Bali Travel Newspapers Vol. I No. 11

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t of Bali, piri e s ture. th o f n a n

”THK Awa rd the ca s & re A fo r

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Vol. I, No. 11 l June 25 - July 10, 2011










IDR. 2,000

Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :


THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE The Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein. Distributor in Bali


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he Parade of the 33rd Bali Arts Festival (BAF) on Saturday (Jun 11) covered a distance of almost 1 km starting in the front of the Jaya Sabha Building, Puputan Badung (Jalan Surapati) and ending on Jalan Nusa Indah, Bali Arts Center, Denpasar. It was attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik and opened by Governor of Bali Made Mangku Pastika accompanied by the Head of Bali House. As the mascot of BAF, the parade was commenced by presentation of Shiva Nata Raja

dance by the students of the Indonesia Institute of Arts (ISI) Denpasar accompanied by Adi Merdangga gamelan orchestra. Then, it was followed by participants of National Utsawa Dharma Gita 2011, envoys of BAF from each regency/city across Bali and envoys from outside Bali. Unfortunately, myriad of spectators caused the comfort to diminish because there was no fence separating the main stage and the audience and lacking of discipline among the audience. Therefore, it was expected that such condition would not be repeated again next year. v BTNewspapers/Photo by: Krisna

Jl. Tamblingan Sanur 0361-289 361 Coffee – Cakes – Sandwiches - Light meals and Catering Bring this ad and get 10% off


Pedagang Besar Alat-alat Kesehatan dan Kedokteran

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Singaraja Hills is currently in the process of refining tropical viticulture techniques to grow grapes with the characteristics required to compete against varietal wines from temperate climates. The first vintages of these quality wines will be available soon

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PT. BAYUTIRTA ADVENTURE Jl. Tukad Musi No. 8, Denpasar, Bali Phone / fax: +62 361 237657

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :

OPERATIONAL OFFICE Jl. Kertha Dalem No. 96 Sidakarya Denpasar 80225, Bali, Indonesia Ph.+62-361-7425161, 7425162, Fax.+62-361-728786 Website :, E-mail :











No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011

Tri Hita Karana in Education and Training By Jan Hendrik Peters

Strategic Advisor THK Foundation Please keep smiling

Reading this welcome at the entrance of the campus of the Bali Hotel School I thought of one of my visits to the USA some time ago. At the entrance of the campus of a university in New York a billboard was placed with the text: please keep smiling. During a meeting I asked my host about that message of keep smiling. He told me that American people are just working that hard they rarely had time to relax and to smile. By working so hard –you could say- that Americans have forgotten to smile. It doesn’t need any comment that I was really surprised and that I never would like to reincarnate as an American.

THK is an unconditional must for delivering qualified education and training. Whenever I discuss this subject with managers in hotels and other organizations, I always perceive that THK as such is okay, but that is has to be considered as a special project. This is to my opinion one of the fundamental misconceptions of the meaning of THK. The implementation of THK in the Bali Hotel School will not be a specific activity, but is covering all activities, the whole core business. All employees have to be aware that this three triangular concept principally has to be followed or –maybe more clear- has to be obeyed in providing education and training, in doing business or whatsoever.

Although Indonesia and Bali have their own problems, quite different from those in the USA, it would be not difficult if I had to choose. I would be definitely Balinese. It is in fact the worst scenario to live in a place where hard working is the most important criterion to be successful in life. In terms of Tri Hita Karana (THK) I would qualify this hard working of Americans completely out of balance. Rich outside, poor inside is the opposite of poor outside, rich inside. It is clear that the best would be rich both in- and outside, provided that the money will be used to look for inner peace and to serve family and community. That is the significance of THK in guiding us to happiness (moksa). Welcome future professionals in hospitality Entering the campus my attention again was drawn to the banner welcoming future professionals in hospitality. Apparently, it was more than just welcoming the new students. The hotelschool held out the prospect of becoming successful professionals in hospitality as some hidden persuader. How could they do this even before the new students have started their study at the campus? That would be one of the items to discuss with the management. How could they justify this pretence? Another question that came up in my mind walking over the campus was why the management had invested so much in a brand new building in a time

of economic recession. Everywhere in society companies reduced their activities, postponed investments and even laid off personnel but in this case the hotelschool did just the contrary by investing heavily in a huge new building while the economy is still down. I was especially interested in the reason why they did what you would not expect. To be honest, I would have done the same, to invest in times of difficulty. This would create the best position as soon as the economy would recover. By investing in bad times, you would be the first in good times and could profit much more from the recovery than competitors who first had to invest. I would even recruit new personnel in difficult times and train all personnel which would give me a lead over my competitors, who will later regret that they did not. Although I had these two questions my main purpose was to discuss the implementation of the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana in the hotelschool. In promotion THK implementation can be considered as extremely important. Young people will be taught and trained in practicing THK. Later on in their career they are able to discuss with international tourists about this philosophy in Balinese life. If all education institutions on Bali would follow this policy of implementation in the study of students, I would be optimistic about the future on Bali. But unfortunately, it did not yet come this far. Spin-off effect In a meeting with Nyoman Astina, chairman of Dharma Widya Ulangun Foundation that founded the Bali Hotelschool and Made Sudjana, former director of the state hotelschool Nusa Dua and now director of the Bali Hotelschool, I discussed all above mentioned items openly. The policies of this relatively new hotelschool are innovative and refreshing and made plausible that students will leave the campus as competent professionals in hospitality. The reason to invest in a time of economic difficulty was –as I already hoped- that by investing now, the hotel school would be the first later. In this respect the management of the Bali Hotel School practiced the golden rule of being pro-active. By being pro-active they would be prepared for better times. I shall recapitulate the results of

our discussion. The ideas brought up are interesting and can be stimulating for other managers and organizations to follow. A spin-off effect would be the best thinkable for the spreading of THK all over Bali. In the context of this article I shall just mention the key issues. In fact, the overall policy is split into the five challenges of hospitality for the future. Five challenges ahead The first challenge is about quality of service. To be the biggest hotelschool on Bali is one, but much more important would be to become the best or at least among the best in quality. There is still a long way to go, but most important the first steps are done. Qualified teachers who master their English are crucial for the quality of education and training, the learning materials will be up-to-date and teachers and students will exchange knowledge in an interactive process. I shall save you the details. The second challenge is focused on a profound relationship with the hospitality industry. This has to be twofold. Hotel managers will participate as teachers in the study of the students at the campus. These professionals will inform and train the students, so these future professionals will be prepared to handle the opportunities and threads in hospitality. On the other hand hotel managers get the opportunity to upgrade their own theoretical knowledge. The third challenge is about applied research. In their study each student has to be familiar with applied research. This experience will train the student in analyzing his professional work or his environment which will be helpful to improve his performance and take the right decisions. International cooperation with hotelschools abroad is emphasized as challenge four. Exchange of knowledge, students and teachers is necessary for innovation and will make teachers and students more internationally oriented. Hospitality does not stop at the border but is on the contrary international and in principle beyond borders. The last challenge of the holy book is about the Tri Hita Karana. For a long time we discussed the significance of THK in education and

training. In retrospect, it is a compliment to the management of the Bali Hotel School that they finally agreed that the integration of the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana is an unconditional must for delivering qualified education and training. Whenever I discussed this subject with managers in hotels, hotelschools and other organizations, I always perceived that Tri Hita Karana as such is okay, but that it is considered as a special project. This is to my opinion one of the fundamental misconceptions of the meaning of THK. THK as integral and universal concept It would be absolutely wrong to isolate THK from the core business of hotel, hotel school, university or government. The implementation of THK in the Bali Hotel School will not be a specific activity, but is covering all activities, the whole core business. As such the meaning of THK has to be explained in general as the umbrella of all activities. All employees have to be aware that this three dimensional concept principally has to be followed or -maybe more clear- has to be obeyed in doing business or whatsoever. In terms of the hotelschool this means that the philosophy of THK has to be integrated in the curriculum of the students. The THK Foundation can be happy with this hotelschool that from now on has promised to be in the frontline to promote THK. The integration of THK in the curriculum is probably not so easy to do and in this respect the THK Foundation can offer assistance in explaining the credo of THK and give support to implement THK in the education and training to the students. And probably some THK assessors can also be involved as teachers. Some times I hear criticism on the implementation of THK, as if this THK concept would discriminate other religions. This really is nonsense. THK is a universal concept that can easily be adapted to other religions. I leave it for the time being to this comment, but plan go into this and other misunderstandings about THK another time, because as long as these exist, they do the promotion of THK no good. From this discussion at the Bali Hotel School I learned a lot. I have already accepted the invitation to come back in one year’s time, just to see if they did what they promised. v

Hilton Becomes Founding Partner in Landmark British Tourism Programme N









Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, BaliIndonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

Hilton Worldwide announced a founding partnership with VisitBritain, the UK’s national tourism agency, to drive awareness of Britain’s tourism offer, including the hospitality company’s 90 plus properties across the U.K. The deal builds upon Hilton Worldwide’s continued growth in the UK and the Government’s renewed focus on tourism as one of the key industries to help drive the economy and create employment opportunities, with more than 16,000 people set to be employed within Hilton Worldwide hotels across the U.K. by the end of 2013. Simon Vincent, Area President Europe, Hilton Worldwide, said, “Great Britain is one of the world’s outstanding destinations, for both business and leisure travel, and we are proud to be working alongside the Government in showcasing this to the world. Together we share an incredibly rich heritage, exceptional experiences, wonderful locations and people that know true hospitality.” The global £100 million programme is aimed at encouraging greater travel to the U.K. with key objectives of; 4 million extra overseas visitors and £2 billion more visitor spending in the UK.

Working on the theme ‘You’re Invited’ the programme aims to encourage travellers to discover the many and varied experiences available across the U.K. during a period of celebration, with numerous global events taking place in the coming years, including the Diamond Jubilee in 2012. Hilton Worldwide will work with VisitBritain on a multi-channel marketing, sales and public relations programme, initially over a two year period, for an undisclosed sum of cash and value-in-kind. Sandie Dawe, Chief Executive at VisitBritain, said: “Partnering with Hilton gives us the opportunity to showcase England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland due to their fantastic Britain wide reach of hotels. Being a strong global brand means that their name is familiar with the international audience we are targeting. “Our aim is to give potential tourists a reason to visit now and having Hilton as a founding partner as we launch VisitBritain’s wider £100 million marketing programme will allow us to do just that.” John Penrose MP, Tourism Minister, recently attended the opening of one of Hilton Worldwide’s

latest luxury U.K. properties in London Syon Park, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel. He said, “Hilton Worldwide’s support for our marketing campaign to promote Great Britain as one of the very best destinations for holiday and business travellers is well-timed. The next couple of years will see this country front and centre on the world stage as never before. Companies with a global presence and reputation will make a huge difference to the campaign and we are delighted to have them on board.” Hilton Worldwide has more than 90 hotels in the U.K. across six of its brands including Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, DoubleTree by Hilton, Hilton Garden Inn and Hampton by Hilton. The company has more than 20 hotels in its U.K. pipeline including Hilton Heathrow Terminal 5, which is due to open later this year. By next summer, it will also open a combined Hilton and Hampton by Hilton at St George’s Park, the new home of English football, and the recently announced conversion of the Caledonian Hilton Edinburgh to a Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts property. v BTNewspapers/, June 20, 2011










No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011


Around Candi Dasa Beach Tenganan Village

Candi Dasa before you go).

Congratulations! You have chosen a holiday destination (Candi Dasa) which is the closest locale to the ancient Aga village revered globally as the source of Gringsing weaving. It’s just 10 minutes from downtown Candi Dasa.

This is very large and popular touristy visit so be prepared for many hawkers and would-be guides. The drive there and back is good, with some wonderful rural sights and fleeting glimpses of smaller villages, plus the river that is used by a rafting company.

Live Music Alternatives May I have the next dance? Of course, and while Candi Dasa is not the nightclub scene of Kuta and Seminyak, various hotels and bars along the beachfront offer live music nights. Among the dedicated music venues are New Queen in the centre of town, Lingalonga (formerly known as the landmark Raja’s Restaurant) and Legend’s Bar at the northern end of town. Mt. Agung and Besakih Temple Back about 30km into the mountains behind Candi Dasa is Bali’s highest volcano Mt Agung. It is also home to Bali’s mother temple complex called Pura Besakih. If you are going to go to a temple in Bali, this is the biggest (remember, you must have a sarong and sash to get in. Borrow from the hotel, or you can buy one cheaply in

Traditional dances Traditional dances are part and parcel of many restaurant programs along the dining strip at Candi Dasa. You can also catch various dance and cultural shows at Bali Shangrila Beach Club and its sister resort Bali Palms. Ubud and Mt.Batur Ubud, the artistic heartland in the middle of the island, featuring spectacular dining settings and international- standard shopping. You can even combine Ubud with, a drive to the volcano in the centre of the island called Mt. Batur. Just a helpful warning, the sellers at the rim of the volcano (Kintamani) are among the pushiest in Bali. But the view of the lake and volcano crater makes the whole frenetic scene worthwhile. v BTNewspapers/Coral Coast Courier

Mount Raung Temple at Glance THE Existence of Mount Raung Temple at Taro Village is closely associated with the pilgrimage of Maharishi Markandeya. He was a sage from Raung Ashram in East Java who performed a spiritual journey to Bali. As a maharishi, he was driven to disseminate enlightenment and spiritual teachings to people living on the mountainous area of Bali. Now, the area is known as Taro Village and its surroundings. In his pilgrimage, he was the pioneer of the establishment of Basukian Temple denoting the embryo of Besakih Temple. Afterwards, Maharishi Markandeya founded an ashram at Taro becom-

ing the forerunner to the founding of Mount Raung Temple located in the village of Taro. In the Bali Tattva palm-leaf manuscript, it is mentioned about the pilgrimage of Maharishi Markandeya from East Java to Bali. At first, Maharishi Markandeya had an ashram at Damalung in East Java. He then held a pilgrimage (tirthayatra) to the east and arrived at Mount Hyang. At that location, he did not acquire an ideal place as requested. Furthermore, Maharishi Markandeya

resumed his journey eastward. On the way to the east he found a place on Mount Raung, East Java. Here, he built an ashram for some time. At the Mount Raung ashram, Maharishi Markandeya did contemplation. Through his samadhi, he got the hints in order he traveled to the Island of Bali. As demanded by the revelation, he carried it out accordingly. On an auspicious day, he traveled to Bali and followed by approximately 8,000 disciples. When arriving somewhere in the dense forest, he camped and built his farm acreage. However, it was unknown why some members of his entourage were hit by plague and died. Only 4,000 followers survived. In response to this condition, Maharishi Markandeya decided to return to East Java in the hope he could invoke instructions to Lord Pasupati. After going through contemplation, Maharishi Markandeya got a hint if the fault lay in the absence of rituals to ask permission when they opened the forest land. After that, Maharishi Markandeya went back to Bali and proceeded to Mount Agung or Ukir Raja followed again by disciples called Wong Age. As soon as arriving on Mount Agung, he held a ceremony to bury Panca Datu (five-metal foundation) at Basukian or Besakih Temple now. Afterwards, he built farmland carefully to develo­p an agrarian life. Agricultural development conti­

nued to be done by the entourage of Maharishi Markandeya until reaching the area of Mount Lebah and Puakan Village. At this village, he held a structured farming life followed by distribution of land and so forth. The village was then named Puakan Village. In another samadhi, he was instructed to do Samadhi in his ashram in Bali. Through his Samadhi, Maharishi Markandeya saw a light somewhere. In fact, it was exuded from a shining. Right on that shining tree he founded the Mount Raung Temple as it is today. Since it was coming from the shining tree the place was eventually named Taro Village, derived from the word taru meaning tree. The temple and ashram was made similar to the one at Mount Raung. That’s why the ashram and temple were then named Mount Raung Temple at Taro Village now. v BTNewspapers/Photo by: Krisna











No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011

BALI DYNASTY RESORT - The Bali Dynasty Resort is pleased to announce the launch of H2O, a chic new poolside restaurant and bar, complete with a rooftop sunset deck, which is also suitable for private dinners and events. Open for breakfast, lunch, and nightly themed buffets with entertainment, the central poolside location and chic design of this semi-open-air restaurant and bar, makes H2O a social hub and the Resort’s ‘in place’ for poolside cocktails, hearty international fare, and fun!

Design is an integral part of H2O, with its sweeping curvaceous lines, stone finishes, elegant contemporary furnishings, an open concept kitchen and a traditional pizza oven. Breakfast is served buffet style for hotel guests complemented by a live hot cooking station, while the enticing lunch menu displays colourful pictures of the food with delights that include sandwiches and wraps, salads, fish ‘n chips, steaks, a selection of pasta dishes, pizzas galore and plenty more. This is completed with desserts, soft ‘Whippy’ ice cream, a kids’ menu, and a good choice of beverages and cocktails. At H2O, guests can relax in fancooled comfort, sit closer to the poolside action under the shade of an innovative sun-louvre roof, or enjoy an alfresco ambience upon the elevated timber deck. With 124 seats

Toza, Natural Fruit Juices:

A Pulp Made of Natural Fruit Extract On hearing the word juice, our mind will surely refer to crushed fruit extracts that are good for our health. It is the main concept of Toza fruit juice produced by PT Amanah Prima Indonesia (PT API) of Bali Representative whose bottling plant is located at the Suwung area, Denpasar. As a supplier of fruit extracts or more precisely the fruit pulp taken from fresh fruits, it is really different from the usual products sold in the market. “We always keep the quality of our product because we want the best products. Our products are very good for all types of drink,” revealed Romy Tambunan, Chairman of PT.API Bali when hosting Bali Travel Newspaper on Tuesday (Jun 7). He added that Toza thoroughly paid attention to hygiene and quality of taste until reaching the the hands of consumers. At the moment, Toza had become a mainstay product for hotels and restaurants in Bali. “Our product is not directly drinkable, but used as a

base ingredient to make various fruit juice drinks,” said Romy. Toza is made from several fruit ingredients such as apple, orange, guava and others. Since it is a fruit pulp extracted from assorted natural fresh fruits, of course it will certainly become a fresh drink for good health.

Apart from being marketed to hotels and restaurants, Romy started to target the hospital market. “This is a natural extracts of fresh fruits, so it will be very appropriate and can be digested directly in the body,” said Romy while adding that many hospitals in Jakarta had become his regular

downstairs, a stunning design feature is a trio of fish tanks set in vertical alcoves, showcasing beautiful tropical fish backlit with blue lighting. The music at H2O is always pumping, yet with a high-tech Bose sound system, it is never too loud, even for those seated close to a speaker. Every evening, H2O presents a different themed buffet dinner: Pizza & Pasta on Mondays, Dine Around the World on Tuesdays, Wild West Wednesdays, Sate Night on Thursdays, Malam Bali on Fridays, Aussie BBQ on Saturdays, and Roast Nights on Sundays. This is accompanied by nightly entertainment including live music, a kids’ fashion show on Mondays presented by the Kupu-Kupu kiddies’ club, a bewitching magic show on Wednesdays, and Balinese dance performances on Fridays including the

Genggong Frog Dance - a children’s dance drama, and other lesser-known dances to support the Malam Bali theme. These all-you-can-eat buffet dinners are very reasonably priced at Rp 160,000 per person, (Rp 180,000 on Fridays). Kids under 12 years old can eat for free from buffets when accompanied by each full paying adult. The Upper Deck at H2O seats up to 85 guests and is open daily from 4pm onwards, offering the perfect spot for a sunset cocktail and a tapas plate, with views over the Resort and glimpses of the ocean. A ‘no-kids’ zone – except at private parties, this versatile venue is furnished with a

stylish collection of tables and chairs, bar seats, lounge chairs and cushioned sofas, and flanked by a pair of conicalroofed gazebos, each of which holds 14 guests for a private dinner party or barbeque. Romantic candlelit dinners take place at tables under white and gold Balinese parasols, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a DJ fuses the mood with chilled-out, sexy layers of sound. The entire upper deck can be rented for private events including wedding receptions and parties. H2O is open to the public as well as residents of the Resort, but please note the swimming pool is open to hotel guests only. v BTNewspapers/PR

customers because Toza product was good and useful for patients as well as more economical than fruit syrup. He also added that Toza products were also good for consumers Romy Tambunan of all ages. Toza factory in Bali distributed its products to the region of eastern Indonesia such as Manado, Lombok, Papua and Makassar. Its ingredients were directly brought in from Jakarta in the form of fruit pulp extract. “We gave the best of our product and you can complain if our products need improving,” concluded Romy. For further information or order placement of natural fruit pulp extract, you can contact Toza The Natural Juices with supplier of Bali Branch at (0361) 966 7600, fax: (0361) 847363, email at bali@ Or visit our website at v BTNewspapers/*/Krisna

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :










No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011


“Ocean Dreaming” Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel - Relax and revitalize with this ultimate head to toe treatment. The adventure includes the exotic Balinese Massage and Ocean View Reflexology for hands and feet. A cup of herbal tea between the treatments will be served at our beach hut to celebrate your dreaming: Balinese Massage (60 minutes); Tea Break with your choice of herbal Tea and ginger cookies (15); and Reflexology (45). v

Congress of the Newspaper Publishers Association (SPS) was organized on June 7-9, 2011. It was officially opened by Governor of Bali in Wisma Sabha Room in the Office of Governor of Bali. Prior to the congress, the happening was preceded with a public seminar entitled The Role of Media in Developing Investment and Regional Potential. Elected as Chairman of the SPS was Dahlan Iskan from Jawa Post Group who is also President Director of the State-run Electricity Company (PLN) for the next four years term until 2015. v BTNewspapers/Photo by: Krisna

Mount Raung Temple—The

activity of saying prayers together and cleanup service in Mount Raung Temple at Taro Village, Tegallalang Subdistrict, Gianyar was organized by the Association of THK Perpetrators and Observers (P3THK). It took place on Buda Cemeng Warigadian, Wednesday (Jun 15), and coincided with full moon. A total of 250 participants from 30 hotels, tourist destinations and Bali Tourism School implemented the three elements of THK concept, namely saying prayers as realization of Parahyangan aspect, interacting with fellow employees of the hotel and Taro villagers (Pawongan) and preserving natural environment and sanitation of the temple (Palemahan). v

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

SUPPLIER Address : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA, Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313












No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011

The Laguna- a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

Tri Hita Karana Concept with Nuance of Beautiful Lagoon Benefits of Tri Hita Karana (THK) activities as cornerstone of Bali’s development begin to be perceived and have become a fundamental in undertaking all tourism activities. They are visible when Bali Travel Newspapers was hosted by THK team of The Laguna--A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa on Monday (Jun 20). The team led by Ida Bagus Partama, who is also the Head of Hindu brotherhood, accompanied by Ni Made Ayu Yogiartini, Ida Bagus Putra and Dwi Lisminarni. Basically, every single THK activity has something that can affect and will indirectly have a positive impact. One of them is an apparent realization that has been presented by a hotel located within the luxury resort of BTDC Nusa Dua by hiring people who had drawbacks, namely the deaf. No half-heartedly, the management chaired by Frank Beck hired 5 deaf people. They are given the same facilities as other employees such as holiday allowances, social security and insurance. “This is a form of our sense of caring. Those who have already worked with us up to 5 years are considered as family,” said Partama confirmed by Ayu Yogi. According to Partama, most hotel employees were Hindus (nearly 95 percent), so Parahyangan activity as a form of harmonization with the Creator was undertaken continuously . For instance, his party had performed regular activities, such piodalan or anniversary of the Padmasana shrine at hotel, prayers every full and black moon and other festivals. Even, pilgrimage (tirthayatra) was held twice a year and donation. “Not long ago, some of our employees carried pilgrimage to Nusa Penida, namely to Dalem Ped and Giri Putri Temple,” said Partama. He said their activities were fully supported by General Manager of The Laguna Resort & Spa because their leadership was really appreciated. Similarly, the same opportunity was also extended to devotees of other religions like Muslims, Christians and Buddhists. For instance, the management provided the venue along with food and beverage services if they organized religious activities. In addition, they would also invite one another when they had an event as one of the mutual respects belonging to THK implementation under category of Pawongan or social aspect.

the aspect of empowering poor community, but they had good competence or even more. “Since we are part of Starwood Hotels and Resorts management that have care programs, so we attempt to provide the best, especially for children of indigent family and communities in need,” said Partama. Aside from social environment, natural environment was also an important part. It was indicated by the existence of a vast garden reaching 65 percent of the total existing land area. Maximal maintenance had been done to show off the role of nature as human companion. Similarly, in the middle of the hotel area sat an artificial lagoon so that it gave an impression that guests enjoyed the coastal atmosphere within the hotel though the beach was so close, even just a few steps. Skillfulness of gardeners creating the natural coolness of tropical Bali had also helped keep Balinese culture. For example, the hotel grew some rare plants, so it could enrich the treasure of hotel landscaping gardens. Atmosphere of the landscaping garden was truly convenient and favorable as if we could enjoy a perfect combination of unparal-

leled culture and nature of Bali within a single locale. “It is the implementation of THK as the basis of sustainable harmonious relationship,” said Partama. It is not mistaken if The Laguna Resort later on can maintain and even improve the THK implementation, according to the assessments conducted by THK Bali Foundation, it has almost deserved to be given excellent predicate and can achieve another Gold Medal. Without any doubt, it should be supported by good and continuous effort by THK team of The Laguna-- a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa. And for you, who would like to pay a visit to BTDC tourist resort Nusa Dua, make sure to spend your holiday with family or friends at The Laguna Resort & Spa, where the resort has always been a favorite of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to stay when he has an official working visit in Bali. v BTNewspapers/Krisna

THK Team of The Laguna –a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

Undertaking the Best with 4 Cares Becoming a solid team is indeed not easy, moreover, until leading to get a Gold Medal for the category of 5-star hotel in the Tri Hita Karana Awards & Accreditation 2010. However, it becomes a challenge for the THK team of The Laguna Resort & Spa consisting of Ida Bagus Partama, Ni Made Ayu Yogiartini, Ida Bagus Putra and Dwi Lisminarni.

The Laguna Resort had 287 rooms and villas, so the number of employees reaching 500 people could be managed without any offense. It was the benchmark of THK Awards & Accreditation 2010, so the hotel could achieve a Gold Medal.

According to them, the key to successful implementation of THK in their resort was a sense of kinship and high tolerance among the employees. “We always try to establish and maintain harmony and tolerance. This is a big capital to realize the harmony among us,” said Partama.

Tri Hita Karana Bali Foundation posing the sole assessor of the THK Awards implementation was very appreciative because the Pawongan (social) element played a very important role. With Corporate Social Responsibility as a driving force, his party could do many social activities such as providing book assistance for SDN 6 Benoa primary school. The book as a means of educational supporting facility was given as a form of awareness on the importance of education for children. Other than books, his party also conferred scholarships to students of SMP Dwijendra Denpasar. It was very appropriate because it would directly touch

In addition to maintaining them, the values ​​of concern to others were thoroughly applied and completely implemented by management, including the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The program posing a joint program and synergy in Starwood Hotels & Resorts that had become the brand or management of The Laguna Resort & Spa, among others, consisted of 4 Cares, namely Guest Care, Employee Care, Business Care and Community Care, where the emphasis was on Community Care. “The program constitutes the basis and guidelines for THK team of The Laguna Resort & Spa and we continue to develop them each year,” said Ayu Yogi who is usually addressed Ogie.

The program did not only ease the burden of people in need, but also helped the government’s program. Ideally, government should be able to give an appreciation to companies indeed implementing THK concepts as the basis of Bali’s development. By doing so, the values ​​of harmony in the midst of the community could work well. Furthermore, the cohesive team revealed that other than becoming a guide in every routine program, THK values were very appropriate for every local and foreign human in Bali. Moreover, these values had been adopted by the United Nations-World Tourism Organization (UN-WTO), so it could be used universally. “And this is the task of our team to maintain and inflame the THK philosophy, at least for The Laguna Resort & Spa,” said Partama. Good luck Guys! Hopefully, the solid THK team could preserve the sublime and universal values ​​of indigenous tradition, namely the Tri Hita Karana. v BTNewspapers/Krisna










No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011

A Five Star Hotel


Implementing Balinese Culture As one of the pioneers of tourism in the region of Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC), Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa has its own characteristics. This was revealed when reporter of Bali Travel Newspapers was hosted by the General Manager of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa, Reto V. Torriani, Monday (Jun 13). One of the characteristics of this five-star hotel is the large split gates, like the gate of a royal palace in Bali symbolizing the welcome to Bali. “We indeed still maintain it because it is our first welcome for tourists and we receive them warmly and friendly, as the hallmark of the Balinese in general,” said Reto. Furthermore, added Reto, the presence of Tri Hita Karana Awards & Accreditation becoming the only one award conducted by the Foundation of Tri Hita Karana Bali, would be a benchmark of development and shield to preserve Balinese culture in particular. Though natural factor was very influential, culture as the spirit of Balinese people should be still well maintained, and according to him, evaluation carried out by the Foundation of Tri Hita Karana Bali on THK implementation in hotel was very appropriate. In this regard, his party was very con-

cerned with everything in maximal details. Without doubt, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa had a great possibility to win the third Gold Medal in 2011. At the same time, it also has the opportunity to win Emerald Medal, or the Green Hotels in accordance with assessments that would be conducted by THK Foundation later this year. It was obviously visible from some aspects and motivating factors realized in this hotel. Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa implemented the THK values ​​starting from Pawongan (social aspect) maximally in accordance with capabilities of the management. Likewise, it organized some hotels existing within the BTDC area to provide contribution to some villages in Karangasem Regency. To reach the

right target, the villages were surveyed first. Indeed, the assistance was really beneficial to reduce poverty levels of some residents. Other activity carried out was regular blood donations, where in this case it made cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and Bali Hotel Association (BHA) every 3 months. Similarly, some usable hotel supplies were also donated to those in need. This activity was usually held coincidentally with anniversaries or other events. All activities were always controlled and planned as good as possible.

Social activities conducted jointly with BHA were usually on a larger scale such as addressing poverty, reforestation for continuity of nature and so on. Regarding to the issue of Clean and Green becoming the motto of Bali Province, it was recognized by management that the biggest problem was plastic waste. Indeed, BTDC area applied a major sanitation and safety, but the problem of plastic waste had become a threat to Bali if it did not change in years to come. It was the reason why the management headed by Reto always encouraged the reduction of plastic waste, starting from the hotel itself. “Having a very large and green garden is not very easy. We really have to care it so it will be comfortable for tourists,” said Reto.

His statement was confirmed by Nengah Parwiasa serving as the party responsible for the implementation of Tri Hita Karana in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa Bali. Parwiasa added that his party had cultivated some rare plants, such as green coconut, ivory coconut, lunar coconut bearing a single fruit only, areca nut and more than 60 species of other rare plants. On that account, extensive gardens in ​​the hotel area was made Herbal Garden. “This is the belle of tourists staying here. Here, we provide knowledge not only about vegetation, but also about the use of those rare plants,” said Parwiasa. Added by Parwiasa, if there were people having difficulty to find out ritual paraphernalia, such as lunar coconut, or young coconut endocarp, they were allowed to ask to Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa Bali. This was often done by people around Nusa Dua and it was considered quite rewarding. Other than Herbal Garden tours, cultural activities such as the making of canangsari oblation were also offered to tourists staying in the hotel. In fact, it could become one of the favorites in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Concerning with Balinese culture, the management did not underestimate it. Indeed, it had become an important point and delivered the Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa to receive Gold Medal in the THK Awards 2010. “We want the spirit of Bali to embellish every single corner of our building. Unlike other hotels existing throughout the world, they are almost the same and monotonous. But, we must have a distinctive and unique characteristic, so it can become our hallmark,” said Reto. This thoroughly looked real and very

grandiose where everything was based on Balinese traditions, ranging from the details that did not change. Even, it was fully supported by the owner of this five-star hotel. Though repairs and renovations were held each year, they might not eliminate the local culture, whether they were material or workforce in use. Indirectly, this hotel invested in local interests, not just looking for benefits from tourism but could give something valuable which was rarely done by entrepreneurs in Bali. Indeed, in the matter of culture it was inseparable from the role of human as the executor. It encouraged the hotel to pay attention to the welfare of employees, so everything would go in harmony. One of them was realized through cooperative of employees breeding more than 100 pigs, where the profits would be shared equally by the number of existing employees in accordance with the principles of cooperatives. Management realized that human resources were the greatest asset. Without them, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa could not be a success as it is today. Such good appreciation was indeed intended for the employees of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Why should wait, plan your holiday in Bali now and stay in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa to enjoy the harmony of Bali atmosphere. v BTNewspapers/Krisna

GM of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa, Reto V. Torriani:

Balinese Architecture Is Our Typical Feature Reto V. Torriani, General Manager of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa, indeed has a high appreciation of the Bali culture. It is the main factor for maintaining the quality and values ​​contained in the Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept. And, it could directly be an asset that can preserve the values of culture and high art of Bali. The five-star hotel nestled within the luxury resort of ​​ BTDC Nusa Dua puts intensive care for Balinese culture and makes it a principal characteristic. In terms of the building structure, it strongly reflects the local culture of Bali from the tower-

ing split gates until the tower looking like a Kulkul Pavilion. Reto, his nickname, makes every effort to keep it because the values of cultural diversity make Bali the number one destination in the world. “We would like that every single guest staying here can feel the intense atmosphere of Bali,” said Reto who speaks six languages, one of which is Bahasa Indonesia. According to Reto, Balinese culture was very important and one of the ways to preserve it was by implementing the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK). “This is the way we appreciate the

indigenous wisdom of Balinese people,” he said. The THK concept had given the feel of a beautiful Balinese harmony either in terms of spiritual, community or social and natural environment. Reto re-affirmed that Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa wanted to keep the Balinese culture in order it could be a feature of this five-star hotel. “We do not only want to preserve, but will also present it to our next generation. So, the spirit of Bali will be well maintained for the future,” concluded Reto. v BTNewspapers/Krisna











No. 11, June 25 - July 10, 2011

Ever dream of riding the waves? Then sign up at this camp on Bali’s southern peninsula that’s within walking distance of some of the island’s best breaks.

surfers, lessons for novices start in the swimming pool, where students are taught how to handle and balance on their boards. Then it’s time to hit the beach.

The School

Don’t worry if the waves are too big—instructors lead students to breaks that match their ability. Outside of lessons, students are free to do what they want, though they’re encouraged to spend at least two hours a day in the water.

Led by experienced and fully trained Balinese

Roughing it, thankfully, isn’t required at this camp; budding surfers lodge in airy, tile-floored rooms housed in two Wi-Fi-equipped tropical mod villas set on either side of a large swimming pool. And while graduates probably won’t join the ASP World Tour, Padang Padang’s owner Andrew Roberts does make one promise: “They’ll walk away exhilarated from having experienced the best sport in the world in the world’s best location for it.” v BTNewspapers/

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