Bali Travel Newspapers Vol. I No. 10

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”THK Awa r the ca ds & re A fo r

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Vol. I, No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011 IDR. 2,000

Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :


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Seven countries will be presenƟng various arƟsƟc aƩracƟons in the 33rd Bali Arts FesƟval (BAF) 2011. It will take place on June 10 to July 9 and be opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

culture to interna onal community. “The forum is expected to provide contribu on of thoughts from Bali by cultural approach to resolve various world problems in terms of social, poli cal, economic and cultural perspec ve,” said I Ketut Suas ka, Head of Bali Cultural Services in the press conference held in his office in Denpasar on Friday (Jun 3).

BAF this year has significance because it will not only become an arena for 15,000 ar sts, but also coincides with other three major ac vi es. They include the compe on of the eleventh na onal Utsawa Dharma Gita (UDG), mee ng of Bali World Culture Forum and the World Tourism Ethic of ASEAN region.

There are six major agendas displayed consis ng of cultural parade, performances, gatherings, compe ons or parade, exhibi ons and documenta on. Opening procession of BAF will be filled with art performances, including special welcome dance by the students of the Disable School and foreign dancers under guidance of the Indonesia Ins tute of Arts (ISI) Denpasar.

Bali World Culture Forum will be attended by 50 countries discussing various issues on culture. For the Bali forum, it becomes a strategic arena for introducing the superiority of Balinese arts and

Series of the BAF will be begun with a cultural parade by thousands of ar sts with totally 334 kinds of art by walking

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from Jaya Sabha (Jalan Surapa , Denpasar) to Bali Art Center (Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar). Par cipants of the parade, except for envoys from 9 regencies and city in Bali, will consist of par cipants from seven countries and 24 other provinces in Indonesia. The seven countries taking part in the grandiose event consist of the United States, Australia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. “If compared to BAF 2010, the number of overseas par cipant shows a decline. Last year, there were 15 countries jazzing up the BAF,” he said. “This me, the theme of BAF is Desa Kala Patra or self-adapta on in mul culture,” said Suas ka accompanied by Ida Bagus Ludra, Division Head of Bali Government Public Rela ons. All ac vi es are en rely financed by regional budget amoun ng to more than IDR 4 billion.  BTNewspapers/okezone

OPERATIONAL OFFICE Jl. Kertha Dalem No. 96 Sidakarya Denpasar 80225, Bali, Indonesia Ph.+62-361-7425161, 7425162, Fax.+62-361-728786 Website :, E-mail :


No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011

The spirit of Tri Hita Karana

New initiatives: in line with the overall strategy By Jan Hendrik Peters Strategic Advisor THK FoundaƟon

How bright the THK’s future would be if the Group of Media Bali Post would sponsor the THK Founda on in its efforts to promote the philosophy of THK as the guideline for both personal and professional life on Bali. But if this group would con nue its ini a ve to start similar ac vi es as the THK Founda on is already doing now, this would be in conflict with the official agreement between Group Media Bali Post and THK Founda on. More seriously, it would be in conflict with the spirit of THK itself. To guarantee objec vity in promo ng THK the legal status of non-governmental organiza on (NGO) or founda on is by far to prefer to that of a commercial company that has its main focus on selling products or services and on making profit.

LAST week two news bullens draw my a en on. The first news I consider favorable for the implementa on of THK, while the second news on the contrary would be bluntly antagonis c to THK. That the world and daily life is dominated by good and bad is as such no news, but s ll by overlooking the two newsbulle ns I realized how crucial it is that mankind has to maneuver between good and bad. Both are connected to each other and need each other; without good, no bad and visa versa. That’s why Balinese people worship both Gods and Demons alike and try to live in harmony with both. Good news Let me start with the good news. Recently Indonesian government has declared its new policy to protect tropical rainforest more effec vely than in the past. Although government has always promised to do so, it was just lip-service. But now this passive a tude has changed into the convic on that protec on of rain-forest is really needed and that it has to be executed without compromise. This new policy is part of a deal that has been se led with Norway, a country with the reputa on to be in the frontline of keeping this world green. The deal implies the promise by Indonesia to leave 64 million hectare tropical rain-forest undisturbed and that for each ton CO2 that will be saved, a fixed price will be paid by Norway. The total amount of money involved will increase up to one billion US dollar. The deal between Indonesia and Norway can be considered as an important step forward in keeping this world healthy and livable. In the past much pressure has been brought to Indonesia that owns 20% of all rain-forest in the world. Indonesia together with Brazil func on –I would say- as the lungs of the world and lung cancer has to be prevented by all means.

To uphold this deal with Norway, Indonesia faces a hell of a job to offer resistance to all those companies that have their businesses in the palm oil and paper industry and are destroying rain-forest to make way for their ac vi es. From the perspec ve of THK this news of the deal to protect rain-forest in Indonesia is extremely posi ve. It shows what can be done by interna onal solidarity. Norway is sponsoring Indonesia financially in its responsibility to keep the world green. This deal is not only challenging for the whole world but also for Bali that has the ambi on to make Bali clean and green. With this ambi on Bali is implemen ng the philosophy of THK in which the environment is one of the three pillars to make Bali healthy and livable. Bad news Unfortunately, not all news is favorable from the perspec ve of THK. I was really shocked by the news published in Bali Post, that the Group Media Bali Post would soon start with a THK program, so-called THK Nugraha, which will be more or less iden cal to the official program of the THK Founda on. Par cipa ng hotels will be assessed, selected and nominated by qualified assessors. My first reac on was that of confusion and I thought that this new THK program would surely be more confusing for all the hotels who were already assessed in the past or are willing to par cipate, but don’t know which program they will par cipate. I couldn’t help thinking of the movie Fanfare by the famous Dutch cineast Bert Haanstra I saw long me ago. The scene is set in a typical Dutch village called Giethoorn somewhere in the rural area. Although the village is rela vely small, it s ll has two music bands that are competing with each other and split the popula on completely into two antagonis c par es. This movie leads to many comic situa ons in which narrow-mindedness and jealousy are underlying all ac ons by the people in that small village. To be honest, I suspect that exactly

these characteris cs of narrowmindedness and jealousy are the underlying drivers for star ng the THK Nugraha program on Bali which only will lead to confusion and lack of understanding. Some remarks Let’s make it clear. As strategic advisor of THK Founda on I did some desk-research to the rela on of Bali Travel News as a company that joins the Group Media Bali Post and the THK Founda on as independent organiza on. I will restrict myself in the context of this ar cle to just some remarks. The first one is that in an official le er by the general manager of Bali Travel News on behalf of the Group Media Bali Post to the chairman of the THK Founda on in October 2010 the promise has been made that Bali Travel News has no interference at all with the Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards & Accredita on and moreover that employees of Bali Travel News are not allowed to be involved in the ac vi es of THK. So I would say, keep your promise and stay away from THK. My second remark is why to launch this ini a ve of THK Nugraha without primarily a consulta on of the board of THK Founda on. Now it looks like a surprise a ack or was it maybe shame for breaking a promise, done less than a year ago, not to interfere with THK. Or –my last remark- could it be that Bali Travel News is just jealous that Bali Travel Newspaper is opera ng so successfully because of the added-value to be explicitly the official THK Newspaper. You can be sure that many more remarks could be made, but it is not my inten on to go too much in detail in this context. I just have in mind that this ac on of the Group Media Bali Post, represented by the chairman of Bali Travel News, is contra-produc ve and not at all to the benefit of the promo on of THK on Bali. On the contrary, this THK Nugraha program is confusing and even in conflict with the spirit of THK in which balance and harmony

Tsunami Ready:

Ayana Becomes 1st Hotel in Bali Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : info@www-balitravelnews. com ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

AYANA Resort and Spa has become the first hotel in Bali to be cer fied as Tsunami Ready, following a comprehensive audit and training program. Although Ayana’s cliff-top loca on 35 meters above the ocean puts it and its guests at low-risk in case of a tsunami, the hotel wanted to be prepared to take care of guests in case of any emergency. “We may be considered low-risk because of our cliff-top loca on, but that is no reason to be complacent,” said Ayana’s General Manager Charles de Foucault. “This cer fica on will enable us to safeguard our guests and also assist with people from outside the hotel who may come to Ayana to seek refuge on higher

ground, in case of a tsunami.” Ayana’s 78 private villas and 290-room hotel are located on towering cliffs above Jimbaran Bay, on Bali’s south-western peninsula. The award-winning resort occupies 77 hectares of cliff-top land along a 1.3 kilometer coastline. Most of its facili es including the Thermes Marins Bali Spa and 10 different dining venues are located on the cliff-top; beach-front facilies comprise the iconic Rock Bar, Spa on the Rocks treatment villas, Ocean Beach Pool, Kisik seafood restaurant, and secluded Kubu Beach. Alexander Kesper, senior CIM advisor to the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, congratulated Ayana on being the

are basic. SƟll Ɵme to be pro-acƟve What next, I would say. To sit down and wait is absolutely not the key to open the door and solve this problem. It is s ll me to be pro-ac ve and try to find a solu on that will be good for the promo on of THK. First of all it has to be recognized that the THK Founda on is the only legal body to look a er the interest of THK and func ons as coordinator of all posi ve ac ons rela ng THK. You may expect that the THK Founda on is eager to s mulate people and organiza ons to take ac on and implement THK. For func oning as supervisor and coordinator of all ac vi es to implement THK, the legal status of non-governmental organiza on (NGO) or that of a founda on is required. A commercial company as Bali Travel News can principally never fulfill these requirements of supervising and coordina ng and will never be credible in terms of objec vity. Commercial companies will always be focused on selling products or services and on making profit. New iniƟaƟves Recognizing the THK Foundaon as the legal body representing THK is one, but at the same me we have to recognize that the founda on alone can not be successful without the support of people and organiza ons in society. It would be wonderful if the Group Media Bali Post would decide to support the THK Founda on as a sponsor. With this powerful group as sponsor the THK Founda on can be op mis c about the promo on of THK on Bali. I am sure that in good harmony the ini a ve of the Group Media Bali Post can be integrated in the overall strategy developed by the THK Founda on. If new ini a ves are in line with the overall strategy to promote THK, the impact will be more effec ve because of synergy; if not in line with this overall strategy, it will only lead to confusion and does the THK movement no good. 

first hotel to achieve cer fica on, despite it not being at high-risk. “Ayana exceeded our standards in terms of safety and evacua on procedures, and as a Tsunami Ready Hotel, Ayana guests can be sure that a well prepared team will take care of them in case of emergency,” Alex said. “Significantly, the resort’s management showed great ini a ve as they had already registered for Tsunami Ready cer fica on before the devasta ng earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March. That disaster further drives home the need for other hotels to be prepared, especially those located on beach-front land.” Tsunami Ready is ac vely supported by Bali Hotels Associa on and cooperates with the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Associa on of South East Asian Na ons.  BTNewspapers/PR

No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011


Bali International Triathlon I N T E R C O N T I N E N TA L Bali Resort is delighted to announce that it has once again chosen to support the 5 th Annual Biznet Bali Interna onal Triathlon. This challenging Olympic and Sprint distance event will take place around the village of Jimbaran on Sunday, June 26th 2011. As one of the main sponsors of the event, the Resort’s grounds will be used as a transit point for athletes to collect and deposit their bikes. Spectators will be invited to gather in our Spa Garden to cheer on the athletes as they set off on the arduous ride around the hilly roads of Bali’s southern peninsular. This year the triathlon is expected to a ract a record number of world-class athletes compe ng for a generous pool of prizes. Registered athletes, support teams, families and spectators are encouraged to book soon to secure strategically located

accommoda on for the event. In honour of the 5th Annual Biznet Bali Triathlon, InterCon nental Bali Resort is offering special triathlon season rates star ng from just USD 215 ++ per room per night. Visit www.bali.intercon nental. com for further informa on about our best available deals.  BTNewspapers/PR

“Sapta Pesona” (Seven Enchantments) of Bali

Where Are Your Whereabouts? By Stefan Fenanlampir*) IN THE 1980s the government, the Ministry of Tourism, Post and Telecommunica on were very vigorous to campaign and promote the “Visit Indonesia” with its Sapta Pesona (seven enchantments) covering the seven charms of Indonesia, namely security, order, sanita on, coolness, beauty, friendliness and memories. In short, every single foreign and domes c tourist was guaranteed to enjoy the charm of the seven enchantments. Even up to now, the Seven Enchantments are s ll a major icon of the Indonesian tourism promo on, par cularly Bali tourism, becoming a major tourist des na on in Indonesia. The ques on now is, do these seven enchantments s ll exist between the slogan and fact or just a mere slogan? Let us examine these seven enchantments one by one. Security It is true that in the the 1980s to 1990s the security was one of the most admired charms by tourists in Bali. Parking a vehicle or motorcycle outside without being locked was safe. Leaving home unlocked was safe, too. Driving on the road was safe from accidents. Pu ng valuables in hotel room was safe from the . Shopping was also safe from the acts of fraud. Criminal ac ons were very rare. There was no act of terrorism, the safety factor becoming one of the basic human needs was assured. But, in keeping with the rapid growth of tourism development the charm of safety (and security) was very vulnerable and fragile. The , rape, murder, fraud and accident have now been a common place. What’s wrong here? Where is the role of government and society? Where is the awareness of all elements of society? Let us consider for the ac on of changes and improvement in years to come. Order Order is an enchantment that is very far from expecta on. This charm can no longer be proud of. Order of traffic on the road, order of parking vehicle, order of beach merchants, order of traders in the market and order of taking out the trash. To sum up, the public awareness is very low. Each of them is selfish, no longer comply with the rules and regula ons. What is wrong with our society? During a 12-day visit to Japan , we were very impressed with the enchantment of the order. During the visit we never saw any police on duty on the street or at traffic light. However, the traffic was very orderly. When we paid

a visit to a tourist a rac on, there was no trash though trash bin was not provided. Orderly life is the key. It goes up against the condi ons in our country. Orderly life in our society is far from expecta on because the awareness to obey the rules is very low. Here, people are more afraid of police and the authori es rather than complying the rules. This is what dis nguishes us from Japan. The ques on, how long do we keep losing consciousness to live orderly? Think about it! SanitaƟon Sanita on is no longer a mainstay. Trash is strewn everywhere. Public awareness of sanitaion is very low. Along the bypass road, posing the main road in Bali, we can see rubish everywhere, on street corners and in rubbish bins that have been already filled with piles of garbage un l spilling out. They are not taken care of. Similar sight can be seen on the river, ditch and even on the beach. Sanita on of tourist a rac ons, public restrooms in tourist a rac ons, souvenir markets and so forth are the same. When we cha ed with one of our colleagues in Japan at the me, we admired the extraordinary sanita on in the country. He just commented there were three key factors to the success of sanita on in Japan, namely educa on, public awareness and management system and rubbish management. Since early age in elementary school, children’s personali es are formed to live orderly and cleanly and not to li er, so that when they grew adult and lived their social life, their awareness of living cleanly had been embedded in their conscience. Therefore, they would not be li ering. The Government has an obliga on to create management system and waste management which was effec ve. It realized that sanitaiton was the base of health. When will our society be aware of this? Coolness Enchantment of coolness is closely associated with natural environment and the surroundings. Greenish-drenched environment with lush tropical trees, beau ful and clean urban garden with a wide range of flowers and ornamental plants as well as tourist objects are arranged neatly. The rice fields and mountains are beau ful and charming. Verdant beau ful hills and sustainable green belt are well maintained, while adequate spa al order allows humans to socialize one another with great in macy. Do these condi ons s ll exist

in Bali? Think of it! Beauty Undeniably, the beauty of the Island of the Gods, Bali, is a magnet for foreign and domes c tourists. Strong integra on between the beauty of nature, including mountains, beaches, rivers, lakes, marine parks, culture as well as the arts and hospitality of Balinese people is the strength of Bali tourism. In the long run, the beauty of Bali’s charm is damaged because the public awareness is very low. Urban planning looks chao c, the buildings no longer reflect Balinese architecture, shabby food stalls stand along the road and chao c traffic aggravate the beauty of the Island of Bali. If so, does the enchan ng beauty remain reliable? Think about it.

INAUGURATION of the Kuta Arts Council by the Regent of Badung was represented by the head of Badung Cultural Services. Elected as Chairman of the Kuta Arts Council was I Gus Raka Bawa, a puppetry ar st from Kuta. The arts council iscommi ed to grow and develop the arts in Kuta in order they are not eroded by the rapid development of the age. Present on this occasion were the Head of Badung Government Tourism Office, elements of the Badung House from Kuta, Kuta Subdistrict Head and Head of Kuta Village.  BTNewspapers/Photo by Krisna

Hospitality For this charm, we need to appreciate, thecharm of hospitality is s ll the mainstay of Bali tourism in par cular and Indonesia in general. Tourists admire the friendliness of the Balinese. Keep it! Memory Enchantment of memory heavily relies on the six men oned charms. If tourists during their visit experience posi ve things in terms of security, order, sanita on, coolness, beauty, and friendliness, then they will bring sweet memories to their home country. Otherwise, they will bring home bi er memories if they did not experience these six charms. It needs keeping in mind, according to a survey, tourists who had fond memories and were sa sfied with their holiday would tell it to at most six people. But, those who did not bring home fond memories would tell at least thirteen people. This means, nega ve things will be more easily and quickly spread to many people but posi ve things are only kept to themselves and spread only to a few people. The ques on: can the Seven Enchantments be relied in Bali? Frankly speaking, they have been ‘already at a crossroads.’ But we can s ll fix them if government and all components of Balinese community want to fix them. It is never too late. Let’s struggle for making Bali a major tourist des na on in Indonesia with the fascina ng Seven Enchantments, both in the past, present, and in the future. Hopefully!  *) Stefan Fenanlampir, an observer of Balinese culture and member of the Associa on of Tri Hita Karana Perpetrators and Observers.

BHA’s CSR Program Aids Local Communities Orphans and the disabled among those who benefit AS PART of its ongoing corporate social responsibility and efforts to aid underprivileged communi es in Bali, Bali Hotels Associa on (BHA), via its Community Rela ons Department, has announced three new ini a ves that con nue this commitment to the community: One Hotel One Orphanage, Assistance for the Disabled and Blood Drive. With these programs, BHA aims to improve the quality of life in communi es where its members operate by suppor ng key ini a ves and responding to community needs through financial contribuons, dona ons and volunteer service. By far, there are already 70% of BHA hotel members that have adopted the One Hotel One Orphanage program. Each member adopted an orphanage located in the Singaraja, Mun gunung, Karangasem and Bedugul areas. They provided support to the orphanage in the form of items such as sembako, linen, clothes, beds and pillows. Educa onal facili es such as computers, furniture, sta onery and books were also provided. Members also regularly conduct periodic visits, extend invita ons to their hotels, provide training opportuni es for orphans at BHA hotels and purchase items made by the orphanages. BTNewspapers/PR


No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011

The New Icon in the Heart of Kuta! co accommodate 3,000 could pe people.

The STONES, HOTEL & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER is an oceanfront landmark that inspires local community and tourist with its electric mix of restaurants, lounges and bars. Owned and developed by PT. Citra Putra Realty a subsidiary of PT Citra Putra Mandiri and designed by Singapore-based Eco Id Architects and Design Consultancy, The Stones offers an exci ng new venue for Bali’s ho est social events while providing our guests a first class service and accommoda on. The Hotel, opening late 2011, boasts 320 stylishly customized rooms, a magnificent 6,000 sqm swimming pool and a conven on hall that

With its dis nc ve c contemporary façade, T The Stones Entertainm Center promises all ment d and all night of fun. day C Choose your pleasure a and match the mood. Dine at Salt, restaurant & lounge. Groove at Mods bar. Hang out with friends at Mocean, beach café. Chill at Infamy, roof top loung Everything is possible bar & lounge. at The Stones Entertainment Center. Salt is the epitome of the casual beachside restaurant & lounge promising a totally relaxed experience with incredible ocean view and an interna onal quality fresh food that invites everyone to share and enjoy. Salt is the right venue for every kind of your special occasions. Enjoy the food and live performance with your loved ones any me of the week. Our venue is safe for children, you should bring your kids on Sundays for brunch. Salt has two private suites to accommodate your exclusive and special occasions; they are Cameron Suite and Vinyl. Cameron Suite is equipped with

soundtrack officers where you can dance all night. Stones Street is the promenade leading to the hotel and will be lined with bou ques, cafes, studios, and more. Always buzzing with ac vi es from fes vals, concerts and fairs, Stones Street is des ned to be the hot spot in Kuta.

Chic, bold, unconven onal and dis nct, The Stones Hotel & Entertainment Center is the ul mate hip playground for today’s urbanite. More informa on, please contact Stones Marke ng & Sales team at +62 361 766 100, +62 361 754 148 or email us at info@thestones-kuta. com.  BTNewspapers/PR

cable TV, private toilet, and an anque customized wooden table for group of 14 people. Vinyl is more like a private café for your self. Vinyl has a long dining table for 10 people and comfortable sofa where you can relax reading Stones’ collec ons of books & magazines. Soak up the 1960’s scene at Mods bar on the 2nd floor of the entertainment center that is next to Salt, restaurant & lounge. Sip a glass of your favorite drink and enjoy late nights of live music or join as a guest musician on our regular jam sessions. Infamy roo op bar & lounge is an all day hangout area and the best place to watch a spectacular sunset over Kuta Beach. Drop in for a yoga class, dip in the Jacuzzis, sip a mar ni’s at the bar and just chill with friends on the deck cha ng the night away. Sapphire is The Stones’ newest club & bar that is scheduled to open in the mid of May 2011. A day me laidback beach bar offering light bites around the pool and oceanfront view, lets its hair down a er dark with the ho est music by Stones’

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :

I Wayan Sumandia:

Hard Working and Well Planning are the Key to Success HARD working, never give up and combined with good planning accompanied by a prayer, is the key to achieving success in a career. That is the mo o of I Wayan Sumandia Director of Sales Furama Villas and Spa, as well as the key to success in the escalaon of his career on hospitality. Sumandia started his career in the hospitality industry in 1996. Star ng from the lowest posi on as a Bell-boy in charge of welcoming dis nguished guests on check in, as well as accompanying guests to room with their luggage. A er a year, Sumandia was moved to the reserva on department charge for bookings up to guests staying at the hotel. During for 5 years in this posi on, Sumandia began to get familiar with a lot of travel agents and community which also eventually raised him to various ranks and awards in the hotel, such as “The Best

Employee of the Month” and “The Best Supervisor of the Year”. Con nuing on his career to one of the largest hotels in Ubud, he was appointed as a Sales Execu ve. That was the me he started to learn how to work in Sales and Marke ng of Hotels un l he reach a current posi on as Director of sales at Furama Villas & Spa Ubud, Bali. It will always be his desire to keep moving onward on contribu ng tourism promo on and development in Bali, especially in terms of Sales & Marke ng. And to open more opportuni es for our younger genera on to get involve in tourism and maintain our cultural heritage. “At the beginning, as long as we are willing to work hard, never give up and start all with good planning, I am sure that all work would be done with maximum results”, said Suamndia end of the interview.  BTNewspapers/Krisna

No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011

Opening of Amadea Resort & Villas, Seminyak On 1st June 2011, Prime Plaza welcomes its seventh property to the group, with the much anticipated opening of Amadea Resort & Villas, a brand new property perfectly positioned in the ‘happening’ heart of Seminyak. With 86 Superior and Deluxe Rooms, seven suites including two Rooftop Suites, and seven Pool Villas

of two and four bedrooms, the resort is designed to cater for domestic and international leisure travelers by offering luxurious accommodation at affordable prices. It is complemented by two lap pools, a spa and a restaurant, and is perfect for those who want to be in the heart of the action as it is within walking distance of a vast array of designer boutiques, fine dining restaurants, day spas, beach bars and pulsating nightspots.


ITS Red Star Award Bali Tropic Resort & Spa was awarded a pre gious award by ITS Travel. A big travel agent based in Germany, the award called Red Star, and given to the hotel which full fill the criteria: 1. big produc on from ITS travel agent; 2. good comment from ITS client who stay at the hotel; 3. No complaint from ITS clients who stay at the hotel; and the award is the second in row Red Star award for Bali Tropic Resort & Spa. Shown in the picture : Mr.Nyoman Sudana , Execu ve Assistant Manager (in the midle with glasses) accompanied by department heads, pose together with ITS Red Star Award.  BTNewspapers/PR

Amadea Resort & Villas presents contemporary architecture with a flavour of Indonesia injected into its design, with interiors that live up to the elegant and stylish standards that Prime Plaza guests expect. Each spacious, tastefully furnished room is equipped with a flat screen TV, DVD player, in-room safe and a fridge, each has an indulging ensuite bathroom, and most rooms offer views onto one of the resort’s communal lap pools. Each suite and villa is a fully outfitted facility that has been designed for personal privacy. High tech features and sleek furnishings offer the optimum in facilities and comfort for the purposes of relaxing and socialising, while private swimming pools and gardens are the distinguishing characteristics of the villas. General Manager, Mr Wayan Warta is delighted to be opening Amadea Resort and Villas. “This is a very exciting new addition to the Prime Plaza Group,” he said. “There are no other hotels of this standard and price range within this location, and I believe the resort will appeal to visitors who are looking for a relaxed environment within a vibrant location, without compromising on service or quality. I am very much looking forward to welcoming guests.”

MONTHLY MEETING of the Associa

on of Tri Hita Karana Perpetrators and Observers (P3THK), took place in Hotel Griya Santrian, Sanur, Friday (May 27). The mee ng was a ended by almost all poten al parcipants of Tri Hita Karana Awards and Accredita on 2011. The mee ng discussed about the agenda for the year 2011 such as saying prayers to Gunung Raung Temple at Taro, Gianyar which will be held Wednesday (Jun 15), the plan for homeless people and beggar allevia on efforts as well as mangrove forest clean-up for the realiza on of Bali Clean and Green.  BTNewspapers/Photo by Krisna

To celebrate its opening, Amadea Resort and Villas is offering special opening rates and packages to its guests, starting from US$ 70 for early bookings via the website: www.  BTNewspapers/PR

Discovery KarƟka Plaza Hotel—Blood dona on as a regular event was organized in Discovery Kar ka Plaza Hotel on Tuesday (May 31). A number of hotel employees and foreign tourists staying at Discovery Kar ka Plaza keen to par cipate in the blood dona on to the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI Bali).  BTNewspapers/Photo by: Krisna

Objek Wisata

Bali Palms Resort Candidasa—Blood dona

Bukit Sari Sangeh

on held in Bali Palms Resort Candidasa, Saturday (28 May), the theme ‘The Spirit to Celebrate Na onal Awakening Day.’ The blood dona on by hotel employees also attracted the par cipa on of house guests of the hotel. Similarly, the ac vity was involving the par cipa on of orphanage children.  BTNewspapers/Photo by: Erwin

TOP 8 UK TOUR OPERATORS WELCOMED AT FURAMA VILLAS & SPA - The General Manager of Furama Villas & Spa Ubud, Mr. Ramia Adnyana, together with the Director of Sales Furama Villas & Spa, Mr. Wayan Sumandia warmly welcomed the Fam Trip which supported by Thai Airways. Par cipated by 8 top tour operators in UK, this Fam Trip were hosted for one night from 29-30 May 2011 by Furama Villas & Spa Ubud, Bali.  Bali Travel Newspapers/PR Jl. Raya Sangeh, abiansemal, Badung - Bali Phone ; (0361) 7422740

IFBEC GATHERING in May taking place in Resovivo, a restaurant in Kuta Seaview Hotel on Friday (May 27) was celebrated with a standing event. Food and Beverage managers from all over Bali met and interacted one another to maintain the spirit of togetherness as the implementa on Pawongan element (social rela ons) in the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.  BTNewspapers/ Photo by: Krisna


No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011

Bukit Sari Sangeh Nature Tourist Attraction

Tri Hita Karana-based Tourism Belle THE SANGEH Nature Tourism A rac on started January 1, 1969 and developed rapidly in 1971, was indeed worth becoming one of the tourist a rac ons winning the Tri Hita Karana Awards and Accredita on 2010 with gold predicate. The Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept has been implemented very well at this site. This was revealed when Ida Bagus Dipayana, Chief of Sangeh Customary Village and I Made Sumohon, Opera ons Manager of Bukit Sari Sangeh Tourist Object, received Bali Travel Newspapers on Thursday (May 26). They explained one by one the three areas of THK aspects name Parahyangan namely (spiri (spiritual), Pawongan (soci and Palema(social) han (environmental aspe aspect). T h e Pa r a hy ang angan aspect had cle clearly been impleme mented through re regular ac vi es of Sangeh village rs t h at we re aalso the responssible persons for tthe Bukit Sari Temple, located right in the middle of h SSangeh h jjungle. l the Historically, the existence of Bukit Sari Temple was closely associated with the Kingdom of Mengwi, Badung. Bukit Sari Temple was built by Anak Agung Anglurah Made Karang Asem Sak , a foster child of King Mengwi Cokorda Sak Blambangan. It was said that he (AA Anglurah Made Karang Asem Sak ) did a ‘child’ medita on, namely a medita on like an infant or child. On that occasion, he got divine inspira on to make a shrine within the Sangeh nutmeg forest. Since then the Bukit Sari Temple was established right in the middle of the nutmeg forest. Sangeh Nature Tourist Object was not only famous for its tame monkeys, but also known as a 17-hectare forest area overgrown

by homogeneous nutmeg tree (Dipterocarpus trinervis). Right in the center of the jungle sat the Bukit Sari Temple deno ng a relic from the seventeenth century during the reign of Mengwi Kingdom. “In this forest, we at once implement the THK concept where there are temples (Parahyangan), ac vity of villagers (Pawongan) and forests (Palemahan) that must be preserved,” said Gus Dipa. Based on local myths and beliefs, the name of Sangeh was closely related to the ‘occurrence’ of the nutmeg forest. The word Sangeh was derived from two stems namely sang meaning an ar cle for people and ngeh meaning ‘look’ in Balinese language. Therefore, the nutmeg forest was formed a er someone encountered it. Reputedly, the trees (nutmeg forest) were ‘walking’ from the Mount Agung (East Bali) to one of the places in West Bali. However, in the midst of its journey, suddenly the trees stopped at one place and un l now it is called Sangeh Village. The Sangeh nutmeg forest was inhabited by grey long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) whose popula on was about 600. Their presence was also associated with the myth where they were believed the warrior princess who were transformed into monkeys inhabi ng the Sangeh nutmeg forest. On that account, the surrounding community would not dare to disturb their existence, because they were considered as sanc fied monkeys and had brought in blessings to Sangeh and surrounding communi es. Uniquely, the monkey popula on did not diminished or increased. Over-popula on had never occurred since 1960s. “The monkey popula on here never increases or decreases. So, their popula on seems to have a zero growth, but if they suffer from a disease they can die as in natural selec on,” said Sumohon who lives and works everyday at Sangeh. Then, the life of the monkeys was also like a human social life in Bali. They were divided into several groups as the Balinese community consis ng of several hamlets deno ng the smallest division of community in Bali.

Monkeys in Sangeh were divided into three hamlets namely the East, Central and West Hamlet. Each group had a large male monkey as a leader. Uniquely, in the aliena on for the King (head of the group) tle, there was a fight and compe on among the tough male monkeys. The winning would be immediately a king, while the loser would get out into the forest and disappeared (died). Currently, there were various plants in the region other than nutmeg trees. Some 54 other plant species such as sandpaper, blackboard tree, currant tree, yellow champak, li le gooseberry tree and others grew in the forest. Meanwhile, the most dominant animal in the forest was grey monkey whose popula on reaching 600. Based on inventory made in 1993, the wildlife living in the forest habitat consisted of 22 species including kestrel (Elanus hypoleucu), eagle (Halioaster indus), owl (Typte alba javanica), terocok (Gouvier ahalis), weasel (Paradorurus hermaproditus), jungle cat (Felis bengalensis), white-necked stork (Ciconia episcepus) and so forth.

As a tourist des na on, the Sangeh monkey forest provided various facili es for the convenient of visitors such as walkways, toilets, parking area, guardhouse, gates, photo services as well as tour guides consis ng of the surrounding community. In addi on, there were counters of selling souvenirs, food and informa on services. To reach the loca on by public transporta on, visitors can take vehicle at Wangaya Terminal in Denpasar to Petang route and step down at the site. However, when taken by private vehicle, it is 25 km north of Denpasar and can be covered within 30 minutes. According to Ida Bagus Dipayana, the monkey forest conserva on was not separated from the role of Sangeh customary villagers. They consisted of five hamlets and con nued to work together as their liability to maintain the natural a rac on. “People assume Sangeh as a historic asset of customary village and it is second to none. On that account, they keep it very well,” added Dipayana.  BTNewspapers/Krisna

Ida Bagus Dipayana (Chief of Sangeh Customary Village):

Supporting the Implementation of Tri Hita Karana Awards & Accreditations THE CHIEF of Sangeh Customary Village plays an important role in preserving the Bukit Sari Sangeh tourist a rac on, so that it was en tled to achieve the Tri Hita Karana Awards and Accredita on 2010. What were the efforts made by the Chief of Customary Village doubling as biology teacher at SMAN 1 Petang? “I implement a very realis c and significant program that can have a direct impact on the community of Sangeh customary villagers,” he said. One of the efforts carried out was to provide a great opportunity for the surrounding community to get involved as employee or management in the bustling Sangeh monkey forest visited by many tourists. “Hopefully, they could work near their home. If so, why should they be working away to Kuta or Nusa Dua?” said Ida Bagus Dipayana. As Chairman of the Tourism Awareness Group, his party strongly supported the THK Awards program held by the Founda on of Tri Hita Karana Bali. According to him, more culture would be saved if we joined the THK Awards accredita on. “By

doing so, more par cipa on of local community can be drawn to build their own region,” he said. “We consider that the Bukit Sari Sangeh a rac on is part of the customary village. So, every single problem and handling are discussed customarily. All the mes, we will a empt to reach the win-win solu on. In short, all decisions lie in the assembly of customary village,” said Ida Bagus while adding there were a few people who were not happy with the decision of customary mee ng. To manage the nature a rac on, Badung Regency government always provided technical guidance and briefing. The role of government was adequately important considering it was one of the assets to improve the Tri Hita Karana in Badung Regency. In addi on, Ida Bagus Dipayana revealed that each hamlet had the same role where all took their turn to carry out mutual assistance every day for a month.  BTNewspapers/Krisna

No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011


International Quality, Balinese Cultural Inspiration through Tri Hita Karana THERE are several criteria in the implementa on of the Tri Hita Karana Awards 2011, including the good implementa on of Pawongan (social rela ons) and without conflict, whether among the staff and with the surrounding community. This is the founda on of InterCon nental Bali Resort as disclosed by the Tri Hita Karana team of this five-star hotel when hos ng the visit of Bali Travel Newspapers, Monday (May 30). InterCon nental Bali Resort assures that all THK concepts have been applied accordingly. Therefore, they can be made the benchmark in every single ac vity carried out in the InterCon nental. Since the establishment in 1992, the Padmasana and other shrines used as reference to perform the ac vi es of Parahyangan aspect have never been renovated. To that end, the management plans to renovate the exis ng Padmasana shrine so that it can exude a sense of comfort and safety. For example, when pu ng the obla ons or pejaƟ, Jero Mangku priest should set his feet carefully because

condi on of the building is old. That is why renova on becomes a top priority. “We want the Padmasana shrine to give safe and good impression to us as well as to tourists staying in the hotel. Besides, it also denotes one of the good expressions of Balinese culture,” said Ketut Sukadana, one of the members in the Tri Hita Karana team of InterCon nental Bali Resort. Saying prayers on full moon or black moon as well as on other fes vies have been run well and organized in turn by every department in the InterCon nental. Similarly, devotees of other religions are also facilitated and given freedom to carry out their ac vies pursuant to the exis ng corridor, as a form of realiza on of harmonious rela ons and implementa on of Pawongan and Parahyangan aspect. Pawongan rela on is manifested through several ac vi es. Moslems devotees, for instance, usually make coopera on with several orphanages. They slaughter sacrificial animal on Eid al-Adha fes vity. Main sponsor for this ac vity is the management. In addi on, they also organize religious

Bali Resort, Mr. Phil Riley.” Meanwhile, implementa on of Palemahan ma er was disclosed by Agus Mariyadi who is responsible as supervisor of engineering in InterConnental Bali Resort. He explained, the nature of Bali becoming a tourist des na on should be well maintained. One of them was by plan ng some endangered plants. Now, the maintenance of garden in the hotel had been turned into a Garden Tour for house guests. As a consequence, they became more aware of the rare plants in Bali.

gathering to maintain social rela onship and mass circumcision. It is not only intended for the surrounding community, but if there are any employees and other people wishing to par cipate in the ac vity, it is open and they are given equal opportunies and so are for Chris ans and Buddhists.

THK Team of InterContinental Bali Resort

Solid Team for Realization of Green Hotel SOLID and responsible for the culture is a simple expression but meaningful. It has represented the spirit and hard work of Tri Hita Karana team of InterContinental Bali Resort consisting of Ida Bagus Narayana, Made Suwinten, Agus Mariyadi and Ketut Sukadana. They have a commitment to increase the values of Tri Hita Karana in order to create a harmonious relationship for each component in the hotel. “We want to increase the values becoming the basis of Bali’s development and support with our best the implementa on of THK Awards and Accredita on organized by the Founda on of Tri Hita Karana Bali,” said Ida Bagus Narayana. Other than maintaining the existence of Balinese culture, it is also intended to preserve the natural spiritual and social environment. Some ac vi es of Tri Hita Karana organized by the hotel are a pilgrimage every three months for the Hindus, while devotees of other religion are also given the same opportunity. To realize this, it is not easy for them to achieve. “Everything always starts from the convic on and our commitment to implement the values of Tri Hita Karana. We want to improve it this year,” said Ida Bagus Narayana. Management of InterCon nental Bali Resort

fully supports the program and General Manager Mr. Phil Riley becomes one of the elements suppor ng this program. , especially in the field of palemahan, InterCon nental has also implemented a promo on to travelers by means of Garden Tour. This measure becomes an interes ng a rac on as well as a apparent realiza on of the environmental preserva on. Garden Tour, as one of the embodiments in the palemahan aspect of THK, has made this 5 star hotel located in Uluwatu area an eco-friendly hotel. And, it is the task of the THK team of InterCon nental Bali Resort to realize and implement them.  BTNewspapers/Krisna

On the celebra on of hotel’s anniversary, several social ac vi es are held, including the visits and handing over of assistance to orphanages, or the surrounding communi es that have been selected in advance by management. For Christmas’ Eve celebra on, the InterCon nental invites orphanage children to present a choir. Other than entertaining, it also gives the impression of solemnity in the Christmas celebra on. They are also given the opportunity to create cra s and pain ngs, in which their works will be exhibited and then sold to tourists who are interested. Money from the sale will be fully handed over to cra smen or painters of the orphanage children. On the other hand, the role of InterCon nental to the surrounding community is carried out by assis ng a local primary school (SD) situated around the hotel, namely SD 7 Jimbaran. Formerly, the school was not good. “In the past, the people around Jimbaran were not willing to send their children to this primary school because its buildings are rundown. Now, we have ‘conjured it up’ into a 5 starlike property,” said Made Suwinten, Asst. Chief Engineering deno ng the THK team of InterCon nental while adding that at the moment people were lining up to send their children to the school. Since the school building was constructed un l dipelaspas or inaugurated ritually on Saraswa fes vity (April 23, 2011), the management has spent approximately IDR 1 billion. Now, the primary school SD 7 Jimbaran becomes a favorite in Jimbaran. “When it was inaugurated last April, the government party was very surprised and grateful to us,” said Ida Bagus Narayana, chairman of InterCon nental THK team. “This kind of social ac on is fully supported by the General Manager of InterCon nental

For water usage, his party did a measured and planned processing. “Approximately 300 m3 of water is processed from our exis ng rooms and it is then used for watering our gardens and exis ng fish ponds,” said Agus. In addi on, the hotel, raises ca le. They are usedfor beach cleaning. Both cows are given the name Dayang 1 and Dayang 2, where it has now given birth to a calf. Un l now, there are 7 cows that have been raised since 1995.

Mr. Phil Riley The seven cows are an a rac on for tourists as well as to preserve the Bali’s ca le. This hotel celebrates a complete ceremony such as Tumpek Uduh (the ritual for the plants), Tumpek Kandang (for animals) and Tumpek Landep (for weapons/metal devices). For you who want to enjoy a memorable holiday with the atmosphere of Balinese culture, but with the service by management of interna onal class, the right choice is by enjoying a stay in the beau ful InterCon nental Bali Resort.  BTNewspapers/Krisna


No. 10, June 11 - 24, 2011

Petanu River Track:

r e iv R , e r tu n e v d A e n li a n e Adr e r tu a N p e e K d n a n o ti Explora

plus the onslaught of the rushing currents of Petanu River. It is to make your heart beat as fast as the river flows.

addi on, every single par cipant will be protected with a vest, helmet safety and special shoes for passing sharp and swi terrain.

This adventure is the most extreme adventure of exploring river rapids. It is only offered by River Track Adventure led by Mrs. Bayu Yus ta.

In fact, this ac vity poses an effort to keep the ecosystem in the Petanu River sustainably alive and well preserved. Simultaneously, par cipants will also invited to clean up the Petanu River by amassing plas c garbage floating from smaller rivers in the vicinity. “The ma ers of rubbish should be the responsibility of government. But, we have to start from ourselves, so Bali would be free from plas c waste as soon as possible,” said Mrs. Bayu.

Mrs. Bayu said that the River Track posed the benchmark of our strength and adrenaline, as well as a pla orm to strengthen the sense of togetherness (teamwork). Therefore, it would be good for you wan ng the spirit of adventure as well as the way to test your pa ence and sense of togetherness.

Fantasy for enthusiasts of adrenaline r rush to enjoy the challenges of Petanu River i Gianyar has come true. For you who like in m marine adventures and exploring a river, the a vity offered by Petanu River Track can ac b become an alterna ve to fill in the agenda of y your adventure. Going down the valley leading to Petanu R River is the beginning of warming-up because t rapid flows of Petanu River will make you the s struggle to upli your legs. In addi on, your a ability to swim is at stake in this adventure

The track is rela vely new. It starts in front of the Dalem Temple of Laplapan, Petulu Village, Gianyar, and finishes in front of Natura Hotel, Gianyar. The track along 2.5 km can be reached within 3 hours in normal river flows. “If the flows of Petanu River are swi enough, then the me taken will be slightly longer, but with a professional team we are ready to lend you a hand,” added Mrs. Bayu. For your enjoyment and safety, a reliable team will be ready to guide you along the adventure. They have a wealth of experience in the field of river ra ing and explora on. In

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA, Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313

One of the par cipants, Dewi, admi ed the adventure was truly tes ng the adrenaline and very useful for nature conserva on. “Please bear in mind, most of the water flowing on the Petanu River is taken advantage to irrigate the rice fields exis ng in Bali. So, if the water is not polluted, then the rice produced will be free from pollu on,” she said while breathing in a hurry a er exploring the splendor along the Petanu River. Let’s make a try to this River Track while keeping to watch over Bali that is also known with the nickname ‘The Last Paradise!’  BTNewspapers/Krisna

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