14 | The Summation
ESRBA Installation Banquet and 50th Anniversary Celebration by Jeff Nall, ESRBA Executive Director
he Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association recently held its annual installation banquet and
The 2021 Michael A. Doubek Community Service Award was presented to Douglas Grayson Miller. The 2020 Michael A. Doubek Community Service Award was retroactively awarded to Judge David Langham. The award is presented to a member or group of members of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association in recognition of volunteer service to the community.
Newly installed Executive Council officers are Garrett LaBorde, president; Aaron McCurdy, vice president; Christine Kelly, secretary; Joe Passeretti, treasurer; and Heather Lindsay, immediate past president. New and returning Executive Council members are Ryan Cardoso, Shekka Drayton, Jessica Etherton, Rebecca Gilliland, Joe Kirkland, Stephen Luongo, John Mahoney II, Amie Remington, Rachel Sheffield, Haley VanFleteren, Aaron Watson and Young Lawyers Division representative Andrew Spencer.
Newly installed Young Lawyers Division officers are Andrew Spencer, president; Michelle Nguyen, vice president; Logan Sliva, treasurer; and Brooke DiSalvo, secretary. Returning board members are Cecily Parker and Travis Morock.
formally celebrated the 50th anniversary of the association. Judge Linda Nobles conducted the installation of the 20212022 Executive Council and Young Lawyers Division officers and members. The association also recognized several of its members for their service to the profession and community.
The inaugural Civility and Professionalism Award was presented to Judge Ross Goodman. Henceforth, the award will be named in his honor and presented annually.
Shannon Morris was recognized as the recipient of the 2021 Young Lawyers Division William S. Meador Award. The award is given each year to a young attorney who distinguishes themselves by their commitment to our community through charitable and civil service. The award was established in 2005 to honor the legacy left by William Meador of practicing law with integrity, sincerity and courtesy while recognizing his commitment of giving back to the community.
The 2021-2022 Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation officers and directors were elected by the membership at the banquet. Newly elected officers are Shekka Drayton, president; D. Steve Traylor, Jr., vice president; and John “Buz” Windham, secretary/ treasurer. New and returning directors are Sheldon Bernau, Jeremy Branning, Jodi Dubose, Stephen Echsner, Cameron Townes Gore, Kristin Haul, Garrett LaBorde, Heather Lindsay, Patrick Martin, Adrianna Spain and Warren Todd. The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association is a nonprofit voluntary organization for attorneys and judges in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties in Florida. The association has approximately 700 members. Its mission is to provide outstanding service to its members, assist them in serving the profession and the community, make the association indispensable to the bench and bar and preserve and promote the two-county area as a unique place to practice law in a culture of camaraderie, collegiality, competence and mutual trust. For more information about the association or how to become a member, visit www.esrba.com.