The Summation Weekly July 8, 2020

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USPS Publication Number 16300

T h is C o m mu n i t y N ewsp a p er is a pu bl ica t ion of E sca m bia-S a n t a Rosa B a r Assoc ia t ion

Se r v i ng t he Fi r st Jud icia l Ci rcu it Section A, Page 1

Vol. 20, No. 28

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July 8, 2020

1 Section, 10 Pages

PEN SACO L A BLU E WA H OO ’ S AIR B N B H I TS A H O M E RU N by Dakota Parks

Facing the uncertainty of the major and minor league baseball seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pensacola Blue Wahoos brainstormed creative solutions to put the stadium to use. They have come up with everything from disc golf to trivia nights to movies and fireworks on the field and now the first professional baseball stadium ever listed on Airbnb. Owners Quint and Rishy Studer explained in a letter sent out to fans on June 3 that the organization faces an estimated $3 million loss this year if there is no season. Baseball enthusiasts have the chance to rent out the stadium for the price of $1,500 a night (plus fees). Guests have access to the clubhouse, batting cages and the field itself—whether they want a picnic on the filed or to play catch at 11pm, the freedom is up to them. The newly renovated clubhouse features two flat screen TVs, a ping pong table and four leather couches to relax in, while the bedroom sleeps 10 people between four bunk beds and two queen beds. At only $150 a head, the listings went fast: the Airbnb sold out all 33 nights listed in the first 24 hours. President of Studer Entertainment and Retail Jonathan Griffith explained the brainstorming process for the Airbnb and how important it was to the owners to not furlough

staff members. In addition to staffing the new events and Airbnb they have created, the Blue Wahoos staff will be allowed to assist local nonprofits to make up the difference in workload. “We were looking for ideas and solutions to generate revenue. The number one thing for us is our mission is to improve the quality of life in our community,” Griffith said. “And part of that is having jobs. So, we had to ask ourselves, ‘How can we create jobs and revenue with the baseball season put on hold?’” Part of that solution is what Griffith compared to Cinderalla’s castle: making baseball fans’ dreams come true. Guests can live out their dreams at the Blue Wahoos Stadium. As Griffith explained, they have customizable options with their stay at an additional

price. The Blue Wahoos have a chef on staff that can put together a variety of food packages from a breakfast bar to stadium hotdogs or even lobster and shrimp. “It’s whatever the guest wants. All they have to do is ask us, and we’ll see if we can make it happen. We’re still new to this, but we want to go above and beyond,” Griffith said. “For an additional cost we can also do customizable Blue Wahoos jerseys with the guest’s name on the back of it. We even have a former major league baseball pitcher, Kevin Saucier, that we can book to come in and talk to guests, teach them about baseball and the ins and outs of being a baseball scout.” The demographics for the guests booking the stadium is all over the board. Griffith

said they have had families, little league teams, children’s birthday parties, groups of bachelors and even a company retreat. “The other night we had a group of military guys that just wanted to live their dreams out on a baseball field. So, they were young 20-yearolds that were out here having a great time. They played ball on the field from 4 to 11 pm,” Griffith explained. The Airbnb listing has gathered national and international attention—from an article on ESPN to news outlets in Japan and Germany reaching out to feature the Blue Wahoos on their programs. After the initial 33 nights sold out and the prospects for starting the baseball season remained slim, the Blue Wahoos management decided to open July and August for rental nights as well. While cancellations pop up once in a while, the listings remain largely sold out. The stadium has also booked some graduation cer-

emonies and wedding parties, which Griffith explained have the potential to overlap a few hours during an Airbnb rental, but all guests are notified a week in advance of events at the stadium. In the Airbnb listing it states that the Blue Wahoos reserves the right to book events at the stadium during rental stays. Team coowner and professional golfer Bubba Watson has designed a nine-hole disc golf course on the stadium, which is open on the weekends. The stadium is also open for dining, drink specials, trivia, bingo nights and Saturday night movies and fireworks— all of which guests can take part in. The stadium continues to follow social distancing and CDC procedures for all events. For more information on the rental visit “Pensacola Blue Wahoos Stadium” on Airbnb and follow the team on social media for event updates.

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News From The Bar Association

July 8, 2020


BAR MEETINGS Virtual July Bar Meeting

July Installation Event Thursday, July 16 | 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. At the event, which will be conducted virtually via ZOOM, the 2020-2021 ESRBA officers and executive council members will be inducted, as well as the Foundation and Young Lawyers Division boards. Additionally, the recipient of the Young Lawyers Division’s William S. Meador Award winner will be announced. Sponsors: Synovus and LexisNexis This Bar Meeting will be held via Zoom. Please monitor your email as we will be sending out the registration link soon.

UPCOMING CLE WEBINARS Technology Traps for Ethical Lawyers

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 | 9 – 9:50 AM Presenter: Timothy P. Chinaris, Associate Dean and Professor at Belmont University College of Law CLE: 1 General and 1 Ethics

Maximizing Technology to Gain New Clients

Friday, July 31, 2020 | 9 – 9:50 AM Presenter: Founder/CEO Gary Musler, Big Mouth Marketing CLE: 1 General and 1 Technology

CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION ONLINE LIBRARY: CLE.ESRBA.COM ESRBA’s CLE Library is now digital! Go to to get your credits. Each download comes with the audio from the seminar, the PowerPoint/handouts, and the CLE Certificate of Accreditation from The Florida Bar. The audio can be downloaded in any file type that you would like including MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, and AIFF formats. For your convenience and ease of listening, the seminars can also be streamed directly from the library. If you are interested in presenting a CLE seminar or being recorded for a CLE accredited podcast, please email

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Audio Library

The Paperless Practice

CLE Credits: 2 General and 2 Technology

Cost: $15 per credit – ESRBA members, $25 per credit – nonmembers

Forensic Accounting: Finding Hidden Assets

Professionalism and Ethics in the Legal Profession

jury trials between now and September 30, 2020 should contact the specific division judge for guidance on re-setting the trial. In addition, civil/family/probate/guardianship hearings will continue to be handled by remote appearance. This includes judge trials and final hearings. The only exception is for family law division injunction hearings.

PLEASE CHOOSE THE SUMMATION WEEKLY FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NOTICES The Summation Weekly, a publication of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association (ESRBA) produced in partnership with Ballinger Publishing, offers highly competitive insertion rates and a way to indirectly support your local bar association. The Summation Weekly is a subscription-based community newspaper circulated to ESRBA members and made available to the general public throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The publication satisfies Fla. Stat. 50.031, which governs the requirements for publication of legal notices. In addition to the published weekly newspaper, The Summation Weekly website – www.sum- satisfies Fla. Stat. 50.0211, which requires all legal notices to be made available online and on the state registry – Ballinger Publishing manages the day-to-day operations of the publication. Bridget Roberts is the contact person for legal notices. She can be reached at or 433-1166, ext. 25. Thank you for your support. Choosing The Summation Weekly generates non-dues revenue that helps subsidize programs and services provide to members of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association.


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Representing NonCitizens: Their Rights, Your Responsibilities

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

CLE Credits: 2.5 General and 2.5 Business Litigation

CLE Credits: 2 general, 1 Ethics, and 2 Immigration and Nationality Law

Opening and Managing Your Own Firm

CLE Credits: 2 General Intellectual Property

Recent Appellate Cases You Auto Know

Want More Clients?

Self-Care Essentials and Lawyer Wellness


CLE Credits: 2 General, 2 Appellate Practice, and 2 Civil Trial

CLE Credits: 2 General and 2 Intellectual Property Law The 411 on All Things Cybersecurity

CLE Credits: 2 General and 2 Technology

CLE Credits: 2 General, 1.5 Mental Illness Awareness, and .5 Substance Abuse

Property Insurance Claims and Post-Storm Contracting

Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Health in the Legal Profession

After consultation with Chief Judge John Miller, there will be no civil jury trials conducted in Escambia County until October 2020 at the earliest. I do not think civil jury trials are likely for the remainder of the year, but I want to see where we are in the next 30-60 days. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updated information as soon as possible. Attorneys who have pending civil

CLE Credits: 2 General, 1 Business Litigation, and 2 Marital and Family Law

CLE Credits: 2 General, 1 Professionalism and 1 Ethics

CLE Credits: 2 general, 2 Business, 2 Civil Trial and 1 Construction Law

The Summation Weekly

Criminal Law


CLE Credits: 3 General, 3 Criminal Appellate Law, 3 Criminal Trial Law and 3 Juvenile Law


ZOOMing Into the Future


CLE Credits: 2 General, 1 Substance Abuse and 1 Mental Health

CLE Credits: 1.5 General and 1.5 Technology


Published by Ballinger Publishing for the Escambia / Santa Rosa Bar Association.

Owners Malcolm & Glenys Ballinger Publisher Malcolm Ballinger The Summation Weekly Administrator Bridget Roberts, Ext. 25 Editorial Assistant Dakota Parks, Ext. 29 Website Editorial Offices 314 N. Spring St., Suite A Pensacola, Florida 32501 850.433.1166 Fax 850.435.9174

Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Executive Director Jeff Nall

Published every Wednesday USPS Publication Number 16300, Authorized August 25, 2015 (Pensacola, FL)

Member Services Coordinator Noah Jones

Subscription Rates $20/year (All ESRBA Members) $22.50/Year (Escambia/Santa Rosa/ Okaloosa County Non-Members) $27.50/Year (other counties within Florida & all other states NonMembers)

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Subscription Rates $20/Year All Esrba Members $22.50/Year Escambia/Santa Rosa/ Okaloosa County Non-Members $27.50/Year Other Counties Within Florida & All Other States Non-Members

The Summation Weekly




July 8, 2020

University of West Florida researchers are working with the Escambia County Natural Resources Management Department to test local waters for the presence and abundance of various Vibrio species, including those associated with the “flesh-eating” disease necrotizing fasciitis. Dr. Lisa Waidner, assistant professor, Dr. Jane Caffrey, professor, and Dr. Wade Jeffrey, professor, are heading up a large-scale survey of Escambia County waters in a partnership between the UWF Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation and Escambia County. The professors and a team of UWF students began sampling water from 44 sites on Feb. 3 throughout Escambia County. The sites are in bodies of water, such as bays, bayous and rivers. Area waters being tested this year for Vibrio vulnificus and other bacterial species include lower Pensacola Bay, Santa Rosa Sound, Escambia Bay, Bayou Chico, Bayou Texar, Bayou Grande, Perdido Bay and Big Lagoon. The researchers will collect water, sediment, and biofilm samples and perform various microbiological tests through the end of winter and will repeat all analyses in summer 2020. Waidner will report the team’s findings to the Board of County Commissioners once the

MORE INMATES TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 AT THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY JAIL Through contact tracing more inmates have tested positive at the Escambia County Jail. Out of the 44 inmates tested, 38 have tested positive, four have tested negative and two are awaiting results. All of the inmates who have tested positive are not presenting medical concerns. Two of the units in the jail have been turned into isolation zones to house the inmates who have tested positive to try to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. “We are doing everything in our power to keep inmates and employees as safe as possible during

ESCAMBIA COUNTY LAUNCHES PUBLIC HEALTH CAMPAIGN: MASK UP, ESCAMBIA! Escambia County is launching a public health campaign, “Mask Up, Escambia!” focused on informing residents and visitors that masks are recommended by the CDC. In addition, the county will distribute face masks for the public while supplies last at community centers, libraries and at Pensacola Beach beginning today, Thursday, July 2, during normal business hours. The primary message of the campaign focuses on wearing your mask to protect others, as recommended by the CDC. While the campaign applies to all ages, the primary target audience age is 25 to 34, which is the range that now has the highest number of cases in the state.

project is completed. The team’s goals are to determine whether various Vibrio species are present in local bodies of water, measure concentrations of the bacteria and identify factors that affect the bacteria’s growth. Vibrio vulnificus, a species of vibrio bacteria, is usually detected in warm brackish or salty waters in coastal areas. The bacteria can cause skin infections in humans. Though infections are rare and most are minor, they can be deadly for those who are immunocompromised. Waidner suspects that warm water helps the bacteria reproduce, so she believes her team will detect Vibrio vulnificus at greater levels this summer than in winter and early spring. She is also paying attention to other factors, including water salinity and sediment-mixing, that could drive the bacteria’s growth. The project, the first large-scale testing of county waters for Vibrio, will provide baseline readings the county could later use to see how events, such as temperature changes and storms, affect the bacteria. “Because we will be analyzing water, biofilms from shellfish present at the various sites as well as sediment samples, we will be able to assess levels of potential pathogens in waterways and potentially track the sources of these aquatic this global pandemic,” Escambia County Corrections Chief Rich Powell said. “Our medical staff assured me that none of these inmates are presenting medical concerns at this time. Our priority remains the safety and health of our inmates and employees as we follow our infectious disease processes and CDC guidelines. We are continuing to work with the Florida Department of Health for guidance, and masks are available for all inmates, which we are strongly encouraging them to wear.” As of this moment in time, 12 corrections staff are positive and are at home until they test negative. The corrections department has 575 employees. Please call the Escambia County Jail at 850-436-9650 if you have questions about inmates.

“The county has been actively communicating with the public since March about taking preventative measures against COVID-19,” said Emergency Manager Eric Gilmore. “With the recent increase of testing and positive cases in Escambia County and Florida, this campaign helps reinforce the CDC’s recommendation to wear face masks to protect others. Health officials have expressed that wearing a face mask is a simple ask that will hopefully prevent closures from happening. We are asking everyone to take COVID-19 seriously because there is evidence that asymptomatic people can spread this disease to vulnerable populations. As a community we need to come together and ‘Mask Up’ to help one another through this unprecedented time. The county has supplies, and we are doing everything in our power to ensure public safety.”

Photo courtesy of the University of West Florida


bacteria,” Waidner said. “These data will help inform decision makers regarding living shorelines and in which basins swimmers and fishers are mostly likely to encounter Vibrio.” The county approved a $60,000 contract to fund the researchers’ work. “The county has and continues to regularly survey area waters for enterococcus species,” Waidner said. “Contamination of waterways with dog feces and human sewage are often associated with higher levels of enterococcus species. But there is currently no monitoring for Vibrio, the flesh-eating bacteria you hear about on the news.” As part of this project, Caffrey is analyzing water samples for levels of nutrients, chlorophyll, suspended solids and varying sediment characteristics. Jeffrey, director of CEDB, is working with the team as well. “There has been increasing concern about Vibrio infections in lo-

cal and regional waters, but there is currently no local data to understand whether Vibrio concentrations are changing, or whether there are hotspots,” Jeffrey said. “We hope to be able to start to provide data to local and regional planning and management decision-makers.” Last summer, Waidner led a team of students who took samples from four sites in the Indian Bayou in Santa Rosa County.The team found no unusual levels of the bacteria in June or July 2019. For more information about the UWF Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation, visit For more information about Escambia County’s Natural Resources Management Department, visit

ESCAMBIA COUNTY SELECTS NEW CHIEF BUDGET OFFICER Escambia County is pleased to announce Amber McClure has been selected as the new Chief Budget Officer, with responsibilities to include key decision-making regarding budget development, administration, revenue forecasting, fiscal management, capital planning and policies affecting the overall fiscal health of the county. McClure brings 17 years of experience in accounting and financial management to Escambia County. She most recently served as the Chief Financial Officer at Studer Entertainment and Retail, and began her career as a senior accountant for the City of Pensacola in 2004. “I’m passionate about making a difference in people’s lives,” McClure said. “I look forward to joining the team and serving the citizens of Escambia County.” As CFO for Studer Entertainment and Retail, McClure served as a key member of the Executive Management team for seven years, overseeing the operation of Studer companies in eight locations and two states, which included the Pensacola Blue Wahoos, the Beloit Snappers, retail and restaurant shops at the Bodacious Family

of Shops, 5eleven Palafox event rental space, Bubba’s Sweet Spot and Studer Community Institute, a 501c3. Prior to her work with Studer Entertainment and Retail, she worked for the City of Pensacola as a senior accountant from 2004 to 2012. She managed over $220 million in annual operating budgets and financial compliance and was an integral part of building the $56 million Vince Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park, home of the Blue Wahoos Stadium. McClure has been recognized for her leadership in the community and received the Southern League of Minor League Baseball Women of Excellence Award in 2018 and the Studer Family of Companies Bright Spot Award in 2018 and 2019. She currently serves as a Board Member of the University of West Florida Foundation and is a member of the Florida Government Finance Officers’ Association and the Panhandle Chapter of the Government Finance Officers’ Association. McClure graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of West Florida and is a Certified Public Accountant.


Have a community event or announcement? You can submit information for possible publication in Community by sending an e-mail to Submissions must include the organization’s name and details about events including times, dates, locations and any costs involved. Contact information also is required. All submissions are subject to editing to comply with established standards. Items should be submitted at least one week in advance. Deadline is noon Friday for the following publication.



July 8, 2020

Capitol News

FLORIDA SCHOOLS ORDERED TO REOPEN IN AUGUST ANA CEBALLOS NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE — Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran on Monday ordered public schools to reopen in August and offer “the full panoply of services” to students and families. As COVID-19 outbreaks spike in Florida, Corcoran’s mandate said that extending school closures can impede students’ educational success and prevent parents and guardians from returning to work. “There is a need to open schools fully to ensure the quality and continuity of the educational process, the comprehensive well-being of students and families and a return to Florida hitting its full economic stride,” the order states. Under the emergency order, all public schools will be required to reopen in August for at least five days a week and to provide the full array of services required by law, including in-person instruction and services for students with special needs. “Required services must be provided to students from low-income families, students of migrant workers, students who are homeless, students with disabilities, students in foster care, students who are English-language learners, and other vulnerable populations,” the order says. Corcoran’s order also instructs school districts to follow the advice of state and local health officials as well as executive orders issued by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Republican governor and Corcoran, a former Florida House speaker, have been determined to reopen public schools at full capacity next month, even as state health officials have reported a minimum of 5,000 new COVID-19 cases in each of the last 13 days. Teachers, however, are concerned about their safety, according to Florida Education Association President Fedrick Ingram. “It’s clear in communications with our members that educators are scared. They don’t trust politicians to make sure things are safe — rightly so, with the record-breaking number of cases being reported,” Ingram told the News Service of Florida in an email Monday. “The governor is trying to brush that off.” Ingram, who heads the state’s top teachers’ union, said students and school employees “need to be at the center of our conversations about re-

ONLINE BAR EXAM DATE SHIFTED BECAUSE OF ELECTIONS NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA STAFF The Florida Board of Bar Examiners has changed the date of online tests for prospective lawyers, due to a conflict with next month’s primary elections. Under pressure from law-school deans, students and lawmakers, the board last week canceled in-person tests scheduled to take place in Tampa and Orlando on July 28 and July 29. The decision to switch to online exams came as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to skyrocket in Florida, with state health officials reporting more than 200,000 cases as of Sunday. The board initially announced that the online tests would take place on Aug. 18. But on Friday, the panel rescheduled the exams for Aug. 19 to avoid a conflict with Florida’s Aug. 18 primary elections. “It is important that every citizen in Florida be assured that they are able to vote in the upcoming primary election, whether by mail, early voting, or in person,” Board of Bar Examiners Chairman David Reeves said in a prepared statement. “With the administration of the examination in an online format, we are able to shift the date without impact-

opening schools.” Department of Education spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said in an email last week that the state has a “moral imperative to do our absolute best to return our schools to full operation by August.” “Our children’s education, the comprehensive health of our families — mental health and stability in homes — and our economy are all depending on us to make every effort to reopen our school campuses,” she wrote. Fenske, however, would not say if specific metrics about COVID-19 cases would prompt the education department to backtrack on the school reopening plans. Under the order issued Monday, school districts and charter-school governing boards are required to submit reopening plans to the Department of Education showing how all schools plan to fully reopen and offer all services to students. The plans need to include the percentage of students in the district who are projected to continue with distance learning, which schools began using following a statewide shutdown in March. The order also requires districts to disclose efforts to address achievement gaps and monitor students’ progress. Corcoran’s order acknowledged that some students may continue to learn from home. “Although it is anticipated that most students will return to full-time brick and mortar schools, some parents will continue their child’s education through innovative learning environments, often due to the medical vulnerability of the child or another family member who resides in the same household,” the order says. Because enrollment numbers could impact per-student funding for public schools, the order says that school districts and charter school governing boards with approved reopening plans will be offered “reporting flexibility” to ensure their funds are not interrupted during the 2020 fall semester. For example, students who learn in an “innovative learning environment” during the fall semester would be able to receive a full-time enrollment credit. Monday’s mandate also waives “strict compliance” with a Florida law requiring schools to operate for at least 180 days, “to the extent necessary to give effect to this order.” And the order waives a state law requiring “school districts to have a uniform and fixed date for the opening and closing of schools.”

ing the grading schedule.” For months, the Board of Bar Examiners had been under pressure to reconsider requiring the twice-yearly exams to be administered in person. The deans of Florida’s 12 law schools in early April asked the board and the Florida Supreme Court, which oversees the state’s legal profession, to consider a variety of other options, such as allowing the exams to be taken at each college. But after getting the court’s approval, the board on May 5 announced plans to move ahead with in-person exams, adding a second site in Orlando to tests already planned at the Tampa Convention Center. But on Wednesday, the board announced the exams would be administered online. The new test will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions and three essay questions “and may cover any subject that is traditionally tested on Part A or Part B of the General Bar examination,” the announcement said. Florida Board of Bar Examiners Executive Director Michele Gavagni told The News Service of Florida last week that the board had consulted with the Department of Health and other medical experts before making the May announcement, “but even then, we said we’re going to continue to monitor the situation.” The COVID-19 case numbers “have changed greatly in the direction that we hoped by now that they would not be going,” she said Wednesday.

‘BED TAX’ FIGHT GOES TO SUPREME COURT JIM SAUNDERS TALLAHASSEE — A battle about whether Airbnb and similar vacationrental platforms are required to collect and send in county tourist-development taxes could be decided by the Florida Supreme Court. Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne Gannon is asking justices to take up the issue after a divided appeals court ruled in March that the online companies are not required to handle the socalled “bed taxes,” according to documents posted Monday on the Supreme Court website. As is common, an initial notice filed by Gannon’s attorneys did not provide details about the tax collector’s arguments. But she is seeking to have the Supreme Court overturn a ruling by a panel of the 4th District Court of Appeal in favor of Airbnb, Tripadvisor and HomeAway. The dispute centers on bed taxes that counties may impose on short-term rentals, with the money going to tourismrelated purposes. Hotels, for example, collect the taxes on customer bills and remit the money. But in a 2-1 decision, the appealscourt agreed with the online platforms that they are not subject to the requirement. The platforms accept payments from renters and pass along the money to property owners, serving as sort of middlemen for vacation rentals. The appeals-court majority on March 25 rejected Gannon’s arguments that the platforms should be considered

The Summation Weekly “dealers” under state law, a description that would require them to collect and remit taxes. The ruling said a dealer is “one who can grant a possessory interest in the property.” “Based on our … determination that the companies are simply conduits and do not have any possessory interests in the properties, the companies are not ‘dealers’ as contemplated under the (county) ordinance and the … statutes,” said the decision, written by appealscourt Judge Dorian Damoorgian and joined by Chief Judge Spencer Levine. “Rather, a ‘dealer’ is the owner of the property, or the owner’s agent, who ultimately receives the consideration.” The appeals court last month denied a request for a rehearing, including a potential rehearing by the full court. But in a dissenting opinion in March, Judge Robert Gross focused heavily on parts of state law that say the “person receiving the consideration” for a lease or rental is responsible for collecting and remitting the taxes. Citing laws, ordinances and a state administrative rule, he wrote that online platforms receive the rental payments and, as a result, are responsible for handling the taxes. “The impact of these statutes, ordinances, and rule is crystal clear,” Gross wrote. “The law focuses on that ‘magic moment’ when a person comes into possession of a rental payment, which triggers the obligation of that person to collect the (tourist development tax) and remit it to the proper taxing authority. Both Airbnb and TripAdvisor qualify as agents who ‘receive rent as the owner’s representative’ within the meaning of (the administrative rule). The companies’ terms of service provide that they will act as payment collection agents to receive funds from customers.”

FIVE MORE NURSING HOMES TO CARE FOR COVID-19 PATIENTS NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA STAFF An additional five nursing homes in the last week have signed contracts with the state to serve as COVID-19 “dedicated facilities,” where long-term care residents with the disease can be transferred. That brought to 12 the number of nursing homes that have agreed to work with the state. In all, those facilities have agreed to dedicate 852 beds for treatment and isolation of infected long-term care residents, according to state documents Gov. Ron DeSantis used Monday during a news conference at UF Health The Villages Hospital. It was not clear how many of those 852 beds were unoccupied and available. Agency for Health Care Administration staff members did not immediately answer questions about the availability of beds. But De Luna Health and Rehabilitation Center in Escambia County confirmed that 47 beds listed for its facility are what it agreed to dedicate to the state. Also, that wasn’t the number of beds currently available. The new contracts with the nursing facilities came as hospitalizations of people with COVID-19 increase and

FSU TAKES STEPS TO ADDRESS RACIAL ISSUES NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA STAFF Florida State University President John Thrasher said Monday the university is taking additional steps to address racism and racial inequality on campus, including the creation of a task force that will scrutinize racial issues. Thrasher said the university is forming the Special Presidential Task Force on Anti-Racism and Racial Equality for the upcoming academic year. The task force will focus on identifying racial and ethnic disparities on campus and exploring the university’s historical connections to race. FSU will also create a new educational program about the university’s history and relationship with the Seminole Tribe of Florida and will launch the Student Equity and

concerns over available hospital space mount. Miami-Dade County has had an 88 percent increase in the number of inpatient hospitalizations, according to county officials. Miami’s Jackson Health System has announced it is no longer allowing inpatient hospitalizations for non-essential services. As the DeSantis administration moved to abate the spread of COVID-19 through nursing homes and assisted living facilities, state regulators relied heavily on hospitals. Nursing homes were ordered to transfer to hospitals or other facilities any patients with COVID-19 who couldn’t be cared for or isolated. Additionally, hospitals were banned from returning any long-term care residents back to nursing homes unless the patients had two negative COVID-19 test results within a two-day period. As of Monday, 3,118 long-term care residents had been transferred out of nursing homes where they contracted the virus and sent to hospitals for treatment or isolation. Another 2,623 nursing-home residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 were residing in their facilities.

Inclusion Office, which is aimed at “fostering a more inclusive student experience.” Thrasher said the university also will intensify efforts to recruit and retain students, faculty and staff members from underrepresented groups. The move will include the administration of a “campus climate survey” during the fall semester to identify recruitment and retention barriers, Thrasher said. “I have spent the past several weeks listening and learning from countless individuals within the FSU family who have experienced oppression and acts of racism,” Thrasher said in a statement. “Their expression of anger, sadness and frustration are palpable.” Thrashed added that FSU police officers will soon undergo anti-bias training. “I am steadfast in my commitment to move Florida State University forward in addressing these challenges through meaningful and even difficult dialogue, providing support and implementing structural change,” he said.


The Summation Weekly



July 8, 2020


sees, grantees, creditors and all other parties claiming by, through, under or against his estate; UNKNOWN TENANT ONE (n/k/a WILLIAM FREITAG), IF ANY; UNKNOWN TENANT TWO (n/k/a DONNA FREITAG), IF ANY; et al. Defendants. CASE NO.: 2020-CC-000134 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE


By Clerk of Circuit Court


Notice is hereby given that Donald C. Spencer, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Santa Rosa, Florida, will on the 29th day of July, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. (CT), at www.santarosa. in accordance with Chapter 45, F.S., offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Santa Rosa County, Florida, to-wit:

MARK HARDEN, together with any unknown heirs, spouse, devisees, grantees, creditors and/or all other parties claiming by, through, under or against Mark Harden, if any, and THE ESTATE OF MARGARET HARDEN, together with any unknown heirs, spouse, devisees, grantees, creditors, and/or all other parties claiming by, through, under or against Margaret Harden, if any; Defendants. CASE NO.: 2019 CA 001613 DIVISION: F AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By Clerk of Circuit Court Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Clerk of the Circuit Court of Escambia County, Florida, will on the 21st day of August, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock a.m., C.S.T., at www., offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Escambia County, Florida, to-wit: Parcel 27, BROOKHILLS: Commencing at a 6 inches square concrete monument at the Southwest corner of Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 31 West, Escambia County, Florida; thence North 89 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds East along the Southline of said Section for 1154.54 feet to an iron pipe on the West right of way line of a 60.0 feet roadway; thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds West along said West right of way line for 130.0 feet to an iron pipe and Point of Beginning; thence continue North 00 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds West along the same course for 115.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds West for 109.63 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 09 degrees 55 minutes 32 seconds East for 116.41 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 89 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds East for 91.23 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with a 1988 MANA Doublewide Mobile home, Vehicle Identification Number Numbers 338103C6911A and 338103C6911B, Title Numbers 45752754 and 45752735. pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-styled case pending in said Court, and the docket number of which is number 2019 CA 001613. NOTICE PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES § 45.031 IF THIS PROPERTY IS SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL MONEY FROM THE SALE AFTER PAYMENT OF PERSONS WHO ARE ENTITLED TO BE PAID FROM THE SALE PROCEEDS PURSUANT TO THIS FINAL JUDGMENT.

LOT 1, OF SKI WATCH ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK D, PAGE 41, ON FILE WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA. pursuant to the Final Judgment entered in a case pending in said Court, the style of which is Ski Watch Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Amy Sliva, as Guardian, Attorney and Administrator Ad Litem for Michael B. Trabold, deceased, et al., and the docket number of which is number 2020-CC-000134. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact: Court Administration, ADA Liaison Santa Rosa County 6865 Caroline Street Milton, FL 32570 Phone: (850) 623-3159 Fax: (850) 982-0602 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated this 19th day of June, 2020. By: Suzanne Blankenship Andrea Lyons, Esq. (FBN 75913) Suzanne Blankenship, Esq. (FBN 76449) Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon 30 South Spring Street Pensacola, FL 32502 (850) 433-6581 phone Counsel for Ski Watch Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. 2WR7/1-7/8NOS





The administration of the estate of Barry Neal Montgomery, deceased, whose date of death was March 25, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 W Government St. Pensacola FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below.


File No. 2020 CP 589 Division U NOTICE TO CREDITORS

All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Phillip Foster 913 Montclair Rd Pensacola, Florida 32505 Attorney for Personal Representative: William A. Brightwell IV Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0111387 The Law Offices of West Florida PA 224 E Garden St. Suite 4 Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 332-0003 Fax: (850) 332-0003 E-Mail: 2nd E-Mail :

WILLIAM E. FARRINGTON, II Florida Bar No. 817510 Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A. 307 South Palafox Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 (850) 438-1111 Attorneys for Plaintiff




IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA SKI WATCH ESTATES HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff, v. AMY SLIVA, as Guardian, Attorney, and Administrator Ad Litem for MICHAEL B. TRABOLD, a/k/a MICHAEL BRIAN TRABOLD, SR., deceased, and all heirs, devi-


File No. 2020-CP-000569 Division U NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of CAROLYN MARIE ROY, deceased, File Number 2020-CP-000569, by the Circuit Court for ESCAMBIA County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502; that the decedent’s date of death

was April 21, 2020; that the total value of the estate is $48,390.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are:

Personal Representative: William G. Turner, Jr. 28 Leyland Court Crawfordville, Florida 32327

Christine Marie Scheber 9719 62nd Avenue Southeast Olympia, WA 98513

Attorney for Personal Representative: Lauren A. Merritt Lauren A. Merritt, P.A. Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar Number: 1017893 111 S. De Villiers Street, Suite B Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 741-2999 Fax: 1 (850) 466-0956 E-Mail:

ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 8, 2020. Attorney for Person Giving Notice Mark A. Bednar, Esq. Attorney for Petitioners Florida Bar Number: 397733 11 East Zaragoza Street Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 435-1025 Fax: (850) 434-7844 E-Mail: Person Giving Notice: Christine Marie Scheber 9719 62nd Avenue Southeast Olympia, Washington 98513 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF DIANA WINSTON FIDLER Deceased. File No. 2020-CP-838 Division “U” NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Diana Winston Fidler, deceased, whose date of death was May 27, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI-DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 8, 2020. Personal Representative: Elizabeth Walden Beck 266 Winslow Circle Walled Lake, Michigan 48390 James Hume McCurtain, Jr. 2823 Rampart Circle Clearwater, FL 33761 Attorney for Personal Representative: Charles L. Hoffman, Jr. Attorney for Personal Representatives Florida Bar Number: 229768 CARVER DARDEN KORETZKY ET AL 151 West Main Street, Suite 200 Pensacola, FL 32502 Phone: (850) 266-2300 / Fax: (850) 266-2301 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FAYE M. TURNER Deceased. File No.: 2020 CP 000746 Division: T NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Faye M. Turner, deceased, whose date of death was April 15, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020.


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JANET LEE YOUNG Deceased. File No. 2020 CP 695 Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Janet Lee Young, deceased, whose date of death was March 13, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Government St., Pensacola, FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.

The administration of the estate of Dennis Andrew Rudd, deceased, whose date of death was April 20, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building 190 Governmental Center, 5th Floor Pensacola, FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Nicole Rudd 2013 Hidden Alley Alpharetta, GA 30009 Attorney for Personal Representative: Justin Stivers E-Mail Addresses: Florida Bar No. 109585 The Probate Law Firm 1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone: 305-456-3255 2WR7/1-7/8NTC



IN RE: ESTATE OF William Edward Jackson Deceased.

The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020.

File No. 2020-CP-761 Division U

Personal Representative: Jeffrey R. Strasser 7723 Pointview Circle Orlando, FL 32836 Attorney for Personal Representative: Douglas D. Tidwell Attorney Florida Bar Number: 115624 811 N. Spring St. PENSACOLA, FL 32501 Telephone: (850) 434-3223 Fax: (850) 434-3822 E-Mail: NTC7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF LISA E. JACKSON Deceased. File No.: 2020 CP 000804 Division: U NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Lisa E. Jackson, deceased, whose date of death was November 26, 2018, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI-DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 8, 2020. Personal Representative: Gregory E. Jackson 10449 Waterford Drive Pensacola, FL 32514 Attorney for Personal Representative: Lauren A. Merritt Lauren A. Merritt, P.A. Attorney for Gregory E. Jackson Florida Bar Number: 1017893 111 S. De Villiers Street, Suite B Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 741-2999 Fax: (850) 466-0956 E-Mail: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC


NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of William Edward Jackson, deceased, whose date of death was November 28, 2019, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Carnell Jackson 1 Portofino Drive Apt No. 1607 Pensacola Beach, Florida 32561 Attorney for Personal Representative: Angela J. Jones Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar No. 096441 Locklin, Saba, Locklin & Jones, P.A. 4557 Chumuckla Highway Pace, Florida 32571 Telephone: (850) 995-1102 E-Mail Address: Secondary E-Mail: 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF RAYMOND LOUIS BANN Deceased. File No. 2020 CP 227 Division D NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Raymond Louis Bann, deceased, whose date of death was March 19, 2019, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline St, Milton, FL 32570. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.




July 8, 2020

The Summation Weekly

PUBLIC NOTICES NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is June 8, 2020. Personal Representative: Peter L. Bann 6115 North Davis Highway Apt. 46B Pensacola, Florida 32504

NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Doris Merle Lee Torrance a.k.a. Doris Myrl Lee a.k.a. Doris M. Lee, deceased, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida 32570-0472. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below.



IN RE: ESTATE OF Doris Merle Lee Torrance a.k.a. Doris Myrl Lee a.k.a. Doris M. Lee Deceased. File No. 2020-CP-223 Division

Attorney for Personal Representative: Jason A. Waddell Attorney Florida Bar Number: 529362 1108-A North 12th Avenue Pensacola, FL 32501 Telephone: (850) 434-5616 Fax: (850) 434-0971 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail:




File No. 2020-CP-264 Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LILLIE J. BAUDANZA a/k/a LILLIE JEANINE BAUDANZA, deceased, whose date of death was September 9, 2018, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida 32570. The name and address of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUB-LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC-TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 8, 2020. Personal Representative: Paul Edward Patterson 2484 Apache Drive Melbourne, FL 32935 Attorney for Personal Representative: Kerry Anne Schultz Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar Number: 563188 Fountain, Schultz & Bridgford, P.L.L.C. 2045 Fountain Professional Ct., Suite A Navarre, Florida 32566 Telephone: (850) 939-3535 Fax: (850) 939-3539 E-Mail: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JUDITH A. WARKINS Deceased. File No.: 2020CP000259 Division: D NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Judith A. Warkins, deceased, whose date of death was June 1, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is P.O. Box 472 Milton, Florida 32572. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.

All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Attorney for Personal Representative: Daniel P. Saba E-Mail Address: Florida Bar No. 640141 Locklin, Saba, Locklin & Jones, P.A. 4557 Chumuckla Highway Pace, Florida 32571 Telephone: (850) 995-1102 Personal Representative: Personal Representative: Larry E. Webb 5659 Booker Street Milton, Florida 32570 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF Janie G. Malbeck Deceased. File No. 2020-CP-243 Division D NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Janie G. Malbeck, deceased, whose date of death was August 15, 2019, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida 32570. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Donna R. Porter 4595 Pine Circle Drive Molino, Florida 32577 Attorney for Personal Representative: Oscar J. Locklin E-Mail Address: Florida Bar No. 15455 Locklin, Saba, Locklin & Jones, P.A. 4557 Chumuckla Highway Pace, Florida 32571 Telephone: (850) 995-1102 2WR7/1-7/8NTC




The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020.

File No.: 2020 CP 000252 Division: C

Personal Representative: Michael N. Warkins a/k/a Michael Norbert Warkins 2784 E. Nolan Place Chandler, AZ 85249 Attorney for Personal Representative: Kathleen K. DeMaria Florida Bar Number: 503789 DeMaria, de Kozan & White, PLLC 510 E. Zaragoza Street Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 434-2761 Fax: (850) 438-8860 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of David W. Cave, deceased, whose date of death was February 12, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against

decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORI-DA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 8, 2020. Personal Representative: Jackie Hanfman 248 Lockhart Circle Landrum, SC 29356 Attorney for Personal Representative: Lauren A. Merritt Lauren A. Merritt, P.A. Attorney for Gregory E. Jackson Florida Bar Number: 1017893 111 S. De Villiers Street, Suite B Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 741-2999 Facsimile: 1 (850) 466-0956 E-Mail: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: NICOLA MARY SPEAR, Deceased. CASE NO.: 2020CP000711 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of NICOLA MARY SPEAR, deceased, (“Decedent”) Case Number 2020CP000711, whose date of death was May 7, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, FL 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representatives and that of the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTE SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.



File No. 2019 CP 958 Division T

The date of first publication of this notice is: July 8, 2020.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of GARY EDWARD NICKERSON, deceased whose date of death was March 5, 2019, File Number 2019 CP 958 Division T, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Laura Nickerson Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer Lee Bushnell, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0617555 Jennifer Lee Bushnell, P.L.L.C. 1507 W. Garden Street Pensacola, FL 32502 850.466.2929 Phone 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF MARJORIE PENNY LOWELL Deceased. File No.: 2020 CP 822 Division: U NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of MARJORIE PENNY LOWELL, deceased whose date of death was May 5, 2020, File Number 2020 CP 822, Division U, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: CYNTHIA WALKER Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer Lee Bushnell, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0617555 Jennifer Lee Bushnell, P.L.L.C. 1507 W. Garden Street Pensacola, FL 32502 850.466.2929 Phone 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

Personal Representative: ALISEN E. SPEAR 7556 Southpointe Place Pensacola, FL 32514 Attorney for Personal Representative: WILLIAM L. NELSON The Will Nelson, P.A. Law Firm 221 E. Government Street Pensacola, FL 32502 (850) 433-3321 E-Mail Address: Secondary Email Address: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF ERNEST F. THORNE, DECEASED. CASE NO. 2020 CP 000790 DIVISION “U” NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Ernest F. Thorne, Deceased, Case No. 2020 CP 000790, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad-dress of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and address-es of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are as set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AF-TER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 8, 2020. Personal Representative: PRISCILLA A. GUY 2547 Redford Drive Cantonment, Florida 32533 Attorney for Personal Representative: THOMAS C. STAPLES Fla. Bar No. 169708 STAPLES, ELLIS + ASSOCIATES, P.A. 100 S. Alcaniz Street, First Floor, Suite A Pensacola, Florida 32502 (850) 432-4143 Primary Email: Secondary Email: 2WR7/8-7/15NTC


claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. SANDRA FOX Personal Representative 3570 Tyler Avenue Pensacola, FL 32503 LOIS B. LEPP (FBN 855634) Secondary Email: Lois B. Lepp, P.A. 902 East Gadsden Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 (850) 435-1090 Attorney for Personal Representative 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF Stephen John Grogan, Jr. Deceased. CASE NO.: 2020 CP 137 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Stephen John Grogan, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was February 25, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570. The names and addresses of the personal representatives and the personal representatives’ attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is July 1, 2020. Personal Representative: Christina M. Grogan 4901 Beckett Court Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 Attorney for Personal Representatives: Michael D. Tidwell Attorney Florida Bar Number: 899887 811 N. Spring St. PENSACOLA, FL 32501 Telephone: (850) 434-3223 Fax: (850) 434-3822 E-Mail: 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF NAOMI MOBLEY Deceased. FILE NO.: 2020 CP 000276 DIVISION: “U” NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of NAOMI MOBLEY deceased, File Number 2020 CP 000276, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.


All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.

Case No.: 2020-CP-205 Division: D


NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of CAROLYN NELSON BOZEMAN, deceased, Case Number 2020-CP-205, is pending in the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 6865 S.W. Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570. The name and mailing address of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorneys are set forth below. All creditors of Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated claims, must file their

The date of first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. CRYSTAL SUMLER 6637 Flagler Drive Pensacola Florida 32503 /s/ Joseph W. C. Boyles JOSEPH W. C. BOYLES, ESQ. 212 W. Cervantes Street P.O. Box 13464 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3464 Telephone: (850) 433-9225 Attorney for Petitioner(s) Florida Bar #14188 2WR7/1-7/8NTC


The Summation Weekly



July 8, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF NAOMI MOBLEY Deceased. FILE NO.: 2020 CP 000276 DIVISION: “U” NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of NAOMI MOBLEY deceased, File Number 2020 CP 000276, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. CRYSTAL SUMLER 6637 Flagler Drive Pensacola Florida 32503 Joseph W. C. Boyles JOSEPH W. C. BOYLES, ESQ. 212 W. Cervantes Street P.O. Box 13464 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3464 Telephone: (850) 433-9225 Attorney for Petitioner(s) Florida Bar #14188 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF STANLEY SEARLE RABIN Deceased. CASE NO.: 20 CP 786 DIVISION: NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of STANLEY SEARLE RABIN deceased, File Number 2020 CP 786, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. SAMUEL KOHL RABIN 1508 EAST LA RUA STREET PENSACOLA FLORIDA 32501 JOSEPH W. C. BOYLES, ESQ. 212 W. Cervantes Street P.O. Box 13464 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3464 Telephone: (850) 433-9225 Attorney for Petitioner(s) Florida Bar #14188 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JULIE ANN MIEBACH Deceased. FILE NO.: 20 CP 792 DIVISION: NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JULIE ANN MIEBACH deceased, ¬File Number 2020 CP 792, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola Florida 32502. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. Jennifer Elysse Miebach 4352 East Johnson Avenue Pensacola, Florida 32514

JOSEPH W. C. BOYLES, ESQ. 212 W. Cervantes Street P.O. Box 13464 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3464 Telephone: (850) 433-9225 Attorney for Petitioner(s) Florida Bar #14188 2WR7/1-7/8NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE COURT IN RE: ESTATE OF JOAN RUBY ASHTON, The Deceased. Case No.: 2020 CP 550 Division: U NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of JOAN RUBY ASHTON, deceased, whose date of death was February 10, 2020, File Number 2020 CP 550, Division U, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 W. Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502. The names and ad-dresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons, having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice June 8, 2020. Personal Representative: DAVID WAYNE RAKESTRAW Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer Lee Bushnell, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0617555 Jennifer Lee Bushnell, P.L.L.C. 1507 W. Garden Street Pensacola, FL 32502 850.466.2929 Phone 2WR7/8-7/15NTC

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: Estate of NORRIS GENE MILSTEAD, JR., Deceased. Case No. 2020-CP-233 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of NORRIS GENE MILSTEAD, JR., deceased (the “Decedent”), whose date of death was May 21, 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court of Santa Rosa County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court, Attn: Probate Division, P.O. Box 472, Milton, Florida 32572. The name and address of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative’s attorneys are set forth below. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the Decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is July 1, 2020. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ANGELA POST 1527 Iredell Drive Raleigh, NC 27608 ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE RICHARD N. SHERRILL Florida Bar No.: 172812 CLARK PARTINGTON 125 East Intendencia Street Pensacola, FL 32502 P.O. Box 13010 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3010 Telephone:(850)434-9200 Fax:(850)208-7100 2WR7/1-7/8NTC



on this the 1st day of June 2020.

The administration of the estate of CAROLYN ALEXANDER FLEMING, deceased, is pending in the Circuit Court for Escambia County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, FL 32502. The estate is testate and the dates of the decedent’s will and any codicils are January 28, 2015.

PAM CHILDERS, Clerk of Court

The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. The fiduciary lawyer-client privilege in Florida Statutes Section 90.5021 applies with respect to the personal representative and any attorney employed by the personal representative. Any interested person on whom a copy of the notice of administration is served who challenges the validity of the will or any codicils, venue, or jurisdiction of the court is required to file any objection with the court in the manner provided in the Florida Probate Rules WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY LAW, which is on or before the date that is 3 months after the date of service of a copy of the Notice of Administration on that person, or those objections are forever barred. The 3 month time period may only be extended for estoppel based upon a misstatement by the personal representative regarding the time period within which an objection must be filed. The time period may not be extended for any other reason, including affirmative representation, failure to disclose information, or misconduct by the personal representative or any other person. Unless sooner barred by section 733.212(3), all objections to the validity of a will or any codicils, venue or the jurisdiction of the court must be filed no later than the earlier of the entry of an order of final discharge of the personal representative, or 1 year after service of the notice of administration. A petition for determination of exempt property is required to be filed by or on behalf of any person entitled to exempt property under Section 732.402 WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY LAW, which is on or before the later of the date that is 4 months after the date of service of a copy of the Notice of Administration on such person or the date that is 40 days after the date of termination of any proceeding involving the construction, admission to probate, or validity of the will or involving any other matter affecting any part of the exempt property, or the right of such person to exempt property is deemed waived. An election to take an elective share must be filed by or on behalf of the surviving spouse entitled to an elective share under Section 732.201—732.2155 WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY LAW, which is on or before the earlier of the date that is 6 months after the date of service of a copy of the Notice of Administration on the surviving spouse, or an attorney in fact or a guardian of the property of the surviving spouse, or the date that is 2 years after the date of the decedent’s death. The time for filing an election to take an elective share may be extended as provided in the Florida Probate Rules. Gilbert Alexander Fleming Personal Representative Post Office Box 1476 Harpers Ferry, WV 25425

By: Beth Phelps Deputy Clerk 4WR7/8-7/29NOA




DANIEL GILLESPIE AND ROBIN SPENCE; and ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, Defendants. Case No.: 2020 CA 000592 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Defendants DANIEL GILLESPIE and ROBIN SPENCE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action seeking to quiet title on the following described property in Escambia County, Florida, to wit: Lot 23, Heather Oaks, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 26, of the Public Records of Escambia County, Florida. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the Plaintiff’s attorney, Louis E. Harper III of Harper Law, P.A., whose address is 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 430, Pensacola, Florida 32502, on or before July 27, 2020, and file the original with this Clerk of the above-named court before service on Plaintiff’s attorneys or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court, on this the 16th day of June, 2020. PAM CHILDERS, Clerk of Court By: Beth Phelps Deputy Clerk Conformed copy to: Louis E. Harper III Harper Law, P.A. 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 430 (32502) Pensacola, FL 32502


v. ESTATE OF FRITZ JOHNS, JR.; ESTATE OF FREDERICK JOHNS; ESTATE OF CARL JOHNS; ESTATE OF GERALD JOHNS; and NICOLE SEE, Defendants. Case No.: 2020-CA-000566 NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Estate of Fritz Johns, Jr.; Estate of Frederick Johns; Estate of Carl Johns; Estate of Gerald Johns; and Nicole See. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action seeking to quiet title on the following described property in Escambia County, Florida, to wit: A certain piece or parcel of land in Lot Ten (10) of William Fisher’s Subdivision of 96 acres in the Pedro Palso Grant, Section Fifty-Nine (59), Township Two (2) South, Range Thirty (30) West, lying South of County hard road and North of Pensacola Electric Company right-of-way through said subdivision, more particularly described as follows: Begin at a point where the North line of the right-of-way of Pensacola Electric Company intersects the East line of said Lot 10, thence run North one hundred forty-seven (147) feet along said East line of Lot 10, thence run West Parallel to said Pensacola Electric Company right-of-way twelve (12) feet, thence Southwesterly on a direct line to a point sixty-five (65) feet West of the intersection of right-of-way of Pensacola Electric Company with the East line of said Lot 10, thence Southeasterly along said North line of right-of-way of Pensacola Electric Company to Point of Beginning as above described. Parcel Identification 592S302300011010


TO: Defendant THE ESTATE OF AUSTRALIA CLARK and ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST THE ESTATE OF AUSTRALIA CLARK. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action seeking to quiet title on the following described property in Santa Rosa County, Florida, to wit: Railroad Sub E 63 ft of Lots 7 & 8 Block 1 as Designated in Official Records Book 3634, Page 1772 of the Public Records of Santa Rosa County, Florida. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the Plaintiff’s attorney, Louis E. Harper III of Harper Law, P.A., whose address is 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 430, Pensacola, Florida 32502, on or before August 10, 2020, and file the original with this Clerk of the above-named court before service on Plaintiff’s attorneys or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court, on this the 26th day of June, 2020. DONALD C. SPENCER, Clerk of Court By: Beverly Dowler Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22NOA

Notice of Application for Tax Deed NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED

Lots 23 and 24, Block 10, Beach Haven, a subdivision of a part of the Pablo Granpera Grant, Section 54, Township 2 South, Range 30 West and Section 35, Township 2 South, Range 31 West, and Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 31 West, Escambia County, Florida according to plat of Beach Haven recorded in Deed Book 46 at Page 51 of the Public Records of the said County.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 00341, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:

Also: Two Bedroom Winston Mobile Home, Model 1970, Serial #069561210595

N 175 FT OF S 350 FT OF E 200 FT OF W 330 FT OF LT 6 BLK 1 PLAT DB 89 P 274 OR 2467/4376 P 902/549 OR 5591 P 422 SECTION 06, TOWNSHIP 1 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 014347555 (20383) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of

Parcel Identification 352S311000230010


has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the Plaintiff’s attorney, Louis E. Harper III of Harper Law, P.A., whose address is 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 430, Pensacola, Florida 32502, on or before August 7, 2020, and file the original with this Clerk of the above-named court before service on Plaintiff’s attorneys or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court,





Alan B. Bookman, Esq. EMMANUEL SHEPPARD & CONDON Florida Bar No.: 154770 30 South Spring Street Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: 850-433-6581 Facsimile: 850-434-7163 E-Mail:

DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.

CHRISTY GARRETT 1/2 INT and THELMA A SMITH 1/2 INT Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 01904, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: S 125 FT OF LT 66 AVERIA TRACT PLAT DB P P 206 OR 6744 P 1422 SECTION 47, TOWNSHIP 1 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 043037000 (20387) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of ANTHONY JAWORSKI Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 02256, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 12 BLK B WESTERNMARK S/D PB 7 P 81 OR 7131 P 553 SECTION 09, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 052631036 (20389) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of CHASSITY MONIQUE GRADY EARL PERKINS



Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03083, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: S 70 FT OF E 97 FT OF LT 9 BRAINERD & MCINTYRE S/D CASE #84-829-CP-03 OR 1953 P 964 AND PORTION OF VACATED R/W BEG AT INTER OF S R/W LI OF HATTON ST (55 FT R/W) & W LI OF SEC 18 SLY ALG SD W LI OF SEC 18 TO PT OF INTER WITH N R/W LI OF SCOTT ST (55 FT R/W) ELY ALG N R/W OF SCOTT ST 3 70/ 100 FT NLY TO A PT ON S R/W LI OF HATTON ST SD PT BEING 8 60/100 FT ELY OF POB WLY ALG SD S R/W LI 8 60/ 100 FT TO POB OR 5326 P 1224 SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 062364000 (20391) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JUDGE T ROBINSON SR and MARY ROBINSON Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg




July 8, 2020

The Summation Weekly

PUBLIC NOTICES Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03318, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2015 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LTS 1 2 & 3 BLK 67 PINECREST PLAT DB 55 P 261 OR 6513 P 450 SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 061554000 (20390) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of LEWIS WHITE and JOANNE WHITE Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03378, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: BEG AT INTER OF S LI OF LT 16 AND SELY R/W OF WARRINGTON ROAD N 37 DEG 10 MIN E ALG R/W 125 FT S 89 DEG 54 MIN E 131 89/100 FT FOR POB CONTINUE SAME COURSE 402 60/100 FT TO E LI OF LT 110 S 1 DEG 2 MIN E ALG E LI OF LT 100 FT TO SE COR OF LT 110 S 89 DEG 14 MIN W ALG S LI OF LTS 110 AND 16 402 85/100 FT NLY AT RT ANG TO POB PART OF LTS 16 AND 110 PLAT DB 128 P 575 OR 4391 P 1405 CA 169 SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 070168000 (20392) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of GIOVANNI GELANO and RISA GELANO Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD


following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:


Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.

Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.


LT 9 BLK 4 S/D OF THE ESTATE OF JONAS BROWN PB 1 P 36 OR 7434 P 1631 CA 219 SECTION 50, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 081015000 (20396) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03985, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 5 BLK 2 CARVER HEIGHTS PB 1 P 95/97 OR 3963 P 768 CA 217 SECTION 50, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 081055000 (20397) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JEFFREY S GILES Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 04422, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2016 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: BEG AT THE INTER OF W LI OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 6 WITH THE N R/W LI OF NINE MI RD (SRD NO 10) N ALG SD W LI OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 417 42/100 FT E PARL TO SD R/W LI 208 71/100 FT TO POB CONT E 208 71/100 FT N PARL TO W LI OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 492 42/100 FT W PARL TO R/W LI OF 9 MI RD 208 71/100 FT S PARL TO W LI OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 492 42/100 FT TO POB OR 4294 P 1775 SECTION 06, TOWNSHIP 1 S, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 090292555 (20399) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03602, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:


LT 28 BLK 3 OR 3086 P 227 OR 3086 P 229 OR 3790 P 856 RE S/D PEN HAVEN PB 2 P 98 CA 187 SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 071636000 (20393) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of

Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.

MELISSA DENNIS 1/4 INT and WADE MCCLURE 1/4 INT and DOUGLAS MCCLURE 2/4 INT Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That COUNTY OF ESCAMBIA holder of Tax Certificate No. 08737, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2012 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 31 WESTFIELD PB 17 P 90 OR 4481 P 1095 OR 4568 P 919 OR 4994 P 1738 SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 1 N, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 114239310 (20245) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5T WEALTH PARTNERS LP holder of Tax Certificate No. 03974, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the

Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 03240, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 11 BLK 17 1ST ADDN WELLES BROWNSVILLE PB 1 P 41 OR 5682 P 1990 OR 5769 P 1728 OR 6815 P 1166 CA 137 SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 063489000 (20352) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JOEL A DAVIS 1/2 INT and WILEY J DAVIS 1/2 INT Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 03289, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:

Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 03929, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 16 BLK 29 RE S/D OF BLK B 2ND ADDN TO AERO VISTA PB 2 P 81/81A OR 7220 P 168 CA 196 SECTION 50, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 080676000 (20357) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of LEZLIE L WALTS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 03962, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 5 BLK 7 BEL AIR PB 2 P 27 OR 5463 P 1913 CA 218 SECTION 50, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 080960050 (20358) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of YOLANDA MOULTRIE Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.

Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.


LT 4 BLK 3 WELLES S/D PB 1 P 71 OR 7523 P 1208 CA 136 SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 063808000 (20353) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 03709, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: BEG AT SE COR OF LT 4 W 396 FT 90 DEG RT 25 FT FOR POB CONT ALG SAME LI 246 89/100 FT 90 DEG 07 MIN 09 SEC LEFT 100 FT 87 DEG 32 MIN LEFT 243 17/100 FT 90 DEG 20 MIN 51 SEC LEFT 102 FT TO POB S/D OF N 1/2 OF LT 3 OR 7444 P 926 SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 072685200 (20355) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JOHN JOSEPH SAVAGE JR and MARY HELEN SAVAGE Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By:

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 04710, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: N 82 FT OF S 493 FT OF W 132 FT OF E 10A OF N1/2 OF LT 3 OR 7365 P 1879 OR 7383 P 1138 OR 7383 P 1140 OR 7402 P 1134 OR 7402 P 1143 SECTION 01, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 092593000 (20364) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of CURTIS BLACKWELL 3/5 INT and RODGER B CHAMBERLIN 2/5 INT Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 05241, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:

LT 12 & 13 BLK 3 GILMORES RE S/D PB 2 P 75 OR 2751 P 602 OR 2795 P 372 SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 2 S, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 095047000 (20367) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JOHN D BODIE Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 05560, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LOT 7 BLK A HERONS FOREST PB 16 P 18/18A OR 7352 P 376 SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 3 S, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 102019014 (20369) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of ERIC P SLOAN Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 06117, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: BEG AT NW COR N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC 13 E ALG N LI OF SD N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 FOR 1320 FT TO NW COR OF LOT 5 SEC 13 DEFLECT 88 DEG 00 MIN 21 SEC RIGHT & ALG W LI OF SD LOT 5 732 37/100 FT FOR POB CONT ALG SD W LI 198 41/100 FT TO N R/W LI OF CHEM- STRAND RD (66FT R/W) DEFLECT 85 DEG 52 MIN 21 SEC LEFT & ALG SD N R/W LI FOR 114 65/100 FT TO W R/W LI OF LAKE DRIVE(50 FT R/W) DEFLECT 79 DEG 09 MIN LEFT & ALG WLY R/W LI FOR 165 27/100 FT DEFLECT 88 DEG 19 MIN LEFT 163 94/100 FT TO POB OR 4268 P 322 SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 1 N, RANGE 30 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 110098649 (20370) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of GRAAL PROPERTIES INC Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 06730, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: BEG AT SE COR OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 W 660 FT N TO N LI OF MUSCOGEE RD FOR POB N 162 6/10 FT E 180 FT S 114 3/10 FT TO N LI OF MUSCOGEE RD WLY ALG N LI OF MUSCOGEE RD TO POB DB 233 P 495 OR 5595 P 1073 BEG AT SE COR OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 E ALG S LI OF SEC 50 FT N AT RT ANG 110 FT W AT RT ANG 50 FT S ALG E LI OF W1/2 OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 TO POB DB 488 P 204 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 1 N, RANGE 31 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 113220000 (20373)


The Summation Weekly



July 8, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICES The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of ST PAUL A M E ZION CHURCH INC

than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.

Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793.



NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 07773, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: UNIT 217 CARLTON PALMS CONDOMINIUM ALSO .0089289% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OR 7475 P 195 CA 69 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 130837317 (20377) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of TRANSPORT FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 08006, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: E 8 FT OF N 120 FT OF LT 4 AND W 22 FT OF N 120 FT OF LT 5 BLK 62 OR 112 P 619 OR 1013 P 128/ 129 EAST KING TRACT OR 808 P 492 CA 65 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 133390000 (20379) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of EULA MAE DANIELS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 08088, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: S 23 FT OF LT 25 & N 14 FT OF LT 26 BLK 124 EAST KING TRACT OR 5664 P 75 CA 81 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 134107000 (20380) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of KEITH CAMPBELL Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later

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NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 08275, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit:

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LT 9 BLK 18 OR 917 P 552 SOUTH GRANADA PB 4 P 4 CA 54 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 143268500 (20381) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of EVA MAE MILLER Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.

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Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk

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NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TLGFY LLC CAPITAL ONE NA AS COLLATER holder of Tax Certificate No. 08799, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 13 BLK 6 BAYOU GROVE S/D PB 2 P 87 OR 6158 P 1924 CA 141 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 154262000 (20382) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of CHRISTOPHER A HARRIS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020.


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Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/107/22TD

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That CAPITAL ONE CLTRL ASSIGNEE OF holder of Tax Certificate No. 08620, issued the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Said certificate embraces the following described property in the County of Escambia, State of Florida, to wit: LT 6 BLK 226 WEST KING TRACT OR 6560 P 1731 6949 P 143 OR 7022 P 1726 CA 137 SECTION 00, TOWNSHIP 0 S, RANGE 00 W TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 151857000 (20013) The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was in the name of JOSHUA C COOK


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Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction at 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday in the month of August, which is the 3rd day of August 2020. Dated this 18th day of June 2020. In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, if you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Emily Hogg not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at Escambia County Government Complex, 221 Palafox Place Ste 110, Pensacola FL 32502. Telephone: 850-595-3793. PAM CHILDERS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Emily Hogg Deputy Clerk 4WR7/1-7/22TD

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July 8, 2020

The Summation Weekly

These hands once trembled with fear and uncertainty. Now, they’re holding on to brighter days. These hands once trembled with fear and uncertainty. Now, they’re holding on to brighter days.

*The coin you see is an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) token, given to those in alcohol or drug recovery. The tokens give AA members a physical reminder to take sobriety one day at a time.

*The coin you see is an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) token, given to those in alcohol or drug recovery. The tokens give AA members a physical reminder to take sobriety one day at a time.

We are a non-profit, faith-centered ministry offering food, addiction recovery services, housing, spiritual guidance and more to Escambia County’s most We are a non-profit, faith-centered ministry offering vulnerable and under-resourced residents. food, addiction recovery services, housing, spiritual guidance and more to Escambia County’s most 850.912.8383 • vulnerable and under-resourced residents.

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