9 minute read
March 2023
Publisher Malcolm Ballinger malcolm@ballingerpublishing.com
Passion and Joy incredible special-needs pets and owners and she discovered that while these precious babies may take a little more care, the love they give in return is worth every second. first responders and hospital workers? Thank you for putting yourselves on the front lines to keep us as safe as possible. Also, a big shout out to all the teachers out there scrambling to put together online lessons to keep our kids engaged and learning instead of worrying about things they cannot control. We appreciate you!
As Pensacola grows and changes, our local architectural landscape is evolving as well. New homes are popping up on every corner, creating an interesting juxtaposition of old and new. While infill housing is typically a good thing in downtown areas like ours, I also applaud those who spend their time, energy and money on renovating some of the historic properties in our history-rich little town. Having lived in a 120-year-old home for the last 20 years, I definitely understand the labors of love (and pocketbook) involved in maintaining these treasures.
Executive Editor Kelly Oden kelly@ballingerpublishing.com
Art Director Ian Lett ian@ballingerpublishing.com in our will see that community groups and safe ways difference distancing. I must outpouring amongst my toilet paper more than to make up applause for our already? assure you equally— alone. it—the I’m over on a word: over Only suspect. pandemic the stress, distancing and many things can provide more return. Society has had fostering know that always a sweet kitty sounds check page 34. for our with some
What has suspect it mental time positive experiences. resolutions Instead, brought home have uncertain. my community. health is our knew it.
The fact is, virus or be symptoms. That is community, stay possible--leaving the idea, too, rather than social via world—phone encourage tribe. We bring and something this.
I don’t know about you, but 2020 offered far too little of either of these to me. I was so consumed with my mom’s illness and then with surviving the grief of her loss and the anxiety of the pandemic and the sorrow of so many national news stories that I took little time for myself. This year, I hope to explore creative and personal endeavors that help me rediscover myself and discover new outlets for personal expression.
Kelly Oden Executive Editor
Our cover story highlights a couple that has done just that. Michele Fortin and Bill Lay have transformed a late 1800s era home in the historic Seville District on Zaragoza Street into a stunning and modern Airbnb, while being sure to honor the home's history and unique architectural character. We invite you to take a peek inside this gorgeous space to learn more about its history and the renovation process on page 28.
If exotic animals are more your thing, head on over to the brand spanking new and significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. The new location features all the hands-on, up close interaction as the previous location plus added attractions, amenities and experiences that will make for a wonderful family day out.
Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Garrett Hallbauer advertise@ballingerpublishing.com
Editor Morgan Cole morgan@ballingerpublishing.com
On that note, I encourage you to read our COVID-19 Resource Guide, which provides resources for food, business, community and more. The ever-changing nature of this crisis necessitates that I mention that these resources may or may not be available to you by the time you read this issue. I hope it will provide a place to start, some ideas or some inspiration either way.
In this issue, we also showcase the incredible talent of four female interior designers. From traditional to modern, these local designers are making waves in the industry with their unique perspectives and creative approaches to design. See what these designing women are up to on page 24.
If you’re interested in conservation, check out Dakota Parks story on local Panhandle Rooftop Nesting Biologist, Rebekah Snyder. Through her work with Audubon Florida, Snyder helps to ensure local shorebirds have safe nesting spaces in an increasingly overpopulated region.
You may also notice that we have some nonpandemic related stories in this issue. We made the call to include already planned articles that might still be helpful, relevant or enjoyable for our readers. We hope you find them useful.
And, since spring is upon us, we would be remiss not to include some gardening tips and inspiration. We’ve enlisted Renee Perry with East Hill Edible Gardens to bring you the dirt on spring gardening in the Florida panhandle. Whether you are interested in planting fruits and veggies or herbs and flowers, now is the time to start planning your spring and summer gardens.
While many people made glorious headway on home improvement and personal projects in 2020, I did not. I did not organize anything. I did not fix anything. I did not learn a language or a new skill. Nothing. But that’s ok, too. I’m still here. That’s an accomplishment. However, in 2021, I’d like to lighten my load and empty my house of much of the clutter and unnecessary junk that fills it. It’s time to make room for something new.
All of this, plus a few DIY pet treat recipes and some good news from the Florida legislature regarding protection for pets in abusive situations.
Assistant Editor Nicole Willis nicole@ballingerpublishing.com
Editorial Intern Gillian Rabold
Contributing Writers
DeeDee Davis
Darien Hardy
Renee Perry
Sales & Marketing
Paula Rode, Account Executive ext. 28 paula@ballingerpublishing.com
On the topic of gardens, I always like to slip in my favorite gardening quote of all time.
So, turn off the news, put down your phone and enjoy these heartwarming tales and adorable of photos of local animals and the folks who care for them. When you’re done, give your kitty a little catnip and throw your dog a bone. It’s these simple pleasures that will keep us all sane.
In this issue, we’ve covered all of these topics and more to help readers shift their own focus in 2021. We hope you enjoy. Here’s to your health!
“In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death.”
I leave you with that idea to ponder, dear readers. As always, I hope this issue inspires, entertains and informs.
As for us, Pensacola Magazine has been published under one title or another for more than 40 years. We have no plans on changing that. We will continue to publish and to bring you all the information we can for as long as we can. Please reach out to us with story ideas, inspiration or just a quick hello. We are all working from home and we are missing our water cooler conversations. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong, Pensacola!
Geneva Strange, Account Executive ext. 31 geneva@ballingerpublishing.com
21 E. Garden St., Ste. 205 Pensacola, FL 32502
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Kelly Oden
Kelly Oden Executive Editor
Oden Executive Editor
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/pensacolamagazine @pensacola_magazine subscription now online at www.ballingerpublishing.com: One year $14.95 and two years $22.75. your subscription now online at www.ballingerpublishing.com: One year $14.95 and two years $22.75. member of the permission from the publisher. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the publisher. This magazine accepts no responsibility for these opinions. The publisher reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this magazine does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Ballinger Publishing. © 2023
DeeDee Davis, Contributing Writer

There are plenty of ways to wander down memory lane. Holiday gatherings, photo albums and family videos will do it to you every time. Hearing certain music can take you back, as can certain smells. Fresh peas simmering on the stove make me all warm and fuzzy and send me back to my grandmother’s little house where we knew the table would soon be filled with all of her deliciousness. Sometimes these triggers will sneak up on you when you least expect it. And then there are the moments where you come face to face with your past. I am talking about a trip through the aisles of Publix. It can be any large supermarket, but in my case, it happens to be the big P. I am usually in a hurry when I stop in for groceries. I park, practically sprint to the door with my list in hand, grab the items I came for, look for the shortest line and bam, I am done. My husband, on the other hand, needs a frequent flyer pass for Publix. Seriously, they need to bring back the old cards that they would stamp and when you reached a certain level of purchases, you got a free piece-to-a set of dishes that probably cost $1.25. This is a man who, in retirement, has discovered the joy of cooking and that involves ingredients. He knows every employee there and even gets most of them Christmas gifts. On a recent weekend, when he was busy cleaning fishing gear, I offered to do the shopping. Normally, he would say absolutely not. And spoil his fun? Ha. This time was special, however, and off I went on my big adventure, as only something involving fishing will trump his visit to Publix. I usually only need one of those little green baskets for my infrequent stops, but this time I needed the whole enchilada—the buggy. I had a lengthy list and I knew it would take a while, as I don’t know the location of every product the way my husband does. So, I decided to stroll up each aisle and just kind of check it all out. I don’t know how anyone gets past the entrance. It is an absolute sensory explosion. Cookies, cakes and breads—all coming straight out of ovens and screaming my name. As if that isn’t challenge enough, throw in bins of BOGO items and all of a sudden, my buggy is filling up with items not on my list. Who can resist such a bargain? I am sure that I will find a good use for tomato-infused spiral pasta noodles. And the produce! I consider myself a pretty respectable gardener, but vegetable growing in Florida soil is not for amateurs. I hear people complain about eightynine cents for a cucumber and I want to have a serious chat with them. If I calculated what I have spent trying to grow them, I would consider $5 cheap. On that rare Saturday in Publix, it didn’t take long to appreciate those tear-jerking ads they are famous for. I turned down the baby food aisle and I almost fell apart. Okay, the diapers didn’t grab me and only made me relieved to not have to deal with them anymore. But everything else. The pink plastic bottles of baby magic lotion, for starters. I slathered my babies with it after every bath. Even now, I can smell it and 40 years have melted away. Jars of baby food. The ones they would greedily slurp up and the ones that became airborne weapons. Baby formula and the nights I sat up warming it and hoping they would go back to sleep so I could do the same. Shelves lined with children’s books. I am so thankful that Little Golden Books are still there with all of the classic stories. There are so many remarkable authors out there that I find it comforting to see Goldilocks is still available. I am sure I bought the entire collection over the years. Walk a few aisles over where every girl can remember reaching puberty. I can still remember having to pick up monthly items and almost dying of embarrassment when I went through the checkout line. I would try to hide the boxes under cans of tuna or whatever else but the insensitive clerks would always uncover them. I always wondered why the manufacturer couldn’t put the name a little smaller and more discreet. It’s bad enough needing the product, but a teenage male checkout employee never helped an already uncomfortable situation. Fast forward to the aisle with adult products. Mercifully, I don’t yet need most of them yet but odds are, there will come a day. Lots of products line this aisle that we used to purchase as gag gifts for a 40th birthday. Adult diapers, iron supplements, support hosiery, denture care. Oh my.
It’s obvious that there has to be plenty of psychology that goes into product placement on those shelves. My Publix adventure ended where I felt most at home and equipped to handle the emotional roller coaster I had experienced. The beer and wine aisle.
March Birthdays
22 Dax Noonan
23 Teri Levin
25 Benjamin Nettles
26 Will Bazemore