draped bust left within linear circle, legend surrounding commences at top, + EĐELRED REX. ANGLOI, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev cross pattée, linear circle surrounding, +HPATEMN M-O NORĐP, 1.29g (BMC type I; N.777; S.1154). A few pecks each side, toned a bold very fine. £550 ex Gordon V Doubleday, Glendining, 6th October 1987, lot 384.

AS038 Canute (1016-35), Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), Lincoln Mint, Moneyer Leofinc, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at bottom, +CNVT REX ANGLORV, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +LE OFIN C MO LINC, last two letters ligatured, 0.86g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Toned a bold very fine. £400 This coin struck from dies of the late “Lincoln” style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used at Lincoln.

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AS039 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), London Mint, Moneyer Leofwine, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at lower left, +CNVT REX ANGLO:, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +LE O FPIN E MO LVN, 0.85g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Toned with a couple of pecks, a little weaker on reverse side with one slight perforation, otherwise very fine. £225 This coin struck from dies of the “London” early C style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used at London.

AS040 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), London Mint, Moneyer Wulfnoth, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at lower left, +CNVT REX ANGLORV, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +PV LFN OĐ L VND, 1.30g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Toned with some verdigris on reverse, flan crack, otherwise very fine. £225 This coin struck from dies of the “London” middle A style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used at London. ex Richard Cyril Lockett, English part IV, Glendining, 26th-27th April 1960, lot 3750part.

AS041 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), London Mint, Moneyer Wulfstan, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at lower left, +CNVT REX ANGLORV, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +PV LFS+ TAN LVN, 1.04g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Toned with a couple of peck marks both sides, otherwise very fine. £ 3 0 0 This coin struck from dies of the “London” late A style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used at London.




AS042 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), London Mint, Moneyer Wulfstan, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at lower left, +CNVT REX ANGLO., outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +PV L FST: O LVND, last two letters ligatured, 0.99g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Dark tone good very fine. £ 4 0 0 This coin struck from dies of the “London” early C style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used at London.

AS043 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), Sudbury Mint, Moneyer Branting, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at bottom, +CNVT REX ANGLORV, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +BR NT I NE M SVĐ, N and E ligatured, 1.53g (BMC type VIII; S.C.B.I. 15:3718; N.781; S.1157). Toned very fine and rare. £ 6 5 0 This coin struck from dies of the “Norwich” style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut in Norwich and used in Sudbury. ex Glendining, 26th November 1970, lot 892. Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2546.

AS044 Canute, Penny, quatrefoil type (c.1017-23), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Oda, crowned and draped bust left within quatrefoil, legend commences at bottom, +CNVT REX ANGLORV, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev long voided cross with pellet centre and tri-crescent terminals, over quatrefoil with pellet on each cusp, +OD A ON PIN CST, 1.11g (BMC type VIII; N.781; S.1157). Lightly toned, with surface crack each side, otherwise very fine. £ 3 0 0 This coin struck from dies of the early “Winchester” style as defined by Blackburn and Lyon in their article “Regional Die-Production in Cnut’s Quatrefoil Issue” chapter 13 of Anglo-Saxon Monetary History. These dies therefore cut and used in Winchester.





AS045 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), Lincoln Mint, Moneyer Wulfbeorn, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +cnv t: rex A outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +PVLBREN ON LINC last two letters ligatured, 1.07g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned very fine and scarce. £350 AS046 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Aegelfric, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +cnv t reCx AN outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +ÆCFRYG ON LVNDE 0.85g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, a pleasing very fine. £300 AS047 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Aethelward, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +cnvt reCx A outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +ÆLPERD ON LVND 1.05g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, a pleasing very fine. £300




AS048 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Brihtric, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +c.nvt reCx A: outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +BRIHTRIC ON LVND 1.04g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, a pleasing very fine. £300 AS049 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Eadric, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +c.nvt reCx A outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +EDRICC ON LVNDE.: 1.06g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, peck marks both sides, very fine. £275 AS050 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Etsige, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +c.nvt reCx AN: outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +ETSIGE ON LVNDENE: 1.03g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, uneven colour to reverse, otherwise a pleasing very fine. £300 ex Glendining, 11th February 1965, lot 617.



AS051 Canute, Penny, helmet type (1024-30), London Mint, Moneyer Leofstan, pointed helmet bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +.cnvt reCx .: outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, pellet in annulet in each angle, all within linear circle, +L.EOFSTAN ON LVND: 1.02g (BMC type XIV; N.787; S.1158). Toned, very fine. £300 ex William Charles Wells Collection, purchased by A H Baldwin in 1949. Gordon V Doubleday, Glendining, 6th October 1987, lot 508.

AS052 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), Lincoln Mint, Moneyer Godwine, diademed bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNV T RECX:. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, within linear circle, +GODPINE ON LINCO: 1.08g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). Toned, good very fine. £450 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450



AS053 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), London Mint, Moneyer Swan, diademed bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNV T RECA outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, within linear circle, +SPAN ON LVNDE: 1.15g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). Toned, weak on part of legend otherwise very fine, unusual moneyer name. £400 AS054 Canute, Penny, short cross type (1029-35/6), Stamford Mint, Moneyer Leofwine, diademed bust left with sceptre, legend commences at top, +CNV T REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev short voided cross with pellet and annulet centre, within linear circle, +LEOFPINE ON STA 1.08g (BMC type XVI; N.790; S.1159). Toned, very fine, some residual dirt on reverse. £250 Very Rare Portrait Penny of King Harthacanute With His Full Name

AS055 Harthacanute (1035-42), Penny, jewel cross type (Spring-Autumn 1036), Southwark Mint, Moneyer Duninc, diademed bust right, legend commences at top, + HARĐA CNVT RE, rev cross of four lobes joined at bases by two circles with central pellet, + DVNINC ON SVĐEEP 1.15g (BMC type Ia; N.809; S.1167). Toned very fine and very rare. £5,000

AS056 Edward the Confessor (1042-66), Penny, expanding cross type (1050-3), heavy coinage, London Mint, Moneyer Godwine, diademed bust left, with sceptre, legend commences at top, +edpE rd rEX rev short voided cross with expanding limbs and pellet centre within twin annulet, all within linear circle, +GODPINE ON LVND 1.57g (Freeman 495; BMC type V; N.823; S.1176). Toned good very fine and pleasing. £700

AS057 Edward the Confessor, Penny, pyramids type (1065-6), Leofwine of Rochester Mint, crowned bust right with sceptre, legend commences at lower left, edpArd rex outer beaded border both sides, rev annulet at centre of short voided cross, pellet topped pyramids in angles, linear circle surrounding, +LEOFPINE on ROF, 1.31g (Freeman 873; BMC type XV; N.831; S.1184). Toned a little undulating, weak in parts otherwise very fine and very rare. £875 Ex Robin J Eaglen Collection, Baldwin Auction 18, 12th October 1998, lot 1511. Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, List 9, No.21. St James Auction 7, 8th February 2008, lot 21. Spink Numismatic Circular, 2008, item 3462.


Well Defined Portrait Penny of King Harold II

AS058 Harold II (6th January-14th October 1066), Penny, PAX type, London Mint, Moneyer Godric, crowned head left, sceptre in front, +HAROLD REX ANG, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev PAX between parallel beaded horizontal lines, inner beaded circle surrounding, legend commences lower left, +GODRIC ON LVNDE, 1.34g (N.836; S.1186). Attractively toned, just a touch weakly struck at rear of head and legend at corresponding part both sides, otherwise good very fine with a very pleasing face, rare this pleasing. £7,500 With A H Baldwin ticket dating from 1958, previously bought from Baldwin in 1962.

Extremely rare King Harold II Penny Without Sceptre

Harold II, Penny, PAX type, Romney Mint, Moneyer Wulfmaer, crowned head left, no sceptre, +HAROLD outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev PAX between parallel beaded horizontal lines, inner beaded circle surrounding, legend commences lower left, +PVLMAER ON RVMEI, 1.18g (BMC 80; S.C.B.I. 8:1108; N.837; S.1187). Attractively toned, quite double struck on reverse, but finer than the one in the Ashmoleon Sylloge, a pleasing portrait, very fine and extremely rare. £7,500 AS059


ex Hyman Montagu Collection, part V, Sotheby, 16th November 1897, lot 58. Sold for £8/-. Baldwin Auction 48, 26th September 2005, lot 880.

AS060 William I (1066-87), Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Wallingford Mint, Moneyer Sweartlinc, crowned facing bust with sceptre, crown type 3, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, + PILLELM REX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev cross pattée, letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, + SPIRTIC ON PIILN, 1.38g (BMC type VIII; N.850; S.1257). Toned, a bold very fine and rare £1,450 ex Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2567.

AS061 William I, Penny, PAXS type (1083?-86?), Winchester Mint, Moneyer Justin, crowned facing bust with sceptre, crown type 1, breaking linear circle at bottom, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM REX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev cross pattée, letters P A X S each within annulet in each angle, linear circle surrounding, +IESTIIN ON PINCI, 1.38g (BMC type VIII; N.848; S.1257). Dark tone, good very fine. £1,250 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, May 2011, HS4504.

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Very Rare William Rufus Penny From the Ipswich Mint

AS062 William II (1087-1100), Penny, voided cross type (1092-95?), Ipswich Mint, Moneyer Aelfric, crowned facing bust to edge of coins with star either side, legend commences lower left, +PILLELM RE, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev annulet at centre of voided cross pattée over a cross annulettée, linear circle surrounding, +IELFRIC ON GIPEI, 1.28g (BMC type III; N.853; S.1260). Weak at base of bust and corresponding part of reverse, toned with a good portrait, otherwise very fine and very rare. £3,500

AS063 Henry I (1100-35), Penny, quadrilateral on cross fleury type (c.1123), Northampton Mint, Moneyer Paien, ¾ facing crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, +hENRICV. rev quadrilateral with lis on each apex, over a cross fleury, beaded circle surrounding, +PAIEN ON: NOR--M 1.34g (BMC type XV; N.871; S.1276). Weakly struck in parts, light tone almost very fine. £450

AS064 Henry I, Penny, quadrilateral on cross fleury type (c.1123), possibly Thetford Mint, uncertain Moneyer possibly Norman or Thurtan, ¾ facing crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, +hENR--- rev quadrilateral with lis on each apex, over a cross fleury, beaded circle surrounding, +---N ON: Đ 1.43g (BMC type XV; N.871; S.1276). Weakly struck a bold fine. £195

AS065 Henry I, Penny, quadrilateral on cross fleury type (c.1123), York Mint, uncertain Moneyer possibly Thurstan, ¾ facing crowned bust with sceptre to left, beaded circle surrounding, --ENR---. rev quadrilateral with lis on each apex, over a cross fleury, beaded circle surrounding, -----N: EVERVI 1.29g (BMC type XV; N.871; S.1276). Weakly struck in parts, reverse off-centre, light tone almost very fine. £300 With old collector ticket that states coin was found at Charlton Abbots, Gloucestershire. From a search through the sylloge series type XV is recorded for Thurstan or Ulf at York, this coin resembles more the style of Thurstan.


Extremely rare Cardiff Mint Stephen Penny From the Coed-y-Wenault Hoard

AS066 Stephen (1135-54), Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Cardiff Mint, Moneyer Willem, crowned bust right, arm to edge of coin with sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, legend illegible, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, +WI------I 0.66g (Boon 16; cf. Mack 7; N.873; S.1278). Legends mostly flat, otherwise almost fine and extremely rare. £975 Ex Coed-y-Wenault Hoard found 1980. Spink Auction 20, 31st March 1982, lot 8.

AS067 Stephen, Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Canterbury Mint, Moneyer Godhese, crowned bust right, arm to edge of coin with sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, ----E REX, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, +GODhESE--- 1.42g (N.873; S.1278). Weak parts to legend and a little off-centre, otherwise very fine with a pleasing face. £725 Extremely Rare Pevensey Mint Cut Halfpenny of Stephen From the Linton Hoard of 1883

AS068 Stephen, voided cross and mullets type II, cut Halfpenny (c.1145-50), Pevensey Mint, Moneyer Alwine, base of portrait visible, rev half of voided cross and two pierced mullets in angles, n:pevens, 0.64gms (BMC 168 this coin; N.878; S.1280). Attractively toned, as struck and of the highest rarity with excellent provenance. £750 Ex Linton Hoard, Kent, found 2nd February 1883. This piece listed and acquired by George Wakeford, Numismatic Chronicle, 1883, 3rd Series, volume 3, p.114, No.32 George Wakeford examined 100 coins from the hoard, this being the only cut halfpenny of Pevensey Mint, Sussex. Wakeford listed two Pevensey pennies in the hoard (30-31), one identified as Moneyer Alwine, the other was unclear. Hyman Montagu, Part II, Sotheby, 11th May 1896, lot 326 part. F Elmore-Jones, Part II, Glendining, 10th April 1984, lot 1394. St James Auction, 3rd October 2005, lot 149. A H Baldwin, Fixed Price List, Summer 2010, item BH127.

AS069 Stephen, Penny, cross moline “Watford” type (c.1136-45), Thetford Mint, Moneyer Odde, crowned bust right, arm to edge of coin with sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, -STIFNE R--, rev cross moline with a fleur in each angle, beaded circle surrounding, --E; ON: TETFO--- 1.43g (N.873; S.1278). Toned with a good portrait, flat in parts of legend, a bold very fine with a pleasing face. £750 Ex Duke of Argyll Collection, sold through Spink and Son Ltd from 1949. Gordon V Doubleday, Glendining, 8th June 1988, lot 844.

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Anglo Gallic GOLD COINS

GAL001 Edward III (1327-77), gold Leopard D’or, third issue of July 1357, Bordeaux Mint, crowned leopard prancing left within tressure of ten arcs, quatrefoil on cusps and in spandrels, mullet in one spandrel behind curve of tail, beaded inner and outer circles, stops voided quatrefoils, +EDWARDVS: DEI: GRA: ANGLIE: FRANCIE: REX, rev five pellets in quatrefoil at centre, trefoil topped piles in angles of quatrefoils, upon floriated cross, leopards in angles, all within quatrefoil shape tressure with voided quatrefoils in spandrels, beaded circle surrounding, +:XPC: VINCIT:XPC: REGHAT: XPC: IMPERAT, note H for last N in legend, 3.59g (Elias 39a). A little weak in parts, slight hairline scratch below leopard, otherwise, toned, good very fine and pleasing, very rare. £11,500

GAL002 Edward the Black Prince (1362-1372), gold Pavillon D’or, second issue, Bordeaux Mint, Prince standing on two leopards facing, within large Gothic portico, sword in his right hand, left hand pointing, four feathers surrounding, tressure and beaded circle surrounding, quatrefoil at beginning and end of legend, double quatrefoil stops both sides, *ED’** PO** GNS** REG’ ANGL’** PNCS** A, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev E in central compartment of cross quernée, leopard in first and fourth angles, lis in second and third, all within ornamented quatrefoil, pellet centre trefoils in spandrels, linear and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, +DNS** AIVTO**z** PTECTO** mE **z** IIPO** SPAVIT** COR** mEVm** B, 4.50g (Elias 154b/c). Some light unevenness to rim, with one light crease, toned about very fine and very rare muling the two varieties. £11,500 Very Rare Pavillon D’Or of La Rochelle Mint With Detailed Portrait

GAL003 Edward the Black Prince, gold Pavillon D’or, second issue, La Rochelle Mint, Prince standing on two leopards facing, within large Gothic portico, sword in his right hand, left hand pointing, four feathers surrounding, tressure and beaded circle surrounding, quatrefoil at beginning and end of legend, double quatrefoil stops both sides, *ED’** PO** GNS** REI’ A NGL’** PNPS** AQVI, beaded outer circle surrounding both sides, rev E in central compartment of cross quernée, lis in first and fourth angles, leopard in second and third, all within ornamented quatrefoil, pellet centre trefoils in spandrels, linear and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark cross pattée, +DNS** AIVTO**z** PTECTO** mE **z** IIPO** SPAIT** COR** mEVm** R, 4.73g (Elias 158). Some light unevenness to rim, toned good very fine with an excellent portrait of the Prince, very rare. £17,500





GAL004 Henry VI (1422-53), King of France and England, Salut D’or, Rouen Mint, Angel Gabriel in profile left behind quartered Arms of France and England, facing Virgin Mary with nimbus, behind Arms of France, ave on scroll reads downwards between them, within beaded circle, initial mark lion both sides, colon stops henricvs: dei: gra:fracorv: z: aglie: rex rev central long cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, h below, all within tressure of ten arcs, fleur de lis on cusps, all within beaded circle, mullet stops in legend, pellet in annulet under last T of legend, xpc *viNcit* xpc* regNat* xpc* imperat 3.47g (Elias 270/270c). Weak in parts, toned a bold very fine and scarce. £2,250 GAL005 Henry VI, King of France and England, Salut D’or, Rouen Mint, Angel Gabriel in profile left behind quartered Arms of France and England, facing Virgin Mary with nimbus, behind Arms of France, ave on scroll reads downwards between them, within beaded circle, initial mark lion both sides, pellet in annulet under last letter of legend both sides, colon stops henricvs: dei: gra : fracorv: z : aglie: rex rev central long cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, h below, all within tressure of ten arcs, fleur de lis on cusps, all within beaded circle, mullet stops in legend, xpc * viN cit* xpc* reg N at * xpc* imperat 3.48g (Elias 270c). A little creased and undulating, almost extremely fine. £2,750 GAL006 Henry VI, King of France and England, Salut D’or, Saint-Lo Mint, Angel Gabriel in profile left behind quartered Arms of France and England, facing Virgin Mary with nimbus, behind Arms of France, ave on scroll reads downwards between them, within beaded circle, initial mark fleur de lis both sides, colon stops heNricvs: dei: gra: fracorv: z: aglie: rex outer beaded border surrounding both sides, rev central Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right slightly intruding cross, h below, all within tressure of ten arcs, fleur de lis on cusps, all within linear and beaded circle, mullet stops in legend, xpc *viNcit* xpc* regNat* xpc* imperat, 3.47g (Elias 271). Toned good very fine / almost extremely fine. £3,250

GAL007 Henry VI, King of France and England, Salut D’or, Saint-Lo Mint, Angel Gabriel in profile left behind quartered Arms of France and England, facing Virgin Mary with nimbus, behind Arms of France, ave on scroll reads downwards between them, within beaded circle, initial mark fleur de lis both sides, colon stops heNricvs: dei: gra: fracorv: z: aglie: rex outer beaded border surrounding both sides, rev central Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right slightly intruding cross, h below, all within tressure of ten arcs, fleur de lis on cusps, all within linear and beaded circle, mullet stops in legend, xpc *viNcit* xpc* regNat* xpc* imperat, 3.51g (Elias 271). Toned good very fine / almost extremely fine. £3,250 Extremely rare Angelot D’or from the mint at Saint-Lo

GAL008 Henry VI, King of France and England, Angelot D’or, Rouen Mint, Angel Gabriel standing facing behind quartered Arms of France and England and Arms of France, within beaded circle, initial mark lion both sides, colon stops in legend both sides heNricvs: fraNcorv: ET: aNglie: rex outer beaded border surrounding, rev central Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, within linear and beaded circle, xpc: viNcit: xpc: regNat: xpc: imperat, 2.25g (Elias 276 RR). Toned, with light crease on obverse, a myriad of light hairline scratches over reverse fields, otherwise almost extremely fine and very rare. £17,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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GAL009 Richard I (1169-99), silver Denier, Aquitaine, cross pattée within beaded circle, legend surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev cross pattée and legend in three lines ending in w with a higher centre part, 0.86g (Elias 4). Cleaned almost very fine for issue. £175 GAL010 Richard I, silver Obole, Aquitaine, cross pattée within beaded circle, legend surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev cross pattée and legend in three lines ending in w with a higher centre part, 0.47g (Elias 6). Toned good very fine for issue and rare. £300 GAL011 Richard I, silver Denier, Poitou, cross pattée within beaded circle, RICARDVS REX legend surrounding and outer beaded circle both sides, rev legend in three lines, PIC / TAVIE / NSIS 0.90g (Elias 8). Once cleaned, with verdigris spot on obverse, a bold very fine. £175 GAL012 Richard I, silver Denier, Poitou, cross pattée within beaded circle, RICARDVS REX legend surrounding and outer beaded circle both sides, rev legend in three lines, PIC / TAVIE / NSIS , 1.03g (Elias 8). Toned a bold very fine. £275



GAL013 Edward III (1327-77), Black coinage, Double, Aquitaine, legend in two lines, rev cross calvary within circle with fleur de lis terminals, 1.09g (Elias 124 RRRR). A couple of tiny rim splits, dark tone with spot of verdigris on reverse, good fine for issue and extremely rare. £500 GAL014 Edward the Black Prince (d.1376), Demi-Gros, third issue, Limoges Mint, half-length bust right with sword over shoulder and pointing right, tressured and beaded circles and legend surrounding, two annulets before legend, L at end of legend, rev long cross pattée, three pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends surrounding, two annulets before inner legend, 2.17g (Elias 177 R). Weak in parts of legend, otherwise toned, very fine and rare. £850



GAL015 Henry IV – Henry VI (1399-1427), silver Hardi D’argent, half-length figure of King facing with sword and left hand pointing, canopy above with annulet over crown, beaded circle and legend surrounding, no stops in legend both sides, rev long cross pattée to outer beaded circle, leopard in first and fourth angles, 0.96g (Elias 233e). Weak in parts, toned a bold very fine. £275 GAL016 Henry VI (1422-53), King of France and England, Grand Blanc Aux Ecus, Chalons Mint, shields of France and England side by side, “hericvs” above with abbreviation mark, within beaded and linear circles, initial mark crescent both sides, rev Latin cross, fleur de lis to left, lion to right, “hericvs” below underlined, within beaded and linear circles, 3.19g (Elias 282 RR). Toned weak in parts, good very fine and rare. £475


Hammered Gold

BH001 Edward III (1327-77), gold Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Pre-Treaty Period (1351-61), series G (135661), sub-series Gf, London Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, ship rigging with three ropes to left, two to right, ornaments on top line of hull 1-1-1-1 with lions left, quatrefoils 4/3 on castles, long bowsprit, legend unbarred N’s, saltire stops both sides, E DWARDx DEIx GRAx REXx AIIGL xZx FRAIICx D hy B rev tiny E at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, annulet only visible to right of top lis, crown over lion in angles, lis over lion in upper right quarter, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, small fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhExAVTEMx TRAIICIEIISxx Px MEDIVMx ILLORVMx IBAT outer beaded border both sides, 7.71g (cf.Schneider 50; cf.Doubleday 122; N.1183; S.1490). Weak on head and shoulders of King and corresponding part of reverse, otherwise fully round, very fine. £3,750

BH002 Edward III, gold Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), London Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, two to right, ornaments on top line of hull -11-11 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no lower part to bowsprit, double saltire stops both sides, annulet before legend, no French title, second A of legend barred, oED WARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx AnGLxx DnS hyB xZx AQ T with Aquitaine title, rev large E in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, last A of legend barred +IhCxxAVTEMxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx MEDIVxx ILLORVMxx IBAT outer beaded border both sides, 7.63g (cf.Schneider 87; cf.Doubleday 217; N.1232; S.1503). Scuffed on part of reverse legend, otherwise with a good face, a bold very fine. £4,250 Ex Glendining, 20th July 1976, lot 451. Thos. H Law Collection of English Gold Coins, Chicago ANA Auction, 13th August 2013, lot 20006.

BH003 Edward III, gold Half-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), London Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, two ropes to right, ornaments on top line of hull 11-11- with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, saltire stops both sides and before King’s name, xED WARDxx DEIxx Gxx REXxx AnGLxx Dxx hyB xZx AQ T with Aquitaine title, rev large E in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +DOmInEnExxInxx FVRORExx TVOxx ARGVAS xxmE outer beaded border both sides, 3.74g (Schneider 79; cf.Doubleday 236; N.1238; S.1506). Creased, otherwise a bold very fine. £2,250 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BH004 Edward III, gold Quarter-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), London Mint, quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, four lis in upper left quarter of shield, stalked trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops both sides, curule style X both sides, +EDWARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx ANGL rev lis in central compartment with stalked trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIA outer beaded border both sides, 1.50g (Schneider -/83-4; cf.Doubleday 247; N.1243; S.1510). Toned, good very fine. £1,350 BH005 Edward III, gold Quarter-Noble, Fourth Coinage (1351-77), Treaty Period (1361-9), London Mint, quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, four lis in upper left quarter of shield, stalked trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops both sides, annulet before E in legend with curule style X, +oEDWARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx ANGL rev lis in central compartment with stalked trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIA last A barred, outer beaded border both sides, 1.79g (Schneider 90; cf.Doubleday 252-260; N.1244; S.1511). Toned practically very fine. £950 ex Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 750. Baldwin Auction 80, 8th May 2013, lot 2331.

Very Rare Richard II Gold Noble mule of first and second issues, slabbed and graded MS63

BH006 Richard II (1377-99), gold Noble, London Mint, first issue with French title, muled with a second issue reverse, London Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and two to right, trace of annulet over sail, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 4/4 on castles, no bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, flat bottomed lettering, RIC ARDxx Dxx Gxx REXxx AnGLxZx FRANCxx Dxx h IB xZx AQT rev letter R in central compartment with broken topped trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +IhCxxAVTEMxx TRAnSIEn Sxx PERxx MEDIVxx ILLORVxx IBAT outer beaded border both sides (cf.Schneider 126/144; Webb-Ware type 1b/2a; N.1301/1302; S.1654/1655). Small raised die flaw on reverse, a few tiny red spots on obverse, very full coin, weak at face otherwise very fine, has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS63, very rare. £9,500 PCGS certification 28106714.


Very Rare Richard II Gold Half Noble From the London Mint

Richard II Gold Quarter Noble with the R on Reverse Rotated Prone

BH007 Richard II, gold Half-Noble, London Mint, third issue, with French title resumed, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one to right, ornaments on top line of hull 1-1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 3/4 on castles, with bowsprit, saltire stops both sides, RIC ARDx DIx Gx REXxx AnGL’x Zx FRAnx D hI AQT rev letter R in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, initial mark cross pattée, +DOmInEx nExIn FVROREx TVOx ARGVAS xxmE outer beaded border both sides, 3.79g (Schneider 163; Webb-Ware type IIIa; N.1311; S.1667). A little double struck on reverse, a touch weak on face otherwise a bold very fine and very rare. £8,500

BH008 Richard II, gold Quarter-Noble, London Mint, first issue, quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, stalked trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark cross pattée, saltire stops both sides, RICARDxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx AnGL rev R rotated prone in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, initial mark cross pattée, +EXALTABITVRxx Inxx GLORIAxx (cf.Schneider 125; WebbWare 1a; N.1317; S.1672). Toned, slight flan crack around two arcs of tressure, otherwise a bold very fine and very rare early issue especially with the R on reverse rotated; slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS62. £2,500 NGC certification 3743670-016.

ex W Talbot Ready, Sotheby, 15-19th November 1920, lot 365 sold for £8/10/-. Richard Cyril Lockett, English part III, Glendining, 4th-6th November 1958, lot 3052 sold for £46. Spink Numismatic Circular, June 2005, item HS2102.

Extremely Rare Henry IV Heavy Coinage Gold Noble Slabbed and Graded MS63

BH009 Henry IV (1399-1413), gold Noble, heavy coinage 1399-1412, type 1b, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three whole lis in upper left quarter, single lis highest, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and one rope to right, ornaments on top line of hull -1-1-1 with lions right, quatrefoils 3/3 on castles, crescent on rudder, saltire stops in legend, hEn RICxx DEIxx GRAxx REXxx AnGLxx Zxx FRAnCxx Dx hIBxx AQT, rev h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in angles, trefoil by lion’s head in lower left quarter, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, large fleurs in spandrels, no initial mark, saltire stops in legend, IhCxxAVTEMxx TRAnSIEnSxx PERxx MEDIVxx ILLORVMxx IBATxx outer beaded border both sides (Schneider 194; N.1337; S.1706). Fully round, unusual to have no initial mark, a bold very fine and extremely rare; has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS63. £55,000 NGC certification 3743679-021. Ex St James Auction 9, 18th June 2008, lot 549 graded as “EF” and “a superb piece one of the finest known.” Another similar example sold in St James Auction 14, 30th September 2010, lot 639 for £56,000 hammer.

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BH010 Henry VI first reign (1422-61), gold Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), Calais Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, annulet by sword arm, two ropes to left, one rope to right, flag to left of King, ornaments in top line of hull 1-1-1 lions face left, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops in legend, lis after first word, h enric+ di; gra; rex: angl; z: franc; dns; hyb’ rev annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, annulet in upper right spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, +Ihc* avto transienso pero medivmo illorvo’ ibat outer beaded border both sides, 6.82g (Schneider 299; N.1415; S.1803). Fully round with one light crease, pleasing red tone, good facial portrait a pleasing coin, good very fine. £4,950 Very Rare Henry VI Calais Mint Gold Noble With Letter C at Centre of Reverse

BH011 Henry VI, gold Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), Calais Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, annulet by sword arm, two ropes to left, one rope to right, flag to left of King, ornaments in top line of hull 1-1-1 lions face left, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops in legend, lis after first word, h enric’+ di; gra ; rex: a n gl ; z : fra n c; d n s ; h yb ’ rev annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, closed C at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, annulet in upper right spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, +Ihc* avto tra n sien so per o medivmo illorvo’ ibat outer beaded border both sides, 6.95g (Schneider 298; N.1415; S.1802). Fully round with golden tone, good facial portrait a pleasing coin, good very fine and very rare with the C reverse, our research shows less than 10 available to collectors. £7,500



BH012 Henry VI, gold Half-Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), London Mint, King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three lis in upper left quarter, annulet by sword arm, two ropes to left, one rope to right, ornaments in top line of hull 1-1-1 lions face left, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops in legend, lis after first word, h e n ric ’+ di ; gra ; rex : a n gl ; z : fra n c ; rev annulet stops in legend, initial mark lis, h at centre, ornate cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, annulet in upper right spandrel, beaded circle surrounding, + DOMINE* n Eo In o FVROREo TVOo ARGVASo ME outer beaded border both sides, 3.42g (Schneider 292-3; N.1417; S.1805). Slight crease and a little weak in corresponding part, otherwise a bold very fine. £2,750 BH013 Henry VI, gold Quarter-Noble, Annulet issue (1422-30), London Mint, quartered shield of arms within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, lis over shield, trefoils on cusps, blank spandrels, all within beaded circle, initial mark lis, trefoil stops hEnRICx DIx GRAx REXx AnGL’ rev lis in central compartment with trefoils on angles, upon ornate cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressures of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, +EXALTABITVR* Ino GLORIA outer beaded border both sides, 1.73g (Schneider 295; N.1420; S.1810). Light tone a bold very fine. £950




BH014 Edward IV, first reign (1461-70), gold Ryal of Ten Shillings, light coinage (1465-70), King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, one rope to right, E on flag at stern, rose on hull, no lower part to bowsprit, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops both sides, initial mark sun both sides (1465-66), ED WARD; DI; GRA; REX; AnGL. Z. FRAnC; .DnS; I;B; rev rose at centre on sunburst, over cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, beaded circle surrounding, ihc; avt; transiens; per; medivm; illorvm; ibat; outer beaded border both sides, 7.67g (Schneider 353; N.1549; S.1950). Light crease at bow of ship with associated weakness on reverse, otherwise fully round, a bold very fine. £4,750 ex The Marshall Collection, Spink Auction 167, 31st March 2004, lot 6. Spink Numismatic Circular, August 2005, item HS 2132.

BH015 Edward IV, gold Ryal of Ten Shillings, light coinage (1465-70), King standing in ship holding sword and shield, three whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, one rope to right, E on flag at stern, rose on hull, no lower part to bowsprit, quatrefoils 3/3, trefoil stops both sides, initial mark crown on reverse only (1468-9), ED WARD; DI; GRA; REX; AnGL. Z. FRAnC; .DnS; I;B; rev rose at centre on sunburst, over cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, fleurs in spandrels, beaded circle surrounding, ihc avt tranansiens; per medivm illorvm ibat no reverse legend stops and with extra An in third word, outer beaded border both sides, 7.59g (cf.Schneider 360; N.1549; S.1950). A little double struck, with light red tone, unusual reverse variety, otherwise very fine and rare. £4,000




BH016 Edward IV, gold Quarter-Ryal of 2½ Shillings, quartered shield of arms, E with pellet each side above, rose to left, sun to right, lis below, surrounded by tressure of four arcs, all within beaded circle, initial mark crown (1468-9) both sides, trefoil of pellets stops both sides, EDWARD:. DI:. GRA:. REX:. ANGL:. rev rose at centre on sunburst, over cross with lis terminals, lion in each angle, all within twin linear tressure of eight arcs, beaded circle surrounding, EXALTABITVTVR* In:. GLORIA:. outer beaded border both sides, 1.30g (Schneider 404; N.1560; S.1965). Weak in parts otherwise a pleasing very fine and very unusual style, rare. £1,250 BH017 Edward IV, second reign (1471-83), gold Angel, St Michael killing dragon with lance, leading foot on ground in front of body, raised pellet next to right wing in field, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark annulet (April 1471- late 1472) on obverse only, EDWARD’:. DEI:. GRA:.:. REX:. AnGL’:. Z:. FRAnC:. trefoil stops both sides, rev ship sailing right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, E to left, rose to right, ropes 2/1, PER CR SEM:. TVA:. SALVA:. nOS XPC’ REDETOR:. outer beaded border both sides, 4.92g (Schneider -/456; N.1626; S.2091). Toned, a little short of flan, otherwise good very fine and very rare early issue with unrecorded extra pellet by wing. £4,750 BH018 Edward IV, gold Angel, St Michael killing dragon with lance, leading foot on ground in front of body, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark heraldic cinquefoil both sides, EDWARD’x DEIx GRAxx REXx AnGL’x Z FRAnCxx saltire stops, rev ship sailing right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, E to left, rose to right, ropes 2/1, PER C RVCEMx TVA’ SALVAx nOS XPC’ REDEMPT’xx outer beaded border both sides, 5.09g (cf.Schneider 467-8; N.1626; S.2091). Toned with a good Angel face, a bold very fine. £3,000 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Rare Half-Angel of King Henry VIII with numerals omitted




BH019 Henry VII (1485-1509), gold Half-Angel, class V, St Michael killing dragon with lance, both feet on dragon, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark pheon (1505-9) both sides, saltire stops both sides, hEnRICx DIx GRAx REXx AGLx Zx rev ship sailing right, with bowsprit, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, h to left, rose to right, ropes 2/1, Oxx CRVXxx AVExx SPESxx VnICAxx 2.51g (Schneider 546; N.1702; S.2192). Slight crimping to part of rim, slight flan crack into legend, weak in parts otherwise good fine. £750 BH020 Henry VIII (1509-47), gold Half-Angel, first coinage, St Michael killing dragon with lance, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark castle (1509-c.1513) with pellet to upper left both sides, saltire stops both sides, hEnRIC9x VIII9x DI’x GRA’x REXx A’L rev ship sailing right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, h to left, rose to right, ropes 2/1, Oxx CRVXxx AVExx SPESxx VnICAxx outer beaded border both sides, 2.48g (cf.Schneider 565; N.1761; S.2266). Fully round, weak on angel face, otherwise a bold very fine. £2,750 BH021 Henry VIII, gold Half-Angel, first coinage, variety omitting King’s numeral, St Michael killing dragon with lance, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crowned portcullis with chains (c.1513-1526) both sides, saltire stops both sides, legend variety hEnRIC’x DI’x GRA’x REXx AGL’xZ rev ship sailing right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, h to left, rose to right, ropes 2/1, Ox CRVXxAVEx SPESx Vn ICAx outer beaded border both sides, 2.46g (cf.Schneider 564; N.1761; S.2266). Toned a bold very fine and a rare variety. £3,750 Very Rare Gold Crown of the Double Rose Issued When Henry VIII Was Married to Jane Seymour



BH022 Henry VIII, gold Crown of the Double Rose, second coinage (1526-44), Tower Mint, large crowned rose, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned K to right, for Henry and Katharine of Aragon (Nov.1526-1529), linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark rose both sides, saltire stops both sides, legend with closed C’s and Gothic n’s h En RIC9x VIII RVTILAn Sx ROSAx SIn Ex SPIA’ rev crowned quartered shield of arms, plain fields, linear and beaded circle surrounding, DEIxx G’xx R’xx AGLIExx Zxx FRAn Cxx Dn Sxx h IBERn IE outer beaded border both sides, 3.63g (cf.Schneider 582; N.1788; S.2273). Toned, slight surface crack to obverse, peppered with light surface marks, otherwise very fine. £1,950 BH023 Henry VIII, gold Crown of the Double Rose, second coinage (1526-44), Tower Mint, large crowned rose, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned I to right, for Henry and Jane Seymour (1536-37), linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark arrow both sides, saltire stops both sides, legend with closed C’s and Gothic n’s hEnRIC9x VIII9xx RVTILAnSxx ROSAxx SIEx SPIA rev crowned quartered shield of arms, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned I to right, linear and beaded circle surrounding, DEIxx G’x Rxx AGLIE’x Zx FRAnC’x DnSxx hIBERnIE outer beaded border both sides, 3.67g (cf.Schneider 591-2; N.1790; S.2279). Lightly toned, a little weakly struck in same part of legend each side, otherwise good very fine and the Jane Seymour Crown one of the hardest to find of this intriguing series, rare. £3,950

BH024 Henry VIII, gold Crown of the Double Rose, third coinage (1544-47), Southwark Mint, large crowned rose, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned R to right, linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark E on obverse, slipped trefoil stops both sides, legend with closed C’s and Gothic n’s hEnRIC’x 8 ROSAx SInExx SPInEx rev crowned quartered shield of arms, crowned Gothic h to left, crowned R to right, linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark S on reverse, DEI’x GRA’x A n GLIE’x Zx FRA n C’x D n Sxx h IBER n IE outer beaded border both sides, 2.96g (Schneider -; N.1835; S.2308). Weakly struck in parts, otherwise about very fine, no example present in the Schneider Collection. £1,500


The Only Known Example In Private Hands of a Gold Pattern Coin of Edward VI Dating From 1547

BH025 Edward VI (1547-53), Pattern Half-Sovereign or George Noble, 1547, struck in gold, possibly engraved by Robert Pitt, muled with the Coronation medallion reverse, crowned rose with frosted petals, E to left, R to right, crown with frosted caul breaks linear circle surrounding, EDWARD9 ◊ VI ◊ REX ◊ ANGL ◊ FRANC ◊ HIBER ◊ Z C, outer beaded circle both sides, die axis at 2 o’clock, rev inscription in four lines with date below, with rose between two pellets above, .*. / INSIGNIA / POTENTISSI / MI* REGIS* A / NGLIE which translates as “Insignia of the most potent King of England,” slightly ovoid in shape 26.8-27.2mm, 4.62g the weight of the George Noble in the reign of Henry VIII (W.R. 4 R6; Ruding volume VI –gold coins, plate VII no.14; N.1950/-; M.I. vol.I 55/3). One of only two known examples, the other being in the Coats Collection in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow; hairline flan crack from rim to centre, some traces of red wax deposit on obverse, toned almost extremely fine, and of the highest rarity. £65,000 Ex Numismata Antiqua – Thomas Pembrochiae et montis Gomerici Comes, published 1746, English part IV, plate 16 this coin shown above Lord Pembroke, Sotheby, 31st July 1848, lot 156 sold for £57 to Jonathan Rashleigh (d.12th April 1905) passing to his son Evelyn. Evelyn W Rashleigh, Sotheby, 29th June 1909, lot 817 and plate XII sold for £9/15/- to Spink. The Grant Collection, Spink Auction 107, 22nd November 1994, lot 401. A highly important piece of numismatic art, this pattern, the only one struck in gold in private hands, is an intriguing mule of the trial for a gold Half-Sovereign, or more likely a George Noble (six shillings and eight pence gold value), paired with a medallic reverse, with a declaration of power, in what was the year of the King’s accession (28th January 1546/7) and Coronation (20th February 1546/7). This pattern, falls into a series of six similar design gold coinage patterns from a gold Sovereign to gold Halfcrown, two of which share the same coinage die as the obverse of this piece. These pieces were produced at a time when the young boy King’s name was not yet upon his coinage right at the start of his reign, when currency coins were still in the name of his Father King Henry VIII. Such a fine gold pattern of such intricate detailed engraving, must have been produced to show that the new King, though of a young age, was powerful and also the new Head of the Church of England. This series of gold Sovereign to gold Halfcrown patterns (W.R. 3-10) are by an engraver whose name is currently lost to history, though it has been theorised that they were probably engraved by the Frenchman Anthony Levens. However Levens came over from France and only commenced employment at the mint in October 1547, too late for this piece, and was responsible for portraits and designs for silver Groats and Half-Groats. The scant surviving records of the Mint of the 1544-7 reveal the Chief Engraver of the Tower Mint was Henry Basse, Goldsmith of London. The Under Engraver at the Tower I Mint, where these patterns were produced was Robert Pitt, Goldsmith of London, (later promoted to Chief Engraver from 1550) whose work this could likely be, but without further original documentary evidence these patterns cannot be linked with any individual with certainty any further. The Lord Pembroke catalogue was the first to point out that this piece weighs the same as a George Noble of six shillings and eight pence face value of the second period of the reign of King Henry VIII, issued specifically 1526-32. Ruding’s Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain (1816) records this actual piece, illustrating and noting it (at that time) as unique in gold. This being still in the collection of the late Lord Thomas Herbert Pembroke (1656-1732/2) at that time, and illustrated in the plates of his published collection in Numismata Antiqua in 1746, the line drawing shown above on plate 16 of the British gold coin section (part 4). According to the recently published Biographical Dictionary of Numismatics the 8th Earl of Pembroke enjoyed an unrivalled reputation as a collector having the first pick of Sir Andrew Fountaine’s Collection before the Duke of Devonshire. The collection was added to by his son Henry Herbert the 9th Earl who also had the Collection published as Numismata Antiqua in 1746. The 10th Earl, also Henry Herbert, was the first to try to sell the Collection in 1780 to Catherine the Great of Russia but was not successful. It was offered to the British Museum in 1828 but the trustees refused it, hence why it came to the auction bloc at Sotheby in 1848. The Hunterian Museum Glasgow, contains the only other known gold example in the Coats Collection (1027), however this is of a much heavier weight at 7.37g which equates to 10 Shillings worth of gold as defined in the only Mint contract that survives from before 1547 listing the denominations. This contract was dated the 6th April 1533 in the reign of Edward’s Father King Henry VIII and the coin offered here from its weight, equates to the George Noble value of 6 Shillings and 8 Pence; from which this whole series of gold patterns of 1547 are likely extrapolated. This means the heavier Coats Collection example would be a Double Crown (of the rose), as a Half Sovereign or Ryal face value at the time of the second period of Henry VIII was 11 Shillings and Threepence. The gold coin indenture contracts do not survive from the third period of Henry VIII though it is known how the silver and gold prices fluctuated at that time and the denominations would have no doubt still been current. The next surviving contract for coinage at the Tower that details the denominations is dated 5th April 1547 some 45 days after the Coronation adjusting the values of the new denominations to be produced for the boy King which does not include a George Noble face value coin. This could mean this piece was produced in the earliest part of the reign, likely in time for the Coronation of February 20th though that was in 1546 on the Julian Calendar at the time, or more likely in the first week of the new year from 25th March 1547.

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Impressive Fine Gold Sovereign of Queen Mary Tudor Dated 1553

BH026 Mary (1553-4), Fine gold Sovereign of Thirty Shillings, 1553 dated in Roman numerals, crowned facing figure of robed Queen seated on throne, holding orb and sceptre, lis topped pillars each side, throne back with pellet decoration and pellet frame, ornate tressure and beaded circle surrounding, portcullis below intrudes legend, mint mark pomegranate (1553-4) both sides in legend, pellet in annulet stops in legend, ooMARIAoo+oo D’oo G’oo ANG’oo FRA Zoo hIBoo REGINAoo mooDooLIII, outer beaded circle both sides, rev quartered shield of arms at centre, upon blooming rose, linear circle and legend surrounding, Aoo DnO’+ FACTV’o ESToo ISTV’o Zoo ESToo MIRA’o INoo OCVL’oo nRIS’o 15.27g (Schneider 704; N.1956; S.2488). Fully round with a light red tone, slight scratch at ankle level of robe, a touch weak at obverse mint mark and corresponding part of reverse legend, otherwise a pleasing coin with a good portrait of “Bloody” Mary, a bold very fine. £32,500 Extremely Rare Fine Gold “Ship” Ryal of Queen Mary Tudor of Fifteen Shillings Dated 1553

BH027 Mary, Fine gold Ryal of Fifteen Shillings, 1553 dated in Roman numerals, standing crowned figure of Queen in ship sailing right, holding sword and quartered shield, rose on hull, M on flag at stern, pellets on hull, annulet decoration in grid pattern on fore and aft decks, bowsprit on each deck, rigging and furled sail on mast behind, with crows nest at top breaking inner beaded circle, mint mark pomegranate (1553-4) in obverse legend, annulet stops in legend MARIAo+o D’o G’o ANG’o FRA’o Zo hIB’o REGINAo moDoLIII, outer linear circle both sides, rev rose at centre on sunburst, over cross with lis terminals, crown over lion in each angle, all within beaded and linear tressure of eight arcs, blank spandrels, beaded circle surrounding, Aoo DnO’o FACTV’o ESToo ISTVDoo Zoo ESTo MIRABIo IN’o OCVL’o nRIS’o 7.43g (Schneider 709; N.1957; S.2489). Slight hairline crack at centre, a full flan coin to outer circle, lightly toned, a little weak in parts of obverse, stronger on reverse, otherwise very fine and extremely rare, we can only trace seven examples extant in private ownership. £95,000 ex Bridgewater House Collection, Sotheby, 15-16th June 1972, lot 52. David Dupree Collection, purchased by Spink and Son Ltd 1989. Spink Numismatic Circular, March 1990, item 936 with remark that they “do not know of another specimen available to the market.” One of the great rarities of the English hammered gold series the Ryal of 15 Shillings is one of the hardest denominations to find for any monarch, and for the reign of Queen Mary there seems to be currently only seven examples that are not housed in museums. The amazing fact is five of these coins have been bought and sold in the last two years giving a false sense of availability to the new collector of British coins. One would assume from this regularity of appearance that more than this single figure of extant examples are available, whilst those with long memories and good libraries can show only six others apart from the one above remain in private hands, as below:1) The finest known example illustrated in the “Art of Coins and Their Photography” by Hoberman, ex Raynes, Carter and Clearwater Collection, 9th October 2013, lot 27, 7.63g, sold for $270,000 hammer. 2) From a 1972 Glendining sale and Spink Auction, 4th December 2012, lot 40, 7.53g, sold for £165,000 hammer. 3) The ex Ryan, Roth and Hankin example most recently offered in St James Auction 26, 5th March 2014, lot 10, 7.62g, unsold but had sold at Spink, 13th December 2011, lot 92, for £135,000 hammer, this coin also has a small crack. 4) The ex Evans, Lockett, Strauss and Thomas Law Collection, 13th August 2013, lot 20090, 7.46g, sold for $90,000 hammer, this coin has some scratches with creases on the reverse. 5) Schneider collection example, No.709, 7.74g, ex Tyssen and Rashleigh collections sold to Schneider decades ago. 6) The ex Hilton-Price, Bruun, Hird, Dabney-Thompson and Norweb example, last sold 13th November 1985, lot 351, 7.02g, the least well preserved example, has been made round by clipping, worn on high points. As can be gleaned above, the regularity of change of ownership in the last two to three years is no true reflection of the real irregularity of which these coins have been traded. The most decent examples usually being transacted decades apart; these coins remain an elusive prize for the advanced collector of the hammered English gold series.


Very Pleasing Gold Pound of Queen Elizabeth I

BH028 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), gold Pound of Twenty Shillings, sixth issue (1583-1600), ornate crowned bust left, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark woolpack (1594-6) at end of legend, pellet and comma stops on obverse, ELIZABETH’. D’. G’. ANG’. FRA’. ET. HI’. REGINA. rev crowned quartered shield of arms, E to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, annulet stops on reverse, initial mark woolpack, SCVTVMo FIDEIo PROTEGETo EAMo outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, 11.24g (cf.Schneider 799; B&C F10; N.2008; S.2534). Attractive red tone, a little weakly struck at crown on reverse and corresponding part of obverse at rear of bust, otherwise crisp and almost extremely fine, rarer with mint mark at end of obverse legend. £19,500 B&C = Brown and Comber article in British Numismatic Journal 1989, volume 59 – Notes on the Gold Coinage of Elizabeth I.

BH029 Elizabeth I, gold Pound of Twenty Shillings, sixth issue (1583-1600), ornate crowned bust left, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark cypher (1600) both sides, pellet and comma stops on obverse, ELIZABETH. D’. G’. ANG’. FRA’. ET. HIB’. REGINA. rev crowned quartered shield of arms, E to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, pellet stops on reverse, SCVTVM. FIDEI. PROTEGET. EAM. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides (cf.Schneider 804; B&C F22; N.2008; S.2534). Lightly toned, with usual raised die flaws on face and beaded circles, otherwise very fine, a rare mint mark, currently slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as XF40. £10,000 Brown and Comber only record one variety of initial mark cypher in their BNJ article in 1989, though there are clearly two obverses, one with the mint mark at the start of the legend and the other as in the Schneider example with the mark at the end of the legend. PCGS certification 12050911.

BH030 Elizabeth I, gold Half-Pound of Ten Shillings, second issue (1560-61), ornate crowned bust left, with plain panels on dress, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crosslet (1560-1) both sides, pellet and comma stops on obverse, ELIZABETH.: D’. G’. ANG’. FRA’. ET. HI’. REGINA rev crowned quartered shield of arms, E to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, colon stops on reverse, SCVTVM: FIDEI: PROTEGET: EAM. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, 5.47g (Schneider 738; B&C G7; N.1982; S.2520). Lightly toned, weakly struck on crown both sides, otherwise a bold very fine. £5,250 Ex Baldwin Auction 74, 9th May 2012, lot 1035.

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BH031 James I (1603-25), gold Unite, second coinage (1604-19), fourth crowned and armoured bust right holding orb and sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark tower (1612-13) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, .IACOBVS’. D’. G’. MAG’. BRI’. FRA’. ET’. HI’. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, pellet stop legend, .FACIAM. EOS. IN. GENTEM. VNAM. 9.75g (Schneider II-27; N.2084; S.2619). With a pleasing portrait, hairline scratch by shoulder, rim nick, other light surface marks, some weakness in parts, otherwise toned a bold very fine. £2,500



BH032 James I, gold Unite, second coinage (1604-19), fourth crowned and armoured bust right holding orb and sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark cinquefoil (1613-15) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, IACOBVS: D’. G’. MA’. BRI’. FRA’. ET’. HI’. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, colon stop legend, FACIAM: EOS: IN: GENTEM: VNAM. 9.89g (Schneider -; N.2084; S.2619). Toned with light evidence of die clashing, I from reverse shows through incuse on obverse in field, raised die flaw at rear of neck with subsequent weakness in portrait surrounding and on corresponding part of reverse, otherwise about very fine, scarce, the last issue with the fourth bust. £1,650 BH033 James I, gold Unite, second coinage (1604-19), fifth crowned and armoured bust right holding orb and sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark cinquefoil (1613-15) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, :IACOBVS: D’. G’. MA’. BRI’. FRA’. ET’. HI’. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, colon stop legend, .FACIAM: EOS: IN: GENTEM: VNAM 9.56g (Schneider II-28; N.2085; S.2620). Toned with flan flaw above shoulder, some weakness in striking both sides, otherwise about very fine. £1,650



BH034 James I, gold Unite, second coinage (1604-19), fifth crowned and armoured bust right holding orb and sceptre, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark plain cross (1618-19) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, .+.IACOBVS’. D’. G’. MA’. BRI’. FRA’. ET’. HI’. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, pellet stop legend, +.FACIAM. EOS. IN. GENTEM. VNAM. 9.74g (Schneider -; N.2085; S.2620). Toned with one light crease, otherwise very fine, reverse better. £2,150 BH035 James I, gold Half-Unite or Double-Crown, second coinage (1604-19), fifth crowned and armoured bust right, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark plain cross (1618-19) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, +.IACOBVS’. D’. G’. MAG’. BRI’. FR’. ET’. HIB’. REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, pellet stop legend, +.HENRICVS. ROSAS. REGNA. IACOBVS. 5.03g (Schneider II-41; N.2089; S.2623). Toned, with two creases and two digs in obverse field, some residual dirt in lettering and design, otherwise good very fine. £1,750


BH036 James I, gold Britain Crown, second coinage (1604-19), first crowned and armoured bust right, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1604-5) both sides, pellet and comma stops on legend, IACOBVS. D’. G’. MAG’. BRIT’. FRA’. ET. HIB’. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, I to left of crown, R to right, beaded circle surrounding, pellet stop legend, .HENRICVS. ROSAS. REGNA. IACOBVS. 2.48g (Schneider II-44; N.2090; S.2624). Toned, fully round, well struck with one light crease, slight dent at top right of shield, otherwise good very fine. £1,250 Extremely Rare Gold Laurel of James I With Mint Mark Spur Rowel on Obverse Only

BH037 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), second laureate and draped bust left, small curved ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark spur rowel (1619-20) on obverse only, colon stops to legend, IACOBVS. D: G MAG: BRI: FRAN: ET HIB: REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation or initial mark, FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, 8.94g (Schneider -; N.2112; S.2638). A couple of short hairline scratches on obverse, one in legend and one by chin in field, weakly struck at base of drapery and at corresponding part of reverse shield, otherwise toned very fine and the mint mark on obverse only variety extremely rare. £5,000 From searching major collections and catalogues of the last four decades we have only found one other example of this variety ever offered for sale, Glendining, 13th October 1976, lot 2 though that coin was double struck and not as full as the one offered here. Additionally the specialised H M Lingford Collection of James I coinage, Glendining, 20th June 1951, also contained an example that was not illustrated and the chances are the Lingford example is either the 1976 example or that offered herewith but more likely this coin.



BH038 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), second laureate and draped bust left, small curved ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark spur rowel (1619-20) both sides, some colon stops to legend, IACOBVS D: G MAG: BRIT FRAN: ET HIB REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 8.93g (Schneider II-83; N.2112; S.2638). Toned, a little weak on high points, otherwise good very fine. £3,000 BH039 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), third laureate and draped bust left, small curved ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark thistle (1621-23) both sides, colon stops to legend, IACOBVS: D: G: MAG: BRI: FRA: ET HIB: REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 9.07g (Schneider -; N.2113; S.2638A). Toned, double struck in obverse legend, a little weak on forehead, with hairline scratch in field, weak on Irish harp at corresponding part of reverse, otherwise good very fine. £2,250 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BH040 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), third laureate and draped bust left, small curved ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1623-24) both sides, colon stops to legend, IACOBVS D: G: MAG: BRI: FRA: ET HIB: REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIA M EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 8.96g (Schneider II-85; N.2113; S.2638A). Two light creases on obverse, otherwise fully round, toned good very fine. £3,000 BH041 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), fourth laureate and draped bust left, small straight ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1623-24) both sides, colon stops to legend, IACOBVS D: G: MA: BRI: FRA: ET HI: REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIA M EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 9.16g (cf.Schneider II-86; N.2114; S.2638B). A little weak on face and at central part of shield, otherwise toned very fine. £1,850 An Exceptional James I Gold Laurel

BH042 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), fourth laureate and draped bust left, bracket style ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1623-24) both sides, colon stops to legend, IACOBVS D: G: MAG: BRI: FRA: ET HIB: REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIA M EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 9.02g (Schneider II-86; N.2114; S.2638C). A superb example, pleasing red tone, just a touch weak on tops of some letters near rim, small flan flaw above bracket tie, one short hairline scratch in field, otherwise extremely fine. £4,500

BH043 James I, gold Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), fourth laureate and draped bust left, small straight ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark trefoil (1624) both sides, struck over lis on obverse, pellet stops to legend, .IACOBVS. D. G. MA. BRI. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, FACIA M EOS IN GENTEM VNAM, initial mark at end of legend, 9.05g (cf.Schneider II-87; N.2114; S.2638B). A little weak on top of head, a little ragged in part of rim, otherwise toned almost extremely fine. £3,000


BH044 James I, gold Half-Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), fourth laureate and draped bust left, small curved ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark trefoil (1624) both sides, pellet stops to legend, .IACOBVS. D. G. MA. BRI. FRA. ET. HIB. REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, beaded circle surrounding, no reverse punctuation, HENRIC 9 ROSAS REGNA IACO9 initial mark at end of third word, 4.52g (Schneider II-92; N.2117; S.2641A). One slight weakness in legend with irregular rim, otherwise toned almost extremely fine. £2,750

BH045 James I, gold Quarter-Laurel, third coinage (1619-25), second laureate and draped bust left, widely spaced straight ties to laurel wreath, value in field behind, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis (1623-24) both sides, colon stops to legend, IACOB9. D: G: MAG. BRI: FRA: ET HIB REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, upon long cross fourchée, no inner beaded circle, some reverse punctuation, HENRIC 9. ROSAS REGNA IACOB: initial mark at end of third word, 2.17g (Schneider II-98; N.2118; cf.S.2642). Small x scratch in front of face, some residual dirt on reverse, otherwise toned a bold very fine. £950

BH046 Charles I (1625-49), gold Half-Unite or Double Crown, Tower mint, group B, Class II, bust 2a, second crowned bust left, double arched crown, value in field behind, no inner circle surrounding both sides, initial mark castle both sides (1627-28), pellet and comma stops in legend, CAROLVS. D’. G’. MAG’. BRI’. FR’. ET. HIB’. REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with light garniture, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark at end of legend, no punctuation in legend, CVLTORES SVI DEVS PROTEGIT 4.48g (Brooker 143-4; Schneider II-179; N.2161; S.2699). Struck on a full flan, some slight raised die flaws, lightly toned with some red colour, weak on reverse crown otherwise good very fine. £2,500 Old Collector’s ticket with this coin reveals it was purchased from B A Seaby Ltd in January 1970 for £52/10/-.

BH047 Charles I, gold Crown, Tower mint, group B, Class Ia, first crowned bust left, jewelled outer arches on crown, value in field behind, linear and beaded circle surrounding, initial mark lis both sides (1625), legend with colon stops, CAROLVS D: G: MA: BRI: FR: ET. HI: REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev second elongated crowned quartered shield of arms, linear and beaded circle surrounding, no punctuation in legend, CVLTORES SVI DEVS PROTEGIT 2.32g (Brooker 184; Schneider II-223; N.2179; S.2709). Weak in some parts of legend, toned good very fine. £1,150 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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King Charles I Oxford Triple Unite of 1642, struck from the first pair of dies used

BH048 Charles I, gold Triple-Unite of Three Pounds, 1642, Oxford Mint, half-length crowned and armoured figure of King left holding sword and palm branch, Oxford plume in field behind, touching inner beaded circle at top and bottom, initial mark Oxford plume, legend reads CAROLVS: D: G. MAG: BRIT: FR: ET. HIB: REX, outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Declaration inscription in three wavy lines, RELIG: PROT / LEG: ANG / LIBER: PAR, date in field below, three Oxford plumes and value between stops above, all within beaded circle that upper plume intrudes, colon stops in legend, initial mark four pellets at left, .:. EXVRGAT: DEVS: DISSIPENTVR: INIMICI 26.96g (Beresford-Jones dies I/S1; Brooker 830; Schneider II-284; N.2381; S.2724). A little double struck as usual on front of Kings’ body and sword, otherwise with a good portrait, just a little weak on crown and some high points, with a pleasant red tone, good very fine. £80,000 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, November 1947, item 52703 offered as VF/EF for £110


Extremely rare “Smaller Module” gold Oxon Triple Unite of Charles I Dated 1644

BH049 Charles I, gold Triple-Unite of Three Pounds, 1644, Oxford Mint, struck on a smaller module, halflength crowned and armoured figure of King left holding sword and palm branch, Oxford plume in field behind, cross on crown meets inner beaded circle at top, hands break circle at bottom, initial mark Shrewsbury style plume, legend with lozenge colon stops, CAROLVS: D: G. MAG: BRI: FRA: ET. HIBER: REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev inverted die axis, Declaration inscription in three wavy lines as a continuous scroll from legend, RELIG: PROT: / LEG: ANG: / LIBER: PAR: date and OXON in field below each between stops, three Oxford plumes and value above, all within linear circle that upper plume intrudes, pellet stops in legend, no initial mark, EXVRGAT. DEVS. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI. 26.52g (Beresford-Jones dies VIII/L8; Brooker 842 this coin; Schneider II-304; N.2385; S.2729). With usual striking weakness at the margins either side where the rocker press rolled across the flan in striking, inherent in the manufacture of these spectacular coins, with a super detailed portrait, weak on the plume and legends either side and at corresponding parts of reverse, some hairlines with a residual light red tone and underlying mint brilliance, a couple of light nicks and one of the better portraits exhibited of the population of circa eight examples in private hands, one of the rarest types of this denomination, about extremely fine and extremely rare. £125,000 ex John Joseph Nunn, Sotheby, 27th November 1896, lot 434 sold for £12/5/-. Henry Osborne O’Hagan, Sotheby, 16th December 1907, lot 154, sold for £7/7/-. John Dudman Jr. Sotheby, 15th December 1913, lot 111, sold for £8/12/6. Thomas Bliss, Sotheby, 22nd March 1916, lot 347, sold for £9. John G Brooker, Sylloge of the Coins of the British Isles volume 33; number 842. Spink Numismatic Circular, February 1983, item 177. Glendining, 15th October 1985, lot 316. St James Auction 20, 18th November 2011, lot 55, front cover coin. There are thought to be circa 225 Triple Unite pieces in existence of all combinations and varieties of dies. There are 24 different die combinations of the Oxford Triple Unite and one variety of the exceedingly rare Shrewsbury Mint piece. This would give an average of nine examples per die variety, however in practice, physical survivors that exist number more highly towards the earlier dates of 1642 and 1643. This smaller module type obverse is the last in the series, apart from a unique re-engraved version that is probably the last coin ever produced. Of the 25 combinations of die variety, any that number to single figures are extremely rare and those under 5 surviving examples are of the highest rarity in private hands. We can only trace eight examples of this die combination and again to the new collector they may seem to often appear for sale as there have been three traded of the eight in the last six months, including this coin. It remains an impressive and finely engraved design of the series, and interestingly, carries a Shrewsbury style plume without the extra band as the initial mark, which we believe has not been pointed out before in print.

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Very Rare 1645 Dated Oxford Mint Gold Unite of Charles I

BH050 Charles I, gold Unite, 1645, Oxford Mint, half-length crowned and armoured figure of King left holding sword and palm branch that meets inner beaded circle surrounding, value in field behind, initial mark Oxford plume, legend with colon punctuation, CAROLVS: D: G: MAG: BRIT: FR: ET. HI: REX. outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Declaration inscription on continuous scroll in three lines, RELIG. PROT: / LEG:. ANG: / LIBER PAR. date in field below, three Oxford plumes above, linear circle around, pellet stops in legend that runs into scroll Declaration, no initial mark, .EXVRGAT. DEVS. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI. 9.05g (Beresford-Jones dies XI/19; Brooker 855; Schneider II-327; N.2389; S.2738). Fully round, lightly toned, a little double struck and consequently weak in parts, though with a good facial portrait, practically very fine and very rare. £16,500 ex Rev. Arnold Mallinson, portion of collection sold to Spink and Son Ltd, 1980. Herman Selig Collection, part I, Charles I and Commonwealth, Spink Auction 70, 31st May 1989, lot 150.

The Final Gold Issue of Charles I at Oxford the 1646 Unite

BH051 Charles I, gold Unite, 1646, Oxford Mint, half-length crowned and armoured figure of King left holding sword and palm branch, hands break inner beaded circle surrounding, value in field behind, initial mark large pellet, legend with colon punctuation, .CAROLVS. D: G: MAG: BRI: FRAN: ET. HIB: REX outer beaded circle surrounding both sides, rev Declaration inscription on scroll in three lines, RELIG: PRO / LEG: ANG / LIBER: PAR date and OX in field below, single Oxford plume above, legend on linear lined scroll surrounding, pellet punctuation, EXVRGAT. DEVS. DISSIPENTVR. INIMICI 9.06g (Beresford-Jones dies XIV/21; Brooker 856; Schneider II-329; N.2392; S.2739). Fully round, lightly toned with mint brilliance, weakly struck in parts as per usual for this last dated issue, excellent portrait, with much eye appeal, extremely fine for issue and extremely rare. £20,000 This last issue of the Oxford Mint gold is exceptionally hard to find and often weakly struck. From some cursory research it appears there has not been one offered at auction for over ten years.

BH152 Commonwealth (1649-60), gold Unite, 1651, English shield within laurel and palm branch, initial mark sun, .the. commonwealth. of. england. rev English and Irish shield, value and pellets above within beaded circle, date above, .god. with. vs. (Schneider 339; N.2715; S.3208). Pleasant red tone, light crease, a couple of nicks, otherwise good very fine, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as XF45. £7,500 NGC Certification 3734217-007.


Hammered Silver


BH052 Charles I (1625-1649), Half-Pound, 1642, Oxford Mint, King on horseback left riding over arms and armour on ground line, Oxford plume behind, initial mark Oxford plume, rev Declaration with colon punctuation in two lines, three Oxford plumes and value above, date below, seven pellets before legend, 59.63g (Brooker 867; N.2404; S.2945). Attractively toned, just a touch double-struck in lower obverse legends, a few tiny surface marks and small flan striations and flaws both sides, otherwise a bold very fine for issue, struck on a broad flan. £3,950 CROWN Better Than Usually Seen Elizabeth I Crown mint mark 1

BH053 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Crown, seventh issue (1601-02), crowned ornate bust left with orb and sceptre, four fingers on sceptre handle, initial mark 1 (1601) both sides, rev quartered shield over long cross fourchée, 29.95g (Cooper dies C/4; N.2012; S.2582). Pleasing cabinet tone, some small flan striations to face of portrait and few light marks and hairlines, otherwise nearly extremely fine with good clear details. £9,500 Well Preserved Plume Over Shield Crown of Charles I

BH054 Charles I (1625-1649), Crown, Tower Mint, type IIb1, King on horseback left with sword on shoulder, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark Rose (1631-2) struck over Plume (1630-31) both sides, rev plume above oval quartered shield of arms, C to left of plume, R to right, 29.89g (Cooper dies X*/XIII*; Brooker 245 this coin; N.2194; S.2756). Attractive light tone, a little wear to obverse high points but reverse better, a bold very fine / good very fine and very rare this well preserved. £5,000 ex W. Bertram Thorpe, Glendining, 20th March 1918, lot 80. Welborn Owston Smith, Glendining, 10th May 1949, lot 61, sold for £13 to A H Baldwin. John G. Brooker, SCBI 33:245 collection sold through Spink from c.1981. Spink Numismatic Circular, October 1982, item 7423.

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Superb Example of the second Variety of Plume Over Shield Reverse Charles I Crown

BH055 Charles I, Crown, Tower Mint, type IIb 2, King on horseback left with sword on shoulder, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark Harp (1632-3) both sides, rev plume above oval quartered shield of arms over long cross fourchée, C to left of plume, R to right, 29.52g (Cooper dies X*/XVII; Brooker 249; S.2757; N.2194). Toned, a few minor flan striations to obverse and small rim imperfection from strike or annealing of flan, otherwise a bold very fine / nearly extremely fine, only one other example known that is better, therefore extremely rare this well preserved. £7,500 Spink Numismatic Circular, November 1993 item 7886. Dr. R. Ferrari Collection, Spink Auction 189, 27th June 2007, lot 50.

The Cooper Plate Coin of Tower Type IIIa Crown of Charles I

BH056 Charles I, Crown, Tower Mint, type IIIa, King on horseback left with flying sash, holding upright sword, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark Tun (1636-8) struck over Crown (1635-6) both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms with garnished frame, 29.90g (Cooper dies XVI*/XXI* this coin; Brooker 260; N.2195; S.2758). Lovely dark tone, a little softly struck in parts as usual for this type, with minor rim and flan imperfections, good very fine for issue, believed to be amongst the most well preserved, the Cooper article plate coin, with superb provenance, very rare. £8,500 ex Dr Thomas Wakley, Sotheby, 6th December 2009, lot 55, sold for £2/18/-. W S Fowler, Sotheby, 26th November 1917, lot 278 part. Grant Richardson Francis, Glendining, 24th March 1920, lot 118, sold for £4/10/- to A H Baldwin. Sir Kenyon Vaughan-Morgan 17th June 1935, lot 222, sold for £14/5/-. Herbert M Lingford, Collection of crowns, 24th October 1950, lot 108, sold for £30. W E Ashley Collection purchased by Spink 1969. West Country Collector, (F. R. Cooper), Glendining, 8th November 1978, lot 77. Alan Barr Collection, part 1, c.2006, Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, Item 38. A H Baldwin, Fixed Price List, Winter 2008, BH040.


A Rare and Pleasing Example of a 1645 Exeter Crown of Charles I

BH057 Charles I, Crown, 1645, Exeter Mint, King on horseback left with flying sash, holding upright sword, beaded circles and legend surrounding both sides, initial mark Castle (1645) both sides, rev oval quartered shield of arms with garnished frame, date before initial mark in legend, 28.81g (Brooker 1045; N.2561; S.3062). Attractive cabinet tone, a good clear horseman, flan a touch irregular in shape as usual, otherwise extremely fine for issue, as struck and rare in this state of preservation. £7,500 ex Gilbert C. Drabble, 13th December 1943, lot 1109, sold for £13 to A H Baldwin. Capt. H. E. G. Paget, Glendining, 28th September 1946, lot 142 sold for £14.

BH058 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Crown, 1651, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark sun, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above, harp with 9 strings, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 29.51g (ESC.3, R4; S.3214). Lightly toned, some small surface marks and digs, otherwise a bold very fine and a very rare date. £6,000 HALFCROWNS



BH059 Charles I (1625-1649), Halfcrown, 1645, obsidional coinage, Newark besieged, on lozenge shaped flan, large crown over value, C to left, R to right, beaded border both sides, rev inscription and date, 14.73g (Bull 686; N.2638; S.3140). Attractively toned, flan a touch irregular with minor die flaws, otherwise a bold very fine. £3,000 ex Randolph Zander Numismatist, New York, USA, sales list 186, February 1968, item 214.

BH060 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Halfcrown, 1653, English shield within laurel and palm branches, initial mark sun, legends in English surrounding, outer beaded circle both sides, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above, harp with 8 strings, all within beaded circle, date and legend surrounding, 14.39g (N.2722; S.3215). Dark slightly uneven tone, a little pitting in places, otherwise good very fine with sharp underlying details. £700 ex Andrew Wayne Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 140, 24th May 2006, lot 354.

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BH061 Edward VI (1547-1553), Shilling, third period, fine silver issue (1551-3), taller facing crowned portrait, rose to left, value to right which breaks linear circle surrounding as does cross on crown, initial mark y both sides, HIB type legend, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 6.21g (N.1937; S.2482). Attractive light tone, very slightly double-struck in parts, otherwise a pleasing good very fine with a bold portrait. £850 BH062 Edward VI, Shilling, third period, fine silver issue (1551-3), taller facing crowned portrait, “emaciated bust” style, rose to left, value to right which breaks linear circle surrounding as does cross on crown, initial mark y both sides, HIB type legend, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 5.31g (N.1937; S.2482). Lightly toned, a little wear to high points and one or two tiny areas of metal starvation at rim from strike, otherwise nearly very fine and rare. £650



BH063 Edward VI, Shilling, third period, fine silver issue (1551-3), facing crowned portrait, rose to left, value to right, initial mark Tun both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 5.51g (N.1937; S.2482). Dark old tone, obverse a touch off-centre with a few small hairline scratches by value, otherwise an attractive very fine. £500 BH064 Edward VI, Shilling, third period, fine silver issue (1551-3), facing crowned portrait, rose to left, value to right, initial mark Tun both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 6.14g (N.1937; S.2482). Attractive light tone, just one or two minor hairlines, an attractive extremely fine with a pleasing portrait and some lustre in legends. £750

BH065 Philip & Mary (1554-1558), Shilling, 1554, profile busts facing each other, crown above, date either side, full titles, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, value either side at top, 6.39g (N.1967; S.2500). Toned, a little short of metal in places, but otherwise a well-struck good very fine for issue, scarce with such clear portraits. £3,500 Ex Richard Margolis Numismatist, New Jersey, USA, List 29, 1967, item 136.




BH066 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Shilling, second issue (1560-61), initial mark Martlet (1560-1) both sides, crowned bust left, type 3C, without rose rev quartered shield of arms over long cross fourchée, no date, 6.30g (N.1985; S.2555). Attractive dark tone, flan a touch irregular, tiny nick behind hair, otherwise nearly extremely fine with a good portrait. £975 Ex A H Baldwin, February 1947. Spink Numismatic Circular, May 2011, HS4535.

BH067 James I (1603-1625), Shilling, first coinage, second crowned bust right, value behind, initial mark Thistle (1603-4), legend and outer beaded circle surrounding, rev struck en médaille, quartered shield of arms, 5.88g (N.2073; S.2646). Well-toned, a little softly struck in parts, a full flan struck very fine with some iridescence in legends. £375 With old B A Seaby ticket from 1976.

BH068 Charles I (1625-1649), Shilling, Tower Mint Group D, crowned bust left, type 3a, value behind, initial mark Tun (1636-8) both sides, no inner circles rev quartered oval shield of arms, no inner circles and no CR, 6.13g (N.2225; S.2791). Attractively toned, flan a touch irregular in shape, good very fine. £375 ex Mark Rasmussen Numismatist, List 24 item 76.

The Final and Rarest Type of Pontefract Shilling Struck After the Death of Charles I

BH069 Charles I, Shilling, 1648, obsidional coinage, Pontefract besieged, on octagonal shaped flan, Post Mortem type, in the name of Charles II after the death of his Father, crown above legend in two lines, HANC: DE / VS: DEDIT , date below, linear circle and legend surrounding CAROL: II: D: G: MAG: B. F: ET: H: REX , outer beaded circle both sides, rev struck en médaille, castle gateway with flag at top P and C either side of flag, ground below, OBS to left, cannon to right, legend around POST: MORTEM: PATRIS: PRO: FILIO 4.36g (Hird 282-4; Brooker 1235; N.2649; S.3151). Lovely cabinet tone, very slightly double struck in parts, almost extremely fine and rare, has been graded and slabbed by N.G.C. as XF45. £12,500 ex Bobly Collection, this coin bought from Bernard Hearn of London 1965. Nomos Fixed Price list No. 4, Winter 2011, item 125. Ian Gordon Collection, Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 90, 23rd May 2012, lot 2620. NGC certification 3645507-002.

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BH070 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Sixpence, 1561, milled issue, crowned bust left with ornate dress, large rose behind, initial mark star both sides, rev inverted die axis, quartered shield of arms over long cross fourchée, date above, 3.11g (N.2024; S.2593). Pleasing cabinet tone, just a few tiny hairlines and cabinet friction to high points, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £1,250 ex H J Hoby, Spink Auction 84, 21st May 1991, lot 299. Alfred Bole, Collection of Sixpences part I, Dix, Noonan and Webb auction 89, 29th September 2010, lot 1488.

BH071 James I (1603-1625), Sixpence, 1608, second coinage, fourth bust right, value behind, initial mark Coronet both sides, rev quartered shield of arms, date above, 2.52g (N.2103; S.2658). Struck from rusty dies, toned a bold very fine. £425

BH072 Charles I (1625-1649), Sixpence, 1646, obsidional coinage, Newark besieged, on lozenge shaped flan, large crown over value, C to left, R to right, beaded border both sides, rev inscription and date, 2.68g (Hird 267-9; Brooker 1228; N.2642; S.3146). Toned, a little softly struck at centre, otherwise nearly very fine on a broad flan, and with some gilding remaining from the original source plate, rare. £1,950 ex Randolph Zander Numismatist, New York, USA, sales list186, February 1968, item 217.


BH073 Henry V (1413-1422), Groat, London Mint, Class C, crowned facing bust, within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on seven cusps, mullet on right shoulder, beaded inner circles and legend surrounding, single saltire stops, initial mark cross pattée both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, double saltire stops, 3.65g (N.1387B; S.1765). Well-toned, a touch double-struck in places, otherwise a bold very fine, reverse better. £750 ex Spink Numismatic Circular 2011, March 2011, HS4445.

BH074 Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461), Groat, annulet issue (1422-30), Calais Mint, facing crowned bust within tressure of nine arcs, annulet either side, fleurs on six cusps, initial mark incurved pierced cross (1422-7) both sides, saltire stops, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, two angles with central annulet, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, double saltire stops, 3.67g (N.1446; S.1836). Toned, a few small hairline marks, good very fine. £200




BH075 Henry VI, First Reign, Groat, rosette mascle issue (1427-1430), Calais Mint, facing crowned bust within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on six cusps, initial mark Cross Patonce (1427-34), rosette and mascle stops, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, initial mark plain cross (1422-60), rosette, mascle and double saltire stops, 3.54g (N.1446; S.1859). Lightly toned, a few small marks and very light pitting, otherwise almost extremely fine with a clear portrait. £350 BH076 Edward IV, First Reign (1461-1470), Groat, light coinage (1464-70), London Mint, facing crowned bust within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on seven cusps, quatrefoils by neck, initial mark Sun (1467-8) both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, lis after S of CIVITAS, 2.93g (N.1569, S.2000). Lightly toned, flan just slightly undulating, a few small hairlines, nearly very fine. £150



BH077 Edward IV, First Reign, Groat, light coinage (1464-1470), Bristol Mint, facing crowned bust within tressure of nine arcs, fleurs on six cusps, quatrefoils by neck, B at breast, initial mark Sun (1467-8) both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.03g (N.1580; S.2004). Light attractive tone, a little short of flan at legends, but otherwise a well-struck and pleasing good very fine. £375 BH078 Edward IV, Second Reign (1471-1483), Groat, London Mint, facing crowned bust within tressure of nine arcs, trefoils on cusps, initial mark large Annulet (1471-2) both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 3.05g (N.1631; S.2096). Toned, a little softly struck at centre and a few light hairlines, good fine. £95 Rare Richard III Groat with Boar’s Head Mint Mark

BH079 Richard III (1483-1485), Groat, London Mint, crowned facing bust within tressure of nine arcs, large fleur on six cusps, initial mark Boar’s Head type 2 both sides, rev long cross pattée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.75g (N.1679; S.2156). Pleasing old tone, obverse struck a touch off-centre but otherwise a well-struck bold very fine with a good portrait. £3,000

BH080 Henry VII (1485-1509), Groat, London Mint, crowned facing bust with single arch to crown, within tressure of 6 arcs, initial mark Crosslet (1504-5) both sides, rev long cross fourchée, tri-pellets in each inner angle, twin concentric legends and beaded circles surrounding, 2.98g (N.1706; S.2200). Dark old tone, nearly very fine. £225 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BH081 Henry VIII (1509-1547), Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London Mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark Lis (1509-26) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.69g (Laker type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Attractively toned, just a touch of wear to high points, good very fine with a pleasing portrait, and rare in this grade. £650 BH082 Henry VIII, Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London Mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark Arrow (1526-44) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.63g (Laker type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Toned, a few small abrasions across portrait, otherwise good very fine. £650



BH083 Henry VIII, Groat, second coinage (1526-44), York Mint, issue of Archbishop Wolsey (1514 - 30), crowned profile of bust right, initial mark Voided Cross (1514-26) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms on long cross fourchée, two keys and cardinal hat below, TW by shield for Archbishop Wolsey, 2.75g (N.1799; S.2339). Lightly toned, a bold very fine. £500 BH084 Henry VIII, Groat, second coinage (1526-44), York Mint, issue of Archbishop Wolsey (1514 - 30), crowned profile of bust right, initial mark Voided Cross (1514-26) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms on long cross fourchée, two keys and cardinal hat below, TW by shield for Archbishop Wolsey, 2.43g (N.1799; S.2339). Toned, struck somewhat off-centre both sides, otherwise very fine. £375



BH085 Henry VIII, Groat, second coinage (1526-44), London Mint, second crowned bust in profile right, initial mark Arrow (1526-44) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, saltires in forks, 2.78g (Laker type D; N.1797; S.2337E). Toned, practically very fine / very fine. £275 BH086 Henry VIII, Groat, third coinage (1544-7), London Mint, older crowned bust facing half-right, annulet on inner circle, initial mark Lis (1544-7) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, pellets in annulets in forks, 2.02g (N.1844; S.2370). Toned, some surface porosity and roughness to edges, otherwise nearly fine. £75

BH087 Mary (1553-4), Groat, crowned bust left, initial mark Pomegranate both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 2.03g (N.1960; S.2492). Dark cabinet tone, a few tiny hairline scratches to obverse, otherwise about very fine and scarce. £350






BH088 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Threepence, 1562, third and fourth issues (1561-77), smaller flan inner circle, crowned bust left, rose behind bust, initial mark Pheon (1561-5) both sides, rev quartered of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 1.43g (N.1998; S.2565). Lightly toned, a few light surface otherwise nearly very fine.

14mm shield marks, £150

BH089 Elizabeth I, Threepence, 1572, third and fourth issues (1561-77), crowned bust left, rose behind bust, initial mark Ermine (1572-3) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 1.56g (N.1998; S.2566). Toned, just a few light hairline marks on face and reverse, otherwise good very fine with a clear portrait. £250 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, March 2011, HS4463.

BH090 Elizabeth I, Threepence, 1573, third and fourth issues (1561-77), crowned bust left, rose behind bust, initial mark Acorn (1573-4) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 1.38g (N.1998; S.2566). Lightly toned, tiny contact mark to brow of portrait, reverse a touch off-centre, very fine. £175 HALFGROAT



BH091 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Halfgroat, second issue (1560-1), crowned bust left, initial mark Crosslet (15601) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 1.04g (N.1987; S.2557). Toned, a little weak in parts, with a good portrait, though very fine. £175 BH092 Commonwealth (1649-1660), Halfgroat, English shield within laurel and palm branches, rev shields of England and Ireland, with value above between stops, 0.88g (N.2728; S.3221). Well-toned, obverse just a touch offcentre and a little, small edge chip, otherwise very fine. £125 PENNY THREE-FARTHINGS

BH093 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Penny, London Mint, sixth issue, crowned bust left, initial mark tun (1592-5) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, 0.45g (N.2017; S.2580). Dark tone, weak in parts, about very fine. £100

BH094 Elizabeth I, Three-Farthings, 1561, London Mint, third and fourth issues (1561-77), crowned bust left, rose behind bust, initial mark Pheon (15615) both sides, rev quartered shield of arms upon long cross fourchée, date above, 0.35g (N.2002; S.2571). Pleasing dark cabinet tone, a little ragged at rim, otherwise good very fine with a clear portrait. £250



BH095 Henry V (1413-1422), Halfpenny, London Mint, facing crowned bust, annulet to left, trefoil to right, rev long cross, tri-pellets in each inner angle, legends and beaded circles surrounding, 0.39g (Withers type 10; N.1411; S.1796). Toned, a little ghosting of reverse cross by portrait, otherwise a pleasing good very fine. £135

BH096 Richard II (1377-99), Farthing, Calais Mint, small facing crowned bust within beaded inner circle, legend surrounding with small letters, rev long cross, tri-pellets in each inner angle, legends and beaded circles surrounding, 0.31g (likely Withers type 1d; N.1333; S.1701). Toned, obverse a little off-centre and double struck, otherwise very fine. £375 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, March 2011, HS4441.

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Milled Gold FIVE GUINEAS A Well Struck Second Bust Gold Five Guineas of Charles II Dated 1682

BM001 Charles II (1660-85), Five Guineas, 1682, second laureate head right, CAROLVS. II. DEI. GRATIA toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, four interlinked C’s at centre, date either side of top English crown, .MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB REX. toothed border surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters of reverse orientation, +.DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN. ANNO. REGNI. TRICESIMO. QVARTO.+. (Schneider -; King 106; M.C.E. 25; S.3331). Well struck for this issue and retaining some underlying mint brilliance in legend and in shields, covered in a myriad of surface marks, a couple of small flan imperfections on edge, otherwise almost extremely fine for issue and very appealing, no example of this date in the Schneider Collection. £27,500 A total of 50 examples recorded in commerce over a 45 year period in the Samuel King survey. The “Samuel King Survey” was co-researched and prepared by this cataloguer and appears at the start of that auction catalogue – Spink Auction, 5th May 2005, which represented one of the biggest groups of Five Guinea pieces to come to the market place in decades, the collection numbering 60 examples of the denomination.

Very Attractive Gold Five Guineas Dated 1683 of Charles II

BM002 Charles II, Five Guineas, 1683, second laureate head right, CAROLVS. II. DEI. GRATIA toothed border surrounding, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, four interlinked C’s at centre, date either side of top English crown, .MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB REX. toothed border surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters of obverse orientation, +.DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN. ANNO. REGNI. TRICESIMO. QVINTO.+. (Schneider -; King -; M.C.E. 27; S.3331). Well struck for this issue and retaining much underlying mint brilliance, especially on reverse, one hairline scratch in obverse field, another smaller one on reverse by French shield, some light speckling and one small flan imperfection on edge, otherwise practically extremely fine for issue and very appealing, no example of this date and variety in the Schneider or Samuel King Collections. £32,500 A total of 55 examples recorded in commerce over a 45 year period in the Samuel King survey. The “Samuel King Survey” was co-researched and prepared by this cataloguer and appears at the start of that auction catalogue – Spink Auction, 5th May 2005, which represented one of the biggest groups of Five Guinea pieces to come to the market place in decades, the collection numbering 60 examples of the denomination. It is therefore surprising that King only had a 1683 Five Guineas with the elephant and castle, but not the plain variety like we have offered here.


Pleasing Gold Five Guineas of William and Mary

William and Mary (1688-94), Five Guineas, 1691, conjoined laureate busts facing right, GVLIELMVS. ET. toothed border surrounding, rev large crowned quartered shield of arms with scallop frame, with an escutcheon of the Lion of Nassau, date either side of crown over English shield, .MAG. BR.FR. ET.HIB. REX. ET. REGINA. toothed border surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters of reverse orientation, . +.DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN.ANNO. REGNI. TERTIO .+. (Schneider -; King 124-5; M.C.E. 136; S.3422). Well struck for this issue and retaining considerable underlying mint brilliance, both sides, some light speckling amongst a few tiny nicks mainly on obverse, otherwise extremely fine and very appealing. £30,000 BM003


111 examples recorded in commerce over a 45 year period in the Samuel King survey, no example present in the Schneider Collection.

The Standard Catalogue Plate Coin, ex Slaney Collection Gold Five Guineas of 1692

William and Mary (1688-94), Five Guineas, 1692, conjoined laureate busts facing right, GVLIELMVS. ET. toothed border surrounding, rev large crowned quartered shield of arms with scallop frame, with an escutcheon of the Lion of Nassau, date either side of crown over English shield, .MAG. BR.FR. ET.HIB. REX. ET. REGINA. toothed border surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters of obverse orientation, . +.DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN.ANNO. REGNI. QVARTO .+. (Schneider -; King 127; MCE 138; S.3422). A few light spots on obverse, otherwise with an attractive red tone with considerable underlying mint brilliance, good extremely fine, the finest example of the William and Mary Five Guineas we have seen, the current plate coin in the Spink Standard Catalogue with wonderful provenance. £85,000 BM004


Purchased from A H Baldwin and Son Ltd in 1943 for £70 by Mr Slaney. Slaney Collection, Spink Auction, 15th May 2003, lot 74. Sylvia Collection, private treaty collection sold by Mark Rasmussen, numismatist. Goldberg Auction 53, 24th May 2009, lot 2597. We note a lesser condition 1692 Five Guineas was sold recently at auction by F R Kunker in Germany, sale 256, on 9th October 2014, lot 6634 for a hammer price of 60,000 euro. There are 95 examples recorded in commerce over a 45 year period in the Samuel King survey, no example present in the Schneider Collection. There are certain sales one turns to for different areas of numismatic research and as far as Five Guineas are concerned we have made comparisons with all the great Five Guinea collections we know of from the last 65 years! We have compared this coin with the examples illustrated in the following specialist gold collections:Dominic Mitchell, Glendining 27th April 1949. Lady Duveen, Glendining, 29th September 1964. Spink Auction 91, 1st May 1992. Spink Auction 97, 13th May 1993. (CONTINUES TO PAGE 74)

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Morton and Eden sale 6 – Collection of Five Guineas, 11th December 2003 (1692 piece in this sale similar but with adjustment marks, and later appears in a Goldberg sale slabbed as NGC MS60). Samuel King, Spink Auction 173, 5th May 2005. As well as additional cursory checks of more general collections by famous Numismatic names like Garrett, Norweb, and Pittman. The only comparable William and Mary Five Guinea pieces were the two that appeared fresh in the Bridgewater House Sale at Sotheby in June 1972 but neither of these were dated 1692 with the plain below bust variety. In conclusion none of these collections contained as fine a Five Guinea piece dated 1692 as the William and Mary we have here. It is also interesting to note that £70 in 1943 would have also bought you such numismatic greats as, not one, but two Triple Unites dated 1642 in extremely fine condition. The May 1943 Spink Numismatic Circular offered one Triple Unite for sale at £35 item 19852. This 1692 Five Guineas is also comparable in condition and brilliance to the Charles II 1684, and James II 1686 pieces sold from our own Summer 2013 Fixed price lists (retail values £85,000 and £92,500 respectively).

Rare Third Bust Gold Five Guineas of Queen Anne (1702-1714)

BM005 Anne (1702-14), Five Guineas, 1713, third draped bust left, ANNA. DEI. GRATIA. toothed border, rev PostUnion type crowned cruciform emblematic shields with English and Scottish arms dimidiated, garter star at centre, sceptres in angles, date either side of crown over top shield, .MAG. BRI.FR ET.HIB REG. toothed border surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters of obverse orientation, DECVS. ET. TVTAMEN. ANNO. REGNI. DVODECIMO+. (Schneider -; King 148; M.C.E. 203; S.3568). Some flecking and nicks both sides, lightly toned with some colour and retaining some mint brilliance, otherwise good very fine. £19,500 Only 22 examples recorded in commerce over a 45 year period in the Samuel King survey, no example present in the Schneider Collection.

GUINEAS Rare 1689 Gold Guinea of William and Mary With Overstruck Lettering in Obverse Legend

BM006 William and Mary (1688-94), Guinea, 1689, MVS of legend struck over EL, conjoined busts right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown, later harp in Irish arms (Schneider 467; M.C.E. 148; S.3426). Attractively toned, some flecking on reverse, raised die flaw above crown, otherwise an eye appealing bold very fine and very rare. £5,000 ex Stacks, New York, 22nd April 2009, lot 1802. A H Baldwin, Fixed Price List, Summer 2012, BM004.



BM007 George I (1714-27), Guinea, 1721, fourth laureate head right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, date either side of top crown (Schneider -; M.C.E. 253; S.3631). A couple of rim nicks, with some residual dirt and flecking both sides, light tone, otherwise a bold very fine. £2,000 BM008 George III (1760-1820), Guinea, 1773, third laureate head right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown (Schneider -; M.C.E. 378; S.3727). Once cleaned, some light surface marks, nick on nose, a bold very fine £875


Rare Gold George III Proof Guinea of 1774

BM009 George III, Proof Guinea, 1774, engraved by Thomas Pingo, fourth laureate head right, rev struck en médaille, crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown, edge, plain (Schneider -; Eimer 74; W.R. 95; S.3728). Brilliant, light hairline on reverse to left of shield, some light contact marks on cheek of King with some tiny nicks, otherwise practically as struck and rare. £8,500 TOUCH-PIECE Hard to Find Gold Touch Piece of King Charles II

BM010 Charles II (1660-85), gold Touch-piece, undated, three masted ship in full sail on sea left, legend surrounding, CAR. II. D G. M. B. FR ET. HI. REX. rev St Michael and dragon, legend surrounding, SOLI. DEO GLORIA. pierced at top for suspension (Woolf O3/R2). Light hairline scratches and nicks in fields both sides, otherwise pierced very fine. £650 The fact that this coin is pierced for wearing suggests it was once touched by the King himself.

HALF-GUINEAS Very Rare George II Half-Guinea Struck from gold captured by Admiral Anson and other Privateers

BM011 George II (1727-60), Half-Guinea, 1745, LIMA below intermediate laureate head left, letter U in King’s name, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown (Schneider 602; M.C.E. 354; S.3684). Pleasing red tone, a couple of light hairline short scratches on obverse, otherwise good fine and very rare. £1,950

BM012 George III (1760-1820), Half-Guinea, 1765, second laureate head right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date either side of crown (Schneider -; M.C.E 408; S.3732). Slight undulation to flan, some abrasions and scratches with residual dirt, seemingly a field find, otherwise very fine, and rare. £975 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM013 George III, Proof Half-Guinea, 1787, fifth laureate bust right, rev crowned quartered spade-shaped shield of arms, date below, edge plain (MCE.430; S.3735) Lightly hairlined and lightly toned, good extremely fine, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF62. £4,250 NGC certification 3743677-013.

BM014 George III, Half-Guinea, 1804, seventh laureate head right, rev quartered shield of arms upon crowned garter, date below, legend surrounding (Schneider -; M.C.E. 442; S.3736). A couple of light flecks, hairline short scratch by neck, otherwise attractively toned extremely fine. £550 Very Rare 1811 Gold Half Guinea of George III

BM015 George III, Half-Guinea, 1811, seventh laureate head right, rev quartered shield of arms upon crowned garter, date below, legend surrounding (Schneider -; M.C.E. 447; S.3736). A couple of light flecks, hairline short scratch by neck, a little weakly struck at centre, otherwise attractively toned extremely fine, has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS62, one of the rarest dates for this type of Half Guinea. £1,500 PCGS certification 5524850.





BM016 George III (1760-1820), Third-Guinea, 1803, second type, first laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding (Schneider 625; M.C.E. 455; S.3739). A few flecks both sides, toned, extremely fine. £700 BM017 George III, Third-Guinea, 1808, third type, second laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding, edge, obliquely grained (Schneider -; M.C.E. 458; S.3740). Toned, extremely fine. £675 BM018 George III, Third-Guinea, 1809, third type, second laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding, edge, obliquely grained (Schneider -; M.C.E. 459; S.3740). Lightly toned over mint brilliance with a number of light flecks both sides, extremely fine. £675




BM019 George III, Third-Guinea, 1810, third type, second laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding, edge, obliquely grained (Schneider 626; M.C.E. 460; S.3740). Toned with considerable brilliance, good extremely fine. £850 BM020 George III, Third-Guinea, 1813, third type, second laureate head right, rev large crown, date below, legend surrounding, edge, obliquely grained (Schneider -; M.C.E. 462; S.3740). Well struck on a broad flan, with striking flaw around lower obverse rim, with a few light flecks and marks both side, practically extremely fine and a very rare date. £1,000 QUARTER GUINEA

BM021 George I (1714-27), Quarter-Guinea, 1718, laureate head right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, sceptres in angles, garter star at centre, edge, obliquely grained (Schneider 554; M.C.E. 277; S.3638). Once cleaned, good very fine. £400 MODERN GOLD FIVE POUNDS

BM022 Victoria (1837-1901), Five Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Schneider 653; S.3864). Some light rim nicks, light patch of scratches under D G of legend, scratch on neck, some light marks on reverse, light flat spot to St George’s chest, otherwise brilliant, a bold extremely fine. £2,750

BM023 Edward VII (1901-1910), Matt Proof Five-Pounds, 1902, bare head right, De S. below truncation, rev St George slaying the dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, tiny B.P. in exergue, edge milled (S.3966). Toned, with light black hairlines to reverse, consequent of the matt proof manufacture, with a super obverse, practically as struck. £2,850 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM024 William IV (1830-37), Proof Two Pounds, 1831, bare head right, rev quartered shield of arms with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover, all upon crowned ermine mantle, Order of the Garter below, date below, edge plain (W.R. 258 R3; S.3828). Quite scuffed with surface marks and hairlines on design and in fields, edge with a few small nicks, good extremely fine. £8,500

BM025 Victoria (1837-1901), Two Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (Dyer 2b/2; Schneider 654; S.3865). Some light marks from light polishing, one small edge nick and hairline scratch in obverse field, otherwise good very fine. £1,000

BM026 Edward VII (1901-10), Matt Proof Two Pounds, 1902, bare head right, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (W.R. 406; S.3968). Toned, with a few light black hairlines to reverse, consequent of the matt proof manufacture, practically as struck. £1,650 SOVEREIGNS The Highest Graded Gold 1818 Sovereign Currently on the N.G.C. World Coin Census

BM027 George III (1760-1820), Sovereign, 1818, first laureate head right, descending colon variety in legend, date below, rev St George slaying dragon right with broken lance, no upper left serif to I of honi, (Marsh 2; M.C.E. 465; S.3785; Bentley 6). Light pleasant tone with plenty of mint brilliance apparent, some hairlines to surfaces with a couple of light imperfections, otherwise uncirculated, slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS62, the highest graded 1818 Sovereign currently in their world coin census and the rarer legend variety. £8,000 NGC certification 3808322-005. Ex A H Baldwin, fixed Price List, Summer 2009, BM020.


BM028 William IV (1830-37), Sovereign, 1832, second bare head right with coarse hair and flat topped, deeply engraved ear, w.w. fully incuse on truncation, nose points to second I in BRITANNIAR, coarse border teeth, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, date below, finer border teeth (Marsh 17; MCE 490; S.3829B; Bentley 28). A few light surface marks mainly in fields both sides, otherwise a bold extremely fine, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS61. £2,500

BM029 William IV, Sovereign, 1832, second bare head right with coarse hair and flat topped, deeply engraved ear, w.w. fully incuse on truncation, nose points to second I in BRITANNIAR, coarse border teeth, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, date below, finer border teeth (Marsh 17; MCE 490; S.3829B; Bentley 28). A few light surface marks mainly in fields both sides, rim nick and hairline scratch behind head, otherwise extremely fine. £1,850

BM030 Victoria (1837-1901), Sovereign, 1838, first young head left, w.w. raised on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below (Marsh 22 R; M.C.E.499; S.3852; Bentley 36). Three scratches on obverse, scuffed with surface marks, rim nick on reverse, almost very fine and rare. £1,000 Extremely Rare Key Date 1841 Gold Victoria Sovereign

BM031 Victoria, Sovereign, 1841, first young head left, w.w. raised on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below, normal A’s in legend (Marsh 24 R3; M.C.E.501; S.3852; Bentley 41). Toned, scuffed with surface marks, otherwise about very fine and extremely rare. £9,500

BM032 Victoria, Sovereign, 1842, normal closed 2, first young head left, w.w. raised on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below (Marsh 25; M.C.E.502; S.3852; Bentley 42). Toned, scuffed with light surface marks, nick in field behind head, otherwise good fine. £450 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM033 Victoria, Sovereign, 1861, curvy rounded 6 with bulbous top, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below (Marsh 44; M.C.E.522; S.3852D; Bentley 431 this coin). Once cleaned, good very fine, reverse better. £500 ex St James Auction 5, 27th September 2006, lot 628. Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 431.

BM034 Victoria, Sovereign, 1862, larger wider date with hooked type 6, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, emblems below (Marsh 45; M.C.E.523; S.3852D; Bentley 433 this coin). Some light surface marks, very fine and unusual. £450 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 433.

BM035 Victoria, Sovereign, 1864, die number 3, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 3 below, emblems below (Marsh 49; M.C.E.525; S.3853; Bentley 443 this coin). A few very light marks, red patch of tone on reverse, very fine, reverse extremely fine and more brilliant. £475 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 443.




BM036 Victoria, Sovereign, 1864, die number 6, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel, die number 6 below, emblems below (Marsh 49; M.C.E.525; S.3853; Bentley 109 this coin). Light surface marks, nearly extremely fine, reverse better. £475 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 109.

BM037 Victoria, Sovereign, 1864, die number 8, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 8 below, emblems below (Marsh 49; M.C.E.525; S.3853; Bentley 110 this coin). Once cleaned, now lightly toned with hairline surface marks, very fine. £375 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 110.

BM038 Victoria, Sovereign, 1864, die number 27, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 27 below, emblems below (Marsh 49; M.C.E.525; S.3853; Bentley 449 this coin). Once cleaned, some light surface marks and scuffs, extremely fine. £500 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 449.

BM039 Victoria, Sovereign, 1865, die number 13, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 13 below, emblems below (Marsh 50; M.C.E.526; S.3853; Bentley 477 this coin). Some traces of black deposit, once cleaned, very fine. £450 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 477.





BM040 Victoria, Sovereign, 1865, die number 28, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 28 below, 8 higher than 2, emblems below (Marsh 50; M.C.E.526; S.3853; Bentley 481 this coin). Toned nearly very fine / good very fine. £400 ex Spink Numismatic Circular, February 1998, item 521. An Important Collection of Gold Sovereigns 1816-2000, offered as one lot, Sotheby, 16-17th November 2000, lot 525 part. Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 481.

BM041 Victoria, Sovereign, 1866, die number 6, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 6 below, emblems below (Marsh 51; M.C.E.527; S.3853; Bentley 486 this coin). Once cleaned, toned with light surface marks, nearly very fine / good very fine. £450 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 486.

BM042 Victoria, Sovereign, 1866, die number 8, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 8 below, emblems below (Marsh 51; M.C.E.527; S.3853; Bentley 154 this coin). Once cleaned, with associated surface scuff marks and hairlines, extremely fine. £500 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 154.

Unusual 1866 Sovereign With Roman Style I in Die Number 16 on Reverse

BM043 Victoria, Sovereign, 1866, die number 16, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 16 below, Roman I in 16, emblems below (Marsh 51; M.C.E.527; S.3853; Bentley 156 this coin). Scuffy and hairlined, good very fine / nearly extremely fine, very unusual with Roman I style figure in die number. £750 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 156. This coin is unusual in that it demonstrates a Roman style letter I in the tiny die number on the reverse, which is seen very rarely in the die number series, it is an oddity.



BM044 Victoria, Sovereign, 1868, die number 5, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 5 below, emblems below, (Marsh 52; M.C.E.528; S.3853; Bentley 179 this coin). Some nicks and marks on nose and face, other surface marks, a bold very fine. £375 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 179.

BM045 Victoria, Sovereign, 1868, die number 30, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 30 below, emblems below (Marsh 52; M.C.E.528; S.3853; Bentley 187 this coin). Cleaned with associated nicks and surface marks, nearly extremely fine / extremely fine. £450 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 187.

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BM046 Victoria, Sovereign, 1869, die number 3, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 3 below, emblems below, (Marsh 53; M.C.E.529; S.3853; Bentley 192 this coin). Surface marks and hairlines otherwise extremely fine. £550 ex Douro Cargo, Spink Auction 118, 20-21st November 1996, lot 1362pt. Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 192.

BM047 Victoria, Sovereign, 1869, die number 17, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 17 below, emblems below (Marsh 53; M.C.E.529; S.3853; Bentley 196 this coin). Toned with light surface marks and hairlines, good very fine. £400 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 196. Note the lack of serifs on the 1’s of the die number, it seems it was not just the date or letter punches that had broken corners.

BM048 Victoria, Sovereign, 1869, die number 69, second larger young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 69 below, emblems below (Marsh 53; M.C.E.529; S.3853; Bentley 544 this coin). Heavy surface marks and scuffs, light red spots on reverse, almost very fine, reverse better. £500 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 544.




BM049 Victoria, Sovereign, 1870, die number 113, third young head left, ww incuse on truncation without stops, date below, rev crowned shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 113 below, emblems below (Marsh 54; M.C.E.530; S.3853; Bentley 221 this coin). Three short scratches on obverse field behind head, other light surface marks, otherwise almost very fine. £385 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 221.

BM050 Victoria, Sovereign, 1870, die number 114, third young head left, w . w . in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 114 below, no upper serifs to figure 1’s, emblems below (Marsh 54; M.C.E.530; S.3853B; Bentley 551 this coin). Once polished, toned nearly very fine / very fine. £500 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 551.

BM051 Victoria, Sovereign, 1871, die number 7, third young head left, w . w . in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 7 below, emblems below (Marsh 55; M.C.E.531; S.3853B; Bentley 556 this coin). Some light surface marks, with nicks and scuffs, toned good fine / very fine. £375 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 556.

BM052 Victoria, Sovereign, 1871, die number 13, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 13 below, emblems below, (Marsh 55; M.C.E.531; S.3853B; Bentley 229 this coin). Patch of tone on cheek, light hairlines and surface marks with a few nicks, tiny black spot on reverse, otherwise extremely fine / good extremely fine. £600 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 229.





BM053 Victoria, Sovereign, 1871 die number 71, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 71 below, emblems below (Marsh 55; M.C.E.531; S.3853B; Bentley 243 this coin). Light surface marks, scuffs and hairlines, nearly extremely fine. £425 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 243.

BM054 Victoria, Sovereign, 1871, die number 97, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 97 below, emblems below (Marsh 55; M.C.E.531; S.3853B; Bentley 574 this coin). Some light surface marks and nicks, toned extremely fine. £500 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 574.

BM055 Victoria, Sovereign, 1872, die number 7, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 7 below, emblems below (Marsh 56; M.C.E.533; S.3853B; Bentley 579 this coin). Red blemish on reverse shield, softly struck in parts, otherwise extremely fine / good extremely fine and pleasing. £575 ex Douro Cargo, Spink Auction 118, 20-21st November 1996, lot 1383pt. Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 579.




BM056 Victoria, Sovereign, 1872, die number 16, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 16 below, emblems below (Marsh 56; M.C.E.533; S.3853B; Bentley 583 this coin). Dig on letter E of obverse has mal-formed it, light surface marks and obverse rim nick, good very fine / extremely fine. £400 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 583.

BM057 Victoria, Sovereign, 1872, die number 21, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 21 below, emblems below (Marsh 56; M.C.E.533; S.3853B; Bentley 585 this coin). Scratch to right of crown on reverse, some nicks and hairlines, otherwise toned very fine / good very fine. £475 ex Bentley Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 76, 27th September 2012, lot 585.

BM058 Victoria, Sovereign, 1872 , die number 99, third young head left, w . w . in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 99 below, emblems below (Marsh 56; M.C.E.533; S.3853B; Bentley 287 this coin). Once cleaned, with associated surface marks and hairlines, nearly very fine. £375 ex An Important Collection of Gold Sovereigns 1816-2000, offered as one lot, Sotheby, 16-17th November 2000, lot 525 part. Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 287.

BM059 Victoria, Sovereign, 1873 , die number 9, third young head left, w.w. in relief on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within laurel wreath, die number 9 below, emblems below (Marsh 56; M.C.E.534; S.3853B; Bentley 1204). Once cleaned, with associated surface marks and hairlines, nearly very fine. £325 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM060 Victoria, Sovereign, 1895, old veiled bust left, hairline raised die flaw in some lettering, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, top strand of streamer absent leaving two strands only, date in exergue (Marsh 147; M.C.E.555; S.3874; Bentley 339). Some light scuffs and surface marks, very fine / good very fine. £425 ex Bentley Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 73, 8th May 2012, lot 339.

BM061 Edward VII (1901-10), Matt Proof Sovereign, 1902, bare head right, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (W.R. 408; S.3968; Bentley 345). Toned, unevenly on reverse, practically as struck, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF61 matte. £650 NGC certification 3072551-011.

BM062 Edward VII, Matt Proof Sovereign, 1902, bare head right, initials below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue, B.P. to upper right (W.R. 408; S.3968; Bentley 345). Burnished, good extremely fine. £500 COLONIAL MINT SOVEREIGNS



BM063 George V (1910-1936), Sovereign, 1911 C, Ottawa Mint, Canada, bare head left, b.m. on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, date in exergue, C mint mark on ground-line, tiny b.p. to upper right (K.M.20; Fr.2; Marsh 221; S.3997; Bentley 884). Toned with some specks of dirt, otherwise good extremely fine. £450 BM064 George V, Sovereign, 1917 P, Perth Mint, Australia, bare head left, b . m . on truncation, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, P mint mark on ground, date in exergue, tiny b . p . to upper right (McD.257; QM.193; KM.29; Fr.40; Marsh 256 S; S.4001; Bentley 863). A few light surface marks, some spots, otherwise extremely fine. £250 The Hardest to Find Currency Perth Mint Sovereign, the 1926 P

BM065 George V, Sovereign, 1926 P, Perth Mint, Australia, bare head left, b . m . on truncation, latter stop weak and small, rev with die axis slightly off-centre, St George slaying dragon with sword, P mint mark on ground, date in exergue, tiny b . p . to upper right (McD.284; QM.216 S; KM.29; Fr.40; Marsh 265 R; S.4001). A few light surface marks, light tone, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine and the rarest date to find for the George V Perth Mint series. £1,500 Very Rare 1929 Melbourne Sovereign

BM066 George V, Sovereign, 1929 M, Melbourne Mint, Australia, second smaller head left, bm on truncation, no stops, linear outer circle with grained border teeth compartments and rim both sides, rev slightly smaller design therefore with a deeper exergue, St George slaying dragon with sword, no wwp initials under lance, M mint mark on ground, date in exergue, tiny b.p. to upper right, (McD.289; QM.220 R; KM.29; Fr.39; Marsh 247 R3; S.4000; Bentley 841). Toned around legend, good extremely fine and rare. £2,750


HALF-SOVEREIGNS Extremely Rare 1825 Plain Edge Pattern Half-Sovereign

BM067 George IV (1820-30), Pattern Half-Sovereign, 1825, bare head left, date below, legend surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms, with an escutcheon of the arms of Hanover, edge plain (W.R. 248 R5; Douglas-Morris 152). Some excess metal to rim, quite hairlined with light scuffs and some nicks, though brilliant good extremely fine, and extremely rare. £4,750 Pleasing and Rare 1831 Proof Half-Sovereign

BM068 William IV (1830-37), Proof Half-Sovereign, 1831, small module, bare head right, coarse border teeth both sides, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, with the arms of Hanover as an escutcheon, date below, edge plain (W.R. 267 R3; S.3830). A few light surface marks, toned practically as struck, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF62 Ultra Cameo. £3,750



BM069 Victoria (1837-1901), Half-Sovereign, 1872, second larger young head left, date below, repositioned legend surrounding, nose points to T, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, die number 97 below, legend surrounding (Marsh -; M.C.E. 592; S.3860C). Some hairlines, almost very fine and very rare. £450 BM070 Victoria, Half-Sovereign, 1875 S, Sydney Mint, Australia, third larger young head left, date below, legend surrounding, I of DEI points to rear fillet in hair, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, S below, legend surrounding (Marsh 462; S.3862B). Some old sticky tape residue both sides, almost very fine and very rare. £195



BM071 Victoria, Half-Sovereign, 1893, Jubilee Issue, crowned and veiled bust left, no initials on truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date spread below (Marsh -; cf.S.3869C). Unrecorded without initials on truncation for this late London date, almost very fine and very rare. £275 BM072 Edward VII (1901-10), Matt Proof Half-Sovereign, 1902, bare head right, initials below, legend surrounding, rev St George slaying dragon with sword, broken lance to lower left, date in exergue (W.R. 411; S.3974A). Toned as struck. £500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Milled Silver


BM073 Charles II (1660-85), Crown, 1676, error EGNI for REGNI on edge, third laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, interlinked Cs in angles, garter star at centre, date either side of English shield, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated VICESIMO OCTAVO (cf.ESC.51; S.3358). Toned a bold fine and rare. £350 Rare First Bust Crown of King James II

BM074 James II (1685-88), Crown, 1686, first laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SECVNDO (ESC.76; S.3406). Quite well struck with only a little weakness top and bottom of bust and on high points, a mere speckling of haymarks, otherwise toned good very fine and rare. £3,950

BM075 Anne (1702-14), Crown, 1708 E, Edinburgh Mint, second draped bust left, rev Post-Union crowned cruciform emblematic shields, garter star at centre, date either side of uppermost shield, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SEPTIMO (ESC.106; S.3600). Some adjustment marks on reverse as usual, rim nick at top of obverse, toned good very fine for issue. £875 Mint State George II Young Head Crown the Finest We Have Seen

BM076 George II (1727-1760), Crown, 1736, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, roses and plumes in angles, garter star at centre, date above, edge inscribed in raised letters, and dated NONO (ESC.121; S.3686). Slightly streaky tone, mint state, the finest example we have seen. £8,500


BM077 George III (1760-1820), Oval countermark on Mexico City Mint, Mexico Eight Reales of Charles IV of Spain, 1793 FM (ESC.129; S.3765A). Countermark a well struck extremely fine, host coin toned, good very fine. £750

BM078 George III, Crown, 1819 LIX, laureate head right, PISTRUCCI below on truncation, date below rev St George slaying the dragon, PISTRUCCI below groundline, Garter surrounding, edge inscribed in raised letters without stops and dated LIX (ESC.215; S.3787). Lightly toned, two very light obverse hairline scratches by forehead, otherwise good extremely fine. £750 Very Appealing George IV 1821 Crown

BM079 George IV (1820-30), Crown, 1821, laureate head left, initials B.P. below and legend surrounding, rev St George slaying the dragon, date in exergue, initials B.P. to upper right, WWP under broken lance, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated SECUNDO (ESC.246; Davies 131; S.3805). Attractively toned, practically as struck with just a touch of wear to highest points, with exceptional eye appeal, probably an early strike. £2,250

BM080 Victoria (1837-1901), Crown, 1845, young head left, W. WYON. R.A on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, edge inscribed in incuse letters with cinquefoil stops (ESC.282; S.3882). Some nicks on neck and hairline scratches in field, rim nick, otherwise toned good very fine. £500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM081 Victoria, Crown, 1847, young head left, W. WYON. R.A on truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, edge inscribed in incuse letters with cinquefoil stops (ESC.286; S.3882). A couple of hairline scratches in field, rim bruise, otherwise toned very fine. £450

BM082 Victoria, Proof Gothic Crown, 1847, Gothic style crowned bust left, legend surrounding rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date in legend in Roman numerals, edge, inscribed in raised letters and dated undecimo (L&S 57; ESC 288; Davies 471; S.3883). Once polished on obverse, some short hairline scratches and digs in field, three small digs on reverse shields, otherwise toned extremely fine. £2,750

BM083 Victoria, Proof Gothic Crown, 1847, Gothic style crowned bust left, legend surrounding rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date in legend in Roman numerals, edge, inscribed in raised letters and dated undecimo (L&S 57; ESC 288; Davies 471; S.3883). Uneven dusky tone, hairline scratch in field with a couple of digs, otherwise toned extremely fine. £2,750

BM084 Edward VII (1901-1910), Crown, 1902, bare head right, DE S. below truncation, rev St George and dragon, B.P. beneath ground line, date below in exergue, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated II (ESC.361; S.3978). Lightly toned, a few tiny specks on King’s head, short scratch in field behind, small wispy scratch on horse body on reverse, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine, reverse stronger. £275


BM085 Edward VII, Matt Proof Crown, 1902, bare head right, DE S. below truncation, rev St George and dragon, B.P. beneath ground line, date below in exergue, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated II (ESC.362; S.3979). Lightly toned, small blemish on reverse rim, otherwise good extremely fine. £325 THREE-SHILLINGS



BM086 George III (1760-1820), Three-Shilling Bank Token, 1813, second laureate head right, rev denomination and date within oak wreath (ESC.421; S.3770). Blotchy tone, good extremely fine. £250 Ex Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 951. Baldwin Auction 80, 8th May 2013, lot 2374.

BM087 George III, Three-Shilling Bank Token, 1815, second laureate head right, rev denomination and date within oak wreath (ESC.423; S.3770). Toned practically as struck. £325 Ex Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 952. Baldwin Auction 80, 8th May 2013, lot 2375.


BM088 Oliver Cromwell (d.1658), Halfcrown, 1658, laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms of the Protectorate, edge, inscribed in raised letters (ESC. 447; S.3227A). Small short dig behind bust, a myriad of wispy hairline scratches in most of obverse field, a few hairline scratches on reverse otherwise toned very fine. £3,000

BM089 Charles II (1660-85), Halfcrown, 1676, retrograde 1 in date, fourth laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, interlinked Cs in angles, garter star at centre, edge inscribed in raised letters and dated Vicesimo oCTAVO (ESC.478A; S.3367). Toned, with some flecking on obverse, adjustment mark at 16 of date which is a little weak, a bold very fine and scarce. £975 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM090 George I (1714-27), Halfcrown, 1723, SSC, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, now incorporating the Arms of Hanover, initials of the South Sea Company in angles, garter star at centre, edge inscribed in raised letters, and dated DECIMO (ESC.592; S.3643). Small scratch and dig on throat of King, otherwise toned extremely fine, reverse better. £2,750 ex Colin Adams, Collection of Halfcrowns, Spink Auction 5033, 1st December 2005, lot 532. Baldwin Auction 80, 8th May 2013, lot 2356.



BM091 George III (1760-1820), Halfcrown, 1820, small laureate head right, large date below truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms overlaps Garter surrounding, edge milled (ESC.625; S.3789). Toned, a little light unevenly, otherwise extremely fine. £525 BM092 George IV (1820-1830), Halfcrown, 1820, laureate head left, B.P. under truncation, rev first crowned and garnished quartered shield of arms, emblems surrounding, date below (ESC.628; S.3807). Lightly toned, proof-like good extremely fine. £600

BM093 William IV (1830-37), Proof Halfcrown, 1831, bare head right, W.W. in script on truncation, rev inverted die axis, quartered shield of arms with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover, with garter surrounding upon crowned mantle, date below, edge plain (ESC.658; Davies 321; S.3834). Three or four small rim bruises, of bright appearance with a light tone, good extremely fine and rare. £2,000

BM094 Victoria (1837-1901), Proof Halfcrown, 1839, young head left with one plain fillet and one ornate in hair, w.w. raised on truncation, date below, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath, edge plain (ESC.670; Davies 560; S.3885). Attractive dark tone, hairline scratches on cheek with one older dig, small patch of scratches after I of DEI in legend, otherwise practically as struck with a perfect reverse. £3,500




BM095 George V (1910-36), Halfcrown, 1914, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below (ESC.761; S.4011). Toned a little unevenly, uncirculated £100 BM096 George V, Halfcrown, 1915, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below (ESC.762; S.4011). Toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine. £55



BM097 George V, Halfcrown, 1916, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms, date below (ESC.763; S.4011). Toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine. £55 BM098 George V, Proof Halfcrown, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. on right of truncation, rev quartered shield of arms, interlinked G’s either side, date in legend (ESC.776; S.4037). Toned with a few specks below bust, otherwise as struck. £95 FLORINS




BM099 Victoria (1837-1901), ‘Godless’ Florin, 1849, crowned gothic bust left, W.W. clear behind bust, rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, rose at centre, edge milled (ESC.802; S.3890). Lightly toned, a few tiny light marks, a pleasing good very fine. £125 BM100 Edward VII (1901-1910), Florin, 1905, bare head right, DE S. below truncation, rev Britannia standing on ship’s bow, date below, edge milled (ESC.923 R2; S.3981). Attractively toned, almost extremely fine, currently housed in an ANACS holder slabbed as EF45, rare. £650 BM101 George V (1910-36), Florin, 1911, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.929; S.4012). Small rim nick on reverse, uneven tone, with some speckling, hairline nick in obverse field and one on eyebrow, otherwise good extremely fine. £100

BM102 George V, Florin, 1912, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.931; S.4012). Slight surface marks on obverse, uneven tone, with some speckling otherwise good extremely fine and rare. £175 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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BM103 George V, Florin, 1914, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.933; S.4012). Slight surface marks on obverse, toned good extremely fine. £95 BM104 George V, Florin, 1916, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.935; S.4012). Attractively toned, uncirculated £110 BM105 George V, Florin, 1919, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.938; S.4012). Toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine. £75




BM106 George V, Florin, 1922, debased issue, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.941; S.4022A). Toned, unevenly on obverse, good extremely fine. £85 BM107 George V, Florin, 1923, debased issue, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.942; S.4022A). Toned, uncirculated. £95 BM108 George V, Florin, 1926, debased issue, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, emblems in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.945; S.4022A). Toned, some wispy marks in the toning, uncirculated. £150

BM109 George V, Proof Florin, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. on right of truncation, rev quartered shield of arms, interlinked G’s either side, date in legend (ESC.947; S.4038). Toned as struck. £125

BM110 George V, Florin, 1932, modified bare head left, B.M. on right of truncation, rev quartered shield of arms, interlinked G’s either side, date in legend (ESC.952; S.4038). Toned, with a few light nicks otherwise a pleasing extremely fine and rare, has been graded and slabbed by P.C.G.S. as AU58. £475 PCGS certification 30103927





BM111 George II (1727-60), Shilling, 1758, old laureate head left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, garter star at centre, date above (ESC.1213; S.3704). Darkly toned, one or two tiny hairlines, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £175 BM112 George III (1760-1820), Shilling, 1787, no stop over head and no semée of hearts, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, no semée of hearts in Hanoverian shield, crowns in angles, garter star at centre, date below (ESC.1218; S.3744). Toned with a few spots, extremely fine. £275 ex

Spink Numismatic Circular, 1992 item 5124




BM113 George III, Shilling, 1816, laureate head right, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (ESC.1228; S.3790). Very attractively toned, one small black stain on reverse, good extremely fine. £175 BM114 George IV (1820-1830), Shilling, 1825, second bare head left, date below truncation, rev small lion standing on crown, emblems below (ESC.1254; S.3812). Toned, good extremely fine. £300 BM115 George IV, Shilling, 1826, second bare head left, date below truncation, rev small lion standing on crown, emblems below (ESC.1257; S.3812). Toned a little unevenly, good extremely fine / extremely fine. £200



BM116 George IV, Proof Shilling, 1826, second bare head left, date below truncation, rev small lion standing on crown, emblems below (ESC.1258; S.3812). Toned practically as struck, housed in a CGS UK holder slabbed as CGS 80. £750 CGS certification 31149 – SH.G4.1826.03

BM117 Victoria (1837-1901), Shilling, 1887, fourth young head left, rev crowned value within wreath, date below (ESC.1349; S.3907). Toned unevenly, a pleasing extremely fine. £195

BM118 George V (1910-36), Proof Shilling, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. on right of truncation, rev lion standing left on crown, date in legend (ESC.1440; S.4039). Toned, a little unevenly on obverse, otherwise as struck. £85 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

SIXPENCES Excessively Rare William III Fine Work Second Bust Sixpence of 1696

BM119 William III (1694-1702), Pattern Sixpence, 1696, finely engraved second laureate and draped bust right, with hair across breast, rev inverted die axis, crowned cruciform shields, seven fine strings to harp, Lion of Nassau at centre, date above, 2.80g (ESC p.148, footnote 1; MCE obverse 3 - 900). Toned with a few surface marks, almost very fine and of the highest rarity, only the third example known and a new discovery. £10,000 This example of the rarest milled Sixpence in the series turned up recently in the north of Great Britain, and is the third known example to add to the one we offered in superb condition on this fixed price list 3 years ago which first emerged c.1992. The other is housed in the British Museum, who also hold other finely engraved second bust patterns of the Crown (two varieties) and Halfcrown, but alas no Shilling. The companion Shilling turned up at Seaby in 1949 and sold to Lord Hamilton of Dalzell in whose sale at Spink in February 1979, it sold for a hammer price of £13,000.




BM120 George II (1727-60), Sixpence, 1739, young laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, plumes in angles, garter star at centre, date above (ESC.1612; S.3708). Toned, extremely fine. £375 BM121 George II, Sixpence, 1758, old laureate and draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, garter star at centre, date above, edge grained (ESC.1623; S.3711). Toned a pleasing extremely fine. £125 BM122 George III (1760-1820), Sixpence, 1787, no semée of hearts, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, no semée of hearts in Hanoverian shield, crowns in angles, garter star at centre, date below, edge grained (ESC.1626; S.3748). Uneven tone, good extremely fine. £115





BM123 George III, Sixpence, 1787, with hearts, laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform emblematic shields, with hearts in Hanoverian shield, crowns in angles, garter star at centre, date below, edge grained (ESC.1629; S.3749). Toned almost extremely fine. £75 BM124 George III, Sixpence, 1820, large laureate head right, large date below truncation, rev crowned quartered shield of arms overlaps Garter surrounding, edge milled (ESC.1638; S.3791). Toned, a pleasing extremely fine. £95 BM125 George IV (1820-1830), Sixpence, 1821, laureate head left, B.P. below truncation, rev garnished crowned quartered shield of arms, emblems surrounding (ESC.1654; S.3813). Toned, proof-like good extremely fine. £400 BM126 William IV (1830-37), Sixpence, 1831, bare head right, rev crowned value within wreath, date below, (ESC.1674; S.3836). Toned, almost extremely fine. £125




BM127 Victoria (1837-1901), Sixpence, 1900, old veiled bust left, T.B. below truncation, rev crowned value within wreath, date below, edge milled (ESC.1770; S.3941). Lightly toned, black spot on head, otherwise proof-like practically as struck. £100 BM128 George V (1910-36), Proof Sixpence, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev struck en médaille, oak sprig of six acorns, edge milled (ESC.1816; S.4040). Lightly toned as struck. £60 Very Rare VIP Proof Sixpence of 1952

BM129 George VI (1936-52), VIP Proof Sixpence, 1952, struck in cupro-nickel, bare head left, rev crown grvi monogram, value below, date either side, edge milled (ESC.1838F note; S.4110). Toned, as struck and extremely rare. £1,500 GROAT THREEPENCE

BM130 Victoria (1837-1901), Groat, 1849, young head left, rev Britannia seated right, date below in exergue (ESC.1945; S.3914). Toned proof-like, good extremely fine. £225

BM131 George V (1910-36), Proof Threepence, 1927, bare head left, B.M. raised on truncation, rev struck en médaille, circular wreath of oak leaves and acorns, date below (ESC.2141; S.4042). Toned, as struck. £110

PATTERN DECIMAL SET Extremely Rare Elizabeth II Pattern Decimal Set Dated 1961

BM132 Elizabeth II (1952-), Pattern Decimal Coinage Set, 1961, consisting of six coins from 50 to 1 Cent, all share young head obverse by Mary Gillick, rev Pattern 50 Cents in silver with Queen as Una leading the British lion, date in exergue, denomination above, edge inscribed in raised letters, DECIMAL COINAGE PATTERN 7.45g; Cupro-Nickel Pattern Twenty Cents, standing figure of Britannia with trident and shield, date in exergue, denomination around, edge milled, 11.39g; Pattern Ten Cents, with quartered shield of arms with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover, within crowned garter, date below, denomination around, edge milled, 5.73g; Pattern Five Cents, with lion standing left on crown, date below, denomination around, edge milled, 2.82g; Bronze Two Cents, with ornate trident prongs, crown above, date below, denomination around, edge plain, 5.80g; One Cent, with EIIR cypher, denomination and date around, edge plain, 2.90g (Norweb Collection lot 1168; Freeman 792 and 793). The silver 50 Cents heavily tarnished as usual for these pieces, otherwise all lightly toned, the bronze with lustre, generally as struck and very rare offered for sale as a complete set. £12,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450




MC001 George III (1760-1820), Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, one rope at bowsprit (Peck 1077; S.3776). Toned a little unevenly, short hairline scratch on jaw, otherwise extremely fine. £650 MC002 George III, Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, one rope at bowsprit (Peck 1077; S.3776). Tooled in fields both sides and later gilt, other light marks and short scratches otherwise almost extremely fine. £250 ex bought by Rev. E Rogers from A H Baldwin 1948 for 12/6d. Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961.

Superb Copper Proof Twopence of George III

MC003 George III, Proof Twopence, struck in copper, 1797, early Soho, laureate and draped bust right, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, one rope at bowsprit, with hatching either side of trident shaft (Peck 1066 KT1b; S.3776). Some light friction to highest points on reverse, small short cut on throat, otherwise, lightly toned with considerable lustre, good extremely fine and rare. £1,750 Rare Copper Proof Twopence of George III

MC004 George III, Proof Twopence, struck in copper, 1797, late Soho, laureate and draped bust right, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, one rope at bowsprit, with stop after SOHO. (Peck 1069 KT2; S.3776). Some light friction to highest point on reverse, a few tiny spots speckling each side, otherwise darkly toned, good extremely fine and rare. £1,750


PATTERNS OF TWOPENCE SIZE Extremely rare copper Pattern Ten Cents dated 1846

MC005 Victoria (1837-1901), Smith’s Decimal Pattern Ten Cents, 1846, engraved by Marrian and Gausby of Birmingham, later striking in copper, struck circa 1888 by E Shorthouse, young filleted head left, MARRIAN & GAUSBY. D. BIRM. below, beaded border and wide raised outer rim both sides, rev struck en médaille, 10 CENTS at centre, date below, rosette stop either side, SMITH ON DECIMAL CURRENCY, edge plain, 73.82g (Fr 816; Peck 2078). Unevenly toned, good extremely fine and extremely rare. £750 Extremely rare white metal Pattern Ten Cents dated 1846

MC006 Victoria, Smith’s Decimal Pattern Ten Cents, 1846, engraved by Marrian and Gausby of Birmingham, later striking in white metal, struck circa 1888 by E Shorthouse, young filleted head left, MARRIAN & GAUSBY. D. BIRM. below, beaded border and wide raised outer rim both sides, rev struck en médaille, 10 CENTS at centre, date below, rosette stop either side, SMITH ON DECIMAL CURRENCY, edge plain, 52.63g (Fr 817; Peck 2079). Unevenly toned, a few light nicks, good extremely fine and extremely rare. £750 PENNIES



MC007 George III (1760-1820), Penny, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaf wreath, ribbon tie points outwards, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1132; S.3777). Some spotting and flecking, otherwise toned a pleasing extremely fine. £475 MC008 George III, Penny, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, eleven leaf wreath, ribbon tie points downwards, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1133; S.3777). Some lustre to lettering and inner rim, otherwise toned with some spots, good extremely fine, the rarer obverse. £750 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

Very rare thin flan George III Proof Penny

MC009 George III, Proof bronzed copper Penny, 1797, late Soho, struck on a thin flan, rounded rims, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaf wreath, two berries upper one doubled, ribbon tie points downwards, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, weak ship sailing right on weak left horizon, incuse dot on weak rock to right, date incuse on rim lightly doubled, 21.86g (cf.Peck 1115 KP14 R). Toned good extremely fine and very rare. £975 Pleasing Copper Proof Penny of George III

MC010 George III, Proof copper Penny, 1797, late Soho, laureate and draped bust right, eleven leaf wreath, legend incuse on raised rim surrounding on both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1123 KP17; S.3777). Slightly patchy tone, otherwise good extremely fine, and rare. £1,000

MC011 George III, Pattern copper Union Penny Token, 1799, engraved by Jean-Pierre Droz, long haired bust facing right, date either side, GEORGIUS III: D: G: REX , toothed border both sides, rev struck en médaille, four line inscription, VIGEBIT IN OMNE AEVUM , edge plain (BHM 465 ; Peck p.238). Toned good extremely fine. £275 This Penny is a medallic token issue to celebrate the recovery of George III from illness. It was thought to be a pattern for a Penny at the time of the great collectors Bergne and Montagu in the 19th Century.

MC012 George III, Penny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, without incuse hair curl to right of tie knot, rev die axis a few degrees off target to be inverted, Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1343; S.3780). Considerable lustre with a few spots and some light toning, otherwise good extremely fine, the rarer obverse and extremely rare to find so well preserved. £475




MC013 George III, Penny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, with incuse hair curl to right of tie knot, rev die axis a few degrees off target to be inverted, Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1342; S.3780). Some lustre with a few tiny spots, otherwise toned uncirculated, has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65BN. £350 PCGS certification 6446077.

MC014 George III, Proof copper Penny, 1806, late Soho, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, with incuse hair curl to right of tie knot, incomplete 1 and 0 in date, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1327 KP31; S.3780). Unevenly toned, good extremely fine and scarce. £375

MC015 George III, Proof copper Penny, 1806, late Soho, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, with incuse hair curl to right of tie knot, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1329 KP32; S.3780). Unevenly toned, good extremely fine and scarce. £375 Ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961.

MC016 George III, Penny, 1807, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1343; S.3780). Toned on obverse, some lustre to reverse, otherwise good extremely fine, a scarce date and well preserved. £250

MC017 George III, Proof copper Penny, 1807, restrike by W J Taylor, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon (Peck 1354 note R98; S.3780). A few wispy hairlines, otherwise toned practically as struck, Peck only notes the bronzed copper version but says that gilt and copper versions are likely to exist, scarce. £375 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

Exceedingly Rare Silver Proof Penny Dated 1807

MC018 George III, Proof silver Penny, 1807, restrike by W J Taylor, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left, with olive branch trident and shield, ship sailing right on left horizon, 20.79g (Peck 1353 R98 this coin; S.3780). Toned, small hairline nick in field behind bust, practically as struck and of the highest rarity, with no example present in the Gregory or Adams Collections, probably the only example in private hands. £7,500 Ex Reverend E. Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961 – this coin cited in Peck as only location! The silver Proof is just over 2 grams heavier than the regular currency coin.



MC019 George IV (1820-30), Penny, 1825, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, plain saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1420; S.3823). Toned a few small nicks, almost extremely fine. £200 MC020 George IV, Penny, 1826, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, plain saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1422; S.3823). Considerable lustre, with some small nicks and flecks with surface marks, good extremely fine. £650



MC021 George IV, Proof Penny, 1826, struck in bronzed copper, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, plain saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1423; S.3823). A couple of spots each side, toned good extremely fine; has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF64 BN. £750 NGC certification 3888847-013.

MC022 William IV (1830-37), Proof Penny, 1834, struck in bronzed copper, bare head right, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1457; S.3845). Attractively toned, practically as struck; has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF64 BN. £875


NGC certification 3888847-015.

Very Pleasing William IV 1834 Penny

MC023 William IV (1830-37), Penny, 1834, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1459; S.3845). Attractively toned, one tiny nick in reverse field otherwise practically as struck and rare this nice. £1,000



MC024 Victoria (1837-1901), Penny, 1841, young head left, W.W. on truncation, trace of die clash manifesting as ribbon at rear of hair fillet, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, no colon after REG (Peck 1484; S.3948). A few tiny surface marks, patchy tone with a little underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £375 ex H Deane Collection, purchased by B A Seaby 1946. Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 677.

MC025 Victoria, Penny, 1846, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1490; S.3948). Nearly full lustre, a few spots both sides with some wispy hairline marks otherwise good extremely fine, a superb coin. £700



MC026 Victoria, Penny, 1847, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, only a trace of colon after first word, last colon of legend closer (Peck 1492; S.3948). Nearly full lustre, a few spots both sides with some wispy hairline marks otherwise good extremely fine, a superb coin. £700 MC027 Victoria, Penny, 1848, with 8 struck over 7, young head left, pony tail of hair incomplete, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1495; S.3948). Some lustre, a few spots both sides, one green spot above head, with some wispy hairline marks and dusky tone, otherwise extremely fine and scarce. £300 The incomplete pony tail of hair not noted before in print; having examined and found similar variety in gold Sovereigns it is perhaps expected that other pony tail hair variations will be found on other denominations. There is a distinct severance half way down the ponytail due to incomplete curling of the hair. Ironically, Penny specialist Michael Gouby has good detailed close up pictures of a series of these ponytails on his website for 1848, including one that is this variety – but their purpose of illustration is to show the extra ribbon die clash that occurs on these coins, as with MC021 the 1841 Penny on this list. Additionally this overdate of 8 over 7 is Gouby variety F. Note the other three Pennies previous on this list all have complete pony tails of hair.

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MC028 Victoria, Penny, 1851, wide foot with long thin serifs to foot of 1 in date, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1498; S.3948). Uneven patchy dark tone, with some hairline marks otherwise a bold extremely fine. £200 Michael Gouby has recently published online 3 distinct date styles of the first 1 in date on his website of which this is style 1.

MC029 Victoria, Penny, 1853, 3 of date of upright style with tucked in curve, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1500; S.3948). With considerable lustre mostly on obverse, with some tiny marks otherwise good extremely fine and very pleasing. £450



MC030 Victoria, Penny, 1854, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1507; S.3948). With some lustre both sides, two short parallel scratches on field by nape of neck, dusky tone, otherwise good extremely fine. £350 MC031 Victoria, Penny, 1855, spread date, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with plain trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend closer (Peck 1509; S.3948). With lustre both sides, patchy tone with underlying brilliance, good extremely fine and pleasing. £400 Michael Gouby has recently published online 4 distinct date styles for 1855 on his website of which this is CT 1855Bb the plain trident wider spread date.



MC032 Victoria, Penny, 1857, date eclipses 10 beads of border with lower 1 and sharp top to 7 without serif, young head left, W.W. on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with plain trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend closer (Peck 1514; S.3948). With almost full lustre both sides, speckled uneven tone with underlying brilliance, otherwise practically as struck. £550 Michael Gouby has recently published online 6 distinct date styles for 1857 on his website of which this is CP 1857C.

MC033 Victoria, Penny, 1858, large date, young head left, plain truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with ornamental trident and shield, emblems in exergue, last colon of legend distant (Peck 1518; S.3948). With almost full lustre both sides, some spots and speckling, with underlying brilliance, otherwise practically as struck. £500 Michael Gouby has recently published online 8 distinct varieties for 1858 Pennies on his website of which this is the 8th style which is further sub-divided into 5 sub-varieties of date, this being style CP 1858 Hc.


Bronze Issue



MC034 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, beaded border both sides, L. C. WYON partly on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.1 dies 1+A; Gouby 1860BP D; S.3954). Toned extremely fine. £650 MC035 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, toothed border both sides, L. C. WYON mostly on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.10 dies 2+D; Gouby 1860BP J; S.3954). Toned, with a hint of lustre in parts of inner linear circle, good extremely fine. £250 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1041 part.



MC036 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, toothed border both sides, L. C. WYON mostly on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.10 dies 2+D; Gouby 1860BP J; S.3954). Light streaky flecks of tone over near full lustre, uncirculated, slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64RD. £450 PCGS certification 26290197.

MC037 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1861, laureate “bun” type bust left, signature below bust with flawed L appearing as an I, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.22 dies 4+D; Gouby 1861BP D; S.3954). Flan flaw on jaw, toned, good extremely fine. £175 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1041 part.

Extremely rare 8 over 6 Victoria Penny of 1862

MC038 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1862, with 8 of date struck over 6, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date with over strike in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.39A R18, dies 6+G; Gouby 1862BP D; S.3954). A couple of short scratches on reverse and other light surface marks, otherwise toned almost extremely fine and extremely rare the first we have ever offered for sale. £3,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1048.



MC039 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1865, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.50 dies 6+G; Gouby 1865BP A; S.3954). Some lustre, small short hairline scratch on neck, streaky tone, otherwise good extremely fine, rare and pleasing. £750 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1050.

MC040 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1866, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.52 dies 6+G; Gouby 1866BP A; S.3954). Much lustre, pleasant tone, two tiny spots at neck and shoulder, otherwise uncirculated. £600 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1052.

MC041 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1868, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.56 dies 6+G; Gouby 1868BP A; S.3954). Some lustre, raised die flaw between O and N of reverse legend, flan flaw in front of face of Britannia, otherwise toned, more dusky on obverse good extremely fine. £850 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1053.

Super Quality Key Date Victoria 1869 Penny

MC042 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1869, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.59 dies 6+G; Gouby 1869BP A; S.3954). Considerable underlying lustre, a few tiny nicks around neck and cheek of Queen, more nicks around reverse field, above and below arm, hairline scratch and raised die flaw in first N of reverse legend, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine, extremely rare and not often encountered with so much residual lustre. £2,750

MC043 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1870, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, L.C.W. below shield (Fr.60 dies 6+G; Gouby 1870BP A; S.3954). Considerable lustre with some overtone, one slight cut in field near trident shaft, other tiny nicks, otherwise pleasing good extremely fine. £525


ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1056.



MC044 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1874 H, Heaton Mint, narrow date, laureate “bun” type bust left, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue with letter H below, no initials on ground line, sea meets inner linear circle but does not cross it (Fr. 68 dies 6+H R13; Gouby 1874BP K; S.3955). Toned with considerable underlying lustre, tiny nick on cheek, good extremely fine, rarer die variety, has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RB. £675 PCGS certification 26290198.

MC045 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1874, narrow date, laureate “bun” type bust left, wreath of 17 leaves and 6 berries, no signature below bust, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, no initials on ground line, sea meets inner linear circle but does not cross it (Fr.72 dies 7+H; Gouby 1874BP D; S.3954). Slightly patchy tone with full underlying lustre, tiny spot on cheek, proof-like reverse, good extremely fine. £500 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1060.



MC046 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1877, spread date, laureate “bun” type bust left, narrower gap between part of tie ribbons nearest knot, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.91 dies 8+J; Gouby 1877BP B; S.3954). Dusky tone over full underlying lustre with proof-like hue, good extremely fine. £375 MC047 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1879, spread date, laureate “bun” type bust left, with double incuse veins to leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.97 dies 9+J; Gouby 1879BP B; S.3954). Dusky tone with some lustre, otherwise extremely fine, reverse a little stronger. £150



MC048 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1880, spread date, laureate “bun” type bust left, with double incuse veins to leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.99 dies 9+J; Gouby 1880BP A; S.3954). Dusky tone with a little lustre in legends, hairline scratch on reverse near trident, otherwise extremely fine, a scarce date. £175 MC049 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1881, spread date, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 6 berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.102 dies 9+J; Gouby 1881BP A; S.3954). Toned with underlying proof-like iridescence, scratch on Britannia’s shield arm onto field, otherwise good extremely fine. £375 ex Gerald W Jackson Collection, part I, Spink Smythe, New York, 14th January 2014, lot 1072.

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MC050 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1881 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with trident and heraldically coloured shield, spread date in exergue with letter H below (Fr.108 dies 11+M; Gouby 1881BP H; S.3955). Toned with some lustre, spot on rim both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £275 ex A H Baldwin, Argentum Sale, 9th February 2008, lot 137.

MC051 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1882 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue with letter H below (Fr.115 dies 12+N; Gouby 1882BP N; S.3955). One hairline scratch on cheek otherwise full lustre practically as struck, has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RD. £500 PCGS certification 26290199.



MC052 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1882 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue with letter H below (Fr.115 dies 12+N; Gouby 1882BP N; S.3955). Patchy tone with much lustre, a few tiny spots mainly around legends, nick on chest of Queen, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £125 MC053 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1884, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.119 dies 12+N; Gouby 1884BP A; S.3954). Dusky tone with some lustre, softly struck on reverse, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £95



MC054 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1886, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.123 dies 12+N; Gouby 1886BP A; S.3954). Dusky tone with a little lustre, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £85 MC055 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1887, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.125 dies 12+N; Gouby 1887BP A; S.3954). One tiny bagmark on cheek, a few tiny spots, more so on reverse, otherwise full lustre practically as struck; has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RD. £400 PCGS certification 26290200.




MC056 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1887, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.125 dies 12+N; Gouby 1887BP A; S.3954). Streaky tone with some lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £150 MC057 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1888, laureate “bun” type bust left, with 4 berries in wreath, without hair curl at nape of neck, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.126 dies 12+N; Gouby 1888BP A; S.3954). With practically full lustre, a little light toning, a few bagmarks as streaks on bust, otherwise good extremely fine. £300



MC058 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1889, laureate “bun” type bust left, 14 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.128 dies 13+N; Gouby 1889BP C; S.3954). Brilliant, a few tiny specks on reverse, otherwise with full lustre practically as struck; has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RD. £450 PCGS certification 26290204.

MC059 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1889, laureate “bun” type bust left, 14 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.128 dies 13+N; Gouby 1889BP C; S.3954). Dusky tone with much underlying lustre, otherwise uncirculated. £350



MC060 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.130 dies 12+N; Gouby 1890BP A; S.3954). Tiny nick in obverse field with some flecking each side, some toning over near full lustre, otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RD. £450 PCGS certification 26290207.

MC061 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.130 dies 12+N; Gouby 1890BP A; S.3954). Dusky tone with much underlying lustre, otherwise softly struck though good extremely fine £150 ex A H Baldwin, Argentum Sale, 9th February 2008, lot 140.

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MC062 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1891, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.132 dies 12+N; Gouby 1891BP A; S.3954). Toned with a little lustre, otherwise softly struck extremely fine. £75 MC063 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1892, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.134 dies 12+N; Gouby 1892BP A; S.3954). Toned with a little lustre, tiny spot in reverse field, otherwise good extremely fine. £125



MC064 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1893, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.136 dies 12+N; Gouby 1893BP A; S.3954). Toned with near full lustre, thumbprint residue on reverse, otherwise proof-like practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RB. £400 PCGS certification 26290210.

MC065 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1893, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.136 dies 12+N; Gouby 1893BP A; S.3954). Practically full lustre, just a few trifling bag marks, otherwise proof-like on reverse, practically as struck. £300



MC066 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1894, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.138 dies 12+N; Gouby 1894BP A; S.3954). Toned with some underlying lustre, otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64RB. £400 PCGS certification 26290211.

MC067 Victoria, Penny, bronze issue, 1894, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right with thinner trident shaft and shield, date in exergue (Fr.138 dies 12+N; Gouby 1894BP A; S.3954). Unevenly toned with some underlying lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £275


Extremely rare 1895 Penny with 2mm space to Trident and Low Tide Variety of Queen Victoria

MC068 Victoria, Penny, 1895, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, with 2mm space to trident from P in legend, sea with low tide level (Fr.139 dies 1+A R8; Gouby 1895BP A; S.3961A). Toned on obverse with a little lustre, reverse much more lustrous and prooflike, uncirculated; has been slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RB, the finest graded example known and extremely rare. £2,750 PCGS certification 26290128.



MC069 Edward VII (1901-10), Penny, 1902, low tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level (Fr.156 dies 1+A; Gouby 1902BP A; S.3990A). Toned with full underlying lustre uncirculated and rare; slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS65RB. £450 NGC certification 2124528-001.

MC070 Edward VII, Penny, 1902, high tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with high tide level (Fr.157 dies 1+B; Gouby 1902BP B; S.3990). Hairline scratch on neck, a few other tiny bagmarks, small stain on reverse, nearly full lustre, practically as struck. £70



MC071 Edward VII, Penny, 1903, normal 3, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, (Fr.158 dies 1+B; Gouby 1903BP A; S.3990). A couple of tiny spots on obverse, small spots and streak of tone on reverse, otherwise nearly full lustre, practically as struck. £100 MC072 Edward VII, Penny, 1904, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, (Fr.159 dies 1+B; Gouby 1904BP A; S.3990). A couple of tiny spots both sides, otherwise toned with near full lustre, practically as struck. £150 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC073 Edward VII, Penny, 1905, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, second E of legend more in line with latter part of wording (Fr.161 dies 1+C; Gouby 1905BP B; S.3990). Some light speckling around shield, toned with near full lustre, otherwise practically as struck. £150 MC074 Edward VII, Penny, 1906, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, second E of legend more in line with latter part of wording (Fr.162 dies 1+C; Gouby 1906BP A; S.3990). Some light tiny spots on reverse, otherwise toned with near full lustre, practically as struck. £120



MC075 Edward VII, Penny, 1907, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, second E of legend more in line with latter part of wording (Fr.163 dies 1+C; Gouby 1907BP A; S.3990). Some light staining on obverse, otherwise toned with near full underlying lustre, practically as struck. £120 MC076 Edward VII, Penny, 1908, bare head right, small gap between colon and OMN, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two strand plume to helmet (Fr.166 dies 2+D; Gouby 1908BP D; S.3990). A couple of tiny spots each side, otherwise with full lustre, practically as struck. £120



MC077 Edward VII, Penny, 1909, bare head right, small gap between colon and OMN, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two strand plume to helmet (Fr.168 dies 2+D; Gouby 1909BP A; S.3990). A couple of tiny spots on obverse, toned over full underlying lustre, practically as struck. £125 MC078 Edward VII, Penny, 1910, bare head right, small gap between colon and OMN, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, more finely engraved sea (Fr.170 dies 2+E; Gouby 1910BP A; S.3990). A couple of tiny spots each side, lightly toned over full underlying lustre, practically as struck. £110

MC079 George V (1910-36), Penny, 1912 H, Heaton Mint, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, letter H to upper left (Fr.173 dies 1+A; Gouby 1912BP H; S.4052). Toned with underlying lustre, some ghosting of bust on reverse, otherwise softly struck good extremely fine and rare. £375




MC080 George V, Penny, 1913, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, second legend variety with colon closer to B, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, narrower date in exergue (Fr.177 dies 2+B; Gouby 1913BP D; S.4051). Residual thumbprint on obverse with light tone over full underlying lustre, otherwise practically as struck. £85 MC081 George V, Penny, 1915, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.179 dies 2+B; Gouby 1915BP A; S.4051). Pleasant tone over full underlying lustre, otherwise uncirculated. £80



MC082 George V, Penny, 1916, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.180 dies 2+B; Gouby 1916BP A; S.4051). Pleasant tone over full underlying lustre, only a couple of tiny spots each side, otherwise uncirculated. £75 MC083 George V, Penny, 1917, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.181 dies 2+B; S.4051). Pleasant tone over full underlying lustre, only a couple of tiny spots on reverse, otherwise softly struck, uncirculated. £70

MC084 George V, Penny, 1918, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.182 dies 2+B; Gouby 1918BP A; S.4051). Pleasant tone over some underlying lustre, otherwise softly struck, practically as struck. £65 Extremely rare and desirable 1918 Kings Norton Mint Penny

MC085 George V, Penny, 1918 KN, Kings Norton Mint, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue, letters KN to upper left (Fr.184; Gouby 1918BP K; S.4053). Toned with some underlying lustre, uneven colour on reverse, some die clashing evident both sides, otherwise good extremely fine and very rare. £1,250

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MC086 George V, Penny, 1919, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.185 dies 2+B; Gouby 1919BP A; S.4051). Lightly toned over near full lustre, a few tiny spots both sides, otherwise practically as struck. £70 MC087 George V, Penny, 1920, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.188 dies 2+B; Gouby 1920BP A; S.4051). Lightly toned over near full lustre, some tiny spots both sides, streak of hairline tone on temple of Kings head, otherwise practically as struck. £75



MC088 George V, Penny, 1921, bare head left, B.M. on truncation, tip of truncation sharper, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.191 dies 3+B; Gouby 1921BP B; S.4051). Toned with a hint of lustre, some light staining on reverse, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £35 MC089 George V, Penny, 1926, modified bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.195 dies 4+B; Gouby 1926BP B; S.4054A). Toned fine and rare. £50



MC090 George V, Penny, 1927, modified bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.197 dies 4+B; Gouby 1927BP A; S.4054A). A couple of tiny spots at top of reverse, lightly toned over full underlying lustre, practically as struck. £55 MC091 George V, Penny, 1931, smaller bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sharply engraved sea, date in exergue (Fr.205 dies 5+C; Gouby 1931BP A; S.4055). Has been lacquered otherwise lightly toned over full underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £30

MC092 George V, Penny, 1932, smaller bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sharply engraved sea, date in exergue (Fr.207 dies 5+C; Gouby 1932BP A; S.4055). Toned with a touch of lustre, a couple of tiny spots both sides, otherwise good extremely fine, scarce date. £80


Exceedingly Rare and Unusual Experimental “Penny” dated 1933

MC093 George V, Experimental Penny, 1933, a uniface trial piece, struck on a brass alloy cast flan, small crown at centre with 7 jewels to each outer arch, jewelled crown band, date below, EXPERIMENTAL DIE above in “fishtail” lettering of unusual style, three concentric thin ruled lines visible beyond legend, reverse with some raised striations and pimples, small splash of tin coloured metal on reverse rim, ink mark on reverse “DIE MAUG”(?) edge plain, diameter 29.8mm, thickness 2.8mm, weight 15.89g (Baldwin Auction 48, lot 5040part), Toned good extremely fine and exceedingly rare. £2,500 ex Dr Laurie Asher Lawrence, English Part IV, Glendining, 28th November 1951, lot 1364 part. This interesting experimental coin, one of three, is stated in the Glendining sale catalogue as being “struck for Dr. Lawrence and a note with them explains the circumstances” however this note has been lost in the passage of time. What is known is that Dr Lawrence, an ear, nose and throat surgeon of Belsize Square, London, owned an example of the extremely rare 1933 Penny which B A Seaby famously bought undescribed in a large lot of George V coins in his sale, lot 1308. Dr Lawrence must therefore have been on very good terms with the Royal Mint and we assume it is they that struck this experimental coin and this is open to further research perhaps in collaboration with the Royal Mint. The other two examples of the experimental die coins were offered for sale in Baldwin Auction 48, 26th September 2006, lot 5040, as referred to above, one undated “SPECIMEN” of similar weight to this coin, the other much lighter and thinner at 10.66g. Dr L A Lawrence was also a leading light in British Numismatics from Anglo-Saxon to modern, with his first learned article in the Numismatic Chronicle in 1890 as a member of the Royal Numismatic Society. Dr Lawrence was also an original member of the British Numismatic Society, at which he held numerous posts over the years, along with authoring a number of well written definitive articles on medieval coins, and he was a recipient of the Sanford-Saltus gold Medal in 1917. Dr Lawrence died on 5th July 1949 having been born in New York in October 1857.

Extremely Rare V.I.P. Proof Penny of 1934

MC094 George V, V.I.P. Proof Penny, 1934, smaller bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sharply engraved sea, date in exergue (Fr.211 dies 5+C R18; Gouby 1934BP P; S.4055). Toned with some unevenness on reverse, otherwise practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,750 ex Dr Laurie Asher Lawrence, English Part IV, Glendining, 28th November 1951, lot 1308 part.

MC095 George V, Penny, 1936, smaller bare head left, B.M. to right of truncation, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sharply engraved sea, date in exergue (Fr.214 dies 5+C; Gouby 1936BP A; S.4055). With light tone over full lustre, just a few tiny speckly spots each side, otherwise uncirculated. £35 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC096 Charles II (1660-85), Halfpenny, 1672, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 506; S.3393). Patch of verdigris on legend at same point both sides, light hairlines and flaw on reverse, otherwise good fine. £100 MC097 Charles II, Halfpenny, 1672, CRAOLVS error, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 507; S.3393). Fair to almost fine, with associated marks, and with clear legend error, extremely rare. £225



MC098 Charles II, Halfpenny, 1673, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 510; S.3393). Toned, almost very fine. £225 MC099 Charles II, Halfpenny, 1675, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 516; S.3393). Toned, slight evidence of die clash at throat of King, otherwise very fine. £350 Extremely Rare “English Copper” Pattern Halfpenny of William and Mary

MC100 William and Mary (1688-94), Pattern Halfpenny, undated, circa 1694, conjoined busts right, the King cuirassed, gvlielmvs et maria toothed border both sides, rev inverted die axis off-centre, large shield, combining crosses of St George and St Andrew, shell above, English copper legend, edge, plain (Peck 595). Toned good fine and of the highest rarity. £3,750 Ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 479 Baldwin Auction 80, 8th May 2013, lot 2350. According to Peck the pattern pieces were probably the forerunner of the dated currency issue authorised by the House of Commons on 17th April 1694; we are only aware of one other in private hands of the opposing die axis.




MC101 William and Mary, Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 602; S.3452). With some porosity both sides, struck a little off-centre, toned good very fine. £225 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 320.

MC102 William and Mary, Pattern Halfpenny, 1694, struck on a 31mm flan, conjoined busts right, full toothed border apparent both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 611; S.3452). Scratch on busts on obverse, graffito in reverse field, otherwise toned good fine. £125



MC103 William III (1694-1702), Halfpenny, 1695, first issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 638; S.3554). With a strong portrait, weaker in other parts, toned with a little porosity, hairline die flaw raised in reverse field, otherwise good very fine. £500 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 327.

MC104 William III, Halfpenny, 1696, first issue, no stops on obverse, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 641; S.3554). With a strong portrait, weaker on reverse, toned, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £500 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 361.

MC105 William III, Halfpenny, 1697, first issue, no stop at end of obverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 650* VR; S.3554). Adjustment marks both sides, with a good face, toned, a bold very fine and very rare. £300

MC106 William III, Halfpenny, 1698, second issue, inverted A for last V in obverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in legend with stop (Peck 674 VR; S.3555). Some porosity, toned, a bold fine and very rare. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 497.

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MC107 William III, Halfpenny, 1699, third issue, no stop at end of reverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck -; cf.S.3556). Weak in parts, toned almost very fine and rare. £125 MC108 William III, Halfpenny, 1700, third issue, date appears to read 1100, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, gap in middle of second word of legend, date “1100” in exergue (Peck -; cf.S.3556). Some porosity, toned, a bold fine and very rare. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 371.



MC109 William III, Halfpenny, 1700, third issue, GVEIELMS error legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue, unbarred A’s in legend (Peck 699; S.3556). Toned fine and very rare. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 369.

MC110 William III, Halfpenny, 1701, very large O in date, third issue, inverted A’s for V’s in obverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue, unbarred A’s in legend (Peck 705 VR; S.3555). Some scratches both sides, toned, a bold fine and very rare. £120 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 508.

Beautiful and Rare Queen Anne Pattern Halfpenny

MC111 Anne (1702-14), Pattern Halfpenny, undated, struck in copper, draped bust left, legend with punctuation, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, holding rose and thistle united on a single stem, crown above, plain exergue below, die rust patches evident as usual, striated edge (Peck 724 dies 2+A*). Toned practically as struck, has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS64 BN, rare. £2,500 NGC certification 3888847-011.


MC112 George I (1714-27), Halfpenny, 1717, “Dump issue”, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 768; S.3659). Metal flan flaws on reverse rim, a little weak on high points of reverse, toned with a hint of lustre to reverse, good very fine. £450 Extremely Rare Lacquered Proof 1717 Halfpenny struck on a Thick Flan

MC113 George I, Proof Halfpenny, 1717, struck on a thick 2mm flan, in lacquered copper, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue, striated edge, 12.10g (Peck 773; S.3659). Toned with underlying brilliance, a pleasing extremely fine, the thick flan not mentioned in Peck for this rare proof therefore extremely rare. £2,500




MC114 George I, Halfpenny, 1718, “Dump issue”, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 774; S.3659). A mere hint of orange colour, toned, with some weakness in strike to face, a little cabinet friction to high points, otherwise extremely fine. £675 ex St James Auction 7, 8th February 2008, lot 347.

MC115 George I, Halfpenny, 1718, “Dump issue”, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 774; S.3659). A mere hint of orange colour, toned, good very fine. £450 MC116 George I, Halfpenny, 1719, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, with ornate straps to cuirass, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 791; S.3660A). Weak at centre, toned good very fine. £250 ex Strickland Neville Rolfe Collection (1789-1852), Baldwin Auction 65, 5th May 2010, lot 1382.

Super Quality George II Young Head Halfpenny of 1729

MC117 George II (1727-60), Halfpenny, 1729, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 830; S.3717). Well struck, toned with a hint of colour, good extremely fine. £750 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 522.

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MC118 George II, Halfpenny, 1730, GEOGIVS error, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 837; S.3717). Toned almost very fine and rare. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 524.

MC119 George II, Halfpenny, 1733, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 845; S.3717). Toned, a little weakly struck on reverse, but consequently with a great portrait of the King, good extremely fine / extremely fine. £500



MC120 George II, Halfpenny, 1736, first A in reverse legend unbarred, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck -; cf.S.3717). Dark tone almost very fine and the only example we have seen. £150 MC121 George II, Halfpenny, 1738, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 852; S.3717). Flan flaw by forehead, some colour retained in legend, otherwise toned, well struck with an attractive reverse, a pleasing extremely fine. £375



MC122 George II, Halfpenny, 1739, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 853; S.3717). Toned, a little weak at central high points, once lightly polished, otherwise very fine. £75 MC123 George II, Halfpenny, 1742, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 872; S.3718). Toned unevenly but with a hint of colour, a little softly struck otherwise practically extremely fine. £200

MC124 George II, Halfpenny, 1745, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 875; S.3718). Flan flaw on obverse rim, toned with some colour on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £475 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 527.




MC125 George II, Halfpenny, 1746, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, V in King’s name, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 876; S.3719). Small die cud on obverse rim, toned almost extremely fine. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 359.

MC126 George II, Halfpenny, 1748, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 878; S.3719). Toned, a few nicks on obverse, some evidence of die clashing on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine. £150




MC127 George II, Halfpenny, 1749, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 879; S.3719). Toned very fine. £70 MC128 George II, Halfpenny, 1750, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 880; S.3719). Toned with a little lustre evident both sides, well struck a pleasing extremely fine. £375 MC129 George II, Halfpenny, 1751, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 881; S.3719). Toned practically extremely fine. £250 Super Quality Old Head Halfpenny of George II

MC130 George II, Halfpenny, 1752, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 882; S.3719). Toned with some lustre, well struck uncirculated £650 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2 nd May 2006, lot 528.

MC131 George II, Halfpenny, 1753, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 883; S.3719). Toned with a hint of lustre, well struck extremely fine. £325 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC132 George III (1760-1820), Halfpenny, 1770, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 893; S.3774). Toned with a little lustre around legend and date, otherwise well struck extremely fine. £350 MC133 George III, Halfpenny, 1771, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 896; S.3774). Toned with some lustre around legend, raised die flaw in exergue, otherwise well struck extremely fine. £325 Rare GEORIVS Error Halfpenny of 1772 in Superb Condition

MC134 George III, Halfpenny, 1772, GEORIVS error, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 900; S.3774). Toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine and rare. £750 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 531.



MC135 George III, Halfpenny, 1772, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, ball below spear blade, date in exergue (Peck 901; S.3774). Attractively toned, a pleasing extremely fine. £300 MC136 George III, Halfpenny, 1773, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, date in exergue (Peck 904; S.3774). Toned about very fine. £50

MC137 George III, Halfpenny, 1774, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, ball below spear blade, date in exergue (Peck 907; S.3774). Toned a little weaker on reverse, otherwise almost extremely fine. £200 Ex H Deane Collection, purchased by Seaby 1946. Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 576.




MC138 George III, Halfpenny, 1775, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left with spear and shield, ball below spear blade, date in exergue (Peck 908; S.3774). Toned with some spots, more on reverse, otherwise well struck, extremely fine. £400 MC139 George III, Pattern Halfpenny, 1788, struck in brown gilt copper, late Soho, long haired laureate head right, D.F. raised on truncation, four diamond stops in legend, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated left with spear and shield, raised D below shield, paddle and palm branch in exergue, date in legend, edge, inscribed in raised letters (Peck 966 DH11). Uneven blotchy tone, otherwise extremely fine. £300



MC140 George III, Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, raised dot on truncation, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, ship sailing right with five incuse gunports, date below (Peck 1248; S.3778). Slight hairline die flaw in front of forehead, toned a pleasing extremely fine. £125 MC141 George III, Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, larger raised dot on truncation, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, ship sailing right with six raised gunports, date below (Peck 1249; S.3778). Slight hairline die flaw from mouth on obverse, a few small nicks, toned a pleasing extremely fine. £125

MC142 George III, Halfpenny, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, raised dot on truncation, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, ship sailing right with raised line on hull, date below (Peck 1252; S.3778). Toned good very fine and scarce. £85

MC143 George III, Proof Halfpenny, 1799, struck in bronzed copper, early Soho, laureate and draped bust right, raised K. on truncation, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, ship sailing right with raised line on hull, date below (Peck 1234 KH16; S.3778). Toned a little unevenly with a few spots, extremely fine. £250

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MC144 George III, Pattern Halfpenny, 1799, struck in bronzed copper, restrike by W J Taylor, large crowned draped bust right, raised stylized K. on truncation, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, ship sailing right with raised lines on hull, date below, edge plain (Peck 1258 R78). Some light rust spots and raised flaws evident on reverse, attractively toned, practically as struck and rare. £650 Was previously slabbed and graded by NGC as PF65 – certification 1656279-008.

MC145 George III, Halfpenny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, no berries on branch (Peck 1376; S.3781). A little unevenly toned with plenty of lustre, weakly struck in legend with some die clash evident on reverse, circular ring of verdigris on exergue, otherwise good extremely fine. £125



MC146 George III, Proof Halfpenny, 1806, struck in copper, late Soho, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated left with trident and shield, two berries on branch, ship incomplete on hull (Peck 1364 KH36; S.3781). A few hairline nicks and marks on reverse, otherwise attractively toned, practically as struck. £300 MC147 George III, Halfpenny, 1807, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, three berries on branch (Peck 1378; S.3781). A little unevenly toned with some lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £175

MC148 George III, Proof Halfpenny, 1807, struck in copper on a slightly heavier flan, restrike by W J Taylor, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left with trident and shield, three berries on branch, edge plain, 10.62g (Peck 1380 R99; S.3781). Toned practically as struck and rare. £375 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961.

MC149 George IV (1820-30), Halfpenny, 1826, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse lines on saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1433; S.3824). Practically full lustre, with a light uneven tone and a few tiny spots both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £325 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 531.




MC150 George IV, Proof Halfpenny, 1826, struck in bronzed copper, laureate head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, raised line on saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1437; S.3824). Toned, a couple of small spots and marks otherwise practically as struck and rare. £500 ex Coin Galleries, New York, mail bid auction, 23 May 1990, lot 1195. Baldwin Auction 70, 28th September 2011, lot 190.

MC151 George IV, Halfpenny, 1827, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse lines on saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1438; S.3824). Some lustre around design and lettering, a few spots, otherwise toned good extremely fine. £250 ex A H Baldwin, Argentum Sale, 9th February 2008, lot 117.



MC152 William IV (1830-37), Proof Halfpenny, 1831, struck in bronzed copper, bare head right, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1462; S.3847). A few light marks, toned good extremely fine and scarce. £475 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 561.

MC153 William IV, Proof Halfpenny, 1831, struck in bronzed copper, bare head right, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1463; S.3847). A few light marks, bright patch on high point of bust, otherwise toned good extremely fine and scarce. £450

MC154 William IV, Halfpenny, 1837, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1465; S.3847). Much lustre, a few specks and spots, otherwise toned good extremely fine and scarce. £325 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 562.

MC155 Victoria (1837-1901), Proof Halfpenny, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1523; S.3949). A few tiny spots and wispy marks, otherwise toned practically as struck. £450 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 564.

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MC156 Victoria, Proof Halfpenny, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1523*; S.3949). Old short scratch above head to rim, otherwise toned practically as struck. £400 MC157 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1841, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1524; S.3949). Some lustre toned good extremely fine. £200 ex Baldwin Auction 70, 28th September 2011, lot 197.

MC158 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1853, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on bottom of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1539; S.3949). Toned with a hint of lustre, nick on cheek, otherwise extremely fine. £60




MC159 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1854, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on bottom of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1542; S.3949). Toned with a hint of lustre, nick on cheek, otherwise good extremely fine. £95 MC160 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1855, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on bottom of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1543; S.3949). Toned with some blemishes and spots, of bronzed appearance, extremely fine and unusual. £60 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 568 part.

MC161 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1857, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, two incuse dots on bottom of shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1545; S.3949). Toned with a few blemishes, some residual lustre, good extremely fine. £100 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 568 part.



MC162 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1858, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1549; S.3949). Some lustre, a couple of hairline raised die flaws, toned good extremely fine. £100 ex Baldwin Auction 70, 28th September 2011, lot 208.

MC163 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1859, 9 struck over 8, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1550; S.3949). Some lustre, uneven tone, good extremely fine. £175


Bronze Issue




MC164 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue, 1 blends into inner linear circle (Fr.258 dies 1+A; S.3956). Practically full lustre, light tone, practically as struck. £175 MC165 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, beaded border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue, 1 blends into inner linear circle (Fr.258 dies 1+A; S.3956). Practically full lustre, light tone, practically as struck, slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RB. £200 PCGS Certification 26290180.

MC166 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1860, laureate “bun” type bust left, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue, 1 touches inner linear circle (Fr.261 dies 2+B; S.3956). Practically full lustre, light tone, spot at base of bust, otherwise proof-like, practically as struck. £250




MC167 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1861, struck off-centre and without retaining collar, laureate “bun” type bust left, 15 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.277 dies 6+G; S.3956). Toned almost very fine and very unusual. £100 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 417.

MC168 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1861, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.282 dies 7+G; S.3956). Toned with a hint of lustre, a couple of tiny spots on obverse, otherwise extremely fine. £120 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 665.

MC169 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1861, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.282 dies 7+G; S.3956). Toned with considerable underlying lustre, practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65+RB. £450 PCGS Certification 26290181.



MC170 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1862, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.282 dies 7+G; S.3956). Toned with a little lustre, a couple of tiny spots on obverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £100 MC171 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1862, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.282 dies 7+G; S.3956). Practically full lustre, trace of old thumbprint at top of head with streak of tone, a few blotches on reverse, otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RD. £250 PCGS Certification 26290183.

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Extremely Rare 1862 Halfpenny with Die Letter A to Left of Lighthouse

MC172 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1862, with die letter unbarred A to left of lighthouse, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.282 dies 7+G R17; S.3956). Toned darkly, with some nicks and marks mainly on reverse, otherwise good fine and extremely rare. £600 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 450.

Very Rare Cupro-Nickel Proof Halfpenny of 1868

MC173 Victoria, Cupro-nickel Proof Halfpenny, 1868, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.304 dies 7+G R17; S.3956). Slightly streaky tone, practically as struck and very rare; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as PR64. £1,250 PCGS Certification 26290127.

Pleasing and Very Rare Bronze Proof 1868 Halfpenny

MC174 Victoria, Bronze Proof Halfpenny, 1868, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.305 dies 7+G R17; S.3956). Toned, practically as struck and very rare; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as PR64BN. £1,250 PCGS Certification 26290126.

Extremely Rare 1869 Victorian Halfpenny

MC175 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1869, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.306 dies 7+G; S.3956). A little lustre with streaky tone, otherwise good extremely fine, slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS63BN, a very rare date. £1,250 PCGS Certification 26290129.





MC176 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1870, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.307 dies 7+G; S.3956). Considerable lustre with red tone, otherwise good extremely fine, slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS65RB. £450 NGC Certification 3348951-014.

MC177 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1873, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 4 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, spread date in exergue (Fr.310 dies 7+G; S.3956). Much lustre with streaky tone and a few tiny spots, otherwise good extremely fine. £275 MC178 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1875, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.321 dies 11+J; S.3956). Considerable lustre with light toning, a couple of blotches and spots otherwise prooflike, good extremely fine and very pleasing. £225 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 582.




MC179 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1876 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, narrow date in exergue (Fr.329 dies 14+M; S.3957). Considerable lustre with light toning, a couple of blotches and spots otherwise good extremely fine. £250 MC180 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1877, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date higher in exergue (Fr.332 dies 14+J; S.3956). Toned with a little underlying lustre, a few spots both sides, otherwise extremely fine. £85 MC181 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1881, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, narrow date in exergue (Fr.342 dies 15+O; S.3956). Toned with a touch of lustre, softly struck with a couple of die flaws, otherwise practically extremely fine. £65



MC182 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1885, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.354 dies 17+S; S.3956). Toned with a little underlying lustre, proof-like good extremely fine. £150 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 464.

MC183 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1885, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.354 dies 17+S; S.3956). Lightly toned with near full underlying lustre, otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RB. £250 PCGS Certification 26290186.

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MC184 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1886, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.356 dies 17+S; S.3956). Toned on obverse, with underlying lustre on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £125 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 691.

MC185 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1887, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.358 dies 17+S; S.3956). Toned on obverse, with underlying lustre mainly on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £100 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 692.

MC186 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1887, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.354 dies 17+S; S.3956). Full lustre, a few light bagmarks otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64+RD. £250 PCGS Certification 26290188.




MC187 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1889, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.360 dies 17+S; S.3956). Lightly toned both sides, a little streaky on reverse, with full underlying lustre, a couple of carbon spots on obverse, otherwise as struck. £225 MC188 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1889, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.360 dies 17+S; S.3956). Full lustre, a few light bagmarks and tiny spots, otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS64RD. £250 PCGS Certification 26290191.

MC189 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.362 dies 17+S; S.3956). Lightly toned both sides, with full underlying lustre, a couple of tiny spots on obverse, otherwise as struck. £200

MC190 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.362 dies 17+S; S.3956). Full lustre, with a light overtone, practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RB. £250 PCGS Certification 26290192.





MC191 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1891, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.364 dies 17+S; S.3956). Lightly toned both sides, with full underlying lustre, a couple of tiny spots on obverse, otherwise as struck. £200 ex Baldwin Argentum Spring 2008, 7th June 2008, lot 361.

MC192 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1892, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.366 dies 17+S; S.3956). Toned a little unevenly, with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £150 MC193 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1893, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.368 dies 17+S; S.3956). Dusky tone, with full underlying lustre, practically as struck. £200 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 469.




MC194 Victoria, Halfpenny, bronze issue, 1893, laureate “bun” type bust left, 16 leaf wreath with 6 berries, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, normal date in exergue (Fr.368 dies 17+S; S.3956). Full lustre, with a tiny spot in Queen’s hair and tiny nick on reverse otherwise practically as struck; slabbed and graded by P.C.G.S. as MS65RD. £250 PCGS Certification 26290195.

MC195 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1895, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.370 dies 1+A; S.3962). Full lustre, with a light overtone, a couple of tiny spots, otherwise practically as struck. £75 MC196 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1896, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, foot nearly meets border, date in exergue (Fr.372 dies 1+B; S.3962). Toned with some underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £50

MC197 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1899, older veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, foot nearly meets border, date in exergue (Fr.376 dies 1+B; S.3962). Toned, unevenly on obverse, with much underlying lustre, a couple of spots on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine. £55

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Very Rare Low Tide Halfpenny of 1902

MC198 Edward VII (1901-10), Halfpenny, 1902, low tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with low tide level, date in exergue (Fr.380 dies 1+A; S.3991A). Toned, a little streaky on obverse, with much underlying lustre practically as struck and rare. £350 This coin was previously slabbed and graded as MS64RB.




MC199 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1902, high tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, sea with high tide level, date in exergue (Fr.381 dies 1+B; S.3991). Toned, a little streaky on obverse, with a couple of spots both sides, with much underlying lustre practically as struck and rare. £45 MC200 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1903, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.382 dies 1+B; S.3991). Full lustre with very light overtone, a couple of pinhead sized spots both sides, otherwise uncirculated. £85 MC201 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1904, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.383 dies 1+B; S.3991). Nearly full lustre with very light overtone, a couple of pinhead sized spots both sides, otherwise good extremely fine and a scarce date. £85




MC202 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1905, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.384 dies 1+B; S.3991). Nearly full lustre with very light red overtone, spot above head in legend, otherwise practically as struck and a scarce date. £95 MC203 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1909, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.388 dies 1+B; S.3991). Toned with plenty of underling listre, a few light surface marks, otherwise practically as struck. £75 MC204 George V (1910-36), Halfpenny, 1911, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.390 dies 1+A; S.4056). Toned with a hint of lustre, otherwise practically as struck. £50

MC205 George V, Halfpenny, 1922, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.401 dies 1+A; S.4056). Toned unevenly, with a hint of lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £60


Extremely rare V.I.P. Proof Halfpenny of 1949



MC206 George V, Halfpenny, 1931, small bare head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, larger border teeth (Fr.416 dies 3+B; S.4058). Full lustre, uncirculated. £50 MC207 George VI (1936-52), VIP Proof Halfpenny, 1949, bare head left, rev sailing King standing in ship holding sword and shield, flag at stern, four whole lis in upper left quarter, ship rigging with three ropes to left, and two to right, ornaments on top line of hull -11-11 with lions right, quatrefoils 3/3, no lower part to bowsprit left, date below (Fr.456 dies 2+O R18; S.4118). Lightly toned, a little streaky otherwise as struck and extremely rare. £1,000 FARTHINGS Oliver Cromwell Portrait Farthing ex Bridgewater House Collection

MC208 Oliver Cromwell (d.1658), Farthing, undated, engraved by David Ramage, portrait of Lord Protector left within roped circle and titles surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms of the Protectorate, CHARITIE. AND . CHANGE legend with lozenge stops, edge plain, 3.76g (Peck 390; S.3230). Attractively toned, extremely fine and extremely rare. £17,500 ex Bridgewater House Collection, Sotheby 15-16th June 1972, lot 446. Terry Aitken Collection, purchased by Colin Cooke and catalogued for sale February 1997. Dix Noonan and Webb auction 114, 18th September 2013, lot 1022.

A Second Undated Oliver Cromwell Portrait Farthing

MC209 Oliver Cromwell, Farthing, undated, engraved by David Ramage, portrait of Lord Protector left within roped circle and titles surrounding, rev inverted die axis, crowned quartered shield of arms of the Protectorate, CHARITIE. AND . CHANGE legend with lozenge stops, edge plain, 3.77g (Peck 390; S.3230). Toned with some dark blotches, good fine to almost very fine, and extremely rare. £5,750 ex Eric P Newman World Coin collection, Heritage New York Signature Sale 3029, 14th January 2014, lot 30625. Struck from the same dies as the previous example upon this list.

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MC210 Charles II (1660-85), Pattern Farthing, 1665, struck in silver, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, date below, CAROLVS.A.CAROLO., final O and stop under upper tie ribbon, toothed border both sides, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, QVATVOR. MA RIA. VINDICO, with BRITANNIA in exergue, edge milled (Peck 407 dies 1a+A). Toned with full underlying proof-like brilliance, good extremely fine and very scarce. £850 This coin has been previously slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF63. ex Eric P Newman World Coin collection, Heritage New York Signature Sale 3029, 14th January 2014, lot 30627.

MC211 Charles II, Pattern Farthing, 1665, struck in silver, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, date below, CAROLVS.A.CAROLO., final O level and distant from upper tie ribbon, toothed border both sides, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, QVATVOR. MA RIA. VINDICO, with BRITANNIA in exergue, edge milled (Peck 414 dies 1b+A). Toned with full underlying proof-like brilliance, a few light surface marks and blotches otherwise good extremely fine and very scarce. £800 This coin has been previously slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as PF62. ex Eric P Newman World Coin collection, Heritage New York Signature Sale 3029, 14th January 2014, lot 30626.

Very Rare Pattern Silver Farthing of Charles II Dated 1671

MC212 Charles II, Pattern Silver Farthing, 1671, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, CAROLVS.A.CAROLO., rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain (Peck 435 dies 1a+A). Old cabinet tone with underlying brilliance, a little wear to high points, light hairline scratches on reverse field, good very fine and rare. £1,750 ex C W Peck collection, Spink Numismatic Circular, November 1969, no.10031. P H Westbrook collection, Spink auction 27, 16 March 1983, lot 125. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 767. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2620.

Very Rare 1671 Pattern Copper Farthing the Prototype of the Currency

MC213 Charles II, Pattern copper Farthing, 1671, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, CAROLVS.A.CAROLO., rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain, 6.10g (Peck 436; cf.S.3394). Toned with an underlying proof-like iridescence, raised die flaw from top of head to rim, a little cabinet friction on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine and rare. £1,750 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd 1973, this coin sold to Colin Cooke, August 1973. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 768. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2621.




Charles II, Farthing, 1672, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, no obverse stops, CAROLVS A rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue (Peck 520; S.3394). Toned, small flan flaw below chin of portrait and hairline die flaw from throat through hair, otherwise a bold very fine with a hint of lustre and rare. £500 MC214


ex Geoffrey Kay collection, Spink auction 63, 28 March 1988, lot 60. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 746. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2622.

MC215 Charles II, Farthing, 1672, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, with loose drapery hanging from forearm, date below in exergue (Peck 521; S.3394). Toned with a little porosity, good fine and very scarce. £125 ex Dr Stanley Bousfield, Sotheby, 19th December 1911, lot 387 part. Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 619.

Superb Quality O over Rotated O Variety 1673 Farthing

MC216 Charles II, Farthing, 1673, last O of CAROLO over rotated O, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue (Peck -; S.3394). A little softly struck, raised die flaw through first L of legend, attractively toned with traces of lustre and iridescence in parts, extremely fine, the variety shows as a square inner part to the O, very rare. £1,350 ex Peter Bateman collection, Bonhams, 4 June 1998, lot 428. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 744. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2623.



MC217 Charles II, Farthing, 1674, short haired laureate and cuirassed bust left, last O in legend between ribbon tie ends, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, legend more closely spaced, date below in exergue, 4 doubled in date (cf.Peck 527; S.3394). Toned, one or two tiny hairline marks, a pleasing extremely fine and rare. £950 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 721. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2624.

MC218 Charles II, Farthing, 1675, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 528; S.3394). A hint of lustre in legend, toned, nearly extremely fine. £675 ex Strickland Neville Rolfe collection (1789-1852), Baldwin Auction 65, 5th May 2010, lot 1358.

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MC219 Charles II, Farthing, 1675, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 528; S.3394). Some lustre in legend, toned, softly struck in King’s hair and on corresponding part of reverse, otherwise extremely fine; has been slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS64 BN. £825 NGC certification 1577439-019. ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2625.

MC220 Charles II, Farthing, 1675, O struck over R in CAROLVS, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 528; cf.S.3394). Toned very fine with a clear overstrike, unrecorded and very rare. £475 ex Croydon Coin Auctions, June 1998. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 710. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2626.

MC221 Charles II, Farthing, 1679, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 530; S.3394). Toned a bold very fine. £350 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 619.

Superb 1679 Charles II Farthing

MC222 Charles II, Farthing, 1679, no reverse stop, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 531; S.3394). Toned, raised die flaw on reverse, short hairline nick on obverse rim at 9 o’clock, otherwise extremely fine and rare; the finest of the known examples. £1,100 ex Geoffrey Kay collection, Spink Auction 63, 28 March 1988, lot 62. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 701. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2628.

Superb Tin Farthing of Charles II From the Earls of Bridgewater Collection

MC223 Charles II, Tin Farthing, 1684, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust left, CAROLVS.A.CAROLO, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, BRITANNIA., edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS*1684* (Peck 532; S.3395). Obverse with full original lustre, darkly toned reverse, extremely fine for issue and extremely rare. £3,750 ex Bridgewater House collection, Sotheby, 15 June 1972, lot 469. W J Noble collection, Glendining, 28 November 1973, lot 685. Spink, purchased 10 February 1974 by Colin Cooke. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 695. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2629.


MC224 Charles II, Tin Farthing, 1684, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, with extra pellet stop in inscription, NVMMORVM*.FAMVLVS*1684* (cf.Peck 532; S.3395). Blotchy tone, with a pleasing portrait, very fine for issue and rare. £875 ex River Thames Hoard, c.1980 this coin purchased by Roger Shuttlewood, sold to Colin Cooke October 1981. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 699. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2630.

Wonderful Tin Farthing of Charles II

MC225 Charles II, Tin Farthing, 1684, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, with extra pellet stop in inscription, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS.1684* (Peck 533; S.3395). With plenty of original lustre, softly struck in parts, with a few tiny spots, otherwise about extremely fine and very rare. £3,000 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 694. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2631.

Tin Farthing Preserved with Great Detail of 1684

MC226 Charles II, Tin Farthing, 1684, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*.FAMVLVS 1684* (cf.Peck 536; S.3395). Dusky tone, extremely fine with some lustre, very rare. £3,000 ex Hyman Montagu collection, English Portion part IV, Sotheby, 15-17th July 1897, lot 58 – third coin in lot ex “Pearson.” A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, purchased 10 December 1976 by Colin Cooke. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 692. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2634.

Extremely Rare 1684 Dated James II Tin Farthing

James II (1685-1688), Tin Farthing, 1684, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust right, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, BRITANNIA., edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS.1684* (cf.Peck 545 EXR; S.3420). With a patina of corrosion, but some lustre showing through in places, nearly very fine and extremely rare with this edge year. £2,000 MC227


ex B A Seaby Ltd, purchased 7 February 1976 by Colin Cooke. ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 686. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2636.

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One of the Finest Tin Farthings of James II From the Archbishop Sharp Collection

MC228 James II, Tin Farthing, 1685, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS*1685 (Peck 546; S.3420). With a superb portrait and plenty of original lustre, good extremely fine and extremely rare, this and the next example upon this list the two finest known James II tin Farthings. £5,000 ex Archbishop Sharp (1645-1714) collection, Glendining, 5 October 1977, lot 203. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 677. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2639.

Superb and One of the Finest Preserved Tin Farthings of James II With Legend Variety

MC229 James II, Tin Farthing, 1685, N of SECVNDVS over D, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS*1685* (cf.Peck 546; S.3420). With virtually full lustre, good extremely fine and extremely rare, unrecorded with the legend overstrike, this and the previous example upon this list the two finest known tin Farthings of James II. £5,500 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 683. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2640.

Very Nice Tin Farthing of King James II

MC230 James II, Tin Farthing, 1685, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM FAMVLVS*1685* (Peck 549 EXR; S.3420). Some light surface marks and a little corrosion in places, edge nicks on reverse, with some residual lustre, otherwise a bold very fine and extremely rare. £2,000 ex M Burrows collection, Sotheby, 11th January 1978, lot 352 (part). Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 680. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2637.


MC231 James II, Tin Farthing, 1685, copper plug at centre, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM* FAMVLVS.1685. (Peck 550 EXR; S.3420). A number of corrosion spots both sides, dark grey tone, otherwise almost very fine and extremely rare. £500 ex Colin D Allerton collection, USA, sold by Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, List 20. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 681.

Very Pleasing Draped Bust Type Tin Farthing of James II

MC232 James II, Tin Farthing, 1687, copper plug at centre, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM FAMVLVS*1687* last stop is pierced mullet (Peck 559 EXR; S.3421). With an attractive portrait, a few tiny nicks, blotchy tone on reverse, otherwise pleasing, almost extremely fine and extremely rare. £3,250 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 668. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2641.

MC233 James II, Tin Farthing, 1687, copper plug at centre, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS*1687* first and last stops are pierced mullets (Peck 558 EXR; S.3421). Patina of light corrosion, reverse flan crack, very fine for issue and of the highest rarity. £750 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 630. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2642.

Extremely Rare First Type Tin Farthing of William and Mary

MC234 William & Mary (1688-1694), Tin Farthing, 1689, copper plug at centre, first conjoined laureate and draped busts right, toothed border both sides, GVLIELMVS. ET.MARIA, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue, BRITAN NIA*, edge inscribed in raised letters, NVMMORVM*FAMVLVS*1689* (Peck 563 ER; S.3450). Some corrosion, fair to fine and extremely rare. £600 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 631.

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Nicely Preserved Tin Farthing of William and Mary With a Clear Edge Reading

MC235 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1690, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, GVLIELMVS ET MARIA, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters NVMMOMRVM* *FAMULUS.1690** (Peck 580 ER; S.3451). Plug slightly off centre with a few tiny surface marks, a touch of very light reverse corrosion at centre by plug, otherwise virtually corrosion free with an exceptionally clear edge, good extremely fine with lustre and extremely rare. £3,000 ex Baldwin Auction 87, 7th May 2014, lot 1336.

MC236 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1690, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM. *FAMVLVS.1690** (cf.Peck 580; S.3451). Hardly any corrosion at all, just a few tiny black specks, nearly very fine for issue and extremely rare. £600 ex Geoffrey Kay collection, Spink Auction 63, 28 March 1988, lot 71. Colin D Allerton collection, USA, sold by Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, List 20. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 655. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2645.

MC237 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1691, large date, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM+FAMVLVS.1691++ (Peck 581 ER, this coin; S.3451). Toned, some corrosion spots both sides, otherwise a bold very fine, reverse better, with some lustre in parts and extremely rare. £950 ex H Deane collection, 1947, via B A Seaby Ltd. Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, 28August 1973. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 640. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2649.

MC238 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1691, small date, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM++FAMVLVS.1691+ (Peck 582; S.3451). Toned, with some corrosion around central plug, otherwise nearly very fine and very rare. £550 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, November 1973. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 641. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2647.





MC239 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1691, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM++FAMVLVS.1691++ (Peck 583 ER; S.3451). Toned, one or two tiny edge nicks, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £1,350 ex A Wayne, London Coin Auction 113, 5th June 2006, lot 741. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2648.

MC240 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1692, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, +NVMMORVM+FAMVLVS.1692+ (cf.Peck 584; S 3451). A little corrosion in places, edge flaw giving uneven shape to the coin, otherwise good very fine with nearly full mint lustre and rare. £875 ex A Wayne, London Coin Auction 113, 5th June 2006, lot 742. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2651.

MC241 William & Mary, Tin Farthing, 1692, small date figures, copper plug at centre, second conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge inscribed and dated in raised letters, NVMMORVM++FAMVLVS.1692+ (Peck 584; S 3451). Toned, very fine and rare. £700 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, 28 August 1973. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 635. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2650.



MC242 William & Mary, copper Farthing, 1694, thin hairline bars to A’s in MARIA, conjoined laureate and draped busts right, GVLIELMVS.ET.MARIA., rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below touching double exergue line, BRITANNIA. (Peck 616; S.3453). Toned, a few light contact marks, almost extremely fine and very rare. £875 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, April 1976. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 586. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2656.

MC243 William & Mary, copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below touching double exergue line (Peck 616; S.3453). Toned, with some blotches both sides, a little porosity, good very fine. £375 ex Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 418.

MC244 William & Mary, copper Farthing, 1694, conjoined laureate and draped busts right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below touching double exergue line (Peck 616; S.3453). Dark tone, almost very fine. £150 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Silver Proof Farthing of William and Mary from the Peck Collection and Quoted in his Publication

MC245 William & Mary, Proof Silver Farthing, 1694, conjoined laureate and draped busts right, no stop after MARIA, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge plain (Peck 625 VR this coin; cf S.3453). Lightly toned, a little softly struck on high points and one or two reverse die flaws, otherwise practically as struck and very rare. £1,000 ex A H Baldwin and Sons Ltd. sold to C Wilson Peck. C W Peck Collection, purchased by Spink and Son c.1964-9. Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, item 10070. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 627. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2654.

William III (1694-1702), Farthing, 1696, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue, BRITAN NIA. (Peck 657; S.3557). Toned, green patina on reverse, almost extremely fine / a bold very fine and scarce. £250 MC246


ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 463.


William III, Proof Silver Farthing, 1698, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in legend with stop, Toned, a bold very fine and very scarce. £450

GVLIELMVS. TERTIVS., rev Britannia seated left, with BRITAN NIA. 1698. plain exergue (Peck 680; cf.S.3558).

ex Knight, Frank and Rutley, Hanover Square, London, 28th November 1901, lot 73. Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 448.

Superb William III 1699 Silver Proof Farthing of the Second Type

MC248 William III, Proof Silver Farthing, 1699, laureate and cuirassed bust right, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated left, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, no stop after date in legend, plain exergue (Peck 682; cf.S.3558). Attractively toned, a pleasing extremely fine, with pleasing iridescence, rare. £1,250 ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2658.




MC249 William III, Farthing, 1699, no stop after King’s name, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, no stop after date in legend, plain exergue (Peck 685* ER; S.3558). Toned a bold fine and extremely rare. £275 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 530.

MC250 William III, Farthing, 1700, small date with open zeros, unbarred A’s in reverse legend, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 669; cf.S.3557). Toned, weak on cuirass and at corresponding part of reverse, otherwise almost very fine and rare. £250 Ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, purchased by Colin Cooke 6th October 1975. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 502.

MC251 William III, Farthing, 1700, small date with open zeros, unbarred A’s in reverse legend, with first R over B, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue (cf.Peck 669 this coin; S 3557). Toned, a little softly struck, otherwise good very fine and rare, the overstrike not recorded in Peck. £750 ex Spink and Son sold this coin to C Wilson Peck pre 1958. C W Peck Collection, purchased by Spink and Son c.1964-9. Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, item 10083. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 501. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2657.

Very Rare Early Pattern Farthing of Queen Anne (1702-1714)

MC252 Anne (1702-14), Pattern Copper Farthing, 1713, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI.GRATIA, stops weak, no inner linear circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, double exergue line, plain exergue, BRITANNIA.1713., edge plain, medium flan, 4.81g (Peck 733, dies 1+A). Toned, a few light marks in places, otherwise good very fine and very rare. £1,000

MC253 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1713, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI.GRATIA, with linear inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, exergue of three lines, plain exergue, BRITANNIA.1713., with toothed inner circle, edge plain, medium flan, 5.22g (Peck 738, dies 2+C). Toned, light colouration, a few light marks in places, otherwise almost extremely fine and very rare. £1,250 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 481. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2661.

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MC254 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1713, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI.GRATIA, with linear inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, exergue of three lines, plain exergue, BRITANNIA.1713., with toothed inner circle, edge plain, medium flan, 5.73g (Peck 738, dies 2+C). Toned, dark colouration, a few light marks in places, otherwise almost extremely fine and very rare. £1,250 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 479. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2660.

MC255 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1714, struck from slightly rusted dies, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI. stops with inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain, small thick flan, 5.80g (Peck 741 dies 2+E; S.3625). Toned, small raised die flaws in places, pleasing extremely fine. £1,250 GRATIA., weak

ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2669.

MC256 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1714, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI.GRATIA., weak stops with inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain, small thick flan, 5.55g (Peck 741 dies 2+E; S.3625). Dark tone, dig under drapery, good very fine. £875



MC257 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1714, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI.GRATIA., weak stops with inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain, large flan, 4.29g (Peck 742 dies 2+E; S.3625). Dark tone, flaw on obverse rim, otherwise extremely fine. £1,250 Was previously slabbed and graded by N.G.C. as MS62BN. ex St James Auction 24, 23rd September 2013, lot 162.

MC258 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1714, draped bust left, ANNA.REGINA, weak stop with inner circle, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain, small thick flan, 6.38g (Peck 743 dies 3+E; cf.S.3625). Slightly uneven tone with some crazing to flan, otherwise a bold very fine and very rare. £1,150 Impressive Pattern Silver Farthing of Queen Anne (1702-1714)

MC259 Anne, Pattern Silver Farthing, 1713, struck on a large thin flan from rusty dies, draped bust left, ANNA. DEI.GRATIA, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, exergue of two lines, plain exergue, BRITANNIA.1713., edge plain, 4.71g (Peck 752, dies 4*+B). Attractive cabinet tone, raised die flaw on reverse rim, otherwise good extremely fine and rare. £1,950 ex C W Peck collection, but not listed in the Spink Numismatic Circular. W Zigmond collection, Glendining, 23th October 1983, lot 589. P H Westbrook collection, Spink auction 27, 16thMarch 1983, lot 157. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 487. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2662.


Another Superb Pattern Silver Farthing of Queen Anne (1702-1714)

MC260 Anne, Pattern Silver Farthing, 1713, struck on a large flan from rusty dies, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI. GRATIA., rev struck en médaille , Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, plain exergue, BRITANNIA.1713., edge plain, 4.39g (Peck 752, dies 4*+B). Lightly toned, practically as struck with plenty of mint brilliance and rare. £1,950 ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2659.

MC261 Anne, Pattern Silver Farthing, 1713, struck on a large flan from rusty dies, draped bust left, ANNA.DEI. plain exergue, £1,000

GRATIA., rev struck en médaille , Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, BRITANNIA.1713., edge plain, 4.50g (Peck 752, dies 4*+B). Toned, some light surface marks, very fine.

Unusual Peace in Chariot Pattern Farthing of Queen Anne (1702-1714)

MC262 Anne, Pattern Copper Farthing, 1713, struck on a large thick flan from rusty dies, draped bust left, ANNA AVGVSTA, rev inverted die axis, Peace in chariot pulled by two horses, date below in exergue, PAX.MISSA.PER. ORBEM, edge plain, 5.02g (Peck 764, dies 5+G). Toned, a little double-struck and 10% off-centre, one or two light marks, otherwise good extremely fine and very rare. £1,750 ex A J West collection, sold to Spink, c.1961. C W Peck collection, Spink Numismatic Circular, January 1970, no.674. A Entwistle collection, Spink Auction 75, 29th March 1990, lot 375. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 492. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2666.

Very Nice Currency Issue “Dump” Farthing of George I

MC263 George I (1714-1727), Farthing, 1717, “dump” issue laureate and cuirassed bust right, GEORGIVS.REX., rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA. (Peck 783; S.3661). Toned with a hint of lustre on obverse and in exergue, a couple of tiny pits by head of Britannia, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine, and so hard to find this well preserved, rare. £1,350 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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Rare Silver Proof “Dump” Issue Farthing of George I

MC264 George I, Proof Copper Farthing, 1717, “dump” issue struck on a slightly larger flan, laureate and cuirassed bust right, GEORGIVS.REX., rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain (Peck 785; S 3661). Attractively toned, light cabinet friction good extremely fine, and rare. £1,950 Extremely Rare Copper Proof 1717 “Dump” Issue Farthing

MC265 George I, Proof Copper Farthing, 1717, “dump” issue struck on a slightly larger flan, laureate and cuirassed bust right, GEORGIVS.REX., rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, BRITANNIA., edge plain (Peck 787 ER; S 3661). Toned, one or two tiny marks, small black spot on reverse rim, otherwise good extremely fine with underlying lustre both sides, extremely rare. £2,000 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 462. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2670.

Rare 1718 Silver Proof George I Farthing

MC266 George I, Proof Silver Farthing, 1718, “dump” issue struck on a large flan, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev struck en médaille , Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date below in exergue, edge plain (Peck 790; S 3661). Attractively toned, much stronger obverse than reverse, overall a bold very fine and rare. £1,150 ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2670.



George I, Farthing, 1719, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, large letters in legend, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue, BRITAN NIA. (Peck 807; S 3662). Some patchy verdigris on the obverse, retaining some lustre, good very fine. £500 MC267


ex Strickland Neville Rolfe Collection (1789-1852), Baldwin Auction 65, 5th May 2010, lot 1386.

MC268 George I, Farthing, 1719, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, smaller letters in legend, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 812; S 3662). Toned practically extremely fine. £700 ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2674.


MC269 George I, Farthing, 1719, small date figures, no inner linear circle on reverse, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, smaller letters in legend, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 812; S 3662). Toned very fine and very rare, we are aware of one other that was in the Cooke Collection lot 452 and the variety not listed in Standard Catalogue. £500 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 671.

MC270 George I, Farthing, 1719, legend continuous above bust, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 815; S 3662). Toned almost very fine and very rare, variety not listed in Standard Catalogue. £600 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 672.

Superb George I Farthing of 1720

MC271 George I, Farthing, 1720, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, smaller letters in legend, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 818; S 3662). Toned with some lustre, good extremely fine. £1,000 ex An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2677.

MC272 George I, Farthing, 1721, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, smaller letters in legend, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 822; S 3662). Toned almost very fine. £100 ex Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 489 part.

Unusual George I 1721 Farthing With First Legend Stop to Left of Wreath

MC273 George I, Farthing, 1721, first stop in legend to left of wreath, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, smaller letters in legend, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 822; S 3662). Lightly toned, one or two light marks to portrait, otherwise extremely fine with plenty of original lustre. £950 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 435. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2678. This variety with stop before the wreath was recorded by Bramah in his 1929 publication A Guide to the Varieties and Rarity of English Regal Copper Coins.

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MC274 George I, Second Issue, Farthing, 1721, stop after date on reverse, laureate and cuirassed bust right, stop to right of head, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 823; S 3662). Attractive dark tone, some obverse flan flaws to border teeth, otherwise bold extremely fine with plenty of original underlying lustre, rare this choice. £750 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, 28 May 1976. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 432. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2679.

MC275 George I, Farthing, 1723, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 826; S 3662). Toned, small dig in hair, good very fine. £475 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 679.

MC276 George I, Farthing, 1723, R over rotated R in REX, second issue, laureate and cuirassed bust right, linear circle and toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 827 ER; S 3662). Toned, fine and extremely rare. £110 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 487 part.




MC277 George I, Second Issue, Farthing, 1724, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue, (Peck 828; S 3662). Toned, weakly struck in parts, with some underlying lustre otherwise a bold extremely fine. £700 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke, 28 May 1976 Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 423. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2680.

MC278 George I, Second Issue, Farthing, 1724, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 828; S 3662). Toned, almost extremely fine. £450 MC279 George II (1727-60), Proof copper Farthing, 1730, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 857; S.3720). Toned practically as struck and rare. £1,250



MC280 George II, Farthing, 1733, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 863; S.3720). Toned with a hint of lustre, weakly struck on highest points, otherwise extremely fine. £300 MC281 George II, Farthing, 1739, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 869; S.3720). Toned with a black patch of tone on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine with a nice portrait. £175 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 539 part.





MC282 George II, Farthing, 1744, weak 4s in date giving date like 1711, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 886; S.3721). Toned good very fine and unusual. £200 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 495.

MC283 George II, Farthing, 1746, V over U in King’s name, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 888 ER; S.3721). Toned a pleasing extremely fine, and extremely rare. £650 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 685.

MC284 George II, Farthing, 1754, weak stop after II in legend, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 892; S.3722). Toned with a slight hint of lustre, extremely fine £135




MC285 George II, Farthing, 1754, final and penultimate stop absent from legend, older laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated on globe with spear, shield and spray of leaves, date in exergue (cf.Peck 892; S.3722). Toned with a little lustre, good extremely fine, and unrecorded. £350 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 372. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2682.

MC286 George III (1760-1820), Farthing, 1771, first 7 over 1, first laureate and cuirassed bust right, GEORGIVS. III.REX., toothed border both sides, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, leaves to right of A, BRITAN NIA. date in exergue (cf.Peck 909; S 3775). Dark tone, almost extremely fine and very rare. £450 MC287 George III, Farthing, 1773, first laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 911; S 3775). Lightly toned, with some lustre, otherwise extremely fine. £275 ex Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 606.



MC288 George III, Farthing, 1773, second laureate and cuirassed bust right, with more finely scaled cuirass, rev Britannia seated left on globe, with shield, spear and spray of leaves, date in exergue (Peck 913; S 3775). Lightly toned, with a little lustre both sides, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £350 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 359.

MC289 George III, Farthing, 1799, small laureate and draped bust right, three berries in wreath, raised dot on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, value below, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1279; S 3779). Toned with a hint of lustre both sides, otherwise extremely fine. £70 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC290 George III, Proof copper Farthing, 1799, small laureate and draped bust right, three berries in wreath, raised dot on lowest fold of drapery to left of centre, small die flaw on last G of legend, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, value below, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1271 ER KF7; S 3779). Toned with full underlying lustre, a couple of tiny streaks or dots, practically as struck and extremely rare. £500 MC291 George III, Pattern Farthing, 1805, struck in bronzed copper restrike by W J Taylor, laureate and draped bust right, three berries in wreath, raised K on lowest fold of drapery, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, value below, edge plain (Peck 1319 R95; S 3779). Toned practically as struck and very scarce. £675 Has been liberated from an N.G.C. slab, once graded as PF65BN – certification 3639514-009.

MC292 George III, Farthing, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1396; S.3782). Toned extremely fine. £95



MC293 George III, Proof Farthing, 1806, struck in bronzed copper, small laureate and draped bust right, incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1388 KF13; S.3782). Toned, a few blotches on bust, good extremely fine. £300 ex St James Auction 16, 7th December 2010, lot 170 part.

MC294 George III, Proof Farthing, 1806, struck in copper, small laureate and draped bust right, incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1389 KF13; S.3782). Toned, some lustre, good extremely fine. £300 ex Baldwin Auction 52, 25th September 2007, lot 617.

MC295 George III, Proof Copper Farthing, 1806, struck in bronzed copper, restrike by W J Taylor, long haired laureate and draped bust right, raised K on shoulder, two berries in wreath, brooch of five jewels, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, raised K below, edge plain (Peck 1404 R103; S 3782). Toned, a couple of tiny spots, otherwise as struck and rare. £675 ex Dr E A Johnstone collection, 1973, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, coin sold to Colin Cooke. Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 285. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2684.

MC296 George III, Farthing, 1807, small laureate and draped bust right, incuse K on lowest fold of drapery, date below, rev Britannia seated left with shield and trident, edge obliquely grained (Peck 1399; S.3782). Toned good extremely fine. £150


MC297 George IV (1820-30), Farthing, 1821, first laureate and draped bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, incomplete date and stop in exergue (Peck 1407; S.3822). Toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £110 ex Baldwin Auction 70, 28th September 2011, lot 267.

MC298 George IV, Proof copper Farthing, 1821, first laureate and draped bust left, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date and stop in exergue (Peck 1408; S.3822). Attractively toned, practically as struck and very rare. £1,000




MC299 George IV, Farthing, 1822, second laureate and draped bust left, midribs of lowest leaves in wreath are incuse, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Peck 1411; S.3822). Toned, proof-like, rim nick on obverse, good extremely fine. £125 MC300 George IV, Farthing, 1825, first laureate and draped bust left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, no top serif to 1 (Peck 1414; S.3822). Toned good extremely fine. £110 MC301 George IV, Farthing, 1826, first laureate and draped bust left, last R of legend struck over E, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue, no top serif to 1 (cf.Peck 1416; S.3822). Toned good extremely fine and very rare. £350

MC302 George IV, Proof Farthing, 1821, struck in bronzed copper, bare head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1440; S.3822). Toned with a few light surface marks, otherwise practically as struck. £400

MC303 George IV, Proof Farthing, 1821, struck in copper, bare head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1441; S.3822). Toned practically as struck and rare. £500 ex Coin Galleries, New York, mail bid auction, November 1987, lot 1108, catalogued as Bronzed Proof from the sets. Baldwin Auction 70, 28th September 2011, lot 273.

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MC304 William IV (1830-37), Farthing, 1831, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1466; S.3848). Toned extremely fine. £100 MC305 William IV, Farthing, 1834, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, incuse line on saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1470; S.3848). Practically full lustre with a very light overtone, spot on cheek, otherwise uncirculated. £250 MC306 William IV, Farthing, 1837, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, raised line on saltire, emblems in exergue (Peck 1475; S.3848). Toned extremely fine. £95

MC307 Victoria (1837-1901), Proof Farthing, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, date below, rev struck en médaille, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1556; S.3950). A few light surface marks, otherwise toned practically as struck. £500 ex Edward Howland Robinson Green (b.22nd August 1868-d.8th June 1936), Fort Worth, Texas, former owner of such numismatic heavyweights as all five examples of the USA 1913 Nickel and in philately the entire sheet of “inverted Jenny” US stamps. “Colonel” Green amassed a collection of 51,018 coins, medals and tokens by the time he died, which were appraised by New York dealer F G G Boyd in 1937. This coin, along with many others were purchased in 1942 by Eric P Newman jointly with Burdette G Johnson of the St Louis Stamp co. Recently released from an PF63BN graded N.G.C. slab. Eric P Newman Foundation Collection, Heritage, 14th January 2014, lot 30696.

MC308 Victoria, Proof Farthing, 1839, struck in bronzed copper, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev inverted die axis, Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1557; S.3950). Toned, practically as struck and very rare with this die axis. £675



MC309 Victoria, Farthing, 1839, young head left, WW raised on truncation date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1554; S.3950). Uneven wispy tone over near full lustre, spot on reverse otherwise uncirculated. £175 MC310 Victoria, Farthing, 1840, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1559; S.3950). Uneven tone with some lustre, otherwise good extremely fine. £125





MC311 Victoria, Farthing, 1841, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1560; S.3950). Light uneven tone over full lustre, otherwise uncirculated. £200 MC312 Victoria, Farthing, 1842, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1562; S.3950). Light uneven tone with a little lustre, otherwise extremely fine and a rare date. £200 MC313 Victoria, Farthing, 1843, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1563; S.3950). Light tone with some lustre, tiny spot on reverse, otherwise good extremely fine and a rare date. £100



MC314 Victoria, Farthing, 1844, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1565; S.3950). Uneven tone, with some blotches both sides, otherwise almost extremely fine and a very rare date. £600 MC315 Victoria, Farthing, 1847, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1568; S.3950). Toned with a few tiny spots and some speckling, otherwise a bold extremely fine. £65

MC316 Victoria, Proof Copper Farthing, 1847, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (cf.Peck 1568; S.3950). Toned practically as struck and extremely rare. £1,250 ex Colin Cooke collection, Colin Cooke Ltd Manchester, 12th May 2006, lot 212. An Old Collection of British Farthings, Baldwin Auction 77, 27th September 2012, lot 2687.



MC317 Victoria, Farthing, 1849, young head left, WW raised on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1570; S.3950). Toned extremely fine and a very rare date. £450 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 713.

MC318 Victoria, Farthing, 1853, second young head left, WW incuse on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1578; S.3950). Toned with a little lustre, extremely fine, rare with this obverse. £150 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC319 Victoria, Proof copper Farthing, 1853, second young head left, WW incuse on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1579; S.3950). One tiny flan flaw in obverse field, spot below chin, otherwise attractively toned, as struck and rare. £900 Previously removed from an N.G.C. slab where graded as PF63 BN. ex John Jay Pittman Collection, David Akers Florida, 6-8th August 1999, lot 3753 part. Stacks Bowers Ponterio, New York, 10th January 2014, lot 1107.

MC320 Victoria, Proof copper Farthing, 1853, second young head left, WW incuse on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1579; S.3950). Mottled tone with underlying lustre, slight nick on cheek, otherwise practically as struck. £850




MC321 Victoria, Farthing, 1858, 5 incomplete, second young head left, WW incuse on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1586; S.3950). Toned with considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £125 MC322 Victoria, Farthing, 1859, 5 incomplete, second young head left, WW incuse on truncation, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1587; S.3950). Lightly toned, with a few spots, considerable lustre, uncirculated. £275 MC323 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1860 TB/BB mule, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border on obverse, beaded border on reverse, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.498 dies 2+A R17; S.3958). Toned very fine and extremely rare. £550 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 715.




MC324 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1861, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.503 dies 3+B; S.3958). Lightly toned with near full lustre, good extremely fine. £95 ex Baldwin Summer Argentum, 7th June 2008, lot 367 part.

MC325 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1862, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.507 dies 3+B; S.3958). Lightly toned with lustre on obverse, good extremely fine. £95 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 705.

MC326 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1866, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.514 dies 3+B; S.3958). Lightly toned with a little lustre on obverse, good extremely fine. £85 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 707.





MC327 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1869, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.522 dies 3+B; S.3958). Lightly toned with some lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £150 ex Baldwin Auction 68, 28th September 2010, lot 3672.

MC328 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1875 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, 4 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.532 dies 5+C; S.3959). Spot in obverse legend, toned with much lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £65 MC329 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1878, laureate “bun” type bust left, 5 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, date in exergue (Fr.536 dies 5+C; S.3958). Lightly toned with some lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £65 ex Gregory Collection, part III, Baldwin Auction 50, 24th April 2007, lot 535 part.




MC330 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1881 H, Heaton Mint, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, heraldically coloured shield, date in exergue (Fr.548 dies 7+E; S.3959). Lightly toned with some lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £65 MC331 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1881, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, heraldically coloured shield, date in exergue (Fr.546 dies 7+C; S.3958). Lightly toned with much lustre both sides, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £65 MC332 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1886, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.557 dies 7+F; S.3958). Lightly toned, a couple of blemishes on obverse, with much lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £50




MC333 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1888, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.560 dies 7+F; S.3958). Lightly toned, a couple of blemishes on obverse, with some underlying lustre both sides, otherwise good extremely fine. £65 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 69, 3rd May 2011, lot 711.

MC334 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1890, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.562 dies 7+F; S.3958). Lightly toned, with a little lustre both sides, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £50 MC335 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1891, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.564 dies 7+F; S.3958). With considerable lustre, some blotchy tone mainly on obverse, otherwise practically as struck. £80 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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MC336 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1894, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.569 dies 7+F; S.3958). Toned with plenty of lustre on obverse, less on reverse, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine. £50 MC337 Victoria, Farthing, bronze issue, 1895, laureate “bun” type bust left, 3 berries in wreath, long thin nostril, toothed border both sides, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, thicker helmet plume, date in exergue (Fr.570 R8 dies 7+F; S.3958). Toned with some lustre both sides, otherwise a pleasing extremely fine and rare. £150 MC338 George VI (1936-52), Proof V.I.P. Farthing, 1949, bare head left, second legend, rev wren left, date above, value below (Fr.653 dies 2+A; S.4119). A couple of tiny spots each side, toned as struck and extremely rare. £875 HALF-FARTHINGS





MC339 William IV (1830-37), Half-Farthing, 1837, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1476; S.3849). Toned almost extremely fine and rare. £450 Struck for use in Ceylon.

MC340 Victoria (1837-1901), Half-Farthing, 1842, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1592; S.3951). Toned good extremely fine. £115 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 724 part.

MC341 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1843, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1593; S.3951). Toned, with underlying lustre, good extremely fine. £125 ex Reverend E Rogers collection, purchased by A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd c.1961. Baldwin Auction 68, 28th September 2010, lot 3675.

MC342 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1844, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1593; S.3951). A few light spots and specks, otherwise full lustre, uncirculated. £150




MC343 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1847, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1596; S.3951). A few light spots and specks, otherwise full lustre, uncirculated. £200 MC344 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1851, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1597; S.3951). A few light spots and specks, dusky tone with some lustre, good extremely fine. £125 MC345 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1852, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1598; S.3951). A few light spots and specks, dusky tone with considerable lustre, some light cleansing on obverse otherwise good extremely fine. £95






MC346 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1853, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1599; S.3951). A few light spots and specks, dusky tone with some lustre, otherwise good extremely fine and scarce. £150 MC347 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1854, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1602; S.3951). Toned with underlying lustre, more on reverse, good extremely fine and rare. £275 MC348 Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1856, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1603; S.3951). Toned with underlying lustre, more on reverse, good extremely fine and rare. £300 MC349 Victoria, Proof copper Half-Farthing, 1868, young head left, rev crown over denomination and value, emblems below (Peck 1605; S.3951). Toned with a couple of spots, a little lustre, practically as struck and rare. £800 ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 728.






MC350 George IV (1820-30), Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1453; S.3827). Light tone over full lustre, uncirculated. £275 Struck for use in Malta.

MC351 George IV, Proof copper Third-Farthing, 1827, bare head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1454; S.3827). Small short scratch in obverse field, otherwise toned with a hint of lustre, practically as struck and extremely rare. £600 MC352 William IV (1830-37), Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1477; S.3850). Streak of darker tone on reverse, otherwise toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £125 Struck for use in Malta.

MC353 Victoria (1837-1901), Third-Farthing, 1844, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue, REG legend (Peck 1606; S.3952). Raised die flaw at top of hair bun, toned with a hint of lustre, good extremely fin and rare. £275 Struck for use in Malta.




MC354 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1866, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1926; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £80 Struck for use in Malta.

MC355 Victoria, Proof Bronze Third Farthing, 1866, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1927 ER; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, mint state and very rare. £750 MC356 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1868, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1928; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, good extremely fine. £80 Struck for use in Malta.

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MC357 Victoria, Proof Bronze Third Farthing, 1868, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1929; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, mint state and rare. £675 ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 620 part.

MC358 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1876, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1932; S.3960). Light tone over considerable lustre, uncirculated. £120 Struck for use in Malta. ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 728.

MC359 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1878, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1933; S.3960). Toned a little lustre, good extremely fine. £65 Struck for use in Malta. ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 728.

MC360 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1881, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1934; S.3960). Toned a little lustre, good extremely fine. £65 Struck for use in Malta. ex Gregory Collection, part I, Baldwin Auction 44, 2nd May 2006, lot 728.





MC361 Victoria, Third Farthing, 1885, laureate head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 1937; S.3960). Toned a hint of lustre, good extremely fine. £60 Struck for use in Malta. ex Gregory Collection, part II, Baldwin Auction 47, 25th September 2006, lot 620 part.

MC362 Edward VII (1901-10), Third Farthing, 1902, bare head right, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 2241; S.3993). Light tone over underlying full lustre, uncirculated. £65 Struck for use in Malta.

MC363 George V (1910-36), Third Farthing, 1913, bare head left, rev crowned value and date within oak wreath (Peck 2358; S.4062). Very streaky tone over considerable lustre, otherwise uncirculated. £50 Struck for use in Malta.

QUARTER-FARTHINGS MC364 Victoria (1837-1901), Quarter-Farthing, 1839, young head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1608; S.3953). Toned over full underlying lustre, a few nicks on face otherwise good extremely fine. £150



MC365 Victoria, Quarter-Farthing, 1852, young head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1610; S.3953). Speckles of tone over full lustre, uncirculated. £275 ex St James Auction 18, 27th September 2011, lot 462.

MC366 Victoria, Quarter-Farthing, 1853, young head left, rev Britannia seated right with trident and shield, emblems in exergue (Peck 1612; S.3953). Toned with a hint of lustre, extremely fine. £125


Commemorative Medals British Commemorative Medals Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

CM201 Defence of the Kingdom, cast Silver Medalet, c. 1572, crowned bust left, rose behind, portcullis in front, QVID . NOS . SINE . TE, with retrograde Ns and fleurs de lis as stops, rev E R either side of a castle on a mount, a globe below, QVID . HOC . SINE . ARMIS, with retrograde Ns and fleurs de lis as stops, 23mm (Eimer 48Ab; MI i 120/57). Toned, very fine and rare. £800

CM202 Battle of Turnhout, January 1597, Silver Medal, struck in Dordrecht by G. van Bijlaer, the army of Prince Maurice, cavalry and infantry, attack Spanish troops, A . DNO . FACTVM . EST . ISTVD . ET . MIRABILE . IN OCVLIS . NOSTRIS, in exergue VICTORIA TVRNOTANA IANV . 1597, rev VENIT VIDIT DEVS VICIT, VICTORIA . PARTA . SPATIO . TRIMESTRI, within a border of views of nine cities captured by the allies, 1597, ALPEN . BERC . MEVRS . GROL . BREVORT . ENSCH . OLD . OTM . LINGEN around, 51mm (Eimer 70; MI i 170/163; v Loon I 482). Subtly toned, extremely fine, rare. £2,600 James I (1603-1625)

CM203 Alliance of England, France and the United Provinces, 1609, Silver Medal struck in Dordrecht, three united hearts below a celestial cloud radiant with the name of God, IVNCTA . CORDA . FIDELIVM ., rev the Belgic lion, crowned fleur de lis and English rose, CONTRA . VIM . TIRANNORVM . 1609, 50mm (Eimer 88; MI i 198/25). A beautiful example, good extremely fine with original surfaces and iridescent tone, quite probably the finest known. £5,950 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450



CM204 Anne of Denmark (1574-1619), Queen Consort of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France, mother of Charles I, oval portrait Silver Medal by Simon de Passe, c 1616, in imitation of engraving, bust of Anne almost facing, with pearl necklace and high collar, Anna D. G. Mag: Britt: Fr & Hyb: Regina, rev crowned shield of Anne supported by wild men, La mia Grandezza dal eccelso on a scroll beneath, ANNA DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FANCIÆ ET HYBERNIÆ REGINA, 55x43mm (MI i 215/63). Good very fine and extremely rare. £8,000

CM205 Frederick V the Count Palatine, Elizabeth Stuart of Bohemia, and their son Prince Henry Frederick, oval triple portrait Silver Medal in imitation of engraving, by Simon de Passe, c. 1616, three portraits facing, rev shields supported by lions, helmet and twin-tailed lion above, below on a ribbon the motto SVPERATA TELLVS SYDERA Donat, and around EFFIG ILLUST PR etc, 64x51mm (MI i 218/69). Somewhat weak in detail, about very fine and extremely rare. £2,600 ex Greta S Heckett Collection, Sotheby’s, 25/5/1979, lot 2259 Elizabeth, daughter of James I, was married to Frederick on St Valentine’s Day 1613 at Whitehall and their son was born the following January.

CM206 Sinod of Dort [Dordtrecht], 1619, Silver Medal by W van Bijlaer, interior of the long chamber at Dordtrecht with the assembled council, ASSERTA RELIGIONE, 1916, rev pilgrims ascend a rocky mountain, buffeted by the four winds, to reach a temple, ERVNT VT MONS SION and date MDCXIX around, 58mm (Eimer 99; MI i 222/77). Good extremely fine. £1,800 The obverse of the medal is copied from the painting by Pouwel Weyts now in the Stedelijk Museum in Dordtrecht. The official number of participants was 102 and an example of the medal was given to each. It seems reasonable to suggest that not many spare medals would be struck and that the mintage of this medal may be not much higher than the 102 required. Furthermore the medal is known from more than one die (the present medal differing from the following). Every medal presented was originally mounted on a gold chain.


CM207 Sinod of Dort [Dordtrecht], 1619, Silver Medal by W van Bijlaer, interior of the long chamber at Dordtrecht with the assembled council, ASSERTA RELIGIONE, CVM PRIV 1916, rev pilgrims ascend a rocky mountain, buffeted by the four winds, to reach a temple, ERVNT VT MONS SION and date MDCXIX around, 58mm (Eimer 99; MI i 222/77). Minor marks, otherwise crisp extremely fine. £1,500 See note to CM205. It is possible that the additional words CVM PRIV “with the first” may indicate that this die was the second die.

CM208 Sinod of Dort [Dordtrecht], 1619, Silver Medal by Cornelius Wyntjes, mintmaster at Dort, Belgic lion below sun, RELIGIONE . ET . IVSTICIA . RESTITVTIS, rev shield of Prince Maurice, crowned and dated 1619, with garter, clasped hand below, and legends IE MAIN TIENDRAY RESPVBLICA DEMVM FLOREBIT VNANIMITAS around, 58mm (Eimer 100; MI i 223/79; v. Loon 113). Choice extremely fine, superb. £4,000 MI notes that the medal may have been struck as a compliment to James I for supporting the synod. The present medal is half an ounce heavier than regular issues and it has been suggested it was a special presentation striking.

Charles I (1625-1649)

CM209 Dominion of the Sea, 1630, cast Silver Medal by Nicholas Briot, bust right, rev ship in full sail left, NEC META MIHI QVÆ TERMINVS ORBI, 28mm (Eimer 119b; MI i 257/43; MH 28). Some chasing, about extremely fine. £395 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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CM210 Prince Charles (II), Installation as a Knight of the Garter, 1638, Silver Medal by Nicholas Briot, in a coastal grove sheep shelter under the tallest tree, coronet above, ship in the distance, SERIS . FACTVRA . NEPOTIBVS . VMBRAM, rev CAROL M B REGIS etc, within garter, 30mm (Eimer 131; MI i 281/88). Toned very fine. £500

CM211 Dominion of the Sea, 1639, cast Silver Medal by Nicholas Briot, armoured bust right, CAROLVS . I . D:G . MAG BRITANN . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX ., rev ship sailing right, NEC . META . MIHI QVÆ . TERMINVS ORBIT, 69mm (Eimer 136; MI i 285/97; MH 29). Extremely fine, attractively toned and rare. £5,750 ex Spink 27/2/1980, lot 371 Papillon collection, Bonhams, 25/03/1998, lot 371

CM212 Marriage of Princess Mary to William of Orange, 1641, Gilt-silver Medal by J Blum, the couple face each other and clasp hands, each crowned with a wreath by a cloud-borne cherub, above them a dove in a radiant sun and in the distance a palace, ALBIONUM GENUIT REX ME SUMMUSQUE MONARCHA CAROLUS, ET SPONSAM ME JUBET ESSE TUAM, PRINCEPS ME HERNICUS GENUIT FORTISSIMUS HEROS NASOUIÆ, ET SPONSUM ME JUBET ESSE TUUM, in exergue, LONDINI DESPONSATI WILHELM’ ET MARIA, ANO 1641, 12 MAJ, rev Pallas receives an olive branch from Peace, BELLONAM PRINCEPS PALLAS PEDIBUS TERIT ET PAX FLORET, ET ALMA CERES, CONFERT SACRO ALITE FRUGES, in exergue, NOUI IMPERII AUSPICIO BONO, 72mm (Eimer 137; MI i 287/100; v Loon 251). Extremely fine. £3,000


CM213 Arrival of Princess Mary in Holland, 1642, Copper Medal by Sebastian Dadler, Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange seated on a throne, his defeated enemies at his feet, LIBERTAS PATRIÆ, ME DEFENSORE, TRIUMPHAT, INSIDIATA NIHIL VIS INIMICA NOCET., rev Prince William and Princess Mary meet at the entrance to a fenced garden, QUO TE MARS ET AMOR VOCAT INTRA. DIVA VIRETUM FRUCTUM HIC LIBERTAS TE GENITRICE FERET., 72mm (Eimer 138; MI i 290/105; v Loon 257; Wiecek 107). Extremely fine and unlisted in this metal. £1,000

CM214 Release of Giles Strangways, 1648, large Silver Medal by J Roettier, ÆGIDIVS. STRANGWAYS. DE. MELBVRY. IN. COM. DORCESTER. ARMIGER., bust right, rev DECVSQVE. ADVERSA. DEDERVNT., the White Tower, in exergue INCARCERATVS SEPT 1645 LIBERATVS APR 1648, 60mm (Eimer 153; MI i 333/177). Extremely fine. £1,375

CM215 Charles I, Death and Memorial, 1649, Silver Medal, German, signed F, draped and armoured bust three quarters left, CARL.I V. G. G. KONLG VON ENGEL: SCHOTT: UND IRRLAND. LEYDEN GOTT UND OBRIGKEIT, rev seven –headed monster rearing before the head of the king, BEY DES POFELS MACHT UND STREIT, 46mm (Eimer 163; MI I 352/210). Good extremely fine with attractive iridescent tone. £1,100 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

Commonwealth (1649-1660)

CM216 Netherlands, William II of Orange (1625-1650), Disputes with the State of Holland, 1650, Silver Medal by Peter van Abeele, bust of William three quarters right, against a floral background, WILHELMVS II . D. G. PRINC . AVRICÆ COM . NASS . EC ., rev crowned shield of arms within Garter George, HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE, 64mm (MI i 393/16; v. Loon 333). Lightly toned, extremely fine and rare. £4,750 ex Sotheby 3/5/01, lot 802

CM217 Netherlands, Admiral Maarten Harpertzoon Tromp (1597-1653), Death at the Battle of Texel, 1653, cast Silver Medal by Dirk van Rijswick, armoured bust, almost facing, EQUES. ET. THALASSIAR etc, rev the Dutch fleet in a naval engagement, VICTOR HOSTIUM FORTITER etc, 56mm (MH 544; MI i 404/36; V Loon 364). Extremely fine and rare. £2,400 ex Sotheby 3/5/01, lot 792

CM218 Peace with Holland, the Peace of Westminster, 1654, Silver Medal by Sebastian Dadler, Britannia and Hollandia, seated facing, hold aloft a broad rimmed cap of liberty together, MENTIBUS UNITIS PRISCUS PROCUL ABSIT AMAROR PILEA NE SUBITO PARTA CRURORE RUANT, rev on two ships, alongside each other, a Dutch crewmember receives an English Naval officer, EXCIPIT UNANIMES etc, 60.5mm (Eimer 191; MH 549; MI i 415/52; v Loon II 371/3; Wiecek 149). Extremely fine and rare. £4,250 ex Morton & Eden, 21/5/2003, lot 1177


CM219 Netherlands, Mary, Princess of Holland and her Son Prince William, Silver Medal 1654, by Pieter van Abeele, bust of Mary left, against a floral background of Scottish thistles and English roses, MARIA D G PRINCEPS M BRIT AVRANT DOTARIA ETC, rev Prince William almost facing, within a wreath of orange branches, AN 1654, WILHELMVS III D G PRINC ARAVS ETC, on a ribbon below, 64mm (Eimer 192; MI i 417/55). Extremely fine, rare. £3,250 ex Sotheby 3/5/2001, lot 805

CM220 Oliver Cromwell and Tommaso Aniello, Silver Medal c 1658, cast in two plates, unsigned, perhaps by W Müller, armoured bust of Cromwell between two Roman soldiers who hold a wreath above his head, in a cartouche below OLIVAR CROMWEL PROTECTOR V. ENGEL: SCHOTL: YRLAN. 1658, incuse, rev bust of Aniello crowned by two sailors, in a cartouche below MAS’ANIELLO VISSCHER EN CONINCK V. NAPLES 1647, incuse, 71mm (Eimer 198; MI i 432/78). Nearly extremely fine. £4,000

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Charles II (1660-1685)

CM221 Embarkation at Scheveningen June 2 1660, Silver Medal by P van Abeele, bust of Charles II almost facing, CAROLUS . II . D:G . MAGNÆ . BRIT . FRA . ET . HIB . REX ., rev Fame bearing ribbon inscribed SOLI DEO GLORIA flies over a fleet sailing away from Schreveningen, on the inside of a shell below S.M. is Uit Hollant Van Scheveling aufgevaren naer fyn Conineryken Ao 1600 Juni 2, around IN NOMINE MEO EXALTABITUR CORNU EIUS . PSAL . 89 ., 69mm (Eimer 210; MI i 457/48; MH 1919, 42). Extremely fine with even grey tone. £2,400

CM222 Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, British Colonisation, 1670, Silver Medal, by J Roettier, conjoined busts right, CAROLVS. ET. CATHARINA. REX. ET. REGINA, rev the globe, centred on Africa and showing the Eastern seaboard of North America, + DIFFVSVS. IN. ORBE. BRITANNVS. 1670, 41mm (Betts 44; Eimer 245; MI i 546/203). Extremely fine. £1,100

CM223 The Murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey 1678, Gilt-silver Medal by G Bower, bust of Godfrey right, two hands garrotting him with a length of material, MORIENDO. RESTITVIT. REM. E. GODFREY, rev one man strangles another, behind him the Pope gives his blessing, BVLLO. TANTVM. RELLIGIO. POTVIT, edge, CERVICE. FRACTA. FIDEM. SVSTVLIT. ATLAS. XNS. 1678, 39mm (Eimer 257a; MI i 577/247). Extremely fine, the gilding old and toned. £525


CM224 Charles II, Silver Presentation Medal, c. 1683, by J Roettier, draped and armoured bust right, CAROL. II. D. G. ANGL. SCOT. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX, rev Royal Arms, in exergue on ribbon, DIEU ET MON DROIT, 53mm (Eimer 267; MI i 595/277). Occasional minor marks, otherwise extremely fine and attractively toned. £1,900 ex Spink Circular September 1999, 3678 Spink Auction 26/3/2008, lot 65

James II (1685-1688)

CM225 James II and Mary of Modena, complimentary Gilt-silver Medal, 1685, by George Bower, conjoined busts right, his laureate and with mantle draped over plain armour, hers draped, rev Sun in Majesty, FORTES. RADII. SED. BENIGNI, 52mm (MI i 610/16). Extremely fine and extremely rare. £3,000 The medal was struck before the “Bloody Assize” a fact that might explain its rarity.

CM226 Dukes of Monmouth and Argyle Beheaded, 1685, Silver Medal by Regnier Arondeaux, bust of James II, as a Roman general, with four sceptres representing England, Scotland, Ireland and France below, all on a pedestal with crown and garter, IACOBVS II D . G . MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX ., ARAS ET SCEPTRA TUEMUR, Neptune in sea-car, and ships, behind, rev Justice standing between the decapitated Dukes, their heads on pedestals, in the distance troops retreat, and, on tall spikes above the Tower of London, the Dukes’ heads again, AMBITIO MALESUADA RUIT, 62mm (Eimer 281; MI i 615/27, v Loon III 307). Toned extremely fine and rare. £2,950 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450

William and Mary (1688-1694)

CM227 Coronation, 1689, Silver Medal by G.Hautsch and L. G. Lauffer, his bust right, WILH . III . D . G . ANG . SCO . FR . ET . HI . REX . PR . AVR ., rev her bust left, MARIA . D . G . ANG . SCO . FR . ET . HI . REGINA ., 40mm (MI i 666/35). Extremely fine. £700

CM228 Coronation, 1689, Silver Medal by P H Müller, laureate and long-haired bust of William in armour right, rev the garter entwined with orange branches and decorated with the shields of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, chronogrammatic inscription within, edge legend, 49mm (MI 675/50). Toned, virtually mint state and very rare. £3,000 A medal known to have been part of the Baldwin’s historic stock for at least a decade prior to 2011, when it was sold at Baldwin’s Auction 69, 3/5/2011, lot 17, and believed to have been part of Baldwin’s stock since before the outbreak of World War II.

CM229 William and Mary, the Security of Britain, 1689, Silver Medal, struck in Nurnberg by F Kleinert & PH Müller, conjoined busts of William and Mary right, GVLIELMVS ET MARIA REX ET REGINA BRITANNIÆ rev Britannia seated holding cap of liberty and scales of justice, below united orange and rose trees, AUREA FLORIGERIS SUCCRESCUNT POMA ROSETIS, in exergue SECURITAS BRITANNIÆ RESTITUTA, edge * EXTERNO MALE PRESSA IUGO BRITANNIA PRIDEM, IN PRISCAS ITERUM RESPIRAT LIBERA LEGES * (FK), 55mm (Eimer 313; MI i 681/60; Van Loon III 383). Edge knock at 7 o’clock, a few peck marks, good very fine and rare. £950


William III (1694-1702)

CM230 Death of Mary, 1695, Silver Medal by J Boskam, bust right, hair bound with pearls, wearing tiara, MARIA . II . G . MAG BRIT . FRAN . HIB . REGINA, rev a square monument with a bas relief depicting sacrifice, on top an inscribed obelisk decorated with a medallion of Mary, and flanked by two other obelisks, COELITVS . DATA COELITVS . RECEPTA, in exergue, MDCXCV, 59mm (MI ii 115/351). Light contact marks and edge bruising, toned, strictly good very fine. £900

CM231 The National Association, Silver Medal, 1696, unsigned but probably by Sorberger at Gotha, bust of William right, GVILH : M . BRIT FR. ET . HIB . REX, rev FELIX . ASSOCIATIO . A . DOMINO ., Fame over globe with scroll inscribed WIL . REX . ASSOCIATIONIS, 48mm (MI ii 155/420). About extremely fine and of the very highest rarity, MI recording only one solitary specimen. The National Associations were a means of showing loyalty to the Crown after the attempted assassination of William. £1,500 Ex Kuenker, 12/3/2008, lot 5691

CM232 Jacobite, Prince James (true Prince of Wales) and the Treaty of Ryswick, 1697, Silver Medal by Norbert Roettier, draped and cuirassed bust of James left, IACOBVS WALLIÆ PRINCEPS, rev a ship in a stormy sea, 1697 . IACTATVR . NON . MERGITVR . VNDIS, 45mm (Eimer 373; MI ii 192/500; Woolf 14:1; V Loon IV 188). Nearly extremely fine and very rare. £1,375

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George II (1727-1760)

CM233 French and Spanish Fleets Defeated off Toulon, 1744, Silver Medal by A R Werner, bust of George II as a Roman general left, GEORG . II D. G. MAG. BRI. FRA. ET H. REX F. D., rev Neptune in a conch shell flanked by hippocamps, French and Spanish vessels sinking in the distance, ADVOBVS, in exergue CLASSIS. HISP. GAL. AB. ANG. VICTA. 1744, 44mm (Eimer 581; MH 1919, 341; MI ii 583/223). Heavily toned, extremely fine, the reverse almost as struck with proof-like surfaces. £2,250 A medal believed to have been in the Baldwin’s historic stock for many decades.

George III (1760-1820)

CM234 Death of the Earl of Chesterfield, 1773, Silver Medal by John Kirk, bust left, PHIL. STANHOPE. COM. DE. CHESTERFIELD, rev Hibernia standing, MEMINISSE JUVAT, in exergue HIB PROREX AB AN 1743 AD A 1747 OB 1773, 37mm (BHM 181; Eimer 748). Extremely fine. £350 A medal believed to have been in the Baldwin’s historic stock for many decades.

Edward VII (1902-1910)

CM235 Coronation, 1902, official Royal Mint Gold Medal by G W de Saulles, crowned bust of Edward right, EDWARD VII CROWNED 9. AUGUST 1902, rev crowned bust of Alexandra right, ALEXANDRA QUEEN CONSORT, on a ribbon, 9. AUG. 1902, 31mm (BHM 3737; Eimer 1871b). Good extremely fine. £800


World Commemorative Medals Ethiopia

CM236 Emperor Haile Selassie, Coronation, EE1923 (1930), cast Gold Medal by André Lavrillier, bust three quarters left, rev the throne of Solomon flanked by two angels, with the Bible and the Ark of the Covenant symbolised above, the Lion of Judah, in front, 29mm (Gill S12). Extremely fine. £650 France

CM237 Charles IX (1560-1574), Silver Medal (1572), by Alexandre Olivier, laureate bust right, wearing armour and small ruff collar, CAROLVS IX DG FRANCOR REX, rev Minerva, her foot on a bow, struggles to lift the pillars of Hercules, to right a quiver, MAIOR ERIT HERCVLE, 51mm (Arm III, 286; BMC [Jones] 110; Maz 167; TN XIX, 6). Choice extremely fine with light patina. £1,500 Whilst Jones writes “it is unlikely that the medal is contemporary”, this example appears to have some considerable age and it shares an obverse with medals struck to commemorate the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.

CM238 Louis XIV (1643-1715), Crossing the Rhine, 1672, large Damascened Bronze Medal by H Roussel, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Louis right, LVDOVICVS . MAGNVS REX . CHRISTIANISS, rev crowned by Victory, the king steps over the river god Rhine, TRANATVS RHENVS, in exergue HOSTE . RIPAM . ADVERSAM OBTINENETE MDCLXXII, 73mm (Jacqiot obverse D16, reverse L3; cf Divo 123). Original, extremely fine and very rare. £3,500 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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CM239 Friedrich helmeted Extremely

Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Friedrich Ulrich (1613-1634), Silver 5-Thaler, 1624, without punch, on horseback right, FRIDERICUS ULRICUS DEI GRATIA DUX BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEB, rev arms with supporters, DEO ET PATRIAE ANNO DOMINI MDCXXIV, 86.71g, 85mm (KM 353). fine, rare. £15,000


CM240 The History of Rome, the complete set of 60 Bronze Medals by Jean Dassier (Swiss, 1676-1763), and son Antoine Dassier, in period black sharkskin case with green velvet lining, depicting the major events of Roman history from its foundation through the republic to the early empire and including literary figures patronised by Agustus, each medal 32mm, case approximately 390mm x230mm, sold with a copy of Antonio Catenacci’s reference on the set. Extremely fine and very rare as a complete set in period, probably original, case. £2,950



CM241 William II, Prince of Orange (1647-1650), his death and unsuccessful campaign against Amsterdam, 1650, Silver Medal by Sebastian Dadler, horse leaping left, covered with an ornate saddle blanket inscribed SIMULANT and decorated with a Bible inscribed UNIO REGLIGIO, from under the blanket an army of pikemen appear, beneath and in the distance the city of Amsterdam, CRIMINE AB UNO DISCE OMNEIS. MDCL. XXX IULII, rev above the Hague, at the funeral procession of William II, Zeus rescues the earth by killing the hubristic Phaeton, MAGNIS EXCIDIT AUSIS. MDCL NOVEMBRIS, 69mm (v. Loon II, 353; Wiecek 133). Minor rim imperfections, a magnificent medal, about extremely fine. £9,500


CM242 Alexander II (1855-1881), Silver Medal for zeal, head of Alexander left, rev 3A YCEPΔIE, edge stamped 4023, 29mm, excluding integral suspension loop (Diakov 637.4 die variety). Extremely fine. £600

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CM243 Alexander III (1881-1894), The Royal Family’s Miraculous Escape from the Borki Train Disaster, 1888, Copper Medal by A Giliches, the family, rev an angel with a princess, the derailed train below, 89mm (Diakov 1010.1). Extremely fine with much original mint redness. £600 Spain

CM244 Philip II (1554-1598), The Peace of Chateau-Cambrésis, 1559, original struck Bronze Medal by Gianpaolo Poggini (1518 - c.1580), bust left wearing small collar above armour, PHILIPPVS HISPANIAR ET NOVI ORBIS OCCIDVI REX, rev Peace, with cornucopiae, setting fire to a pile of military trophies, the temple of Janus, with doors closed, behind, PACE TERRA MARIQ COMPOSITA, dated in exergue, MDLIX, 38mm (Att 1082; vL I, 27). Very fine and very rare. £2,500 Sweden

CM245 Gustav III (1771-1792), Death, 1792, Bronze Medal by C H Küchler, large bust of the king, to right, GUSTAVUS III D :: G REX SVECIAE, rev sarcophagus decorated with trophies and devices, TAM MARTE QUAM MERCURIO, 57mm (Pollard 3). A truly exceptional example, in original shells, as struck, with reflective surfaces and soft iridescent tone. £250



NB001 [Académie Royale des Médailles et des Inscriptions] Médailles sur Les Principaux Evènements Du Règne de Louis le Grand, Avec Des Explications Historiques. Paris, de L’Imprimerie Royale, 1702. Folio (430x285mm), beautifully engraved allegorical frontispiece by Charles Simonneau L’aîné after Antoine Coypel featuring the Royal portrait of the King by H. Rigaud in the upper left corner, title printed within engraved border with engraved vignette by Sebastien le Clerc below, 14 page preface signed by Anisson supplied in manuscript within engraved borders, 286 pages of plates printed on verso’s only, each depicting the obverse and reverse of 286 medals with descriptive text by Nicholas Boileau-Despréaux (1636-1711) and many with decorative culs-delampe below, all within elaborately engraved borders, ‘Table des Médailles Contenues en ce Volume’ on pages 287289, ‘Fautes d’impression’ on the recto of page 289. Sumptuously bound in the original full crimson French morocco with the Royal arms gilt embossed on both sides, three line border in gilt. Six raised bands, lettered in gilt, with the Kings crowned Royal cipher centrally placed in each compartment amidst further gilt decoration. All edges and inner dentelles gilt, marbled endpapers. From the library of the Earls of Macclesfield with their finely engraved armorial library plate on the first pastedown and embossed library stamp on prelims. Binding slightly rubbed with a few scratches on both sides, contents clean and bright. Exceptionally rare and of huge importance, both numismatically and typographically. Only one other copy with the manuscript preface recorded, and with a wonderful pedigree. £6,750 Bruckmann 1729 p74; Dekesel 387, (cites 13 copies in total of which only 1 other copy has the preface supplied in manuscript and within printed borders as here); Hirsch 1760; Lipsius 1801. A magnificent copy of one of the first printings of the folio edition of this beautifully produced book, frequently referred to as one of the finest, and possibly the most expensively produced numismatic book ever printed. Traditionally, primary authorship had always been ascribed to François Charpentier who, although an original member of the council of the Academie Royale was not heavily involved in the production itself. It was in fact the work of a huge number of different artists and engravers all of whom belonged to the ‘Academy of Inscriptions and Literature’ set up by Louis XIV in 1663, and many of whom would remain anonymous had they not been mentioned by name in the preface. Stanley Morison in ‘The Typographic Arts’ does not even mention Charpentier but instead states that credit for the book should be given to Louis XIV’s secretaries of state, ‘ Colbert and Louvias and, after their deaths by Pontchartrian’ all of whom encouraged him in the production. Taking this into account it therefore seems improper to ascribe credit solely to Charpentier individually, so the cataloguer has followed the lead taken by others in recent years and attributed the work to the ‘Académie Royale des Médailles et des Inscriptions’ as a whole rather than to one individual. The book itself was first presented to Louis XIV on January 9th, 1702. It had been produced with little or no regard to time or expense - the finest engravers had been hired, the best quality paper was sourced and an entirely new and revolutionary font (Roman du Roi) was designed which was itself 7 years in the making and marked the first real change in Western font style since 1495. The purpose was to provide a carefully constructed history of Louis XIV’s reign through the commemorative medals which he himself had issued. The production of Médailles was not conceived of as a commercial project, it was an exercise in presentation and served as ‘an expression of academic respect for the typographic arts’ displaying not only the skill of the craftsmen involved but more importantly, Louis XIV’s role as patron of the arts. The finished product is a masterpiece of the bibliographic arts, sumptuously produced and perfectly fitting for ‘Le Roi Soleil’. Initially, it included the 14 page preface which was quickly suppressed from further copies, apparently upon the direct orders of the King himself who somewhat surprisingly, found the tone overly sycophantic. As such, copies with it present are exceptionally rare, particularly so in manuscript form as here. The folio edition proved so expensive that a second, quarto edition was produced and issued in the same year although the smaller size required totally new engravings throughout. After the death of Louis XIV in 1715, another expanded edition was published in 1723 upon the orders of Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, then Duc d’Antin. This printing was limited to 500 copies and yet again, required totally new engravings throughout as unlike the first edition which naturally, only features medals issued up to 1700, this edition illustrated the medals produced throughout his reign. In addition to these, two further quarto editions were printed in Schaffhausen in 1704 and Baden in 1705 both with German text.

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NB002 Barker, A. G. The Token Coinage of Walthamstow. Privately printed, 1911. Octavo, pp. photograph as frontispiece, 28, (2); 2 photographic plates. Neatly pasted onto later pages are newspaper cuttings featuring reviews of the book which was evidently produced to mark the centenary of the first issue of the Walthamstow token coinage. Handsomely bound in quarter tan calf and marbled boards, raised bands, lettered in gilt. Original paper wrappers preserved. A very rare little publication, no doubt produced in very small number with few copies surviving. £295 Barker was a ‘radical secularist and anarchist…apparently the only known anarchist numismatist.’ Manville p19. Based in Walthamstow he was club secretary of both the Walthamstow Syndicalists and the Walthamstow Workingmen’s Club, and later a member of the National Secular Society and the London Freedom Group. He died in 1953.

NB003 Barnard, F. P. The Casting Counter and the Counting Board. A Chapter in the History of Numismatics and Early Arithmetic. Castle Cary, 1981. Large quarto, pp. 357, (1); 63 plates. Original gilt embossed cloth, jacket. Minor wear. £80 ALL SIX VOLUMES FROM R. C. BELL’S SERIES ON THE TOKEN COINAGE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NB004 Bell, R. C. Volume I. Commercial Coins 1787-1804. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1963. Octavo, pp. 319, (1); black and white illustrations throughout. Casebound, jacket. The latter a little rubbed, price clipped on inside base, else fine. £35 NB005 Bell, R. C. Volume II. Copper Commercial Coins 1811-1819. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1964. Quarto, pp. xvii, (1), 238; b/w illustrations in the text. Original cloth, jacket a little discoloured else a fine copy. £35 NB006 Bell, R. C. Volume III. Tradesmen’s Tickets and Private Tokens 1785-1819. Oxford, 1960. Quarto, pp. xii, 315, (1); b/w illustrations in the text. Original cloth, jacket a trifle worn. £35 NB007 Bell, R. C. Volume IV. Specious Tokens and those Struck for General Circulation 1784-1804. Quarto, pp. xvii, (1), 257, (1); b/w illustrations throughout. Original cloth, jacket a little worn at extremities. £60 NB008 Bell, R. C. Volume V. The Building Medalets of Kempson and Skidmore. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1978. Quarto, pp. 184, 4 plates, further illustrations in the text. Original cloth. Jacket faded as is usual, else a very good copy. £50 NB009 Bell, R. C. Volume VI. Political and Commemorative Pieces Simulating Tradesmen’s Tokens 17701802. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1987. Quarto, pp. vii, 286; 25 plates, numerous other illustrations in the text. Original cloth, jacket. Worn at extremities but overall a very good copy. Signed by author. Limited to 200 copies of which this is number 136. £55 NB010 Challis, C. E. A New History of the Royal Mint. Cambridge, 1992. Thick quarto, pp. xxi, (1), 806; illustrations, tables and graphs in the text. Original cloth, jacket. A few minor signs of wear otherwise a very fine copy. £125 CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF SAMUEL ROGERS WITH PRICES & BUYERS’ NAMES NB011 [Christie & Manson] Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Works of Art and Vertû…The Property of the Late Samuel Rogers. London, 1856. Complete in 5 parts. Quarto, pp. vi, one page listing the total prices for each day’s sale, (First Part), Catalogue of the Very Celebrated Collection of Works of Art. April 28, 1856. 133 pages, 1950 lots; (Second Part), Catalogue of the Library. May 12, 1856. 86 pages, 2132 lots; (Third Part), Catalogue of the Service of Plate. May 20, 1856. 5 pages, 62 lots; (Fourth Part), Catalogue of the Collection of Greek & Roman Coins, Early Italian Medals and Medallions &c. May 26, 1856. 39 pages, 304 lots; (Fifth Part), Catalogue of the Household Furniture and Effects. May 28, 1856. 10 pages, 161 lots; 71 further pages listing buyers names and prices realised for each lot. Bound in half red morocco and marbled boards. Ruled in gilt, top edge gilt. Raised bands, gilt, morocco labels to spine loose and chipped. Marbled endpapers, contents clean and generally bright with only minimal browning to the prelims. A remarkable collection which over the course of 22 days achieved an astonishing £45,188. £545 This is the collection of English poet Samuel Rogers (1763-1855), one of the most celebrated figures in the Romantic art movement. In 1850 Rogers was offered the esteemed position of Poet Laureate but declined on account of his age, thus handing Tennyson the position instead. Initially trained as a banker, the death of his father in 1793 gave Rogers a considerable income which enabled him to take up his literary pursuits full time and he quickly become the centre of London literary and artistic life. An intelligent and cultured man as well as a great conversationalist, his circle of friends included the names of many famous men and women of the time and it was said that an invitation to one of Rogers’s breakfasts was a formal entry into literary society. He took up residence in 22 St James Place in 1803 which he had almost totally rebuilt and then over the next 50 years proceeded to fill with the most astounding number of works of art, antiquities, furniture and objets d’art - all listed for sale in this catalogue.

NB012 Cochran-Patrick, R. W. Catalogue of the Medals of Scotland From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Edinburgh, 1884. Quarto, pp. vii, 286; 36 beautifully engraved autotype plates. Original citron halfmorocco and marbled boards. Raised bands, lettered in gilt, a little worn and rubbed. Limited to 350 copies of which this is number 132. Scarce thus. £245 Clain-Stefanelli – 14960


NB013 Cooper, Denis R. The Art and Craft of Coinmaking. London, 1988. Quarto, pp. viii, 264; b/w and colour illustrations throughout. Original laminated boards. Long out of print and highly sought after. With a copy of the review from the 1990 Numismatic Circular loosely inserted. Virtually as new. £275 A fascinating book written by the retired Chief Engineer of the Royal Mint exploring the development of coin production since the Renaissance.

NB014 Craig, Sir John. The Mint. A History of the London Mint From A.D. 287 to 1948. Cambridge, 1953. Quarto, pp. xviii, 449, (1); 16 plates. Original cloth. A very good copy. £35 NB015 Craster, H. H. E. & Wiblin, J. G. Discovery of a Nearly Complete Specimen of the First Great Seal of Charles II, A.D. 1649. The Bodleian Quarterly Record. Oxford, October 15th, 1915. Quarto, pp. (199)-202; 1 double plate. Half black morocco and textured cloth boards, spine lettered in gilt. A little faded and worn, contents very good. A rarely seen article produced by the Bodleian library of which both Reginald Lane-Poole and Charles Oman were curators. £195 AN ORIGINAL INTERLEAVED COPY OF DALTON & HAMER NB016 Dalton, R. & Hamer, S. H. The Provincial Token-Coinage of the 18th Century. 1910-1918. Complete in fourteen parts, bound in three volumes. Contemporary maroon half calf and cloth boards. Gilt lettering, edges and endpapers marbled. Interleaved throughout and with some cuttings pasted in, some pencil notes and annotations. Heavily rubbed, particularly to hinges and corners but a good copy of the original edition of this essential reference with far superior plates. Scarce and difficult to obtain. £ 9 5 0 Clain-Stefanelli – 13878*

THE 1990 SPECIAL LEATHERBOUND EDITION OF DALTON & HAMER NB017 Dalton, R. & Hamer, S. H. The Provincial Token-Coinage of the 18 th Century. (1910-1918) Reprinted, 1990. Thick quarto, pp. 567, illustrated throughout. Most attractively bound in quarter terracotta levant and linen boards, raised bands, lettered in gilt. With; Davisson, A. A Potpourri of Rare and Unusual Tokens. 1991. 13 leaves, printed on recto’s only and accompanied by 6 superb photographic plates each pasted onto thick card. Text sewn into terracotta card covers with gold thread and housed in a linen folder with both the main text and the supplementary text housed in a matching linen slipcase. A beautifully produced special leather bound edition of this monumental work, limited to 26 copies with each set lettered from A to Z, this being Copy R, and acquired by Remy Bourne. £895 THE DELUXE INTERLEAVED EDITION OF DAVIS ON WARWICKSHIRE NB018 Davis, W. J. The Token Coinage of Warwickshire with Descriptive and Historical Notes. Birmingham, 1895. Thick quarto, pp. xx, (2), 132 pages interleaved throughout; 24 fine photographic plates, 16pp. advertisements. Neatly rebacked with the original NB017 decorated leather covers and spine laid on. Original floral endpapers preserved, and with the authors signature on the title page. A fine copy of this edition. Scarce. £375 A WONDERFUL COPY OF DAVIS’S STANDARD WORK ON NINETEENTH CENTURY TOKENS WITH MUCH ADDITIONAL CONTENT NB019 Davis, W. J. The Nineteenth Century Token Coinage of Great Britain, Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man to which are added Tokens of Over One Penny Value of Any Period. London, 1904. Large quarto, pp. title page printed in red and black, xlvii, (1), printed photograph of a medallion of Matthew Boulton, 277, (1), 14 plates. Deckle edges. Neat ink and pencil annotations and numerous newspaper and catalogue cuttings all relating to tokens tipped in throughout, many from ‘The Bazaar, The Exchange and Mart’, including two full pages loosely inserted and dated June 22nd and 29th 1887. Also bound in is a pamphlet titled ’Lincolnshire Tokens’ by T. Sheppard dated July 1911, as well as a speech on the Stamford Mint given by Dr Marten Perry (President of the Spalding Gentleman’s Society). From the library of Wayne Anderson (founder of the Conder Token Collectors Club), with his bookplate loosely inserted and that of collector C. Hamilton-Aitkin pasted onto the inside back cover. Rebound in cerise moiré cloth and leather boards, gilt lettering to spine. Trimmed piece of the original gilt decorated cloth pasted onto inside front board. A standard work on tokens, this edition limited to 258 copies of which this is number 24. A most attractive early copy of this title with a notable provenance and a wealth of additional information included. Important and scarce thus. £850 Clain-Stefanelli – 13880

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NB020 Dickinson, H. W. Matthew Boulton. First Edition. Cambridge, 1936. Quarto, pp. xiv, 218; 14 plates, one folding map, further figures in the text. Original red cloth, a little faded, spine discoloured. Contents very good, with the ex libris of Rudolph Glossop on the first pastedown. A fine copy of what is certainly the best biography of Boulton. Rarely seen. £265 An interesting account of Matthew Boulton’s fascinating life as manufacturer, entrepreneur and mint machinery manufacturer. Friends with Benjamin Franklin, Josiah Wedgewood and many other emminent contemporaries Boulton was instrumental in founding the Soho Mint, responsible for striking amongst many other coins and medals, the ‘cartwheel’ pennies and twopenny pieces and the Droz halfpennies and farthings. Scarce, and with a particularly interesting chapter entitled, ‘Coinage and Soho Mint”. Rudolph Glossop (1902-1993) was a mining and civil engineer and one of the founding members of Geotechnical Engineering in the UK. The Glossop Lecture at the Geological Society is named after him.

WITH BEAUTIFUL PLATES ENGRAVED BY COLLAS NB021 Edwards, E. The Great Seals of England From the Time of Edward the Confessor to the Reign of His Majesty William the Fourth. London, Henry Hering, 1837. Folio, pp. engraved plate as frontispiece, title page printed in red and black, 4, 18; 37 superb plates all engraved by Achille Collas, 1 further plate with watercolour images of the obverse and reverse of a George III seal pasted onto thick card and then directly onto the page. In the contemporary cloth backed marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Extremities and boards rubbed and worn, contents browned and slightly foxed as is usual for publications of this period. A very scarce volume, seldom offered for sale. £550 A MAGNIFICENT SET OF HELEN FARQUHAR’S PAPERS BEAUTIFULLY BOUND AND WITH A CHARMING LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR TO HER SISTER

NB022 Farquhar, H. Seven finely bound volumes containing all thirty four papers written by Helen Farquhar, ‘the doyenne of British numismatics’, for both the Numismatic Chronicle and the British Numismatic Journal. Compiled by Helen and bound for her sister Theresa in circa 1938. London, 1906 -1936. Quarto and octavo. A wonderful archive containing a wealth of information and including Farquhar’s most important works including all of the ‘Royal Charities’ papers as well as all seven parts of the ‘Portraiture of Our Stuart Monarchs’ series. The complete works comprise; Volume 1 A Note on William Holle, Cuneator of the Mint. 1908. 5pp; Nicholas Hilliard, “Embosser of Medals of Gold”. 1908. 33pp, 4 plates; Medallions True and False of Mary Queen of Scots and Charles I. 1913. 9pp, 2 plates; [Ibid.]; Cliché Reverse For a Touchpiece of Charles II by Thomas Simon. 1909. 3pp; Nicholas Briot and the Civil War. 1914. 67pp, 4 plates; Concerning Some Roettiers Dies. 1917. 41pp; Silver Counters of the Seventeenth Century. 1916. 61pp, 2 plates; John Rutlinger and the Phoenix Badge of Queen Elizabeth. 1923. 25pp, 2 plates. All reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle. Volume 2 Additional Notes on Silver Counters of the Seventeenth Century. 1925. 44pp, 1 plate; The Forlorn Hope Medal of Charles I. 1930. 14pp, 1 plate; A Lost Coinage in the Channel Islands. 1928. 14pp; Thomas Simon, “One of Our Chief Gravers”. 1932. 38pp; New Light on Thomas Simon. 1936. 26pp. All reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle.


Volume 3 – Royal Charities (First Series) Royal Charities Part I. Angels as Healing Pieces for the King’s Evil. 1919. 97pp, 4 plates; Part II. Touchpieces for the King’s Evil. 1919. (101)-169pp, 4 plates; Part III. Touchpieces for the King’s Evil. James II to William III. 1920. (173)-204pp, 2 plates; Part IV. Touchpieces for the King’s Evil. Anne and the Stuart Princes. 1921. (205)-248pp, 3 plates. All reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle. Volume 4 - Royal Charities (Second Series). The Maundy; Alms at the Gate, the Daily Alms and the Privy Alms; Largesse and the King’s Dole; The Maundy Coins; The Maundy Pennies and Small Currencies. Index. 1933. 11pp; Part I. 1925. 34pp, 1 plate; Part II. 1927. (35)-66pp, 1 plate; Part III. 1929. (67)-95pp; Part IV. 1930. (96)-116pp, 1 plate; Part V. 1933. (117)-152pp, 2 plates. All reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle Volume 5 – Portraiture of Our Stuart Monarchs on Their Coins and Medals Parts I-III Index to the Seven Parts. 15pp; Part I. 1909. 262pp, 10 plates; Part II. James II. 1910. (213)-285pp, 7 plates; Part III. William And Mary. 1911. 71pp, 6 plates. All reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal. Volume 6 – Portraiture of Our Stuart Monarchs on Their Coins and Medals Parts IV-VII Part IV. William III. 1912. 69pp, 4 plates. Signed by the author; Part V. William III. 1913. 58pp, 6 plates; Part VI. Anne. 1914. 68pp, 6 plates. Signed by the author; Part VII. Anne. 1915. 69pp, 4 plates. All reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal. Volume 7 Portraiture of Our Tudor Monarchs on Their Coins and Medals. 1908. 142pp, 7 plates. Signed by the author; Patterns and Medals Bearing the Legend IACOBVS III. Or IACOBVS VIII. 1908. 42pp, 1 plate; Portraiture of the Stuarts on the Royalist Badges. 1906. 48pp, 3 plates. All reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal. All seven volumes beautifully bound by Harrisons of Pall Mall in half green crushed morocco and matching cloth boards. Ruled in gilt, raised bands, lettered and decorated in gilt. Top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. Very little wear with only the spines a trifle faded but this not detracting from the overall charm of the set. The second volume with the engraved armorial bookplate of Ralph Creyke on the first pastedown. Loosely inserted is a charming handwritten letter from Helen to her sister “Dearest Theresa” saying that she is happy with the binding, “Freelove has done them well”, and that she is now “too old to write”. Also inserted are two obituaries, the first written by Christopher Blunt in the Numismatic Circular and the second from the Times, both accurately confirming the importance of Helen’s work and her esteemed place within the numismatic world, ‘She was the last survivor of the generation of British numismatists which flourished before and after the First World War. Her many younger friends will remember her with affection as a very great lady”. Possibly the finest and most complete set of Helen Farquhar’s work to have been offered and especially attractive with such a personal provenance. Exceptionally rare thus. £2,500 NB023 Field, M. & Millet, T. Convict Love Tokens. Wakefield Press, 1998. Quarto, pp. 120; 8 colour plates, other b/w illustrations in the text. Original card covers. As new. £25 A COMPLETE ORIGINAL SET OF FORRERS MONUMENTAL WORK ON MEDALLISTS IN A HANDSOME BINDING NB024 Forrer, L. Biographical Dictionary of Medallists Coin-, Gem-, and Seal-Engravers, Mint-Masters, &c. Ancient and Modern With References to Their Works B.C. 500 – A.D. 1900. Complete in 8 parts, with separate index. London, 1904-1930. Quarto, pp. xlviii, 691; 588; 649, (3); 725, (1); 461; illustrations throughout; 310 page index. All eight volumes bound in half red morocco and marbled boards. Raised bands, gilt. Top edges gilt. Page edges browned as is usual otherwise contents clean and bright. A fine set of this exhaustive work, originally published serially in the Numismatic Circular before finally being issued as here, in an 8 volume set. The invaluable Index was compiled by Joan Martin and produced far later in 1987. It is included here but has not been bound and remains in the original blue cloth boards. An essential reference. Complete sets of the original are rarely seen, less so in such fine condition as here. Rare thus. £2,300 Clain-Stefanelli – 14115*

NB025 Golding, C. The Coinage of Suffolk, Consisting of the Regal Coins, Leaden Pieces and Tokens of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries together with Notices of the Mints and of Some of the Issuers of Tokens. London, 1868. Quarto, pp. title page printed in red and black, xi, 100, 6 attractively engraved plates, further illustrations in the text, decorative titles. With the authors signed compliment slip to Mr G. F. Tuck dated August 13th 1869 bound in. Attractively engraved bookplate of George Tuck on first pastedown. Some foxing to endpapers, not affecting the main text or plates. Bound in the original blind embossed maroon cloth, gilt. Spine faded. An attractive volume, privately printed and probably in fewer than 200 copies. Rare thus. £245 Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879


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NB026 Gray, J. M. James and William Tassie. A Biographical and Critical Sketch With a Catalogue of Their Portrait Medallions of Modern Personages. Edinburgh, 1894. Octavo, pp. portrait of James Tassie as frontispiece, xii, 174, (2); 17 further plates. Attractively bound in half red calf and cloth boards, raised bands, gilt decoration in compartments, lettered in gilt, top edge gilt. Marbled endpapers. A little worn and discoloured but overall a lovely copy of the first edition of this rarely seen book written by John Miller Gray, curator of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. £325 A BEAUTIFULLY BOUND SET OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS OF BOTH TEXT AND PLATES FOR MEDALLIC ILLUSTRATIONS

NB027 Hawkins, E., Franks, A. W. & Grueber, H. A. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Death of George II. London, 1885 & 1904-1911. Text in two volumes. Thick octavo, pp. engraved frontispiece, xxxii, (1), 724 + 866, line illustrations in the text; 183 superbly engraved plates each with descriptive text bound into three folio volumes, 64 page index. The plates, originally issued in 19 cloth backed folders, have here been expertly bound on linen hinges with all five volumes in matching black polished half morocco and cloth boards and all with neat vellum corners. Raised bands, gilt. Contents throughout virtually as issued. A monumental work based on the collection held at the British Museum. Still the standard reference and essential for any collector of commemorative medals. Rarely seen in such fine condition. £2,750 Clain-Stefanelli – 14691*

NB028 Habich, G. Die Médaillen Der Italienischen Renaissance. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1922. Folio, pp. title printed within ruled red border, xii, 168; 100 plates, further illustrations in the text. In the original gilt decorated red cloth boards, top edge red. Inner hinge of front board cracked, extremities rubbed and rather worn. Contents clean and bright. Very scarce. £525 Clain-Stefanelli 14280*

IN A BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN PAPIER MACHE BINDING NB029 Humphreys, H. N. The Coinage of the British Empire: An Outline of the Progress of the Coinage in Great Britain and her Dependencies. London, 1855. Quarto, pp. colour plate as frontispiece, 160, 23 plates in total, 12 line drawn, the remaining 11 are stunning chromolithographic plates produced in gold, silver and copper. Some offsetting but contents otherwise clean. Beautifully and extravagantly bound in the original papier mache boards, designed to imitate carved oak and done in the style of the reverse of a Henry VIII Sovereign complete with the original legend around the edge and surrounded in each corner by emblematic symbols representing England (a Tudor rose and acorn), Scotland (a thistle) and Ireland (the shamrock). Original cloth spine, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Hinges weak as is to be expected, boards a little worn, the back with some small cracks and the edges chipped but on the whole an exceptional example of this highly ornate Victorian binding which rarely survives intact. A wonderful copy. Rare thus. £695


NB030 Kenyon, R. L. The Gold Coins of England, Arranged and Described: Being a Sequel to Mr Hawkins’ Silver Coins of England. London, 1884. Small quarto, pp. engraved plate as frontispiece, 217, (1); 23 further plates. In the original quarter morocco and cloth boards, lettered and decorated in gilt. Corners bumped but otherwise in exceptionally fine condition and almost as new with no other signs of wear. Scarce thus. £285 Clain-Stefanelli – 9692

NB031 Longman, W. Tokens of the Eighteenth Century Connected with Booksellers and Bookmakers. London, 1915. Small quarto, pp. 90, 11 plates of which 3 are of tokens. A lovely copy in the original blue, blind embossed cloth. Gilt lettering. £195 NB032 [Longman, W.] Glendining & Co. Catalogue of an Important Collection of Provincial Tokens of the Eighteenth Century and Medals and Tokens relating to Printing. 12th-13th March, 1958. Quarto, pp. 64, 455 lots; 8 very fine plates. With printed prices and buyers names. Original green card covers. As new. £40 The catalogue of Longman’s substantial collection, ‘perhaps the greatest of all [typographical medal] collections.’ See Manville Biographical Dictionary p169.




NB033 Millin, A. L. Medallic History of Napoleon. A Collection of all the Medals, Coins and Jetons Relating to his Actions and Reign. London, 1819. Quarto, pp. portrait of George III as frontispiece, vi, (2), 112, 8; 60 finely engraved plates. With; Supplement. London, 1821. Quarto, pp. 41, (1); (61)-74 plates. The first volume in contemporary half calf and marbled boards, raised bands, red morocco label to spine, blind embossed in compartments, gilt. Neat ex libris on first pastedown. Supplement recently bound in half calf and marbled boards, gilt. Loosely inserted into the first volume is a letter dated 1886 from Sir George Scharf, art critic, illustrator and from 1895, director of the National Portrait Gallery thanking the recipient and owner of the book, Thomas Frederick Barnaby-Atkins for lending it to him in order to compare the portrait of George III to one in the Portrait Gallery Library. A most attractive copy of an important title, the supplement rarely seen. Scarce thus. £495 Clain-Stefanelli 14541

NB034 Murray, D. A Note on Some Glasgow and Other Provincial Coins and Tokens. Glasgow, 1885. Square quarto, pp. 40, 4 page index, 4 fine plates each with page of descriptive text. Nicely bound in red calf and matching cloth boards, raised bands, gilt to spine. Edges untrimmed. Picture of David Murray pasted onto first free endpaper and with the erased signature of John Bell (antiquary and bookseller) on the preface. An exceedingly rare little publication published in very small number, but with no printed statement as to limitation. £535 NB035 Phillips, M. The Token Money of the Bank of England 1797-1816. London, 1900. Quarto, pp. 42, valuation list, (1); illustrations in the text. Original boards, browned but contents fine. With a manuscript dedication from the author pasted in. A very good copy. £35 Clain-Stefanelli – 9704. ‘Although incorrect in several details, this review by a long-time Bank of England employee summarizes what was known or surmised about the Bank’s tokens.’ Manville p102

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A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF PINKERTON – FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM DURRANT NB036 Pinkerton, J. An Essay on Medals: Or, An Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals; Especially Those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. London, 1789. Two volumes. Octavo, pp. xlviii, 302; iv, 364; 6 finely engraved plates. Beautifully bound in contemporary full crimson morocco, ruled and lettered in gilt, all edges and inner dentelles gilt. Marbled endpapers, original silk markers. Two finely engraved armorial ex-libris in the first volume, one unnamed, the other that of notorious coin thief William Durrant (d.1846), along with the distinctive bookplate of Phiroze Randeira in both volumes. Two contemporary sheets of manuscript notes, possibly in the hand of William Durrant, are loosely inserted, the first states that this volume was bought ‘at a sale at Evans July 5 1820…fine copy morocco’, this however cannot be accurate as Evans did not begin as an auctioneer until 1822. A subsequent note in a later hand accompanies a clipping pasted onto the same sheet and states that the book was later purchased through well-known bookseller Bernard Halliday in Leicester in 1951 and that this book, along with many others, came from Scottow Hall in Norwich which was the Durrant family seat and which contained, perhaps naturally, many numismatic items. The second sheet, (dated 1802) has been inserted into the second volume and gives the prices realised and locations for coins illustrated in these plates, examples of which were sold in the contemporaneous Tyssen sale which Durrant would have attended. A beautiful set of books with a most interesting provenance. Rare thus. £650 NB037 Pye, C. Provincial Copper Coins or Tokens Issued Between the Years 1787 and 1796, Engraved by Charles Pye of Birmingham From the Originals in his own Possession. London & Birmingham, 1796. Quarto, pp. finely engraved title page with large vignette by Pye, advertisement, 36 beautifully engraved plates featuring the obverses and reverses of 186 tokens, 3 page index, (1). Contemporary calf and marbled boards, neatly rebacked with the original laid on, black label to spine, lettered in gilt. Ownership inscription on front pastedown and top of title page, contents otherwise clean with only minimal browning. A very good copy of the first edition of Pye’s classic work. £450 ‘Pye (1749-1830) was among the first, and arguably the best, cataloguer of late eighteenth century tokens, accompanied the engravings with authoritative information on die sinkers, manufacturers, proprietors, quantities, rarity, and varieties.’ Manville p230

NB038 Rolfe, H. W. Kentish Tokens of the Seventeenth Century Communicated to the Numismatic Society of London. London, 1862. Octavo, pp. 8+7+7+9+11+11+14+7+7+9; 17 plates. Bound in at the front is a section from a letter signed by H. W. Rolfe. Bound in contemporary half leather and cloth boards, raised bands, red morocco label to spine, gilt lettering. Extremities a little worn and rubbed otherwise a fine copy of all of Rolfe’s articles, originally published in the Numismatic Chronicle. Rarely seen. £450 NB039 Skeet, F. J. A Catalogue of Jacobite Medals and Touch-Pieces with Descriptions from Standard Works of Authority of All that were minted From the Accession of James II to the Death of Henry IX In the Collection of Miss Maria Widdrington. Leeds, 1938. Quarto, title page printed in red and black, pp. 52, (2). Attractively bound in maroon quarter morocco and cloth boards, raised bands, gilt. Ex library with a discreet stamp on verso of title page and blind embossed label on recto. A very fine copy of this rarely seen work. £265 NB040 Sweeny, J. O. A Numismatic History of The Birmingham Mint. Birmingham, 1981. Quarto, pp. xii, 245; b/w illustrations throughout. Original gilt decorated cloth, jacket. £30 Clain-Stefanelli – 9913A



NB041 Van Mieris, Frans. Histori der Nederlandsche Vorsten, Uit de Huizen van Beijere, Borgonje, en Oostenryk, Welken, federt de regeering van Albert, Graaf Van Holland, Tot den dood van, Keizer Karel Den Vyfden, Het hooggezag aldaar gevoerd bebben: Niet alleen nit de geloofwaardigste Schryveren en egtste bewysstukken dier tyden famengesteld, maar ook met dan Duizend Historipenningen Gesterkt en opgehelderd. Complete in three volumes. Eerste, Tweede & Derde Deel, The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1732, 1733 and 1735. First and only edition. Large folio (380 x 540mm), pp; (36), 466, (108); (8), 484, (56); (4), 446, (58) pages. Beautifully engraved allegorical frontispiece and portrait of the author, title pages printed in red and black, all with engraved vignettes, engraved dedication (in first volume), elaborately engraved headpieces, tailpieces and initial letters, folding tables, engraved illustrations of medals throughout. With; Van Loon, Gerard. Beschryving Der Nederlandsche Historipenningen: Of beknopt Verhaal van’t gene federt de Overdracht der Heerschappye van Keyzer Karel Den Vyfden op Koning Philips Zynen Zoon, Tot het fluyten van den Uytrechtschien Vreede, In de Zeventien Nederlandsche Gewesten is Voorgevallen. Complete in 4 parts. Erste, Tweede, Derde & Vierde Deel. First edition. The Hague, Christian Van Lom, Isaac Vaillant, Pieter Gosse, Rutgert Alberts, en Pieter de Hondt, 1723, 1726, 1728 and 1731. Large folio, (380 x 540mm), pp. (44), 574, (48); (6), 562, (36); (16), 556, (38); (4), 697, (1), (36) pages. Finely engraved frontispiece by P. Goeree after B. Bernarts, title page in red and black, engraved dedication page also by Goeree in the first two volumes. Engraved headpieces, tailpieces and initial letters, illustrated throughout with numerous finely engraved illustrations of medals. All seven volumes extravagantly bound in matching contemporary tan speckled calf in three panels, surrounded by ornate gilt fillets with flourishes at edges. Decorative gilt embossed cartouche with lion rampant in centre on both front and back boards. Gilt decoration on all edges. Spines elaborately gilt in nine compartments with gilt lettering to the second and third. Some wear to the bindings as is usual for books of this age and size with scratches and chipping to some of the boards, the tops and bottoms of some spines damaged with some later repairs. Some marks and browning to the prelims of both titles, otherwise contents remarkably clean and bright and virtually as issued. All volumes with the engraved armorial ex-libris of the renowned Van Kinschott family on the front pastedown. A magnificent set of books both in terms of size and content, the pair forming what is still the standard reference to Dutch medals almost 300 years after their publication. Medals issued up until 1555 are covered by Van Mieris and those from 1556 to 1716 by Van Loon. Both titles are scarce but the exceptionally large format of both of these works suggests that they are one of a very small number of presentation copies perhaps given to the family directly. Two classic works, still essential for anyone studying the medals of the Low Countries. Exceptionally rare in this format, in magnificent contemporary bindings and with an illustrious provenance. £12,000 Clain-Stefanelli 14855* and 14862*; Grierson p265; Lipsius p235 & 261

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NB042 Waters, A. W. The Token Coinage of South London Issued in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Leamington Spa, 1904. Quarto, pp. portrait of Thomas Keys as frontispiece, xiv, 33, 2 very fine autotype plates. Finely bound in brown calf and matching cloth boards. Top edge gilt. Limited to 100 copies. Rare thus. £275 “It is an exceedingly readable little book and will be useful as well as interesting to antiquaries generally, apart from its special relation to Tokens.’ From a review in the Spink Numismatic Circular, April 1904.

NB043 Waters, A. W. Notes Gleaned from Contemporary Literature &c. Respecting the Issuers of the Eighteenth Century Tokens Struck for the County of Middlesex Arranged According to Atkins Tradesmen’s Tokens. Leamington Spa, 1906. Octavo, pp. printed plate as frontispiece, viii, (4), 98, 7 plates. Attractively bound in tan calf and marbled boards. Ex libris on first pastedown. Limited to 200 copies. Scarce thus. £345 NB044 Wells, W. C. Seventeenth-Century Tokens of Northamptonshire. Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal. London, 1914. Quarto, pp. 179, (1); 4 plates, further line drawings in the text. Addenda and Corrigenda loosely inserted. Cloth, minor wear. Mark to front board from previously removed sticker. Scarce. £110 NB045 Woolf, N. The Medallic Record of the Jacobite Movment. London, 1988. Large quarto, pp. (3), 160, (1); illustrated throughout; Bound with; Glendinings. The Noël Woolf Collection of Jacobite and Anti-Jacobite Medals and Stuart Touchpieces. 4th November, 1992. Quarto, pp. 24, 232 lots; 12 b/w plates. Beautifully bound in quarter red morocco and matching cloth boards, raised bands, lettered in gilt. A trifle marked but essentially a beautiful copy of this scarce book accompanied by the equally important catalogue of the authors collection. Highly sought after and rarely seen in such fine condition. £295 NB046 Woolf, N. The Sovereign Remedy. Touch Pieces and the Kings Evil. The British Association of Numismatic Societies, Doris Stockwell Memorial Papers No. 4. Manchester, 1990. Small quarto, pp. 64, illustrated throughout. Beautifully bound in quarter red morocco and matching cloth boards. Raised bands, lettered and decorated in gilt. A useful little publication, usually seen in the original paper covers (here preserved). Out of print and sought after. This copy handsomely and expensively bound, scarce thus. £95 BEAUTIFULLY PRODUCED BY THE CHISWICK PRESS

NB047 Wyon, A. The Great Seals of England From the Earliest Period to the Present Time, arranged and Illustrated with Descriptive and Historical Notes, Commenced and the Greater Part Written by the Late Alfred Benjamin Wyon. Printed at the Chiswick Press, London, 1887. Folio, pp. superb autotype plate as frontispiece, title page printed in red and black, dedication page, xviii, 217; 54 splendid plates. Finely engraved head and tail pieces and decorative capitals throughout. Original heavily gilt-decorated covers, bevelled edges, black endpapers, all edges gilt. A magnificent reference, beautifully produced by the notable Chiswick Press and in fine condition. Some papers and a photograph of a seal loosely inserted. Signed by the author and limited to 300 copies of which this is number 243. Rare thus. £595


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King Edward VIII, Gold Proof Sovereign, dated 1937 Sold for £516,000, May 2014, London.

One of the greatest and most admired of all ancient Greek coins, this masterpiece formed part of the spectacular Prospero Collection our most valuable auction sale to date totalling US$25,995,294. Limited edition hardback catalogues are available on our website.

The only single example available to collectors anywhere in the world, the Edward VIII Sovereign achieved a world record price for any Royal Mint Coin ever produced in the UK. It was sold as part of The Hemisphere Collection of Gold Sovereigns.

WORLD RECORD PRICE at public Auction for an Australian Coin and for a Gold Sovereign

WORLD RECORD PRICE at public Auction for a Modern Greek Coin

King George V, Gold Sovereign, dated 1920 of the Sydney Mint, Australia Sold for £780,000, September 2012, London.

King George I, Gold 100-Drachmai, dated 1876 Sold for £216,000, in May 2014, London.

The rarest and most desired coin of the whole Sovereign series, this 1920 Sydney Mint Sovereign sold for a world record breaking price as part of the coveted three part Bentley Collection sold in a 12 month period from May 2012. Limited edition hardback catalogues are available on our website.

With a mintage of only 76, the George I Gold 100-Drachmai of 1876 is the rarest of all regular issue coins from Modern Greece, as proven by this world record breaking price for a modern Greek coin. Offered as part of the extensive Åke Lindén collection which was sold in sections over a 12 month period from September 2013.

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