Message from the President ESCAMBIA-SANTA ROSA BAR ASSOCIATION “Honor the Judiciary...Promote the Profession... Protect the Oppressed...� PRESIDENT Heather F. Lindsay
As President of the EscambiaSanta Rosa Bar Association and on behalf of its Executive Council and staff, it is my pleasure to present our 2021 Membership Directory. This is a great tool for each of us to use to connect with each other and make peer referrals.
VICE PRESIDENT Garrett P. LaBorde SECRETARY Aaron T. McCurdy
The directory includes contact information for the bench, bar, and law-related organizations. It also provides information regarding board certifications, attorney areas of interest, mediator areas of interest, and identifies members who are admitted in other states. This year you will find a new page highlighting our recently created Member Discount Program. This program enables you, and your firm, to take advantage of special pricing and discounts from national brands such as American Express, Hotelogical, Office Depot, Priceline, and Verizon through a partnership with National Purchasing Partners as well as Gravity Legal, Phipps Reporting, Red Cave Law Firm Consulting and Digital Boardwalk. Additional bar-related information including Bar Meetings, CLEs, our Lawyer Referral Service, our Young Lawyers Division, and our history can be found on our website, Please also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Whether virtual or in person, we strive to provide our members with the best customer service, exclusive members-only benefits, and opportunities for professional development and networking. I hope you find the 2021 ESRBA directory valuable. I appreciate each and every one of you and wish you a prosperous 2021.
Heather Lindsay 7
TREASURER Christine A. Kelly Fausel IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Warren R. Todd EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Shekka Drayton Jessica Etherton Rebecca Gilliland Joe Kirkland Frederick V. Longmire Stephen Luongo Cecily M. Parker Joseph A. Passeretti Haley VanFleteren YOUNG LAWYER REPRESENTATIVE Travis Morock