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Summer Earl
Holid y at Ren
ays Come aiss ance Bali
Now is the time to book a special Summer Holiday deal at the Renaissance Bali Resort & Spa now. For just IDR 700,000 nett/room/night, stay in a Deluxe Room including daily breakfast for two at the Clay Craft Restaurant – the best breakfast on the island. Only a limited number of rooms are available for this summer escape. To reserve this special rate, please book online at: Renaissancebali.com using promo code “SPU” or email: dpsuw.reservation@ renaissancehotels.com. Bookings valid for stays until September 30, 2020.
Renaissance Bali Uluwatu Resort & Spa Jl. Pantai Balangan 1 No.1, Ungasan, Bali T: +62 (361) 2003-588 | Renaissancebali.com | @renhotelbali
What’s New
COVID -19 Pr e-Flight Scr eening Av ailable at BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua

Most airline travel requires negative results of Covid-19 testing - either PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) or Rapid Test (Serologic Testing). Currently, rapid test and swab test are available in BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua. To book Covid-19 testing, please contact our operational team at +62 811 3896 113 (WhatsApp only)
BIMC Hospital Bali Kawasan ITDC Blok D, Nusa Dua bimcbali.com/bimc-siloam-nusa-dua | @bimchospital

Most flights requires result of COVID-19 testings, namely a swab test or the so-called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and rapid test (Serologic Testing)
Major differences between the rapid test and swab tests are: • Rapid tests use blood samples while a Swab test uses mucus samples. • Swab tests are used to detect the existence of the antigen while rapid tests detect the presence of the antibody. • You can get your rapid test result within max 2 hours, but for that of PCR, you have to wait up to 5 days. • Rapid tests are used to screen potential positive cases thru antibody while the swab tests are used as a diagnostic standard for detecting Coronavirus. • Swab tests give a more accurate result than rapid tests.
Currently, rapid test and swab test are available in BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua To make an appointment for COVID-19 testings, please contact our operational team on: +62 811 3896 113 (WhatsApp only)