OUR THRIVING JUNIOR SCHOOL Co-Deputy Head of School and Head of Junior School, Mark Warwick, with students in new play space.
With an ongoing focus on empowering students to think about themselves as skilled learners and active community members, the Junior School is constantly improving and developing to support and increase student agency and resilience. Maria Cahir, Assistant Head of Junior School (Teaching, Learning and Innovation) and International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) Co-ordinator, says lots of exciting things are happening.
“We’re building new learning environments and developing our learning programs right across the Junior School to create a positive and happy learning environment. At the same time, we’re doubling down on strengthening relationships. This has been important in supporting our whole community in the face of challenges with COVID.” Helen Trotter, Assistant Head of Junior School (Teaching, Learning and Innovation) and Junior School English
Co-ordinator says linking learning to resilience and hope is important. " When students are engaged and happy, they are instilled with hope and therefore, learn well."