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Financial Literacy for Teens
by Kelly Oden
Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that is often overlooked in the traditional education system. It refers to the knowledge and ability to make informed decisions regarding money, including budgeting, saving, investing and managing debt. For teenagers who are just starting to navigate the world of personal finance, developing financial literacy skills is essential.
Why is Financial Literacy Important for Teenagers?
Financial literacy helps teenagers develop good financial habits early on. By learning how to manage money effectively, teens can avoid common financial pitfalls and make sound financial decisions that will benefit them in the long run.
Financial literacy also provides teens the necessary tools to help them achieve financial independence. As they grow older, teens will need to make important financial decisions, such as choosing a college, buying a car and renting an apartment. With a solid foundation in financial literacy, they will be better equipped to navigate these decisions and make more informed choices.
Financial literacy can also help teenagers understand the broader and often complex economic and financial landscape. They will learn about concepts such as inflation, interest rates and the stock market, which will give them a deeper understanding of how the economy works and how they can participate in it.
According to a 2023 report published by Ramsey Solutions, only 17 states require high school students to pass a personal finance course in order to graduate. Beginning in 2023, Florida is one of those states. The Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act recognizes the importance of financial education for young adults and now requires that students complete a half credit course that focuses on the basics of finance including topics such as money management, bank accounts types, credit scores, taxes, saving for retirement and managing debt.