Bali Travel Newspapers Vol. I No. 4

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Vol. I, No.4 March 11, 2011 IDR. 2,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :

OUR ARTICLES & OPINION Sustainability of “Subak” Irrigation System in Bali; By Wayan Windia EXISTENCE of the Subak irriga on system in Bali has been known since 1071 AD, or approximately 1,000 years ago. Un l now, Subak system in Bali exists, and even has the capability of playing a role in na onal development processes. PAGE II

Bali, Balancing between to Be or not to Be; By Jan Hendrik Peters IT HAS to be said: Bali is out of balance. And as the famous English playwright Shakespeare said in the theatre play Hamlet long me ago, the key ques on for Bali nowadays is just the same: to be or not to be.


Tangible Cultural Preservation as Implementation of THK THE unique and dynamic culture of Bali should be maintained by the people of Bali, including tourism business people. This obliga on is shown in a tangible and measurable implementa on by the Grand Istana Rama Hotel. So, it is natural if that the hotel located right in front of the Kuta Beach won THK Award of gold category in 2010, as a reward for its utmost persistent efforts to preserve Balinese culture. PAGE VI


Surfing in Bali CONTRARY to popular belief, Bali’s wave were being surfed by both visi ng and local surfers as early as the late 1930s and not, as popular surfing legend has it, that the island of Bali was first discovered as a great surfing des na on by a group of Australian surfers. Although, when these first Australian surfers began arriving on the island of Bali in 1967 they introduced the island to the first serious surfing equipment. PAGE VIII

Underwater Tour:

Walking on the Bottom of the Sea HAVE you ever had a promenade on the bo om of the ocean and lived like the fish swimming freely? Now, you can enjoy it by taking an excursion to the seafloor. You can walk and frolic with various wild fish con nuing to warm your body.

During that period of me, you will enjoy appealing underwater scenery, without having to own a diving cer ficate as required by PADI, a diving organiza on overseeing the safety of diving athletes in the world, even without we ng your beloved hair.

In Bali, there are quite a lot of companies offering an enchan ng underwater tour. One of them is C-Trex Bali Adventure. This water sport company was founded in 2008 and has diving sites around the coastal area of Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua. You are as guaranteed to safely enjoy the excursion categorized so adventure in the hands of a company whos staff has a wealth of experience in the field of marine tourism.

A reliable Seawalker helmet will protect your hair and face, while breathing through an oxygen tube supplied from above the water surface. The ample glass helmet will give you the freedom to luxuriate in the diverse beau es beneath the sea, including some exo c fish. Everything you can see within very close-up range.

Sea Walker Tour With unique scuba equipment, you will be conveniently accompanied by a guide to con nue coming down to the bo om of the sea reaching a depth of 15 feet (about 5 meters) for 25 to 30 minutes.

However, for your safety, there are some restric ons to follow while enjoying this underwater excursion. For those who are suffering from heart disease or lung disorders or under medical care as well as pregnant women, or suffering from asthma and diseases of other respiratory disorders are not recommended joining the program of seawalker tour.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email : B1/I-2/2011

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3/9/2011 10:21:17 PM

II Bali, Balancing between to Be or not to Be Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist : Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@www-balitravelnews. com ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

IT HAS to be said: Bali is out of balance. And as the famous English playwright Shakespeare said in the theatre play Hamlet long time ago, the key question for Bali nowadays is just the same: to be or not to be. It will be up or down, simple as that. Will Bali be strong enough to tackle the problems it is facing and overcome as Island of the Gods or will it surrender and become Paradise Lost? It is up to all partners. Time for discussion has passed and action is needed. No action, talking only (NATO), as Balinese people are saying, would be disastrous. One thing is for sure, that from this moment on all parties on Bali have to function as one team, with just one goal ahead to save and preserve Bali as the Island of the Gods. If they don’t and continue to discuss and quarrel among themselves, Bali will be reduced to just an island there are so many of in the world, full of sun-worshipping, surfing and nightlife. There will be little left of the uniqueness of Bali as one of the few hotspots of spirituality in the world. And afterwards, the tragedy would be that nobody can say that we did not know. And, our children and grandchildren will have the fullest right to blame us.

JAN HENDRIK PETERS Strategic advisor of THK Founda on

But hopefully, it is not too late to turn it around! In a series of articles I shall discuss the problems that must be tackled; next I shall try to present the way-out of these problems. If we are willing to accept the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana as our guide in saving Bali as the Island of the Gods, I shall be optimistic about the outcome. And a special drive will be that our children and grandchildren will enjoy Bali as we did in the past.

Sustainability of ”Subak” Irrigation System in Bali By: Wayan Windia*) EXISTENCE of the Subak irrigation system in Bali has been known since 1071 AD, or approximately 1,000 years ago. Until now, Subak system in Bali exists, and even has the capability of playing a role in national development processes. According to Suyatna (1982), the Subak system plays an important role in supporting the national development particularly in the agricultural sector. Although Subak is a traditional organization, it is different from other traditional organizations, which in general often impede the national development programs. In keeping with the rate of population growth, and the large amount of land demand for the various development activities, particularly for the tourism sector, the rice field acreage within a particular Subak area tends to diminish. Even, so there are subaks located in the suburban areas only leaving some three or five hectares of land. The Subak stays to exist in playing the role pursuant to its functions. Among them, at least (i) it distributes the irrigation water equitably to its members, and (ii) conducts a religious ceremony in the territory. Basically, a Subak system is defined as the association of farmers managing the irrigation water at a particular wetland area and getting irrigation water from a particular source; it at least manages one temple, and has autonomous characteristic both internally and externally. So, as long as farmers manage the irrigation water collectively in a certain region (though it is a small area), have a temple and a source of irrigation water, and are autonomous in nature, they still may be cited as a Subak orSUBAK ganization. Since the Subak has to manage a temple, the Subak is then often referred to be socio-agrarian-religious. Some researchers call it a socio-technical-religious organization. It is said to have ‘technical’ characteristics and not ‘agrarian’ in nature because Subak does not only manage the technical aspects of the irrigation, but also the technical aspects of agriculture. The existence of temple is considered to be one of the binders (aside from having an interest in irrigation water), causing the Subak to have a strong unity and togetherness. Thus the roles of Subak comprise (i) to manage irrigation water, so that it can be distributed equitably to the farmers as the members, (ii) to carry out the maintenance of irrigation system, (iii) to carry out the mobilization of resources (contributions of money, execution of mutual assistance), (iv) to handle conflicts that may occur, and (v) to carry out ritual activities. Ritual activity is the implementation of a very unique role in the Subak irrigation system, and at the same time becomes the supporting power of Subak. Therefore, in the process of formation of coordination agency among the Subak irrigation system, and then they should be able to agree with a single temple that they should manage and worship together. It is worth noting that a coordination agency among the Subak systems can be established in the subaks obtaining irrigation water from the same source (weir/dam, or

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water divider). Such coordination agency is called Subak Gede. In addition, it can also set up a coordination agency among the Subak systems taking advantage of one or more rivers. Such coordination agency is called Subak Agung. Susanto, et al (1999) also notes several characteristics of the Subak system, IRRIGATION SYSTEM where such characteristics may be very important role in strengthening the Subak organization for the sake of sustainability. Notes of characteristic are as follows: (1) Subak is farmers’ institution having a complete independence from the village administration. The members are directly involved in the institution Because of they have the mutual interest (direct involvement); (2) Subak is farmers’ institution having complete rules and regulations where the members are subject to comply; (3) Subak has capabilities to mobilize and manage the available local resources (autonomous institution); (4) All of Subak activities are related to socio-cultural life of the Balinese society; (5) Subak is one of the institutions born and rooted in the village society and structures, but it has an access to higher governmental administration; (6) Subak uses local resources and technology in diverting, conveying, and distributing water. Therefore, the technology is considered as an adaptive technology to local (physical and socio-cultural) environment. Characteristics mentioned above suggest that the Subak is strongly attached to the socio-cultural and autonomous community, but it also has strong access to the government. On that account, Subak can become an agent of development undertaken by government, and has a strong enough position in placing itself as stakeholder of the government. Since the Subak is very much admired as a typical irrigation system, many researchers are interested to conduct research and studies. Susanto, et al (1999) notes that several researchers are interested in researching the existence of Subak in Bali, such as Graders (1960), Geertz (1967, 1980), Ienaga (1969), Park and Fukuoda (1976), Van Setten van der Meer (1978), Bundschu (1985, 1987), Sutawan, et al (1986, 1989, 1991), Susila (1991), and Shimmi, et al (1992). However, in general the research was conducted by these researchers had relation to the technical aspects of the Subak traditional organization and regarding the relationship of Subak system with the physical condition of the water resources. Windia (2006) examines the possibility of Subak system that can be transformed into other regions having different cultural backgrounds from that of Bali. Some studies specifically tried to explore the various possibilities causing the Subak system could continue, apparently have not been widely applied. Therefore, this study will attempt to trace it. (To be continued next issue) *) Wayan Windia is a Professor at Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University; Head of Subak System Laboratory; and Head of Quality Assurance Board Udayana University.

Tourism creates economic growth but The infrastructure is not equipped to has strong negative effects on society deal with the increase of traffic, resul ng in more and more conges on, especially Bali is a rela ve small island of 5637 in the South. This is nega ve for economic km2 and has 3.4 million inhabitants. Its development and tourism as part of that. popula on grows yearly with 1.8%. The Furthermore, the enormous boom in total budget of Bali is around Rp. 50.000 vehicles is genera ng a lot of pollu on. billion and has grown with 16% over the What is making ma ers worse is last years. that it is cheap to pollute. There is no Bali has no large infrastructure tax on roads and gasoline amounts of natural prices are very low, thereby s mula ng resources. Instead the growth of traffic. it has an abundant A similar reasoning is applicable to nature and unique culture, which makes other infrastructure like water, waste and it a very a rac ve energy. Water and energy are scarce and tourism des na on. yet the costs are very low. This also results Tourism is the main in overuse of these natural resources. As source of income. an example, it is extraordinary to see that O t h e r i m p o r t a n t solar energy is not economically viable sources of income on Bali, where the sun is abundant, due are farming, fishery to the low cost of electricity generated from coal. and arts & cra s. Over the years Bali GDP has grown as a result from the development of tourism ac vi es. The number of foreign arrivals has increased from 1.3 million in 1997 to 2.4 million in 2009. And Bali even is planning to double this number of tourists in the next 5 years.

Furthermore, the amount of tax generated by the government is too low to plan and execute improvements to traffic, energy, water and waste disposal infrastructure.

It is important to note that these infrastructures are considered prime resources for the inhabitants of Bali. The character of tourism has changed Increasing taxes without addi onal meaover the years. Although Bali is s ll a luxury sures to protect the income of the people des na on with its more than 200 5-star of Bali will increase poverty. hotels, mass tourism is on the rise, resultBali is in danger of losing its credibility ing in hotels all along the coastline of Bali. Bali is threatened to become the vicWhat does it mean? The increase in m of its own tourism success-story. The absolute tourist arrivals and the associhigh growth of visitors year by year strains ated rise of the number of hotels triggers the islands resources and infrastructure a number of effects that are harming beyond its limits. Water is ra oned while society, environment and the a rac vehotels drill their own deep wells to be ness of Bali as a prime tourist des na on: able to accommodate their guests at peak The deple on of resources like water, demand. Electricity black-outs occur on a regular basis. Roads, par cularly in the fuel and energy; South, are congested most part of the day The increase of pollu on; and the beaches and rivers are polluted. The decrease of forests and farm- For a number of years, tourists report the ing land to the development of tourist pollu on of the island and the traffic as their biggest annoyances. With the year des na ons. a er year increase of visitor arrivals these On top of its own popula on, Bali problems increase exponen ally. houses an extra 2.4 million visitors per Bali government recognizes as its year, not including the domes c visitors. These visitors generate much more con- main challenge that it will loses its sump on than its own inhabitants and credibility as a first class prime tourism therefore generate much more waste des na on. as well. It is not too late to turn it around It pays to pollute To stop these damaging developThe infrastructure is basically un- ments, a well defined strategy must have changed for many years. The roads on priority Bali are narrow, which causes conges on The two pillars of this strategy will be during rush hour or when large vehicles Community-Based Tourism (CBT) and Bali like trucks and buses have to pass.At the Green Province (BGP). But keep in mind; same me the number of vehicles has this strategy will only be successful if well increased drama cally. Each month many embedded into the philosophy of Tri Hita new licenses are passed to cars, scooters Karana, which can be characterized by and motorbikes. There is no good funcmen living in balance with God, Human oning public transport system, leaving and Nature. This will be discussed in the no alterna ve for individuals to travel by next issue of Bali Travel Newspaper.  car or motorbike.

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III BULELENG 1.320,80 km2

BANGLI 520 km2



841,80 km


GIANYAR 368 km2

861,79 km2

TABANAN 963,06 km2

CONSIDERING what to do in Bali, let me give you a brief info about this island, Bali. This island of Bali is known as “a small island with the great poten al”. Bali is a tourist’s paradise, also its people adhere to the belief and culture of Hinduism, and Bali is one of the 33 Provinces in Indonesia, together with its small islands such as Nusa Penida, Ceningan and Lembongan with area covering 5.632,86 km². The popula on in 2010 was recorded 3.9 million. Geographically there is a mountain range extending from West to

BADUNG 342,50 km2

East characterized by some amazing peaks and features. Along the range of the mountain the peaks are formed in row with the Peak of Merbuk Mountain (al tude 1.386 M), Patas Mountain (1.414 M), Agung Mountain (3.140 M), Batur Mountain (1.717 M), Seraya Mountain (1.174 M) and some others. These mountains look more spectacular with some lakes in and around them. Those lakes are Beratan Lake with the extent of surface 370 hectare (Ha), Tamblingan Lake (110 Ha), Batur Lake (1.718.75 Ha) and Buyan Lake (350 Ha).


DENPASAR 172,78 km2

The plains are extended from West to East on the north and south of the island. The South plain is wider than the north. The plains are split by some rivers where the water is very minimal and depends on rain fall in dry seasons. On the west and east parts their rivers are short between 5-7 km, while in the mid of the island the rivers are longer between 18-30 km. Bali island with the Eastern Java Province on the west; borders Lombok on the East (Nusa Tenggara Province) and Lombok channel comes between. On the north the

Java Sea is located with the India Ocean on the South. Bali Island is strategically and economically located as the connector and it plays the role of communica on of land transport, sea and air between West Nusa Tenggara and Java Island with the huge manufactures there. It is the communica on between Asia and Australia; Bali strategically holds the facility of Ngurah Rai Airport and some other seaports. Bali province is founded based on the Cons tute No.64 year of 1958 dated August 14, 1958 with its

capital in Denpasar city. Bali Province has 8 regencies and one municipality of Denpasar. The regencies are: 1) Buleleng Regency with its capital Singaraja; 2) Jembrana Regency with its capital Negara; 3) Tabanan Regency with its capital Tabanan; 4) Badung Regency with its capital Mangupura; 5) Gianyar Regency with its capital Gianyar; 6) Klungkung Regency with its capital Semarapura; 7) Bangli Regency with its capital Bangli and 8) Karangasem Regency with its capital Amlapura. Bali province is headed by it’s Governor, and some Consulates from overseas opened their office here in Bali.  (BT Newspapers/RR)

Consulates and Representatives in Bali Australian Consulate General Bali (Incl. Canada, New Zealand) Jl.Tantular 32, Renon Denpasar Ph.(0361) 241118; Fax (0361) 241120 Consular hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-12:00pm - 12.30pm4:00pm Visa hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am-12:00pm Honorary Consulate of Brazil Bali Jl. Raya Legian 186, Badung Ph: (0361) 757 775; Fax: (0361) 751 005 Office hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am-6:00pm Emergency: 081344928 British Honorary Consulate Bali/Lombok Jl. Tirta Nadi 20, Sanur Ph: (0361) 270 601; Fax (0361) 287804 Office hours Monday to Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Emergency: 0811802435. Jakarta Duty Officer: 08123838844 Bali Honorary Consul: 08123838844 Consulate of Chile – Bali & Lombok Jl.Pengembak Gang I/No.3, Sanur Ph. (0361) 756781; 281503; Fax. (0361)756783 Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Emergency: 0811394045 Consulate of Czech Republic

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Jl. Pengembak 17, Sanur Ph. (0361) 286406; Fax. (0361) 286408 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Emergency: 08123970129 Consulate of France Jl.Merta Sari, Gang II/ No.8, Sanur Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-12:00pm Emergency: 08123800124 Consulate of Germany Jl. Pantai Karang 17, Sanur Ph. (0361) 288 535; Fax. (0361) 288 826 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-12:00pm Emergency: 08123913938

Consulate General of Japan at Denpasar Jl.Raya Puputan No.170, Renon, Denpasar Ph. (0361) 227 628; Fax. (0361) 265066 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am-12:30pm – 1:30pm4:00pm Emergency: 08123801941 Consulate of Malaysia Jl Pantai Kuta, Legian (Alam Kulkul Bou que Resort) Phone: (0361) 752 520; Fax: (0361) 752 519; 766373

Jl.Moh.Yamin 1A, Renon (Puri As na Putra Building) Ph. (0361) 223 266; Fax. (0361) 244568 Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-3:00pm Emergency: (0361) 288 218 or 0811399929

Consulate of Italy Jl. ByPass Ngurah Rai (Lotus Enterprise Building), Jimbaran, Nusa Dua

Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am-12:30pm – 1:30pm4:00pm Visa hours: 8:30am-12:30pm only Emergency: +62 818789444

Public hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am-1:00pm Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am-4:00pm Emergency: 08123904471

(0361) 238 044

Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-2:00pm Emergency: 08123802104 or 08123930809

Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am-12:00pm – 1:00pm4:00pm Visa hours Monday to Friday 9:00am-12:00pm – 1:30pm4:00pm Emergency: 08164724466

Consulate of Spain Jl.Pa h Jelan k, Kuta (Komplek Istana Kuta Galeria Blok Vallet 2 No.11) Ph. (0361) 769286; Fax (0361) 222426 Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-12:00pm – 1:00pm4:00pm Emergency: (0361) 975 736 or 08123840801

Consulate of Mexico

Consulate of Hungary Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 219, Sanur Phone: (0361) 287701; Fax: (0361) 735232 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am-12:00pm Emergency: 0811389680 or 0816790046

Ph/Fax. (0361) 701 005

073; 701074

Consulate of the Netherlands Jl.Raya Kuta 127, Kuta Ph. (0361) 761506; Fax (0361) 752777 / 757586

Danish/Denmark & Norwegian Consulate Mimpi Resort Hotel, Jimbaran Ph. (0361) 701 070 Fax (0361) 701

Consulate of Sweden & Finland Jl. Segara Ayu, Sanur (Hotel Segara Village) Ph. (0361) 282 223; Fax (0361) 282 211 Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm Emergency: 08179723658 Swiss and Austrian Consulate Jl.Pa h Jelan k, Kuta (Komplek Istana Kuta Galeria Blok Vallet 2 No.12) Ph. (0361) 751735, Fax (0361) 754457 Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am-1:00pm Emergency: (0361) 754 719; (0361) 730 149 or 08123948861 or 0818566392

Consular of United States of America Jl.Hayam Wuruk 310, Denpaasar Ph (0361) 233605; Fax (0361) 769 186 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-12:00pm – 1:00pm – 4:30pm Emergency: 08123802540 Indian Culture Centre (Embassy of India, Jakarta) Jl.Raya Puputan No42-44, Renon, Denpasar Ph. (0361) 241 978; Fax (0361) 241980 Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic Jl.Gunung Agung 93, Denpasar Ph. (0361) 426171; Fax (0361) 426477 Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-12:00pm – 1:00pm – 4:00pm Honorary Consul of Republic of Poland Jl.Pe tenget II/1C, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara

The Royal Thai Consulate Jl. Puputan Raya No. 81, Renon Phone: (0361) 263 310; Fax:

Ph. 082 361 4329; Fax. (0361) 732 165

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of bargaining in Balinese tradi onal market and see vibrant life of Balinese in ge ng their daily needs at the market.

at Waka di Uma, Ubud WAKA di Uma Cooking Class offers another chance for you to get more and more Balinese experience while staying at Waka di Uma Resort and Spa. Buy your own ingredients, try Waka di Uma’s secret recipes and taste your very own Balinese tradi onal dishes. Waka di Uma Cooking Class starts at 06.30 in the morning with buying ingredients at Ubud’s tradi onal market accompanied by Waka di Uma’s staff, this shopping ac vi es also gives you the opportunity to get the experience

The cooking lesson takes places in Waka di Uma’s tradi onal Balinese kitchen compound amidst the organic gardens and rice fields at 11.00 am and. Waka di Uma also has an organic garden cul vated to support the cooking class where you can get any kind of spices or vegetables. A er the cooking lesson is finished you can taste your own cooking as lunch on the wooden deck near the cooking venue with a beau ful rice field view. Get the experience of cooking your own Balinese food and share the recipes with your friends back home.  (BTNewspapers/PR)

“Cocktail Cravings” is the theme night of standing cocktail cravings at Tequila Bar, Grand Istana Rama Hotel, Kuta – Bali, on Friday (Feb.25).

IFBEC Gathering ICA Gathering Dinner INDONE SIAN Chef Associa on (ICA) organized a gathering in The Breeze Resort, Kuta (Feb 26). Menu: Indonesian Chef Associa on (ICA) Bali Chapter Gathering Dinner at “The Breezes Bali Resort & Spa”, February 26, 2011. Salad Bar: Seafood green mango salad cilantro dressing, Potato salad with Italian Ham and Gherkin, Norwegian smoked salmon with macaroni salad, Tossed rocket balsamic and shaved parmesan cheese, Assorted le uce, Shredded carrot, Red beet., Sweet corn, Green

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peas, Red radish, Onion, Tomato, Cucumber, Bread and bu er. Dressing & Condiments: Vinaigre e, Chili mayonnaise and Cocktail sauce Balsamic, Olive, and Capers. Hot Buffet: Norwegian salmon bumbu woku Manado, Sapi bumbu sate Padang, Pesmol kakap merah, Nasi pu h, Apple and red cabbage stew, Daily market vegetables, Roasted wedges potato herb and garlic. Sauce & Condiment: Pepper sauce. Mushroom sauce. Barbecue sauce Sambal mentah. Krupuk udang. Krupuk melinjo. Acar. BBQ Live Cooking & Carvery: Babi Guling & Grilled pork ribs, Kambing Guling & Grilled barbecue chicken. Dessert: Slice fresh fruit, Assorted French pastry. Beverage: Free flow beer, wine, juice and so drink.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

INDONESIAN Food and Beverage Execu ve Club (IFBEC) held their gathering in The Royal Santrian (Feb 28). Aside from introducing some new members of IFBEC, it also presented a seriosa song en tled ‘The Terik Tenor’. Meanwhile, the gathering of this March will be held in the Bali Padma Hotel, Legian. Menu: Indonesian Food and Beverage Execu ve Club (IFBEC) Gathering at The Royal Santrian, Tanjung Benoa, February 28, 2011. Entrée: California roll-salmon, cucumber, nori, caviar, sushi rice tuna sashimi. New style temari sushi-tuna salad in salmon ball. Futo maki-japanese big roll. Thai seafood salad-fish, squid, shrimps, celery, onion, tomato, Thai lemon chili dressing Fruits cocktail saladpapaya, lychee, melon, cocktail sauce. Soup: Tom yum goong-Thai prawn soup. Live Cooking: Assorted tempuraprawn, kizu fish, assorted vegetables. Teppanyaki-Beef tenderloin, gindara fish. Grilled: Lamb, roasted beef, squid lemon grass salsa. Hot Station: Japanese chicken katsu curry. Red snapper tahi style. Assorted vegetables sautéed. Nasi goreng kampoeng. Steam rice. Dessert: Panacota. Assorted fruit mousse. Chocolate mud cake. Assorted mini pastry. Fruits sashimi.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

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FOR your “water sport” ac vies in Bali, Quicksilver is one of the cruises to drop you to the island of Nusa Penida. Developed in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef, the 37-Meter Water piercer Catamaran, Quicksilver is world renowned for its high standard of passenger comfort and safety. Instead of riding over the top waves, the twin hulls actually pierce the water below surface, thus enabling a much smoother ride in all sea and weather condi ons. While you can relax in the luxury air condi on cabin, the 3rd level deck is open for sunbathing also to feel sea breeze. Quicksilver dual level Mega Pontoon, The biggest in Bali, floating like an island in a Coral Sea is located at Toyapakeh Bay. Various ac vi es alongside the pontoon such as snorkeling, view up the spectacular underwater life from a semi submersible vessel or the underwater observatory, waterslide, Ocean water treatment and other water sports are available upon request.

Diving service is available upon request either for cer fied divers or introductory diving for the inexperience at any dive site in Bali. Which one you choose snorkeling in the snorkeling area or Snorkeling Adventure with our trained Snorkeling Guide will take you to see closely the incredible coral garden. It departs daily from Tanjung Marina (Benoa), Denpasar to Toyapakeh Bay (Nusa Penida Island) at 09.15 a.m. returns at 04.00 p.m. Cruising me is about 60 minutes. Morning/A ernoon Tea/Coffee & Snack is available at Quicksilver and Tropical Buffet & Barbecue Lunch is served at Quicksilver pontoon. Vessel Technical Data Vessel Type: Wave piercing Catamaran; Designer: Incat Aluminum Alloy Designs; Builder: North Queensland Engineers & Agents (NQEA) Cairns, Australia; Construcon: Aluminum; Passenger capacity: 365 seats; Main Deck: 172 seats; Bridge Deck : Inside 89 seats; Outside: 72 seats; Sun Deck: 33 seats; Toilet: Ladies 4, Gents 3; Weight: 376 GT; Length: 37 Meters; Beam:

15.6 meters; Dra : 1.6 meters; Speed cruising: 24 knots cruising speed; Main Engines: 2 x 16V 149TI Detroit Diesel, 1232 kWh each; Gear boxes: 2 x ZF BU 460D Hydraulic reduc on gearboxes; F Reduc on 2.158-1 Coupling: 2 x Vulcan flexible type between Engine & Gearbox; Alternators: 2 x 100 KVA Stamford close coupled to 2 Perkins YB30196 6GT2AM diesel; Fresh Water: 2 x 1500 liter; Fuel: 2 x 3500 liter with void access for long range opera on. Mega Pontoon Quicksilver dual level modern pontoon floa ng on the crystal clear water at Toyapakeh Bay means ‘SALTY WATER’ where lies a beau ful marine park below and an abundant of various tropical coral fish swimming underwater. Facilitate with the underwater observatory, watching closely these magnificent underwater creatures without getng wet is possible or try a semi submersible vessel, you can look at the surrounding splendid coral cluster and rich variety of tropical fish. It’s an ideal base for Water sport such as Snorkeling, Banana Boat

rides, or diving (Op onal). Jet Ski is available upon request (op onal). Quicksilver one and half-round Waterslide will give exhilara on experience while coming down right into the sea. Relax in the

Ocean Water treatment while enjoying the natural air will add to the enjoyment to end the holiday. Barbecue and tropical buffet lunch is served at this floa ng pontoon.  (BTNewspapers/PR)


IN 1989, the brothers Roger M Thomas and Alan C Thomas were falling in love for the very first me with Bali Island. At that me, the beach sand of Tanjung Benoa—where the Peninsula Beach Resort is situated—was very clean. No plas c garbage was li ered on the beach. The magnificent spread of white sand was temp ng these Englishmen. The nature of Bali remaining original at the me made the businessmen Roger M Thomas and Alan C. Thomas want to open a hotel business in Bali.

in Bali was certainly shored up by careful considera on. Beau ful nature of Bali and unique culture made both men fall in love more with Bali. “Bali is very beau ful. Culture and hospitality of the people make me fall in love with the Island of Bali. Bali is a paradise for foreign tourists,” said President Commissioner of the Peninsula Beach Resort, Roger M Thomas, to reporter of Jalan-Jalan Nusantara (JJN) in his hotel recently while adding that he was very grateful to do business in Bali.

Their presence to run business

In 1989, they opened a business

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in Bali at the ins ga on of Bali’s government. At that me, the Head of Foreign Investment Coordina ng Board (BKPMA) hoped Roger and Alan to open hotel business in Bali. There were not many investors inves ng in the area of Tanjung Benoa, especially in the field of tourism business then. At that me, there were two countries becoming the choice of their business loca on namely China and Bali. Finally, they chose Bali to develop their business. Of course, achievement of business progress was not as easy as imag-

Roger M Thomas and Alan C Thomas ined. Various challenges came and passed by. However, the challenge was taken as lessons and became a passion for doing business in Bali. Now, Roger and Alan also developed the same business around the Tanjung Benoa. They built another

hotel accommoda on equipped with a swimming pool, bar and restaurant. Hotel loca on within easy reach from the shore can be an opon for foreign tourists to stay at the premises. Meanwhile, the name of his new hotel established at Tanjung Benoa is Peninsula B Resort.  STA

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VI Grand Istana Rama Hotel:

Tangible Cultural Preservation as Implementation of THK THE unique and dynamic culture of Bali should be well maintained by the people of Bali, in-

This ma er was revealed when the management of Grand Istana Rama Hotel hosted the visit of Bali Travel Newspapers (Mar 1). There are some interes ng points shown by the hotel, consistently maintaining and developing the Balinese cultural preserva on. Simply have a look at the ac vi es for guests staying in the hotel. There is an Indonesian lesson every Mon-

cluding tourism business people. This obliga on is shown in a tangible and measurable implementa on by the Grand Istana Rama Hotel. So, it is natural that the hotel located right in front of the Kuta Beach won THK Award of gold category in 2010, as a reward for its utmost persistent efforts to preserve Balinese culture.

Especially for cooking class, the par cipa ng tourists are not charged any fees. This course starts from the purchase of ingredients to be used in the cooking directly to tradi onal market. “This class started in 2010 and received tremendous and vivacious response from tourists,” said Andi Ananto, Resident Manager of the Grand Istana Rama Hotel. Tri Hita Karana (THK) is intensely implemented in this hotel. When entering the parking lot, as the trees warmly greet every single guest in the midst of gentle breezes blowing from Kuta Beach. Those trees are well maintained, so they indicate that Palemahan (environment) aspect of Grand Istana Rama Hotel is very nice.

day; the making of Canangsari and Kewangen obla on every Tuesday; Balinese Dance (Wednesday) and cooking classes every Friday.

Meanwhile, the social environment (Pawongan) is shown by concrete measures, where the management establishes coopera on with Sangeh Customary Village to provide

Andi Ananto:

RESIDENT Manager of Grand Istana Rama Hotel was excited when asked about the examples of the Tri Hita Karana (THK) implementa on in star-ra ng hotels around Kuta Beach area. Andi Ananto said that cultural

While in Bali, Andi admired the unique and diverse cultures. On that account, Grand Istana

His party always maintains the harmonious interfaith rela onship. Each employee always shows mutual respect and support so that able in Australia, Britain, Russia, and other countries,” said Andi.

”Cultural Tourism, Our Superiority” tourism in Bali was so unique; therefore, they were necessary and should always be preserved. For example, it could be realized by implemen ng the Tri Hita Karana. “The introducon of Balinese culture to tourists needs to be improved in order that the culture remains las ng in keeping with the passage of me,” said the man who was Jakarta-born.

guidance to learn English and Mathema cs. It is the harmony of the hotel with its social environment of Sangeh villagers. “Hopefully, this ac vity could provide something beneficial for the people of Bali, and the villagers of Sangeh in par cular,” said Andi.

Rama Hotel tried to encourage and introduce them to its valued guests. One of the measures was that the hotel opened a class of tradi onal food cooking every Friday. Similarly, the Grand Istana Rama Hotel introduced the treasures of tradi onal cuisine of Indonesia, one of which was gado-gado or a kind of salad served with peanut sauce, it was not far behind pizza or spaghe that had been familiar to the tongue of Indonesia. “I want the stalls of Gado-Gado to be avail-

Hopefully, through the cuisines would strengthen the identy of the na on, so that everyone coming here would know that Indonesia possessed some unique characteris cs and could be a tourist a rac on in Bali. At the end of the interview, Andi reminded that every exis ng hotel should not just exploit the Balinese culture, but should also help preserve it. “Everything endeavored should be for the sake of the heritage of our grandchildren, so they can receive benefits from their ancestors,” said Andi while philosophizing.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

the exis ng harmonious rela onship can be established. Then, in spiritual environment (Parahyangan), the management shows its best and serious efforts. Just have a look at the area of temples and places of worship of all religions in the hotel which are well maintained all the me and it also pays great a en on to temples located around the hotel. “We do not put priority on a contribu on, but on what we can do to temples located within our surroundings. For example, we also par cipate in a cleanup services in those temples,” Andi observed. Andi Ananto added that Grand Istana Rama Hotel was always suppor ve and making innova on in terms of THK implementa on. His party wanted posi ve cultures that could be shown to tourists, so that they could bring them home to their respec ve country. “We want that Balinese culture will be made a model by all ci zens of the world. An example is the culinary, where the pizza (Italian food) for the Indonesian has become a regular meal. On account, we want that Gado-gado or fried rice become our contribu on to the culinary culture anywhere in the world,” said Andi enthusias cally.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

 Kuta Station Hotel & Spa:

”Simply Smart Hotel” KUTA Sta on Hotel & Spa is a 3-star hotel serving the bustling tourism business that flourish in the Kuta area. The hotel is not only targe ng domes c and foreign tourists,


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but also the government sector and private companies segment. It is strategically located right in the heart of Kuta, just 50 meters from the famous Kuta Beach and very close to Kuta Square shopping center and Waterbom recrea on center. To cater for the need of every single guest, Kuta Sta on Hotel & Spa has 132 superb rooms consis ng of Superior, Deluxe and Family rooms. Other facili es offered by the hotel include a large swimming pool stretching throughout the hotel grounds, pool for children, playground, mee ng room, pool bar, Railway Restaurant & Bar, restaurants with the concept of open air featuring live music entertainment every night, Jalanidi Spa, Gym, Paradiso Bowling & Billiard and Dee

Jay Club. General Manager of Kuta Staon Hotel & Spa, Ariestra Prase o, said that Kuta had developed rapidly and lived through economic changes. This required some hotels to monitor their ac vi es and facilies closely. Every single hotel in Kuta offers affordable prices and nearly the same service. “The difference is that we will make promises come true. The advantages of our hotel are the strategic loca on and no other hotels in Kuta have more complete facili es for lifestyle,” said Ariestra to Bali Travel Newspapers. For travelers and business professionals wan ng a hotel with mul func onal facili es, Kuta Staon Hotel & Spa will precisely meet

those needs. Ariestra added that with loca on of the hotel in the heart of Kuta, all places are within easy reach by walking. Of course, guests could save more transportaon costs and were kept away from traffic conges on. “Simply Smart Hotel is the tagline we always say,” he said excitedly. Paradiso Hotel Group in Brief Paradiso Hotel Group entered the Indonesian market in 1996 and since then has become a leading hospitality management company in Bali with a rapid growth of the network.

At the moment, Paradiso Hotel Group operates the Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Legian Paradiso Hotel, Seminyak Paradiso Hotel and its parent company also operates the Kuta Center and Kuta Square shopping complex as well as several other proper es. With their exis ng track record, it has been proven that Paradiso Hotel Group has a definite vision of the future—to be recognized as the best hospitality management company in Indonesia.  (BTNewspapers/Krisna)

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VII  Gembira Loka Botanical Garden and Zoo

”Healthy Recreation While Learning” IF you happen to pay a visit to Yogyakarta City, do not forget to drop by the Gembira Loka Botanical Garden and Zoo. Here, you can pamper yourself by relaxing while enjoying the beauty of surrounding atmosphere with family, friends or beloved ones. With the buildings perfectly designed in dis nc ve architectural style of Yogyakarta, you are going to relax in the cool nature of Yogya City o en referred to as the city of students. Spreading through an area of 19.8 hectares, the Gembira Loka presents a wide variety of animals from home or overseas and ranging from mammals, birds, rep les and fish. Animal species collected include, wild boar, Asian elephants, kangaroos, Asian tapirs, chimpanzee, langur and more. Meanwhile, the avian species consists of geese, birds, lesser adjutant, ostrich, cassowary and pelican. Then, the rep-

les comprise crocodile and turtles, while a variety of fish also complete the collec on of the zoo. According to Suhar , Division Head of Public Rela ons of the Gembira Loka Botanical Gardens and Zoo, the number of visitors averagely reached hundreds to thousands of people on par cular days. “On Saturdays, the number of visitors can reach 1,000 people, while on Sundays they reach up to 5,000,” revealed the energe c mother while smiling. The admission fee set up is very affordable. On a normal day, it is IDR 12,000 per person, while on Sundays or na onal holidays it is increased to IDR 15,000 person. Aside from being a zoo, these premises are also equipped with various intriguing and challenging a rac ons such as fishing pond, touch pool therapy, fish, flying fox,

shark boat, touching boats, paddle boats and canoes.


For children who would like to know more about species of fish, you can take them into the catch pond. Here, children can learn in person to

”Let’s Love Animals since Early Age” birds, geese, and fish. “Animals also have their own life just like ours, therefore we teach them to know and love animals. By doing so, we hope when growing up they do not arbitrarily kill animals,” she said.

THE presence of wildlife in Indonesia will gradually go to ex nc on due to illegal hun ng which is s ll rampant in Indonesia. On that account, Suhar as the Division Head of Public Rela ons of the Gembira Loka Botanical Garden and Zoo, Yogyakarta, a empts all the mes to take measure such as loving animals from early age. It is indicated by a number of programs launched at Gembira Loka where she had been serving for nearly 25 years.

Furthermore, Gembira Loka also provides Natural Educa on Laboratory to study further about diversity of flora or fauna in depth. There, visitors can find out details on breeding, adapta on, behavior and health of flora and fauna.

One of the programs is the Animal Goes to School. This program is specifically directed to children of kindergarten or of the same age. Students are taught how to treat animals like snakes,

Facili es available in the Natural Educa on Laboratory, among others, are Diorama of Flora and Fauna, Agricultural and Silvicultural Laboratory, Fisheries Laboratory, Laboratory of Animal Husbandry and so forth.  (BTN/Titah Pratyaksa)

recognize and catch the fish. They are certainly not harmed by being touched by hand or caught by mini nets. “There are some a endants who will be ready to guide and secure your children, so you do not have to worry or feel worried about them,” she said.

The exci ng a rac on that should not be missed is the therapy of fish popularly known as fish spa therapy. By this fish treatment, your skin pores will be carefully cleansed, so the body will be more immune to diseases. At the moment, Suhar added, her party was renovating the Mayang Tirta pool that was damaged due to last quake shaking Yogyakarta (2006). “As scheduled, the pool should have been ready and in opera on in the upcoming Eid Holiday (Muslim),” she said while adding that Gembira Loka also par cipated in assis ng approximately 2,200 people of the Mount Merapi erup on to eliminate their trauma. “Through the trauma healing program, we do hope their grief due to natural disaster could be relieved,” she told reporter Bali Travel Newspapers in Yogyakarta.  (BTNewspapers/Titah Pratyaksa)

Denpasar Goes Green Steadily DENPASAR Municipality in collabora on with the Denpasar Agricultural and Hor cultural Services as well as PT Balitani Agro Persada launched an Organic Farming Program, Denpasar Goes Green, Friday (Feb 25) at Pena h Village, East Denpasar.

these movements could support the program and poise the ecosystem and environmental sustainability in the long term,” said Gede Ambara.

It was meant to maintain and increase the agricultural produc vity in the middle of Denpasar City which recently began to be overrun by urban popula on. In addi on, through the organic farming technology, the agricultural products in Denpasar were expected to become healthier.

“ The use of organic technologies is expected to increase the output of agricultural products, especially on land that is no longer too extensive,” said Mayor of Denpasar IB Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra when ques oned about the purpose of the program. He also added that such a program would develop the agricultural revitaliza on of Bali in general and Denpasar in par cular.

According to the Head of Denpasar Food Crops and Hor cultural Services, Gede Ambara Putra, there were 5 real movements or ac ons undertaken for the success of the program, namely (1) Movement of not burning straws, (2) Movement of organic waste management, (3) Movement of diminishing or efficient use of chemical fer lizer, (4) Movement of wise use of pes cides, and (5) Movement of healthy agricultural products. “Hopefully,

To enliven the launch of the program, the Denpasar dwellers organized some compe ons featuring the culture of Balinese agriculture that is increasingly ex nct, such as the compe on of pindekan (windmill) and petakut (scarecrow). These two en es are o en used by Balinese farmers to repel birds in their rice fields by relying on the mo on of the scarecrow puppets and sound of the windmill.  (BTNewspapers/Prika)

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A SERIES of activities took place in relation to the 19th anniversary of Denpasar City. A one-day seminar on the preparation of Denpasar as the cultural city inspired by Hinduism was held on February 21. The seminar entitled “By the Sewaka Dharma Spirit of Thinking, Saying, Doing Good, We Improve the Quality of Public Services” and presented by the former Minister of Culture and Tourism, I Gede Ardika, as Keynote Speaker. The event was resumed by another seminar on “Marketing Denpasar to the World” presented by Hermawan Kertajaya, a powerful marketing motivator on February 28. Meanwhile, the peak of anniversary celebration took place in the Puputan Badung Square on February 28 and was attended by the regents throughout Bali and other invitees.

TOPPING OFF Ceremony of the Nusa Dua Convenon Center was undertaken on February 19. The Nusa Dua Conven on Center is prepared for the organiza on of APEC Summit Mee ng 2013.

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Sport & Recreation

BALI is part of the Indonesian archipelago of 18,700 islands. The majority of the popula on of Bali are (Balinese) Hindu. Bali is blessed by nature with a short, hot wet season and a longer, cooler, dry season and tourists flock here all year round. Many tourists choose to arrive in the dry season - which nowadays appears to cover a longer period from April to late November. The busiest period is during the holiday season of August, which is also the coolest month on this Island of the Gods. Contrary to popular belief, Bali’s waves were being surfed by both visi ng and local surfers as early as the late 1930s and not, as popular surfing legend has it, that the island of Bali was first discovered as a great surfing des na on by a group of Australian surfers. Although, when these first Australian surfers began arriving on the island of Bali in 1967 they introduced the island to the first serious surfing equipment. Bali has tradi onally been the star ng point for nearly all Indonesian surfing tours. Bali boasts over 20 top quality breaks on the southwest and southeast coasts of the island and around the Bukit (Uluwatu) Peninsula. Some of these, like Padang Padang & Uluwatu, are world class barreling reef-breaks. Others range from fun waves on the beach-breaks around Kuta and Sanur to serious heavy, sucking waves. The peak of the surf season for Bali is April - October when solid swells are produced by the roaring 40’s and can be surfed on the reefs around Kuta, Uluwatu, and Nusa Dua. Unlike most other areas of Indonesia where it is all heavy reef breaks, Bali also has a lot of beachbreaks on offer which are less likely to cause a surfer of novice or intermediate ability to get injured as can happen on the larger waves on the reef-breaks.

found in Bali by anyone who wishes to avoid life-threatening condi ons. Bali has surf breaks on both the westfacing and east-facing coastlines and, because of this an offshore wind can be found somewhere on the island on any given day. Because of the number of surf breaks and the quality and consistency of the waves in Bali, it is s ll possible to find many places to surf with only a small to moderate crowd.

Surfing school Interested to do surfing in Bali, but do not know how to start? There are many surfing schools or surfing lessons here in Bali. You will be taught by professional instructors who are licensed by the Academy of Surfing Instructor Australia and Interna onal Lifesaving. While you holiday in Bali, who knows you may be you be a professional surfer a er visi ng Bali. 

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

The surf in Bali is generally not huge, but most o en in the 2-6 foot range (shoulder-high to double overhead). Larger waves can occur on some of the exposed reefs, but a mellower surf break can always be

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA, Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313

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3/9/2011 10:22:05 PM

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