Bring mUvmethod to your studio NOW. The process is simple, fun and seamless. You let us know exactly what you are looking for and we do the rest. From adding move for Dancers classes into your existing dance curriculum to adding public mUvmethod classes designed for anyone and everyone during your studio’s down time. We will find the right fit for you.
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mUvmethod for dancers mUvmethod classes designed specifically for dancers are the perfect compliment to your studios existing dance curriculum. Let us create and implement a customized mUvmethod program based on the individual needs of your dancers and experience first hand the powerful results of our program.
Yoga for children Yoga with kids
Yoga for dancers
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Benefits of mindfUlness and meditation Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. Meditators have been claiming for thousands of years that a regular meditation practice is an effective treatment for anxiety, stress, worry, lack of focus, addiction and relationship problems.
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thank-YoU For more details, visit: