Ballet exercises

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Ballet Exercises mUvmethod Wheel Class This 53 minute mUvmethod Yoga Wheel class takes you through a dynamic movement routine incorporating all the challenges and benefits presented when using a wheel in your practice.

For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Yoga for athletes, Dance teacher training & Dance conditioning Product Description The wheel is a great way to improve flexibility, mobility and strength. It can also teach us a little bit of patience. When it comes to flexibility we use the wheel to release tension that develops in postural muscles. These muscles are meant for stability, mobility and happen to hold us upright. They are meant to contract at lower loads for extended periods of time and because of this are prone to tightness and tension. When this occurs there is a loss of flexibility, mobility and even strength. In this class we will explore ways to let go of tension and tightness and enhance strength, flexibility as well as dynamic mobility within a functional range of motion. The wheel is also a great place to work on strength. It creates an unstable surface, which causes muscles to contract at quicker rates. It works to strengthen deep stabilizing muscles as well as connect with muscles that may not be working as efficiently and effectively as they could be. You will definitely experience many of the same postures in a whole new way! It’s also a nice way to work on letting go. To roll with things. You will find that sometimes the wheel has a mind of it’s own. It will fall over when you want it to stay upright. It will go right when you want it to go left. It can teach us something. If you tend to try and control outcomes, situations and people, you might find it doesn’t really work so well. They all to often go left when you want them to go right. Practice letting go of that with the wheel on your mat and see if that changes things for you off your mat. You will find that the wheel can be a nice tool for growth and progression, whatever your goals might be! Dance Specific Benefits This plan will change the way you dance. You will develop deep core strength and stability needed to support and refine the dynamic and technical movements of dance. You will create greater proprioception and body awareness and find the balance between effort and ease. This plan will improve your pirouettes, foutes, battements, fan kicks, arabesques, tilts, leaps, partner work, floor work, acrobatics and much much more. However, you don’t have to be a dancer to experience the benefits of Length and Strength. While our programs are specifically designed for dancers and athletes all can greatly benefit from them.

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