rom avant-garde, thought- until 1949 when the theatre’s Board provoking productions and of Directors developed a plan for a beloved theatrical classics to home that PLT could call its own. In children’s productions and everything January of 1952, PLT hosted its first in between, Pensacola Little Theatre show in a World War II-era Quon(PLT) has been providing diverse set hut, and the theatre’s all-voluncultural experiences in Northwest Flor- teer productions continued there ida for more than 30 years. through the 1970s. After more than two decades, the Quonset hut began The humble beginnings of PLT date to deteriorate and the Board of Direcback to 1926 when a group of indi- tors felt that renovations would be viduals at the old San Carlos Hotel too costly, so they began to search established the Pensacola Civic for a new home for the theatre. In Drama Players organization which 1977, the Quonset building was sold, performed dramatic theatre for three and PLT moved into the old Florida years before the onset of the Great Movie House on Palafox Street, but Depression. In 1936, after a period board members and devoted volunof “dark years,” the organization was teers never gave up the dream of established through the Works Prog- moving the theatre into its own ress Administration, which provided home again. funding to create theatre companies across the country as part of Through a commissioned study, the federal government’s recovery PLT later found that numerous efforts following the Great Depres- local arts organizations had similar sion. The new organization became needs. After convincing the Escamofficially incorporated one year later bia County Commissioners that a as Pensacola Little Theatre, Inc. central location with space and facilities for existing and new arts groups Early performances were held in the was needed, PLT was awarded the old Chamber Commerce auditorium deed to the old Escambia County and later at Pensacola High School, Court of Records Building and Jail. 10 | DOWNTOWNCROWD.COM
S Rendering of a view of the renovated Clark Family Cultural Center. Courtesy of PLT/ Carter Quina
Illustrated rendering of the newly-designed atrium in the Clark Family Cultural Center. Courtesy of Pensacola Little Theatre.
Constructed in 1911, the long-abandoned landmark was renovated into what is now the Pensacola Cultural Center and in 1996, PLT proudly hosted its first production—The Wizard of Oz —in its new permanent home at the Pensacola Cultural Center in the heart of downtown Pensacola. Today, the non-profit community theatre serves as a cultural gathering space for the community and is host to numerous musicals, comedies, dramas, children’s shows, youth acting classes as well as a variety of volunteer opportunities and mission-based fundraisers throughout the year.
The cultural center remains PLT’s permanent home for its ambitious annual mainstage production schedule. Armed with a mission to use the theatrical experience to enhance the cultural agenda of our community and develop future generations of performers and patrons of the arts, PLT continues to serve as a mecca of local volunteerism and cultural opportunity for individuals from all walks of life. In early December of 2021, PLT announced the launch of a $3 million capital campaign to redesign the