Bali Travel Newspaper Vol. I No. 14

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t of Bali, piri e s ture. th o f n a n

”THK Awa rd the ca s & re A fo r

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Vol. I, No. 14  August 11 - 24, 2011










IDR. 2,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia ; Phone/fax (0361) 227610 Email : ; Licence/SIUPK : 0094 / 22-09 / PK / I / 2011; TDP :


VER fancy yourself being a mermaid? Being able to swim along with other creatures of the sea , moving to the rhythm of the waves? In the Bunaken Marine Park, you will encounter a real “mermaid”, and you can also get a glimpse of sea life here.

Bunaken is an 8.08 km² island in the Bay of Manado, situated in the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken forms part of the administrative city of Manado , capital of North Sulawesi. The marine Park around Bunaken is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado Tua – or Old Manado, Siladen and Mantehage. MORE INFO PAGE VI

For further information, please contact: SENTOSA PRIVATE VILLAS AND SPA, BALI Jl. Pura Telaga Waja, Petitenget, Seminyak, Bali 80361, Indonesia • Phone: +62 361 730 333 • Fax: +62 361 737 111 E-mail: • Website:











No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011

The Big Five of Tri Hita Karana (3)

Main characteristics of the concept of THK By Jan Hendrik Peters Strategic Advisor THK Foundation Guiding

In this last article of the trilogy about the characteristics of THK the characteristics of ‘guiding’ and ‘spiritual’ will be discussed. What does it mean THK as guideline in daily life? To be honest, I was previously a little suspicious about the impact of THK on daily life. This feeling is mainly based on my own experience as a Christian. Although my father was a pastor and I grew up with the Bible, did my confession at the age of 18, when I was considered to be an adult, who could make his own decisions, I still do not attend the services in the church regulary. And be aware, I am not the only one who drifted apart from religion. Many more especially young people in the West turned their back to religion, because they did no find answers on their questions in life. They saw that the church has institutionalized and has lost its attractiveness to be a guide in daily life. Secularization nowadays has become a big problem and you can see that traditional churches such as Christianity and Catholicism are trying hard to recover from the loss of followers. But for that they have to turn inside out. However, this process of secularization seems to have stopped. Everywhere in the world you can perceive a new longing for spirituality since the trust in just capitalism and materialism has been shocked by the recent economic collapse that apparently nobody could prevent not even mighty America or Europe. Against this background it is interesting to discuss the significance of THK for the Balinese and whether this philosophy is really guiding, what it pretends to be.

Whoever I meet, he or she knows about THK, even young people who –by the way- are much more interested in Harry Potter than in THK. Harry Potter is their hero and they follow him enthusiastically on all his adventures, which are apparently more fascinating than the adventures of Arjuna or Rama, as described in Mahabharata and Ramayana. The stories from these holy Hindu books are reflected in all kinds of art on Bali. You just open your eyes and everywhere you will recognize all these fantastic and fascinating Hindu adventures of the hero’s Arjuna and Rama. What would be the reason that the romance of Romeo and Juliet is far more popular by the youth than that of Rama and Sita? As love stories both are comparable but the story of Rama and Sita is more than just a love story. It symbolizes that the supra-natural power of God is reigning over the universe and that mankind is part of it. Good and Bad are linked to each other; if you find one, the other will be nearby; you can be sure about that. Anytime that Bad threatens to get the upper hand, the balance has to be restored, if needed by war. This theme of Good and Bad runs as a red thread through all the holy books and to look for balance between these two is some kind of commandment to mankind. Reflecting on this, I am still slightly confused that the Balinese youth is so much more triggered by Harry Potter than by the Hindu heroes, whom I myself love so much. Could it be that this has to do with the so-called westernization, a terrific phenomenon undermining the Balinese identity and spirit? It seems a little bit trivial to linger any longer to this question but it isn’t. No more or less than the credibility of the unique Hindu belief of the youth is at stake and it will be extremely important to analyze the reasons how this credibility can be reinforced. If the youth will lose trust in their religion, the future will be dark. And Bali as Island of the Gods will fade away. Imagine George Clooney and Julia Roberts as Rama and Sita Maybe the solution to improve the accessibility of Hindu belief including the philosophy of THK is not that far away. What would you think for example of a film movie about the love story of Rama and Sita with the Hollywood stars George Clooney as Rama and Julia Roberts as Sita. I bet that this cast will open the door to the hearts of the youth. The same could be said of a play about the battle of the pious Pandava brothers against the evil Kurawa brothers in which Arjuna could be played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Krishna by Richard Gere. You will understand that this is just imagina-

tion. But the suggestion as such is serious, namely to present spirituality in a way that modern people will understand what has been written down so long ago. The spiritual truth survives the ravages of time; only its appearance has to be adapted to modern times and especially to the lifestyle of young people. If we are not able to do so, the youth will go its own way, not bothering about the problems of parents and community who apparently are missing the empathy to understand the mentality of their children. So I would say, let’s try hard to find new ways for promoting Hindu belief and THK. Learning by doing The way parents teach their children nowadays is fine and convincings. Just by taking them to the temple, these children will experience Hindu belief by participating in all kind of rituals according to the principle of ‘learning by doing’. However, more has to be done, which will win the youngsters for spirituality in their life. Hindu belief and THK in a new coat will also attract the older generation. In daily life we are familiar with replacing our old coat by a new one, so why not doing the same with spirituality? We just change the package, but in both cases the person or the message will be the same. Interactive teaching The teaching in school and universities requires also new approaches. The old method of one-way teaching has to be replaced by so-called interactive teaching in which the student is much more actively involved as in the past. Integration of Hindu belief and of the philosophy of THK in the curriculum of these schools of education can be considered as a first condition for successfully promoting spirituality among young people. In this respect a comparison with other religions is recommendable. Respect for people with different convictions will increase the credibility of your own belief and knowledge of other convictions will contribute to a peaceful coexistence and will make this world sustainable. At the moment some universities on Bali do not feel motivated to integrate Hindu belief and the philosophy of THK into their education and research concept. This is to my opinion incomprehensible. The results of all education, training and research have to be focused exclusively on the increase of the well-being of Balinese. This ambition can only be realized if embedded in Hindu belief and THK. Both are promising happiness if you are willing to surrender to their guiding. In politics The biggest complaint about politics is that candidates in election time are promising golden mountains in order to win the votes of the people, but that after election the politicians forget their promises and are only focused on their own interest. There is much to say about this, but in the

context of this article only the correlation between politics and the philosophy of THK is relevant. Although there is a strict division between the two and THK as such is non-political, these principles absolutely do not mean that politics on Bali would have nothing to do with the life philosophy of THK. If the vast majority of Balinese is Hindu, it seems logical that also the vast majority of politicians will be Hindu and that these politicians will make politics in line with the concept of THK. The promotion of THK as the only uniqueness for Balinese to become happy and the promotion of THK as the only uniqueness to save Bali tourism as one of the spiritual hotspots in the world have to be guiding for politicians. Different opinions will always exist even among like-minded politicians with the same background. But if these politicians would make politics which are conflicting with THK, I would recommend that these politicians would never be reelected, in spite of all their promises. Just ask in election time what actions the candidate-politicians have in minds that are inline with THK. It is clear that of course only those candidates who try hard to act according to THK have to be elected. At least the candidates have to agree with 3 big items. Firstly that tourism is for the benefit of the Balinese people and not the other way around; secondly that THK is the unique selling point to promote Bali as a spiritual center in the world; and last but not least to support the implementation of THK on Bali financially. It will be insufficient to answer all these questions positively. The proof of the pudding is the eating, which means that the candidates have to specify what concrete actions they will do with regard to each of these 3 big items. That’s more than just promises! Spiritual A trilogy about the characteristics of the philosophy of THK can not be concluded without mentioning the credo, in which moksha, ngayah and taksu are crucial notions. The logo of THK symbolizes the three aspects that bring about well-being (God, People and Earth). This symbol has a somewhat ‘egocentric’ flavor, denoting that man is the axis of everything. The target of Balinese life, based on THK, is truth, wisdom and happiness, with as ultimate goal moksha that means happiness without sadness. People are able to accomplish the highest of moksha by reincarnation. The daily life of Balinese implies a long dedication to reach perfection of life (ngayah). People living in line with THK will become taksu, which means spiritually empowered. This high feeling is some kind of spirit (inner power) derived from the God and only given by the God to people devoted to Him. There is much more to be said about this credo of THK but this will do for the moment. A more comprehensive article about the credo of THK will follow soon. 

Sustainable Travel International Joins the International Council of Tourism Partners N









Chief Editor : Wisnu Wardana; Publicist: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra, Journalists/contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man, Krisna; Marketing : Made Yudha ; Secretariate : Dewi ; Address : Jl. Melati 43 Denpasar, BaliIndonesia ; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610 Email : ; Jakarta : Bambang Hermawan, Villa Pamulang Mas, Blok C9/4, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan ; NTB : Riyanto Rabbah, Jl. Abdul Kadir Munsi, Gang Dahlia No. 14, Mataram ; Yogyakarta : Titah Pratyaksa (083 1190 19410); Bank : BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya.

THE INTERNATIONAL Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) welcomed today (July 27, 2011) Sustainable Travel International (STI) as a new strategic partner. “We are pleased to welcome Sustainable Travel International into our alliance of destinations as a strategic partner. This is an important partnership to further our vision of responsible tourism destinations working together,” said Juergen Thomas Steinmetz, Chairman of ICTP. “Sustainable Travel International is thrilled to join in strategic partnership with the ICTP Alliance,” said STI’s President and CEO, Brian Mullis. “ICTP’s efforts toward socially responsible and sustainable travel align extremely well with our mission, and this

partnership will shine a light on our efforts to help destinations worldwide – and the tourism operators that serve them – protect their natural environment, preserve their cultural heritage, and achieve economic viability.” About STI Sustainable Travel International (STI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on effecting systemic change in tourism development since 2002. STI specializes in programs that help travelers, businesses, and destinations implement innovative sustainable tourism initiatives and generate significant “triple bottom line” impacts. About ICTP ICTP is a new global alliance to support

and promote destinations with a shared belief in well-managed travel and tourism as a driver of community business, jobs, well being, and happiness. Membership is open to any country, city, or community that aspires to be a top travel and tourism destination and engages their stakeholders in the process. The alliance is about sharing resources and increase business for your destination in: Opening up and maintaining new markets for your destination; Sharing resources to reach out to primary and secondary markets; and Sharing resources to reach out to global media, trade, and consumers. www.  BTNewspaper/










No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011


Meeting of Tri Hita Karana Bali with Governor of Bali

THK Awards & Accreditation must be set by law for Bali Preservation TRI Hita Karana philosophy posing one of the local (Balinese) philosophies was stipulated in 1969 as the basis for the development of Bali. “Therefore, now is the time to set it by law through regional regulation, so any hotel or anyone who invests in Bali should implement the concept of Tri Hita Karana,” said Governor of Bali, represented by Assistant II, Ketut Widja, when receiving the Boards of Tri Hita Karana (THK) Foundation as the organizer of THK Tourism Awards & Accreditation on Thursday (Jul 28) in the Meeting Room of Regional Secretariat in the Office of Governor of Bali. THK Bali team led by I Gusti Ngurah Wisnu Wardana was accompanied by Rudia Adiputra, (Parhyangan Coordinator), Dr. A.A. Suryawan Wiranata (Palemahan Coordinator) and Made Yudha (Pawongan Coordinator/Treasurer). Additionally, there were also the officials of the Association of Tri

Hita Karana (P3THK) participants and Observers such as Gde Suarsa (Chairman), Made Wijaya (Vice Chairman), Wetny (Secretary) and Awantari (Chairwoman of the Award Organizer). “We as one of the representations of Balinese people who have the concern to preserve Bali with the foundation of THK would like to evaluate whether hotels, schools and government offices have implemented the THK concept,” said Wisnu Wardana. On that occasion, it was reported the progress of THK activities during the first semester (JanuaryJuly 2011). Starting this year, THK Tourism Awards & Accreditation would be held by a public foundation called THK Bali Foundation. It was intended that implementation of the THK Awards could take place professionally because there was an agency (NGO) running the tasks

to evaluate the implementation of THK Awards. “Now, THK Awards is carried out professionally and expected to

become a benchmark whether everyone having development activities in Bali has implemented the Tri Hita Karana or not,” said the editor in chief of Bali Travel Newspaper. The governor represented by his Assistant II, Ketut Wija, was glad to welcome the matter. Thus, THK did not only belong to Bali, but it could also be adopted by the international community. “As a famous tourist destination in the world, we should be able to bring this THK Tourism Awards to international accreditation standards,”

said Ketut Wija. It was added, if implementation of THK had been set by Regional Regulation (Perda), then all tourism sectors would join this program and there would be sanctions for those who did not carry out the implementation of THK. “Government wants that all investors in Bali implement THK to show off the nuance of Bali. On that account, all hotels should join this THK Tourism Awards & Accreditation,” said Wija.  BTNewspaper/ Krisna

Regalia Show in Bali Safari and Marine Park

Latest and Spectacular Performing Show in Bali AFTER the opening night of the Regalia Show - The Enchanted Forest, Saturday (Jun 4), the Bali Theater in the Bali Safari and Marine Park is proud to inform that Regalia Show has come back with a new theme: Regalia—In Search of Love. This matter was revealed in a press conference held in the meeting hall of TVRI Bali on Wednesday (Jul 13).

INDONESIAN Food and Baverages Executive Club (IFBEC) held a Gathering for July on Thursday (July 28th) at the seaside restaurant Aston Hotel Tanjung Benoa. Their agenda meeting is introducing a new members by the Chairman, I Nyoman Gede Suasta. Followed by adding the familiarity of each member as well as establishing family relationships.  BTNewspaper / Photo by: Krishna

This time, the show presents a combination of contemporary acrobatic attraction dance in the air and fire dance. Balinese artist I Made Sidia serving as art director of the performance of Bali Agung repackaged the show and made collaboration with Jerome ‘Jay’ Maurel, a renowned choreographer managing the X-treme Production in Bali. Regalia show - In Search of Love with the style of Cirque-Du-Soleil that has been famous worldwide features a love story wrapped up with an interesting variety of acrobatic attractions. Stage arrangement is conjured up beautifully by a Swiss designer Orlando Bassi who has experience in the Cirque Du Soleil show, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, 20,000 BC, Legend of The Seeker, and many others. In addition, it is also backed by dramatic lighting to make the characters of more than 40 dancers come alive.

The story re-packaged by creative team of Balinese Theater is also supervised by Peter J Wilson. Collaboration of Peter and Made has no doubt through their work, Bali Agung, denoting a regular performance in Bali Theater. Peter Wilson is a renowned director who created magnificent performances at the opening of the Sydney 2000 Olympics and Asian Games Doha 2006. Meanwhile, I Made Sidia is a renowned puppeteer who is challenged to create different works of art through this Regalia performance. The fire dancers, led by Jay Maurel through the X-treme Productions is the world champion of experienced dancers. Backed by dancers of Paripurna Dance Studio of Bona, the performances will take place over the next two months and can be enjoyed every Thursday through Saturday at 7:00 p.m. in Bali Theater.  BTNewspaper/PR











No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011

Food and Beverage Promotions ENTERING the final holiday season in July 2011 Aston at Grand Kuta offers a food and beverage promotion valid until August 2011 which begins at 07.00 pm night with the theme “Pasar Tradisional” which will be held every Friday evening at poolside Jasmine and is equipped with the accompaniment of music that certainly adds to the typical Rindik warm relaxed atmosphere. Our diverse menu that will serve as SATE which consists of three variants there are fish, shrimp and squid which are confirmed in a fresh condition and you can enjoy for just IDR 35.000/net. There also SOTO BETAWI, SIOMAY, and ROTI BAKAR with a different flavor than most because the ingredients a reliable quality materials by our Chef. As a companion food, we also provid drinks BAJIGUR, BANDREK and ANGSLE that you can enjoy in convenient outlets such as Magnolia Café, Lobby and Pool Bar Jasmine.  For further information and images please contact: ASTON at Grand Kuta Hotel and Residence Jl. Dewi Sri No.8, Legian – Kuta, Bali. Ph.: 0361 300 0888; Fax: 0361 300 0999 E:; Web:

ZLATOGOR THE BEST VODKA FROM UKRAINE The Zlatogor soft Vodka is traditional Ukraine Vodka, loaded with a spicy, clean aroma, soft, slightly sweet in flavour, smoth with a medium to full weight. And made with a high quality alcohol & specially treated water from artesian that been used in production of medicinal mineral water. Zlatogor brand now has stock available in Bali Wein. Distributor in Bali


Jl. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu No.238 XY, Br.Tegal Buah, Padang Sambian Klod - Denpasar - Bali. Ph. 0361-2748572, Fax. 0361-410200

Sakti S k i Di Dining i Room

Living foods are highly rejuvenating. Plant-based foods in their original, un-heated (uncooked) state are considered raw and alive. They include fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, seaweed and fresh juices. When prepared uncooked or in a special dehydrated food dryer at less than 48 °C / 118°F , they retain the vital life force nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen) and live enzymes required to digest food, repair cellular damage and create billions of healthy new cells every day. Living foods provide the maximum amount of energy with minimal bodily effort, and have been proven to help heal degenerative conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. These nutrient-rich foods are also effective in treating allergies, digestive disorders, weak immune systems, high cholesterol, obesity and weight problems, as well as various mental, emotional and skin disorders.  Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa Banjar Baturning, Mambal, Bali, Indonesia 80352 62 361 469 206

FIVELEMENTS’ Sakti Dining Room is dedicated foremost to healing cuisine. Here, we will show you that you don’t have to sacrifice the beauty and pleasure of food in order to enjoy healthy eating. Over half our selections are living raw food dishes, which are rich in nutrients and sakti healing power. The remaining dishes on the menu are lighter vegetarian preparations that nourish the body and soul. Eating pure, organic, vegan, uncooked foods can fill you with more energy than you ever dreamed was possible. Through customised diet plans, meal plans, nutritional assessment and consultations, we hope to inspire and empower you about how to bring more wholesome foods into your daily life. These healing foods will enable you to attain improved health and you will feel the benefits of better nourishing and nurturing your body, mind and spirit. Upholding the principle of organic farming practices, we believe that food must honour its environment in order to be truly healthy. For this reason we choose produce with integrity at all times. We support local farmers who are striving to produce the cleanest and best-tasting foods in Bali by following natural rhythms and using organic composts and fertilisers to enrich the soil. “We invite you to share a meal in our Sakti Dining Room, offering VISITORS at 1688 BEACH BAR, can an inspiring gastronomical healing journey based on innovative living enjoy the very natural view and also be cuisine prepared by our team of devoted chefs,” said Agus Suananda, entertained by a “Live Music” Quartet, General Manager of the Fivelements. keyboard with singers and at the special moment, will be highlighted by DJ MUSIC Healing with Living Foods to raise the appetite of the Restaurant Living foods provide life force. Fundamental to personal health & Bar. and a healthy planet, they support natural healing through cleansing The concept of the restaurant in to help us reach our highest potential. By integrating raw living foods order to get visitor satisfaction is styled as into our daily lives, we can look forward to wellness, greater energy casual and relaxed, also they can get pleaand mental clarity, a positive outlook on life and spiritual awakening. sure from some seats that placed near the beach so then visitors definitely could feel the breeze, waves and patter panorama of the white sandy beach of Sanur. 1688 BEACH BAR offers a variety of cuisines especially the “Lamb Chop”, “Pork Rib”, “Pork Chop”, “Beef Tenderloin”, “Chicken Leg” and a variety of pizza to compliment the extraordinary menu. “By enjoying the significant view of Sanur beach in a very strategic location, with the impression of the restaurant being a warm, tranquil, and offer special DJ Music as well as extraordinary menu prepared by our skilled chefs with very competitive prices, we are confident that Coffee – Cakes – Sandwiches - Light meals and Catering the restaurant is diverse and the only one in Bali, especially in the Sanur area “, said Mr Sugeng Pramono, General Manager of

Various Cuisines from 1688 Beach Bar

Jl. Tamblingan Sanur 0361-289 361 Bring this ad and get 10% off

BALI DISTRIBUTOR: PT. DELTA SATRIA DEWATA Jl. Imam Bonjol 226 A - Denpasar Email :

Inna Grand Bali Beach at the opening of 1688 Beach Bar on Thursday, June 30, 2011.”The breakthrough that we have done in the hope not only enjoyed by the in-house guests also others” he added. The atmosphere is fantastic impression; with an innovative full meal treats at a special restaurant would include the option for visitors to come to the 1688 Beach Bar of Inna Grand Bali Beach. 1688 Beach Bar located at Tirta Pool area, Garden Wing INNA GRAND BALI BEACH Jalan Hang Tuah, Sanur Ph. 0361 – 288 511; Fax : 0361 – 287 917 E : W :










No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011


Mr.Jan and Mrs. Neele

AS AN appreciation to Tourism Police Officers, Aston at Grand Kuta Hotel and Residence held a Sales Blitz on July 20, 2011. The appreciation is dedicated to all police officer for their hard work in maintaining environment a safely especialy in tourism and hospitaly. On this occasion, we visited the Tourism Police office and Integrated Police Radio Community that handles the police radio channel in Bali. During the blitz, they expressed their readiness to serve the people who need help with security and order at all times. As well as to Aston at Grand Kuta they will conduct security cooperation, both directly and through the media of Bantuan Komunikasi Mitra Polri Polda Bali.  BTNewspaper/PR

ACCORDING to these tourists from Germany, they really enjoyed staying in Bali though it was their first time to Indonesia. They were a newlywed and they wanted to spend their precious times as their special honeymoon. This p went to the travel agency to ask couple ab about the best de destination for them, since th they wanted to go far away from Germ many. They f followed the t travel agency t take Bali as to t their choice. In their opinion, Bali diff t diff was different, differentt in culture, religion, and the food. It was strange and a new for them, however they love doing something new. “I like Asian food cause it’s spicy”, said Mr. Jan to Andrew & Novi, Trainees at the Communication Department, Bali Tropic Resort & Spa . “It’s different from sausages in Germany”, added Mr. Jan. On the other hand, his wife, Mrs. Neele, liked salak fruit, the typical tropical fruit in Bali.

They stayed in Bali Tropic Resort and Spa in Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali. Every morning, Mrs. Neele joined aquacise or water aerobics. It was one of facilities provided by the Hotel. She enjoyed it so much since as she did it in Germany and surprisingly she found it here, in this Hotel. According to her, it is a simple sport, easy to do but makes your body healthy. Additionally, it was different from Germany. The aquacise here was less exhausting than one in the Germany. In Germany, the aquacise tend to be more powerful and energetic in movement. Another activity that they did was snorkeling. “It was beautiful”, they said. They used to do it in Germany but in their pool.Though they reside near seaside and snorkel there,yet they can’t clearly see the sea creatures in the beach in Germany not like in Bali,“In Bali we can clearly see the fish and beautiful coral”, said Mrs. Neele. The couple were pleased to spend their honeymoon here, they were really happy staying in Bali Tropic since everything was good from the services, activities, and the employees, everybody was so friendly.  BTNewspaper/ Andrew &Novi

Accor Bali Hotels Joined the students Harvesting Their Vegetables SUCCEEDING the first step of a four month Verticulture program conducted last May, the Accor Bali hotels team gathered up at YPAC Jimbaran for the harvest time on 2nd August 2011. Opening the event, Thierry Gasnier, the Chairman of CSR Program for Accor Bali & Lombok region congratulated the students and teachers for their commitment and hard work on ensuring the success of the program. “It was just few months ago we handed you the seeds and we learned together how to plant those ergonomic vegetables. Now we can see how you have implemented the skill from the training and it is time to


Pedagang Besar Alat-alat Kesehatan dan Kedokteran

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Jl. Pulau Buton No. 19 Denpasar - Bali Telp. (0361) 743815, 223803 Fax. (0361) 226687 email :

Singaraja Hills is currently in the process of refining tropical viticulture techniques to grow grapes with the characteristics required to compete against varietal wines from temperate climates. The first vintages of these quality wines will be available soon

Office Jln. Tangkuban Perahu 1A Kuta Utara Ph +62 361 734661/ 734931 Fax +62 361 734260 Winery Desa Tajun Jalan Raya Singaraja-Kintamani

Website :, E-mail :

Welcome to the North-West of Bali Welcome to Matahari Beach Resort & Spa Hidden in an almost unknown part of Bali, our hotel is a perfect place for those seeking a relaxing holiday. Magnus and Parwathi Bauch created together with their team a hotel which echoes a traditional Balinese village.

SUPPLIER ADDRESS : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 216, Sanur Denpasar 80228, Bali - Indonesia Phone. +62 (361) 281745 Fax. +62 (361)289549 E-mail :

Jl. Raya Seririt - Gilimanuk, Ds. Pemuteran, Kec. Gerokgak, Kab. Buleleng - 81155 BALI - INDONESIA, Tel (++ 62) 362 92 312 / 93 435, Fax (++ 62) 362 92 313

celebrate and enjoy enjoy,”” he says. says Added to the fun that day, Chef Adi from Mercure Resort Sanur took the opportunity to share his skill with the children; a fun cooking demonstration using the freshly harvested vegetables. It is the hope of the Accor Bali hotels team that the Verticulture program will give the children and teachers skill to a better life, healthier and at the same time having more responsibility to their environment. This goal is aligned with the twin goals of “A Tree for A Child” program; alleviating poverty and protecting the environment through four major pillars: education, healthcare, nutrition and tree planting.  BTNewspaper/PR











No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011

Warmadewa University

THK Always Lies in the Heart of Academician Society WA R M A D E WA University or commonly abbreviated as Unwar is one of the universities in Denpasar, Bali. It is under supervision of the Private Higher Education Co-ordinator of Region VIIII d (Kopertis) and managed n. by Korpri Bali Foundation. ty The name of the university was proposed by the Governor of Bali at the time namely the late Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra to honor and commemorate a king of Bali before the reign of Majapahit, Sri Kesari Warmadewa. Unwar was established on the basis

of concern co of the leaders in Bal Bali in 1983 with the aim of improving the quality of higher education es especially in Bali and N Nusa Tenggara in gene eral. It was established t through several stages a reflected in the hisas tory of the establishment. At present, the Warmadewa U University manages six faculties and 13 study programs with total students of 5,872 (in 2009) and total alumni of 20,339. Vision of Warmadewa University is to make the institution a center of higher education that produces high quality, eco-

friendly and beneficial graduates for the nation. This is the basis for Warmadewa University to continuously improve the existing performances. One of them is the success to achieve the GOLD category in the accreditation of Tri Hita Karana Widya Nugraha 2010. According to the THK team coordinator of Warmadewa University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Wayan Runa, as one of the private higher education institutions in Bali, the concept of Tri Hita Karana continued to be a reference for the academic community in the campus. “Cultural, social and environmental aspect should be harmonious and they always lie in every single heart of our academician society,” said Prof. Runa.  BTNewspaper/Krisna

Bunaken EVER FANCY yourself being a mermaid? Being able to swim along with other creatures of the sea , moving to the rhythm of the waves? In the Bunaken Marine Park, you will encounter a real “mermaid”, and you can also get a glimpse of sea life here. Bunaken is an 8.08 km² island in the Bay of Manado, situated in the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken forms part of the administrative city of Manado , capital of North

Park, visitors can see various strange and colourful marine life along its sea bed. To reach this park, you can take a motorboat. The journey from Manado takes around 40 minutes. Entrance fee is 25,000 rupiahs per person per visit. The translucent waters of the Bunaken seas enable people to clearly view numerous sea biota. There are 13 species of coral reefs

pus), the white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tailed lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus) and others. Divers may also meet mollusk like the giant kima (Tridacna gigas), goat head (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius) and tunikates/ascidian.

Sulawesi Sulawesi. The marine Park around Bunaken is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado Tua – or Old Manado, Siladen and Mantehage. Within the Bunaken Marine

in this park, dominated by edge ridges and block ridges of rocks. TThe most attractive view is the steep vertical sloppy coral reef th that plunges down as deep as 2550 meters.

For those who enjoy scuba diving, this is a great place to be. With about 20 dive spots to choose from, divers will have the chance to swim below the sea, and frolic joyfully while admiring the sea creatures.

Feast your eyes on 91 types of fish found in the Bunaken National Park, amongst which are the locally known gusimi horse fish (Hippocam-

Make sure to visit Bunaken during its best season between May to August. That way you can explore the Park to its fullest.

Bunaken & Derawan Underwater Paradise Bunaken is a legend and its come-back is even more tantalizing. Conservation is underway and caring divers would love to reminisce the old times underwater. Fukui still leaves you awesome memories and worth the plunge. Derawan, a few nautical miles to the west, is a conservation area for marine life. It consists of small islands, namely Kakaban, Sangalaki, Maratua, and Derawan itself. Adventurers will not be disappointed when visiting Derawan marine conservation area. The meandering wooden boat through a picturesque river in Berau jungle, or a speeding boat slicing waves of Borneo Sea is an adrenalin-pumping access to Derawan. The underwater scenery there doubles the doze of the thrills of getting there.  BTNewspaper/Int’s










No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011


Adopting Balinese Culture as Activity Cornerstone THE HOTEL under the management of Accor Group could achieve the second gold in the Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards & Accreditation 2010. If this year it can maintain its golden performance, it will soon become a ‘Green Hotel’ because it will achieve the Emerald Award in THK Tourism Awards 2011. Of course, it is not easy to maintain and the hotel will definitely attempt to make self-improvement as well as to become a paragon and

a leader in the implementation of Tri Hita Karana concept. This matter was revealed when the team of Bali Travel Newspaper interviewed the General Manager of Novotel Bali Nusa Dua, Thierry Gasnier, Wednesday (Jul 3) accompanied by the whole team of Tri Hita Karana of Novotel Bali Nusa Dua. According to Thierry, THK should be the guiding philosophy in the Bali tourism industry. “THK will become the spirit in carrying out each task and can give a sense of responsibility to maintain the culture,” said Thierry. By the THK implementation, harmony could be realized together. With the respective religious brotherhood as well as the place of wor-

ship existing in the Novotel Bali Nusa Dua, respective devotee could perform their prayers service in temple, church and small mosque as well. Implementation of some religious activities such as breaking fast together, attending piodalan at temple and the event of Christmas’ Eve was clearly discernible in the hotel. In addition, the existing tourists were also given the opportunity to participate in the events. “To maintain the value of this tradition, our Balinese dance performances are also staged in certain ceremonies involving the community around the hotel,” said Thierry.

Harmony with the surrounding community as a form of implementation of Pawongan aspect was very well maintained. Moreover, it was also important to establish a good communication by implementing regular and scheduled Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Besides, there was no gap among the employees here. They always worked together, resulting in familiarity among them. Several social events were held in cooperation with the Foundation for Disabled Children Development (YPAC) of Bali

and served as the foster father for children in need. In addition, his party also made collaboration with Manu Waluya to conduct training for every employee. “The program to donate school uniforms and usable clothing for the orphanage as well as basic needs is a routine activity organized by the hotel,” he added. Meanwhile, in the field of Palemahan (environmental aspect), his party always added a few rare plants and continued to maintain them so in the future they would not be scarce in the Novotel Bali Nusa Dua. The ‘save the planet’ program implemented by not using excessive water and planting trees was always informed to every tourist staying in the hotel. There were also programs that did not add environmental pollution caused by chemicals from the laundry services such as by the use of towel that should not have to be washed frequently. “If there are 5 towels that are not washed, then we are obliged to plant a tree,” he said. “We are also using the ecofriendly materials in order to keep the earth healthy and good,” said Thierry. In the meantime, beach cleanup had become a daily agenda of the hotel. And, of course all the tourists loved with beautiful beach that had been nicely arranged. Eco-friendly educational program was also provided for YPAC children. They were taught to recycle used goods so they could be

reused. By doing so, they managed to make bags or other unique handicraft products by means of such used materials. Subsequently, they were sold to tourists for a humanitarian fund. “So we teach them to save the nature from plastic waste as well as to make donation for them

in YPAC,” said the GM from France. On that account, there is nothing wrong if you want to stay in the comfort and friendliness of the hotel denoting a candidate of Emerald Awards or Green Hotel, namely the Novotel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel & Residence.  BTN/Newspaper


THK Concept in Union with Our Vision GENERAL Manager of Novotel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel & Residence has a friendly nature but decisive in terms of implementing the Tri Hita Karana concepts in the hotel he chairs. One of them is by maintaining the existence of temple within the hotel environment. “I

always like various religious activities in Bali. On that account, it should be purified starting from ourselves up to maintenance of the temple in our hotel,” said the man who speaks Bahasa Indonesia fluently. This Chairman of Accor Group’s CSR Community added that Tri Hita Karana concept was very similar to the vision and mission statement of the Accor Group known as TRIPS standing for Trust, Relationship, Innovation, Performance and Spirit. “We in the management have implemented the THK principles in every single breath of our work. So, everything has been based on the TRIPS, namely the interpretation of THK in the Accor Group,” he said. Trust, maintaining good relationship, always making innovation for a better attitude and sense to present the best to tourists and the spirit of divinity values had become the

foundation of the entire management of Accor Group, without exception for Novotel Bali Nusa Dua. Indirectly, it was the elaboration of Tri Hita Karana concept, so it had to be maintained properly even enhanced. “We want to preserve the national cultural values. If we have implemented it, of course at any Accor Group management throughout Indonesia can be accredited with THK Awards & Accreditation,” said Thierry. Such sublime desire certainly becomes a shared responsibility to safeguard Bali and Indonesia based on Tri Hita Karana concept.  BTNewspaper/Krisna











No. 14, August 11 - 24, 2011

The Basic Principles of Balinese Kite-flying MOST children around oun nd the h kites. kites. world love to play with mucch But kite-flying in Bali is much more than a game for he kids. It is reflecting the principles of the wholee Balinese life: ‘balance’ and ‘harmony’, the sources of happiness, prosperity and peacefulness. re But what they are ow w about? It is the way how turre Gods, Human and Nature Witthcoexist in our daily life. Withld out them, a fulfilled lifee would be almost impossible. The human element you find by the fact that Balinese kite-flying needs a lot of people with experience: a team to hold the kite before it is taking off, the kite runners holding the line. And it takes a chief pilot, who takes all the critical decisions and gives instructions to keep the process of kite running. If the wind falls down, he has to react fast in trying to overcome this critical moment or if the kite falls down to wait for a chance to start again. The next important element is nature: Even the most talented kite-flying team has to stay on the ground with its kite, if there is no wind at all or the wind is blowing strongly. It means, a kite just can start when the wind-conditions and the operating-conditions of a kite (and these are human-made) are in a balanced relation to each other. Human and nature – kite-flyingman and wind – they are playing with each other. If one is missing, no kite will ever fly.

d With feet on the ground y, and the kite high in the sky, n at that moment you can imagine to be near to the gods, the third important element. No kite festival on Bali will ever start without an upacara in the temporary temple. The people are praying to Rare Angon, the god of kiting. The asking for a good wind and also pray for energy in life and promise to protect the environment. That is the underlying message of a kite festival. With the style and colors of their kites, the Balinese people honor the gods: the most famous models are the dragon kite (janggan), the fish kite (bebean) and the new moon kite (pecukan). The red color stands for Brahma, the black for Vishnu and white is the color of Shiva. According these principles, the winner of a kite flying competition will be that team what balanced the elements human, nature and gods in the best way.  BTNewspaper/ Torsten

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