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Exploring Florida Wildlife Winter Gardening JANUARY 2024 • PENSACOLAMAGAZINE.COM
Real Estate is Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is is Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Real Estate is Real Estate is Business Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Business Real Estate Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Real Estate is Our Family Business Our Family Business Our Family Real Estate is
Business Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Our Family Our Family Business Real Estate isFlorida’s Business Business Our Family We are Northwest Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business We are Northwest Florida’s Family WeOur are Northwest Florida’s Business Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. Business Our Family We’ve been setting theEstate standard for We areBusiness Northwest Florida’s premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We We’ve are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s been setting the standard for Business excellence since 1982! premier Real Estate Brokerage. We areReal Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We’ve been setting the We’ve been setting the standard forstandard for premier Estate Brokerage. Business premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage. We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s We are Northwest Florida’s excellence 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, We’ve been setting thesince standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Estate Brokerage.
excellence since 1982! We areEstate Northwest Florida’s excellence since We’ve been setting the standard for1982! We’ve been setting the standard for We’ve been setting theBrokerage. standard for premier Real Estate Brokerage. premier Real Brokerage. premier Real Estate We are Northwest Florida’s With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! We areexcellence Northwest Florida’s excellence since 1982! for We’ve been setting thesince standard for for We’ve been setting the1982! standard premier Real Estate Brokerage. We’ve been setting the standard excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! we have specialists in all areas of We’ve been setting the standard for of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, premier Real Estate Brokerage. we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of Real Estate ranging from Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time we have specialists in all areas of excellence since 1982! We’ve been setting the standard for from we have specialists in all areas ofof With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists inranging allRealtors, areas Real Estate With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, we have specialists in all areas of Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, excellence since 1982! Real Estate ranging from we have specialists in all areas of Real ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial With over 50 Estate Full-Time Realtors, wehave have specialists inall all areas of we specialists in areas of Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Residential Sales to Commercial we have specialists in all areas of With over 50 Full-Time Realtors, Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Sales toto Commercial Residential Sales Commercial we Residential have specialists in all areas of Hotels, Shopping Centers, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial Real Estate ranging from Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Centers, Hotels, weShopping have specialists in all areas of 1982! Shopping Centers, Hotels, Real Estate ranging from Residential Sales to Commercial 850.478.4141 Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Real Estate ranging from #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Shopping Centers, Hotels, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Residential Sales to Commercial Selling New Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. |Homes 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 Residential Sales toCenters, Commercial Shopping 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes SinceHotels, 1982! Offices and Land Developement. Shopping Centers, Hotels, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Selling New Homes Since 1982! Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Shopping Centers, Hotels, Selling New Homes Since 1982! Offices and Land Developement. #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell &Offices Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola Selling New Homes Since 1982! and Land Developement. 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107| Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 FL 32504 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc.Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Inc. | Developement. 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Selling New Homes Since 1982! OfficesRealty, and Land Connell & Company Realty, | Airport 2107 Airport | Pensacola, 32504 850.478.4141 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell & Company Company Realty, Inc. | Blvd |Blvd Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Realty, Inc. |2107 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell 850.478.4141 #BuySellConnell Connell&&Company Company Realty, Realty, Inc. || 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL FL 32504 #BuySellConnell Connell Inc.ompany 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 arper iTle llC 850.478.4141 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell #BuySellConnell arper iTle ompany llC Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 325 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 Connell & Company Realty, Inc. | 2107 Airport Blvd | Pensacola, FL 32504 #BuySellConnell
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1115 E Gonzalez Street | Pensacola, FL 32501
For licensing information14801 go to:Quorum for Florida consumers ( Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.Intended 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS only, ID Florida #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for LENDING Florida consumers Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License14801 MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A Intended SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Florida #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS For licensing information go to: for Florida consumers only, ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID ID #2129 #2129 ( Quorum14801 Dr., #300, Dallas, 75254. 877-350-5225. © 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr.,TX #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. Copyright 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License 14801 MLD909. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright SWBC Mortgage Corporation, NMLS #9741 licensing at ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETTgo to: FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A INC. SUPREME LENDING NMLS IDonly,#2129 For licensing information Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A LENDING NMLS Loans subject to credit andID Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801FINANCIAL, Quorum Dr.,#300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254.877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright ©2021. 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dallas, TX 75254. Copyright © Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., Dr., #300, #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. 877-350-5225. Copyright © © 2021. 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dallas, TX Copyright property approval, restrictions and conditions may apply. Forlicensing licensing information goto: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © LENDING 2021. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME NMLS ID #2129 ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. For information go Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID100, #2129 Corporate 9311 San Pedro Ave., Ste. San For licensing information go Intended for Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID Antonio, #2129 only, Florida ADVERTISEMENT. FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A LENDING NMLS IDconsumers #2129 For licensing information go to:EVERETT Intended forSUPREME Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME LENDING NMLS ID #2129 For licensing information gooffice: to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254.consumers 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. TX 78216. © 2022 SWBC. All rights reserved OPPORTUNITY ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. ( Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer Servicer License License14801 MLD909. Mortgage Lender MLD909. Forlicensing licensing to: forconsumers Florida ADVERTISEMENT. EVERETT FINANCIAL, INC.Intended D/B/A forSUPREME NMLS consumers ID Florida #2129 For licensing information goinformation to:information Florida consumers only, Florida For go to:go Intended forLENDING Florida only, Florida only, Florida For licensing information go to: Intended forIntended Florida consumers For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumersonly, only, Florida OPPORTUNITY Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. ( 14801 Quorum Dr., #300, Dallas, TX 75254. 877-350-5225. Copyright © 2021. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909. Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
For licensing information go to: Intended for Florida consumers only, Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License MLD909.
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CONTENTS FEATURES 14 WILD FLORIDA: AN ANIMAL ODYSSEY Author and biologist, Kirsten Hines, talks traveling, nature photography and local wildlife 17 PENSACOLA OPERA Opens 41st season at historic Pensacola Saenger Theatre
23 COOL WEATHER GARDENING Northwest Florida's winter months serve as the perfect time for growing fresh vegetables and herbs 26 LIVING THE BLUE ZONE WAY Daily habits to live a longer, healthier life, inspired by the world's Blue Zone communities 28 LET'S DO BRUNCH Leave your workday troubles behind and enjoy a late-morning feast at these delicious brunch spots
TOPICS 8 Editor’s Note 10 Page 10 with DeeDee Davis 43 Event Calendar
6 | JANUARY 2024
ss Note Note NOTE
2021 issue urvived e barrage oss and e entire ed ones, kept strange e, at least ng. novel ? The will de in change our vaccines so far been pronavirus, it from sure you rint with some ually— me, Escambia ne.freely d Santa What has quickly once —the uspect The factitis, I’m over mental virus or be on a ms. That is time word: mmunity, stay positive e over e--leaving periences. Only he idea, too, utions ect. ther than d, ocial via
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Obesity, diabetes and heart disease became death sentences for too many people battling Covid. While genetics predispose some to these illnesses, many can be managed or eradicated by lifestyle changes. I’d Kelly Oden like to focus on making healthy choices while still Executive Editor good stuff in moderation. enjoying the bad-for-you
Owner & Publisher Malcolm Ballinger
first responders and hospital workers? Thank
Passion and Joy you for putting yourselves onand the front incredible special-needs pets their lines owners I todon’t know about you, but 2020 keep us as safe asthat possible. bigoffered shout far too and she discovered whileAlso, thesea precious “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good little of either of these to me. I was so to consumed out tomay all the teachers there scrambling babies take a littleout more care, the love madness. Ionline hope youand read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks with myinmom’s illness then with putgive together to keep our kidssurviving they return islessons worth every second.
you’re and don’t forget engaged and learning worrying the griefwonderful, of her loss instead and theof anxiety ofabout theto make some art—write or draw or
things they cannot We you! build sing orcontrol. live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next If exoticor animals are more your thing, head pandemic and the sorrow ofappreciate so many national year, you surprise yourself.” on over to the brand spanking new and news stories I took you littleto time for myself. On that note,that I encourage read our -Neil Gaiman significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. COVID-19 provides This year, I Resource hope to Guide, explorewhich creative and personal The new location features allcommunity the hands-on, up resources for food, business, endeavors that help me rediscover myself and close as the previous location and interaction more. The ever-changing nature of plus discover new outlets for personal expression. added attractions, amenities and experiences this crisis necessitates that I mention that I’ve always Neil that will make loved for a wonderful family day out.quote. We can all use a little magic these resources may or this may not be Gaiman available and dreams and madness Procrastination to you by the time yougood read this issue. I in these trying times—an escape from If you’re interested ina conservation, check outwar.on the stress ofpeople inflation, and I would add kindness to this list While made glorious headway hope itmany will provide place topolitics start, some Dakota Parks on to local Panhandle Rooftop as well–kindness ourselves and kindness ideas or somestory inspiration either way. projects home improvement and personal in 2020, to one another. That may be Nesting Biologist, Rebekah Snyder. Through my resolution this year—to practice I You didonly not.also I did notthat organize I did not more kindness. I hope you will may we haveanything. some nonher work with notice Audubon Florida, Snyder helps join me. fix anything. I did notinlearn a language or a new pandemic related stories this safe issue. We made to ensure local shorebirds have nesting the call to already planned articles that skill. that’s ok, too. I’m still here. in 2024, we’ve resurrected spaces inthe aninclude increasingly overpopulated region. As forNothing. firstBut issue of Pensacola Magazine might still be helpful, relevant or enjoyable for
That’s an accomplishment. However, in 2021, I’d the city for the best our popular brunch roundup. We’ve scoured our readers. Weahope you find useful. All ofto this, plus fewload DIY pet them treat like lighten my and empty my brunch and all day breakfasts we house couldoffind. What better way to foster recipes andthe some goodand newsunnecessary from the junk that fills much clutter As for of us, Pensacola Magazine has been social connections in the new year than by breaking bread and sipping Florida legislature regarding protection one title or another for dearest? it.published It’s timeunder to make room for something new. See you at brunch, Pensacola! mimosas with your nearest and formore petsthan in abusive situations. 40 years. We have no plans on
Executive Editor Kelly Oden Art Director Ian Lett Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Alana Cox Editor Morgan Cole Assistant Editor Nicole Willis Contributing Writers DeeDee Davis Darien Hardy Sales & Marketing Paula Rode, Account Executive, ext. 28 Geneva Strange, Account Executive, ext. 31
changing that. We will continue to publish
We’ve also stories ontopics Pensacola Opera’s 41st season, winter In this we’ve of these So, turn issue, off thebrought news,covered putyou downall your phone and to bring you all the information we can health and tips for living like a Blue gardening, Florida wildlife, heart and enjoy these heartwarming talestheir and and more to help readers shift own focus in for as long as we can. Please reach out to us plenty Zoner. I hope this issue gives you of inspiration for a wonderful adorable of photos of local animals and 2021. We hope you enjoy. Here’s to your health! with story ideas, inspiration or just a quick 2024. the folks who care for them. When you’re hello. We are all working from home and we done, give your little catnip and are missing our kitty wateracooler conversations. Happy New throw your dog Year! a bone. It’s these simple Stay safe,that staywill healthy strong, Pensacola! pleasures keepand us stay all sane.
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Page 10 DeeDee Davis, Contributing Writer
One of the things I love best about living in Pensacola is the fact that every month holds something traditionally fun and unique to our region and usually includes food. January is all about the New Year, which means black-eyed peas and cornbread for good luck. February usually features Mardi Gras and lots of delicious red beans and rice, along with anything else flavored with hot Cajun deliciousness. March and April bring Easter with hams and deviled eggs. May brings on summer and introduces the patriotic season on the Gulf Coast, starting with Memorial Day weekend and then, easing into June and summer vacations, blasting into July with the Fourth and the Blue Angels, and wrapping up with August and back to school. We devour burgers and anything else you can prepare on the grill. September means the festivals go into high gear, beginning with the Seafood Festival. October brings more festivals and fall soups. Thanksgiving through Mardi Gras really defines the holiday season on the Gulf Coast, and we all know what that means. Even more than all of the other great holidays, festivals and events during this time we eat too much, exercise too little, imbibe excessively and stay up way too late. As we review the year, we can’t help but consider some of our disappointments and shortcomings. Some of us are depressed over the results of the elections. Some of us harbor certain bitterness because our football team did not make the national championship playoffs when we all know they deserved it. But, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life. We’re ringing in a new year and the possibilities are limited only by your attitude. No excuses, no delays, and
avoid New Year’s Resolutions because everyone knows they are only made to be broken. Let’s call them New Year’s Recommendations and get serious about a year of self-improvement, both inside and outside your physical being. 1. Assess your fitness level honestly and act accordingly. Now. I am a commercial real estate broker who understands location, location, location. In the world of fitness, this means exercise, exercise, exercise.
relive that time they shared together so long ago. The mountain is dotted with kids watching in awe, or maybe it is disbelief, but whatever it is they watch the ladies throw caution and age to the wind as the thrill of friendship rings out on their joyride. 3. Choose a new way to get involved in your community. • The old cliché about giving is so true. Help others and it’s hard to say who is rewarded most—them or you.
• You strengthen vital organs, which means better health and longer life.
4. Appreciate your family, as much as possible.
• You will lose weight and tone up. You will look better and feel better.
• It’s not always easy to be enthusiastic about ALL of your kinfolk, but when push comes to shove, they are probably the only ones who will be there for you, even when you are completely undeserving. You may have to hold your nose when the next holiday season rolls around, but be nice to Uncle Elmer. He drives you nuts with his stupid jokes and fake laugh, but he is married to your favorite Aunt and she will love you for it.
• The gym is a great place to meet interesting people, far better than any matchmaking service. 2. Appreciate your friends. Every year the retail world comes through with memorable holiday ads. I find the holidays to be an emotional period anyway and it doesn’t take a whole lot to make me all misty eyed. Publix kills it every year. Once upon a time you could dry your sniffles during the commercials on a Hallmark movie. No more. Just plan to keep tearing up through the ads. The winner this season is unquestionably Amazon, who hit a homerun on the subject of friendship. Three elderly women, obviously good friends, are sitting on a bench at the foot of a mountain watching children squeal with giggles as they sled down the slope. Apparently, the women get together and do this on a regular basis. Taking the whole picture in, one of the women uses her phone to order seat cushions. When Amazon delivers the package, the next day of course, the other two open it, puzzled at first. Understanding sets in and the next scene has them strategically placing the cushions on sleds before they hop on and swish away. The trip down the mountain shows them again as young girls, but the delight and the happiness are the same as reality sets back in. For that one day they
• Decide that you are going to be nice. Don’t come home grouchy and make everyone around you miserable. Exert the energy and willpower to adjust your attitude. • Make a point to call a family member every week. This does not apply if you live with them This year, make a point to be good to yourself, because we are all guilty of beating up on ourselves far too often and too much. Energy can be used positively or negatively. Choose wisely. Happy New Year, everyone! Special January Birthdays 5
Ann Neal
Patrick Duplantis
Corlette Mueller
Phillip Morris
Tom Gernon
Mia Davis
Opinion piece: the views expressed in this article are solely of the writer and not representative of Pensacola Magazine 10 | JANUARY 2024
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12 | JANUARY 2024
Connect Mind, Body and “Soul”
WF ild
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger
An Animal Odyssey
An Interview with Author Kirsten Hines
By Nicole Willis
Photos by Kirsten Hines from Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey
irsten Hines is an author, biologist, wildlife photographer and conservationist who has spent her career capturing the stories and lives of animals all across the globe. Though she currently resides in Coconut Grove, Florida, Hines grew up in the Philippines and has spent much of her life traveling to different places to tell the stories of the region’s native wildlife.
In her most recent book, Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey, Hines showcases and describes her encounters with some of Florida’s wildlife. The book features her experiences over the past few years, in which she traveled all across the state from Pensacola to the Dry Tortugas, detailing encounters with every animal from snakes and frogs to birds and deer. In promotion of Wild Florida, Hines will host a talk and book signing on January 20 from 1 to 3 pm at Barnes & Noble on Airport Boulevard in Pensacola. During this event, she will discuss Florida’s natural history, animal species as well as share the stories of some of her encounters with wildlife in the Panhandle. Pensacola Magazine had the chance to speak with Hines about her life, work and her latest book. PM: Can you tell me about growing up in the Philippines and PM: How does your background as a biologist inform your how that experience has shaped your passion for wildlife? photography? Hines: I was actually supposed to move to the mountain hill tribe in Indonesia, and at the last minute, we moved to the Philippines instead. The Indonesian spot was supposed to be really rural; it was still a rainforest. So, my parents had spent a whole lot of time preparing me for that. Then instead, we flew into Manila, and it was kind of a shock to be in the second largest, and at the time, most polluted city in the world. Our only real contact with nature was once a week, we would transfer from the city and go out into the provinces for a little bit. We lived in the city for quite some time, and then we went back and forth. During that time, I realized how much calmer I was in nature and having some greenery. It was also kind of over-hunted; the only pretty bird that was there got killed by a boy with a slingshot. But there was enough nature there that I could really see the difference. Also, during the time that we were commuting for several years, I watched the city engulf all of the rural areas that were there, and it was really impactful. I had been made so aware of how much the nature mattered and then to watch it disappear—it definitely shaped my interest in conservation. I was already passionate about wildlife, but I became even more passionate about the conservation side of it and really making sure that these animals had habitats and also recognizing firsthand how important having that habitat was for people, also.
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Hines: I started off as a herpetologist, which means I was studying amphibians and reptiles. When I was working on those projects, I loved the fieldwork, but I really struggled with the data analysis and being so objective and the writing style. I really wanted to be passionate, but you're not supposed to be passionate in those situations. I also recognized that if you became a really good scientist, you would be stuck in a lab somewhere, and that was not what I wanted; I wanted to continue being out in the field. So, after I finished my master's degree, I decided I was going to travel. My fellow lab mates gave me my first ever camera that was this little point and shoot. It made me realize that I was looking at the world more deeply and in a different way. I'd also always been a writer, and suddenly it occurred to me, ‘Well, why don't I use my biology background and all of this ecology and animal behavior knowledge that I have, and channel that through communicating about nature and wildlife? Using writing and photography as my tools?’ PM: Do you always set out with the intention of photographing the animals, or do you explore more as a tourist and take your camera with you wherever you go? Hines: Well, I would say I'm a nature tourist to begin with. I spend very little time in the cities. As a tourist, I spent most of my time in Australia. During this time, I was deciding ‘Wow, I kind of like
photography.’ I didn't even own a SLR at that time. So, that trip was definitely more about finding my way and what I wanted to do with my life. But since then, I have always been somebody who goes places because I want to experience that place. I try to go places for longer periods of time. I research ahead what kind of nature there is and what kind of animals I might see. Then I just try to entrench myself in that and get as deep into it as I can. I'm always going to see some kind of natural phenomenon and then experience it as fully as I can to capture the stories both in writing and photography. PM: Can you tell me about the wildlife that you've encountered in Pensacola or the Panhandle area in general? Hines: The Panhandle is fascinating because it's so different. I live in Miami. If you think about Florida, Pensacola is really temperate and is in fact a temperate biodiversity hotspot for North America. Of course, I am living in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. So, I go to Pensacola and I don't know any of the plants. I am always surprised by the animals that are up there. It was eye-opening and it was really pretty. I was seeing things like redcockaded woodpeckers, which do get further south, but you still have intact forests up there that really house those birds. The Panhandle is also one of the few places where you can get pitcher plants. I saw some of the biggest beaver lodges I've ever seen anywhere in my life just outside of Milton and many sea birds that are nesting around Pensacola. It's a really special place. Florida Black Bear Ursus americanus floridanus
American Beaver Castor canadensis Part of what's interesting is that Florida is known as this tropical state, but around the Pensacola area, we have this biodiversity hotspot for temperate species and this wonderful diversity of nesting birds and black skimmers and terns. I was just driving from Pensacola to the National Seashore there and I had to pull off [the road] and I didn't have to pull off because of the traffic, but I was like, ‘Wow, look at all these birds that are just right here at the side of the road. That's amazing.’ They're nesting and they're squabbling about whose nest should be where and it's all happening right there in the middle of the city. PM: What are some things that people living in the Panhandle can do to help conserve the wildlife that exists here? Hines: You guys actually have a lot more natural areas than some other areas of Florida. So fighting to protect those and keep those reserves pristine is really important. Then for people who are living in the denser areas, landscaping with native plants is always really critical no matter where you are. What those exact plants are, of course, varies with where you are, and in the panhandle and Pensacola area, that includes more temperate species than it would down here [in Southern Florida]. But the concept is the same—just making sure that people within the urban areas are including those native plants in their yard so that all of the wonderful reserves you have up there can
continue to be connected both amongst the reserves but also throughout the urban corridors as well. PM: What are some of the things that you would like readers to take away from Wild Florida? Hines: I hope they’ll get a whole new understanding of Florida. I feel like people in Pensacola probably are ahead of the game a little bit because they're already aware that [most people] view Florida as this tropical oasis. For you guys, it's not a surprise that you have beavers, whereas everybody in the rest of Florida is like, ‘Whoa, what? We have beavers here?’ So I feel like to some degree, you guys already have a better awareness of the diversity that Florida has to offer. But really, what I'm hoping is that people will appreciate how diverse Florida is and how much more it has to offer than this typical idea that it's just alligators and beaches. I think you guys are already ahead of the game in that, but I do hope that that will be reinforced. I'm hoping that people that go through the book will just have a whole new love of Florida and maybe even a willingness to want to help conserve it. For details on her upcoming Pensacola event, visit To stay up to date with Hines and check out more of her work, follow @KirstenNatureTravel on Facebook. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 15
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Pensacola Opera
Opens 41st Season at Historic Saenger Theatre by Darien Hardy
ensacola Opera is returning to the historic
Saenger Theatre for its 41st season with a packed schedule of crowd-favorite performances and community events. Chandra McKern, general director for Pensacola Opera, and Corey McKern, artistic director for Pensacola Opera, are professionally trained opera singers who have performed at the famous Metropolitan Opera in New York City.
"Our 41st Anniversary season promises to delight our current attendees and welcome new audiences with two classic opera productions, innovative special events, and some of the most exciting voices working in opera today,” Chandra said. “We are bringing in two world class directors this year who have a combined 80 years plus in the opera business,” Corey said. “Both our mainstage productions, (Lucia) and Die Fledermaus are full of excellent, challenging music and have great stories. With these directors and our excellent casts, I have no doubt our audience can expect world class operas in our lovely small town.”
arranged her marriage to Lord Arturo Bucklaw. Caught in the middle of the two rival families, Lucia loses her strength and descends into madness, leading to the opera’s tragic conclusion. Donizetti’s beautifully tumultuous score is highlighted by the iconic “Mad Scene,” an extended, virtuosic showpiece made famous by sopranos such as Joan Sutherland, Maria Callas and Beverly Sills. Lucia features an exciting all-debut cast of professional artists, including singers from Pensacola Opera’s own Jan Miller Studio Artist program. Starring as Lucia is soprano Abigail Rethwisch, playing opposite Andrew Morstein as Lucia’s true love, Edgardo. Bass-baritone Richard Ollarsaba plays Lucia’s brother Enrico who arranges her marriage with Lord Arturo Bucklaw, played by renowned tenor and teacher Jason Ferrante. The cast is rounded out by mezzosoprano Alexandra Sanchez as Alisa, tenor Zachary Taylor as Normanno and bass Anthony Reed as Raimondo.
Pensacola Opera will open their 41st season with the Italian bel canto opera Lucia. With performances on January 26 and 28, this dramatic powerhouse makes its return to the Saenger stage. Lucia follows Lucia Ashton, who is madly in love with Edgardo, leader of the Ravenswoods, her family’s fiercest political enemies. However, to save their family from poverty, her brother Enrico has already PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 17
The Pensacola Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Cody Martin, with director Dona D. Vaughn making her mainstage directorial debut with Pensacola Opera.
“We are bringing in two world class directors this year who have a combined 80 years plus in the opera business.”
Pensacola Opera’s 41st season will close with Strauss’ effervescent and always entertaining German operetta, Die Fledermaus. Gabriel von Eisenstein finds himself at Prince Orlofsky’s elaborate masquerade ball, along with his wife Rosalinde, their maid Adele and his friend, Dr. Falke. The catch? They’re all concealing their identities as part of an elaborate prank of light-hearted revenge. Just as things begin to unravel, all is revealed and the characters accept their bamboozlement, raising a toast to champagne’s delicious pleasures. With nonstop laughs from start to finish, Die Fledermaus has become one of the most well-known and beloved German operettas of all time. Brown Bag Opera
Returning soprano Kara Shay Thomson stars as Rosalinde with baritone Daniel Belcher making his Pensacola Opera debut as Gabriel von Eisenstein. Also making their debuts are Christian Sanders as Alfred, studio artist soprano Nicole Heinen as Adele and studio artist Bernardo Medeiros as Frank. Returning to the Saenger stage are studio artist alumnus baritone Scott Lee as Dr. Falke and mezzosoprano Kayla Nanto as Prince Orlofsky. The show also features studio artists, tenor Zachary Taylor as Dr. Blind, mezzo-soprano Alexandra Sanchez as Sally and Joe Tomko as Frosch. Leading the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra is Principal Guest Conductor Jerome Shannon, with stage direction by John Hoomes of Nashville Opera. Pensacola Opera offers a variety of other ways to enhance the opera experience through numerous outreach events, annual fundraisers and other social events held throughout the year. Immediately following opening night performances, the Opera hosts a Meet the Artist Reception at the Saenger Theatre in the upstairs event room. This reception includes a catered meal, drinks and cocktails, desserts and also provides an opportunity to mix and mingle with the stars of the show. Prior to the Sunday matinee performances, opera patrons are invited to Jackson’s Steakhouse for a special Director’s Champagne Brunch. This specially crafted meal includes a gourmet menu by the chef of Jackson’s, bottomless mimosas and a lively introduction to the show by a member of the Pensacola Opera artistic staff. Tickets to these events are $50 each.
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While grand opera performances happen on the Saenger stage every season, a big part of Pensacola Opera’s mission is to bring opera outside the walls of the theater and into the community. Brown Bag Opera and Opera Al Fresco are two of these programs that offer opportunities to experience opera in a familiar, digestible setting at no cost. Brown Bag Opera is a monthly recital series where the community is invited to spend their lunch hour with Pensacola Opera. Each Opera Al Fresco month from September to March, the Jan Miller Studio Artists provide a free, 45-minute The next Opera Al Fresco is February 10 at the Rev. recital of favorite arias and musical theater pieces H.K. Matthews Park in Pensacola. Visit Pensacola while you enjoy your lunch. Brown Bag Opera Opera’s website for more information. recitals will be held January 30, and February 20 at Tickets to Pensacola Opera’s 41st mainstage noon at the Pensacola Opera Center in downtown productions start at $25 and can be purchased online Pensacola. at, by calling (850) 433-6737 or in Opera Al Fresco is a special pop-up concert person at Pensacola Opera located at 75 S. Tarragona series that brings live music to parks and green St. in downtown Pensacola. Pensacola Opera's box spaces throughout the city using the Opera’s office is open Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 StageMobile, which was secured through an pm. For more information on upcoming opera events IMPACT100 grant. This mobile stage can bring an and productions, visit elevated performance space to almost anywhere.
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Make 2024 Your Healthiest Yet Courtesy of the American Heart Association
The holidays have come and gone, and a new year is here. If you’re like many, 2024 will be the year to get healthy. Taking steps to be healthy can be overwhelming, especially if you have little guidance. So, this year, why not mix things up and start with a few simple steps? Life’s Essential 8™ is a science-based recipe for a longer, healthier life. Created by the American Heart Association, Life’s Essential 8 identifies the 8 most important factors for cardiovascular health – 4 health behaviors and 4 health factors. It truly simplifies cardiovascular health so people can better understand and manage it.
So, let’s dive right in and see what changes we can make now for a longer life. 1.
Eat Better – A heart-healthy eating plan takes into account proper energy balance. This means balancing what you eat with the energy that you burn. If you can meet four to five of the following goals and keep your calorie levels in check, you’re building an overall healthy eating plan. • Eat 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day. Eat a variety of colors and types. • Eat 5 1/2 ounces per day of protein foods such as skinless poultry, seafood, lean meats and eggs. • Eat 6 ounces of grains per day (at least half of the servings from whole grains). • Have 3 cups of fat-free or low-fat dairy products per day if you include dairy in your diet, or choose milk substitutes such as soy, almond and rice milk that have calcium and vitamins A and D added. • Include limited amounts (5 ounces per week) of (unsalted) nuts, legumes and seeds. Also keep sodium to no more than 2,300 milligrams (mgs) per day and an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults. Limit your intake of red and processed meats, saturated fats and sugar-sweetened foods and beverages.
2. Get Active – Regular physical activity is important. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (or a combination of both) each week. Preferably, the activity should be spread throughout the week. In addition, two days per week of moderate to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activity is recommended. Moderate to vigorous activities include brisk walking, jogging, running, basketball, rowing, swimming, soccer and tennis. If you haven’t been active, start with 10 to 15 minutes a day and work up to more. Find forms of exercise you like and will stick with. Just move more and sit less! 20 | JANUARY 2024
3. Stop Smoking – Not smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. That includes e-cigarettes and vaping. Tobacco is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States. Both traditional and e-cigarette smoking and regular exposure to other people’s smoke increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you smoke, get help to quit. As soon as you stop smoking, your risk of heart disease and stroke starts to drop. You’re more likely to quit tobacco for good if you prepare by creating a plan that fits your lifestyle. 4. Get Enough Sleep – Getting a good night’s sleep every night is vital to cardiovascular health. Good sleep benefits your whole body including your heart and brain with effects such as improved mood, memory and reasoning. The amount and quality of sleep you get can influence your eating habits, mood, memory, internal organs and more. Too much or too little can be harmful. Adults should aim for an average of 7 to 9 hours a night, and babies and kids need more depending on their age. 5. Manage a Healthy Weight – Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight has many benefits. Body mass index, a numerical value of your weight in relation to your height, is a useful gauge. An optimal BMI is 25. You can calculate it online or consult with a healthcare professional. 6. Control Cholesterol – Cholesterol is part of a healthy body. But having too much of it in your blood can be a problem. High cholesterol can cause blocked arteries, leading to heart disease and stroke. You should have your cholesterol checked every four to six years as part of an overall cardiovascular risk assessment as long as your risk remains low. If other factors put you at higher risk for heart disease or stroke, your health care professional may want to check it more often.
Control Blood Sugar – It’s important to know your blood glucose number. Two common glucose tests are the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and the HbA1C test, or A1C, which is done without fasting. The A1C test works well in individuals with or without diabetes, and it tracks glucose control among diabetic patients better. A healthy non-diabetic adult should have an FPG reading of less than 100 mg/dL or an A1C of less than 5.7 percent. If your fasting blood sugar level is between 100 mg/dL and 125 mg/dL or your A1C is between 5.7 percent and 6.4 percent, you have “pre-diabetes.” Pre-diabetes can lead to diabetes, which increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. If you have diabetes, it’s important to work with your health care team to manage it and control any other risk factors you have.
Not sure where to start? The good news is that it’s all connected – mind, body and heart. You can start a positive chain reaction. Something as simple as moving your body can spark a positive shift. You do not have to make BIG life changes to see the benefits. Just add a little more activity to your day and take things one step at a time. You got this! To learn more about Life’s Essential 8™ and view other resources, visit
8. Manage Blood Pressure - Have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure makes your heart work harder. That puts more strain on the heart and arteries. You may have high blood pressure if your systolic pressure is 130 mm Hg or higher, or diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg or higher and stays high over time. A single high reading is not an immediate cause for alarm. If your blood pressure is normal (below 120/80 mm Hg), have it checked at least every two years. If it’s not, follow your health care professional’s advice to control it. Having better cardiovascular health helps to lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.
Will YOU be ready to SAVE the life of SOMEONE you love? Find a CPR class at ©2023 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited. The American Heart Association is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
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Swiss chard
Cool Weather Gardening in Northwest Florida
by Morgan Cole
hen we think of gardening, we almost always think of spring, but did you know that here in Northwest Florida, the winter months are also the perfect time for growing your own vegetables and herbs? In fact, cool weather gardening can be just as productive as, gardening in the spring. If you’re new to gardening, the winter months serve as the ideal time to get a little dirt on your hands and learn to grow.
“You don’t have to wait until spring to have tasty, fresh and nutritious home-grown vegetables and herbs,” Renee Perry, co-owner of East Hill Edible Gardening said. Perry explained that cooler temperatures can actually bring a diverse selection of vegetables to choose from. She recommends trying your hand at varieties of brassicas like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. There are also a number of herbs that do well in cooler weather along the Gulf Coast including cilantro, parsley and dill.
“A lot of people think you can’t grow cilantro here, but that’s because of their timing when they’ve tried to grow it. It actually does best when the weather is cooler and it can also withstand some freezing temperatures,” Perry explained. According to the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension in Santa Rosa County, legumes such as English peas and fava beans also do well in cooler temperatures. “Irish potatoes are another edible crop that can be planted right now,” Residential Horticulture Agent & Master Gardener Coordinator for the Santa Rosa County UF/IFAS Extension, Joshua Criss said. “Another vegetable that can be planted now is Brussels sprouts. Some of the more Florida-friendly varieties are Jade Cross and Long Island Improved.” Brussels sprouts can take up to 140 days to mature and don’t like overly warm weather, so winter temperatures in Northwest Florida can provide ideal conditions for growing fresh Brussels sprouts. Perry explained that edible bulbs such as onions, garlic and leeks; salad greens like lettuces and
spinach and European specialties such as radicchio, endive and fennel bulb, also grow well in our region during the winter months.
“You don’t have to wait until spring to have tasty, fresh and nutritious home-grown vegetables and herbs.”
Garlic chives (also known as Chinese chives) also do well in our region, regardless of the season. They are different from regular chives, which have hollow stems and a mild onion flavor.
“Garlic Chives are different in that they have long, flat green leaves and have mild garlic flavor. They are versatile and easy to add to a wide variety of dishes. They’re also pretty hard to kill and serve as the perfect beginner plant,” Perry said. When it comes to adding color to your yard or garden in the winter months, there are a number of bedding plants or edible flowers to choose from. “Some bedding plants that do well in the winter months in Northwest Florida are pansies, violas, petunias, alyssum and snapdragons,” Criss explained. So, what months are best for cool weather gardening along the Gulf Coast? Our seasons and timing are different from anywhere else in the country so, the right timing, particularly
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when it comes to what to plant and when, is essential for successful vegetable growing.
“This means that our fall gardening season starts later, and our spring season comes much earlier. However, our winters are much milder than most of the country, so we can enjoy home-grown vegetables yearround rather than having to sit out snow and ice waiting for spring to come,” Perry explained. Cool weather gardening along the Gulf Coast generally begins around September or October, but every year is slightly different so, it’s wise to hold off planting cool weather vegetables until the temperatures begin to drop. “Mid-December marks the beginning of Gulf Coast winter, which is shorter and milder than most other parts of the country. In fact, our winter ends and our spring begins in about midFebruary. Many cool weather vegetables can then continue to grow as late as April or May, right alongside the warmer weather vegetables we plant for spring,” Perry said. Although pests, diseases and weeds don’t typically cause issues in cool weather, one issue
to be mindful of is freezing temperatures. While cool weather vegetable plants can survive temperatures below 32 degrees, specific types of plants can survive different degrees of temperature below the freezing mark. “Broccoli and cauliflower can survive temperatures down to about 25 degrees. Carrots and onions will survive temperatures lower than we’re likely to see here in our area,” Perry explained.
Red iceberg lettuce
Knowing what temperatures specific vegetables can handle will help you know when to prepare for a freeze. Fortunately, we rarely see temperatures drop below freezing here along the Gulf Coast, even during the winter.
So, whether you have a green thumb or are completely new to gardening, remember that it is possible to have a lush garden filled with bedding plants and edibles here in Northwest Florida, even during the cool, winter months.
“You can grow plants in a raised bed or a container, of course, but don’t be afraid to plant directly in the ground. In the winter, the roots will be better protected in the ground where the temperature is more constant than in containers or raised beds,” Perry said.
For more information on cool weather gardening, visit or Follow @EastHillEdibleGardening on Facebook for seasonal gardening tips and updates on their latest plant varieties.
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Living the Blue Blu e Zone Way
Habits for a Longer, Healthier Life by Kelly Oden
For many, the start of a new year goes hand-in-hand with resolutions to lose weight, get healthy, quit drinking, be social or reduce stress. Often, these well-intentioned resolutions are abandoned within just a few weeks, in part because people are trying to drastically change their lifestyles overnight. Instead, it might be helpful to focus on overall well-being and longevity by incorporating some of the daily routines common in Blue Zones—areas of the world with high percentages of people who live long healthy lives (think 100 plus years) and enter old age in fantastic physical, mental and emotional health. Adopting the habits of these centenarians might just be the key to unlocking a longer, healthier life.
Eat Well Blue Zone communities fill their plates with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The Mediterranean Diet, a cornerstone of Blue Zone communities like Sardinia, also emphasizes olive oil, fish and nuts. This heart-healthy approach not only contributes to longevity but also offers a delicious variety of options.
Move Naturally In Blue Zones, exercise is integrated into everyday life rather than scheduled at the gym. Whether it's gardening, walking or practicing yoga, find ways to incorporate 30 minutes of daily movement into your routine.
26 | JANUARY 2024
Embrace Stress-Reducing Practices Chronic stress is a silent killer, but Blue Zone inhabitants have found ways to manage it effectively. Whether through meditation, prayer or other relaxation techniques, prioritize stress reduction in your daily routine.
Cultivate a Sense of Purpose In Okinawa, residents live by the concept of "ikigai," or a reason for being. Discover your passions, engage in meaningful work and cultivate a sense of purpose. Having a clear sense of direction and fulfillment can contribute significantly to overall wellbeing and longevity.
Social Connections Loneliness can be detrimental to health, and Blue Zone communities recognize the importance of strong social ties. Foster meaningful connections with family, friends, and community members. Join a church, book club, charitable organization or hobby club to help bolster your friendship network. Regular social interactions not only contribute to mental well-being but also have a positive impact on physical health.
Practice Mindful Eating In Okinawa, the practice of "hara hachi bu" encourages individuals to eat until they are 80 percent full. Mindful eating, savoring each bite and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, can prevent overeating and promote better digestion. Adopting this practice can lead to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Moderation is the Key While a glass of wine has been linked to certain health benefits, Blue Zone communities approach alcohol consumption with moderation. Embrace the Mediterranean tradition of enjoying a glass of red wine in the company of friends but avoid excessive drinking. Maintaining balance in all aspects of life is a recurring theme in Blue Zones. While health fads and trends come and go, the habits of Blue Zone residents provide a timeless guide to living a longer, healthier life. By adopting these and other Blue Zone habits, you may find the key to unlocking a more vibrant, healthy and fulfilling life.
The Original Blue Zones
In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed with National Geographic, the National Institute on Aging and some of the world's top longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people lived measurably better, longer lives. In these five areas, dubbed "blue zones," researchers found that people reach age 100 at a rate that is ten times greater than in the United States and with lower rates of chronic disease. Ikaria, Greece Loma Linda, California Sardinia, Italy Okinawa, Japan Nicoya, Costa Rica
Learn More About Blue Zones Explore
The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons from the Healthiest Places on Earth by Dan Buettner
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones on Netflix
Brunch let's do
28 | JANUARY 2024
Craft Gourmet Bakery
Culinary trends may come and go, but one meal has managed to carve out its own distinct niche and capture the hearts of foodies around the world: brunch. What makes brunch more special than any other meal? Perhaps it’s the variety of sweet and savory foods spanning the menu. Maybe it’s the company and laughter of family and friends. Maybe it’s the socially acceptable day drinking. More than likely, it’s a combination of the three that makes brunch feel so much more celebratory than either breakfast or lunch. As British writer Guy Beringer said in an 1895 essay, ''Brunch is cheerful, sociable and inciting. It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper, it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow beings, it sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week.'' Here! Here! In the spirit of Guy Beringer, we’ve gathered up some of the best brunch spots in Pensacola to help you sweep away the cobwebs of the week. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 29
The Grand Marlin
400 PENSACOLA BEACH BLVD. Brunch: Sundays from 9 am – 2 pm The casual, Caribbean-chic, sound side restaurant and bar offers an outstanding brunch menu with nods to Gulf Coast seafood, down-home southern cooking and Caribbean flavors. Popular dishes include the Crab Cake Benedict, Island Style Chicken and Waffles and the fan favorite TGM Omelet. The house bloody mary—served with a Maine lobster claw, candied bacon, Gulf shrimp and more— is a must try. Brunch mimosas are $3.50 and a full bar is also available. Reservations are recommended, but walk-ins are welcome.
McGuire’s Irish Pub
600 E. GREGORY ST. Brunch: Sundays from 9:30 am – 2 pm This Pensacola icon serves up a small but mighty menu of omelets, benedicts and waffles. Try the Mexican Hangover Omelet with Monterey jack cheese, plenty of jalapeños and picante sauce. Sunday brunch patrons can receive a complimentary Irish Coffee and a plate of fresh beignets.
Dog House Deli
30 S. PALAFOX ST. Breakfast/Brunch: Monday - Saturday from 8 am – 11 am This locally owned dining establishment is heralded as one of the most lovable, fastcasual restaurants on Palafox Street. First opened in 1977, the small but trendy food joint is most known for dishing up delicious gourmet hot dogs with just about any topping you can think of. Dog House is much more than just a hot dog joint, though; the breakfast menu features a well-balanced mix of specialty breakfast and brunch items like breakfast burritos, Smoked Pork Belly Sausage & Gravy Biscuits, Shrimp & Grits, French Toast Bites, Avocado Toast and more. Endless mimosas are available with the purchase of a meal. 30 | JANUARY 2024
Ruby Slipper Cafe 509 S. PALAFOX ST, Sundays from 9:30 am - 2 pm
The Ruby Slipper brings New Orleans flavor, flair and hospitality to downtown Pensacola with their 7-day-a-week, all-day brunch. There’s no going wrong on this menu, but fan favorites include the Grilled Fish St. Peter over cheesy grits, the Migas with pico de gallo and spicy chorizo and the Brioche French Toast Bites. Be sure to try the White Chocolate Bread Pudding and the Praline Bacon from the Sweet Sides menu. The bar offers a variety of mimosas as well as their unique take on southern favorites, the Sazerac Sipper and the Peychaud’s Aperitivo Spritz. Walk-ins only, but diners can join the waitlist on Ruby Slipper’s website.
Jaco's Bayfront Bar & Grille 997 S. PALAFOX ST. Brunch: Sundays from 10 am – 2 pm
Kick back and enjoy the view at this popular waterfront bar and grill overlooking Pensacola Bay and the Palafox Pier Marina in downtown Pensacola. Jaco’s has an upscale bistro vibe and offers both indoor and outdoor seating options. Mostly known for its signature flatbreads, specialty cocktails and fresh seafood fare. Jaco’s also dishes up a delicious Sunday brunch with a menu that features everything from Blueberry French Toast and Steak & Eggs to the decked-out Fried Green Tomato Stack and the jam-packed Bloody Mary Burger. Jaco’s also offers $3 mimosas during Sunday brunch.
George Bistro + Bar 6205 N. 9TH AVE. Brunch: Saturday - Sunday from 9 am – 2 pm
A favorite among local foodies, George Bistro and Bar’s mantra is that “food is the language of the soul” and that belief shows in every dish they serve. The ingredient-driven menu features classic favorites that pair perfectly with a leisurely weekend brunch. Standouts include the Very Berry French Toast, Savory Bread Pudding, Eggs Benedict and Bonita’s Lobster Roll. Vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options are available and the kitchen is happy to make dietary modifications. George also offers perfectly prepared coffee drinks as well as craft and seasonal cocktails. Luba’s Favorite is a refreshing mix of champagne and strawberries on ice.
P’cola Bistro
3102 E. CERVANTES ST. Breakfast: Monday - Sunday from 8 am – 3 pm
Aunt Katie's
3005 E. CERVANTES ST. Breakfast: Monday - Thursday from 8 am - 1 pm and Friday - Sunday from 8 am - 2 pm
Buenos Dias Cafe
911 GULF BREEZE PKWY., UNIT B, GULF BREEZE Breakfast/Brunch: Monday from 6 am - 2 pm; Wednesday Locals rave about this East Pensacola Saturday from 6 am - 2 pm; Heights gem that serves all day Sunday from 7 am - 3 pm break fast in addition to lunch. The owners of Gulf Breeze favorite, Standouts include Sissy’s Sausage Tacos Rock, opened Buenos Dias Gravy Omelet and the fabulously Cafe to offer Mexican fusion dishes named OMGOSH Bring Me Hoe for both breakfast and brunch. One Cakes, which feature cheesy jalapeno standout dish on the menu is Molletes– corn pancakes served with eggs, open face bolillo bread covered with bacon or sausage. The Crazy Good refried black beans and Monterey Benny is the restaurant's unique Jack melted cheese and topped with take on eggs benedict and features pico de gallo and the diner's choice hoe cakes topped w/fried green of meats. Another customer favorite tomatoes, Cajun shrimp, poached is the Chilaquiles–fried corn tortilla eggs, fiesta ranch and crumbled pieces cooked with salsa and topped bacon. Aunt Katie’s has a full bar and with queso fresco, crema, red onion, bottomless mimosas are available on cilantro, a choice of red salsa or green Fridays only. salsa and refried black beans.
This East Pensacola Heights opened in late 2023 and is sure to become a neighborhood favorite. Serving breakfast and lunch from 8 am to 3 pm daily, the restaurant plans to offer brunch specials on the weekend. Menu standouts include Turbinado Candied Bacon, Sourdough French Toast, Croque Madame and a selection of Breakfast Paninis. P’cola Bistro also offers a full bar and a variety of coffee and espresso beverages.
Agapi Bistro + Garden 286 N. PALAFOX ST. Brunch: Saturdays from 10 am - 2 pm
Agapi is the latest restaurant venture by Pensacola celebrity chef Gus Silivos. With a menu inspired by both the Mediterranean and the Gulf Coast, Silivos’ dishes are always inventive, beautiful and delicious. Their Greek Frittata is a must try brunch item, featuring gyro meat piled on a fluffy egg frittata with spinach, potatoes, feta, tomato, kalamata olives and Chef Gus’ house tzatziki sauce. Bottomless mimosas are served with your choice of fresh juice. Agapi offers a full bar and the Agapi Bloody Mary uses organic vodka infused in house with jalapeño, onion and bell pepper. Reservations are recommended, but not required. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 31
Another Broken Egg Cafe
721 E. GREGORY ST. Brunch/Breakfast: Served daily from 7 am - 2 pm Pancakes, waffles and eggs, oh my! Another Broken Egg serves up an abundance of Southern-inspired brunch and breakfast options, seven days a week. From crispy chicken & waffles and delectable eggs benedict, to savory shrimp ‘n’ grits and customizable omelets, there’s something on the menu that’s sure to satisfy your cravings. A must try is the Lemon Blueberry Goat Cheese Pancakes or the Smoked Salmon Benedict. Their brunch cocktail menu also features a variety of handcrafted cocktails, mimosas, spiked coffees and bloody marys.
Craft Gourmet Bakery
5555 N. DAVIS HWY. Brunch/Breakfast: Tuesday - Saturday from 7 am - 2 pm (until dishes run out) As if decadent sweets and freshly baked breads weren’t enough, the fine folks at Craft Bakery also dish up a small but impressive selection of breakfast plates seven days a week. Locals line up in droves for their delicious breakfast pizza made with Focaccia dough and topped with marinara, scrambled eggs, seasoned potatoes, sausage, sage, goat cheese, mozzarella and watercress. Dishes are served while supplies last, so get there early!
Scenic 90 Café
701 SCENIC HWY. Breakfast: Tuesday - Saturday from 6:30 am – 8 pm Sunday and Monday, 6:30 am – 3 pm Another venture by Pensacola chef Gus Silivos, this nostalgic diner offers a cool retro vibe, and an extensive all-day breakfast menu with friendly, small-town service. Standout menu items include the hearty Eggs Benedict, the vegetarian Portobello Sunrise and the light and fluffy Stack of Jacks with fresh blueberries.
Café Single Fin
380 N. 9TH AVE. Brunch: Sunday from 8 am – 3 pm This funky little café inside Waterboyz Skate and Surf Shop offers a surprisingly large menu of breakfast, lunch and dinner items. Breakfast, however, is the real star, and it’s served all day, every day. One popular dish, The Barnyard, features hash browns with bacon, gouda, spinach, mushrooms, peppers and onions, topped with a fried egg. On Sundays, the cafe offers a variety of brunch specials, including $5.95 bloody marys and bottomless mimosas for $7.95. 32 | JANUARY 2024
Native Café
45A VIA DE LUNA DR. Brunch/Breakfast: Tuesday - Sunday from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Native Cafe consistently delivers piping hot, fresh breakfasts capable of getting any morning off to a great start. Owned and operated by fifth generation Pensacolians, Native Cafe has become one of the hottest brunch spots in town. The menu features a plethora of delicious offerings like Crab Cakes Benedict, made from-scratch omelets, Shrimp & Grits, Biscuits and Gravy and more. Native Café’s fresh homestyle brunch dishes are sure to leave you nothing short of satisfied. There’s typically a line out the door by 7:30 am, so get there early to grab a table!
End of the Line Café
610 E. WRIGHT ST. Brunch: Sunday from 10 am – 3 pm Locally owned and operated, End of the Line Cafe has pioneered the Pensacola vegan food scene since its humble beginnings in 2002. The cafe is known for its wide variety of healthy, organic, ethically sourced foods that are made from scratch and 100 percent vegan. The cafe also boasts a full coffee bar, offering a large selection of specialty drinks, Kombucha on tap, tasty vegan desserts as well as beer and wine with daily happy hour specials. Brunch menu items include tasty veganfriendly options like Spelt Apple Cornbread, a Garden Tofu Scramble topped with saffron-roasted tomato coulis and a creamy hollandaise with microgreens, a variety of sandwiches, wraps, soups and more.
348 GULF BREEZE PKWY. Brunch: Served daily from 7 am – 2 pm This full-service breakfast, brunch and lunch restaurant joined the Gulf Breeze dining scene in 2022. Chirps dishes up a delicious brunch seven days a week. The menu features classic breakfast staples like waffles, pancakes and biscuits and gravy, as well as other southern-style breakfast items. A customer favorite is their famous croissant beignets. Whether you're in the mood for something sweet or savory, their diverse breakfast menu has a little something for everyone. Enjoy bottomless mimosas and a variety of other classic brunch cocktails.
Café Bistro South Market
905 E. GREGORY ST. Brunch: Monday - Friday from 8 am – 4 pm Saturday and Sunday from 9 am – 4 pm This locally owned restaurant serves up scrumptious American-style dishes that are sure to have you coming back for more. With a new waterfront location at the foot of the Three-Mile Bridge and an expanded menu, South Market has become one of the most popular dining spots in town, especially when it comes to brunch. The restaurant offers a casual yet upscale dining experience with ample indoor and outdoor seating. Some menu favorites include the Shrimp & Grits topped with Andouille Creole Cream, Chicken & Waffles with maple bourbon cream cheese topped with fresh berries and hot honey and the Crab Cake Benedict. South Market also serves bottomless bubbly or bloody marys for brunch on Saturdays and Sundays.
Brother Fox
15 N. ALCANIZ ST. (LILY HALL) Brunch: Sundays from 10 am – 2 pm Following the recent opening of Lily Hall, a new boutique lodging house in historic Downtown Pensacola, the property’s signature restaurant, Brother Fox, has launched a Spanish-inspired weekend brunch. The menu features a variety of wood-fired dishes including things like Pan Con Tomate, Steak & Eggs, Carne Asada, Breakfast Tacos with Homestyle Potatoes, Torrijos, a selection of cured meats and cheeses and more. The weekend brunch menu also features bottomless mimosas for $10, Aperol Spritzes and a tiered bloody mary menu. Indoor and outdoor seating options are available.
39 VIA DE LUNA DR., PENSACOLA BEACH Breakfast: Served daily from 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Café Bistro is a Pensacola Beach restaurant serving up all of the breakfast favorites just a walk away from the sand and sea. From pancakes, grits and french toast to eggs, biscuits and sausage, a breakfast at this beachy restaurant is sure to keep you fueled for a long day in the sun. In addition to the food offerings, Café Bistro serves a variety of hot and cold beverages including mimosas, bloody marys, teas, espresso-based drinks and much more. If you plan on spending a day at the beach, be sure to stop by Café Bistro for some good eats!
Adonna's Cafe and Bakery
811 W. GARDEN ST. Breakfast: Tuesday - Friday from 9 am - 5:30 pm Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm Adonna’s is a sliver of tranquility along bustling Garden Street. Located in a charming old house, Adonna’s is a cozy spot to enjoy a light breakfast, pastries or a cup of tea. The cafe is popular for its assortment of baked goods, as well as its Hash Bowls which feature a variety of veggies and meats topped with eggs. Thankfully, you don’t have t be an early riser to enjoy breakfast at Adonna’s, as it is served all day while the cafe is open. While dining, be sure to check out the expansive beverage menu that features various espresso-based beverages, teas, wines and bottomless specialty mimosas. PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 33
Fish House
600 S. BARRACKS ST. Brunch: Sundays from 11 am - 2 pm If you know Pensacola, you know the Fish House. This award-winning restaurant is loved by locals and visitors alike for its delectable menu offerings and unique dockside dining experience. Situated by Pensacola Bay and Seville Harbor in downtown, Fish House provides diners with breathtaking views from almost every spot in the house. The restaurant’s expansive brunch menu focuses on fresh seafood dishes and includes a variety of sushi rolls, fish options and seafood-centric appetizers. Fish House is most known for its world-famous Grits à Ya Ya—a comforting bowl of gouda grits topped with seasoned Gulf shrimp and a cream-based sauce with sauteed veggies and bacon.
The Leisure Club
1151 OFFICE WOODS DR., STE. A Brunch: Monday - Sunday from 7 am - 3 pm This quirky cafe and brunch spot serves up a variety of brunch favorites, handcrafted beverages and fresh baked goods. Served daily from 7 am to 3 pm, The Leisure Club’s brunch menu is fresh and mindful, featuring both vegan and non-vegan versions of waffles, biscuits and gravy, crabcakes and sausage. Their “Brunch Trio” lets you get a taste of two entrees and a side, starting at just $12. The cafe offers brunchers a variety of fun beverages including Sake Bloody Marys, mimosas, teas, and seasonal latte flavors like Eggnog and Rose. Whether you have dietary restrictions or not, a brunch at The Leisure Club is a must for any Pensacolian.
Taylor’s Breakfast & Lunch 7175 N. DAVIS HWY., STE. K Breakfast: Monday - Sunday from 7 am - 2 pm
Taylor’s Breakfast & Lunch is all about the eggsperience, serving up loaded omelets, benedicts, scrambles and skillets galore. This panhandle-based pair of restaurants touts a cozy at-home vibe in both its wooden, rustic-style decor and its comforting menu offerings. Taylor ’s diverse and delicious breakfast menu features homestyle breakfast plates with traditional faves like eggs, sausage, bacon and pancakes, as well as healthier and diet-friendly options such as the gluten-friendly Oatmeal Pancakes and whole-grain Avocado Toast. Taylor’s serves both its breakfast and lunch menu from 7 am to 2 pm every day. For the ultimate brunch experience, consider ordering off of both menus while dining in. 34 | JANUARY 2024
The Wine Bar on Palafox
16 PALAFOX PLACE Brunch: Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am - 3 pm The Wine Bar on Palafox is a downtown Pensacola-staple known for its expansive wine selection, but did you know that this popular wine bar also serves weekend brunch? This self-proclaimed casual fine dining spot serves up a separate brunch menu from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Brunch offerings include savory Blackened Gulf Shrimp & Grits and sweet Maple Bacon Bubble Bread with a delicious glaze. The Wine Bar also hosts a daily happy hour from 11 am to 6 pm, featuring half-off glasses of wine from a lengthy wine list. With such a large selection of wine, even the pickiest wine snobs are sure to find a glass to please their palate.
Dharma Blue
300 S. ALCANIZ ST. Brunch: Sundays from 10 am - 2 pm Nestled away in a cozy cottage in historic downtown Pensacola, Dharma Blue offers a popular and delicious Sunday brunch with a cozy coastal vibe. Specializing in coastal American cuisine, Dharma Blue’s brunch menu offers delicious seafood dishes, such as their popular Shrimp & Grits and mouth-watering Crab Cake Benedict. With dishes inspired by the flavors and ingredients of the Pensacola area, Dharma Blue is the perfect spot for a relaxing Gulf Coast brunch.
Five Sisters Blues Café
421 W. BELMONT ST. Jazz Brunch served Sundays from 10 am - 4 pm If you like soul food and live music, Five Sisters Blues Café is the place for you. Located in the heart of historic downtown Pensacola, Five Sisters has garnered the love of countless locals with its jazz-themed Sunday brunch. The café’s Jazz Brunch features soul food favorites and live jazz music to set the atmosphere. For over ten years, Five Sisters has been serving up Southern favorites like gumbo, Red Beans Over Rice, fried shrimp, and fried chicken in many different ways. Don’t forget dessert! Enjoy some bread pudding or Aunt Margaret’s Fruit Cobbler.
BEST Hangover Brunch Spots
Waffle House
401 E. GREGORY ST. Breakfast: 24 glorious hours a day
Blackwater Bistro
5147 ELMIRA ST., MILTON Brunch: Sundays from 9 am - 2 pm
Smother, cover, chunk, dice, pepper, cap and top that hangover away with what just might be the best hash browns in all the world.
Coffee Cup
Located in a 1909 historic home in the heart of downtown Milton, Blackwater Bistro serves up a delicious Sunday brunch in an inviting country atmosphere. The over-100-year-old home features a charming wrap-around porch for those looking to enjoy some outdoor dining on a sunny morning. Blackwater Bistro has become a favorite among locals, especially for brunch. The menu includes classic Southern dishes like Chicken & Waffles and Shrimp & Grits, as well as omelets, benedicts and sandwiches. The bistro also serves up a number of boozy brunch cocktails, bloody marys and Irish coffee. If you are a Pensacola local, Blackwater Bistro is worth the short drive to Milton.
First Watch
2100 W. GARDEN ST. Monday - Saturday from 6 am – 2 pm, Breakfast: Sunday from 7 am – 2 pm
1670 E. 9 MILE RD., STE A 721 GULF BREEZE PKWY. Breakfast/Brunch: Daily from 7 am – 2 pm This buzz-worthy breakfast and brunch spot has opened a new location in Gulf Breeze. First Watch delivers affordable upscale fare in a breezy farm-to-table-like atmosphere. The menu screams both quality and variety, offering both healthy and indulgent dishes, all made fresh to order. Some popular menu favorites include the Farm Stand Breakfast Tacos, Power Breakfast Quinoa Bowl, Lemon Ricotta Pancakes and the popular Chickichanga – a flour tortilla stuffed with eggs, chicken, cheese and avocado. First Watch also offers a variety of salad and sandwich options, as well as a fresh juice bar. A number of organic, gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options are also available.
Breakfast: Monday - Friday from 6 am – 2 pm, Saturday from 6 am – 2 pm, Sunday from 7 am – 2 pm The Coffee Cup is about as old school Pensacola as it can get. For nearly 80 years, the Coffee Cup has served as a local gathering place and a top spot for a good old southern breakfast. The Nassau Grits are a must try.
CJ’s Kitchen
CJ’s is Pensacola’s quintessential greasy spoon in the very best way. Try the Country Fried Steak, Napoleon Breakfast and the Beignets.
Jerry’s Drive In
2815 E. CERVANTES ST. Breakfast: Tuesday - Saturday from 11 am – 9:30 pm Another iconic Pensacola Eatery, Jerry’s was founded in 1939 as a barbeque joint. The beloved diner now serves breakfast, lunch and dinner with a southern flair. Try the Corn Beef Hash Bowl to chase that hangover away.
A chance to be a kid again
As the oldest of four children, Rivkah is a natural leader. Her mom, Amanda, describes her as an adventurous go-getter who yearns to try new things. She also enjoys drawing, roller skating and riding her bike. But Amanda also refers to Rivkah as a warrior princess. “She’s been through a lot,” she said. “She’s been a real trooper.” Rivkah was just 2 years old when she was diagnosed with leukemia. She and her siblings had colds, and Rivkah’s fever kept returning. An ER visit led to a blood draw, which led to her diagnosis. “It was very shocking,” Amanda said. Rivkah went on to spend months in and out of the hospital. She recalled, “It was a children’s hospital, so I liked that they had toys there, but I didn’t like being sick.” While also balancing a newborn baby and work responsibilities, Rivkah’s parents leaned heavily on the support of their extended family, community and synagogue. Rivkah, meanwhile, leaned on her favorite movie featuring snow to escape the pain and fear she was experiencing. Rivkah had never seen snow, and she was fascinated by what it must feel like to play in the wintry outdoors. Today, Rivkah is healthy and has been in remission for two years. “Her treatment took a lot out of her,” said Rivkah’s dad, Kyle. “It’s good to see her where she is now, after she was so ill for so long.” For her wish, her family excitedly traveled to the Wisconsin Dells to experience snow tubing, snowman building, playful snowball fights and valuable quality time together in a cozy cabin. “I liked tubing, but my teeth got cold when I went down the hill,” Rivkah said. “[This wish is] like a closure to everything she’s gone through,” Amanda said. “This is that light at the end of the tunnel, where she can have this joy and relief. It’s a great way to end something that was a hard journey.” Rivkah’s wish was also a chance for her to reclaim her childhood, in exactly the way she imagined. “It’s really special that Rivkah got to choose something that is just for her,” Amanda said. “Throughout her treatments, she wasn’t able to have a choice in what was happening. This is a big thing for her to actually choose what’s important to her.”
36 | JANUARY 2024
I wish to see snow Rivkah, 6 leukemia
“The most significant
thing about a donation to Make-A-Wish is that it helps put a smile on a kid’s face. Kids in a
situation like Rivkah’s have already gone
through a hard time
in life. It’s good for them to have a smile.” – Kyle, wish dad
To learn more about your local Make-A-Wish® chapter, please contact:
I wish to be a superhero Cooper, 4 leukemia
Assisted Living License #11190
6982 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola FL 32526
Call for Submissions! PENSACOLA MAGAZINE
We are in search of the next Pensacola bride, groom or couple to grace the cover of
Pensacola Magazine Weddings 2024
Inspiring Tablescapes & Decor
Dress Styles & Silhouettes
Coastal Honeymoons
Aisle Style 2023
If you have recently been married in or around the Pensacola area and have an interest in appearing on the cover of the annual Weddings issue of Pensacola Magazine, visit and submit up to three high-resolution images of your wedding for a chance to be featured on the next cover!
SUBMISSIONS DUE BY March 1, 2024 Editorial-style shots by a professional photographer are preferred. Please include the full name(s) of the bride, groom and photographer. Visit for submission guidelines and complete details.
EVENT CALENDAR Pensacola Ice Flyers Schedule and Theme Nights
Ballet Pensacola Presents Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
January home games and theme nights at the Pensacola Bay Center. For tickets and information, visit
January 10
January 4 at 7:05 pm - Peoria Rivermen vs Ice Flyers; Hometown Heroes Night January 12 at 7:05 pm - Roanoke Rail Yard Dogs vs Ice Flyers; Batman Night January 13 at 7:05 pm - Roanoke Rail Yard Dogs vs Ice Flyers; Weiner Dog Race Night January 19 at 7:05 pm - Huntsville Havoc vs Ice Flyers; Hockey Night in Pensacola January 20 at 7:05 pm - Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; Mardi Gras Night
Seville Quarter Haunted Ghost Tour Now through January 31 Come dine with the spirits of Seville on Seville Quarter’s Haunted Ghost Tour! Take part in a paranormal investigation and then enjoy a meal at one of Pensacola’s oldest and most haunted restaurants. Psychic medium, Ericka Boussarhane, and members of her team will guide guests through the halls of Seville Quarter, telling tales of ghosts, murder, mayhem and more of downtown Historic Pensacola’s paranormal happenings. Tickets include the guided tour and a $12 meal voucher. Seville Quarter is located at 130 E Government St. in downtown Pensacola. Reservations are required. Tour dates and times vary. For reservation information and more details, visit
Pensacola Mardi Gras Kick-Off on the 12th Night January 6 Start the first night right by attending the 12th Night Pensacola Mardi Gras Kick-Off Celebration in the East Garden District on Jefferson Street, just north of Garden Street, as visitors and locals alike line Seville Quarter to take part in the launch of the 2024 Carnival season. Described as a static parade, the event will feature more than 40 parked floats lining the downtown streets starting at 5 pm, while revelers parade among the floats and visit with krewes. Throughout the evening, the stationary floats will be visited by a secondline procession – a traditional New Orleansstyle foot parade led by a brass band and followed by casual revelers. The procession ends at the intersection of Jefferson and Government streets where king cake will be served, while supplies last. For complete event details, visit
Welcome to the magical world of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. A charming story for all ages with the beautiful grandeur of classical ballet and the promise of a happily ever after. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the latest production from The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine, is performed live by a troupe of 50 amazing ballet dancers who have gathered to bring the most famous fairy tale to life. This visually stunning production is accompanied by the music of B. Pavlovsky, more than 150 hand-sewn shining costumes, richly detailed handmade scenery, and brilliant choreography by the People's Artist of Moldova and Honored Artist of Ukraine, Andrey Litvinov. This performance of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will take place at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox St. Showtime is 7:30 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. For tickets and show details, visit
Rumours - A Fleetwood Mac Tribute at Vinyl Music Hall January 12 Relive the magical sounds of Fleetwood Mac with Rumours - A Fleetwood Mac Tribute at Vinyl Music Hall. Rumours, also known as Rumours ATL, is a Fleetwood Mac tribute band formed in 2014. The band has since taken the US by storm, performing for fans across the nation. Come experience an authentic recreation of live Fleetwood Mac shows on January 12 at 2 S Palafox Street. Doors open at 7 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. For tickets and more information, visit
The show begins at 7:30 pm and doors open at 6 pm. For tickets and show details, visit
Kids and Critters Mardi Gras Parade January 20 The Kids and Kritters Parade is a Mardi Gras walking procession for people and pets of all ages. The family-friendly event will be held January 20 from 1 to 3 pm at the Casino Beach parking lot on Pensacola Beach. The event will also feature a pre-parade dance show. The parade begins at 2 pm and there is no cost to participate, so get out your costumes, dress up your furry friend and bring some beads. Participants are also invited to create their own mini-floats using wagons or strollers. Prizes will be awarded for the best pet costume and best mini-float. For complete details, visit
28th Annual Cordova Mall Ball January 20 Pensacola Mardi Gras and Ascension Sacred Heart Foundation have joined forces to expand the annual Cordova Mall Ball with a portion of the proceeds to benefit Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. The event will feature live entertainment as well as a variety of food samplings from more than 20 area restaurants and specialty cocktails from the signature bars. Guests will enjoy exciting performers around every corner and various entertainment throughout the evening. Tables of eight and general admission tickets are on sale now and start at $80. Attire is masquerade or black tie optional. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit cordovamallballtickets.
Grown-Up Book Fair at Odd Colony
PSO presents Beethoven & Blue Jeans
January 21
January 13
Relive those childhood days of the glorious book fair, but make it grown-up with a beverage in hand at Odd Colony Brewing Co.’s Grown-Up Book Fair. Enjoy sifting through stacks of books from Pensacola’s local bookstores and indulging on nostalgic, handmade treats. Participating bookstores include Open Books, The Idle Reader, Pensacola Pop Comics and Bailey's Produce & Nursery Bookstore. There will also be delicious eats and treats served up by Nomadic Eats, Craft Bakery and Lindsey Bakes. Other artists, artisans and vintage dealers will also be selling their unique pieces at the event. The book fair runs from 12 to 4 pm on January 21. For more information, visit
Whether you dress up or dress down, join the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra for this annual celebration of Beethoven, anchored by the composer’s Fourth Symphony. A work filled with a spirit of joviality, it was once described by the composer Hector Berlioz as possessing “heavenly gentleness.” Known for its musical variety, the program continues with a South American influence, featuring the aria from Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, Enrique Granados’ The Maiden and the Nightingale, and Astor Piazzolla’s Concerto for Bandoneón, “Aconcagua.” The Pensacola Symphony Orchestra’s Beethoven & Blue Jeans will be hosted at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox Street.
EVENT CALENDAR Pensacola Mardi Gras Mambo January 26 Pensacola Mardi Gras has announced an exciting new Mardi Gras event — the inaugural Pensacola Mardi Gras Mambo (PMG Mambo), to be held on January 26 at the Pensacola Bay Center. The PMG Mambo event will provide a Mardi Gras party atmosphere featuring performances by the DeLuna Brass Band, The New Orleans Ramblers, Mr. Big and the Rhythm Sisters and award-winning artist Flo Rida, as he takes the stage to perform nostalgic hits like “Low,” “Wild Ones,” “Whistle” and more. Attendees will also enjoy a variety of Mardi Gras-themed food and beverages throughout the venue. All ages are welcome. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Tickets are available online at Visit for complete event details.
Collage & Layering Workshop at PMA January 27 Learn collage and layering techniques at the Pensacola Museum of Art’s latest workshop for adults and teens. On January 27 from 12 to 3 pm, participants will learn about the art of collage, practice various techniques while
exploring the medium and learn helpful tips and tricks to find their own unique collage style. Participants will receive instruction and materials that will help them create collage art. The workshop’s instructor, Maria Wagner, has been teaching and creating art for over 20 years. This workshop is designed for ages 16 and up. No previous experience is necessary to participate. Participation costs $40 for PMA members and $45 for non-members, with all supplies included. For more information, visit
3rd Annual Pensacola Pawdi Gras January 28 Hosted by WolfGang Pensacola, Pawdi Gras is an annual pet-friendly event that has become one of the most popular Mardi Gras celebrations in town. This year’s event will be held January 28 from 11 am to 4 pm along Garden Street, between Tarragona and Palafox Streets in downtown Pensacola. The streets will be filled with pups and their humans in costumes, food, games, music and more community fun. This year’s theme is “Bow Wow Luau,” so get out leis for you and your pup! The event will continue its tradition of a
dog paw-rade through downtown Pensacola, with 100 percent of paw-rade registration fees going directly to benefit this year’s benefactor, the Escambia County Department of Animal Welfare. For event details and to register your pup for the paw-rade, visit
STOMP @ Pensacola Saenger Theatre January 30 & 31 STOMP is explosive, provocative, sophisticated and appeals to audiences of all ages. The international percussion sensation has garnered an armful of awards and rave reviews and has appeared on numerous national television shows. The eight-member troupe uses everything but conventional percussion instruments—matchboxes, wooden poles, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters, hubcaps—to fill the stage with magnificent rhythms. Now this percussive ensemble is taking the stage at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox Street. Showtime is 7:30 pm for both performances. For tickets and show details, visit
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Changing Lives Through Expertise and Empathy A local doctor provides truly compassionate care and solutions for chronic pain and peripheral neuropathy. Do you ever wonder what it is that makes some doctors so incredibly compassionate while others have a bedside manner better suited for the DMV? Care Rooted In Compassion In the case of Dr. Rebecca Gibbons, RN, DOM, AP of AWP | Acupuncture & Wellness of Pensacola it is a case of true empathy. “I worked in hospitals as an RN for over 15 years and saw how patients suffered from pain and other chronic conditions. Some people were able to find relief with medications, injections or surgeries but many times we would see them come back within days, weeks or months. I saw their lives were not only filled with discomfort but their days were filled with doctors appointments, hospital stays, ER visits, prescription refills and physical therapy. That is no way to live. Not only does it take a toll on the person but it also takes a toll on their family members as well.” Dr. Gibbons also had a personal experience with pain. “I had suffered from severe back pain and did not feel comfortable taking medications because of the way they made me feel. A friend recommended I see an acupuncturist. After a series of treatments I was able to get relief from the pain. I was able to sleep again and the anxiety that I was feeling had also subsided.” Journey of Empowerment and Transformation After her incredible experience with the healing arts she made the life changing decision to become an Acupuncture Physician, “Acupuncture quite literally changed my life and I want to share that with as many people as I can,” she proclaims. I know the frustration of feeling hopeless and defeated. This is why I practice the brand of medicine I do and why I've made it my life's mission to treat the 'untreatable'. “As an RN, I saw so many people who had been given a disheartening prognosis, prescribed medications and told ‘this is just something you're going to have to learn to live with." “But now as an Acupuncture Physician, I am able to integrate both eastern and western medicine to treat
those who have chronic pain, peripheral neuropathy and other chronic conditions.” A Mission To Treat the Untreatable Understanding that Eastern Medicine excels where Western Medicine has not many tools, Dr. Gibbons set forth to develop treatment protocols for all variations of peripheral neuropathy (including diabetic and chemotherapyinduced) and back pain and now has an 80% success rate in treating these once difficult to manage conditions. Furthermore, Dr. Gibbons has surrounded herself with staff that embraces the same approach to patient care. "I have caring staff who share the same vision as I do when it comes helping our patients get relief and to helping them to live life to its fullest." Dr. Rebecca Gibbons has a long history of treating complicated, difficult to understand conditions. She understands how tragic it can be if left untreated and when you feel like there is no hope. Dr. Gibbons and her staff specialize in treating chronic pain, peripheral neuropathy, complicated neurological conditions and autoimmune diseases.
Call 850-530-1028 to schedule your
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Business Climate NW Florida’s
Special Section • January 2024
Lakeview Center Partners with Escambia County Sheriff's Office to Launch Mental Health Response Unit
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Lakeview Center Partners with Escambia County Sheriff's Office to Launch Mental Health Response Unit by Nicole Willis
The Escambia County Sheriff's Office (ECSO) recently partnered with Lakeview Center, a local behavioral health and social services organization, to launch a new mental health response program to address and support the needs of those facing mental health crises throughout the county. This new program will allow ECSO officers to better address mental health-related calls with the help of a trained Lakeview staff member. The specially-trained ECSO deputy and licensed mental health clinician from Lakeview will form a “Co-responder Team” that will be dispatched directly to the scene of a mental health emergency call. By forming this specialized response team, the individual experiencing the crisis will receive help best suited to their specific situation. “The co-responder program will support ECSO on calls that are mental health-related and connect
those we serve with the appropriate level of care, while avoiding unnecessary arrests, Baker Acts and Marchman Acts,” Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Co-responder Team Leader for Lakeview Center, Paula Matthews explained. ECSO and Lakeview have been preparing to launch the co-responder program since early 2023. Initial preparations for the program were funded by a four-year grant awarded by the state. Although the Co-responder Team is not yet in place, it is set to officially launch this month, according to Matthews. “The program has been in the planning stages since early 2023, after we learned we had been awarded the grant to fund this program. Utilizing the resources and skills of both the ECSO deputies and Lakeview Center mental health clinicians, our teams have been working in collaboration to establish this program to better serve our community,” Matthews said.
“The co-responder program will support ECSO on calls that are mental healthrelated and connect those we serve with the appropriate level of care, while avoiding unnecessary arrests, Baker Acts and Marchman Acts.”
Having a clinician respond to mental health-related calls alongside an ECSO deputy will allow those facing mental health crises or emergencies to receive the specific support they need during a difficult time, rather than a police officer being sent out to address the call. The Co-responder Team provides the caller in distress with support and responds with professionally trained individuals who are able to help address that specific mental health crises. The co-response program model also helps take some of the pressure off officers who are not formally trained in administering mental health help. Educating both the deputies and Lakeview clinicians is an integral part of this new program, and additional training is provided for all ECSO deputies who are part of the Co-responder Team. “The deputies assigned to the co-responder unit receive more advanced and specific mental health training, including crisis-intervention training, specifics around Baker Act and Marchman Act, as well as distinguishing the many different mental health disorders we see in our community,” Matthews explained.
46 | JANUARY 2024
Crises can happen at any time of the day, and the co-responder program will be available 24/7, meaning that there will always be a Lakeview staff member available to accompany a deputy on calls where their assistance and expertise are necessary. According to Matthews, the overall goal of the new coresponder program is “to reduce the number of suicides and overdoses seen in our area, while also freeing up law enforcement officers to address other needs in the community.” Unfortunately, suicides and overdoses are affecting Escambia County. According to data provided by Lakeview, per 100,000 people in Escambia County in 2020, 19.3 individuals died as a result of suicide. Drug usage and resulting overdoses also impact vulnerable individuals in the county. According to the CDC, the provisional overdose death count for the 12 month period ending in March, 2023 for Escambia County is 212 deaths. Lakeview’s data also showed the prevalence of fentanyl in the county and that it is commonly found in those who have died from overdose or suicide. Although the Co-responder Program is designed to
more effectively respond to mental health crises in our area, hoped are that it will also help to decrease the number of suicide and overdose rates in Escambia County.
“MRT also provides aftercare to ensure a smooth transition to the appropriate support services, such as substance misuse treatment, psychiatric care and trauma counseling.”
The creation and rollout of this new program is not the only time that ECSO and Lakeview have worked together. Prior to the inception of the Co-responder Program and up until the program is officially launched, Lakeview and ECSO have worked together through Lakeview’s Mobile Response Team (MRT).
With the upcoming roll out of ECSO and Lakeview’s new Co-responder Program, the future of mental health services in Escambia County looks bright. This program is another way for community leaders and authorities to support those struggling in the community.
“In the interim period [between now and the new program’s launch], ECSO deputies work with the Lakeview Center MRT for support as needed. The Lakeview Center MRT is available 24/7 via telephone or in-person, serving individuals facing a mental health crisis. MRT goes where we are needed, including working with schools, emergency rooms and law enforcement partners,” Matthews explained.
To stay up-to-date with the Escambia County Sheriff's Office and Lakeview Center, follow @OfficialECSO and @LakeviewCenter on Facebook. If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call the nationwide emergency number, 911, or the nationwide Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, 988.
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Around the Region
LandrumHR 5k Raises $15,000 to Benefit Lakeview Center
Bellview Middle to Become Community Partnership School
In a check presentation at Lakeview Center’s December board meeting, LandrumHR presented a donation of $15,000 from the proceeds of their inaugural 5K Run/Walk event held in October.
Children’s Home Society of Florida to Expand Community Partnership Schools™ Model to Third School in Escambia County
The event promoted awareness of the link between physical and mental health. “LandrumHR was inspired to create an event that features exercise as a way to improve mental health,” CEO of LandrumHR Britt Landrum, III said . “And because of the great work they do with mental health services, partnering with Lakeview was the perfect fit. We’re excited about the community’s response to our first year,” continued Landrum, III, “and we are already looking forward to our second annual event set for October 19, 2024.
Bellview Middle School will become the third school in Escambia County to adopt the innovative Community Partnership Schools™ model this year with partnerships among Children's Home Society of Florida, Community Health Northwest Florida, Escambia County School District and the University of West Florida. The partnerships are announced as the next step in growing the successful model first implemented in Orlando at Evans High School in 2012 and expanded to more than 40 schools statewide, transforming tens of thousands of lives.
According to the National Institutes of Health, exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. These health benefits can be achieved with as little as 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise – like brisk walking – three times a week.
The effective Community Partnership Schools™ model requires at least four core partners – including the school district, a healthcare provider, a nonprofit organization and a college or university – to agree to a 25-year commitment to the school and community, impacting generations.
“The generous support of the LandrumHR team and event sponsors will help benefit the more than 24,000 adults and children served every year through Lakeview Center,” said Allison Hill, CEO of Lakeview Center’s parent company, LifeView Group. “We see people in some of their most vulnerable moments, and funds raised from this event will help us fulfill our mission of ‘helping people throughout life’s journey.”
Founded by the Children’s Home Society of Florida and the University of Central Florida, the Community Partnership Schools™ model engages core partners, collaborating with local nonprofits, businesses, the faith community and other stakeholders. Together, they operate within schools to tackle crucial barriers to learning, such as food insecurity, poverty inadequate access to affordable healthcare, behavioral health services and heightened rates of violence and crime, among other identified challenges.
Prizes were awarded at the 5K for the top male and female racers with additional prizes for specific age groups. Richard Mayberry won first place in the male category and Tia Guidry, with Lakeview Center of Walton County, won first place in the female category. Most importantly, $15,000 was raised to support services and programs offered by Lakeview Center, a non-profit that has been serving the community for almost 70 years. From Escambia to Walton County, Lakeview Center offers more than 60 programs ranging from inpatient and residential treatments to outpatient counseling, psychiatry, trauma care, treatments for substance misuse and 24/7 support for those with serious mental illnesses. Last year, Lakeview Center served more than 24,000 adults and children with mental illnesses, drug and alcohol dependencies and intellectual disabilities. Sponsors included such generous supporters as Clark Partington Attorneys at Law; Centennial Bank; Cogent Building Group; Cox Communications; Florida Blue; Florida Power & Light; Navy Federal Credit Union; PenAir Credit Union; Wade, Palmer, Shoemaker, P.A.; Starnes Davis Florie LLP; USI Insurance Services; Waverly Advisors; Woodlands Medical Specialists; ID Group; Fabbro Marine Group; Regions Bank; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; TrustMark; Greenhut Construction Company; Hosman Family; National Naval Aviation Museum and West Florida Hardware. For more information on how to support programs like this, visit
Children’s Home Society of Florida received $80,000 in state grant funds after being selected by UCF’s Center for Community Schools to launch a community partnership school at Bellview Middle, in addition to local financial contributions to support this initiative. "We are excited about our partnership with the Children’s Home Society of Florida," Escambia County Public Schools Superintendent Keith Leonard said. "The addition of Bellview Middle School to our Community Partnership schools will provide our students, families and the entire community surrounding Bellview Middle with wrap-around services second to none." "Expanding our reach to include Bellview Middle, a Community Partnership School, represents a direct impact on the lives of over 600 additional students and their families within Escambia County," Executive Director of Children’s Home Society of Florida Lindsey Cannon said. "Through collaborative efforts with our core and community partners, we've established a vital support network for students and families as they embark on their educational path at C.A. Weis Elementary, a Community Partnership School, progress to Bellview Middle and culminate their journey at Pine Forest High, also a Community Partnership School. This continuum guarantees consistent support throughout their educational pursuits and we are thrilled to contribute to the collaborative efforts aimed at enriching our local community.” The first step toward implementation is the planning phase, which includes a community needs assessment. Students, teachers, parents and community members identify their primary needs and challenges, the results of which will determine the services and solutions that will be brought into the school. Other critical components of this model include a focus on parental and family engagement, as well as comprehensive health and wellness efforts. “As a Federally Qualified Health Center, we are driven not only to make healthcare accessible to all, but to truly impact the heart of our community on multiple levels, “ CEO of Community Health Northwest PENSACOLA MAGAZINE | 49
Around the Region Florida Chandra Simmons said. “This grant, which will support the planning and implementation of an all-important Middle School component, which will link our existing community schools at Weis and Pine Forest. ” This collaborative approach leverages schools as central hubs toward improving child well-being by addressing key barriers to learning through counseling, medical and dental services, after-school enrichment, mentoring programs, and more. Because they center on unique community needs, each Community Partnership School is different, but they all share a similar goal – to empower students to succeed in school and life. Specific successes through the Community Partnership Schools™ model include increased graduation rates, reduced disciplinary actions and increased parental involvement. With the addition of Bellview Middle School, Children’s Home Society of Florida has expanded the Community Partnership Schools™ model to three schools in Escambia County, including C.A. Weis Elementary - Florida's first elementary school to adopt the innovative model and Pine Forest High. This establishes a complete feeder pattern, ensuring continuous support for students throughout their educational journey—from early kindergarten years through to high school graduation. CHS received additional planning grants to implement the Community Partnership Schools™ model at Campbell Middle School, Long Branch Elementary and Rutherford Middle & High School. CHS is a core partner in 31 of 44 Community Partnership Schools in Florida – more than any other entity in the state.
WSRE to Wrap Up “STUDIOAMPED: Season with Concerts in January WSRE PBS has announced the three remaining concerts to be performed for the 14th season of “StudioAmped:” Red and the Revelers on January 23, Lolly Lee on January 24 and Karli Ryan on January 25. All shows begin at 7 pm in the station’s Jean & Paul Amos Performance Studio at Pensacola State College. Doors open at 6 pm and admission is free. Donations for Manna Food Pantries will also be collected at the door. About the artists: • Founded by Red Padilla, Red and the Revelers is an eight-piece, high-energy, swamp-soul band from Mobile, Alabama. • With an album release coming in February, Lolly Lee is a multiinstrumentalist icon from the music scene in Birmingham, Alabama. • Karli Ryan is a singer-songwriter from Milton whose streaming success was originally sparked by her 2019 American Idol audition. Other shows recorded for Season 14 were performed in October by Grits & Greens (Hattiesburg, Miss.); Paul Vinson (Nashville, Tenn.) and from the Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival: Kathie Baillie, Michael Bonagura and Alyssa Bonagura (Nashville, Tenn.). “StudioAmped” is WSRE’s long-running music series featuring the original music of regional bands and artists. Bill Harrell is executive producer. The new season will premiere starting March 21 at 9 pm on WSRE PBS and on the free PBS app.
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These policies have exclusions and limitations. For cost and complete details of coverage, contact your local insurance agent or Florida Blue. The amount of benefits and premium will vary depending upon the plan selected. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Inc., an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Torgersen Causey Combined Insurance Services, Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
Around the Region Baptist Hospital Named U.S. News & World Report a Best Regional Hospital Baptist Hospital has been named by U.S. News & World Report to its 2023-2024 Best Regional Hospitals as a High Performing facility for seven areas of care: heart attack, heart failure, stroke, COPD, pneumonia, knee replacement and hip replacement. Baptist is the only hospital in Northwest Florida to receive the title, the highest distinction a hospital can earn for U.S. News Best Hospitals Procedures & Conditions ratings.
High Performing have excelled in providing high-quality care in specific procedures and/or conditions.” Baptist Hospital is the flagship facility of Baptist Health Care, the area’s only locally led and governed not-for-profit health care provider and second largest non-governmental employer. View more awards and accolades by visiting about/awards.
“It is an honor to receive this recognition from such a widely known and respected publication,” Senior Vice President of Baptist Health Care Brett Aldridge said. “Being named a Best Regional Hospital affirms what we already know about the exemplary level of care our physicians and team members provide to patients. We are thrilled to see the work of our compassionate, skilled and experienced caregivers recognized.” U.S. News evaluated more than 4,500 hospitals across 15 specialties and 21 procedures and conditions. Hospitals awarded a “Best” designation excelled at factors such as clinical outcomes, level of nursing care and patient experience. “For 34 years, U.S. News has provided data-informed rankings to help patients and their doctors find the best hospital to treat their illness or condition,” Chief of Health Analysis and Managing Editor at U.S. News Ben Harder said. “Fewer than half of evaluated hospitals earned any High Performing rating. Hospitals that are
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ON THE MARKET a Real Estate Section
In This Section 54. By The Numbers A Look at November's Real Estate Market Highlights
56. Home Exterior Trends for 2024
BY THE NUMBERS A Look at November's Market Highlights Market Highlights Combined sales slipped 14% compared to the prior month and 9% from the same month last year
For Sale
The average November DOM for residential and condos combined was 45, unchanged from October
November sales fell from October across all price categories November pending sales dropped 20% from October
Data courtesy of the Pensacola Association of REALTORS ®
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Home Exterior Trends for 2024
home’s exterior is often the first thing guests or potential buyers see, meaning its curb appeal can have a significant impact on making a good first impression. Whether refreshing or renovating your home, staying current with exterior trends can help make a statement, increase your home’s value and enhance the comfort of your living space.
If you’re looking to refresh or improve your home’s function and style in the new year, consider these 2024 home exterior trends from the experts at Westlake Royal Building Products, a leader in innovation, design and production of exterior and interior building products including siding, trim, mouldings, roofing, stone, windows, outdoor living and more. A Connection with Nature
Functional Outdoor Living Spaces
Connecting people more closely with nature and natural elements, biophilic design can lead to increased well-being and productivity. Growing wellness and environmental concerns are driving demand for outdoor living space improvements and integration of nature in design, including elements like green roofs, living walls and large windows.
Focused on creating seamless connections between interior and exterior spaces, this evolution in outdoor design includes integration of outdoor kitchens and living areas. Elements such as fire pits, pizza ovens, outdoor entertainment and games can be incorporated to personalize the space and provide a unique entertaining hub. Using cohesive materials and textures that can withstand the elements and flow from indoors to outdoors, such as stone veneer, can help elevate the space and further tie it to the home’s interior.
You can create dramatic outdoor spaces by contrasting light and dark colors. For example, matte black can be paired with materials like brick, stone, shingles and wood for an eye-catching twist. Bold, earthy tones such as navy blue, forest green, dark brown and red can also be combined with nature-inspired materials for organic texture and warmth. Other trending colors for 2024 include vivid teal and aqua blue, which can induce a sense of serenity. High-Performance Siding As climate change continues to intensify and lead to severe weather, there is a growing need for high-performance, weather-resistant building products. Homeowners continue to favor resilient materials that require less maintenance or replacement such as recycled vinyl, engineered wood and fiber cement, which maintain beauty and function. Designed with innovation and performance in mind, Celect Cellular Composite Siding, a premium PVC siding from Westlake Royal Building Products, replicates the beauty and aesthetics of wood while remaining low maintenance and durable for a lifetime. Featuring a patented interlocking seam design, it keeps moisture out and almost completely eliminates seams. Plus, its Kynar Aquatec coating provides superior protection against ultraviolet rays, reduces energy demands and resists dirt, seasonal staining and insects. 56 | JANUARY 2024
Mixed Materials and Textures Blending various textures, finishes and materials on a home’s facade can create a unique, visually dynamic look. Using a combination of materials like brick and vinyl siding or stone and wood can add depth and visual interest. An option like Versetta Stone delivers the authentic look and feel of stone in a panelized format that is easy to install with screws or nails and requires no metal lath or scratch coat. The stone siding features a tongue-and-groove system for perfect spacing, has a built-in rainscreen and can be installed almost anywhere without additional footings for support. Transitional Takes on Tradition A versatile design approach allows a home to transcend trends, ensuring its relevance and appeal over an extended period of time. In 2024, look for a rise in classic design trends featuring elements such as vertical siding, crisp white trim and other modernized traditional styles as well as a shift away from minimalism that incorporates more nostalgic, personal touches to home exteriors, ushering in more of a transitional style. Find more ideas to update your home’s exterior at
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