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Everyday Balinese Everyday Balinese Everyday Balinese By I Gusti Made Sutjaja By I Gusti Made Sutjaja By I Gusti Made Sutjaja

"Quality education in a caring community." "Quality education in a caring community." "Quality education in a caring community." 72 'Outstanding Cambridge Learner 72 'Outstanding Cambridge Learner 72 'Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards' in the past 9 years Awards' in the past 9 years Awards' in the past 9 years

Everyday Balinese is a concise and user-friendly guide Everyday Balinese is a concise and user-friendly guide Everyday Balinese is a concise and user-friendly guide to the Balinese language targeted to anyone who wishes to the Balinese language targeted to anyone who wishes to the Balinese language targeted to anyone who wishes to learn colloquial Balinese. There are 23 lessons (not to learn colloquial Balinese. There are 23 lessons (not to learn colloquial Balinese. There are 23 lessons (not exercises) in this course book, each with a dialog that exercises) in this course book, each with a dialog that exercises) in this course book, each with a dialog that centers around daily life. These realistic beginner centers around daily life. These realistic beginner centers around daily life. These realistic beginner conversations are a great way to learn Balinese as it is conversations are a great way to learn Balinese as it is conversations are a great way to learn Balinese as it is really spoken. Though tending to be a bit dry, the dialogs really spoken. Though tending to be a bit dry, the dialogs really spoken. Though tending to be a bit dry, the dialogs are easy to follow and cover realistic situations. are easy to follow and cover realistic situations. are easy to follow and cover realistic situations.

associated with associated with associated with distance and formality distance and formality distance and formality among users. If you among users. If you among users. If you talk with a friend or talk with a friend or talk with a friend or sibling, you use sibling, you use sibling, you use lumrah and when you lumrah and when you lumrah and when you speak with someone speak with someone speak with someone you know but not you know but not you know but not closely, you also use closely, you also use closely, you also use The dialogs are presented twice in two different speech The dialogs are presented twice in two different speech The dialogs are presented twice in two different speech lumrah. But if you talk lumrah. But if you talk lumrah. But if you talk levels consisting of almost entirely different words. Depending levels consisting of almost entirely different words. Depending levels consisting of almost entirely different words. Depending to a priest or a high to a priest or a high to a priest or a high upon whom you are talking to, separate vocabularies are upon whom you are talking to, separate vocabularies are upon whom you are talking to, separate vocabularies are government official, government official, government official, used in Balinese. The first version, denoted “A,” represents used in Balinese. The first version, denoted “A,” represents used in Balinese. The first version, denoted “A,” represents you use alus to show you use alus to show you use alus to show the lumrah or common tongue. The second, denoted “B,” is the lumrah or common tongue. The second, denoted “B,” is the lumrah or common tongue. The second, denoted “B,” is respect. Since respect. Since respect. Since alus or refined Balinese. alus or refined Balinese. alus or refined Balinese. Westerners mostly Westerners mostly Westerners mostly deal with young hotel deal with young hotel deal with young hotel There are actually six different speech levels from the highest There are actually six different speech levels from the highest There are actually six different speech levels from the highest staff, warung staff, warung staff, warung alus singgih used to address priests and rajas down to the alus singgih used to address priests and rajas down to the alus singgih used to address priests and rajas down to the proprietors, transport proprietors, transport proprietors, transport lowest forms, Bahasa Kasar (common languages), which lowest forms, Bahasa Kasar (common languages), which lowest forms, Bahasa Kasar (common languages), which providers, villagers providers, villagers providers, villagers includes not only lumrah but the andap and wake everyday includes not only lumrah but the andap and wake everyday includes not only lumrah but the andap and wake everyday but not mayors, rajas, but not mayors, rajas, but not mayors, rajas, languages used all over Bali by children, young people and languages used all over Bali by children, young people and languages used all over Bali by children, young people and judges, etc., they judges, etc., they judges, etc., they for some reason by the inhabitants of northern Buleleng for some reason by the inhabitants of northern Buleleng for some reason by the inhabitants of northern Buleleng should put the emphasis on mastering lumrah because it’s should put the emphasis on mastering lumrah because it’s should put the emphasis on mastering lumrah because it’s District. Each lesson on food, greetings, shopping, money, District. Each lesson on food, greetings, shopping, money, District. Each lesson on food, greetings, shopping, money, easier to learn, you can use it everywhere and everyone easier to learn, you can use it everywhere and everyone easier to learn, you can use it everywhere and everyone finding your way, etc. contains a list of words in both lumrah finding your way, etc. contains a list of words in both lumrah finding your way, etc. contains a list of words in both lumrah understands it. A Westerner will even be forgiven for using understands it. A Westerner will even be forgiven for using understands it. A Westerner will even be forgiven for using and alus forms, followed by their Indonesian and English and alus forms, followed by their Indonesian and English and alus forms, followed by their Indonesian and English lumrah when addressing royalty. On the other hand, not every lumrah when addressing royalty. On the other hand, not every lumrah when addressing royalty. On the other hand, not every translations. In these sections, you’re able to compare the translations. In these sections, you’re able to compare the translations. In these sections, you’re able to compare the Balinese understands the alus speech level. Balinese understands the alus speech level. Balinese understands the alus speech level. different words and expressions of the two speech levels in different words and expressions of the two speech levels in different words and expressions of the two speech levels in column format. These vocabulary lists repeat and reinforce column format. These vocabulary lists repeat and reinforce column format. These vocabulary lists repeat and reinforce The book is not without its inconsistencies that confuse alus, The book is not without its inconsistencies that confuse alus, The book is not without its inconsistencies that confuse alus, the words and expressions used in the dialogs. the words and expressions used in the dialogs. the words and expressions used in the dialogs. lumrah and other speech levels. In Lesson 4, be is referred lumrah and other speech levels. In Lesson 4, be is referred lumrah and other speech levels. In Lesson 4, be is referred to as a common Balinese word meaning meat (be pusih-fish; to as a common Balinese word meaning meat (be pusih-fish; to as a common Balinese word meaning meat (be pusih-fish; The most difficult part of learning Balinese are the different The most difficult part of learning Balinese are the different The most difficult part of learning Balinese are the different be celeng-pork; be siap-chicken, etc,). Yet in Lesson 3, the be celeng-pork; be siap-chicken, etc,). Yet in Lesson 3, the be celeng-pork; be siap-chicken, etc,). Yet in Lesson 3, the speech levels, even though they follow much the same speech levels, even though they follow much the same speech levels, even though they follow much the same table of animal names indicates that be is a high Balinese word. table of animal names indicates that be is a high Balinese word. table of animal names indicates that be is a high Balinese word. grammatical rules. The differences lie in word choice. For grammatical rules. The differences lie in word choice. For grammatical rules. The differences lie in word choice. For In one lesson, cicing (dog) is classified as common but in In one lesson, cicing (dog) is classified as common but in In one lesson, cicing (dog) is classified as common but in example, there are three different words for “eat,” depending example, there are three different words for “eat,” depending example, there are three different words for “eat,” depending another, it’s considered high Balinese; katak (frog) is listed as another, it’s considered high Balinese; katak (frog) is listed as another, it’s considered high Balinese; katak (frog) is listed as upon the circumstances and who you are addressing. In the upon the circumstances and who you are addressing. In the upon the circumstances and who you are addressing. In the both alus and lumrah words but actually the more common both alus and lumrah words but actually the more common both alus and lumrah words but actually the more common most refined language (alus), it is ngerayun. In the second most refined language (alus), it is ngerayun. In the second most refined language (alus), it is ngerayun. In the second lumrah word for frog is dongkang. In Lesson 7, paek sajan is lumrah word for frog is dongkang. In Lesson 7, paek sajan is lumrah word for frog is dongkang. In Lesson 7, paek sajan is level (lumrah), it is ngajeng. In the lowest speech level, the level (lumrah), it is ngajeng. In the lowest speech level, the level (lumrah), it is ngajeng. In the lowest speech level, the more usual than paek pesan. Sik (one), dua (two), nem (six), more usual than paek pesan. Sik (one), dua (two), nem (six), more usual than paek pesan. Sik (one), dua (two), nem (six), word for “eat” is ngamah. Lumrah words are used when word for “eat” is ngamah. Lumrah words are used when word for “eat” is ngamah. Lumrah words are used when pitu (seven) and sia (nine) are more widely used than a pitu (seven) and sia (nine) are more widely used than a pitu (seven) and sia (nine) are more widely used than a participants of equal social status are conversing. It reflects participants of equal social status are conversing. It reflects participants of equal social status are conversing. It reflects number of words for those numbers listed in the Ordinal number of words for those numbers listed in the Ordinal number of words for those numbers listed in the Ordinal intimacy and informality among its users. Alus words are intimacy and informality among its users. Alus words are intimacy and informality among its users. Alus words are Numbers section of the Appendices. Numbers section of the Appendices. Numbers section of the Appendices.

Though Balinese is difficult to learn, if you are highly motivated Though Balinese is difficult to learn, if you are highly motivated Though Balinese is difficult to learn, if you are highly motivated and apply yourself, you are able to master at least a working and apply yourself, you are able to master at least a working and apply yourself, you are able to master at least a working knowledge of the language. The best and easiest way is to knowledge of the language. The best and easiest way is to knowledge of the language. The best and easiest way is to engage in conversation with Balinese with the aid of Everyday engage in conversation with Balinese with the aid of Everyday engage in conversation with Balinese with the aid of Everyday Balinese. This holistic approach of actively going into the field Balinese. This holistic approach of actively going into the field Balinese. This holistic approach of actively going into the field and learning with the people is highly effective if it’s done on and learning with the people is highly effective if it’s done on and learning with the people is highly effective if it’s done on a daily basis. You need only to commit to learn a minimum number of words each day, always taking note of the way to IGCSE & AS LEVEL a daily basis. You need only to commit to learn a minimum number of words each day, always taking note of the way to IGCSE & AS LEVEL a daily basis. You need only to commit to learn a minimum number of words each day, always taking note of the way to IGCSE & AS LEVEL pronounce each word. For example, the words Dija? (From where?) sounds similar to Kija? (Where are you going?) but (CLASSES 9-12)pronounce each word. For example, the words Dija? (From where?) sounds similar to Kija? (Where are you going?) but (CLASSES 9-12)pronounce each word. For example, the words Dija? (From where?) sounds similar to Kija? (Where are you going?) but (CLASSES 9-12) their meanings are quite distinct from each other. their meanings are quite distinct from each other. their meanings are quite distinct from each other.


Not a dauntingly thick book, the page design is neat with a clean serifed typeface that’s easy to read. There are no APPLY NOW!Not a dauntingly thick book, the page design is neat with a clean serifed typeface that’s easy to read. There are no APPLY NOW!Not a dauntingly thick book, the page design is neat with a clean serifed typeface that’s easy to read. There are no APPLY NOW! pictures or photographs cluttering the pages. The book has pictures or photographs cluttering the pages. The book has pictures or photographs cluttering the pages. The book has a one-page pronunciation guide in the front and a handy a one-page pronunciation guide in the front and a handy a one-page pronunciation guide in the front and a handy 20-page dictionary at the end arranged alphabetically by 20-page dictionary at the end arranged alphabetically by 20-page dictionary at the end arranged alphabetically by Balinese, followed by Indonesian and English translations. Balinese, followed by Indonesian and English translations. Balinese, followed by Indonesian and English translations. For anyone who is going to spend any length of time on Bali For anyone who is going to spend any length of time on Bali For anyone who is going to spend any length of time on Bali or who is keen on really connecting with the people, Everyday or who is keen on really connecting with the people, Everyday or who is keen on really connecting with the people, Everyday Balinese is a worthwhile investment that will pay for itself time Balinese is a worthwhile investment that will pay for itself time Balinese is a worthwhile investment that will pay for itself time and again in the quality of your experiences. and again in the quality of your experiences. and again in the quality of your experiences. Everyday Balinese: Your Guide to Speaking Balinese Quickly Everyday Balinese: Your Guide to Speaking Balinese Quickly Everyday Balinese: Your Guide to Speaking Balinese Quickly and Effortlessly in a Few Hours by I Gusti Made Sutjaja, Tuttle and Effortlessly in a Few Hours by I Gusti Made Sutjaja, Tuttle and Effortlessly in a Few Hours by I Gusti Made Sutjaja, Tuttle Publishing 2009, ISBN-978-080-484-0453, 192 pages, Publishing 2009, ISBN-978-080-484-0453, 192 pages, Publishing 2009, ISBN-978-080-484-0453, 192 pages, dimensions 13.5cm x 20.5cm. dimensions 13.5cm x 20.5cm. dimensions 13.5cm x 20.5cm. Review by Bill Dalton Review by Bill Dalton Review by Bill Dalton For any publishers interested in having one of their books For any publishers interested in having one of their books For any publishers interested in having one of their books Jl. Pucuk Bang, Banjar Tangtu Jl. Pucuk Bang, Banjar Tangtu Jl. Pucuk Bang, Banjar Tangtu considered for review in Toko Buku, please contact: pakbill2003@yahoo.com. Book an OnlineTour today! considered for review in Toko Buku, please contact: pakbill2003@yahoo.com. Book an OnlineTour today! considered for review in Toko Buku, please contact: pakbill2003@yahoo.com. Book an OnlineTour today! Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 Email: enrolment@dyatmika.org Phone: +62 361 461 874 Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 Email: enrolment@dyatmika.org Phone: +62 361 461 874 Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 Email: enrolment@dyatmika.org Phone: +62 361 461 874 Copyright © 2019 You can read all past articles of Toko Buku at www.BaliAdvertiser.biz Enrolment +62 811 399 6190 Copyright © 2019 You can read all past articles of Toko Buku at www.BaliAdvertiser.biz Enrolment +62 811 399 6190 Copyright © 2019 You can read all past articles of Toko Buku at www.BaliAdvertiser.biz Enrolment +62 811 399 6190

C/E/G-22 May 19 C/E/G-22 May 19 C/E/G-22 May 19 C/E/I-29 Jan 20 C/E/I-29 Jan 20 C/E/I-29 Jan 20


Bali Island School IBDP Results Class of 2020 The Show Must Go On! BIS Virtual University Fair Bali Island School IBDP Results Class of 2020 Bali Island School IBDP Results Class of 2020 Let’s keep on giving!

Bali Island School is pleased to congratulate the Sanur, Bali 30 September 2020: Bali Island School Bali Island School is pleased to congratulate the Bali Island School is pleased to congratulate the Bali Island School PTA Organize Successful Blood Drive Emory University, USA Emory University, USA Emory University, USA We also give back to the community by donating funds members of the Class of 2020 for their excellent results. held its first Virtual University Fair on 25th September members of the Class of 2020 for their excellent results. members of the Class of 2020 for their excellent results. and Flu VaccinationSanur, Bali, November 10, 2020: The raised to our chosen charities. Under the cloud of Covid-19, 2020. Approximately 80 universities were in attendance. BIS annual blood drive and the Flu vaccination offerings Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Manchester Metropolitan University, UK the BIS PTA stood strong and proudly were able to - 100% pass rate - 100% pass rate - 100% pass rate were held on the BIS Campus on October 27 th and organize a successful flu vaccine with 31 people keen to November 2nd, 2020. Edinburgh Napier University, UK Edinburgh Napier University, UK Edinburgh Napier University, UK receive their vaccine and a recent blood drive saw over 50 - 32.7 average score - 32.7 average score - 32.7 average score Hult International Business School, UK Hult International Business School, UK Hult International Business School, UK participants eager to give blood to support the wider - 12 out of the 15 students received 2 additional points. - 12 out of the 15 students received 2 additional points. - 12 out of the 15 students received 2 additional points. At Bali Island School, we acknowledge the importance of community. demonstrated a sense of pride and (TOK/EE) (TOK/EE) (TOK/EE) community; not only the school community but also Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, commitment towards the care and wellness of others,” beyond the school walls. In this quarter, our PTA Qatar Qatar Qatar says Ibu Jinae Harrington, PTA chairman. Head of School Mr. Garth Wyncoll said, “ Another strong Head of School Mr. Garth Wyncoll said, “ Another strong Head of School Mr. Garth Wyncoll said, “ Another strong organized 2 events dedicated to healthcare. These were set of results - well earned - through a difficult period. set of results - well earned - through a difficult period. set of results - well earned - through a difficult period. the blood drive as well as a flu vaccine offering that University of Western Australia, Australia University of Western Australia, Australia University of Western Australia, Australia Thank you to our IBDP Coordinator and Secondary Thank you to our IBDP Coordinator and Secondary Thank you to our IBDP Coordinator and Secondary occurred at the BIS Courtyard. Principal for their strong leadership, to each DP teacher Principal for their strong leadership, to each DP teacher Principal for their strong leadership, to each DP teacher for your attention to individual student needs and your for your attention to individual student needs and your for your attention to individual student needs and your National Kaoshiung Normal University, Taiwan National Kaoshiung Normal University, Taiwan National Kaoshiung Normal University, Taiwan strong approach to teaching and learning, and finally to strong approach to teaching and learning, and finally to strong approach to teaching and learning, and finally to the rest of the BIS faculty and staff for your assistance in the rest of the BIS faculty and staff for your assistance in the rest of the BIS faculty and staff for your assistance in Curtin University, Australia Curtin University, Australia Curtin University, Australia preparing our students for the demands of the DP preparing our students for the demands of the DP preparing our students for the demands of the DP program!” program!” program!” RMIT, University RMIT, University RMIT, University Our graduates were accepted to universities across the Our graduates were accepted to universities across the Our graduates were accepted to universities across the globe. Here is a selection of their acceptances: globe. Here is a selection of their acceptances: globe. Here is a selection of their acceptances: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University of Melbourne, UK University of Melbourne, UK University of Melbourne, UK “The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) has a tradition of University of Zurich,Switzerland University of Zurich,Switzerland University of Zurich,Switzerland a strong presence since its inception at BIS. This has been very successful in raising funds for the students. York University, Canada York University, Canada York University, Canada

otherwise not considered. It was a great opportunity for me to explore the different programs offered by universities from all over the world, as it exposed me to the multitude of paths that I could take once I’ve graduated. The workshops I attended were hosted by the University of Essex and St. Thomas University. I also spoke with representatives from the University of Sydney, Iowa State University, University of Glasgow, University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia. My impressions of these universities were wonderful as everyone I talked to was incredibly kind and helpful. Although the fair was very early in the morning in their time zone, they were all enthusiastic in letting me know all that I wanted to know about their respective universities and answered all of my questions to the best of their abilities,” said Zidlji, Grade 11 student at BIS.

THE SHOW MUST GO ON! That was our motto for this year’s Virtual University Fair. And go on it did; the list of schools participating this year was larger than ever before. BIS hosted more than 80 participating Universities, with students joining from all around Indonesia. Students from our sister school, SMA 6, and Canggu Community School joined as well. Students chose from thirty-two workshops and had an opportunity to meet individually and in small groups with university representatives. “I have not really decided on which university I want to attend once I’ve graduated, nor do I have an exact idea of what The BIS Virtual University Fair offers great insight into the I want to study. Although, I do know that I am interested different opportunities offered by each university for in degrees like PPE, or multidisciplinary social science prospective students. BIS’s goal is to prepare our students programs similar to it. A big positive of the fair was that it for entry into the University that will provide each student introduced me to various universities that I would have with the “best fit” and a life of learning after graduation.

Editor’s Notes: Editor’s Notes: Editor’s Notes:

International Baccalaureate to deliver the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes from Preschool to Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited, non-profit, college-preparatory, and operates under Indonesian law. BIS engages and empowers globally-minded, confident learners to reach their best potential. At BIS it is our * BIS is an IB World School, fully authorized by the * BIS is an IB World School, fully authorized by the * BIS is an IB World School, fully authorized by the mission to create an active, creative, and respectful International Baccalaureate to deliver the Primary Years, International Baccalaureate to deliver the Primary Years, International Baccalaureate to deliver the Primary Years, learning community. Middle Years and Diploma Programmes from Preschool to Middle Years and Diploma Programmes from Preschool to Middle Years and Diploma Programmes from Preschool to * Bali Island School (formerly Bali International Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and School) is an international school based in Sanur, Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited, Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited, Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited, close to Denpasar, Bali. Its 201 students are Pre-K-12. non-profit, operates under Indonesian law. non-profit, operates under Indonesian law. non-profit, operates under Indonesian law. It is the most established IB World School in Bali. For further information on BIS online learning, new protocols and expectation: For further information on BIS online learning, new protocols and expectation: For further information on BIS online learning, new protocols and expectation: BIS is an IB World School, fully authorized by the https://sites.google.com/baliis.net/distance-learning-athttps://sites.google.com/baliis.net/distance-learning-athttps://sites.google.com/baliis.net/distance-learning-atbis/home bis/home bis/home

Website: http://baliislandschool.com Website: http://baliislandschool.com Website: http://baliislandschool.com

For more information, contact: For more information, contact: For more information, contact: Mr.Garth Wyncoll, Head of School, Mr.Garth Wyncoll, Head of School, Mr.Garth Wyncoll, Head of School, Phone (+62) 361 288770 headofschool@baliis.net Phone (+62) 361 288770 headofschool@baliis.net Phone (+62) 361 288770 headofschool@baliis.net Ms.Lilik Daniel, Admissions (+62) 361 288770 Ms.Lilik Daniel, Admissions (+62) 361 288770 Ms.Lilik Daniel, Admissions (+62) 361 288770 admissions@baliis.net admissions@baliis.net admissions@baliis.net

Editor’s Notes: * Bali Island School (formerly Bali International School) is an international school based in Sanur, close to Denpasar, Bali. Its 200 students are Pre-K-12. It is the oldest international school based in Bali.

BIS is an IB World School, fully authorized by the International Baccalaureate to deliver the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes from Preschool to Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredited, non-profit, college-preparatory school, and operates under Indonesian law. BIS engages and empowers globally-minded, confident learners to reach their utmost potential. At BIS it is our mission to create an inclusive, active, creative and respectful learning community. See: http://baliislandschool.com.

See: http://baliislandschool.com

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