AROUND THE REGION nwflbusinessclimate.com | Business Climate | 49
to getting back on their feet. When that happens, various federal, state and local programs are there to help, but the individual may be unaware of the assistance or unable to reach out. Thankfully, 90Works, formerly Families Count, is there to coordinate a variety of resources to help people secure employment, get housing, find a healthcare provider, and move away from dangerous situations, all within just 90 days. “90Works created a social service model that has the vision to help customers move from in-crisis and thriving to safe, stable and thriving,” said Cate Jordan, executive director of the non-profit organization. “And, 90Works values everything it takes to be self-sufficient: housing, income/ employment, transportation, health, safety and support.” The outreach’s setup is unique: leveraging their social workers’ ties to the community, 90Works is a collaborative model that gives its employees a degree of autonomy to weave together solutions from different agencies in the community. “So,
EscaRosa Coalition on the Homeless, the Veterans Administration (HUDVASH), Area Housing Commission, CEII, Escambia Community Clinic, and Department of Corrections,” said Jordan. 90Works boasts a 90 percent success rate of getting people self-sufficient within three months. The team also collects data on clients six months and a year after completion of the program, to ensure they are still doing well and turning their life around.
90 Works
One of the main reasons for When
of the community fall on difficult times, the trauma of losing a job, a house or unexpected medical bills can often leave them feeling lost
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by Josh Newby
90Works’ success is their self-sufficiency model, which takes a holistic approach and focuses on all areas of an individual’s wellbeing, including employment/income,
health, safety, support, and housing, which Jordan considers to be the most challenging problem facing the disadvantaged. “The 90Works’ model is a housing first approach because we believe that
Business Climate SPECIAL SECTION
without a roof, no one can be expected to be self-sufficient,” said Jordan. “Housing requires an income, and without a shower
and a place to stay organized, no one can get HEALTH
up everyday and be present and productive at work.” According to most banking and lending organizations, housing expenses like rent or mortgage should account for about 30 percent of household income. Therefore,
for someone making around $12,000 or
90 Works
$13,000 a year, they can afford just $315 per month for housing. It is next to impossible to find apartments to rent for even double that amount. For the extremely poor in Escambia Country, the only option is public housing
via the Area Housing Commission, but there is a two-year wait for that. “This leads to serial homelessness because when too much of the income is spent on rent and utilities, households are forced to
use emergency assistance repeatedly, don’t have enough money for transportation and
The Self-Sufficiency Model
work related expenses and even worse, cannot provide for their children, which leads to foster care,” said Jordan. Through relationships with landlords in the community, 90Works to able to convince management in housing complexes and apartment buildings to go out on a limb for the poor among us. 90Works also helps with first month’s rent and deposit. To qualify for this assistance, there are some eligibility requirements. Individuals must be at 30 percent or below the annual median income in Escambia County, which is $42,000. Therefore, a household must make $12,600 or less to qualify. This often includes homeless veterans, high-risk pregnant women and families involved in the child welfare system. Once they have a home, they are able to find work, the next step in the self-sufficiency model. “We work with area employers to often get people hired within a day,” said Rachel Reust, marketing director for 90Works. “These employers can put any one of a dozen skills to use.” When customers are housed and have a decent-paying, sustainable job, they attend budgeting life skills classes with counselors who help them spend their money wisely, use proper expense percentages on various
needs, and even save up to improve their
Marketplace (part of the Patient Protection
future lives.
and Affordable Care Act, also known as the
After they have a job, 90Works helps customers find reliable transportation needed to
ACA or Obamacare), Florida KidCare and Access Florida.
get to and from work. The organization was
“We help people understand what plan
recently given a grant for bicycle packages,
would work best for them, combined with
which includes a brand-new bike, vest, hel-
what we know about what disability or social
met and pump. 90Works also distributes bus
security benefits they qualify for,” said Reust.
passes in Escambia County.
90Works also recently added a personal
“The bikes are a great asset because
trainer to their social work team to improve
Pensacola is getting more bike-friendly and
self-esteem and self-awareness via fitness
it’s even becoming a thing that those who
and physical activity for parents and youth.
have cars choose to do,” said Reust. “It helps
“The personal trainer will actually go
keep you healthy, active and moving, and of
into customers’ homes and teach them how
course for our clients gets them where they
to eat healthy on a budget,” said Reust. “All
need to go.”
this health and fitness helps with anxiety and
At this point, many clients are back on
stress. For mental health issues, our social
their feet and enjoying their new, modest
workers have counterparts in those fields
lifestyles. But to ensure they do not fall back
and speed up facilitation of that process.”
into poverty or depression, 90Works contin-
For individuals who have been living in
ues working with them so that unexpected
unsafe or violent situations, 90Works coordi-
costs do not crop up.
nates with Gulf Coast Kid’s House to provide
For example, the staff at 90Works under-
advocacy in court. Some parents are at risk of
stands that customers must be healthy in
losing their children not because of violence,
order to work and take care of their fami-
but because the home in which they reside
lies. Therefore, the organization provides
is unsafe. 90Works works with contractors
advocacy and enrollment in the Florida
to do minor repairs and educate people on nwflbusinessclimate.com nwflbusinessclimate.com| |Business BusinessClimate Climate| |5151
came with her to all appointments and asked
by purchasing and renovating very low-
pest control and infestation treatment. The
questions that she would have never thought
income housing in needy neighborhoods for
Home Depot Foundation provides financial
to ask.
affordable housing for families that want to
assistance for structural renovations, as well.
“They provide good support behind you,”
become self-sufficient,” said Jordan. “In fact,
As time goes on and clients grow more
said White. “They push you because they
we dream about homelessness to home own-
and more independent, case managers sup-
believe in you. They were a greater encour-
ership so in our rental houses, if families pay
port them while teaching them to become
agement to me than I was to myself some-
rent on time for three years and improve their
fully autonomous. They follow up, collect
credit profiles, 90Works will sell the property
data, and follow up some more.
That was almost a year ago now, and
to the renter and reinvest both the rent and
Tranessa White is a former client of
White said she is happy in her job, her home,
sales proceeds in more affordable housing for
90Works and found them to be a great advo-
and how her son is coming along. She is just
Escambia County.”
cate in her time of need. Her seven-year-old
one of thousands of clients that 90Works
Escambia County is one of the poorest in
son was battling behavioral issues even as
has helped. In fact, the organization helps
the state, with many systemic educational,
she was about to lose her place of residence.
about 2,500 families a year in 11 counties in
racial and economic issues that need to be
She did not have any transportation and had
Northwest Florida.
addressed. For those who fall victim to the
no clue what to do. That is when 90Works stepped in.
90Works operates through federal and
cyclic downturn that it is so easy to get caught
state funding, grants and some private dona-
in, it is good that organizations like 90Works
“I was a single, first-time mom,” said
tions. They are very careful, though, with the
are there to lend a helpful, non-judgmental
White. “I didn’t know about the resources
money they are given. Just .6 percent of their
out there. 90Works gave me the strength
annual budget is from private donations.
and resources I needed to get up on my own
In the future, Jordan would like to
again. They gave me bus passes, put me on a
focus even more on the housing troubles of
voucher program and put my son in a good
Northwest Florida, an issue of huge concern
position for medical help.”
to her.
White also reported that her social worker
Photo: Baron Sekiya 52| |Business BusinessClimate Climate| |nwflbusinessclimate.com nwflbusinessclimate.com 52
“90Works wants to be part of the solution
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ith racially charged violent events like those in Ferguson, Charleston, New York and other cities occurring with seemingly more frequency, a national conversation has started about the role of race in our daily lives and what we can do to improve relations between those of color and law enforcement. There are strong opinions on both sides of the debate, but as we will learn, the issue is far more complex and nuanced than we realize. Thanks to the Tiger Bay Club, Northwest Florida Business Climate was able to have a discussion with three community leaders—two police and one clergy—that shed some light on our torrid past and the possibility of a brighter future.
54 | Business Climate | nwflbusinessclimate.com
Tell me about your opinion on the relationship between race and law enforcement. Reverend LuTimothy May: Well I want to start by saying that by no means do I vocalize the sentiments of the black community. I am an individual who has life experience that brings perspective to this subject matter. This is a long overdue issue in our community. Sheriff David Morgan: There is nothing more tragic than what occurred in South Carolina. Even mass national disasters, these particular violent events bring violence to the forefront. We want to reject these events and these people, but we can’t when it’s placed on our doorstep. When I was in the military and I grew up in the height of
the nuclear age, I never feared the bomb. I feared others who might take the steps to launch that bomb. I feared greatly losing my country without firing a shot. I fear losing the truth in our institutions, in our politics, press and churches. I fear becoming untethered from faith, family, community and nation. I fear that today because today, in our rush to symbolism over substance, I see truth nowhere in that equation many times. We have so many self-styled experts and truth is the last item on the agenda. So I ask for truth in these times. Words matter. We can drive an uneducated individual with hate in their heart to do the most horrific things, and rhetoric matters. In our dialogue, society as a whole bears a burden and we saw that in South Carolina.
So we need to pray for our country. Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander: In light of all that has transpired from Ferguson to South Carolina, dialogue has been continuous and ongoing for a long time. But this dialogue means we have to make decisions and commitments as a community and a nation. When we looked at DUIs and said as a nation that it was no longer acceptable to drive and drink, then the attitudes and behaviors of people changed. When we looked at domestic violence, we decided we would not tolerate any acts of domestic violence. When we look at where we are, it has to become a unified stand that we will not tolerate race being a determining factor on whether a person is treated right
Business Climate SPECIAL SECTION or feels safe in this country. Our country is in a position where we have been a super power for a long time, but when we fail to make decisions that are critical to remaining that super power, we put that status in jeopardy. Let’s continue the dialogue but not hesitate to take the appropriate actions. In your own community, what one or more issues would you change to enhance the relationship between law enforcement and the community? Sheriff David Morgan: What is true not only in the military but also in law enforcement is that it’s easy to develop a siege mentality. What I mean by that is, because of the nature of the work, you literally slide into this “us against them” mentality. People don’t understand the long hours and the moments of sheer terror. You never get a compliment. No one’s going to thank you for giving you a traffic citation. It’s always a confrontation situation. Young officers will get very calloused and very thick-skinned very quickly. So that separates you from your client base and from the people you serve. So you begin to hang out with other law enforcement people. You have your own dialogue. Keeping that connection to the community through the newly started Coffee with a Cop programs and expanded neighborhood watches is important. Breaking down those barriers as heads of agencies is one of the primary jobs that I have. You have to ensure that wall never gets constructed. You have to stay open with your client base. We exist for you, not the reverse. Our training is constantly changing in response to the needs. One of our big things is discussions with young people. I can’t sit and talk to teenagers because if you’re over a certain age group there’s no connection with them. They have their own language, music, and style of dress. We went through some of that too, though I think it’s more pronounced today. So that’s another barrier that we must overcome in our interactions with young people. I invest heavily on the front end of this problem with Big Brothers Big Sisters. We partnered with Pastor May for the AA Dixon School, an alternative school for young folks. I believe in prevention and the answer is solving the problem upfront.
The short version of the answer is to find the right dialogue and people to carry that dialogue, and continue to invest in those programs to pay dividends long-term. It will take many years to correct this. We need to start today. Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander: The practice of accountability has to be 360 degrees. There has to be personal, public and systemic accountability. One of the things in law enforcement is you have to deal with a lot of the failures in other systems. When those systems fail, there’s always a blame game. Those failures aren’t the cause of the crime, but they are mitigating factors. When you can’t breathe, you’re going to strain and struggle. If you need to be violent to breathe, to break free, you’re going to do that. We need to look at accountability all the way around. A lot of times, citizens are miseducated. We all have a part of this. We need to use this dialogue to see what we can do on a personal level. A lot of crises we’re facing would be solved by that accountability.
Let’s stop pointing the finger at everyone else and look at ourselves. How would you assess the relationship between law enforcement and the black community in Northwest Florida? Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander: I would say it’s strained and fatigued. In the 30 years I’ve been in law enforcement, I’ve been involved in so much dialogue and attended so many meetings that I can’t even keep track of them all. Each series of meetings comes to a point where you have to make a commitment to an action. I’ve heard a lot about calls to action. I think Pensacola has been blessed over the years to not experience things that have happened in other places. So that doesn’t mean things aren’t going good for us, but it also doesn’t mean we don’t have anything we need to work on. If we continue to have dialogue that’s not followed by action, we could easily become one of those places we hear about. When you study causation of crime, you find that when people become strained, they become desperate. Desperation makes you overreact either deliberately or as a means of survival. Crime is not predicated by race. We’ve become a society that when you hear about a crime, you want to know what color the person was. It doesn’t matter. I like to go out and see real people face to face and see a smile and see that we have some mutual trust. That’s what keeps people safe. Regardless of your race or economic situation, we both have something at stake and that’s a mutual trust and safety. We need to be proactive and
Reverend LuTimothy May: We need to have a lens of transparency and honesty. A bunch of what you may or may not hear may be difficult to digest. You can’t have a truth from the perspective of those who don’t dig deep enough for that truth. You can never arrive at true liberation if you don’t start with truth. The truth is sometimes more ugly than we ever dreamed it to be. Not just in my community and the law enforcement community, truth goes beyond all that. When you ask this question, I believe the answer is truth and realizing the aggressive truth. You can look at the onion, but you have to peel back the layers. You have to look past the uniform. When you look at a 21-year-old person, you have to know there’s something deeper that’s embedded. Some of the greatest truths we have are greater than surface value. We have to take an honest look at where we are. We need to go beyond the symptoms and look at the truth of where we lie, and then each individual and system needs to assume the Photo: Fibonacci Blue responsibility of that truth.
take steps to ensure that we do whatever we can. In those areas where they have poor relationships, then the rest of the world gets to judge. When a tragedy does happen, people of all colors and background come together. That’s what we need to encourage beforehand. This shouldn’t be about politics; this is a matter of public safety for everyone in our community and our country. Reverend LuTimothy May: I think when we look at relationships between law enforcement and minority communities, we make too many assumptions. We assume. I’ve looked down the barrel of the Pensacola Police Department when I haven’t done anything wrong. And that was because the police assumed something about me. The assumption that every young black man in an area is there to do something wrong makes them believe that that population needs to be eradicated. Sometimes our experiences inform our biases. I could make the argument that everyone is biased in some type of way. But when you let your bias bleed over into injustice, that’s when we get into trouble. You can’t help if someone mistreats you, but you can’t let that permanently impact your opinion of everyone. We have some good law enforcement officers and some that aren’t good. We have some good people and some who aren’t. We cannot let our assumptions force people into the wrong category. Young black people are filling prisons by the droves. I can’t wrap my mind around teenagers in McKinney, Texas at a pool party getting an officer’s knee in their backs while
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they’re begging for their moms. It has to be something systemically flawed when we have 51 percent of people graduating but 90 percent going to prison. Let’s not make the assumption that a child who has cultural tendencies is bad because they are outgoing or outspoken. Terms like “thug” are offensive and they’re based on assumptions, and we all need to stop making them. Sheriff David Morgan: Let me speak both as law enforcement and as a member of the community. You have to control the message with the truth. That’s how race relations is supposed to be. Problems begin when you shut off the flow of information. When you do that, you give the power to the fear-mongers and those who want to think the worst of everyone. You can never do that as the head of an agency. You have to disclose as much as possible as soon as possible so that community leaders can then convey it to their people. What concerns me the most is the collective schizophrenia of the white community. We are confused. I talk to young officers about this all the time. Why is it that in music, films and more, the most hateful, degrading, divisive and demeaning words can be uttered by minority members and not by anyone else? Why is that we have terms for words like “thug?” That is collective schizophrenia. Those
the finger at law enforcement. It’s also easy for law enforcement to say, “It’s their fault.” You have to bring in education, as well. Education has become a pipeline to prison. It’s easy to shift the blame to parents or children or law enforcement. We want to be clear. We want to say, “They’re killing each other.” I believe that if we continue to play the blame game, the stats will continue to escalate. We cannot blame the whole department for one policeman. We need to take some responsibility. We need to stop blaming everyone else for where we are and start looking at ourselves. What is your opinion on crime between races and within races? Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander: Well numbers can tell you one thing, but you can walk outside and see something different. The black community has to see crime as an important thing to deal with. Any problem that involves more than yourself, you
This shouldn’t be politics; this is a matter of public safety for everyone in our community and our country. words are not used in my home or with my family. I don’t tolerate those terms. You can call it artistry or freedom of speech, but it’s demeaning. When it’s uttered by anyone it is hateful, but when it is allowed to be uttered by a select group, they are no longer hateful words; they are privileged words. People are confused by that. That shuts down the dialogue. What are your thoughts on the blame game that is often played after a display of racial tension occurs? Reverend LuTimothy May: It’s easy to blame others. It’s an assumed behavior from childhood. It’s so easy to push it and it’s easy for the community to point 56 | Business Climate | nwflbusinessclimate.com
first have to take ownership. That’s why I like the idea of 360 degrees of accountability. What are you doing to address the problem from your side? I don’t like the idea of someone from outside your neighborhood coming in and telling you what the problem is. You need to get involved. There are monumental stories of success where citizens have gotten involved and addressed the problems in their communities, and that change is sustainable. Every time I pass by Belmont-Devilliers, I see sustained accomplishments that came from police-community partnerships. Sheriff David Morgan: The numbers are alarming, and we have to deal with it because you live
by stats. You may not like it, but you do. That’s just the reality, and the numbers are alarming. Ninetythree percent of black homicides are black on black. About 6 to 7 percent involve Hispanics. About 1 percent is white on black. Those are numbers we need to know when addressing what our problems are. When we hear those numbers, we want to back up and point fingers. But this is a community problem. This is not a black or white problem. In the United States, we make approximately a million arrests a year with all the agencies, local, state and federal. Of those million, 1 percent involve any use of force, other than putting handcuffs on someone. That includes openhand techniques: a weapon, tasers, pepper spray, etc. That’s a pretty good average, but what you see in the news repeatedly is that 1 percent. Dealing with those numbers, you don’t say that you’re doing a good job, though, because it only takes one Charleston. You have a thousand great interactions, but people will only talk about the one mistake. What one thing as citizens or as a community can we take on this issue? Reverend LuTimothy May: We have to own up to our own responsibility. When we leave here, we all have our various lives. So have a dialogue and be aware of your own behavior at work, at home, in school, etc. Sheriff David Morgan: You are either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. You set the standard. We are a mirror of our
community. We set the acceptable level of interaction. Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander: You have to continue to build trust and respect. The quality of your relationship determines how you resolve your crises. When trust is low, the cost is high. What steps can law enforcement take to rebuild trust with minority communities after events like Ferguson and so on? Sheriff David Morgan: The problem today is social media, and there’s no controlling that. The message can’t be defined by the truth because you’re competing with everyone. Young people with Facebook and the grape vine take over. We work so many cases that we will roll out with something of “this is what happened” and the public dialogue is the opposite. So we want to get out there quickly with the facts that we know with the case to get in control of that. What occurred in Ferguson is a great example. “Hands up, don’t shoot” never happened. But that is now a mantra throughout the United States, especially with black people. That’s morphed into “black lives matter.” Well whoever said that they didn’t matter? But the message spins out of control and now they are in control of the message. Then you spend all your time cleaning up the mess they have created.
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nwflbusinessclimate.com | Business Climate | 57
finished the competition after
900 four-wheeler, exiting the
its last step up to a
completing all eight tasks, one
vehicle, opening a door, turn-
small platform, where
of only three robots to do so, in
ing a valve, cutting a hole
it turns to the crowd, raises
50 minutes. The accomplish-
through a section of drywall,
its hand, and waves, claiming
ments of IHMC and the other
a random task, walking over
second place in the DARPA
competitors prove that inno-
rubble, and walking up a stair-
Robotics Competition (DRC)
vations have and can be made
case. The random task on day
to program robots such as
one of the competition was to
Running Man to one day assist
push a lever down to shut off
Cognition (IHMC) on June
in emergency situations where
a power box and on day two
6. Team members congratu-
human lives may be at risk.
was to unplug a cord from an
Pensacola’s Human
electric outlet, then plug it into
of hard work paid off as the
from all over the world to pro-
another nearby outlet. The
crowd cheers them on, amazed
gram a robot to perform eight
most difficult tasks, according
to see Running Man achieve
tasks that may be needed in
to IHMC team manager Peter
a comeback from a poten-
an emergency situation where
Neuhaus, was exiting the vehi-
tially disastrous first day of
humans would not be safe
cle and walking up the stairs.
competition. The Atlas robot
entering. These tasks included
The robots had to move around
driving a Polaris Ranger XP
the environment with their
late each other on two years
BY KAITLYN PEACOCK PHOTOS BY WILLIAM HOWELL | BusinessClimate Climate| nwflbusinessclimate.com | nwflbusinessclimate.com 5858| Business
Business Climate SPECIAL SECTION
In addition to it being about the research and development of walking manipulation, we had all the infrastructure to talk to the robot, then actually attend the finals.
operator(s) in a garage away
worried about what this meant
upon egress (exiting vehicle),
from the competition grounds
going forward.
one of the hardest maneuvers of the competition,” he said.
and without a tether, mean-
“It was tough to watch and
ing that there was interference
we had no idea if Atlas would
from distance and walls block-
survive a fall,” Neuhaus said.
vehicle was a huge relief and
ing signals from the robots
“It’s never fallen in our lab.
showed just how robust all of
and operator(s) and that the
We survived the fall but things
our walking algorithms are.
robots could potentially fall if
weren’t exactly right.”
While I still had to take it very
not stabilized properly while
Despite being unsure of how
slowly because of the extensive
walking or performing tasks.
Running Man would perform
damage, once I was out of the
A fall resulted in a 10-minute
the next day, the team contin-
car I knew we were in a good
time penalty.
ued on and after minor tweaks
position for placing top three.” After
On day one of the compe-
to the software and operator
tition, Running Man faltered
interface, Running Man was
the course, taking things just
twice, resulting in two falls,
ready for day two of the DRC.
a little slower than they had
one on the rubble course and
Tension ran high as the com-
the previous day, team IHMC
the second on the stairs, knock-
petition started on Saturday.
guided their robot up to the
ing team IHMC out of the time
No one knew how well, or how
winning platform and into a
limit of one hour and resulting
badly, Running Man would
second place win.
in them only earning seven
perform. Team member John
points for the day. During the
Carff, who was the sole opera-
falls, Running Man was dam-
tor of Running Man, steered
arena, the team went through
aged. Boston Dynamics, who
the robot carefully through the
nearly two years of developing
had originally built the Atlas
driving course, then prepared
and testing software that gave
robot, attempted to repair the
to exit the vehicle.
the robot life. There were two
robot before the competition
“With the state the robot
the next day but team members
was in, I fully expected it to fall
Before Running Man could into
major components to making Running Man move. nwflbusinessclimate.com nwflbusinessclimate.com| Business | BusinessClimate Climate| 59 | 59
“The control of balancing
“Running Man was a good fit
a bipedal robot and the other
for this goal, and also gave
area was the operator inter-
competition, similar to the
change the movement. the
DRC, that will be hosted by
us new expectations to work
robot was the final key to
NASA that they hope to work
face,” Neuhaus said. “How
toward, all of which we were
the success of Running Man.
with. IHMC’s focus for that
to talk to the robot and have
able to achieve in the two
“There’s a ton of data com-
competition will be the walk-
good communication, how
years we’ve had him. Except
ing back in various forms and
ing software for the robots in
to control it in a way that
running and jumping.”
at various rates,” Neuhaus
the competition.
you get what you expect out
The second part of the
said. “You could overload
Most of team IHMC is on a
and know when things aren’t
software, the user interface,
the operator and some teams
well-deserved vacation after
going right and provide the
focused on the communica-
had six operators and tons
their second-place win at the
right information.”
tion between robot and oper-
of screens.” For team IHMC,
ator, in this case John Carff.
they had Carff, a co-pilot, and
“It was a huge effort for
one screen with which they
our lab,” Neuhaus said. “In
controlled Running Man.
addition to it being about the
Only when both the movement of the robot and the
“So besides operating the
robot, my main job [was]
robot worked together was
figuring out the best way to:
Running Man able to perform
a) communicate to the robot
of walking manipulation, we
the tasks assigned to it for the
what I want it to do, b) find
Carff said, “It was a pretty
had all the infrastructure to
the best way to visualize
exciting experience. Though
Describing his experience Running
research and development
Walking wasn’t as simple
and understand the robot’s
a little stressful, it was mostly
as putting one foot in front of
intentions, and c) put those
fun and a bit of an adrenaline
the other. Running Man had
features into the interface to
rush. I work very well under
to have dynamic movements
allow anyone operating the
pressure, which is probably
that adapted to the task at
robot to easily tell it what to
why I am so good at operat-
hand, whether it be simply
do, and then the robot can
ing the robot.”
easily tell the operator what it
The future of IHMC looks
stepping out of the vehicle or
is about to do,” he said. The AI
bright as they turn to new
walking over uneven terrain.
developed for Running Man
projects, as well as a pos-
“When we first started the
allowed it to communicate
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talk to the robot, then actu-
project, we were working on
with Carff, and anyone else
working with Running Man.
ally attend the finals.” They
making something that was
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The main focus of the team
plan to return to work in early
very robust to walking on
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is to continue to improve the
July, ready to tackle new or
various terrains,” Carff said.
ing its operator to approve or
walking movement of the
old projects.
To find out more about
robot. “We hope to do more dynamic
reliable locomotion, until the robot can walk around without a safety tether and us not cringe,” Neuhaus said. Neuhaus
that there will be another
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IHMC and its team, visit their website at www.ihmc.us
competitive. committed. connected.
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BY JOSH NEWBY photos by guy stevens 6262| Business | BusinessClimate Climate| nwflbusinessclimate.com | nwflbusinessclimate.com
Starting a small business is a daunting task for anyone, even those who have business experience or have started one before. An independently owned and operated business is usually an expression of oneself, almost an artistic endeavor, but it is also fraught with legal hurdles, tax decisions, financing obstacles, and complex decisions like location, marketing, target demographics, business plans and more. If you are considering going into business for yourself, you are not alone. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Northwest Florida sees hundreds of clients a year and provides each and every one of them with the tools and resources they need to bring their dreams to life. Most important to any small business, as with any life decision, is a plan. That plan eventually includes securing a loan, deciding on what type of business to be legally filed as, where to locate, whom to serve, how long it will take to make a profit and more. Fortunately, most of those issues are down the road but it is important to be mindful of them. The SBDC offers workshops at the beginning of each month for aspiring business-owners so they can understand basic planning steps, as well as licensing and taxes. These classes cover how to write a business plan and assess feasibility, which are among the very first
things to worry about. You will be given a checklist of paperwork that will eventually need to be completed, but the core idea at the beginning is putting the concept on paper. That concept can be just one page long, but should include a basic assessment of future goals and current resources. Once that is done, you should make a free appointment with one of the SBDC’s consultants to build on that concept and eventually turn it into a business plan that you can present to a lender for startup capital. “We have experts ready and willing to help with a variety of needs,” said Sharon Triplett, a consultant with Florida’s SBDC. “We offer these services free in order to help build a healthy economy.” Triplett said that once the concept plan is done, individuals should officially file their company with the County Tax Collector, Department of Revenue, and the IRS. It might be helpful at this point in the process to meet with an attorney so that you understand the legal guidelines of the particular business you are filing as. An attorney can also help create your articles of incorporation. “We also recommend operating agreements and an exit strategy, especially if you have partners, so that everyone understands their role,” said Triplett.
Business Climate SPECIAL SECTION While having an exit strategy so early in the process may seem like putting the cart before the horse, experts recommend it so that plans do not change to inconsiderately favor one person above another once the company is up and running. Everyone should be on the same page. At this point, you should also open a business account at your local bank so that you can keep track of all expenses for both tax purposes and financial projections. It is that financial projections portion, Triplett said, that is crucial to securing your loan. “Bottom line, lenders want to know how operations will lead to cash flow,” said Triplett. For at least the first few months of your business, you should expect to not get paid, or even break even. It will take a little while for your revenue to exceed your expenses, so take that into consideration. “As a general rule, the larger the scope, the longer it takes to plan and typically to see a return,” said Triplett. While all this paperwork and behind-thescenes action is taking place, you will want to learn as much about your industry and your target market as possible. The process can proceed as slowly or as quickly as you feel comfortable, but nothing should be rushed. “Know the details of the industry,” said Triplett. “Understand the entire process from sales to marketing to the tangible goods, including logistics of delivery.” By now, probably a month or two into the process, you are likely getting pretty excited. You’re confident in your financial projections, so you will want to create the much-rumored-about and much-feared business plan. A business plan is basically a aggregation of everything you have done and plan to do, and should include an executive summary, company description, product or service description, market analysis, competitive analysis, marketing/sales strategy, and management details. Check out sba.gov for more details on finessing this important step. Now, your new business just needs money and a location, and of course lots of time, resources and a strategic attitude toward risk. “You can reduce risk through planning, understanding the industry and
having the capabilities to actually run the company,” said Triplett. Of course, all along the way, the SBDC provides classes from experts concerning how to successfully navigate these waters. It is time to apply for a business loan. This is where the rubber hits the road. On the application, you will find such questions as: how will loan proceeds be used?; what assets need to be purchased, and who are your suppliers?; what debt do you have and who are your creditors?; and who are the members of your management team? You should also be prepared to turn over personal income tax returns from the last three years, a statement of the business’s current financial standing, details on collateral, and legal documents like articles of incorporation, business licenses, franchise agreements, etc. If your loan goes through, congratulations. Now it is time to spend some of that money. First and foremost, assuming you are not aiming to operate a home-based business, you will need a building. Leasing commercial space and can be different than residential real estate. Commercial leases often vary regarding maintenance and repair costs, sublease availability, co-tenancy and so on. It is recommended that you negotiate a one- or two-year agreement with option to renew. You will also want to work with your realtor to find the best location/cost balance and ensure you are falling in line with zoning laws. If need be, work with local, BBB-trusted contractors to make customizations to the space. You will want to make sure the flow of customers
is easy, that payment stations make sense, tables and chairs are in places that make sense, and that there is a clearly marked entrance and exit. If the entrance is the same as the exit, make sure that area is clutter-free and welcoming. So, now you have your location. All that is left is to buy the equipment, hire some employees and start making money, right? Wrong. “If you build it, they will come” does not apply here. “Most new businesses forget to market themselves,” said Triplett. “Sometimes marketing is seen as optional, but it absolutely is not. Work with our SBDC consultants for free to identify your market and target them. Your customers don’t find you; you need to find your customers.” If you decide to hire employees, you will want to be aware of the required employment benefits and the optional employment benefits. You may wish to work with a staffing agency that can handle the human relations and background portions so that you can focus on what you do best. Then, without any further ado, it is time to open your business. Partner up with a local chamber of commerce to host a ribbon cutting and drive free traffic to your company. Throughout the life of the company, the SBDC will be there to help, so Triplett said to not be a stranger. “It is often not realistic or feasible to have a CFO or marketing person on staff,” said Triplett. “So we offer a free auxiliary to that. I’ve had some of the same clients for 10 years. We’re here for them throughout their small business’s life.”
nwflbusinessclimate.com | Business Climate | 63
around the region
Pensacola Chief of Police Simmons to retire; Alexander to be nominated as next Chief Pensacola Chief of Police Chip Simmons plans to retire in August after 29 years of service with the Pensacola Police Department. Hayward also announced on June 12 that he will nominate David Alexander III to serve as Pensacola’s next Chief of Police. As a department head, Alexander’s appointment is subject to the approval of the City Council. Alexander will become the first AfricanAmerican Chief of Police in the 194-year history of the Pensacola Police Department.
Foo Foo Fest grant recipients announced Art, Culture and Entertainment, (ACE), Inc. announced on June 11 the recipients of $250,000 in grant funding for the second annual Foo Foo Festival (Foo Foo Fest), the upcoming fall festival of arts and cultural events to be held November 5-16, 2015. Foo Foo Fest, the tourism marketing program of ACE, promises to be bigger and better in 2015 as the area works to attract cultural tourists to Escambia County, Fla. Foo Foo Fest, a 12-day celebration of the arts, acts as a “marketing umbrella” for the period of time to help leverage the breadth and depth of the overall selection of events, which are comprised of programming provided by 21 grant recipients and many more pre-existing events. Full list of grant recipients: • Pensacola Opera • Vinyl Music Hall • Ballet Pensacola • Pensacola Museum of Art • SOAR Pensacola • Legal Services of N. Fla. • Pensacola Civic Band • Japan-America Society of NW. Fla. • Pensacola Choral Society • African-American Society
• Frank Brown Int’l Songwriters Festival • First City Alliance • Pensacola Symphony Orchestra • Pensacola EggFest • Truth for Youth • Pensacola Jazz Society • 350 Pensacola • Pensacola MESS Hall • UWF Historic Trust • Pensacola Bay Concert Band
Local financial expert places on national list Rodney L. Rich, President of Rodney Rich & Company, was recently listed with the Financial Times as an elite member of The Financial Times Top 401 Retirement Plan Advisors. The list recognizes the top financial advisors who specialize in serving defined contribution (DC) retirement plans. The Financial Times Top 401 Retirement Plan Advisors is an independent listing produced by the Financial Times. The FT 401 is based on data gathered from financial advisors, firms, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflects each advisor’s performance in eight primary areas, including: DC plan assets under management; DC plan assets as a percentage of overall AUM; growth in DC plan AUM; growth in DC plans advised; DC plan employee participation; professional designations; experience; and compliance record. Neither the brokerages nor the advisors pay a fee to The Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 401.
UWF to help veterans get back to school The University of West Florida’s Military and Veterans Resource Center, in collaboration with Complete Florida Military, helps active duty service members, veterans and their families return to college. Recent funding from the Florida Defense Support Task Force has enabled Complete Florida Military – a new State of Florida initiative – to offer scholarships and support for Florida military, veterans and dependents of up to $2,000 for those with at least a 2.0 GPA.
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Warren Averett Members Gary Tringas, CPA; Scott Warren, CPA and Kathleen Baldwin, CPA, CCIFP
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Florida l Alabama l Georgia