The Healthy Alternative September October 2014

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September/October 2014

The Healthy Alternative Pensacola’s Organic & Natural Foods, Alternative Health Education & Green Living Magazine.

Healthy Choices for Back to School

William Rolfs, General Manager Greetings to you our members and patrons!

Published for Ever’man by Ballinger Publishing Ever’man Newspaper Coordinator Betsy Herp Publisher Malcolm Ballinger Executive Editor Kelly Oden Editor Emily Lullo Art Director Rita Laymon Graphic Designer + Ad Coordinator Guy Stevens Business Editor + Graphic Design Assistant

Josh Newby Account Executives Sharyon Miller Becky Hildebrand For information: 850-438-0402 For advertising rates, contact 850-433-1166

Disclaimer for Newsletter

Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe serves a diverse community. This diversity is reflected in culture, tastes, needs, lifestyles and viewpoints. It is within the vision of this cooperative to strive to embrace diversity and to meet as many needs as possible. Opinions and viewpoints shared within this newsletter are neither endorsed or disregarded. Editorial content is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, recommend or offer medical advice. Ever’man reserves the right to review the appropriateness of the placement of advertising. The product appropriateness is based on Ever’man’s product philosophy regarding accountability to healthfulness. If there seems to be potential for conflict-of-interest issues regarding competition with products sold at Ever’man, the ad may be rejected. Ads will be sold at the discretion of the Membership Services Manager who reserves the right to refuse and edit submissions. The Healthy Alternative is published every other month by Ballinger Publishing for Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe. All Rights Reserved. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the publisher. This magazine accepts no responsibility for these opinions. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this magazine does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Ballinger Publishing. ©2014

Summer will soon be coming to an end. The weather will cool, the days will shorten and the children will return to school. I have always been a big fan of the fall season because of the mild temperatures, festivals and college football. With that said, Ever’man is ready to help you get into the season. We have lots of “Back to School” ideas to help with those healthy lunches and snacks. We can also supply your football tailgating events and parties. Our new Cafe and Meat departments have some great items to fit almost any occasion. Please don’t forget we are now making party platters in the Cafe and Produce departments. We can make a variety of styles with just a little notice. I would like to invite everyone to come out and enjoy a new event we are starting called “Let’s Get Local.” One evening a month, we are going to invite some of our local farmers, ranchers and vendors to participate in a farmer’s market style event in our green space. I am writing this article in midAugust. By the time this is published, we will have already had one of these events. The second will be held September 11th from 4 pm - 7 pm. We will also have a band called The Budz that will perform during the event. Bring your chairs or a blanket, meet some of our local suppliers and enjoy a nice evening with your Ever’man family. If these first two events are successful, the next will be planned for October 9th.

And last but not least, a little update on our coop. Our new store is performing well and our members seem to be very happy with the outcome of the expansion project. One of the last projects is getting close to being complete. Our sign partner is building the interior signage now and will be installing very soon, maybe before this newsletter is released. We are continuing to beat our sales goals in the store and have remained profitable since completing the major construction. We are happy to pass along a discount from one of our distributors! In June, UNFI gave us a 1% discount which affected 2,025 products in our store with an average discount of $.24 per item. If you need anything or have suggestions, please see our Customer Service staff or any member of our team. We will continue to strive to be the “Best Grocery Store” in the Pensacola area. Our co-op is financially strong and staffed with some really great people. I hope you have a great fall season. Please watch out for our children as they return to school. I look forward to seeing you in the store soon. -William

Ever’man Ends Statement Because of Ever’man, the community will have: • education about health, nutrition and environmental issues • access to healthy and natural food and products at the lowest possible price • support for responsible and local agriculture and small business • an example of green business practices

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Let’s Get Local September 11th 4 pm - 7pm Buy Direct from local vendors on the Ever’man green space

Store Hours of Operation Monday - Saturday 7 am - 9 pm Sunday 10 am - 7 pm

New Products Bulk Lemon Peel

We are adding Lemon Peel to our bulk baking/spices area. These dried peels are great for baking and those special recipes that need fresh lemon flavor. If you need lemon zest but are unable to buy fresh lemons, this is a great product to keep on your shelf.

Clif Bar Sierra Trail Mix Bar

This tasty treat comes from a customer product request. Combining peanuts, chocolate and raisins to provide nutrition for sustained energy, this bar is solid goodness. We are pretty sure others will enjoy them as much as the person requesting it. Try it today!

Trickling Springs Organic – Full Line of Milk Products Using milk from local, family farms, the Trickling Springs brand will provide us with milk, butter, goat’s milk, cheese, cream and half ‘n half. Some of the milk products are in glass returnable containers! This is just what our customers have been asking for: grass-fed, certified organic milk products. Oh so fresh and very delicious!

Udi’s Ancient Grain Crisps

Like chips, only better because they are gluten free and full of good wholesome grains. Delicious and nutritious, and made with amaranth, quinoa, sesame, millet and black seed, they have fewer carbs, calories and fat than regular chips. Pick some up today! Sea Salt or Jalapeno Cheddar crisps are available now.

Caroline’s Meat Alternative – Full Product Line Canned vegetarian foods crafted from natural ingredients with a focus on taste, nutrition, convenience and social responsibility. Caroline’s lean, green, protein products provide an excellent source of protein that is naturally low in fat and calories. Pick up a can or two of fishless tuna, taco filling, chick’n pattys or five bean chili. Vegan yumminess!

Earth Balance Vegan Cheddar Flavor Squares

These little squares are packed with a cheesy flavored punch! Once you start, we bet you will have trouble stopping. Free from dairy, trans fat and GMOs, these plant-based cheddar flavored crackers are made with the finest finger-licking ingredients. Grab a box and try them for yourself!

Suggestion Box It is very cold in the store. Any way we can save some energy and make it more comfortable to shop?

We have had several comments about the store being cold. Our new store has a problem with humidity; you may have noticed water droplets on some of the cold display cases. Currently, we are working with our contractors and engineers to get the humidity levels under control. In the interim, the air conditioners are the only way to keep this problem manageable. Please know that we are working hard to get this issue addressed and the store temperature at a more comfortable setting.

Can you please stop people from parking in the areas near the exit that are not marked for parking?

While we would have a hard time “policing” the street parking we have made up fliers to put on cars that do park on Garden Street near the exit where there are no lined parking spaces. If anyone notices a car there please let Customer Service know and they will place the flier on the car windshield. To be safe, please exit from the back of the parking lot by Reus Street or DeVilliers Street if you notice that cars are parked close to the exit, as we know visibility of oncoming traffic is difficult.

May I suggest that you carry the Zevia brand soda with stevia in the cream soda flavor? Thank you!

You may, and we will. You can find the new soda on aisle 5. Thank you for asking for it.

Although I am not a member I shop in here two to three times a week. Could you get the Oat BoBo Bars? It would be nice.

We like to be nice to everyone and everyone is always welcome at Ever’man! You don’t have to be a member to shop here. If you have any trouble finding this item, please check in with Customer Service and they will help you.

Nice store! Could you order water chestnuts? Thank you for the compliment. Yes, we can order water chestnuts and we have, just for you. Find Roland Sliced Water Chestnuts in the International section of Aisle 5.

Delicious food on the Cafe hot bar; would love to have more vegan food. Could you try substituting almond milk for the regular milk in recipes?

We think the food is good too. Our Cafe chefs continue to try new recipes. Have you tried the new Thai Mushroom soup? It is vegan, made with coconut milk and oh so delicious. If you have something specific you’d like to see please let us know. We are always looking for good recipes.

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Board News

2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave DeBlander

by Dave DeBlander This year’s CCMA (Consumer Cooperative Management Association) convention was held in Madison, Wisconsin, four of your board members and General Manager William Rolfs attended. The four board members were myself, Johnny Ardis, Kelly Oden and Stephen Moody. The trip was a homecoming for my wife, Kate, and I, as we lived in Madison for 16 years and had a macrobiotic restaurant and bakery there. We were also married there (in the backyard of our home) and our daughter was born there (with the help of a midwife who we paid $50). Madison is quite a town. There are three times the amount of bicycles as cars, with plenty of outdoor cafes and quaint neighborhoods with beautiful parks and streets. The Farmer’s Market, held on Saturday mornings around the State Capitol, is attended by 20,000 people and the vendors bring delicious home grown and mostly organic produce, meats, herbs, cheeses and other fabulous foods to the consumers. As incredible as Madison is, there was a startling fact that stood out and drew our attention. When Kate and I lived there from 1974 to 1990, there were seven full service food co-ops and one large food co-op distribution company. Today, there is only one co-op left, the Willy Street Co-op. Madison is as progressive a town as you will ever find, so the questions looms, “What happened?” To answer this question, I asked and spoke with many co-op leaders at the convention

and the answer was universally the same. Coops have to adapt, change and keep up with the times. I was quite familiar with all the co-ops that went out of business, the bakery co-op we worked for sold to all these co-ops, and the co-ops that went under stayed stuck in the 1970s and refused to adhere to sound business principles and failed. Obviously a co-op can be a co-op and adhere to sound business principles and keep to the co-op principles, but it takes effort, forward looking people, hard work and determined people to do it. That alone is no easy task and the six failed co-ops can testify to that truth. All this being said, it is with great happiness that we can say that Ever’man has survived the times, adhered to sound business principles and kept its co-op principles. Are we perfect, could we do things better, do we fall short in some areas? The answer, of course, is yes, but we have a real success here and all the members, staff and board should take a collective breath and be glad with what we have and what we have achieved. This whole process is not easy but we are making our way through and many co-ops look to us as an example of success, yet we are not going to rest on our laurels and stay with the status quo. The future of Ever’man is quite exciting, and the core business and soul of the co-op is strong and healthy. Join with us to change our community for the better through great food, education, sustainable environmental practices and a desire to see how fabulous the Pensacola community can be. We have made it through where many others didn’t, but we have only just begun. - Dave


J.J. Stephens Vice President

Lauren Southern-Godwin Secretary

Dawn Vorthmann Treasurer

Johnny Ardis Director

Lynn Jackson Director

Frankie Cruz Director

Stephen Moody Director

Running for the Board of Directors Interested in becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors? You must be a member of the Ever’man Cooperative for six months with no lapse in membership in order to qualify. You can complete the Ever’man Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire and Intent Statement between September 1st and November 15th and submit it to the Customer Service desk. You can find out more and fill out your candidate application by visiting: about/everman-board-of-directors/

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Kelly Oden Director

Store News Jams on the Green & Let’s Get Local


We have held Jams on the Green and Let’s Get Local day before on separate days, but now they will be combined! This way you can listen to some great music from local bands, do some food tasting, meet with local famers and buy delicious, local goods including meat, produce, herbs, jams and jellies. Mark your calendar for September 11th, 4 - 7 pm!

September 12 & 13

Randall Hastings of Hastings Farms is one of the many local farmers and vendors you can meet a Let’s Get Local day at Ever’man. Local band Infusion fills the green space with their musical stylings at a recent Jams on the Green event.

Gluten-Free Cooking Classes with Stephen

SNAP Benefits Announcement Effective Immediately: SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay bottle/can deposits unless it is a Staterequired fee. SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay for a deposit fee unless it is a fee the State requires customers to pay to purchase food in a returnable container. Deposit fees added by manufacturers cannot be paid for with SNAP benefits, even if the fee is included in the shelf price of the product. Currently, only 10 states have some type of State deposit fee requirement. These States are: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, New York, Oregon and Vermont.

You have heard of a Pub Crawl, how about a Restaurant Crawl? Twelve restaurants in downtown Pensacola will offer at each of their establishments a tasting representing a country from around the world, paired with wine, beer or a cocktail. This event will take place Friday, September 12th and Saturday, September 13th from 5 pm to 10 pm. You can buy a passport to attend this foodie event for only $20 at any of the participating restaurants including Seville Quarter, Hopjacks, Tin Cow, Pot Roast & Pinot, Four Seasons, Shux Oyster Bar and Ever’man. Passports will go on sale for cash only starting August 25th while supplies last! Ever’man will be representing Bhutan, the world’s first 100% organic country. Tickets are cash only.

Stephen has been making mouth-watering recipes for Ever’man and informing our customers on how to do the same at home! In September and October, Stephen will be having a series of cooking classes that focus on recipes for those who are gluten intolerant. His classes will include Living Gluten Free, Back to School Gluten Free Lunch Box, Soy Free/Gluten Free Vegan, Gluten Free Desserts, Living Gluten Free on a Budget, Traditional Holiday Pies Done Gluten Free and Vegan and Gluten Free Holiday Entrees and Sides. You can see the description of each class, dates and times on our class description and calendar pages.

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Department News Steve Cochran


Soft fruit like seedless grapes are plentiful for September and are the perfect addition to any child’s school lunch or snack. Make sure you choose produce that is organic and/or local without the use of pesticides. Taking your children with you to shop for fruits and vegetables for their lunch box helps educate them about how to make healthy decisions for themselves.

Lyn Sparks


The Vitamin Department will be featuring many supplements for immune support suitable for those returning to school. Black Elderberry by Sambucol is available in lozenges and liquids. Elderberry is antiviral and very good for the immune system. Rainbow Light has a number of gummies on sale. Country Life and New Chapter have multivitamins that are suitable for young adults. In the Health and Beauty Department we have Alafia on promotion. We have introduced some new items from this company: Passion Fruit Shampoo and Conditioner, and also Coconut and Lime Shampoo and Conditioner. This is a very affordable line that comes in value sizes. We would like to welcome Deanna Gilmore to our department. She recently joined our team as the Assistant Manager and has many years of experience in this industry. We hope you will stop by and meet her.


Summer is winding down and that means back to school is rapidly approaching. Here in the Grocery Department we have many new and exciting products to help you pack that perfect back to school lunch. Also in our frozen food department we now carry Texas Tamale tamales. They are Non-GMO, gluten free tamales available in three varieties: Black Bean, Gourmet Beef, and Spinach & Jack Cheese. A perfect quick, easy dinner idea. Stop by the Grocery Department on your next visit and let us know how we can help with your shopping needs.



Beef for back to school! Back to school is a wonderful time to teach healthy eating habits. What they learn now, they will practice the rest of their lives. Remember lean red meat, chicken and pork are the best sources of protein for growing youngsters! We always will have someone in the Meat & Seafood Department to help you with any questions.

Belinda MichaelCarlino Kunkle Michael Kunkle

Once again it is time to look at getting ready for the kiddies to go back to school. I know my wife and I have been getting all of the school supplies and clothes for our child to go back to school, but we are also looking very closely at what we are going to do to prepare to feed our child at school. The Cafe has a vast variety of items to make healthy and clean sandwiches and wraps. Some great suggestions are: freshly made hummus varieties, sliced to order cheeses, sliced to order ham, chicken, turkey and soon to come turkey bologna! These will make you a great hit with your kids when they open up their lunches at school! Keep those requests and ideas coming! We greatly appreciate you helping us make Ever’man the best place to eat in Pensacola!


Darrell Melton

Belinda Carlino

We are happy to announce that we have updated the software for our cash registers here at Ever’man. We are always trying to find ways to make our members’ experiences more enjoyable when coming in to visit us. One goal is to make sure lines don’t get too long and you will have a smooth and speedy checkout. We are always open to suggestions about other aspects of Ever’man, so please feel free to stop in with any questions or concerns.

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My wife and I moved down from Virginia a year ago, and one of our favorite things about Florida has been the extended growing season. You can have an active garden nearly year round down here (barring crazy freezes like this past winter). It’s a constant harvest. It is also a brilliant way to save money. It has been estimated that a functioning vegetable garden can save you up to $300 a year in groceries. And by choosing organic seed and following organic growing practices (no chemical pesticides, etc.), gardening is a great way to have a major say in what goes into your body. Another great thing about gardening is its beneficial effect on the environment. The root system of your garden helps shore up the soil

against erosion, and the plants themselves provide a friendly shaded ecosystem to smaller fauna. It also plays a part in reducing the overall carbon footprint that comes with commercially shipped food. No fuel gets wasted and no air gets polluted to bring your produce from garden to table. Your own back yard is about as local as you can get. In the Produce Department at Ever’man Cooperative, we offer a wide variety of organic seeds year round by season, and this summer our Story Sprouts kids planted their own garden in a little plot behind our store. Already, their plants have come up lush and green, and some are already bearing fruit. The kids planted basil, cucumbers, okra, peppers, sunflowers, tomatoes and watermelon in their late summer garden, but that season is passing. So, what should we be planting in our gardens? In northern Florida in the fall, we actually have a lot of options: beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collards, kale, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, spinach, turnips and zucchini all flourish in our climate this time of year. And if

Above: Story Sprouts participants toil in the fledgling garden in spring. Right: The garden flourishes during the mid-summer months.

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you grow herbs among your vegetables, which is a great way of using the nutrients in your soil to great effect, basil, coriander, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme can all be planted in the fall. That brings up an important point. While this is a great time of year to plant all of the vegetables and herbs listed above, it can make a difference what plants you choose to place together and some plants should absolutely be kept apart. For example, beans do well with cucumbers and radishes but should not be planted with garlic or onions. Cabbages flourish with dill, lettuce and spinach. Zucchini tends to play nice with everything. I still miss the vibrant pageant of color that marks the changing season in the Blueridge, but even without those dramatic vistas, I still feel it. It’s time to start thinking about switching things out for the cooler season approaching. For more information on Florida gardening, please check out the Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide on the University of Florida website:

What’s For Lunch? By Jessica Goodbred-Warren Proper nutrition is essential to a child’s brain development and growth. It can help to prevent future health issues including cancer, obesity, heart problems and diabetes. Promoting healthy eating habits at an early age will stay with children for the long-term and will help them along the path to becoming healthy adults. Obstacles to a child’s healthy diet can begin when he or she begins attending school. Kids will eat a large part of their daily diet during school hours. In this stage of life, eating the right kinds of food will aid in keeping them full, focused and energized to perform well through the day. While it is impossible to supervise your children during their school day, there are methods for making sure your kid’s lunch is delicious, nutritious and filled with energy. One of the first decisions will be if you want your child eating school provided lunches or to bring food from home. If you choose to have your child eat food from the cafeteria, it’s a good idea to research and fully review what the menu contains. What are the school’s nutritional policies? Does the menu have foods with preservatives, artificial ingredients, GMOs or high fructose corn syrup? More gradual changes are occurring in the realm of school nutrition and those changes vary in each school district. Some schools are taking pride in readjusting and replacing their prior menus with

better, more balanced options for their students. Make sure that the ingredients and origins of their meals coincide with your family’s healthy food choices. The other possibility is planning and preparing lunches from home. Being well informed about food and what to avoid will be the first step in planning and purchasing items for lunch. Understanding the difference between organic and conventional methods of farming, pesticide free produce, buying local, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), preservatives, and artificial ingredients are all part of understanding food, health and what it means to your family. Building the perfect lunch box Lunches should be structured around items that come from different food groups that include vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins and fats. Getting your children involved in shopping for foods they like from each group will help them be more excited about eating what they chose while educating them at the same time. When you are picking out items for lunch, give them a couple of options so they feel as if they are making positive decisions for themselves. Even when you are making lunch, ask for assistance in the preparation. Make it a creative process by cutting fun shapes with cookie cutters or making “food faces” with different elements of their lunch to

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encourage them to want to eat it. When you are trying to stick to a budget, but still want to include quality lunch ingredients, plan the meals ahead of time so you can incorporate those items in your weekly grocery shopping. Picking ingredients that can be used in more than one lunch will reduce the amount of food you have to buy while not boring your child with the same lunch. Vegetables It can be difficult to convince children to want to eat their vegetables. If you add some carrots, cucumbers or celery to their lunch, why not include a dip that adds some flavor? A natural peanut butter, hummus, yogurt dip or guacamole may help convince them eating veggies can be pretty tasty!

Fruits Fruits are often easier for children to accept. Adding tomatoes to a turkey sandwich or including sliced apples and grapes with cheese are small ways to add fruit to many types of lunch combinations. Instead of pastries or cookies, fruit substitutions are sweet ways to make equally satisfying snacks! Grains Most grains are carbohydrates, which lack the best reputation. What some people fail to understand is that there are simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbs break down quickly and make up a lot of sweets and breads. Complex carbs, on the other hand, do not break down as quickly and help children keep a steady level of energy throughout the day. There are several organic, multi-grain, flax seed and whole grain wraps and breads that would be a perfect addition to any lunch. Remember, items like cereal bars or fruit bars can be full of sugar and artificial ingredients. Read labels carefully to see what the item contains. You can also choose crackers or chips that are organic and non-GMO certified. Proteins and Fats It’s important that children and adults get protein and fat in their diet. Protein rich foods help kids feel full for long periods of time. Surprisingly to some, fats are also very important, but not all fats are created equal! Try to stay away from any food items that contain trans fat, which even in its smallest amount is unhealthy, and limit saturated fats as well. Eating foods with a lot of saturated fat can lead to heart problems and high levels of bad cholesterol. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are what you should look for and are commonly found in foods like natural peanut butter, nuts, avocadoes, fish and tofu. These fats do the exact opposite, helping with heart health and lowering bad cholesterol. Putting together a school lunch for your child will take effort, but it will have positive effects on their future. Having your child become part of the process has a better outcome and can be fun.

Lunch Menu Ideas

Here is a week-long menu sample that is made up of only a few items that can be used on different days. All items listed below are recommended to be organic and/or local. If you do your shopping somewhere other than Ever’man, be sure to also look out for high fructose corn syrup, artificial ingredients and items not labeled as non-GMO. Those with special dietary needs and restrictions can use any suitable substitutions.


Multi grain wrap, sliced turkey, sliced tomatoes, lettuce and hummus Snack: Sliced apples with peanut butter and raisins Beverage: Chocolate milk


Sliced apples, cheese, and multigrain cracker/chips Snack: Carrots with dressing for dipping Beverage: Chocolate milk


Tuna salad with multi grain crackers/chips Tomatoes and sliced cucumbers with dressing Snack: Strawberries and yogurt Beverage: 100% fruit juice


Turkey slice rollups with tomatoes and cucumbers Snack: Peanut butter, jelly, banana cracker sandwiches Beverage: chocolate milk


Tuna salad with tomato and cucumbers on lettuce wraps Snack: Apples and strawberries Beverage: 100% fruit juice

• • • • • • • •

Multi grain wraps Sliced turkey Tomatoes Lettuce Hummus Apples Peanut butter Raisins

SHOPPING LIST • • • • • • •

Chocolate milk Cheese Multi grain crackers/ chips Carrots Dressing Tuna fish Cucumbers

• • • • • • •

Strawberries Yogurt 100% fruit juice Peanut butter Jelly Bananas Mayo (optional for tuna)

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A new study was released this past July about the differences between organic food and food processed through conventional style farming. New Castle University, located in the UK, found significant differences between organic and non-organic foods after 343 study comparisons of the compositional differences between crops. Carlo Leifert and his team of experts focused on compositional differences of food produced between the two methods of planting. With this data, they found that organic crops contain up to 69 percent more antioxidants, are four times less likely to contain pesticide residue and have significantly lower levels of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal. What does this mean to us? Antioxidants, according to its definition, inhibit free radical damage and cellular damage to the body, which affect aging and contribute to disease. Eating fruits and vegetables, no matter its farming methods, will do this, but with organic crops, the antioxidant levels are significantly higher and equal to one to two extra servings of fruits and vegetables per day!

Pesticide residue is an important consideration as well. Conventional farming increasingly uses genetically modified seeds that are resistant to pesticides. Farmers are able to cover their fields with these chemicals to kill off any pests and weeds without harming their crops. This method leaves fruits and vegetables with pesticide residue. The longterm risks of eating foods with traces of pesticides have not been completely determined. Choosing organic foods, which can only be grown using natural fertilizers, may prevent potential problems. Cadmium is a metal that is produced naturally in the environment and in industrial areas. In large doses, it can be harmful to the lungs, kidneys, breasts and the bladder. More testing is needed to further explain why conventionally grown crops have higher levels of cadmium. Some hypothesize that it is because of synthetic fertilizers. Sometimes city sewage or “biosolids” are used to fertilize farms in the U.S. and the make-up of the sewage used can cause health problems to the public. This new study contradicts two other large studies done in 2009 and 2012 where the findings did not show any significant

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differences between organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables. Even now, some researchers question the new results and still do not feel the published results are significant enough to make a difference in the overall health of people.

With this data, they found that organic crops contain up to 69 percent more antioxidants, are four times less likely to contain pesticide residue and have significantly lower levels of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal.

USDA Regulations for Organic Certification When you see a USDA Organic label on a product, what does that mean? To have the official organic seal applied to products, the producers must follow strict guidelines in their farming methods. Here are the guidelines: • Organic Crops: irradiation, sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, certain pesticides and genetically modified organisms are prohibited; • Organic Livestock: must meet health and wellness standards, no antibiotics, growth hormones, 100% organic feed, animals have access to the outdoors; • Organic Multi-Ingredient Food: 95% or more, certified organic content; if the product is less than 95% organic, but more that 70% organic, it can say made with organic ingredients, but no organic seal; • All methods of organic farming must be verified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent; • The National Organic Program regulates creation, production, handling, labeling, trade and enforcement of all USDA organic products. At Ever’man, we take the time to understand the importance of what kinds of foods our

Why choose organic food? There are plenty of reasons to be discerning in our food choices. The Guardian posted in July a poll of the reasons why people choose organic. Here is what respondents said:

• 55% Healthy eating • 53% Avoiding chemical residues • 44% Care for the environment and nature • 35% Taste of organic food • 31% Animal welfare customers are eating and we check incoming potential products against our product policy. Our focus is to provide the most nutritious alternatives to conventional offerings. We emphasize and promote organic, whole or minimally processed, non-GMO, cruelty-free products, fair-trade, items that are packaged in an environmentally

responsible manner and locally grown products whenever possible. All of our items for sale in our store must meet or exceed our standards. This helps our customers in making healthy choices because we are responsible for knowing what the product is, where it comes from and what it’s made from. We are also open to receiving “Product Request Forms” that you may fill out at the Customer Service desk to better understand what products you would like to see in the store. We will search and learn about the product and get back to you in a timely manner. The debate between organic and conventional farming could continue for many years. Continued testing and observation of human health trends may lead to even further, solid results in what the differences between the two methods are. One thing that we can say for organic farming is that human beings have used this method for 10,000 years and we know that it works. Genetically engineered seeds in collaboration with chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been used for about 10 years. We do not know how eating this way will affect us or our children.

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September 3rd through September 30th

BULK MGrandy Oats, Organic Classic Granola, Sale $4.99 per lb., Regular $6.89 per lb., Savings $1.90 per lb.

REFRIGERATED Just Mayo, Premium Vegan Mayonnaise, Sale $1.99, Regular $3.79, Savings $1.80 So Delicious, Organic Unsweetened and Plain Coconut Milks, Sale $3.39, Regular $4.29, Savings $0.90 Stonyfield Farm, Organic 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (16 oz.), Sale $4.69, Regular $5.79, Savings $1.10

FROZEN Ethnic Gourmet, Frozen Ethnic Entrees, Sale $4.39, Regular $4.99, Savings $0.60 Purely Decadent, Non-Dairy Frozen Desserts, Sale $3.99, Regular $4.99, Savings $1.00 So Delicious, Organic Non-Dairy Frozen Desserts, Sale $5.39, Regular $6.59, Savings $1.20

GROCERY Nocciolata, Organic Hazelnut Spread, Sale $3.99, Regular $5.69, Savings $1.70 Napa Valley Naturals, Organic Sesame Oil, Sale $5.39, Regular $7.29, Savings $1.90 Surf Sweets, Organic Fruity Bears and Jelly Beans, Sale $1.59, Regular $2.29, Savings $0.70 Udi’s, Jalapeno Cheddar Ancient Grain Crisps, Sale $2.69, Regular $3.79, Savings $1.10 Woodstock, Organic Black Mission Figs, Sale $3.99, Regular $6.19, Savings $2.20 Yummy Earth, Organic Gummy Bears and Lollipops, Sale $2.99, Regular $4.49, Savings $1.50

BODY CARE Kiss My Face, Organic Cranberry Orange Lip Balm, Sale $2.69, Regular $2.99, Savings $0.30

NUTRITION Yerba Prime, Psyllium Whole Husks Colon Cleanser, Sale $7.69, Regular $10.59, Savings $2.90

MEAT Organic Prairie, Organic Beef Summer Sausage, Sale $9.99, Regular $11.99, Savings $2.00


October 1st through November 4th


Fantastic Food, Hummus Dip and Instant Black Bean Mix, Sale $3.99 per lb., Regular $6.59 per lb., Savings $2.60 per lb. Grandy Oats, Organic High Antioxidant Trail Mix, Sale $8.99 per lb., Regular $12.19 per lb., Savings $3.20 per lb. Nature’s Path, Organic Hemp Plus Granola, Sale $3.99 per lb., Regular $5.59 per lb., Savings $1.60 per lb.


Good Belly, Organic Blueberry Acai Probiotic, Sale $3.39, Regular $4.29, Savings $0.90 Organic Valley, Organic Cream Cheese and Neufchatel Cheese, Sale $2.99, Regular $3.49, Savings $0.50 Stonyfield Farm, Organic YoBaby and YoKids Yogurt Pouches, Sale $1.39, Regular $1.69, Savings $0.30


Glutino, Gluten-Free English Muffins, Sale $5.99, Regular $6.99, Savings $1.00 Julie’s, Organic Ice Cream and Sorbet Bars, Sale $3.99, Regular $4.79, Savings $0.80 Woodstock, Frozen Green Vegetables- select varieties, Sale $2.39, Regular $2.59, Savings $0.20


Arrowhead Mills, Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Sale $2.99, Regular $4.19, Savings $1.20 Equal Exchange, Small Farmer Rice Cakes, Sale $2.39, Regular $2.79, Savings $0.40 Farmer’s Market, Organic Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash Puree, Sale $1.99, Regular $2.99, Savings $1.00 Harvest Bay, All Natural Original and Orange Mango Coconut Water, Sale $1.39, Regular $1.89, Savings $0.50 Mediterranean Organic, Organic Olives, Sale $3.99, Regular $5.49, Savings $1.50 Natural Sea, Premium Alaskan Pink Salmon, Sale $3.39, Regular $4.29, Savings $0.90 Woodstock, Raw Almond Butter, Sale $10.99, Regular $14.89, Savings $3.90


I and Love and You, Grain Free Poultry Palooza Recipe Dog Food, Sale $13.99, Regular $18.49, Savings $4.50


Seventh Generation, Bathroom Cleaning Supplies, Sale $3.69, Regular $3.99, Savings $0.30


Aubrey Organics, Revitalizing Therapy Serum, Sale $12.99, Regular $13.99, Savings $1.00 Soothing Touch, Narayan Balm Gel (Regular & Xtra Strength), Sale $6.99, Regular $9.79, Savings $2.80


Spectrum Essentials, Organic Flax Oil, Sale $9.99, Regular $13.79, Savings $3.80


Organic Prairie, Organic Grass-fed Beef Hot Dogs, Sale $8.99, Regular $9.29, Savings $0.30

The Healthy Alternative • 2014 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 15

Ever’man Educational Calendar • September Monday September 1st Labor Day - Closed Tuesday September 2nd Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm -8:30 pm Wednesday September 3rd Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Lean & Green Cooking 7 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday September 4th Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8 pm Friday September 5th Movie Night: GMO OMG 6 pm – 8:30 pm Saturday September 6th Living Gluten Free 1 pm – 2 pm Integrated Medicine 3 pm – 4 pm Monday September 8th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) Meeting 6 pm – 7 pm Tuesday September 9th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday September 10th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Time Empowerment 6 pm – 8 pm Thursday September 11th Wellness Rocks Event: Hosted by the Natural Awakenings & Herb Study Groups Guest Veterinarian Accupuncturist 6 pm – 8:30 pm Jams on the Green/Let’s Get Local 4 pm – 7 pm Friday September 12th Tastemakers 5 pm – 10 pm Saturday September 13th Back to School: Gluten Free Lunch Box 1 pm – 2 pm Learn Self-Hypnosis 10 am – 12 pm Tastemakers 5 pm – 10 pm Sunday September 14th Yogurt Making 1 pm – 3 pm

Monday September 15th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Mind, Body, Spirit group of Pensacola 6 pm – 8 pm (Meets in Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe seating area) Lean & Green Cooking 7 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday September 16th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday September 17th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am A Clean Mind 6 pm – 7 pm Thursday September 18th Veteran’s Meeting 3 pm – 5 pm Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8 pm Monday September 22nd Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Lean & Green Cooking 7 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday September 23rd Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm Wednesday September 24th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday September 25th Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8:30 pm Friday September 26th Essential Oils 10 am - 12 pm The Art of Reflexology 6 pm – 8 pm Saturday September 27th Pilates 10 am – 11 am Soy Free/Gluten Free Vegan 1 pm – 2 pm Natural Treatments for Migraines 4 pm – 6 pm Monday September 29th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Lean & Green Cooking 7 pm – 8:30 pm Tuesday September 30th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Ever’man educational Calendar • October Wednesday October 1st Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday October 2nd Natural Healing Herb Study Groups 6 pm – 8:30 pm Friday October 3rd Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival on the Greenspace 4 pm - 5:30 pm Saturday October 4th Pensacola Beach Songwriters Workshop 9 am - 12 pm Gluten Free Desserts 1 pm – 2 pm Trish Taylor Taylored NLP 3 pm – 5 pm Pensacola Beach Songwriters Performance 7 pm - 8:30 pm Sunday October 5th Beer Making 10 am – 2:30/3 pm Monday October 6th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) Meeting 6 pm - 7 pm Tuesday October 7th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday October 8th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday October 9th Wellness Rocks: Natural Awakenings and Herb Study 6 pm – 8 pm Jams on the Green/Let’s Get Local 4 pm – 7 pm Saturday October 11th Developing Gut Feelings 10 am – 12 pm Living Gluten Free on a Budget 1 pm – 2 pm Natural Treatments for Stress/Anxiety 4 pm – 6 pm Food for Change Movie (Gulf Breeze Treehouse Cinema) 7 pm Sunday October 12th Food for Change Movie (Gulf Breeze Treehouse Cinema) 4 pm Monday October 13th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Mind, Body, Spirit group of Pensacola 6 pm – 8 pm (Meets in Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe seating area)

Tuesday October 14th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday October 15th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday October 16th Veteran’s Meeting 3 pm – 5 pm Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8:30 pm Friday October 17th Nourishing Pensacola Annual Meeting 6 pm Saturday October 18th Stress Management 10 am – 11 am Holiday Pies 1 pm – 2 pm Monday October 20th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Tuesday October 21st Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday October 22nd Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday October 23rd Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8 pm Saturday October 25th Pilates 10 am – 11 am Vegan & Gluten Free Holiday Options 1 pm – 3 pm Breastfeeding Class 6 pm – 8 pm Monday October 27th Connected Warriors Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Tuesday October 28th Story Sprouts 10 am – 12 pm Yoga 6 pm – 7 pm Meditation/Pranic Healing Clinic 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday October 29th Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class 10 am – 11 am Thursday October 30th Natural Healing and Herb Study 6 pm – 8 pm

Class descriptions Educational Health and Wellness Classes Natural Healing and Herb Study/Cancer Study

Join Anne Conner, Lois Stephens and Harriet Downey as they demonstrate the healing, holistic and power of herbs. Classes involve tastings, cooking demonstrations, handouts, seedling giveaways, and informative discussions. Free for members, $5 for non-members.

Wellness Rocks: Natural Awakenings and Herb Study

Wellness Rocks is hosted by Natural Awakenings. This event brings together health experts in Pensacola and provides the public with information geared towards helping people live long and healthy lives. On September 11th, Dr. Chris Lewis, an integrated health veterinarian, will present a class on alternative veterinary medicine. He is Pensacola’s only certified veterinary acupuncturist. Free.

Meditation and Pranic Healing Clinic

Pranic healing promotes general wellness and stress reduction. Free.

Integrative Medicine: Putting It All Together

Through her 50 years of experience working with Western Medicine and Natural Medicine, Dr. McLean will share how we can have the best of both worlds with Integrative Medicine. Included in this presentation are the history of medicine of the East, West, and Indigenous cultures, how they are being used in the world today, and how they can work together for a healthy future for us all. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Introduction to Home Brewing

Ever wanted to make your own beer? Come join experienced home brewer Pat Johnson as he demonstrates the art of home brewing from scratch. This class lasts five hours. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Learn Self Hypnosis: Maia Rizzi, CCHT

Bob Hope, Dick Van Dyke, Sylvester Stallone; from athletes to CEOs, prominent people use self-hypnosis. With self-hypnosis you choose you own suggestions to accelerate specific desired changes by using the dynamic power of auto suggestion. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Developing “Gut” Feelings or Intuition: Maia Rizzi, CCHT

The most successful people are often very intuitive. Consciously or unconsciously they follow their “gut feelings” which is a large key to self-development and success. Join us as we practice techniques to enhance our inner knowing. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Natural Treatment for Migraines

This talk will discuss which supplements, diet choices and complementary medicine treatments have been shown to effectively help migraine sufferers. An acupuncture demonstration will also be given so that attendees may experience first-hand the ease and comfort of this treatment modality. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Natural Treatment for Stress and Anxiety

Dr. McLean will be discussing the new Brain Science of Epigenetics and how we can use many natural approaches to handle stress and thus maintain our health. $5 for members and $7 for non-members

This seminar will cover various supplements, herbs, lifestyle factors and dietary choices that can be useful in alleviating stress and anxiety. The class will also teach several movement and breathing exercises that can be used to reduce the stress reaction. The speaker will also discuss when acupuncture is useful for both of these issues. An acupuncture demonstration will also be given. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Nourishing Pensacola

Lean & Green Cooking Classes

Handling Stress Naturally

This class is dedicated to helping people appreciate and understand what it means to eat locally-raised, nutrient-dense foods grown and produced in the Florida panhandle area. Meetings are open to all who want more information on traditional healthy foods. Free.

Art of Reflexology

Reflexology is the art and science of working points on the hands and feet to achieve a relaxation response counter to the fight or flight response that induces chronic stress. Wayne is certified by the American Reflexology Certification Board and has taken more than 175 classroom hours in reflexology. This will be a series of short, hands on classes to learn techniques in traditional foot and hand reflexology as well as techniques from Thai foot massage. Please be sure your nails are short for the class if you want to participate. Bring a bath sized towel and two smaller towels. The required lotions and oils will be provided as well as sanitary wipes to clean the feet. You will learn a small set of techniques (10-12) each night as well as the qualities of the techniques so you can make your own routines to share with loved ones. This is not a class for CEUs or to train you to be a reflexologist. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

A Clean Mind

Join Ashley Pennewill for A Clean Mind, a coaching and counseling talk about how your thoughts influence how you live your life. Letting go internally of anxieties and worries will free you from them. You don’t experience the world directly; you experience your thoughts about the world. Free.

Yogurt Making

Come join local artisan Pat Johnson as he walks us through the process of how to make your own homemade yogurt. No materials required besides your own curiosity. $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

In this class we are going to be creating meals that are lean and green. Part of living healthy is choosing and creating meals that are both high in protein and to balance that with the carbs in the greens. We will be cooking and discussing the Habits of Health with health coaches Bill Hart and Keith and Sue Quakenbush. We will talk about healthy habits along with showing how to create great lean and green meals. Registration is required $20.

Trish Taylor from Taylored NLP: Unleash the Power of the Unconscious Mind with NLP:

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) uses a range of tools and motivational techniques to help you to achieve your goals. It allows you to access the power of your unconscious mind to change, adopt or eliminate behaviors as you desire, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being. $5 for Ever’man members and $7 for non-members.

Trish Taylor from Taylored NLP: Time Empowerment Techniques

Your “Time Line” is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Learn how to access your own Time Line to help you release stress, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions. Also create positive goals to drop into your future timeline. $5 for Ever’man members and $7 for non-members.

Physical Fitness Classes Pilates

Join Karalina Collins from Pilates Core Training as she engages students in a one hour Pilates class that aims to build up core strength and flexibility. This will be a full body workout done on a mat/floor that will help to stretch, strengthen and lengthen the muscles. Please bring your own mat. Free.

Connected Warriors Yoga Class

class descriptions

A class specifically for veterans, service members, their family members and support people. This class is designed to help the student manage the symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Free.

Integrate: A Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class

A class that helps students find themselves by encouraging the student to practice, through asana and breath, to listen to their body in a deeply profound and respectful way. Free.

Tuesday Night Yoga

A yoga class for beginners, intermediates and experts. Must be 18 or over to attend. Free.

Support Groups and Community Meetings Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) Meeting

Crohn’s and colitis support group meetings are intimate gatherings where patients and their loved ones can share their stories, seek emotional support, find answers to their questions, and connect with a community who share their challenges. Free.

Mind Body Spirit Group of Pensacola

The Mind, Body and Spirit Group creates an environment which brings together people of various cultural and spiritual backgrounds for education and awareness in the fields of emotional and physical wellness, holistic health, personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. (Now meeting in the Ever’man Cooperative Grocery and Cafe seating area). Free.

Veterans Community Meeting

Meetings focus on veteran services in our community. Oftentimes speakers are invited to talk about various topics that are of interest to veterans and their families. Information is provided to assist veterans in whatever capacity is needed. Free.

Kids Classes Story Sprouts

Join Miss Audrey and friends for arts and crafts, homemade snacks and story time! Bring your little ones aged 3-5 to Story Sprouts and let them express their creative sides through food and art. Always creative and with an organic local twist. Free.

Special Events Living Gluten Free Cooking Class - September 6th 1 pm – 2 pm

as a lighter gluten free vegan lunch option so you can taste the foods discussed and see how really easy they can be to prepare. Registration is required. $20.

Gluten Free Desserts Cooking Class - October 4th 1 pm – 2 pm

We will be featuring three gluten free dessert recipes that run the gamut from nuttychocolaty, to spicy sweet, to rich and fruity. All recipes are ovo-lacto vegetarian appropriate and we will provide instructions for making all of the recipes vegan appropriate, but not all the samples available to taste during the class will be vegan appropriate. Registration is required. $20.

Living Gluten Free on a Budget Cooking Class - October 11th 1 pm – 2 pm

In this class we will walk you through the ins and outs of substituting gluten free ingredients and show you cost effective ways to make gluten free dishes even when your recipe is calling for the expensive stuff. We will be cooking one sweet and one savory dish during the class. Both are vegan appropriate as well as being gluten free. Registration is required. $20.

Traditional Holiday Pies Done Gluten Free Cooking Class - October 18th 1 pm – 2 pm

The holidays are just around the corner and Thanksgiving can traditionally be a gluten-heavy event - particularly those mandatory pie crusts. In this class we will be teaching you how to make two different types of gluten free crusts in which to showcase your holiday desserts. Crusts are ovo-lacto vegetarian appropriate and instruction will be given to make vegan appropriate versions. Registration is required. $20.

Vegan and Gluten Free Holiday Entrees and Sides Cooking Class October 25th 1 pm – 3 pm

This class focuses on hearty holiday dishes that are both vegan and gluten free. We will be demonstrating five recipes – three solid stick-to-your-ribs vegetable dishes, including Rosemary Roasted Root Vegetables, Coconut Kale Mashed Potatoes, and Wild Rice and Quinoa Sage Stuffing, as well as two sauces, incl uding Autumn Harvest Cranberry Compote and Wild Mushroom Gravy. All of these dishes are gluten free and vegan appropriate. This is a two hour class. Registration is required. $20.

Movie Night: GMO OMG - September 5th 6 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us at the Ever’man Community Center to watch the recently released movie, GMO OMG. This documentary discusses what genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are, why they are important to understand what it means to us and our families’ health. Free.

This class will give you a good solid foundation for understanding gluten, how to avoid it if you feel you need to, and how to make great gluten free food – whether for yourself or for those sharing your table. The recipes for this class will include a breakfast, lunch, and dinner selection that you will be able to taste, and all featured recipes are vegan appropriate. Registration is required. $20.

Jams on the Green/Let’s Get Local (Second Thursday of the Month)

The Back to School Gluten Free Lunch Box Cooking Class - September 13th 1 pm – 2 pm

Tastemakers – September 12th & 13th 5 pm – 10 pm

This class will offer suggestions for preparing and packing easy kid-friendly, gluten free lunches with a focus on fresh veggies and foods that can be kept out of refrigeration for the hours between when your child heads off to school and when they finally get to eat. We’ll demonstrate several snack options, two sandwich/ wrap options (one vegetarian, one not), and a salad option. We will also showcase prepackaged, single serve, gluten free products available at Ever’man that parents can turn to when they need pre-made grab-and-go options. Registration is required. $20.

You’ve heard of a Pub Crawl, how about a Restaurant Crawl? Eighteen restaurants in downtown Pensacola will offer at each of their establishments a tasting representing a country from around the world, paired with wine, beer or a cocktail. Buy a passport to attend this new foodie event for only $20 at any of the participating restaurants: Seville Quarter, Hopjacks, Tin Cow, Pot Roast & Pinot, Four Seasons, Shux Oyster Bar and Ever’man. Passports will go on sale for cash only starting August 25th while supplies last! If you are buying your passport at Ever’man, visit the Customer Service desk.

The Soy Free/Gluten Free Vegan Cooking Class - September 27th 1 pm – 2 pm

Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival See page 14 for more details

This class is designed to introduce you to plant-based proteins that are neither soy nor grain based. We will be preparing a hearty gluten free vegan dinner option as well

Come join us on the Ever’man green for music, food and fun, featuring live bands from around the Panhandle playing outside. Enjoy wine and food samples from some of our favorite vendors and great meals cooked right here in our Cafe. The Ever’man Jams on the Green will be a great time for the whole family!

Movie: Food for Change (Gulf Breeze Treehouse Cinema) See page 14 for more details

Do you have a new address? Have you recently moved? If so, please leave a note with your member number and new address (including your zip code) and phone number at the customer service desk, or call us at 850-438-0402.

301 W. Garden St. Pensacola, FL 32502

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Transportation Housekeeping Socialization Activities

PrivATe DuTy PerSonAL CAre SoLuTionS For every GenerATion • 850.857.0920 4400 Bayou Blvd., Suite 9 • Pensacola, FL 32503 • AHCA # 5703

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