Bali Travel Newspapers Vol.I, No.1Jan.11, 2011

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Official THK Newspapers Vol.I, No.1 Jan.11, 2011

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Web and Print Newspapers - Koran Internet dan Cetak sekaligus

Publisher/Chief Editor: Wisnu Wardana; Publicist/Contributors: Jan Hendrik Peters, KG. Dharma Putra; Journalists/Contributors: Torsten Thierbach, Gung Man; Marketing: Made Yudha

Address :Jl. Melati 43, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia Phone/Fax (0361) 227610 Email :

Our Writers Green Tourism in Promoting “Bali Clean and Green” Program, Dr. KG. Dharma Putra Bali has only a limited number of natural resources on the island, however, the uniqueness and beauty of the culture and the environment does make Bali famous as a world class tourism destination. Page 2

Managing Sustainable Forest on Wana Kertih Basis, Nyoman Sudipa, ST, MSi Environment involves the interaction of various components of nature, either the animate, inanimate and cultural components. Environment can be said harmonious if the three components can go hand in hand and support one another in natural ecosystems. Page ....

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, Stefan Fenanlampir Healthy mind sits in a healthy body. Thus, a famous Latin quotation mens sana in corpore sano says describing the totality of a balanced and harmonious life of healthy soul and healthy body. Both are inseparable and have a very close dependency. An unhealthy mind will greatly affect the health of the body and vice versa. If the mind or soul dies, the body will die, too. Page ....

Our Readers’ Letters I Love Bali I am a frequent visitor to Bali. I love Bali, it people its culture attraction and its climate. I hate what some are doing to it. I do not like the discharge of any waste into the environment. This goes for big hotels that discharge directly into the ocean, people that throw rubbish into the streets, village management that dump into a special place or landfill or governments that wish to flood mangrove with sewage. Page.....

Art & Cultures Watching Bali Agung Show in Bali Safari & Marine Park If you pay a visit to Bali Safari & Marine Park, do not forget to see the Bali Agung art performance taking place in the Bali Theatre. Page.....

Early Indigenous Balinese Dance In the 14th century, the defeat of Bali by the Majapahit Empire led to the creation of mini-principalities and courts. As a result, a blend of Javanese court and peasant culture was created in Bali. The present day accompanying narrative for dance and drama is largely based on court stories from pre-Majapahit Java. Tales of the Indian epics and Javanese influence can be seen. Page....

Local Wisdom

Tri Hita Karana A Life Lived in Balance is a Spiritual One

There is a saying among the Sufi mystics: “In the olden days, ‘Sufi’ as a term did not exist, but people lived the Sufi message. Now, the term ‘Sufi’ exists - but no one lives the message.” Unfortunately, the same can be said about Tri Hita Karana – a spiritual principle deeply rooted in the ancient culture of Indonesia and still popular on the island Bali. Tri means “three.” Interestingly, “3” is one of the most important numbers in all religious traditions. There is the Christian Trinity: God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit. There is the Sufi Trinity: Spiritual Mentor or Murshid; the prophet or Rasul; and God, Allah. The indigenous trinity of Bali and the Indonesian archipelago is called Trimurti –“Three Forms. ”These three forms can be explained by dissecting the word “God”; ”G” for Generator, ”O” for Operator and “D” for Destroyer. In the language of the ancients, these three functions are referred to, respectively, as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In the Balinese trinity, God’s function as a destroyer is a required prerequisite for regeneration. Continually seeking balance and harmony, the three seemingly different functions actually form a circle. Shiva is therefore often symbolized as Lingga, or phallus, having Yoni or the female organ its base. This is a complete symbol in itself; it can actually represent all three functions of God. In modern times, even the United Nations must use the number “3” to respond to

Emerald Medal of THK Award for Novotel Benoa Bali Page ....

the burning issue of climate change and its impact on all of us Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Similarly, in the world of science, we have electrons, protons and neutrons. Neutrons are the Vishnu or the operator aspect of God. They hold together the protons or Brahma; and electrons, or Shiva, are the positive and the negative. Also, human beings have three main layers of consciousness: generally termed as body, mind and soul. These are the physical layer, the mental/ emotional layer and the psyche. By developing all three, we evolve spiritually. Now, more on Tri Hita Karana. Hita is

“Welfare” and Karana means “Cause”. The Three Causes of Welfare, or rather General Wellbeing-that is the meaning of Tri Hita Karana: Or, if you will, the three guideposts to living a balanced existence. In olden days, not only on the island of Bali but the people living all over the Indonesian archipelago lived their lives by the principles of Tri Hita Karana. However, in those days, the concept preceded the actual use of the phrase Tri Hita Karana, which did not yet exist. The phrase, in fact, came into vogue much later. Scholars trace its usage back to a conference held in Bali on November 11, 1966, at Dwijendra University.


Green Corner

Green Tourism in Promoting “Bali Clean and Green” Program By Dr. Ketut Gede Dharma Putra

Bali has only a limited number of natural resources on the island, however, the uniqueness and beauty of the culture and the environment does make Bali famous as a world class tourism destination. The coastal and marine area has a huge potential to support the economy of Bali. Unfortunately threats to Bali’s nature have increased each year, due to the growing amount of unplanned development taking place along the region and environmental pollution. These are primary problems facing the island. Inadequate public consultation, low public awareness, limited employment alternatives, lack of an effective management system and conflict of interest among stakeholders and unplanned development are key factors. All of the problems combine together to contribute to the destruction of the environment through pollution and habitat loss, and degradation of the natural areas of beauty we all admire. The need for implementation of green tourism concept was determined as essential to maintain the island still clean and green. This was The Bali Clean and Green Program declared by the Government of Bali at the year 2009. This program will be working with the community development activities. A primary focus will be to enhance awareness and provide opportunities for participation of communities in the initiative to develop green economy, green culture and green energy. There are a broad range of negative physical and cultural environmental impacts resulting from tourism development in Bali starting from the beginning

of tourist region policy during the 1980’s, which can be categorized into three major types of concern such as resources usage, behavioral considerations and pollution.

development of green tourism and green culture in the promoting Bali Clean and Green Program. The community development program is needed to empower individuals and groups of people by The issue of resource, providing these groups usage such as tourism with the skills they need competes with other to affect change in their forms of development and own communities. Also human activities for natural it is necessary to show resources, especially land transparency to the wider and water. The use of natural community. resources subsequently leads to the transformation The approach of promoting of ecological habitats and the benefit of green and loss of flora and fauna. to improve the quality of health in Bali is very The issue of human successful with the use of behavior towards the local leaders and academia. destruction of environment, The activity is aimed at example by local people improving local community encouraged by the revenues development and creating a to be gained from tourism holistic approach to ensure and tourist can display a better perception among ignorance and disregard the community. for the environment. This can lead to a range of Some objectives to be negative consequences for reached include: the physical and cultural 1). To change from the environment. old top-down policy to a A range of different types bottom-up approach that of pollution can result from utilizes local knowledge tourism such as water, and skills; noise, air, and aesthetic To establish pollution. These can impact 2). on different scales from partnerships, synergy and local to global. In some knowledge among all destinations the effects stakeholders in order to of pollution are often enhance communication. associated with the level Understanding of common of tourism development objectives will follow and and the degree of planning increase the effectiveness of implementation.It does and efficiency of resource not have to be this way we development; must plan for sustainable 3). To achieve partnerships development not just for the through exchange of present future but for our information and a strong children’s future and their network that brings children’s future. We should together diverse experience put in place safeguards; and knowledge of various conditions even penalties stakeholders. to make all developments past and future enhance and The strategy to increase preserve our environment. the awareness of the E n v i r o n m e n t a l community in connection management controls are of the Bali Clean and currently non existent. Green Program is to work with local leaders and the The public participation communities. Through this and stakeholder partnership strategy there are some is a key issue, for the

activities prepared such as focus group discussion, social events and field trips. The development of Green Tourism also plays an important role in the Bali Clean and Green Program. The involvement of leaders, local scientist and other stakeholders especially in the tourism industry is supported through the implementation of Tri Hit Karana philosophy. This concept is derived from

the peoples’ belief that there is harmony between God, the communities and the nature. The concept “Community Base Tourism” is one of successful story in the implementation of sustainable development concept with the Tri Hita Karana implementation in the tourism industry. We will expand on this in future articles. (BTNewspapers/*)

Our Readers’ Letters

I Love Bali I am a frequent visitor to Bali. I love Bali, it people its culture attraction and its climate. I hate what some are doing to it. I do not like the discharge of any waste into the environment. This goes for big hotels that discharge directly into the ocean, people that throw rubbish into the streets, village management that dump into a special place or landfill or governments that wish to flood mangrove with sewage. When we learn that the environment and eventually the people are the losers from these actions. After all we are disposing of a resource that could be reused. Treatment plants for sewerage produce valuable secondary products. We are throwing away money in effect, our agriculture could benefit. Recycle should be a key word. So much from plastic wood, oil, even concrete can and is reused overseas. They make big profits from concrete through a crushing plant that accepts waste for nothing then produces road base and many other materials. Bali is already importing sand soon I predict many other resource products will become scarce. Clean land fill for building is another example. Plastics, on my observations Bali and Indonesia do a good job recycling these but more can be done every day we see on the streets and Bypass much rubbish containing plastic why? Wake up Bali before it is too late. Wake up government provide incentives for setting up Green industries and eventually green jobs. Sincerely yours Jeff Perth-Australia


Green Corner

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body By Stefan Fenanlampir

Healthy mind sits in a healthy body. Thus, a famous Latin quotation mens sana in corpore sano says describing the totality of a balanced and harmonious life of healthy soul and healthy body. Both are inseparable and have a very close dependency. A unhealthy mind will greatly affect the health of the body and vice versa. If the mind or soul dies, the body will die, too. I try to use this illustration to describe to what extent the totality of healthy, balanced and harmonious life, between the Tri Hita Karana as the soul of Balinese people and Bali Island as the body. The question is whether the Tri Hita Karana remains a healthy soul living within the Bali Island as a healthy body. As we know, the Tri Hita Karana concept consists of three pillars of balanced and harmonious life creating the happiness of human life. The

the very religious Balinese tradition and culture inspired by Hinduism. The culture itself consists of seven pillars including the art, language, customs, handicrafts, religion, architecture, and culinary. They constitute essential elements of a healthy soul. Any slight distortion occurs first pillar is Parhyangan against these elements will (spiritual aspect) denoting lead to less healthy life. a harmonious relationship of man to God as the Now let’s try to see Creator. The second whether each pillar is still pillar is Pawongan implemented genuinely (social aspect) posing a and consistently so that it harmonious relationship of ensures the healthy life on man to the fellows in the an ongoing basis. We take vicinity. Ultimately, the the example of the language third pillar is Palemahan pillar. Admittedly, there has (environmental aspect) been a serious distortion namely a harmonious in the Balinese language. relationship of humans to Today, the younger natural environment around generation of Bali is more them. This philosophy proud when they see their has deeply rooted in the children speaking a foreign life of Balinese people for language fluently. Some centuries and realized in

parents even admitted their children no longer speak Balinese language to other children surrounding their home. Balinese language is considered old-fashioned and archaic. For that purpose, on many occasions I always remind the parents to understand that Balinese language is their soul, the Indonesian language is the mother, and English is only the child.

the other pillars. Therefore, it requires an in-depth study and review to see how serious the distortion is and whether the Balinese culture becoming the soul and spirit of the Balinese people stays alive healthily on the Island of Bali as a healthy body.

Hopefully, every single resident living in Bali could become aware to actively maintain and preserve the People who do not keep Balinese culture becoming their soul will die, and the soul and spirit of those who do not know Balinese people as well their mother are a rebellious as the basis of sustainable child. It would be a very regional development of wise parent when educating Bali. Remember, a healthy children to fluently speak soul resides within a healthy Balinese language to body. nurture their soul, speak fluently Indonesian to * ) The writer is an observer maintain their Motherland, of Balinese culture and and speak foreign languages member of the Society of to improve the welfare. Tri Hita Karana. Distortion also ensues on

Managing Sustainable Forest on Wana Kertih Basis By Nyoman Sudipa Environment involves the interaction of various components of nature, either the animate, inanimate and cultural components. Environment can be said harmonious if the three components can go hand in hand and support one another in natural ecosystems.

(three horizontal zonal division) forest is seen as the guard of uttama mandala consisting of mountainous area sitting in the central Bali symbolized Harmony is created when human beings as controller of nature can by the establishment of manage the natural/human environment, taking advantage control, and use Batukaru Temple, Besakih nature in a sustainable manner. Temple, Lempuyang Temple et cetera where forests surround the As a matter of fact, the community is the concept brings good fortunes or the temples and stretch along source of life. environment intrinsically of Wana Kertih. the mountainous area in has the ability to purify Central Bali. itself from contamination Wana Kertih means In other words, forest has functions Wana Kertih and damage. managing the forest. Within hydrological as an the cultural system of ensuring the presence of indigenous concept However, the approach to Balinese community, forest water being very beneficial conveys a meaning that environmental management is viewed as a haunted for living organisms, as well our predecessors have been so far has been carried out area, a sacred territory that as the guardian of climate thinking about the concept of without the local people who can provide security and balance. environmental management have indigenous wisdom survival of the living beings prioritizing the harmony of in the environmental both inside and outside In the concept of the sacred nature and living creatures, management, including management. the forest. Therefore, territory the human forest environment must forest (wana kertih) plays beings to generate mutual One of the indigenous be maintained by the an important role where benefits. Now, a question wisdoms owned by Balinese community because forest the concept of Tri Mandala arises, how do we maintain

and continue the concept of Wana Kertih as an indigenous wisdom that can combine with the modern concept of environmental management? Surely, there must be a good synergy between government, civil society and all stakeholders, so the quality of our lives could be progressively improving.


Your Activities & Press Release Goes Gold in the THK Awards

KUTA - For the second consecutive year, Risata Bali Resort & Spa has been presented with a gold distinction in the island’s celebrated Tri Hita Karana Awards. Tri Hita Karana refers to a Balinese Hindu philosophy whereby physical and spiritual harmony is ultimately attained through a balanced existence. Essentially, Tri Hita Karana extends to maintaining the

Throughout 2010, Risata Bali Resort & Spa has continued its ongoing ‘go green’ movement with a number of eco-friendly activities including planting trees and installing an innovative waste water drainage system. Under the banner of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, the resort has also focused on ‘giving equilibrium between man, the environment and God Almighty. Tri Hita Karana is an annual initiative that was conceived by the Bali Post group, which publishes the island’s leading daily newspaper. The award was established to acknowledge the efforts of local hotels, resorts and villas that have committed to the social and spiritual values of Tri Hita Karana.

Nyoman Sudana: “If There’s a Higher than Emerald, Bali Tropic Certainly Wins It” A wealth of experience in hospitality industry has been deeply involved by a man named Nyoman Sudana. Various training and experience have been undergone by the man in round glasses with Sherlock Holmes-style. Starting from the position of office boy to GM in four-star hotel in Yogyakarta this is Mr. enhance the keenness of Nyoman. all employees to mutually He had such a relatively respect others, God, and the short time to get to know his hotel environment. hotel but with his humility he said that Bali Tropic THK Awards could also be Resort & Spa deserved to used as a hotel accreditation get emerald medal in the each year to enhance the THK Awards for two times image in the eyes of tourists. because the THK concept To that end, Bali Tropic had embedded in the heart would continue to strive for all of employees. So there improving the quality of was no doubt for the 5-star services to tourists in order hotel. “All existing here it could win another emerald always give priority to the medal. “If there is the Tri Hita Karana in every higher than emerald award, activity,” he said. In future Bali Tropic certainly can to come, he wanted the win again,” he said when hotel could win the THK ending the interview while Awards as his party could joking. (BTNewspapers/ Titah/Krisna)

back’to the local community by a hosting a regular blood donation campaign. Resident Manager of Risata Bali Resort & Spa, Ms. Sere Nababan, says, “It is indeed a great honour to receive this award for the second year running. Apart from ensuring guest satisfaction, another important aspect of running a hotel these

days is trying to reduce our impact on the surrounding environment. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to strengthen community ties and neutralise our carbon footprint. We look forward to continuing all of our sustainable endeavours throughout 2011.” (BTNewspapers/PR)

Tri Hita Karana A Life Lived in Balance is a Spiritual One

Continues from page 1

But enough about the history of the term; let’s examine its inner significance. The explanation generally given on the internet and in print about Tri Hita Karana is very simple: “It is keeping the balance and harmony between human beings (man) and God; among humankind (between man and man); and between mankind and the environment”. In the Balinese Language, we have three terms for these three types of relationship: Parahyangan for our relationship with God or the heavens; Pawongan for our relationship with other human beings; and Palemahan for our relationship with the environment. Our religious scholars often explain our relation with God as a vertical one, while our relationship with fellow human beings and with nature is said to be horizontal. How can we draw such lines? I ask: is this possible? Even more erroneous is the notion that there is a hierarchy of relationships; that the relationship with God has preeminence over relationships with nature and with the rest of humanity. The first cause of “General Wellbeing”, the very first Karana of Hita, i.e. Parahyangan- is not the keeping of balance and harmony between us and God, but “realizing God in one and all”. It is the experiencing of the omnipresence of God-that is the first cause of general wellbeing.

The first cause is the base, on which the other two causes stand. Or, rather, all three causes are in fact Tri Tunggal, Three but One: A genuine holy trinity that cannot be separated. Belief in God cannot help but be understood also to mean loving service to humankind. Love of God dictates a joyous coexistence among the members of human society. What use is our belief in God if we cannot live peacefully and harmoniously with our next door neighbor? This is the second cause, Pawongan. It is not the balance among human beings, but the principle of “one for all, and all for one” where ”one” is not our little egos, likes and dislikes, prejudices and preferences but “the good of as many as possible”.

How can we love God, the Source and Primal Cause behind all that exists, and still be hostile towards existence? How can we keep friendship with the Creator, and despise his creations? Bali bombers, members of the Taliban and other terrorist groups should understand, and understand it well, that they are not religious. The crimes committed by them in the name of religion can never be justified. The titles of “Loved” by God” or “Lover of God” that they often display before their names represent only wishful thinking and hallucination on their part.

This third cause entails caring for the environment: nature – the flora and fauna. It is the realization of one spirit-one and the same life force in all beings.

Similarly, the officials, entrepreneurs and their coteries I do not understand this term can you choose something else in Bali and elsewhere had better understand and understand it well, too that their disregard for nature and the environment will eventually result in nature’s and the environment’s disregard for them.

This is the ancient practice embodied in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It is the wisdom behind the great scientist’s discovery.

They can play with man made rules and regulations, but they cannot play with the laws of existence-the true laws of nature.

Long before Al Gore, the United Nations and other institutions began to talk about climate change and its impact on all of us, and long before the global warming became a hot issue, the ancients already advised us to be at peace with nature around us.

(BTNewspapers/from “The Wisdom of Bali, Anand Krishna)


Your Activities & Press Release

Celebrates the Season of Goodwill JIMBARAN - The spirit of Christmas at InterContinental Bali Resort was given a new lease of life this year with a nightly performance of carols by the children of the Salam Home Orphanage Choir.

Denpasar Festival 2010:

Domain Studded by Creation & Performance Having been ran twice and positively responded by the community, the Denpasar Festival 2010 was re-organized on December 28-31, 2010 downtown Denpasar right on the central crossroad. It served as the venue of the opening and exhibition arena. An event that previously was only utilized as a vehicle for showcasing a variety of products and leading culture of Denpasar had now begun to discover its own character and identity. The activity meant to show the creation for residents and visitors of Denpasar, its existence could become an asset as well as the trigger for tourism destination and development of Denpasar art culturally oriented city The theme Buana Citrakara of the Denpasar Festival 2010 was inspired by the Sanskrit word referring to Bhuwana (space) and Citrakara (painter, sculptor or image makers). On that account, the event became a space or domain for the blossoming creators characterized by high imagination and resulting in monumental creations, thoughts and actions. They did not only retain a quality of charm, but also benefited the public at large. “Within this context, Denpasar is presented as a space or a sphere graced by splendid creations and

accomplishments,” said the Mayor of Denpasar, Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra.

The children entertained in-house guests with a heartfelt medley of festive songs every evening by the Main Pool at sunset. Additionally, the Resort also hosted a charity exhibition of paintings entitled ‘Art with Heart’ and sold wooden angel dolls in an effort to raise funds for the orphanage. Together with some very generous guest donations, a total of USD 12,342 was collected. This amount will go directly towards covering the daily operational costs of the orphanage, which provides a nurturing home environment for the 50 local children currently in care.

floriculture enthusiasts, Bali Bicycle, Old Motorcycle Association, Barong Sai, and the students from kinder garden to senior high school with outstanding achievement in the regional and national levels.

Such a glorious year end celebration opened to the public was jazzed up with a variety of expressions indicating the achievement The parade came to an of creativity in various end with the endek fabric creations wrapping the entities. models of Denpasar beauty and student A myriad of artistic pageants expressions, both presented exchanges of the Indonesia in traditional, modern and Institute of Arts (ISI) from avant-garde nuance at least Uzbekistan and Hungary. could meet the 7 aspects, namely showcasing, selling, Without a pause, the action of inspiring, transforming, acrobatic entertaining, educating and Mepantingan (traditional promoting. All had been wrestling) took over and in the form of exhibition, delivered the ceremony to creative performance, talk peak the opening procession shows, creative demos of Denpasar Festival 2010. and expression space of Then, it was resumed community. with the presentation The splendor of the of happenings arts that opening was started by the elegantly hypnotized and parade of creativity being swept away the emotions by the various participants of hundreds of visitors of Denpasar Festival crowding the area of Denpasar. such as Chef association, Downtown customary village youth (BTNewspapers/Krisna) club across Denpasar, Bali Hip-Hop Community,

Gold Awards Jimbaran Bay - InterContinental Bali Resort is delighted to announce that was recently presented with a gold award in the annual Tri Hita Karana Tourism Awards for 2010. The awards identify and acknowledge local hotels, resorts and villas that have adhered to the social and spiritual values of Tri Hita Karana. Winners not only respect Bali’s unique cultural heritage, they also maintain the highest degree of business integrity as hospitality leaders. Tri Hita Karana is a Balinese Hindu philosophy that embodies the belief that physical and spiritual wellbeing is achieved through a balanced existence. This concept extends to maintaining a harmonious relationship between man, the environment and God Almighty. Picture captioned above from left to right: InterContinental Bali Resort General Manager Mr. Phil Riley together with his management team Mr AA Gede Joni, the Head of Resort’s Hindu Committee, Mr Narayana Manuaba , Human Resources Director, Mr Shaufan Husnika, Human Resources Manager and Mr Adam McDonald, Resort Manager, with the Gold Award acknowledgement for InterContinental Bali Resort. (BTNewspapers/PR)


General Info

The Whirlwind Tour Considering what to do in Bali, let me take you on a brief info about this island, Bali. This island of Bali is known as “a small island with the great potential”. Bali is a tourists paradise, also its people adhere the belief and culture of Hinduism. Geographically the location of Bali is situated between 7˚43’South Latitude and 8˚3’South Latitude and 144˚26’ East Meridian and 115˚ of East Meridian. This position is located down under equator between 23.5˚ North Latitude. Bali is one of the 33 Provinces in Indonesia, together with its small islands such as Nusa Penida, Ceningan and Lembongan with area covering 5.632,86 km². The population in 2010 was recorded 3.9 million. Geographically there is a mountain range extending from West to East characterized by some amazing peaks and features. Along the range of the mountain the peaks are formed in row with the peak of Merbuk Mountain (altitude 1.386 M), Patas Mountain (1.414 M), Agung Mountain (3.140 M), Batur Mountain (1.717 M), Seraya Mountain

(1.174 M) and some others. These mountains look more spectacular with some lakes in and around them. Those lakes are Beratan Lake with the extent of surface 370 hectare (Ha), Tamblingan Lake (110 Ha), Batur Lake (1.718.75 Ha) and Buyan Lake (350 Ha).

as the connector and it plays the role of communication of land transport, sea and air between West Nusa Tenggara and Java Island with the huge manufactures there. It is the communication between Asia and Australia; Bali strategically holds the facility of Ngurah Rai The plains that extend from Airport and some other West to East on the north seaports. and south of the island. The South plain is wider than Bali province is founded the north. based on the Constitute No.64 year of 1958 dated The plain are split by some August 14, 1958 with its rivers with the water is very capital Denpasar. Bali minimal and depends on the Province has 8 regencies rain fall and dry seasons. and one municipality of Denpasar. The regencies On the west and east are: 1. Buleleng Regency parts their rivers are short with its capital Singaraja; between 5-7 km, while in 2. Jembrana Regency the mid of the island the with its capital Negara; 3. rivers are longer between Tabanan Regency with its 18-30 km flowing across capital Tabanan; 4.Badung Badung regency, Tabanan Regency with its capital Regency and Gianyar Mangupura; 5.Gianyar Regency. Regency with its capital 6.Klungkung Bali island about the east of Gianyar; Regency with its capital Eastern Java Province on Semarapura; 7. Bangli the west; borders Lombok on the East (Nusa Tenggara Regency with its capital Province) within Lombok Bangli and 8.Karangasem canal comes between. On Regency with its capital the north Java Sea is located; Amlapura. Bali province is India Ocean is located on lead by Governor. We hope the South. Socio-economy, this will help you enjoy Bali Island is strategically your stay. and economically located

Consulates and Representatives in Bali Australian Consulate Website: Consular hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm - 12.30pm-4:00pm Visa hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am12:00pm Emergency: (0361) 241118 and follow the menu to connect direct to the 24hr Consular Operations Centre in Canberra Honorary Consulate of Brazil - Bali Address: C/- By The Sea Store, Jl Raya Legian No.186, Kuta 80361 Phone: (0361) 757 775, Fax: (0361) 751 005 Email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am6:00pm Emergency: 081344928 British Honorary Consulate - Bali/Lombok Email: Phone: (0361) 270 601 Office hours Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm Emergency: 0811802435. Jakarta Duty Officer or 08123838844 Bali Honorary Consul 08123838844 Cosulate of Chile - Bali/Lombok Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-

5:00pm Emergency: 0811394045 Consulate of Czech Republic Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Emergency: 08123970129 Consulate of France Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08123800124 Consualt of Germany email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08123913938 Consulate of Hungary Address: C/- Marintur Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 219 Sanur Email: Phone: (0361) 287701; Fax: (0361) 735232 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am12:00pm Emergency: 0811389680 or 0816790046 Consulate of Italy Website: Public hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am-

1:00pm Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am4:00pm Phone: (0361) 701 005 Emergency: 08123904471 Consulate of Japan Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Emergency: 08123801941

Consulate of Malaysia Address: Alam Kulkul Boutique Resort Jl Pantai Kuta, Legian Bali 80030 Phone: (0361) 752 520; Fax: (0361) 752 519 Email: Cunsulate of Mexico email: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-3:00pm Emergency: (0361) 288 218 or 0811399929 Consualte of the Netherlands website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am12:30pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Visa hours: 8:30am-12:30pm only

Emergency: +62 818789444

Danish/Denmark & Norway Consulate Website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-2:00pm Phone: (0361) 701070 ext 32; Fax : (0361) 701 073/4 Emergency: 08123802104 or 08123930809 Consulate of Spain Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm-4:00pm Emergency: (0361) 975 736 or 08123840801 Consulate of Sweden & Finland Email: Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am12:00pm Emergency: 08179723658 Swiss and Austrian Consulate Email: net Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am-1:00pm Emergency: (0361) 754 719; (0361) 730 149 or 08123948861 or 0818566392 The Royal Thai Consulate

Email: Address: Jl Puputan Raya No. 81, Renon Denpasar 80235 Office hours Monday to Friday 9:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm-4:00pm Visa hours Monday to Friday 9:00am-12:00pm – 1:30pm-4:00pm Emergency: 08164724466 Phone: (0361) 263 310; Fax: (0361) 238 044 Consular of United States of America Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am12:00pm – 1:00pm – 4:30pm Emergency: 08123802540 ICC Bali (Indian Culture Centre) Jln. Raya Puputan, Renon Denpasar


General Info Bali, in the middle of Indonesia Bali is a small island, more or less in the middle of the Republic of Indonesia, which currently is divided into 33 provinces. Bali constitutes a province, the smallest in terms of area and highly populated. There are about 3, 9 million people (2010). For rural Balinese life expectancy are 64.6 years and 61.1 years for people living in urban areas. To be precise, the census held in June 2000 indicated a population of 3,124,674 people, a population growth of 1.22 per cent, between 1990 and 2000 and a population density of 555 people per square kilometer.

Bali is about 95 per cent, Hindu or rather BaliHindu.

Balinese weather Every year several hundred inches of rain fall on most of Bali. This has resulted in the growth of dense tropical forests, which would have covered the island until about 1,000 years ago when the irrigation system was instituted. Today there are forests only at high elevations and in the west of the island.

The western forest, which is now a national park, was home for tigers until Europeans hunted them to extinction at the beginning of the 20th century. There According to Raffles in are still a few rare species his History of Java: “The of birds found only in these natives of Bali, although of parts, such as the Rothschild the same original stock with mynah. the Javans, exhibit several striking differences, not Temperature only in their manners and the degree of civilization Bali has a uniform they have attained, but in temperature throughout the their features and bodily year. The average annual appearance. They are temperature is 27 C or 81 F. above the middle size of the There are three reasons for Asiatics, and exceed both this: in stature and muscular power, either the Javan or Humidity the Malayu.” Heat comes from the Bali measures about 150 earth, which absorbs kilometers (90 miles) the sun’s radiation east to west and about and is re-radiated and 80 kilometers (50 miles) absorbed by moisture in north to south. The area is the air. Bali’s constant a little over 5,000 square high humidity therefore constant kilometers (2,100 square provides miles) or 0.29 per cent of uniform temperatures. the total area of Indonesia. It lies about 8 or 9 degrees Seasons south of the equator and There are only two seasons: between 114.6 and 115.5 the wet season and the east longitude. Bali has dry season. In December, about 1,500 traditional January and February the villages. average rainfall in Denpasar The famous Wallace line, which divides the lush vegetation of sub-tropical Asia from the arid landscape of Australia, runs along the narrow strait that separates Bali from Lombok, which is its nearest neighboring island to the east. Java is to the west.

is about 12 inches (300 mm) per month and the rest of the year 4 inches (100 mm) per month. The figures change depending on altitude. (BTNewspapers/Internet)

Departure Timetable - International Flight (from Denpasar to Major Destination) FLIGHT NO


QZ 8391




(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

06:10 AM

QZ 8395


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

08:30 AM

QZ 8490


(SIN) Singapore

09:10 AM

QZ 8395


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

08:30 PM

QZ 8622


(PER) Perth

09:00 PM

SQ 941


(SIN) Singapore

09:15 AM

MZ 8480


10:05 AM

GA 724


(PER) Perth

10:15 AM

GA 856


(HKG) Hong Kong

11:10 AM

GA 841


(SIN) Singapore

11:30 PM

GA 9918


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

11:50 PM

FD 3678


(BKK) Bangkok

11:55 PM

PBI 173


(PER) Perth

12:00 PM

GA 726


(PER) Perth

12:20 PM

MH 714


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

12:50 PM

GA 9918


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

12:50 PM

QZ 8492


(SIN) Singapore

12:55 PM

SQ 943


(SIN) Singapore

13:00 PM

AK 363


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

13:55 PM

JQ 116


(SIN) Singapore

14:40 PM

GA 9921


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

15:05 PM

QZ 8626


(PER) Perth

15:50 PM

BA 4568


(HKG) Hong Kong

16:00 PM

CX 784


(HKG) Hong Kong

16:00 PM

GA 9982


(TPE) Taipei

16:05 PM

CI 772


(TPE) Taipei

16:05 PM

CI 772


(TPE) Taipei

16:05 PM

TG 432


(BKK) Bangkok

16:10 PM

GA 9932


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

16:15 PM

MH 850


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

16:15 PM

QZ 8496


(SIN) Singapore

17:40 PM

MH 852


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

19:15 PM

GA 725


(JKT) Jakarta

19:15 PM

GA 840


(SIN) Singapore

19:15 PM

GA 9922


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

19:15 PM

KL 4060


(SIN) Singapore

19:15 PM

AK 365


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

19:45 PM

SQ 947


(SIN) Singapore

20:05 PM

GA 728


(PER) Perth

20:05 PM

QZ 9022


(PER) Perth

20:40 PM

AK 367


(KUL) Kuala Lumpur

21:50 PM

JQ 38


(SYD) Sydney

22:10 PM

QR 639


(QTR) Doha Qatar

22:20 PM

JQ 117


(PER) Perth

22:45 PM

JQ 082


(DAW) Darwin

22:50 PM

QF 268


(MEL) Melbourne

23:00 PM

QZ 8632


(DAW) Darwin

23:50 PM

QZ 8620


(PER) Perth

00:30 AM

GA 882


(KAN) Kansai

00:40 AM

GA 880


(NRT) Tokyo

00:55 AM

DJ 4194


(ADL) Adelaide

01:10 AM

GA 888


(NGO) Nagoya

01:30 AM

KE 630


(ICN) Seoul

01:25 AM

GA 9964


(ICN) Seoul

01:25 AM

Art & Culture


Watching Bali Agung Show in Bali Safari & Marine Park If you pay a visit to Bali Safari & Marine Park, do not forget to see the Bali Agung art performance taking place in the Bali Theatre. Such a luxurious and spectacular art is capable of fascinating everybody in the audience admiring the uniqueness of Balinese culture in fusion with incredible Chinese culture. The Bali Agung itself highlights the history of Bali, namely a back journey to the twelfth century in the reign of King Sri Jaya Pangus and Kang Ching Wie. It is spiced up with the romantic myth Danu Goddess as the goddess of water at Lake Batur. This performance began with the beauty of community life in Panarajon Kingdom characterized by prosperity and harmony, where children, farmers, fishermen, duck herders, traders and others mingled into one in the beauty of the atmosphere of ancient Bali. The presence of the King Sri Jaya Pangus was welcomed by friendly smiles of the people.

In the midst of such joy appeared a ship with outrigger belonging to the clan of Kang from China stranded in the territory of the Panarajon Kingdom as their ship was hit by hurricane. Jaya Pangus who was holding court terminated it to have a look at the stranded ship. Jaya Pangus saved the merchant Kang and his daughter, Kang Ching Wie, and was glad to accept and allow them to stay in the Panarajon Kingdom. Secretly, King Jaya Pangus fell in love with Kang Ching Wie. What he dreamed of ultimately came to reality as Kang Ching Wie also felt affection for Jaya Pangus. Eventually, they were both married with lavish Balinese wedding ceremony. In the passage of time, the young happy couple had not been endowed with a child. Meanwhile, Jaya Pangus had intention to travel to the mid of the ocean and lake to look for taksu or divine inspiration. In the center of his journey, Jaya Pangus met and married

the Goddess Danu and had a child. Many years had gone by but Kang Ching Wie did not receive any information on the return of her husband, Jaya Pangus. Ultimately, Kang Ching Wie decided to catch up Jaya Pangus.

said excitedly. Similarly, John also added that by visiting the Bali Safari and Marine Park, he seemed to have a complete round trip exploring the island of Bali. “Other than the performance of Bali Agung which was very interesting, I also have seen all kinds of peculiarities of Bali, be it from food, temples, Balinese style buildings, Balinese animals, and many others,” he said smiling.

A prominent art director of Bali Agung performance, I Made Sidia, said that his team had been preparing for the How surprised Kang event in advance. “By holding this event, it is expected Ching Wie was when she to become an example to society to respect each other saw Jaya Pangus entirely and respect the diversity existing in the homeland of ravishing with Goddess Indonesia,” he said. (BTNewspapers/Titah Pratyaksa) Danu. Unavoidably, a quarrel ensued among the three of them. Jaya Pangus and Kang Ching Wie finally died in their endless love. To immortalize their love, it was then made In the 14th century, the defeat of Bali by the Majapaan effigy in the form of hit Empire led to the creation of mini-principalities and Barong Landung (barong courts. As a result, a blend of Javanese court and peasant representing tall couple) culture was created in Bali. The present day accompanyremaining to be sanctified ing narrative for dance and drama is largely based on court stories from pre-Majapahit Java. Tales of the Indian epics by the Balinese. and Javanese influence can be seen.

Early Indigenous Balinese Dance

According to a spectator, David, the Bali Agung art performance was truly stunning. “Aside from seeing the perfect fusion of Balinese and Chinese cultural elements, the show of human puppet and multimedia featured were really fantastic as well,” he

Balinese cultural dance peaked in the 1930’s through the 1950’s. The fertile decades helped survive the old narrative-led theatre, while letting loose solo dances almost everywhere, accompanied by a new, dynamic kind of music called Gong Kebyar. Traditional and Decorative Balinese costumes accompany every dance, making the performances a spectacular event to watch. The ravages of time and so-called “progress” have led to the abandonment of the spirituality and originality of many unique Balinese dance forms.

Famous Balinese Famous Balinese dancer Mario choreographed the Oleg tambulilingan (bumblebee dance) in 1952 for a Balinese dance troupe’s tour of Europe.

In 1931- Bali expats Walter Spies and Katharine Mershon choreographed the ‘kecak‘dance, for a German movie. The dance involves 50 or so Balinese men sitting in a circle, arms outstretched, chanting cakewalk, with a succession of solo female dancers and others acting out a good vs. evil play in the center. Kecak dances are popular today and can be seen all over Bali.


The Winning of the THK Awards Mr. Olivier Moies-Delval: “Gladly to Join Beach Clean Up”

Mr. Olivier Moies-Delval is to be admired for delivering the Novotel Benoa Bali to win emerald medal in the accreditation of Tri Hita Karana Awards 2010. Many creative ideas were set forth by the man of Belgium-born in managing the Novotel Benoa Bali, the hotel thoroughly implementing the THK concept consisting of the Parahyangan (spiritual), Pawongan (social), and Palemahan (environmental) aspect. Just have a look when he arranged cooperation with various stakeholders in managing the hotel together with other hotels around the coast of Tanjung Benoa. To manage the waste, his party worked closely with the Jimbaran Lestari, while for the beach cleanup he worked with the Tanjung Benoa Establishment. “I do not want to be arrogant in cleaning the beach and managing the rubbish. I have implemented the concept of Balinese society, namely Tat Tvam Asi (Thou Art That), so from here the element of togetherness in the beach cleanup and waste processing turn important for the achievement of Clean and Green Bali,” said the 42-year-old man enthusiastically. In addition, in making social networking and interacting with the community, his party lend a hand to the Physically Disabled Children Foundation (YPAC) in order their foster children to become useful young generation for the country and nation. “If we do not help them, who else can do so?” he said firmly. Nevertheless, he was still encouraging the enthusiasm of his employees so in the future they can maintain and implement the Emerald Medal of the THK accreditation. “The important thing is not the medal, but how we can implement the significance of emerald medal itself continuously so that it will become something useful and beneficial for all of us as Indonesian citizens,” he said smilingly. (BTNewspapers/Titah/Krisna)

Novotel Benoa Bali: Implement the THK Emerald Medal On arriving at the Novotel Benoa Bali, you will observe the soothing ambience of Bali’s nature. The hotel building along with its knick-knacks made of bamboo was shaped in such a way that would make Olivier Moies-Delval, General Manager of Novotel Benoa your tiredness instantly Bali, said he was very pleased to successfully reach the vanish. emerald medal in 2010. “We are very grateful because the Novotel Benoa Bali could achieve emerald medal. Since Added with friendly and the past time and so on, we have implemented the standards satisfying services, it will of the THK Emerald Medal. We also improved the quality make you more comfortable and performance of our team in providing comfort and to stay at the Novotel Benoa best facilities for every single guest staying with us,” said Bali. The facilities and advantages provided by the the father of two children smilingly. Novotel Benoa Bali include You will be very happy with your holiday in Bali if 187 rooms and villas, 120 choosing the Novotel Benoa Bali as the accommodation luxury rooms, restaurant with friends or family. From the Bali’s Ngurah Rai and bar, fitness center, kids International Airport, it will only take you some 20 minutes club, tennis court, beach to reach the Novotel Benoa Bali. What a pleasant time it is volleyball, bike rental, and you are not wasting a lot of energy after taking a long performing arts and sports, beach sports, and more. Of haul flights. course, these will make you at home and comfortable.

Novotel Benoa Bali wins the Emerald Medal of Tri Hita Karana Awards 2010. The only hotel earning the Emerald Medal in 2010 was from the hard work of the whole range of Novotel Benoa Bali, community, government and all parties accompanying the Novotel Benoa Bali to become the best hotels that had implemented the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK) on the ranks of management.

Related to the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the Novotel Benoa Bali had conducted various activities. In the Parahyangan aspect, the entire hotel employees routinely said prayers together every holiday in Bali, such as the Galungan

a n d Kuningan, Shivaratri, Sarasvati and others. It was not just held on particular holidays, but also on daily basis, so that peace and comfort could be felt by all residents of Novotel Benoa Bali. Then, in the Pawongan aspect, according to Mr. Olivier, his party carried out various activities benefitting the public. One of them was to help children with disabilities so they could enjoy their days pleasantly like the other children. “We help children with disabilities who receive less attention from the government. We provide goods that will be useful for them, whether it be books, television, writing tools, repairing damaged buildings, and so forth. On that account, they can enjoy their youth properly through learning, creating, and creative work,” said the Belgian-born man. Meanwhile, in the Palemahan aspect, Novotel Benoa Bali had made cooperation with the other hotels as well becoming the leader of a sanitation mission in order to realize a healthy sanitation around the coast that also belonged to the hotels located in Benoa coastal areas. In addition, for waste processing, his party introduced a Water Treatment System in which the waste water was treated and reused for watering the gardens. The award achieved by the Novotel Benoa Bali related to environmental preservation was the Green Globe. (BTNewspapers/Titah/Krisna).


The Winning of the THK Awards

Sugeng Pramono:

Implementation of THK is Very Important “Tri Hita Karana concept has been implemented since the hotel was built,” said Sugeng Pramono, General Manager of the Inna Grand Bali Beach, to Bali Travel Newspapers to commence the talks on Wednesday (Jan 5). This father of two children revealed that Tri Hita Karana was always a reference in the existing activities held in the oldest hotel in Bali. All religious life had to live within the self of every hotel employee and staff. “For instance, it can be observed from the seriousness of management in ngodak or designing and making the sanctified shrine of Ratu Biyang in the Hotel Bali Beach,” he said with a smile. In Pawongan (social) activities, the hotel seriously established the Faith, Culture and Sport Community (IBO). Therefore, every single hotel employee had a medium to express their hobby, both in the field of sporting, art, and religious activities. This could be seen from the existing arts activities in the Inna Grand Bali Beach. “We never hire external dancer because some dancers entertaining our guest are taken from our employees,” he said while adding that his party would also establish the ‘1688 bicycle club’ to realize the ‘Bali Green Province’ by reducing vehicle’s exhaust emissions. “At the same time, this endeavor poses the implementation of the Palemahan or environmental aspect.” Sugeng put emphasis that the Inna Grand Bali Beach would continue to support all activities undertaken relating to the Tri Hita Karana, and would always be the leader in the implementation at workplace. “We do make every effort to seize the Emerald predicate in 2013,” he said eagerly to end the interview that afternoon. (BTNewspapers/Titah/Krisna)

Inna Grand Bali Beach:

Applying Tri Hita Karana Concept from the Beginning Who does not know about Bali Beach Hotel which was renamed to the Inna Grand Bali Beach? Popularity of the first and oldest hotel on the Island of Bali has certainly been known by all residents of Bali, especially those born between the 1950s until 1960s.

PT. Natour as a limited liability company owned by the Indonesian government. Both companies had to manage the Hotel Indonesia Natour (known as Inna Group Hotel), so the Hotel Bali Beach was the renamed to Inna Grand Bali Beach.

The age may be old or The hotel strategically senior,’ but the spirit and located on Sanur Beach performance shown by the is one of the most ‘in Inna Grand Bali Beach demand’ five-star hotels remained young, as when it enthused by tourists while was just established on the on holiday on the Island of Island of Bali. Gods. Originally, the hotel was named the Hotel Bali The hotel has a land area Beach built in 1963 by a of 40 hectares with a contractor of Japan (Taisei total of now 523 rooms Construction) and was under three categories of completed in 1965 with accommodation. They are 300 rooms. Then, it was Tower Building, Garden inaugurated on November Wing and Cottage. 1, 1966 by Hamengku Buwono IX (Sultan of Considering the complete amenities, the hotel was Yogyakarta). often selected to host various In harmony with the national and international passage of time, the hotel events. Agung Ballroom, was then renamed to ‘Inna for instance, is the meeting Grand Bali Beach’ in room with capability of 1,000 March 19, 2002, because accommodating the hotel management people (standing party). It namely PT. Hotel Indonesia has been widely known as International merged with a venue of many important

events such as meeting, the area of the Inna Grand conference, seminar, table- Bali Beach. manner event, graduation or wedding reception. Within the vicinity of the hotel sat the Segara According to Sugeng Temple, Tama Sari Temple, Pramono, General Manager and more. Existence of of the Inna Grand Bali these temples continued to Beach, these days, the hotel be well maintained by the has stayed to embed in the staff and employees as well heart of tourists. “We only as the local community for provide the best services the sanctity and spiritual for anyone who would like tranquility of the Inna to organize event or stay at Grand Bali Beach Hotel. the Inna Grand Bali Beach,” he said. In the field of Pawongan, a lot had been carried out In addition to the above by Inna Grand Bali Beach, advantages, the Inna Grand starting from the internal Bali Beach has been the circle by establishing the hotel to win the Gold Medal Faith, Culture and Sport in the Tri Hita Karana community (IBO). The 2010. community then founded The management of Inna Grand Bali Beach Party has applied the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK) since long time ago, even before the accreditation and THK Awards existed. For example, in the implementation of Parahyangan concept, Sugeng said that his party still maintained the existence of temples around

gamelan troupe, dancing troupe, Hindu psalmody, bike club, futsal team, badminton and so forth. Meanwhile, in the external circle, his party took part in providing donations to orphanages, social service, becoming a sponsor to Sanur Village Festival and so forth. I.A. Dewi Apriyanti, Public Relations Manager of the Inna Grand Bali Beach accompanied by the General Manager added that all activities related to Pawongan continued to be performed by Inna Grand Bali Beach. “Employees and our staff really enjoyed both the internal and


The Winning of the THK Awards Komang Wana Julianta: Never Satisfied

School of People’s Law has a strong obsession about preserving the environment of Bali, especially at The Elysian. “Especially in the field of Palemahan, I’ll add some more plants in order the coolness and shade at The Elysian stay to be well maintained. Additionally, I am going to add some herbal plants as they are very necessary to realize the healthy ambience in The Elysian for everyone making a visit,” he said He was born on June 28, excitedly. 1971, and leads The Elysian to be one of the Gold Medal Along with the staff of The winners in the Tri Hita Elysian, he is never satisfied Karana 2010. The Elysian with the results obtained so applied the concepts of Tri far, although as said he has Hita Karana, highlighting managed to lead The Elysian the Parahyangan to attain Gold Medal in (harmonious relationship of the Tri Hita Karana 2010. God to human), Pawongan “We will never be satisfied (harmonious relationship before we can maintain and among humans) and improve the performance Palemahan (harmonious of all elements existing in relationship of human to The Elysian,” said the third environment). Komang son of 8 siblings smilingly. who was a graduate from (BTNewspapers/Titah/ University of Hawaii, Krisna) He is energetic and smiley. Such moods will be discernible if you meet Komang Wana Julianta, Director and Human Resources Manager of The Elysian Boutique Villa Hotel. His father from Tukad Sumaga, Gerokgak, Buleleng, belongs to old generation, or in other words, he is the first generation taking part in pioneering the establishment of The Elysian.

external activities. We do hope these activities will strengthen the relationship of the Inna Grand Bali Beach to the society,” she added. Ultimately, in the Palemahan field, Inna Grand Bali Beach has preserved plants almost becoming extinct. To manage the waste, his party applied a Water Treatment System where the sewerage was then recycled

and reused to water the golf course and gardens within the area of the hotel. In the future, Sugeng did hope to maintain and improve the performance and quality of the Inna Grand Bali Beach. Of course, it would not be separated from the Tri Hita Karana concept that had been entrenched since the past.(BTNewspapers/ Titah/Krisna)

The Elysian:

Opulent Heaven on the Island of the Gods One of the hotels winning the gold medal of Tri Hita Karana (THK) 2010 was The Elysian. The name ‘Elysian’ was derived from a Greek lexicon meaning ‘heaven’. You will not be disappointed if you choose The Elysian as your private sanctuary during your holiday in Bali. The boutique villas sitting on a quiet piece of land extending throughout 6,800 square meters is very suitable accommodation for anyone admiring the beauty of Balinese stylish architecture.

because it can win the gold medal of the Tri Hita Karana 2010. Hopefully, it would not make us complacent and we will surely continue to do our best for The Elysian,” said Shored up by 26 luxury the father of 3 children villas and each villa enthusiastically. compound has an area of 140 square meters, it is also In managing the hotel, equipped with a private The Elysian applied the swimming pool facility. It principle of Tri Hita Karana will make your days in Bali namely Parhyangan more colorful and joyous. (spiritual), Pawongan (social) and Palemahan According to Komang Wana (environmental aspect). In Jalianta, the Director and the field of Parahyangan, Human Resources Manager, The Elysian regularly held the guests choosing The pilgrimage or tirthayatra Elysian as a place to stay for employees and their each month tended to families every month so increase. “Our guests came to create serenity in their from various corners of the daily activities. Aside from world. However, they were pilgrimage, The Elysian mainly from Australia,” he also once held a dharma said while smiling. wacana or sermon inviting community leaders who In addition, The Elysian could give enlightenment also has a wide variety of to all elements of The gardens they would make Elysian. you feel the coolness wherever you stand. Some In years to come, Komang other facilities offered by the hoped to hold pilgrimage’s Elysian. were a swimming to outside Bali so that it pool, restaurant & bar, spa could provide enthusiasm & wellness, and more that and new inspiration in the will make you feel at home workplace. Meanwhile, for longer time to enjoy the in the field of Pawongan, beautiful atmosphere of the The Elysian regularly held Island of Gods. blood donation, provided assistance to orphanage in Related to the Tri Hita the form of money and food Karana gold medals as well as implemented achieved by The Elysian, a program of mangrove Komang admitted have planting in Serangan area been attained due to hard and more. The Elysian work of all components also established a Circle whether they were from of Friends named Sadetu The Elysian, society or (Sari Dewi and Sari government. “We are Tembuku) which oversaw very proud of The Elysian the security at vulnerable

points of congestion to the Elysian, by implementing the Sadetu the congestion could be overcome properly and security of guests to the Elysian could be guaranteed. Aside from Sadetu, The Elysian also worked closely with the Denpasar Metro Police (Poltabes) in improving the security, both by providing training and security membership card valid for 1 year. The police department regularly conducted supervision and review of the security to make sure that your holiday spent with family would remain comfortable. In the field of Palemahan, employees of The Elysian performed waste selfprocessing in accordance with applicable standards, in which the waste was collected in the reservoir tanks and filtered and the neutralized into clean water used for watering the garden. The hotel also applied bio-pores system, it was expected the property would be free from flooding because the biopores system would enable the water absorption to run faster into the ground. More than that, the beauty of landscaping arrangement would create a cool atmosphere. This condition led The Elysian to win several awards such as gold medal of THK Award, Design for Asia Award and The Best Resort Development. (BTNewspapers/Titah Pratyaksa/Krisna)

Ph : (0361) 227610 (Yoga) ; (0361) 7898257 (Made) ; 081 239 32937 (Yudha) ; 081 239 70922 (Dharma) ; 081 834 8983 (Wisnu)

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